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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Emily was a hideous human being, but I can agree that she would not like what was happening to Jason. She would not approve of what Liz and Nikolas are doing, but not because she was a decent human being, she certainly wasn't, but rather because like so many women, she was obsessed with Jason and believed wholeheartedly that he was good and decent and always righteous. Anything that involved 'wronging' Jason in the slightest was a terrible, terrible thing in her mind.


So glad that bitch is dead.

Edited by Vella
  • Love 3

TeCa looked great. I really liked her dress—today was the first day I got a good look at it. I laughed at Patrick's goggle-eyed reaction to Sabrina's pregnancy. It shows how they still keep characters in their bubbles.


That moment made me suddenly realize that Patrick's ex-fiance is now carrying the baby of the baby that Robin helped raise as a toddler. Ah, SORASing.


I'm a pretty easy sell, but there is no way any writers will make me care who gets custody of Avery with those two repulsive parents to choose from. The trump card of getting me to care was Michael getting custody, but once he tossed it, I was out. And nothing's going to interest me about it again. Not even the baby herself, because I am immune to baby charms.

  • Love 7

The "art" that Ava pushes at the Jerome galleries is just too ugly. I guess it would belong in the school of "Primitivism," but the geometric objects and lines painted over and parallel to simple objects (for example, even the "Egg Salad") are dull, while the colors are harsh tones (greens, olives, oranges, yellows, browns, black). I wouldn't want them in my living room. Besides, the painting seem to appeal to the snobs, who appear to enjoy the art just because it came from a particular artist.

  • Love 1

Emily was a hideous human being, but I can agree that she would not like what was happening to Jason. She would not approve of what Liz and Nikolas are doing, but not because she was a decent human being, she certainly wasn't, but rather because like so many women, she was obsessed with Jason and believed wholeheartedly that he was good and decent and always righteous. Anything that involved 'wronging' Jason in the slightest was a terrible, terrible thing in her mind.

So glad that bitch is dead.

Word hated that inappropriate smiling idiot.

  • Love 3

Pretty much everyone on this show has ignored someone they love murdering someone, so I just can't get worked up about Liz not turning Nik in, after finding out he tried to kill Hayden. 


I am not condoning murder, but in a lot of those instances (not all, but a lot), the people that have killed others had "valid" reasons for doing it.  Anna killed Carlos because he killed Duke.  Michael killed Claudia to protect his sister,  etc.  Nikolas tried to murder Hayden FOR MONEY AND GREED.   Period.  And Liz is SUPPOSED to be better than 99% of the people in PC.  She just is.  And I don't buy she is keeping quiet to protect her dear dear friend.  She is keeping quiet so she can continue to lie out of her ass and bed the holy hitman.  It's just gross.  And I really hope she stops acting like the St Of Port CHarles after this mess is over.  Because she isn't.   Hayden is definitely not a good person, but she didn't deserve to be shot in the head becasuse she was about to tell the damn truth.

  • Love 13

I'm a pretty easy sell, but there is no way any writers will make me care who gets custody of Avery with those two repulsive parents to choose from. The trump card of getting me to care was Michael getting custody, but once he tossed it, I was out. And nothing's going to interest me about it again. Not even the baby herself, because I am immune to baby charms.

Michael giving Avery back to Sonny was the point when the ratings went from "slumping" to "complete free fall". I always knew Sonny Corinthos was going to be the death of this show.

  • Love 14

Emily would be okay with Liz keeping her brother's identity a secret and hoarding him all for herself...? Yeah, okay, sure. Emily would not give a damn about Monica, their mother, suffering and mourning him at all, Nik? Bite your tongue, then swallow and choke on it.


Liz deserves every single wave of devastation and destruction that is about to roll her way.


Carly going on about how "Jake" was built just like Jason, with the same eyes and hair and nonsense made me think "liar!" at every turn.


And one has gotta love how Carly was so willing to attack Jason over not wanting to be Jason because he was just so "damn amazing" before.


Maybe he doesn't want to be his old self because he's been able to learn all about who he was as a complete stranger and it disgusted and horrified him that anyone could or would willingly live their life that way.


Billy was doing a lot of gritting his teeth today. His dentist must have a time with him.


