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I just don't have sympathy for Nikki. Or Mark for that matter. I see Mark kind of wanting to do things with her, but she doesn't show any desire for anything other than attention. My prediction is that they marry and are miserable with each other-I think Nikki has invested too much to want to return to the Philippines.

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Mark is a creep and Nikki is a sullen teenager.  Her voice and the way she drags out the last syllable of words as she whines is particularly grating.  I understand why, at almost 60, Mark doesn't want anymore kids.. so he was a fool to import one to wed.  


And the way he constantly brings up his ex makes me feel as if it's the only serious relationship he's had.  It's like his only point of reference on how to live with a woman, so he keeps harkening back to it because he's clueless about how to relate to a woman otherwise.  I definitely think he's on the spectrum.  

Edited by GracieK
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People can be weird without it being a medical condition.  (Just like every poorly behaved child is not autistic). 


Of course they can be, but it's my opinion, based on his behavior, and having a couple of adults in my family who are, that he may be. 

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Like Aleksandra's mom, I got a little teary at their wedding. They are very much a couple in love.

Loren wins the prize for the most self-centered person on the planet. I don't see them being together long-term. Same for Mark/Nikki. Poor girl.... he was an ass not to set a budget for her dress and tell her how much she could spend, so that she wouldn't be so embarrassed. That was awful to watch. And the attorney was right... with a one-sided prenup, she would be out on the street with nothing if he decided to shut the door. That "top model" talk was total bullshit. He really scared me in this episode. "Bury the prenup".... famous last words.

My heart ached for Kyle, and TLC should be ashamed for trotting out his mother. I hope something good came out of all that, but I doubt it. They probably promised her big things, then threw a couple hundred bucks at her and sent her back home. Their wedding ceremony was beautiful. They are going to make it, true happy love on their faces.

Fernando.... no words for his mother. Or the panties. Which was probably a producer set-up, I hope.

We have one more episode next week, then the finale recap show right afterward. No spoilers with preview talk, please.

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I have the biggest girl crush on Noon. She is the cutest thing ever and was so gorgeous in her wedding dress.


I can't believe Mark took Nikki wedding dress shopping in NYC and then balked at the price. Did he think he was going to get a $200 gown in NYC? Their whole relationship is just business transaction after business transaction.


I wonder if Aleks and Josh will have a temple wedding? I'm guessing they did that ceremony for her parents since they wouldn't be able to enter a temple.

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.Loren wins the prize for the most self-centered person on the planet. 

I have more thoughts on the rest of the couples, but yes - omfg...she is into herself, only herself, all day every day.  That half-assed "apology" she gave Alexei?  I can't remember exactly how she put it, but she is just so desperate to get married that it just doesn't ring true.  

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I was very uncomfortable watching the scenes with Kyle and his mother.  Shame on TLC for exploiting this family for ratings.  I can't help but believe the producers told Noon to insist on meeting her.  The cameras aren't around 24/7, so I don't understand why Kyle didn't tell her the reason when they were alone. 


It seems to me that Alexei doesn't trust Loren.  The way he reacted to her going to a strip club seemed way over the top.  If he allows something like this to upset him so much then perhaps they shouldn't be together.  I thought the way Loren spoke to her mom was rude and disrespectful.  I would like to see how happy she and Alexei are after 31 years, that's providing they are still together. 


I wish we knew more about Nikki's life in the Philippines and why she feels marrying Mark is her only recourse. 



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I also think Aleksandra and Josh's wedding was staged, because the cameras/Aleksandra's parents probably could not enter the temple. They seemed very sweet and happy, and dare I say it seems that Josh's parents seemed happy?!?!?!

Kyle and Noon were adorable, and even though they got off to a rough start with the messy man house and all, you can tell when they look at each other that they really are in love.

Loren is just such an annoying, selfish shrew and not at all right for Alexei. I get that opposites attract and all, but I can't see him being happy with her long term. She seems like the kind of woman that when/if she has a baby with Alexei, she'll fluctuate between being angry that he's not doing enough to take care of the baby, and jealous of his bond with his own child. Can anyone else imagine her crying to her parents, "he only cares about the baaaaabyyyyy. He doesn't even care about meeeeeeeee!!!!"

