CofCinci December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Nikki would at least get Mark's Social Security when he dies. Until then -- when you marry for money, you work for every penny. 14 Link to comment
jacksgirl December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Ok, I missed the original Specium reference about Mark, but have read it many times on this thread. Can someone please fill me in on the origin? Thanks! Not going to watch until hubby has hip replacement surgery (recalled hip, we are going to sue and get rich-ha), but have to get my daily snark so I read before I watch. Gives me things to really look for. Excited! 3 Link to comment
Hero December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 I LOVED how pissed Mark was when Erica was putting him in his place Loren is petty and seems to act so childish. She canceled Alexei's plane ticket and called off the wedding when he had a bachelor party? And she said her party was "payback?" Alexei should run far away from her. 10 Link to comment
Granny58 December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Wow....Mark and Nikki. I was SO DISAPPOINTED when Nikki showed up on the beach. I think my heart was racing at the thought of ditching him. Hey Mark....if you've gone out on hundreds of dates and they were ALL disasters, you might want to look at the common denominator there. I'll give you a minute. Nikki did look beautiful at her wedding. As much as I am all in for "til death do us part," in Nikki's case I hope her plan is to leave him when she's legal. Even if that is not her plan, you can pretty much guarantee that she will come to the realization that she will want children and hopefully sooner rather than later. The flowers for Carolina's wedding. Stunning. Oh, and Fernando wasn't that much of a dick really. These people have all been edited to fit a story line (playing it to the end, huh Mark? or are you really that awful?). He was 50 pounds lighter so yeah, he was a looker, and they seem to enjoy each other's company. He's ok. Though for me....a guy allergic to cats would be a deal breaker. For those concerned about Alexsandra, Mormons are not necessarily Duggar-type fundies. So if she wants education she will be able to get it. Alexei and Loren seem to be in love. She seems to have realized some of her shortcomings...maybe by watching herself? OK, that's fine. Life is a learning curve. 10 Link to comment
Neurochick December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 That's a good reason for why Nikki shouldn't be in this country. The very reason the K-1 should be eliminated. It isn't meant as a shortcut for people like Nikki to get the lives they want while other immigrants who aren't 19 and female have to wait. Whoa, do you hate Nikki or what? Grifter? Don't see it. 9 Link to comment
RCharter December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Ok, I missed the original Specium reference about Mark, but have read it many times on this thread. Can someone please fill me in on the origin? Thanks! Not going to watch until hubby has hip replacement surgery (recalled hip, we are going to sue and get rich-ha), but have to get my daily snark so I read before I watch. Gives me things to really look for. Excited! So, in probably the first or second episode, Mark said something like "every morning, when I wake up, I look in the mirror and thing 'i'm a specimen!'" or something equally ridiculous. You have to see it to get the full effect was priceless. 8 Link to comment
steff13 December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Ok, I missed the original Specium reference about Mark, but have read it many times on this thread. Can someone please fill me in on the origin? Thanks! Not going to watch until hubby has hip replacement surgery (recalled hip, we are going to sue and get rich-ha), but have to get my daily snark so I read before I watch. Gives me things to really look for. Excited! I had missed it, too, until I watched the marathon yesterday. Mark gets out of bed in the morning, looks at himself in the mirror, and says, "you're a specimen." A specimen of what, he didn't say, but I have some ideas. 11 Link to comment
poeticlicensed December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 I thought the tell all was much more interesting than the finale, mainly because in the show they try to create drama or edit for drama, while in the reunion, they really can't do that, other than with the questions they ask. For example, we saw Nikki leave the hotel. Mark is on the beach and she is 45 min late. But the officiant sauntered up to him at the same time that he was like maybe she won't show up. If she was really late, wouldn't the minister already be there? Such BS, TLC. Bev's mickey boob tattoo was words As far as the reunion, I agree the couples were on the whole more likeable than in the show, of course excepting Mark. Dude, first of all, everyone who disagrees with you is not an old fat woman who is just jelly of you and Nikki. I LOLed when he went there with American women. So you go out of hundreds of dates over decades and it's all bad because American women are too independent? 