Sonny is so utterly full of shit it's colouring his eyes.


Telling Michael how much he "cares" about his damn kids while the little asshole smiles as if that greasy pig didn't murder his real father like a coward, like a true piece of trash that cares only for himself and no one else...can't deal with it. 


All of five seconds of real!Kevin, but did he ever look good. 


I am so sick of Anna and her weeping and obsessing over Duke and I still want to pretend that she had nothing to do with Carlos' demise. Finola is just being wasted, WASTED!, with all this bullshit.


No comment about the new doctor except to say that I think he's another pointless hire as far as I'm concerned. They already have real!Kevin, just start using him you slaggards


And Paul and Ava making out...oy, and eww.



OMG--I want to marry this post...every.damn.word.is.true.


Thank you CPP83--this ought to be hand delivered to the writers of this tripe.

  • Love 3

So Kevin Collins gave an appointment to the likes of Hayden /(she mentioned it while waiting for the wedding to start) but turned down prominent citizen Anna  Devane, sending her to new psychiatrist Andre? And the new doctor appears to have an agenda (i.e. is not so neutral and unbiased as he should be)? I've never heard of a mental health provider accusing a new patient of LYING, especially right off the bat! Even if a provider sensed that a patient was lying (which happens a lot more often than one would think), it's extremely unlikely that the provider would openly confront or challenge such a patient. Is Andre truly a doctor, or does he have ties to the WSB and other spy entities?


Might be wise to stop and recall that Dr Obrecht still is Chief of Staff, responsible for hiring, and she has a spy background and close tie to Anna's nemesis, Faison. Is Anna being gaslighted, or is she really hallucinating? She needs to face that Duke was no innocent who needs to be mourned...he freely chose the mob life and was even a double agent for awhile. He had a very chequered past. If Anna wants to heal, she needs to accept Duke's real personality and start over. And she should choose her own new psychiatrist--someone out of town--instead of trusting PC folk.


Don't fall for it, Anna!

  • Love 2

So, so, so fitting. I tuned in this week just to see how things would go, but I haven't watched live in weeks and have no intention to in the future. This show is tanking and they refuse to open their eyes, figure out why and actually make the changes necessary to bring back, at least some, viewers.


The only reason I feel bad about this show's probably not too far from now demise is that they finally put Genie on contract. bah.

  • Love 7

So Kevin Collins gave an appointment to the likes of Hayden /(she mentioned it while waiting for the wedding to start) but turned down prominent citizen Anna  Devane, sending her to new psychiatrist Andre? And the new doctor appears to have an agenda (i.e. is not so neutral and unbiased as he should be)? I've never heard of a mental health provider accusing a new patient of LYING, especially right off the bat! Even if a provider sensed that a patient was lying (which happens a lot more often than one would think), it's extremely unlikely that the provider would openly confront or challenge such a patient. Is Andre truly a doctor, or does he have ties to the WSB and other spy entities?


Might be wise to stop and recall that Dr Obrecht still is Chief of Staff, responsible for hiring, and she has a spy background and close tie to Anna's nemesis, Faison. Is Anna being gaslighted, or is she really hallucinating? She needs to face that Duke was no innocent who needs to be mourned...he freely chose the mob life and was even a double agent for awhile. He had a very chequered past. If Anna wants to heal, she needs to accept Duke's real personality and start over. And she should choose her own new psychiatrist--someone out of town--instead of trusting PC folk.


Don't fall for it, Anna!

Not a bad theory!

  • Love 1

When Liez was whining to Nik about people in PC lying and scheming and doing bad things to get what they want, she forgot to mention that those people are usually exposed, even if they don't go to prison. She should know that considering how many of her lies have blown up in her face. She's counting on Laura keeping her mouth shut, Hayden not exposing her, and Jason never regaining his memories. And plus Helena also knows the truth. That's way too many opportunities for her plan to fall apart. She's stupid for thinking she can get away with this forever. 

