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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I see we had a lot of shirtless guys today.  I guess it's easier than actually writing storyline.  Not that I'm complaining - it beats the hell out of more mob and AT LEAST one of the shirtless wonders wasn't Sonny.


Morgan is cute but man he's a moron.  Michael could hit him in the head for hours and still do no damage.


Luke looked good again, and Tracy looked even better.   I'm not hating Geary these last two days.  It certainly helps that he's currently toned down and it also helps that he's leaving soon.  I'm hoping that Dillon's return means Tracy will not be completely backburnered.  Bad enough Monica is always in another part of the house, not Tracy too.


Too bad about Kiki.  I was hoping, when she flopped down on Silas' couch that she just might accidentally get her head stuck between the cushions and suffocate.  No such luck.  At LEAST she hasn't had to get a job yet, for that we can be thankful.

  • Love 5

So we're really supposed to believe that this isn't Ava? Really?


No, we aren't supposed to believe that. It's already out in the Summer preview that it's Ava.


Sloane: I don't wanna presume to speak for Duke, but the man was a human.

Duke's Glum-Looking Portrait: You cahn't prove thaaahht!


A distinct meow was then heard.


Eh, Ava gets slut shamed again. I'm used to it. I didn't even care about the conversation, I just cared about the fact that he's so clearly not over her.


I was disappointed that I wasn't feeling the inappropriate chemistry with Ava and Julian today though. One of my favorite parts of the show. All that was missing was Julian flexing his biceps and kissing himself in the mirror.

Edited by tvgoddess
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A distinct meow was then heard.


 All that was missing was Julian flexing his biceps and kissing himself in the mirror.


"A distinct meow was then heard" -  For this alone, I think I love you!


Julian would caress his own ass if he could.  Man has absolutely NO self-esteem issues, and a few would look good on him.

Edited by boes
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Superbly put, Francie.



It was hard to watch Anna today, being disgusted and angry with herself.  We usually don't get quite that angle. She couldn't care less that she was hurting Sloane's feelings.  Which, given how awful he's been in the past -- and by past I mean just this past week! -- one probably shouldn't be feeling too bad for him.


Dante, you don't want Anna back as your boss!  Those silly rules about bosses and subordinates not sexing each other up ... oh way, that's part of the draw?  Carry on.  Yeah, the GH in my head is wonderful, wonderful place. For me, anyway.

  • Love 5

I should comment on the rest, so that it's not mostly all Ava.


I'm so back and forth with Sloane and Anna. On the one hand, it's nasty and kind of makes me want to have the same reaction Anna had of throwing up. But I can't pretend I didn't think they had chemistry. So basically, I'm fighting with myself.


Nice blink and you miss it appearance by Sabrina.


Here's one thing I will never apologize for - Luke and Tracy gross me the hell out.


NuDillon - not sure about his face.

  • Love 7

She couldn't care less that she was hurting Sloane's feelings.  Which, given how awful he's been in the past -- and by past I mean just this past week! -- one probably shouldn't be feeling too bad for him.


Except I think Ron does want us to feel bad for Sloane.  "Poor Sloane, he wuvs Anna so, but she couldn't return his feelings two days after she buried one of her great loves.  I mean, he covered up a murder for her!  And now he doesn't even have the job he connived his way into.  Poor Sloane!"

  • Love 7

Today's Tracy/Luke scenes put a smile on my face UNTIL the 'I Need to Apologize to Sonny' line came out of TG's mouth.  Can the writers just refrain from referencing that character for an episode?  Believe me, this soap opera was pretty awesome before that abomination of a character came on the show, and I am quite positive that it could survive an episode without making a reference to him.   If 'General Hospital' can get by without featuring a hospital, it could get by without an middle-age(ing) meh looking and sub-par actor who has a temper. 

  • Love 10

Unfortunately I don't think Dante could ever be commissioner unless he totally repudiated Sonny. Sure, it doesn't look good now either as a detective but if he were still having boxing dates with the local mob boss as commissioner it would be a little much.