100 dates each with a different women and the common demoninator is you, yet the women are the problem. I literally laughed when he said Nikki could get a job and buy life insurance on Mark in case of his untimely death. Idiot, the more realistic scenario is that Mark will fall ill and need a caretaker long before Nikki cashes in. I hope she realizes that if the marriage lasts long term, that's what she is looking at. Taking care of a old man. And maybe that's part of Mark's endgame. He will need a caretaker at some point so get her young and keep her locked up and controlled and she won't leave. My guess is that if Mark get's sick, she is gone in 6 months. I hope the green card is worth it Nikki. I actually liked Loren more during the reunion. Now that we know that the bachelorette party was total payback, it makes more sense how they both reacted. I honestly don't blame her for being concerned about his career choice, I would be too. Yes, she is total high maintenance and probably will always be. Kyle and Noon barely spoke. I thought it was interesting that Kyle is open to moving to Thailand. You don't hear that much on this show. I think Fernando and Carolina will be ok. Miami is such a melting pot of latin culture, she will find friends easily. I was still unclear about who lives with who. Fernando said that his parents live with him and it's his house., but mama said in a TH that she was afraid they would move out of her house but since they have the second floor to themselves, it should be ok. I still don't know what to make of Mel and Devar. Clearly there is affection. And Devar seems to really get along with Hunter. Oh, my, Josh and Alex, such babies. Clearly they did the deed because she is pg, but they don't know who intiates the most? LOL. It was like they didn't understand the question. I read that Josh is dental school and they are no longer in Rexburg. Hopefully it stays that way. It was clear that the other couples through Mark was an ass. He makes my skin crawl through the TV. I can't imagine what it would be like to be in the same room. Gross. 6 Link to comment
Drogo December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 I also loved his insinuation that no men are attracted to women over 35. Because we all transform into ugly hags on our 36th birthday. And attraction is based 100% on looks all the time and always. But only if you're a man, because if you're a woman I guess you should marry the first guy who shows up with a dozen roses and takes you out to five star cuisine. LOL - Gotta watch out for that 36th birthday cake. It's made of flour, sugar and ugly. This makes me a little sad for Mark, because those saxy 35+ year old women know themselves and their bodies well and in turn give the best Lovin' (I got you, Devar) a man can get -- so long as they're in love with (or at least genuinely attracted to) the man they're with... which tells us that Mark has never been with a woman who was in love with (or at least genuinely attracted to) him. I only liked 19 year olds when I was 19. No shock there, but still really sad. Because you know Nikki and every other "girlfriend" he's had is feeling the way Kristy Swanson's face feels in this "Big Daddy" clip.. 10 Link to comment
Bugfrey Von December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 (edited) Loren continues to be an insufferable twat. Her wedding dress suited her very well and I have to get major props to her mother for forgiving her after she put her on blast so disgustingly during their fight. Her little blonde counterpart is her only friend probably because she's just as shitty a person. It was weird to see Loren's sister passed out on the bed behind the scene. Very odd. What else can I say about Mark and Nicky that hasn't been said already? He is gross and weird and I do not foresee a happy future for Nicky. At 19 or 20 years old, you are still living under the sad, weird delusional that you can change people. It will be a very sad day when she wakes up 10 years from now understanding that the only diapers she's gonna change are Mark's. Hunter is a testament to Melanies good parenting. He seems like a sweet, outgoing little guy who has a fairly good head on his shoulders. I really liked seeing his interaction with Devar. Melanie sister is an angry person who probably has never thought anyone was good enough for her little sister. I also thought that it was moronic for her to say that no one can fake crying. Has she never seen a movie before? One last thing, in the words of Julia Gulia, that kiss at the end of the ceremony should have included "church tongue". Those two look like they were going to go at it right there at the altar! Edited December 9, 2015 by Bugfrey Von 9 Link to comment
merylinkid December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 If Nikki wants to get social security, at least, she has to stay married to him for 10 years. I don't see it lasting that long. His first wife didn't even last that long and there were kids involved. 7 Link to comment