  • Love 5

I am not condoning murder, but in a lot of those instances (not all, but a lot), the people that have killed others had "valid" reasons for doing it.  Anna killed Carlos because he killed Duke.  Michael killed Claudia to protect his sister,  etc.  Nikolas tried to murder Hayden FOR MONEY AND GREED.   Period.  And Liz is SUPPOSED to be better than 99% of the people in PC.  She just is.  And I don't buy she is keeping quiet to protect her dear dear friend.  She is keeping quiet so she can continue to lie out of her ass and bed the holy hitman.  It's just gross.  And I really hope she stops acting like the St Of Port CHarles after this mess is over.  Because she isn't.   Hayden is definitely not a good person, but she didn't deserve to be shot in the head becasuse she was about to tell the damn truth.

Why is Liz held to a higher standard then everyone else? She didn't have Hayden shot. She didn't ask Nik to do it. She found out after it happened, and yes, she had selfish motives for not telling anyone, but even if she didn't know about Jason, she still wouldn't have turned Nik in.


On a show where Jason and Sonny are the heroes, Liz keeping quiet about Hayden being shot, is hardly a blip to me.

Edited by MissE
  • Love 5

I thought Andre was a misogynistic jerk.  A hot one, but misogynistic nonetheless.  I'm surprised he didn't tell Anna she had hysteria and should go lie down, like a good little girl.  Witholding her medication without referring her to someone else is also a jerk move.

Why do all the new doctor hires have to be so arrogant?  Patrick, Silas, Andre.  And why do the women on this show find that irresistable?

I thought Andre was a misogynistic jerk.  A hot one, but misogynistic nonetheless.  I'm surprised he didn't tell Anna she had hysteria and should go lie down, like a good little girl.  Witholding her medication without referring her to someone else is also a jerk move.

Why do all the new doctor hires have to be so arrogant?  Patrick, Silas, Andre.  And why do the women on this show find that irresistable?


Because 9 times out of 10? Doctors are arrogant. I suppose they have to be, to do their jobs well. But that is one detail GH has right.

  • Love 6

 It was certainly the final tipping point for me.


Me three.  Aside from a few scenes here and there on youtube, it was the last week I watched.  Will probably tune in next week to see some of the fallout and I'm thinking about watching this week.  But the Sonny Corinthos is a Gosh-darned Hero Hour has very, very limited appeal.  Been watching GH since '65 - but you win, Show.  You win.  There is no bottom to the ass-licking this guy gets, and I can't bear to watch it any more.

  • Love 12

She's counting on Laura keeping her mouth shut, Hayden not exposing her, and Jason never regaining his memories. And plus Helena also knows the truth. That's way too many opportunities for her plan to fall apart. She's stupid for thinking she can get away with this forever. 

Plus Not Dead Jake. No matter how much she's trying to gaslight him.

  • Love 2

Because 9 times out of 10? Doctors are arrogant. I suppose they have to be, to do their jobs well. But that is one detail GH has right.

I take offense to that! Not true at all. It's mostly the TV docs that are arrogant :)

I don't blame Andre- Anna was flat out lying to him and thinks she's going to be cured by lying. You can't sleep because you killed Carlos! Anti anxiety pills won't fix that.

I watched for the first time in weeks and actually liked the Carly/Jake scenes. Maybe I'm warped since I just want this damn reveal to be over. I wish we got one of Jake's foggy memories of Sam intertwined with his denial, so we can see that he's just trying to fight the truth.

Sonny is still disgusting, forcing Michael to be there for his hearing and whining why Carly isn't there. Get a life, moobster.

  • Love 3

I don't blame Andre- Anna was flat out lying to him and thinks she's going to be cured by lying. You can't sleep because you killed Carlos! Anti anxiety pills won't fix that.


I agree. His job is to help her, not coddle her. Wanting to have an honest dialog with his patient is what he should be doing, not just giving her a prescription because she asks for it. I thought Anna's behavior was very childish - having a fit because the doctor wouldn't throw pills at her. If all she wants is drugs she should just go down to the docks and find a drug dealer. 

  • Love 8

I would have laughed endlessly if her own returned from the dead zombie son sold her out and called her on her lies.

Maybe that's how her part of the lie comes out, Dead!Alive!Jake spills the beans while everyone's at Kelly's or something.

