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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I would think Nik was the black sheep of Laura's children simply by being the spawn of Stavros. Despite his flaws, Lucky is Luke's son through and through and that already put him miles ahead of Nik in the favorite son race.

Boys, boys, you're both dark!


Though, hands down, if shit went down, Lulu would be the one with the balls to take someone out on her own.

  • Love 13

I think Ryan Paevey is getting worse. "what do you say we get out of this cold weather and into a warm bed". 


Dante looks old enough to be Valerie's dad today.


Sonny: You're gonna pay for killing Duke.


Just reanimate him, jeez.


Olivia's hair looks nice, I'll give her that.


I'm annoyed Johnny and Lulu are getting the root-for writing only because since BB isn't staying it's just a giant tease. 


What is this mess with Sabrina and Carlos? Why are we still seeing them? Go on maternity leave alreadyI And I don't hate Sabrina, but since I know she's going for a while I'm just impatient during all of her scenes because whatever's gonna happen, I'm gonna have to wait 3 months for follow up.


Show is pretty boring lately. I can't even get up any vitriol today.

  • Love 8

Sonny killing AJ is totes OK because AJ was fat but Julian is the evil for having Duke taken out.

Look, I've seen this before. It's perfectly natural. Studies have shown that animal cruelty and abuse often evoke a greater visceral response and outrage than cruelty to adult humans.


Now if only someone would create a funny Duke video where he jumps from a table and grabs on to the ceiling fan.

  • Love 8



Me: SQUEEE!!!!! Robert!Fucking!Scorpio!!!! SQUEEEEEE!!!!





From that promo, It's clear to me: Jake doesn't push Sam down the stairs. He's watching in horror, as he sees her tumble down and scream.  Can't even say it's a Kevin McCallister thing, because Jake doesn't have a smile on his face and doesn't do an air fist of "Yes!" as Sam falls down.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 6


I think Ryan Paevey is getting worse. "what do you say we get out of this cold weather and into a warm bed".

That's the writing, not poor Ryan!



Sonny: You're gonna pay for killing Duke.

Ugh, he's such a hypocrite it makes my head explode.  


Hey Sonny remember that time you ordered a hit on Jordan, just like Julian ordered a hit on Duke.  You're just pissed that Julian was a more effective mob boss than you.  

  • Love 6


I can't believe they had Ava say "When you least expect it, expect it." Also, Jake's face when Sam falls down the stairs is amazing.


The Johnny/Lulu scenes were so good. I loved them. Which just makes me angry. Now Johnny is gone and we will be treated to watching Lulu beg her pos cheating husband to love her again. I hate everything!


Fucking Sonny. I can't. Flames. Flames on the side of my face. He said something today that made me absolutely insane with anger, but I can't remember what it was lol.


LMFAO at Brad's marriage to Rosalie still being a thing and that it's taking place off screen entirely. Lucas is great, RyCa is amazing, Brad/Lucas is one of the few ships they have that has chem and decent story potential, so yea sure let's keep all of it off screen and only use Lucas once a month. How are these people being paid to write this show? 


I think DZ is about to leave the show. This whole thing is starting to feel a lot like FV's usual thing of shitting on people right before they leave.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

Not when that's all that happens to her. It's as annoying to watch as Sonny always winning. 


But she's never had an illegitimate kid pop up, so it's not all that's happened to her. I guess I don't get what you're trying to say. There are some characters who just don't get the writing of constantly being in danger, or constantly hopping from man to man, or constantly in a crisis with someone over something. In a way, that's good, because I don't think the character of Tracy needs to be in any of those situations to be interesting. In a way, that's bad, because if you aren't really in the middle of one of those things on a soap....you don't have a story.

So, it's either give her a trite, stale, cliched soap staple, or nothing. I'll take the tired cliched soap staple, because at least Jane can give us a good performance.

 I have zero faith that these writers will do the character or the actress justice, but I know Jane would make it memorable. Since there's so little memorable about the show anymore, I'll take it.

Every one in PC including Pip has to be on Sonny propping duty. I believe it is the law.