Run, Nikki.

Run, Carolina.

Am I the only one secretly hoping that Beverly does something hilarious but inappropriate at the wedding? All I need is a toast referencing the fact that this began as a one night stand, or a quick little reminder that divorce happens, and when it does, your family will be there. That's all I'm asking for. Poor Hunter.

I have more thoughts on the rest of the couples, but yes - omfg...she is into herself, only herself, all day every day. That half-assed "apology" she gave Alexei? I can't remember exactly how she put it, but she is just so desperate to get married that it just doesn't ring true.

I really do think that all Loren really wanted was to get married, and she chose Alexei partially because she knew how easy he would be to push around. She isn't looking for a partner. She's looking for a hunk of man meat to boss around, and then turn around and blame everything on when here plans don't work out.

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Those Calvin Kleins Carolina found looked like men's underwear to me!  


The trip to see Kyle's mom was very uncomfortable to watch and I hope was not influenced by producers.  I wonder if he really hadn't told Noon anything.  I didn't like him for the first few weeks, but Kyle really does seem to have made some growth (or gotten a gradually positive edit), and their wedding was really nice.  Noon looked amazing!  


I feel bad for Nikki particularly because she seems so isolated with Mark, but that lawyer laid it out for her plain as day and she chose to sign the pre-nup anyway.  She said she felt like she didn't have a choice, but damn if going back to the Philippines wouldn't seem like a great choice to me if I were her.  I don't know what her life was like before, but Mark just seems awful to be around, let alone marry.


Listening to Loren's parents talk about the bachelorette party situation further helps explain Loren's own behavior.  Even when her mom was somewhat criticizing her, both of them framed it in a way that really put Alexei at fault for not trusting Loren.  No wonder she always seems to brush off his feelings!  I felt bad for Loren's sister, she seemed uncomfortable with just about everything she was involved in this week.  


I feel like we haven't seen much of Mel and Devar the past couple of weeks, but I loved the interaction between Devar and Hunter, they are really sweet together.  Even if his intentions aren't 100% genuine, he does seem to really try.

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I'm not a fan of Loren, but Alexei needs to chill out already. Someone should have sat him down and explained male strippers are generally part of a bachelorette party and its all harmless fun. He made a mountain out of a molehill. He should have a bachelor party too. He could go out with Loren's dad and they could both cut loose.

Noon & Kyle's wedding was sweet. One could see he is really thinking of what would please her the most by having a Buddhist temple wedding. Josh & Aleksandra's wedding looked elegant but no flowers for her? She needed a bridal bouquet!

Big question for me is - can Fernando be trusted? Not sure about him. So tacky of his fat friend to bring up all his past girlfriends while they were at dinner.

Mark & Nikki. No words except run Nikki run. He is disgusting. Setting her up for failure about the wedding dress (I love the way the salesperson told him it's ONLY $2300!) and the whole prenup issue. She could be his nurse and caregiver in a few short years for absolutely nothing.

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Wiat who was the lawyer advising Nikki?   Her lawyer giving her independent advice, or Mark's lawyer?   Or a set up for the show.   If she did not have independent advice, then the pre-nup is no good anyway.   Yes, even if the lawyer spelled it out to her, if it is Mark's lawyer.   The same lawyer cannot represent both parties in a pre-nup.   Also, how soon before the wedding was this presented?   And did she really freely sign it since Mark keeps telling her he is going to ship her back?   Did she understand she had the right to negotiate?  




Sorry, went all lawyer there for a second.

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Wiat who was the lawyer advising Nikki? Her lawyer giving her independent advice, or Mark's lawyer? Or a set up for the show. If she did not have independent advice, then the pre-nup is no good anyway. Yes, even if the lawyer spelled it out to her, if it is Mark's lawyer. The same lawyer cannot represent both parties in a pre-nup. Also, how soon before the wedding was this presented? And did she really freely sign it since Mark keeps telling her he is going to ship her back? Did she understand she had the right to negotiate?