Honley Lass December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 He views women as either children to be controlled, 35+ year old crones with too much independence and baggage, or overweight and alone social media trolls who make his penis sad. Bwaaaa-hahahahahaha!!!! Awesome! 11 Link to comment
autumnh December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 I loved Loren's wedding dress. I agree...that dress was stunning. 4 Link to comment
jujuebes December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 When Nikki was responding it was like she had a gun to her head. Why does mark move his head so much, when he was denied to talk he moved it back, closed his eyes, and made party. Also, when mark goes on his long rants I notice how he likes to push his head forward when saying the last word. I'm surprised Mark doesn't carry around a spray bottle and treat pouch since he treats Nikki like a pet. Maybe it's just me knit-picking, but when Nikki said "I'm not marrying him for children, *long pause I think* I'm marrying him to be with Mark." Shouldn't she have said for love? When I read people using the word specimen I googled it and just figured it was what people use these days instead of saying D-bag. 9 Link to comment
autumnh December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Mark is barely controlling his anger, going to be a long 90 minutes. When he was asked about those car windows, I almost fell out when he asked the moderator, "Do you let your *children* put their hands on the windows?!?!" Freudian slip, Mark? When Mark was talking about that, my husband said...I know better than to ever breathe a word about you touching something lol.. After watching Mark...I felt like I needed to shower...he gives off some really bad/creepy juju 14 Link to comment
Straycat80 December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 The Mark and Nikki wedding was so sad. No one there except the guy marrying them. And nice fake out TLC making us think Nikki wasn't going to show up. Of course she was. I thought it was very telling when she said something in car like , I HAVE to marry Mark or go back to the Phillipines. I thought most of the couples looked happy at the reunion. Mel looked nice! She colored that dried out hombre hair to a nice brunette. I thought the host was rude asking Josh about the wedding night. Mormons don't talk about sex and she had to have known that. Josh and Aleksandra seemed uncomfortable thru the whole thing to me. Mark is so controlling! Like some of you have said, what a douche this guy is! You could tell he was pissed at Erica Hall for calling him out on his douchery. I hope this is all worth it to Nikki. Get your green card girl, divorce his old ass and find a nice, young guy you can have babies with. 6 Link to comment
charmed1 December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Carolina looks like she could be related to Mariah Carey.That's who it is! I couldn't put my finger on who she looks like, but she totally looks like Mariah's sister Allison. Well not what Allison looks like now, but definitely from 25 years ago. 6 Link to comment
autumnh December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 When I first started watching and I noticed the sister? bridesmaid? sleeping on the bed behind Loren I died laughing....was she tired? hungover? they didn't even edit it out lol. I also loved the expressions of the other couples when Mark was speaking...the eye rolling and smirks..loved it! 9 Link to comment
AussieBabe December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Mark's dates probably failed because he's probably the type to order the woman's food and not let her decide what she wants. There's a reason it never went past the first date, and it wasn't always them. Mel looks sun fried. You could see her tan lines in her wedding dress. She didn't have a healthy glow. Did she have makeup on? I didn't see any lipstick or lip gloss. Caro looked beautiful and I loved the floral arrangements. Fernando doesn't seem bad at all. I think they're equally yoked. He did get a bad edit. Kyle wasn't interested in the show. It's not surprising that he's open to moving to Thailand. I really love them. Aleksandra and Josh. Gosh. She hasn't even been stateside for six months, and she's already pregnant. Like others, I wonder who is footing their bills. She can't work, and he's likely a full time student. I don't know much about their religion, but I always thought a man was supposed to provide for his family. Not his parents if that's the case. I hope it works out for them. 3 Link to comment