I liked Andre. He knew Anna was lying and called her on it. And I LOVED his "She hates me, this is going to be wonderful!" to Kevin. Plus, he's hot. I'm in.

I'm looking forward to Nik being dragged left and right. Unfortunately, I don't think he'll care so I worry that will lessen the impact. Maybe Monica can chew him out (when she finds out) and lay some truths on him about how Emily would be ashamed of him (and maybe ashamed of ever loving him).

  • Love 7

Because she acts like she should be. And people (i.e. whatever man she's currently circling) treat her like she should be.

Exactly this. She is doing the same thing Hayden did, keeping Jason from his family and pretending to be the love of his life, except Hayden never knew for sure Jakeson had a family, and Hayden hasn't had years of history with him, or his friends and family, and is not supposed to care about them because she was basically a stranger.


If you couple that with knowing her bestie Nik TRIED TO HAVE HER KILLED, in part because of her, and had her put in a 3 month old coma, and that she's keeping quiet about it, the fact that she has the gall to be smug and bitchface Hayden at all really says it all.



Maybe Monica can chew him out (when she finds out) and lay some truths on him about how Emily would be ashamed of him (and maybe ashamed of ever loving him).


Sam already tried that. He still gives no fucks. But I'm sure Nik will get his due soon enough.

Edited by Bawoman
  • Love 9

 And people (i.e. whatever man she's currently circling) treat her like she should be.

Well, that's understandable IMO since the other women those men have dated/married/slept with were criminals or Carly. (I would lump Carly in with criminals but I'm not sure if the stuff she's done is illegal. Immoral def., but illegal?)

  • Love 1

Why is Liz held to a higher standard then everyone else? She didn't have Hayden shot. She didn't ask Nik to do it. She found out after it happened, and yes, she had selfish motives for not telling anyone, but even if she didn't know about Jason, she still wouldn't have turned Nik in.


On a show where Jason and Sonny are the heroes, Liz keeping quiet about Hayden being shot, is hardly a blip to me.


Because on a show full of mobsters and criminals, the granddaughter of Steve and Audrey Webber is and should be held to a higher standard.   IMO she goes around and acts like she is so much better than everyone else, when she just isn't.  That's why her speech to Nikolas at the NB had me laughing.  Yeah honey, you are a paragon of a good person.  Her saying everyone else in PC is horrible and gets what they want,  so why shouldn't she...Please.  She has hardly been a Saint the whole time she has been in PC.  If she actually owned her shit I would respect her a lot more.  But she doesn't.


Well, that's understandable IMO since the other women those men have dated/married/slept with were criminals or Carly. (I would lump Carly in with criminals but I'm not sure if the stuff she's done is illegal. Immoral def., but illegal?)


Couldn't she be considered an accessory after the fact for Hayden's attempted murder?  And maybe even bigamy (poligamy?) since she KNOWS Jason is already married.  SO yeah, I would say she is doing illegal stuff.

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 8


Well, that's understandable IMO since the other women those men have dated/married/slept with were criminals or Carly. (I would lump Carly in with criminals but I'm not sure if the stuff she's done is illegal. Immoral def., but illegal?)


That's not really true. Zander, her first baby daddy, was in love with Emily, who was probably regarded as a bigger saint than Liz. Lucky, the first man to put her on a pedestal, had no dating history prior to that. Jason Morgan's first love was Robin, not a criminal. Ric, well we don't really know who he dated before he came to town, but his first love on the show was Liz. Then he married Alexis, and while she has done illegal things, isn't regarded as a criminal. We have Nik - who also has a history with Emily. I don't think Gia was a criminal. Neither was Nadine. I hated, hated, hated Courtney, and even though she shot that poor cop in the back, she was never arrested for it, so technically she wasn't a criminal. So, while a lot of the women her men have dated were shady, or outright criminals, I would say the majority of them weren't.

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
  • Love 5

Exactly this. She is doing the same thing Hayden did, keeping Jason from his family and pretending to be the love of his life, except Hayden never knew for sure Jakeson had a family, and Hayden hasn't had years of history with him, or his friends and family, and is not supposed to care about them because she was basically a stranger.