Sorry, went all lawyer there for a second.

I think in the talking head, Mark made sure to mention that it was independent counsel. However, even though it was kind of implied, I don't feel like it was specifically mentioned that she could counter the offer, and for a girl that never heard of a prenup before, that might have been worth mentioning.

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As I understand it, TLC production paid the attorney to appear on the show. I am really worried about this girl, she needs an advocate. Mark threatened her on TV, it's on film.... sign the prenup or else... I think Nikki could get that thing squashed since he threatened her.

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Wiat who was the lawyer advising Nikki?   Her lawyer giving her independent advice, or Mark's lawyer?   Or a set up for the show.   If she did not have independent advice, then the pre-nup is no good anyway.   Yes, even if the lawyer spelled it out to her, if it is Mark's lawyer.   The same lawyer cannot represent both parties in a pre-nup.   Also, how soon before the wedding was this presented?   And did she really freely sign it since Mark keeps telling her he is going to ship her back?   Did she understand she had the right to negotiate?  




Sorry, went all lawyer there for a second.


Mark said to her that she needed to talk to a lawyer on her own, and I doubt his own lawyer would call Mark's own pre-nup garbage, so it did seem like the meeting was legit.  Unfortunately from the way Nikki explained it in her TH, it sounded like she didn't really understand that the lawyer told her to negotiate, only that he said she shouldn't sign it and should talk to Mark.  She clearly felt pressured into signing though.


ETA: What everyone else said!  Sorry if this is redundant now!

Edited by Ffiferoo
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As I understand it, TLC production paid the attorney to appear on the show. I am really worried about this girl, she needs an advocate. Mark threatened her on TV, it's on film.... sign the prenup or else... I think Nikki could get that thing squashed since he threatened her.

Spot on.  Merylinkid, can you weigh in on this?  Does Nikki have any recourse?

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Let me give you the lawyer answer -- maybe.


I would have to see the document and see what she really signed.   This COULD be all hype for the show.


On the other hand, how independent was the lawyer?   Was he appearing on the show for the "exposure?"    Did anyone catch the guy's name?   How much time did Nikki have to read it?   Did she clearly have it explained to her what her rights were, including that she did not have to sign?   All sorts of things that won't be covered in a show because ... drama.   What exactly did Mark say to her?   Again was it drama for the show and the real pre-nup is much more fair?  A judge may not consider it a threat, but a statement of fact, and therefore not duress.   


And I just remembered something from earlier seasons.   Didn't someone mention that ICE notices if you apply for a fiance visa too often?   So Mark might not have as much freedom to "ship her back" as she thinks.   This might be his one shot to get a young, "controllable" woman.   


Overall, I am very worried that this poor 19 year old girl is being taken advantage.   But who knows, she might have been in college in the Phillipines and be very smart,  


How's that for a lawyer weasel answer?

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OMG! Where do I start...Mark is a total piece of excrement - no two ways about it.I said it before and will say it again that he is looking for a maid and a comfort woman. He wants all his needs met at all times and forget her. I almost think he might dump her before she can get a green card so he can work out his issues with his ex on Nikki. Poor thing. And what a total cad he was to drag her to NYC to dress shop and then balk at the price of the dress. Compete and utter terd blossom. I love his line about Nikki being the next top model and how all her money will be hers. That smug con man says that as if they are both coming to into the marriage on equal footing. If he thought for one hot minute that Nikki could make some serious scratch, he would have included something in the prenup so he could get his hands on his share of that. I have read that sometims a really unfair prenup can be oversturned during the divorce process. Mark is just so, so gross. Ugh!


Aleksandra and Josh were cute together. She was so, pretty in that dress. I did crack up when her mother lamented that the dress was not more revealing. How often do moms wish that about their daughers' wedding dresses? I agree that the ceremony was for her parents because of the location outside the temple and because the vows were in Russian. I couldn't help but notice that her mom looked a little wary and concerned during the ceremony. I felt too that Aleks had some more doubts than are normal the night before her wedding. I am not sure about those two longterm, but am hoepful.