trimthatfat December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 (edited) Did Melanie leave her lips behind in her dressing room before she walked down the aisle? I am all for the natural look on your wedding day, but yeah, I think she could have used a little color on her lips. Her makeup washed her out. Devar looked adorable in his tux. I generally do not like a white tux, but I think he looked great. His skin is so beautiful. I was pleasantly surprised when he teared up during the vows. Mark and Whatever. I think she'll stay married for as long as needed to become a citizen and then she'll leave him. She'll still be young enough to find love and have a few children. His death grip on her during the reunion was very bothersome, as was his defensive replies to the host. Nikki looked like a hostage to me, but I bet she's rationalizing that it's better than the alternative of having to go home. She probably has a calendar at home counting down when she'll be able to escape. Loved Carolina and Fernando's wedding. Very nice and simple. I am so glad her parents got to watch the wedding from home. I was on the fence about Fernando before, but I do think he loves Carolina and she loves him. I think they will last. Aleksandra and Josh. Gosh. She hasn't even been stateside for six months, and she's already pregnant. Like others, I wonder who is footing their bills. She can't work, and he's likely a full time student. I don't know much about their religion, but I always thought a man was supposed to provide for his family. Not his parents if that's the case. I hope it works out for them. I know several medical and dental students who are living off of their student loans. Not ideal, but it happens. I also can't imagine that his parents wouldn't help him and Aleksandra out during this time. Either way, I think they'll be fine. Edited December 7, 2015 by trimthatfat 7 Link to comment
gunderda December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Oh man.. Mark says he has tough skin?? I don't think so!!! He seemed to get irritated at every little thing and was biting his tongue HARD. Nikki could have just been nervous or maybe he told her what to say (or told her not to speak at all). I wonder if it was editing or if Loren really did look like she wanted to jump across the room and strangle Mark for all his comments about "American women". I now officially love Fernando's mom "You are now my daughter, but don't ever get mad at me" or something like that lol And "I did a lot of work for this wedding, don't get divorced soon, wait at least 4 years... because I did a lot of work" HA! And I had a feeling that Fernando wasn't always this large. He's not a bad looking guy so I'm sure with some of that weight off he doesn't have a hard time getting women and he sounds very intelligent. I wonder why he gained 50 pounds while dating Carolina!? That's 50 pounds in year, right? I can't believe Melanie admitted that she went to Jamaica every 6 weeks. That is A LOT. holy moly. And she basically confirmed she makes a nice amount of money. Not that you have to make 6 figures to support a husband and a kid half the time but maybe she should have saved up some of that money and moved into a house and get out of that apartment (I still think it's an apartment). I was bummed we didn't hear most from Aleksandra and Josh. I guess maybe they didn't talk much since there were so many dominate personalities in that group but nothing was ever directed towards them. 2 Link to comment
Honley Lass December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Aleksandra and Josh. Gosh. She hasn't even been stateside for six months, and she's already pregnant. Like others, I wonder who is footing their bills. She can't work, and he's likely a full time student. I don't know much about their religion, but I always thought a man was supposed to provide for his family. Not his parents if that's the case. I hope it works out for them. HIs parents seem like they might be fairly well off, or at least comfortable financially, judging from the look of their house. I wonder if they're helping out "the kids". 1 Link to comment
jujuebes December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 I can't remember exactly, but I liked it when Josh stood up for Aleksandra when asked about her bad past or being a bad person etc. 10 Link to comment
Honley Lass December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 I agree with other folks here about Fernandito and Carolina. They seem very comfortable together, and their love for each other really shone through last night. The wedding was so sweet! And yes, Mom Fernando is growing on me too. She made me laugh last night with the compliment/non-compliment way she was talking with Carolina when they were getting her ready for the service. 5 Link to comment
cooksdelight December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Dr. Phil Alert!! Set your DVRs!!! Bev will be on the Dr. Phil show on Thursday asking Dr. Phil for advice about Melanie's marriage. Apparently, she doesn't approve of the marriage and has concerns. I'll make the popcorn! 20 Link to comment
poeticlicensed December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Aleksandra and Josh. Gosh. She hasn't even been stateside for six months, and she's already pregnant. Like others, I wonder who is footing their bills. She can't work, and he's likely a full time student. I don't know much about their religion, but I always thought a man was supposed to provide for his family. Not his parents if that's the case. I hope it works out for them It's probably student loans. They probably live in graduate or married student housing. Most medical students graduate with $250K in loans. I suspect that for dental students its similar. You can't work, so you live off loans. 3 Link to comment