Possibly.....but he COULD be Chief of Staff at GH.  Not only does a large donation seem to whitewash any memories of being a mad scientist with a consistent lineup of lunatic boyfriends -




 but you also get to turn the hospital into a Springtime For Hitler backdrop.  


But poor Dante.  He's related to ONE Moobster with the droops, only got shot in the chest by Pappa Celeste ONE TIME, and he's shut out of the top job.


I'm sorta glad, though.  I want Dante to remain the voice of sanity and being Chief might just makes him nuts.

What I remembered most about Dillon was his spiky hairdo, so I was kind of pleased that nuDillon's hair had some spikes in it today. In fact, I thought he looked a bit like Old Dillon at first glance. If he's supposed to be Paul Hornsby's son, he bears more of a resemblance to that actor than Scott Clifton did. (And SC does have a babyface. He doesn't look much older now than when he was on GH.)


Before Luke's latest resurfacing, wasn't the last scene with Geary one with Evil Luke talking to himself/the audience about how he'd never go away? 


For two people well beyond 40, even in soap years, Anna and Sloane spent way too much time talking about the night before.

I haven't seen today's ep yet, but wasn't the flashback to Ava in the bar revealing herself to be alive to Delia pretty much the clincher that Denise DeMuccio is Ava (and Delia, at least, is in on it)? 


This is assuming any viewer was fooled in the first place.

Not only is "Denise" very likely Ava, and not only is Delia possibly in on it, too, but I think Silas is also in on it, but probably not to the full extent that Delia is.  He was probably trying to help Ava start a brand-new life with a brand-new identity . . . in a brand-new place.  But Ava's jeopardizing it by coming back to Port Charles.


Also, Silas even asking Kiki about Avery's kidnapping is a surefire giveaway to me that he was the one who took her in the first place to motivate Ava to keep fighting to survive the cancer.  He just has to be.


I'm sorry, but did I miss the part where Luke went to trial and was declared not guilty by reason of insanity for his crimes, thus  was given a free pass to just walk out of the facility he was legally bound to?  And what quack is going to clear him after a month or so of therapy for a condition he'd been suffering from for decades?  Heather needs to look into getting transferred to that facility.


I actually really liked Michael and Morgan's detente, because Michael did get his licks in and Morgan did (finally!) admit fault. It also helped that they were both sweaty and shirtless after yet another ridiculous boxing match, as Bryan's body was in rare form and Chad Duell's chest continues to amaze.


I was so glad Anna rejected Sloane, but I know it won't last. Also, I'll give him a chance, but I must say NuDillon does not look like a Mark Teschner hire. Physically, at least, he looks like a graduate of the Frank Valentini Performance Skool.


I liked that Morgan apologized, and really seemed to mean it, for the "Let's drug Michael!" escapade, but the whole scene would have had more impact for me if he'd also acknowledged his part in A.J.'s murder.  Of course, then they'd have to have acknowledged the existance of A.J., so... Silly me!  Also, Morgan?  If Ava should have to pay for killing Connie, so should dear old dad for killing A.J.


He was only on for a minute, but I was not impressed with nuDillon's acting.  But I will give him a chance.  I just hope he was hired for some acting chops, and not just his looks.


I was glad to see ME again, even if Silas is a snooze. And I'm not going to put this in the Unpopular Opinions thread.


I was glad to see ME back too.  Never cared for him on OLTL, and never liked him on GH either, till he became unshackled from Sam.  Something about being in MW's orbit, I guess.  She works magic.

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 2

Today's Tracy/Luke scenes put a smile on my face UNTIL the 'I Need to Apologize to Sonny' line came out of TG's mouth.


My reaction was "What for? Your evil "must make Sonny paaaayyyy" Fluke scheme never did anything to Sonny."


Line of the day goes to Luke after he found out Avery was Sonny's kid: "Wow, Sonny should drop the 'god' part and just call himself father of Port Charles!"  


I liked that line, too!  But Sonny will never drop the "god" part.  He's too invested in it being true, even more than the "father" part.


I am glad that Michael and Morgan came to an understanding but I feel that for whatever reason Kiki will not be pleased with it.