I can't stand Loren and Aleksei. Those two are headed for a whilrwind of hurt. I hope they end it sooner rather than later. I think he was a little demanding and petulent about the strip club thing, but he did ask her not to do something, she said she wouldn't - and then promptly went out and did the one thing he asked her not to. Then she has the nerve to tell him that she had no idea where they were taking her and was somehow unable to leave because she was tied up at the strip club....Then her freaking parents toe the same line abut how she had no idea and Aleksei needs to be more understanding. Just how undertanding would they be if he used that line about ending up in a whorehouse in Nevada? Methinks they would not be so understanding.  While I think he is controlling and uptight about the issue, I feel badly for him that he is firmly stuck in Camp Loren with her whole family swarming around. He is stuck in that miserable little bedroom. He's like a tiger in cage.  Lastly, I can't believe what an ungrateful little  bitch she was on national TV - calling out her mom an dad for their unhappy marriage. What a treacherous little cow she is.  Maybe that's why her  party weekend only had her sister and one friend show up.


Does Melanie really need 6 bridesmaids for her SECOND wedding and her hair and make up done when cash is so tight? She just strikes me as so immature in her priorities.  I also cracked up when her sister listed all of her concerns for Melanie if she and Devar divorce. All I could think about was ....What about Hunter? Screw Melanie. She is an educated adult with a decent job who made her own choices...dragging her young son behind her through the whole thing.


Fernando is gross. His mother is a total shrew who is going to sabotage that relationship so she can remain queen bee. What a nasty piece of work she is Can you imagine what she will be like when Carolina has children with that butterball of hers? That monster in law  will do everything to turn those  kids against their mother. I really hope that Carolina makes a run for it.


Kyle and Noon are lovely. That is all. Ok, not totally:  I hope they get their own show. Yes, it could be a little dull, but very soothing to see a loving couple learn how to live together. :-)



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Kyle and Noon were the best part of this episode.  My heart really went out to Kyle during the segment when they were visiting his mom.  So uncomfortable for him and Noon!  But I think they handled it well, they realize his mom is what she is, and in the end his aunt and uncle came to be at their wedding and that was lovely.  Noon was breathtaking in her dress!  They are so happy with each other, and that makes me happy for them  :-)


Josh and Aleksandra's wedding was really sweet, and she looked so beautiful and really radiant.  I'm glad her parents were there for her!  Love them, they seem like rock-solid people and they love their daughter so much.  It was good to see Josh's parents smiling and laughing!  


Not addressing Loren and Alexei because I already talked about them ;-)  I do feel for Alexei.  He seems overwhelmed.


Carolina and Fernandito - I'm not sure what to think about these two.  Carolina is being abused by Mom Fernando, and she clearly still doesn't trust Fernandito.  I don't have a good feeling about them being able to continue together.


Last but not least - Nikki and Mark.  I think Mark really railroaded Nikki into signing that prenup which she obviously (to me) didn't want to do.  I wish she had brought that attorney with her to discuss it further with Mark!  My stomach dropped when she signed it.  Also, embarrassing her like that during the bridal gown shopping fiasco was just so wrong.  

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Do all Mormons wake up before dawn and read Scriptures? Or is it just a way for Josh's father to exert control over his family?

I hate seeing that shit done to kids. Instead of forcing their beliefs down their kids throats, let them decide for themselves when they get older what they do or don't want to believe in.

Just my opinion, I hate seeing kids subjected to that crap.

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I wonder if Aleks and Josh will have a temple wedding? I'm guessing they did that ceremony for her parents since they wouldn't be able to enter a temple.

That's such bullshit. A parent can't even watch their child get married if they don't believe in or are a member of their faith.

If you don't believe in the same as them, you're not worthy of seeing your own child's wedding?

What kind of bigoted bullshit is that and how is that OK?!

That's disturbing to me.

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I hate seeing that shit done to kids. Instead of forcing their beliefs down their kids throats, let them decide for themselves when they get older what they do or don't want to believe in.

Just my opinion, I hate seeing kids subjected to that crap.