ExplainItAgain December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 As insufferable as Loren is, I enjoyed her eye rolling and side eyes every time Mark spoke. What were Mark's 5 (or rather 4) things that everyone on the internet who criticizes them have in common? Something like ugly, lonely...was overweight one of them? Also, earth to Mark. If you've had 20 trainwreck dates the problem is YOU. 7 Link to comment
Honley Lass December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Dr. Phil Alert!! Set your DVRs!!! Bev will be on the Dr. Phil show on Thursday asking Dr. Phil for advice about Melanie's marriage. Apparently, she doesn't approve of the marriage and has concerns. I'll make the popcorn! I wonder what's gone down since the marriage, and since Melanie said that she and Bev have had some talks and she says Bev now trusts Devar? Hmmmmm..... 2 Link to comment
PityFree December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 I really wish Erica Hill had asked Mark about the zebra sheets. Have they ever been washed? Does he ever change them? 9 Link to comment
islandgal140 December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 (edited) I wonder what's gone down since the marriage, and since Melanie said that she and Bev have had some talks and she says Bev now trusts Devar? Hmmmmm..... Bev got a taste for the limelight/cameras and contracted garden variety famewhore thirst? Edited December 7, 2015 by islandgal140 17 Link to comment
laddibugg December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Oh Nicki.... What a beautiful caged bird. Mark kept going on about her leaving him but what about the opposite situation? And owning NO property together? That's just weird. I knew someone was knocked up... My boyfriend thought it was Noon and Kyle but I called it not being them for the exact reason they said. They look great. Melanie and devar... I guess they'll be OK though I said I wondered if he had an onion in that handkerchief. Josh and Alex... I'm happy for them and they look super happy together. Loren and Alexi... Her dress was gorgeous... I think they might be OK because although he's quiet he's definitely not a pushover anymore. Fernando and Carolina had a lovely affair. Glad to see his mom is warming up to her. 4 Link to comment
KarmaG December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 I doubt that she will be encouraged to do so by his family. I truly don't understand this statement. Why wouldn't she be encouraged? Your statements sound more like you're referring to FLDS and not LDS. There are women doctors and teachers and all kinds of careers for women who also happen to be of the Mormon faith. 3 Link to comment
AussieBabe December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 I really wish Erica Hill had asked Mark about the zebra sheets. Have they ever been washed? Does he ever change them? Why did she have to ask for a new bed, though?! I'm not saying change everytime you date someone new, but I'm willing to bet that's the same frame and mattress from marriage one. 4 Link to comment
KarmaG December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Ok, I missed the original Specium reference about Mark, but have read it many times on this thread. Can someone please fill me in on the origin? Thanks! Not going to watch until hubby has hip replacement surgery (recalled hip, we are going to sue and get rich-ha), but have to get my daily snark so I read before I watch. Gives me things to really look for. Excited! I'm sure someone already answered about Mark but I wanted to say GL to your husband. I'm only 42 but have 2 titanium hips myself and know how hard recovery can be. 1 Link to comment
Pepper Mostly December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 I loved Loren's wedding dress. I did too, and perfect for a beach wedding! I had her pegged for a sparkly, mermaid style, not the very classy, understated flowy number she wore. She looked great. Are we to understand that Mark doesn't even have life insurance with Nikki on the policy? He's a complete ass. God, he gave me the heebie jeebies with that statement. You know what that means. He has life insurance, all right. But Nikki is not the beneficiary. She will have nothing unless he decides to bestow it on her. I bet he makes her feel bad about the food she eats. He'll say "take it easy now, Nikki! I don't want my songbird to turn into a Strasbourg goose! Cool it on the pop tarts!" It's about time. I can't help but wonder if she got another "birthday" gift, or was the engagement supposed to be the only birthday gift? I'm also curious how much the specimen paid for it. When it comes to things like cars, I think he's more eager to get her one because he gets to pick out a toy for himself. With the ring he can occasionally grab her hand and wave it at people to show it off, but nowhere near as much fun as a convertible. I'll bet anyone here five dollars that that ring is a CZ. He's a controlling prick and that poor kid has Stockholm