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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I was glad that Ava held her own. And two years later, no one still gives a rat's ass about Connie, my new name for her is NEVER SHOULD'VE EXISTED.

As gross as I found Sonny today, I cared about Connie. Well, I cared about Kate. Then I again I care about just about every no name, like that Russian that Sonny shot and killed recently. They couldn't just have her fly off to Europe could they?

  • Love 4

Never let it be said that Sonny didn't accomplish anything.


I seriously doubt I've ever hated a fictional character more. Maybe SBu's Jason, but he didn't have the horrible and gross misogyny that Scummy displays on a regular basis. So yeah, Sonny wins that battle. Fuck off with your incubator line.


I was glad that Ava held her own. And two years later, no one still gives a rat's ass about Connie, my new name for her is NEVER SHOULD'VE EXISTED.


Great, now we have Sonny Jr. Could he be any more loathsome? Throwing barware, how original. I'm surprised he didn't scream, "bitchwhoretramp, BETRAAAAAAYAL!" I'm going to need Ava to not cave and be her weepy self around him tomorrow. I've adored unapologetic Ava the last few days.


Franco and Nina are flat out embarrassing.



I am pretty sure that Morgan will be doing that in the next few weeks.


He could hire Maxie as the style editor

You know, there was a throw-away bit the other day, with Tracy watching 'Access PC" or whatever the fictional show is that covers the events of Port Charles, and they mentioned their fashion correspondent just quit. I had a brief thought that they might be setting up Maxie as some sort of television personality, but then I figured who ever wrote the line wouldn't get around to following up for months because Maxie and non mobular careers aren't things this show does anymore.


or maybe it signifies that Felix is now single (didn't he hook up with the red carpet reporter?) and would he once again be a spoiler for Lucas and Brad, but then.... non-mobular so never mind.

Edited by sacrebleu
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As gross as I found Sonny today, I cared about Connie. Well, I cared about Kate. Then I again I care about just about every no name, like that Russian that Sonny shot and killed recently. They couldn't just have her fly off to Europe could they?

I cared about Kate and I still resent the way RC destroyed the character before Ava murdered her.

Even if she hadn't murdered Kate she'd still be just as responsible as Sonny for AJ's death - and I'm not going to get past that, not for either of them

  • Love 7

I assume Morgan has already absolved himself of any blame for screwing his girlfriend's mother/aunt behind her back, since Ava lying to him makes her the worst betraying bitchslutwhoretramp ever, and him just a poor innocent victim?  It's the Corinthos way, after all. 


Now he and Sonny can commiserate about evil Ava ensnaring their innocent penises. 

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 12


I cared about Kate and I still resent the way RC destroyed the character before Ava murdered her.

Yep I feel the same.  I liked Kate (and the original actress that played her).  When the new actress took over and they started the whole Connie business, I checked out.  Besides, if Ava hadn't killed her I'm sure some botched hit on Sonny or his business would have done her in at some point anyway.  (but that totally wouldn't be Sonny's fault!)

  • Love 7


  I cared about Kate and I still resent the way RC destroyed the character before Ava murdered her.


Kate's a different story. MW's Kate was a great character. What came after that is what was so terrible. Connie was a joke, and a bad one at that. Even though they were supposed to be the same person, they were entirely separate characters and different people for me. And for me, the real Kate left and never came back. 

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 11
I assume Morgan has already absolved himself of any blame for screwing his girlfriend's mother/aunt behind her back, since Ava lying to him makes her the worst betraying bitchslutwhoretramp ever, and him just a poor innocent victim?  It's the Corinthos way, after all.

It's all so sordid, and not in an entertaining way.


Besides, if Ava hadn't killed [Connie] I'm sure some botched hit on Sonny or his business would have done her in at some point anyway.

Kate was shot at the altar on her wedding day, so she was already a victim of a botched hit on Sonny. The DID story for Connie was insulting and misogynistic, as always. In some ways, I'm glad Connie was killed, because at least we're spared more of that.

  • Love 6

How much longer am I going to have to deal with these stupid motherfuckers trying to get Nina's money? Ric is a slimy and incompetent asshole and Madeline is a useless piece of shit and a horrible excuse for a mother.


Shut the fuck up Kiki. Your snake mother murdered Connie so why are you acting like it's impossible that she killed Silas. Stop being a delusional dumbass.


I loved Sonny taunting Ava in jail. Fuck her. But fuck him too. Fuck the both of them. They need to be shot. 


Nina and Franco are sickening. Shut the fuck up.

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 5


Alexis is attacking Ava about pretending to be someone else around her kids. Has Alexis forgotten about butler Dobson?


  The differences in Alexis' case are that she's not a career criminal who killed an innocent woman in cold blood, framed someone else, was one of the main reasons for that person's death nor did she bang her daughter's boyfriend, so in this case, Alexis' hypocrisy is no problem, as far as I'm concerned.



Was Francs and Neens bantering behind bars supposed to be cute? Funny? Interesting? Not irritating?


  Since it's them, the answer to all four questions will always be "Hell to the no."