How can the children learn about the beliefs to make a decision if the parents don't incorporate it into their lives?  They have every right to choose not to practice the faith once they become adults, just like anything else when you are being brought up.  And for those that make their faith a priority.. well they don't consider it "crap".. so there's that.  I think it's rude to refer to it as shit and crap... they have every right to raise their children and pass their values and beliefs to them, just as you are free to raise your children without any specific religious system. 

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Wouldn't a real independent lawyer give her some options on how to change the prenup to at least provide something for her other than homelessness or even write up changes? Even if she only paid (well TLC only paid) for a basic consultation I would think he would at least tell her it isn't a sign or don't sign situation and he could help adjust it to be agreeable to both. A prenuptial shouldn't read like a vengeful divorce offer.

And I agree that Alexei overreacted to the idea of a strip club but the time for Loren to tell him that was when he asked her not to go. They should have dicussed it then. Once she agreed not to do it, it doesn't matter if it was no big deal. She said she wouldn't do it so he has a right to be upset that she did it anyway.

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Mark is such a horrible ass. "We aren't going to have any guests, so the dress is basically just...FOR HER." He said that with utter disgust written all over his face. Obviously SHE isn't worth $2300 to him, nor is her happiness of any importance. Vile.

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Watching the "mom" scene was hard...poor Kyle


but I am just so happy for them - truly a love match there


Alexandria and Josh? I still feel odd about them.FYI - some Mormans get married in local temple in  regular ceremony then go to preferably the big one in Utah

for the "real deal"....which from all I have read involves a more hush hush ceremonial "pulling the wife through the veil" -huge white stage curtain...to symbolize the way he will pull her to his private planet where he will be king in the afterlife - oh and cause women need a man to pull them to heaven he will have to pull in more women - afterlife polygamy is a-ok. Only active Mormons can attend. Apparently they can have a civil service and then later go for the "sealing" ceremony

google it


I have no sympathy for Mark...and none for Nikki. I hope the prenup stands for the sake of his 4 kids who have put up with him since they were in diapers.

Go find another guy to use while you still can Nikki. 

Edited by still hoping
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Mark was not thinking of protecting his 4 kids' inheritance with that pre-nup.   There are other ways to do that.   Like not get remarried in the first place.   But he knows no 19 year old will stick around to feed him and change HIS diapers when he is old without a ring on her finger.   And he's too cheap to pay for a home health aide.


Or he could have written a much fairer agreement that still protected the kids.   There are ways to do that.   It could have left her something while still leaving most of the stuff for the kids.  


Nope, this was all about "do what I say and never, ever divorce me, or you will get even less than my ex-wife did."


Now I am not against pre-nups.   Not even for first marriages.   But, they can't be unconscionable.   They have to be fairly arrived at with full financial disclosure, or at least the chance at full financial disclosure that you can choose to skip.   The other person has to know they have rights and not be threatened with deportation if they don't sign.   


Which reminds me -- financial disclosure.   Hmmmmmmmmm.   

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Mark is such a greasy old weasel, so creepy and gross -- even his slimy smile makes me cringe.  He always looks so... nervous and moist.  It's beyond disturbing and I can't believe Nikki signed that stupid paper.  


I like Aleksandra, but Josh is so dull and mousy.  I feel like they have feelings for each other, but I'm not sure it's a true-love-forever thing.  She is pretty new to his belief system, and I really wonder if she's done very extensive research on what's in store for her (and her children's) future.    


Alexei is way too good for that {...}.  She and her family can be really condescending and selfish, and I wish Alexei luck.  The fact that she was more upset about "her" bachelorette party being ruined than HIS hurt feelings says it all.  


Noon and Kyle -- I like them the best.  It seems like they have a real bond.  His mom has to work out her own problems, period.  I hope that she does.  


I'm neither a fan of Fernando nor do I dislike him, but I feel like his story has a lot of producer-driven drama, as has been mentioned.  I mean, he just doesn't seem like a Don Juan to me...  riding around the countryside on a stallion with hundreds of women chasing him down like 12-year-olds after Justin Bieber.    


I think Mel and Devar are okay.  