Syndrome. She's kept under control by the occasional crumb of kindness. I actually like Loren after watching this episode. Sure, during the whole season she was a total nightmare drama queen, but tonight during the session with Erica Hill I really caught her sense of humor. She also seemed very supportive of Alexei, and was giving genuine smiles to some of the other couples as they were telling their stories. Loren made me laugh A LOT. I ended up liking her. She's learned a thing or two, and was able to laugh at herself. She's always going to be a drama queen, and Alexei seems fine with that, so more power to them. He's very laid back and soft spoken, they'll complement each other. What was wrong with the beach minister in Hawaii? He had the strangest, monotone voice. Reminded me of Lurch from The Addams Family. Right? He sounded like he had one eye on his watch and wanted to get this thing overwith. My theory is that he was some random homeless guy they gave $20 and a bottle of Southern Comfort. Was that the $10 dress? Nikki looked really pretty. When Mark says "protect and shelter" he really means jealously spy on her every move, not allow her to use the internet unsupervised, and isolate her socially. Oh yes. Damn, I thought it was 40 when women became washed up. Oh well, I guess I'll go polish off that bucket of ice cream since I'm already over the hill. The looks the others were giving Mark when he was saying that the people who criticize are overweight and jealous were funny. He really is clueless to how he comes across and does think he is a specimen. When he was talking about how much he would spend on a date and how they were still bad, I wanted someone to point out the common denominator was him. It's like he lives in his own world. I live in a rural area of Ohio where the only thing that would turn heads about Devar is his accent. I wonder if there is other prejudices in her area, or if it is just her family. Interracial couples don't get a second glance where I live. Huge age differences, however, still do and probably always will, unless the couple is older, say a 57 year old with a 30 year old, no one cares. 37 with a 19 year old, big ole side-eye. LOL, I got married when I was 33-just before my sell by date! I had no idea how lucky I was! Whatever Melanie and Devar have, it seems genuine and works for them. I really enjoyed Devar's dry sense of humor--I think he will enjoy winding up Bev the hosebeast in the years to come. His and Hunter's interactions were really cute and Hunter seems like an awesome little guy. I wish them the best. When Mark was talking about that, my husband said...I know better than to ever breathe a word about you touching something lol.. After watching Mark...I felt like I needed to shower...he gives off some really bad/creepy juju Agreed, he did himself no favors by appearing on this show. He was insanely creepy. Run Nikki, run! 11 Link to comment
laddibugg December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Why did she have to ask for a new bed, though?! I'm not saying change everytime you date someone new, but I'm willing to bet that's the same frame and mattress from marriage one. After 20 years it's time to change that mattress anyway! 7 Link to comment
merylinkid December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Why is Bev butting into her sister's marriage? It's None.Of.Her.Business. I am pretty sure Melanie is a legal adult. If she wants to marry the "wrong" guy for the "wrong" reasons that is her business. Unless Devar is abusive, you butt out and let her live with the consequences. And you be there to pick up the pieces if it is really wrong. Or you look really stupid when she says "I told you so" at her 50th wedding anniversary. Or yes, famestrumpeting by proxy. 7 Link to comment
parisprincess December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 ExplainItAgain asked: What were Mark's 5 (or rather 4) things that everyone on the internet who criticizes them have in common? Something like ugly, lonely...was overweight one of them? Yes, overweight was one of the four. Another was that they were all women, which was no surprise since he also claimed that all American women are too independent. That creepy, disgusting asshole isn't going to find many women (if any) who would be O.K. with what he perceives as the perfect relationship. I won't go into all the reasons I cannot stand that jerk because so many of you have already stated the obvious. I enjoyed most of the couples last night, but my favorite person from the whole season is Hunter. What a great little guy! 10 Link to comment
okerry December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 I bet he bought that ring used. Are we sure it's not his ex-wife's ring? And did I hear him say last night they HE AND NIKKI ARE SLEEPING IN HIS PREVIOUS MARITAL BED??? 6 Link to comment
autumnh December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Are we sure it's not his ex-wife's ring? And did I hear him say last night they HE AND NIKKI ARE SLEEPING IN HIS PREVIOUS MARITAL BED??? Agree and well, yuck. 2 Link to comment