If you couple that with knowing her bestie Nik TRIED TO HAVE HER KILLED, in part because of her, and had her put in a 3 month old coma, and that she's keeping quiet about it, the fact that she has the gall to be smug and bitchface Hayden at all really says it all.




Hayden didn't know his background, sure, but she also seemed to feel zero remorse for what she was doing. When confronted by Jakeson, she basically shrugged and said "Hey you're a nice guy, it wasn't personal, I did it for money. Sorry. See ya."


Elizabeth was genuinely shocked to hear that Hayden had been shot. She wasn't in on his plan; he made the decision because he didn't want to deal with Hayden's demands anymore. In retrospect, given what Nik said to her before Hayden got shot, she wondered. As for keeping quiet, why wouldn't she? She has no proof and Nikolas has shown (Niz affair, pregnancy with Aiden, and now) that he's ruthless and will use his money and power to achieve whatever he wants.


I think her hostility toward Hayden stems from Hayden getting paid by Ric (who has a rather messy history of lying to Liz and causing her to end up in the hospital). Hayden was paid specifically to come between Liz and Jakeson. She lied to Liz's face about having sex with Jakeson (after he rejected her) to drive Liz back into Ric's arms. (I still think it's gross that Hayden was happy to take Ric's money and have sex with a stranger.) Then Hayden overhears Nikolas and Liz at the Nurse's Ball and switches to extortion w/him since Ric is no longer paying her. Hayden certainly didn't deserve to get shot, but she's hardly an innocent lil lamb. Showing up to taunt Liz right before she walks down the aisle proves that.  


Liz has lied and schemed because she's lonely/sad/desperate and wants a life with Jakeson to make her happy.  Hayden has been all about $$, and sex. So I understand the bitchface, even though they both look bad in this months-long highly irritating storyline.

  • Love 2

That's not really true. Zander, her first baby daddy, was in love with Emily, who was probably regarded as a bigger saint than Liz. Lucky, the first man to put her on a pedestal, had no dating history prior to that. Jason Morgan's first love was Robin, not a criminal. Ric, well we don't really know who he dated before he came to town, but his first love on the show was Liz. Then he married Alexis, and while she has done illegal things, isn't regarded as a criminal. We have Nik - who also has a history with Emily. I don't think Gia was a criminal. Neither was Nadine. I hated, hated, hated Courtney, and even though she shot that poor cop in the back, she was never arrested for it, so technically she wasn't a criminal. So, while a lot of the women her men have dated were shady, or outright criminals, I would say the majority of them weren't.

Zander was involved with Sonny's organization. Lucky was interested in Sarah before Liz, and slept with or had relationships with other women (including Sarah) after dating Liz but before and after being married to her. Jason and Robin were over and Jason was no longer raising Michael when he and Liz got closer, after Lucky "died." Robin was certainly not a criminal, but Jason acted like Robin had violated him by telling the truth about Michael's paternity. I'm pretty sure you're right about Alexis. I'm not sure about Gia; I remember she was in conflict with her brother, the police officer Taggert. The Nadine situation with Nik I can't label because she was his nurse; he was in that tumor storyline and talking to Ghost!Emily. I honestly thought Courtney had a somewhat criminal background/life because of her mother, and later the involvement with the Mob peeps (including shooting that cop). 


Couldn't she be considered an accessory after the fact for Hayden's attempted murder?  And maybe even bigamy (poligamy?) since she KNOWS Jason is already married.  SO yeah, I would say she is doing illegal stuff.

No idea. Probably yes if, say, she saw/knew the shooter and helped him escape or contributed to paying him off and there was proof or she was sending a shooter payments to stay away. I don't know how the law would work for a woman marrying an amnesiac man who is using a different/made up name, who was declared deceased. Now if Elizabeth was still legally married to Lucky (even though they haven't lived together in some years) but falsified paperwork to make it appear she was divorced, and she married Jakeson, that would be bigamy.


Hayden didn't know his background, sure, but she also seemed to feel zero remorse for what she was doing. When confronted by Jakeson, she basically shrugged and said "Hey you're a nice guy, it wasn't personal, I did it for money. Sorry. See ya."