Can someone explain to me like I'm Sonny why this is? It seems that even Kristina, who used to be allowed to criticize her father, isn't allowed to do any such thing. What happened? Did a bullet of love hit me and this is just a really bad coma dream?

  • Love 6

Can someone explain to me like I'm Sonny why this is? It seems that even Kristina, who used to be allowed to criticize her father, isn't allowed to do any such thing. What happened? Did a bullet of love hit me and this is just a really bad coma dream?

It's supposed to make him loveable to the audience. Instead, it just ruins all the other characters.

  • Love 3

I think DZ is about to leave the show. This whole thing is starting to feel a lot like FV's usual thing of shitting on people right before they leave.


So. Since FV/RC started they have managed to: embroil ABC in a years long lawsuit, drive away several of the show's male leads (SBu, BB, TG, JT and possibly DZ - which would leave the show with MB, TC and a bunch of shitty newbies and imports), brought GH record low ratings, and done even more damage to the female characters than Pruza managed in a decade.

No wonder TIIC have everybody kissing Sonny's ass 24/7. They literally cannot afford to make him unhappy

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 3
I guess I don't get what you're trying to say.


Tracy never gets a win. Everything lasts for about two minutes before she gets dumped on again. I'd like to see her have some prolonged happiness. There can be some hiccups along the way, but have her life be generally optimistic. She's had to deal with so much crap and gotten very little out of it.


It's like when we complained that Sam did nothing but cry all the time. Or when AJ was constantly being ragged on by the entire town of PC. It's no fun to watch someone who's always down. Tracy is that person right now. I'd rather not see her if that's her lot on the show. There are plenty of stories to write for her; the idiot writers are simply too lazy to go beyond the three boilerplates they have.

  • Love 5

It's just amazing that Sam is going to take this header while not pregnant. 


And I am sure the only reason that cliche was avoided is because Jason T left the show.


I guess we won't know until it actually airs, but from where Jake is under the stairs, it still is possible that he grabs/trips her up.  She looks like she stumbles on the exact stair where his head is.  But I am really hoping its an accident, I don't really want to see a homicidal child.  I just don't.

  • Love 6

Will there be a shootout at the Alexis-Julian wedding? Plot points seen to indicate that it is possible.

I'm still hoping for murder suicide of the bride and groom. You know, a feel good kind of ending.


Since FV/RC started they have managed to: embroil ABC in a years long lawsuit


I just looked it up. Lawsuit is still going on. A status conference has been set for May.


You know, if Frank and Ron had given over the characters without the fuss, they'd have them back by now. Idiots.

  • Love 3

watching the murdering don, say anyone shouldn't be in a church, what ? So sainted Sonny who loves his children is gonna kill his daughters new step father.? Hope Kristina is the one killed if Scummy is behind it. He already hates Johnny for saving her the last time HOW CAN tiic OF THIS SHOW EVEN MENTION CHURCH ? I can't. Robert Scorpio leaves, I am gone. Anna can't save this mess. I hate to say this, These two are just as bad as the ;last ones have been. jOHNNY AND lULU MADE ME ACTUALLY STAY IN MY CHair and watch. Maxie is a lier that lies. I wouldn't watch this show much longer anyway. I can't bear to watch Lulu go back to Dante. Plus, Laura is ????

watching the murdering don, say anyone shouldn't be in a church, what ? So sainted Sonny who loves his children is gonna kill his daughters new step father.? Hope Kristina is the one killed if Scummy is behind it. He already hates Johnny for saving her the last time HOW CAN tiic OF THIS SHOW EVEN MENTION CHURCH ? I can't. Robert Scorpio leaves, I am gone. Anna can't save this mess. I hate to say this, These two are just as bad as the ;last ones have been. jOHNNY AND lULU MADE ME ACTUALLY STAY IN MY CHair and watch. Maxie is a lier that lies. I wouldn't watch this show much longer anyway. I can't bear to watch Lulu go back to Dante. Plus, Laura is ????


We are definitely due for a "Godfather"rip off. We haven't had one for a long time. Maybe his next hitman will have a better aim than Shawn and actually hit his target.