I was glad that Ava held her own. And two years later, no one still gives a rat's ass about Connie. My new nickname for her is NEVER SHOULD'VE EXISTED.


As gross as I found Sonny today, I cared about Connie. Well, I cared about Kate. Then again I about just about every no name, like that Russian that Sonny shot and killed recently.


  ITA, re the Russian, who was a much more compelling character in that one episode than Sonny has ever been. I didn't care that much about Kate and I never cared about Connie, but I did care about AJ and Ava's framing AJ for her crime and conning Sonny into doing her dirty work and breaking his promise to Michael in the process makes Sonny & Ava equally disgusting to me. To paraphrase Shakespeare, "Thrown barware on both their houses."

  • Love 7

Yep I feel the same.  I liked Kate (and the original actress that played her).  When the new actress took over and they started the whole Connie business, I checked out.  Besides, if Ava hadn't killed her I'm sure some botched hit on Sonny or his business would have done her in at some point anyway.  (but that totally wouldn't be Sonny's fault!)

I also tuned the new one out, I hate Sonny so anyone for him will be soon called the bitchwohoasluttramp etc etc etc.When she actually hurt Tray with the I left you in a drawer and you should be dead and I am not sorry or your mother. She went into the Sonny slot. I just didn't care that Ava killed her. I am just sorry that in a whole town the keystone cops couldn't figure out AJ wasn't the only AJ in town. In fact wasn't the only one in the vicinity. Sorry I liked Tray, and I liked his father with Tracy. Sue me.

  • Love 4

I was at the gym and the TV in the middle of the floor was at a bad angle to read , so what exactly did Sonny call Ava and doesn't the guy ever look in the mirror. hey pots meet kettles There are loads of them in town. Funny how the only evil guy in town who deserved to be killed was the man who's only real sin was being an alcoholic and Fat of course. AJ gone but not forgotten.

Edited by testardo
  • Love 1

Even if she hadn't murdered Kate she'd still be just as responsible as Sonny for AJ's death - and I'm not going to get past that, not for either of them

How is Ava "just as responsible as Sonny for AJ's death"? One person, and one person alone put his hands on a gun and pulled the trigger. Ava did not shoot the gun. Yes, she hired Carlos to kill him. Yes, she framed him for Connie's murder. And yes, she did a lot of other horrible things to AJ. But she is not responsible for his death. Sonny and Sonny alone is responsible for his death.

  • Love 3

I liked Tray, and I liked his father with Tracy.


Oh, I loved Joe Sr. with Tracy !!!  I am a big Richard Steinmetz fan, giong way back with him. He played it that Joe really cared about Tracy and was very into her. Too bad that story went no where for Tracy.


I don't mind Paul with her now although Richard Burgi plays it a tad too smarmy for me. But he's  not bad. Listen, anyone who is not TG/Luke is ok with me !!!!! 

  • Love 8

How is Ava "just as responsible as Sonny for AJ's death"? One person, and one person alone put his hands on a gun and pulled the trigger. Ava did not shoot the gun. Yes, she hired Carlos to kill him. Yes, she framed him for Connie's murder. And yes, she did a lot of other horrible things to AJ. But she is not responsible for his death. Sonny and Sonny alone is responsible for his death.

When you successfully conspire to kill someone you are legally responsible for the consequences. If Carlos had been successful both Carlos and Ava would have been charged with conspiracy to commit murder and murder - she isn't less responsible because she used dumbass Sonny to do her dirty work instead

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 3

Are they seriously going the route of Morgan being bipolar...? 


No, he does not have a mental illness, he is just a dumb, stupid asshole. He has dumb, stupid asshole parents and inherited their dumb, stupid assholeness in spades.


Julian and Ric would make quite a hot couple, that is pretty much all I came away with after today. The hate sex they would have alone would probably melt my TV. Shame, the wasted potential. 


Sonny if you want to do what's "right" by your worthless son just go ahead and kill yourself. It may not help since Morgan is a lost cause anyway but it'd make me feel better at least. Oh, and if you would take Carly to hell right alongside with you that'd be great, thanks. 

  • Love 10

Mods, is there anyway we can get a pure hate thread started? A bitter thread? I know there's the barge, but I feel like ranting and raving. Every time I turn on this fucking show all I see are newbies talking about some newbie who just died. There's no romance, friendships, or riveting plots happening on the entire fucking show. Even the one couple I liked, I no longer give a shit about because they are shown so little and their story is f-ing stupid beyond words. Most of the newer actors SUCK, not that the writing is any better. I'm so sick of this. I don't believe much will change with the new writers either as no one has been fired yet. Screw it all. I'm just so down about this show and the state of soaps in general right now. I used to love and be so excited about the stories. I cannot believe it has come to this.

Edited by admiralrodcocker
  • Love 6

No, he does not have a mental illness, he is just a dumb, stupid asshole. He has dumb, stupid asshole parents and inherited their dumb, stupid assholeness in spades.


This. Since it apparently never even crossed his waking mind that Denise and Ava were exactly the same in bed, then he is truly too stupid to live. 