No doubt, she's hoping Michael and Morgan will renew the battle for her affections.  Because it's all about Kiki.  I wonder if she'll find her renewed relationship with Morgan so "exciting" when she finds out Michael beat her to the punch and already embarked on a relationship with Sabrina.

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 1

Extremely shocked that for the first time in weeks I didn't FF most of the episode. I missed Silas and can't wait for him to give Ava an earful. I also missed my Michael/Morgan so glad that they are interacting now. It was nice to see Morgan apologize, and that they both aknowledged that they missed each other. The icing on the cake would them both agree that their parents are royal fuck ups and the reason why the brothers are screwed up too.

Are TJ and Sonny going to throw a fit when Jordan is named commissioner? I hope Lomax doesn't try to corrupt her and she does a decent job.

I don't mind Sloane/Anna, so it was kind if sad when she kicked him out.

The Luke proposal made me smile. NuDillon seems decent, but I miss Scott.

  • Love 1

I wonder if nuDillion will be written as quirky or something different. I've seen some old pictures of Scott Clifton and it's amazing how round he was. I didn't think he was heavy then but a lot has happen with soap hunks. Now, every young make has to be thin and/or buff like Chad Duhel and Bryan Craig. Back then, you could be different like Clifton. He looks amazing on B&B but unfortunately has an awful mustache and beard.

I'm so back and forth with Sloane and Anna. On the one hand, it's nasty and kind of makes me want to have the same reaction Anna had of throwing up. But I can't pretend I didn't think they had chemistry. So basically, I'm fighting with myself.


This. I mean I know Anna/Sloane is super gross and I hate it, but they're hot and sometimes I like Sloane so whatever.

  • Love 5

It'll piss me off if they reveal Dillon is just working at ELQ as some drone now. That was never what he was about, and when he tried he turned his back on it.


I am a little worried about the show stamping out all of Dillon's quirkiness in favor of plot needs (someone to object to Luke/Tracy with Ned gone, an interloper for Lulu/Dante, possibly a rival at ELQ for Michael).


As for Scott Clifton, I did watch and like him as Dillon, but now to me, he's Schyuler Joplin.  #iloveyousky

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2
It'll piss me off if they reveal Dillon is just working at ELQ as some drone now. That was never what he was about, and when he tried he turned his back on it.


Depends on the plot point, I guess. SC's Dillon going off to L.A. to work in the movies made sense, but it's not as if we heard much about it.


I am glad that Michael and Morgan came to an understanding but I feel that for whatever reason Kiki will not be pleased with it.


You say it like it's a bad thing. ;-)

  • Love 2

Hmmm, it very much seems like Morgan is not over Ava.  I hope she takes advantage of that. Morgan/Ava forever! 


Anna and Sloane are so very skinny!   I have mixed feelings about them.  Sloane has been such a weird character, but I've oddly liked their vibe since the murder.  But I also loved how grossed out Anna was, and how surprised she seemed that Sloane WASN'T grossed out.  But I think it was too soon for sex.  A drunken makeout, sure, then Sloane can pine while she's away. 


I had a hard time concentrating wheil Morgan/Michael had their heart-to-heart on the floor of the ring.  From the canera angles you couldn't see any of the clothes they had on, so it kind of creeped me out. 

Edited by megsara
  • Love 2

OMG shut up, Nina.  Her wailing about Franco breaking her heart, about the ELQ shares being this physical proof of their connection or whatever, was so stupid.  Why again are we supposed to give a damn about this character?


Why would anyone attend a Luke-suggested party on the Haunted Star right after Fluke tried to blow up the last one?


Wow did I not miss Silas.

  • Love 10

AVERY was Ava's bone marrow donor?????? My god I DID.NOT.SEE.THAT.COMING!!!

Not sure how I feel about nuDillon yet. He's pretty cute, guess we'll see tomorrow when he has the worlds cutest baby in his lap.

Yes Luke having a party on the Haunted Star might not be a great idea.

So what the hell is Rosalie's plan if michael talks to Nina himself? It's a pretty easy lie to uncover.