  • Love 1

Can someone explain to me like I'm Sonny why this is? It seems that even Kristina, who used to be allowed to criticize her father, isn't allowed to do any such thing. What happened? Did a bullet of love hit me and this is just a really bad coma dream?


It almost seems like MB has something on everyone and refuses to let anyone say anything at all against Sonny. Even Ava's hatred of him is muted.


Yesterday was actually a good show. I wasn't bored, and none of it made me rage. I know Nik and Hayden should, but she seemed more plan-like at the end, so we'll see what happens. I wish they hadn't been ruined, I still really like looking at them aesthetically.


Today sounds like it will make me want to opt for a colonoscopy rather than actually watch. I cannot with Scummy.

  • Love 1

I've missed the last few, anything I should bother catching up on?  I read something about Tracy running into Lord Ashton?  Did she have his ass arrested for being part of the Fluke cabal?  And Lucas was on today talking to Brad?

No arrest, she smoked weed with him instead. Yes on Lucas talking to Brad on the phone…he (Brad) took over Monica's role at all the conferences.

Lulu, run away with Johnny! Your husband has suffered some sort of traumatic brain injury and will never be the same and your mother has lost all perspective. Your child, apparently, has been adopted by whoever the remaining responsible adult left au Wyndemere is. Better yet, have Dante run away and figure out a way to get Jihnny pardoned so I can see him every day.

Sonny is so amazing- he de-paralyzed himself!!! God, I hate him so much.

What did Olivia say, something about the anger keeping the pain away? I guess that's an upside to the blackout rages.

  • Love 9

Lulu seriously should have broke Johnny out and ran away with him. I would have loved to see them on the run again. They're so much better together than her stuck in Lante's suck with the cheating husband who is a saint while she's the bad one. 


Why does Johnny have to go to jail anyways? He has to go to jail for not killing anyone, but Sonny's running around free and clear making threats to people when he murdered an unarmed AJ?

  • Love 8
How is it possible to get worse ever since the new writers started?


Some of the plots are improving.  I think that Alexis/Julian (2 actors i don't mind turning in to be entertained) story is being tightened up and both actors are working it.  In the Dante/Lulu plot, Dante has checked out and Lulu seems to be rising to the occasion.  Maxie/Nina (We still don't care) have exceeded expectations and Franco remains a wise-ass killer.  Meanwhile, the doubling-down of the other plot lines involving killers on the show, saint Sonny and saint Jason and their merry band of enablers (Carly, Sam, Liz) has just worsened the stench.  It seems too early to see whether or not Jordan/Anna, Nik/Hayden will gell.  Basically, the Jason/Sonny stuff is getting worse because the actors playing those characters are horrible.  If you DVR, try listening to an episode with these two guys mumbling their lines.  YMMV.  If you watch live, you are a better person than myself. 

  • Love 1

Of course Sonny wouldn't want his wife or daughter breast-feeding in public. What an idiot.


Oh, God, can you even imagine? Picture he's out somewhere with his wife. He goes to make a phone call about the latest mob execution. The kid needs to be fed. She starts feeding the kid right out in the open. Sonny comes back and sees that. He'd probably run over and start beating up any guy whose eyes had even wandered in that direction. Then when he got the wife home, he'd be throwing shit at the wall and yelling, "You're my wife! Mine! Now you're gonna...you're gonna expose yourself in public? For everybody to see!" Then he'd grab her by the hand and hold her ring finger up and yell, "With this ring, I thee wed! WITH THIS RING, I THEE WED!"


Most viewers would be appalled, and a few weeks later there would be a half-assed onscreen apologia because it happened when Sonny went back to His Dark Place. 


Tuesday show: Brandon Barash and Emme Rylan were wonderful, especially him. I loved their scene in spite of everything that led up to it. But I liked DZ too. I think he's been doing a great job in this story, playing someone who's kind of lost and unmoored. I like the character of Dante too. If I were writing the show and trying to sully the character to better facilitate an actor/character exit, these wouldn't be the choices I'd make. 


MB works slightly better for me playing a parent of mostly grown kids. I found Sonny's family scenes unbearable in the "Shut that baby up!" era. 

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