okerry December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 "I found my love, and today we will be betrothed." Their wedding was weird to me (as if I could have expected anything normal). I get that it just being the two of them was supposed to be some kind of show of solidarity? Like she couldn't have her family there, so he wouldn't have his? I'm guessing that if they sent out a bunch of invitations, they'd get very few takers. Rather than show the embarrassment of only two or three people show up - and looking horrified - Mark made up the story about how they wanted to have no one at all. Either way, it's awful. 3 Link to comment
Pepper Mostly December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Why is Bev butting into her sister's marriage? It's None.Of.Her.Business. I am pretty sure Melanie is a legal adult. If she wants to marry the "wrong" guy for the "wrong" reasons that is her business. Unless Devar is abusive, you butt out and let her live with the consequences. And you be there to pick up the pieces if it is really wrong. Or you look really stupid when she says "I told you so" at her 50th wedding anniversary. Or yes, famestrumpeting by proxy. Yes, this a thousand times! OK, Bev, you've voiced your concerns. You've let your sister know you're there for her. Now butt out! My god. Get a damn hobby. 5 Link to comment
poeticlicensed December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 (edited) Bev = thirsty famewhore + free trip to wherever they tape the show (NY or LA probably). Edited December 7, 2015 by poeticlicensed 8 Link to comment
trimthatfat December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Bev is going to be on Dr. Phil? Wow. I would give her the silent treatment if I were Melanie and Devar going forward. She already gave her unwanted opinion several times and now it's time for her to shut up. 4 Link to comment
AussieBabe December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 After 20 years it's time to change that mattress anyway! Oh yes! That's gross. Just for hygiene purposes, a mattress needs to be changed. She shouldn't have had to ask. 6 Link to comment
RCharter December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Whoa -- Kyle's mother has a problem with "drinking?" Is she drinking meth? I like how the first words after not seeing her son for 10 years are about how he isn't tall enough, she doesn't recognize him so she can't hug him and she is glad his hair doesn't look crappy anymore. Loren should get rid of Sarah ASAP. Whoever said she will be a toxic friend is absolutely right. Sarah wants someone to commiserate they say, misery loves company, and I suspect Sarah is a miserable person who wants to be miserable and lonely with someone else so she will do what she can to undercut Loren's marriage in the future. Whenever Loren tells her about a fight, Sarah's first words will be "you're too good for him...leave him!" 4 Link to comment
seacliffsal December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 Mark could have salvaged his image, but instead he showed his extremely passive-aggressive self. There was one point when Erica said to him that he had two dealbreakers and he was all "if you say so". No Mark, you said it and we all saw it. He really seems to hate mature (i.e. non-teenage women) as many of his disparaging comments were towards women over 19. Nikki's main concern should be what would happen if she lost her looks or figure....or she really was in it for the long term and then turns 35.... I enjoyed the rest of the couples. 9 Link to comment
RCharter December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 I loved Fernando's mom basically confirming that the house doesn't belong to Fernando, guess she didn't get the memo about the company line! Ummm hmmm, I knew it. 3 Link to comment
HOOPFAMILY25 December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 I bet he bought that ring used. I kept waiting for him to admit it was his ex-wifes! 10 Link to comment
gunderda December 7, 2015 Share December 7, 2015 As insufferable as Loren is, I enjoyed her eye rolling and side eyes every time Mark spoke. What were Mark's 5 (or rather 4) things that everyone on the internet who criticizes them have in common? Something like ugly, lonely...was overweight one of them? Also, earth to Mark. If you've had 20 trainwreck dates the problem is YOU. 1.unattractive 2. lonely 3. overweight 4.jealous 5. he couldn't think of anything and the interviewer said he was talking to FIFTY girls at the same time and he picked Nikki. 50!!!!!!! and i noticed his reason for wanting someone from nikki's culture was because american women are too independent. That seems to be the common answer from the guys on this show that also have fiances from the same area. It's very bizarre he's bitter about american women was it was his wife that up and left him 'with 4 kids in diapers' oh and when devar started crying at the wedding i thought "OMG HE DOES HAVE EMOTIONS!!!" He was all over melanie during the tell all thing so I dont really have doubts about them anymore. 5 Link to comment
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