I don't think she felt zero remorse. But given that she didn't know Jake and it was just a job to her, she wasn't torn up about it. I think Hayden scamming Jake, a man she didn't know from Adam, is far less wrose than Liz, someone who claims to love him, basically doing the same thing.



As for keeping quiet, why wouldn't she? She has no proof and Nikolas has shown (Niz affair, pregnancy with Aiden, and now) that he's ruthless and will use his money and power to achieve whatever he wants.


Why wouldn't she? Maybe because she's always talked a big talk about being a good person. And I don't think for one second she's kept quiet because she's afraid of Nik's power. I find it a little funny that you use the Niz affair as an example of how ruthless Nik can be, given that Liz was an equally willing participant in that affair. I guess that proves that she's just as ruthless as Nik.



I still think it's gross that Hayden was happy to take Ric's money and have sex with a stranger.


I think it's gross that Liz is repeatedly having a sex with a man she claims to love and is currently lying to because she knows he wouldn't be touching her with a ten foot pole if he had his memories. 




Hayden certainly didn't deserve to get shot, but she's hardly an innocent lil lamb. Showing up to taunt Liz right before she walks down the aisle proves that. 

Liz has lied and schemed because she's lonely/sad/desperate and wants a life with Jakeson to make her happy.  Hayden has been all about $$, and sex. So I understand the bitchface, even though they both look bad in this months-long highly irritating storyline.


Of course Hayden's not an innocent little lamb. But I think her one major transgression in this town is trumped tenfold by what Liz is doing to Jason. Liz being desperate for love does not make her actions any better, IMO they're worse, than Hayden's similar actions, and yet Liz continues to act like she's Miss holier than thou and has room to judge anyone given the scam she's currently perpetrating. And, quite frankly, Liz's constant bitchy attitude with Hayden is astoundingly stupid given that she knows Hayden can blow up her lies at any moment. 



Zander was involved with Sonny's organization. Lucky was interested in Sarah before Liz, and slept with or had relationships with other women (including Sarah) after dating Liz but before and after being married to her. Jason and Robin were over and Jason was no longer raising Michael when he and Liz got closer, after Lucky "died." Robin was certainly not a criminal, but Jason acted like Robin had violated him by telling the truth about Michael's paternity.


I'm not sure what Zander having been a criminal has to do with my post. You were claiming that the men in Liz's life held her to higher standards because they had only dated, slept with, been married to criminals and Carly. So I pointed out that, by and large, the women those men had been involved with were not criminals. So, yeah, Zander was a criminal, but the main woman he had been in love with - Emily - was not. And, I know that Lucky had a crush on Sarah prior to being with Liz, but Liz was his first love, and he put her on a pedestal before he really had any experience with other women. And Jason treating Robin horribly after she let the Michael secret lie doesn't change the fact that she wasn't a criminal.

  • Love 8

I got a kick out of the Carly/Jakeson scenes because Carly seemed so totally desperate that Jason remember, while Jason refused to accept who he was. The scene I would love to see (and which, sadly, I know we won't get, because we've done the Jason/amnesia story before) is Jason moving back in with the Q's, and this time, Monica can tell Carly to back off and let Jason make his own choices.


20 years after the Borg was created, it would be so sweet to have him move back in with the Q's until he can figure out what he wants his life to be. And Sonny and Carly can have a heaping dose of karma, for all the judgement they threw the Q's way for insisting that Jason remember his Q life.


The Sam/Liz stuff should be secondary to that (IMO, yeah, yeah, he has kids with both of them, history with both of them but picking his romantic partner really should take a back seat for a while.)


But GH watchers know that Sonny and Carly always win, so I expect Jason will be moving back into the condo and back to killing folks (perhaps it will be GH's version of a Christmas miracle).


And I really liked the little stuff Ric Hearst was doing on Friday. The show wouldn't acknowledge his past his history with Liz, but he showed discomfort whenever Liz's wedding was mentioned-- again, a really small thing, but he played it, nicely.

  • Love 9
20 years after the Borg was created, it would be so sweet to have him move back in with the Q's until he can figure out what he wants his life to be. And Sonny and Carly can have a heaping dose of karma, for all the judgement they threw the Q's way for insisting that Jason remember his Q life.