Other than that, I'm kind of pleased to see that we may actually be getting close to a wrap-up on a couple of stories. (Or, at least they're showing forward movement.)

  • Love 1

I'd say the barge is place is the best place for that super rants, since that's for people who have stopped watching altogether, if you feel bad ranting in this thread.


Carly: Morgan needs to get treatment, so he can still live a full happy life, like you can.


Sonny does get mostly everything he wants, but I wouldn't call him happy. He's a greedy bastard who's never satisfied. Carly's an idiot.


Sonny: Ava made Morgan cheat on Kiki.


ummmmm no.


The Maxie/Dillon scenes were weird.


I wonder what is the most times a soap character has had to arrest his relatives. By my count this is Dante's 5th relative, which is a lot but it seems like someone probably has had to arrest their relatives more times.

  • Love 5

I'm so happy to see JE actually acting as opposed to seeing her have to simply prop up that bloated gasbag Geary.  I hope her storyline is expanded under the new regime.


Sears Model Dillon can leave stage left any time.  He makes  Plywood look like Olivier acting Hamlet.


Word to Donna Mills:  Rosy lipgloss--the brown stuff you are using sorta makes you look like a corpse,  but my husband saw you last night and said you look "banging", so keep it up girl!

  • Love 7

Oh, and huge continuity error today - Dillon DID come home for Georgie's funeral, with Scott Clifton's hair spikier than ever.

Really annoyed me.  He went to see Maxie immediately after finding out Georgie died.  Maxie made a comment about Dillon showing Georgie true love in her eulogy.

I almost wish Ron was still around so I could see his excuse on twitter

  • Love 2

When you successfully conspire to kill someone you are legally responsible for the consequences. If Carlos had been successful both Carlos and Ava would have been charged with conspiracy to commit murder and murder - she isn't less responsible because she used dumbass Sonny to do her dirty work instead

Yeah, if Carlos had murdered AJ she would have been just as responsible as him because he was her agent. But Sonny was not her agent nor did they conspire. I don't see how in either the real world or Port Chuckles nutso-verse is Ava "just as responsible as Sonny" for AJ's murder.

  • Love 1

Yeah, if Carlos had murdered AJ she would have been just as responsible as him because he was her agent. But Sonny was not her agent nor did they conspire. I don't see how in either the real world or Port Chuckles nutso-verse is Ava "just as responsible as Sonny" for AJ's murder.


Well, it's not like in Port Charles nutso-verse anything is ever Sonny's fault...

  • Love 1

The poor Keekster has already had to walk in on Michael and Rosalie banging.  Where is your heart?  Where is it?


Michael and Kiki dated? Untrue!!! Morgan and Kiki have only dated each other and it is GOING TO BE SO DEVASTATING when Kiki finds out Morgan cheated because they have had the most romantic relationship ever and I don't understand how Morgan could have cheated because he is soooo not like that. It has to be the bi-polar!

  • Love 8

Yeah, if Carlos had murdered AJ she would have been just as responsible as him because he was her agent. But Sonny was not her agent nor did they conspire. I don't see how in either the real world or Port Chuckles nutso-verse is Ava "just as responsible as Sonny" for AJ's murder.

Conspiracy doesn't require an agent relationship. That decision they made? To let AJ bleed out on the floor so he couldn't testify?

Aside from the legal issue, Ava was the one who set out to get rid of AJ. It was opportunistic for Sonny but Ava planned it out to save her own ass then those two grossly screwed on their victim's grave. Ugh, RC was shitty.

  • Love 3

Wasn't that a delicious moment when Dillon actually fired Maxie because he did not see any contribution from her to the enterprise? Typically, after the commercial Maxie seems to have used her fatuous ego to bluff him. Oh how I'd love for the show to reveal that Maxie has been so stylish all this time because she is a practiced shop-lifter, rather than a "personal shopper". ! I'd love to see all the clever ways that Maxie would shoplift the latest makeup and fashions, talking her way out of getting caught or hiding the evidence just in time. And wooden-head detective Nathan would open a closet at their digs to see racks of clothes and evening gowns with price tags and security devices still clamped to the outfits!


Stoopid Maxie.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd

Conspiracy doesn't require an agent relationship. That decision they made? To let AJ bleed out on the floor so he couldn't testify?

I know, I should have been more clear: she didn't conspire with, nor did she have an agency relationship with Sonny.

Aside from the legal issue, Ava was the one who set out to get rid of AJ. It was opportunistic for Sonny but Ava planned it out to save her own ass then those two grossly screwed on their victim's grave. Ugh, RC was shitty.

Right, Ava may have set to kill AJ but she's not the one who actually did it.

For example, lets say Ric brings a knife and Michael brings a gun to the Scum Wedding, both intending to kill Sonny. If Julian sets off a bomb and kills Sonny before either one of them actually kills him, then Julian is the murderer; neither Michael nor Ric is.

Can one of the lawyers weigh in? The extent of my legal knowledge comes from "Professor" Dick Wolf.

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