Edited by Drogo
Offensive language.
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I just cannot get over Loren having a man with such a good soul that he wants to work in a helping profession and she would rather try to force him to be a model. As others have pointed out, it does not seem to be Alexei she loves at all but some image she has of him.

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I missed the first hour, I only saw the flashback to Kyle and Noon seeing his mom. Was she drunk?

I like Noon and Kyle the most as well. They seem genuinely happy together.

Aleksandra seems like she's a little more experienced than Josh, I wonder if she rocked his socks off on their wedding night. He was probably so scared that nothing happened.

Edited by Maharincess
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As to the pre-nup, I defer to Merylinkid on this, because I'm just a legal assistant, but I've seen a few pre-nups go over my desk.  And when one attorney (or even the individual ??   I never saw that done..) has prepared a pre-nup, the other attorney reviewing it for the future spouse doesn't just say "No, this is terrible.  Don't sign it" and send her home - especially if she's as naïve as Nikki is.   The reviewing attorney goes through it line for line, discusses the meaning of all the terms individually (not great TV, obviously) - scribbles all the objections and his own suggestions in the margins, and then writes to the attorney who prepared it and suggests appropriate changes.  Then they negotiate.  The guy had a nice office and big sign in the reception area, but he wasn't practicing law as I ever saw it done. 

So much of how this went down was obviously for TV, but the objections to what we were shown are enormous.  Indeed, how soon before the wedding was that meeting?  The pressure he put on her (especially since it's on film) would certainly undo it in the future if it came to that.  But jeez.  If nothing else, a really bad education for people on how a pre-nup works.

Loved the two weddings we did see, but let out a yelp of dismay when Alexei said "Well Yes, Okay".  Argh!

I needed to sputter.  Thank you.    

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"I'm not a fan of Loren, but Alexei needs to chill out already. Someone should have sat him down and explained male strippers are generally part of a bachelorette party and its all harmless fun. He made a mountain out of a molehill. He should have a bachelor party too. He could go out with Loren's dad and they could both cut loose"

  This is how I saw Alexei too.  Yep, Loren is a royal pain and they mutually should have decided on boundaries, AND for her to blame the whole thing on her friend and sister, like she couldn't have refused, was so immature.  However, Alexei didn't ASK her not to go to a strip club, he TOLD her.  And then he was going to withdraw and not be in contact because she didn't obey him.  This was emotional manipulation.  So where does that end?  He got her to grovel.  It may have been the first time in her life to do so, but I don't think it will be the last.  Kyle's mother was disturbing, but for me personally Alexei was more so.  

Oh Mark....run, run....run far away....

Mark?  Interesting perspective.  What do you mean?

Edited by Drogo
Quote-formatting issues.
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I don't believe Nikki's victim act for a minute.   She knew what a pre-nup was when Mark mentioned it on their first date.   Any girl considering a K-1 Visa knows what a pre-nup is.


She's not the innocent she's pretending to be.   With each new episode you can see flashes of the real Nikki beneath.


I agree: Mark should run while he can.


I'm so over Loren's vocal fry.  


Noon was adorable.  


Was it just me or does anyone else think Fernando should have abandoned his fried clams and run after Carolina?


Best line of the episode: "I always thought I would marry a dancer ... I got a Mormon."   Reminded me of It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown: "I got a rock."

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WHO are these women Fernandito has been with/cheats with? The numbers are in the plural and not singular which STUNS me. GROSS!!!!!

guys like fernando are predators and manipulators.  wouldn't be shocked to find that a lot of these women have daddy issues, self esteem issues, and that he uses the Tom Lykeis guide to dating in that he slights the women he is with to break them down even further.  No reasonable woman who is happy with herself is going to settle for man boobs Fernando.


Carolina is young and impressionable....a perfect victim.  I'm sure he fed her all sorts of stories about being a "well of businessman" and she had visions of being showered in affection by a prosperous American man.  Now he will abandon her to his hag of a mother so she can break Carolina down.  I wouldn't be surprised either if he got her pregnant asap so its harder for her to leave or to attract a decent man who doesn't need a sports bra.  And that way she will be stuck at home raising a child while he goes out catting for other women.