Now that would be a credible and satisfying story, especially if Jason decides to turn his back on Jason Morgan and resume the rest of his life as Jason Q. The way that Jake played his contempt for his violent skill set, it seems that he would want to lead a different type of life from Jason Morgan. That's the real story. This Liz story is just boring filler. 

Edited by Baxter
  • Love 6

I got a kick out of the Carly/Jakeson scenes because Carly seemed so totally desperate that Jason remember, while Jason refused to accept who he was. The scene I would love to see (and which, sadly, I know we won't get, because we've done the Jason/amnesia story before) is Jason moving back in with the Q's, and this time, Monica can tell Carly to back off and let Jason make his own choices.


20 years after the Borg was created, it would be so sweet to have him move back in with the Q's until he can figure out what he wants his life to be. And Sonny and Carly can have a heaping dose of karma, for all the judgement they threw the Q's way for insisting that Jason remember his Q life.


The Sam/Liz stuff should be secondary to that (IMO, yeah, yeah, he has kids with both of them, history with both of them but picking his romantic partner really should take a back seat for a while.)



That was be amazing....so it's never going to happen. 


No idea. Probably yes if, say, she saw/knew the shooter and helped him escape or contributed to paying him off and there was proof or she was sending a shooter payments to stay away. I don't know how the law would work for a woman marrying an amnesiac man who is using a different/made up name, who was declared deceased. Now if Elizabeth was still legally married to Lucky (even though they haven't lived together in some years) but falsified paperwork to make it appear she was divorced, and she married Jakeson, that would be bigamy.


But if she has knowledge of a crime, and doesn't report it, isn't it accesory?  I have no idea, I know nothing about the law.  I could have sworn Nikolas outright told her he ordered the hit.  It doesn't matter anyway, although since she's not Sonny or Ava she'll probably end up in a prison cell next to Matt.   Because what's a little cold blood murder compared to accessory after the fact?

  • Love 3

But if she has knowledge of a crime, and doesn't report it, isn't it accesory? I have no idea, I know nothing about the law. I could have sworn Nikolas outright told her he ordered the hit. It doesn't matter anyway, although since she's not Sonny or Ava she'll probably end up in a prison cell next to Matt. Because what's a little cold blood murder compared to accessory after the fact?

She and Jason spent a decent portion of 2005/06(?) threatening to send Sam to jail for failing to stop/report Hake's kidnaping so I'm assuming that's some sort of crime in GH-World

  • Love 2

I've idly wondered what Sonny's reaction will be when he catches wind of Carly's aggressive interest in Jakeson/Jason's future. Will he be jealous? If I know anything about Sonny, though, he will be as delighted as Carly that Jason is back, and will start applying pressure for Jason to rejoin his organization as Top Holy Hitman. Jakeson/Jason was the one who shot Sonny's assailants to death, and Sonny may remember that.


If only Jason would balk and refuse his former life! I'd like to see him become partners with Michael Quartermaine and build up ELQ somehow, but I'm not sure what skills Jason has besides being a hitman. A Dillon/Michael partnership to build up ELQ is difficult to imagine too because Dillon seems to be lacking in marketable skills also. Too bad the Show didn't provide background that showed the younger Quartermaines getting education or training skills. Maybe they could all go online and get college credits for life experience?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 1

Michael giving Avery back to Sonny was the point when the ratings went from "slumping" to "complete free fall". I always knew Sonny Corinthos was going to be the death of this show.


I stopped watched shortly before that, since spoilers indicated it was coming.  It was the final straw.  I tried to watch Thursday and Friday but couldn't do it.  Sonny's same old disgusting misogyny and MB sputtering his lines in between the ums and ya knows.  He's beyond terrible.  And then there was Carly's screeching that Jake must remember who he is so she can go back to having him clean up all her messes.  Awful.


As much as I love Genie Francis and Finola Hughes, I can't watch this mess.  I'd go back in a heartbeat if Sonny and Morgan were killed in a murder-suicide, or if Morgan became a serial killer and murdered Sonny, Franco, Nina, Kiki, Dr. O, and probably another character or two I'm forgetting.  It would get rid of a bunch of useless or played out characters and give Bryan Craig the opportunity to win an award he so desperately and pathetically wants.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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I'm interested in Jason Quartermaine being upset, confused, and pissed that Sonny murdered his only brother, AJ. One of the best things, back in the day, was the SB/SK scenes. I bought them as brothers. I still do. I think Jason Q would not be all cool with his brother being murdered by his alleged friends. I also think that Jason being so disgusted with CarSon for murdering and covering up AJ's murder would be the thing to knock sense into Michael. I always thought Jason had more influence over Michael than Carly or Sonny.

  • Love 8

That was be amazing....so it's never going to happen. 



But if she has knowledge of a crime, and doesn't report it, isn't it accesory?  I have no idea, I know nothing about the law.  I could have sworn Nikolas outright told her he ordered the hit.  It doesn't matter anyway, although since she's not Sonny or Ava she'll probably end up in a prison cell next to Matt.   Because what's a little cold blood murder compared to accessory after the fact?

I'll reply to you about Liz as Wendy requested. If I recall correctly


She and Jason spent a decent portion of 2005/06(?) threatening to send Sam to jail for failing to stop/report Hake's kidnaping so I'm assuming that's some sort of crime in GH-World

I don't know if Jason could have gone through with it in the way he wanted to, at the time he wanted to. Sam told him she was going to tell Lucky that Jake was not his son; Jason counter-threatened that if she did that (endangered Jake by outing Jason as the bio dad) he would have the PCPD arrest her as an accessory to Jake's kidnapping. But I assume he would have to track down Maureen and force her to make a statement for that to happen.

 Nikolas eventually admitted it because she persisted. I think there would need to be proof she knew and didn't turn him in, but when he confessed they were one-on-one alone and it's not like she was recording him. I believe she *theorized* to Laura about it because she'd had time to think and connect the dots. But as far as I know, she has no proof and hasn't had a 'guess what, Nikolas admitted to me he hired someone to shoot Hayden' conversation. 

What I hate what they are doing to Liz and yes even to Nik (though I guess Guza paved the why for him) is that they might be below Helena's level of evil or crazy because they now can't even relate to things that have actually happened to them! Liz knows what it is like to have you child stolen away from you. She knows you don't completely move on but you try to make peace with your grief and how happy she was when Jake was returned. In 2005, Nik got into a car crash, got amnesia while some troubled woman convinced him that he was her husband, while his family thought he was dead and he was not to pleased when he remembered and realized what this woman did to him. He however, doesn't have the same excuse as even that woman as he not only knows Jason's family but is related to his wife. This isn't Valerie and Lulu, where they found about each other only months ago. He has known Sam as his cousin for several years. When he first visited after they found out, they commiserated over their preference for caramels over chocolate. And they both remember how they felt when Lucky died and came back, or maybe not since they had an affair behind his back.


The only way to justify Liz and Nik not saying anything if Jakeson, after learning more about the Holy Hitman, declared Jason to be a terrible, hateful hypocrite and that Sam and Danny were better off without him to Liz.


I'm interested in Jason Quartermaine being upset, confused, and pissed that Sonny murdered his only brother, AJ. One of the best things, back in the day, was the SB/SK scenes. I bought them as brothers. I still do. I think Jason Q would not be all cool with his brother being murdered by his alleged friends. I also think that Jason being so disgusted with CarSon for murdering and covering up AJ's murder would be the thing to knock sense into Michael. I always thought Jason had more influence over Michael than Carly or Sonny.

I would love if the took the suggestions from above and Jake never gets back his Jason M memories and Carly and Sonny don't have their go to lackey. I suspect though Jakeson wouldn't cut ties with Michael  even if he doesn't remember, and Sonny and Carly would use Michael to get at Jakeson. I suspect they would learn as much empathy as Liz and Nik.


But I assume he would have to track down Maureen and force her to make a statement for that to happen.


Was Sam actively involved in Maureen kidnapping Jake? I thought she just didn't intervene when she saw Maureen take Jake? Of course Jason would have to have Maureen returned and stand trial and either go to jail or  be committed (this not being a terrible thing). Good old wonderful Jason just let a woman that made an obvious psychotic break loose, without cluing in any of her family she might be in need of some serious help.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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