Edited by RCharter
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Ok, that does it. Beverly is an ugly, stupid, trashy, ignorant bitch. And I don't use the b-word that often, but that bitch deserves it. Jamaican men specifically target white women to marry them because you read it on the Internet, bitch? She didn't say American women, she didn't say western women, she didn't say hit in the face women like her and her ugly ass sisters, she said white women. Which confirms everything I suspected about this trash heap. Run Devar. Even if your motive is a green card, it's not worth this shit. Terry McMillan is available.

I have no doubt that the producers pressured Kyle into seeing his mother. That was really uncomfortable to watch. He was clearly hurt and embarrassed. And poor Noon, having to listen to that woman slur about "orientals." Kudos to his aunt and uncle for showing up. Noon looked so pretty and so happy at their wedding.

I hope Aleksandra's parents were able to go get a beer somewhere because whew. Her poor dad having to sit there watching all those falsettos play video games and eat pizza. His face looked like Please Kill Me.

Go home Nikki.

I didn't realize how tall Carolina is. She's a very pretty girl. Of all the people who've been on this show, she's the one who should model.

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Ok. While I am not either a Nikki or Mark fan and think that they both deserve each other, I still think that the prenup was totally unfair.  He is 58. She is barely legal at 19.  At the very least he should have offered some small cash settlement in the prenup for her waiving her rights to his assets, his zebra sheets, broken blender, shitty 80's retro home and alimony.  Mark is clearly what's mine is mine and what's yours is also mine type guy.  Say Nikki won $2 million in the lottery and told Mark it's been a laugh, see ya. Mark will clearly want half of that money.  I do not believe for a second that he won't go after that money.  Are they even a couple? She is now in L.A. from what is being circulated on the internet.

As for the others, Loren is clearly in love with Loren and getting her MRS and a pushover husband.

Noon and Kyle are sweet. Cannot believe TLC stooped so low as to air the clips of his mom.

Melanie and Devar - they deserve each other as well. Both using each other.  Him - green card. Her hot boy in her bed.  Which is all fine but girl, you have a kid. Grow up!

Josh and Aleskandra another sweet couple. Loved her parents.

Fernando and Carolina. I think they are in the show more for laughs but otherwise a real couple. 

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Ok, that does it. Beverly is an ugly, stupid, trashy, ignorant bitch. And I don't use the b-word that often, but that bitch deserves it. Jamaican men specifically target white women to marry them because you read it on the Internet, bitch? She didn't say American women, she didn't say western women, she didn't say hit in the face women like her and her ugly ass sisters, she said white women. Which confirms everything I suspected about this trash heap. Run Devar. Even if your motive is a green card, it's not worth this shit. Terry McMillan is available.


High five!!!  I didn't comment on Melanie/Devar last night because their segment was so short; really the only good thing about the segment was the interaction between Hunter and Devar.  I believe Devar truly cares about Hunter, and vice versa.


Anyway...Beverly.  Mother of God, she is a mean and nasty person.  You can tell she's the type to be always up in everyone's business.  I can't stand her.  Of course she is reality TV gold because of this!  


Yeah, she read up on Jamaican men on the internet, therefore it must be true!  Jeebus H. Christ, woman!

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I don't believe Nikki's victim act for a minute.   She knew what a pre-nup was when Mark mentioned it on their first date.   Any girl considering a K-1 Visa knows what a pre-nup is.


She's not the innocent she's pretending to be.   With each new episode you can see flashes of the real Nikki beneath.


I think Mark is a terrible person, but I have to agree that I don't buy what Nikki is selling at all. I am also having a very hard time believing the meeting with the attorney went as it was portrayed last night.

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My roommate was watching this episode and talking about it with my other roommate's boyfriend, and after talking about the age difference between Mark and Nikki, she said, "But he's not creepy at all."

Now, I haven't actually watched the show, just read about it on here, but I feel like we have different definitions of "not creepy."

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And the attorney was right... with a one-sided prenup, she would be out on the street with nothing if he decided to shut the door.

The attorney is actually wrong.  Mark signed an affidavit of support.   And divorce and prenups do not negate it.     

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