  • Love 6


If Avery was the donor, why didn't the good doctors at GH notice a very recent surgical scar?


In Ron's defense, the scar would be on the baby's hip and be pretty small. Since AJ was missing for a few days (???), it is possible that it healed somewhat by the time she got back to Port Charles. This makes me feel dirty -- defending the writing.


However, the Quartermaines/Sabrina should have seen the scar by now.


Also, bone marrow biopsies/donations are difficult in adults -- in children, the baby has to be put under anesthesia and will need some pain management afterwards. Silas would have needed some additional doctors/nurses to help with the procedure and after care. Since it was an illegal procedure, he could not have brought in too many people -- no one wants to lose their license.


Bone marrows are some of the most painful procedures out there. They are not that great to perform either -- we had a few future surgeons pass out during the bone marrow practice during medical school!

  • Love 6

NuDillon looks much better now that I've seen more than a few seconds of him.

Luke, you tried to blow up half the town on the Haunted Star…just whoTF do you expect to show up?

Kiki is totally annoyed that Michael has no problem with her banging Morgan again.

Ugh, this Ava story sucks more in flashback mode.

Rosalie should be careful; Cassadines may throw you off a parapet, but Quartermaines will drop a roof on you.

  • Love 10

Kiki is totally annoyed that Michael has no problem with her banging Morgan again.




The nurse giving Silas a cup of coffee after he napped, and her saying he looked like needed one, and him replying "more like 4" had to be the writers trollin'. Had to be!


My head hurts from the anvil of Lulu finding Dillon holding a baby.


Lulu probably really misses the days when fugboat Ronnie, her brother, and Mac worked at the station and not all these really hot women.


Give Luke and Tracy a rake and a hoe and they look like that farmer couple in the painting.


I'll give this to Nina, her hair looked really good today. [Nina speak]Her hair, um, you know. it looked good. It looked. So good. So good. I wish, I, um, had hair like that, because then it would be, you know, nicer.[/nina speak]


Probably only close relations will be there at the party. Lulu, Valerie, Dillon. And Dante, to round out the love quadrangle/family party. That is a fun awkward love quadrangle forming over there. I guess Bobbie too, if Uncle Frank can spare some change.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 14

OMG shut up, Nina.  Her wailing about Franco breaking her heart, about the ELQ shares being this physical proof of their connection or whatever, was so stupid.  Why again are we supposed to give a damn about this character?


A) Because "Sheeee's BACK!"


B) Because Michelle Stafford used to be on Y&R.


C)  Because ... reasons.


Hint:  The answer is always "C."

  • Love 9

Probably only close relations will be there at the party. Lulu, Valerie, Dillon. And Dante, to round out the love quadrangle/family party. That is a fun awkward love quadrangle forming over there. I guess Bobbie too, if Uncle Frank can spare some change.


You're probably right, but realistically, Valerie still shouldn't want to be anywhere near Luke.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

I thought with bone marrow how you can isolate the cells through blood draw so it's not painful? Eh regardless this storyline is ridiculous that Ava is now magically cured and wandering around, not looking sickly at all.


anything involving bones has to be painful, man. :curls up in a ball, hopes anyone replying with the details to twoods' question takes it to the off-topic thread:

You're probably right, but realistically, Valerie anyone ever still shouldn't want to be anywhere near Luke.


fixed it for you!

  • Love 4

anything involving bones has to be painful, man. :curls up in a ball, hopes anyone replying with the details to twoods' question takes it to the off-topic thread:


Haha sorry, I answered my own question by a web search. I was thinking of peripheral stem cells which can be used as well.

So I guess Dillon is here when Lulu gets jealous of Valerie and Dante, gets the wrong idea and then sleeps with him. Is there any storyline on this show that is not so predictable?

  • Love 4

Kiki needs some real competion and I don't mean sabrina or rosalee lol.

I'm still down for Michael/Sam. ;)

How awkward would that be when Jake remembers he's Jason?

Haha sorry, I answered my own question by a web search. I was thinking of peripheral stem cells which can be used as well.

So I guess Dillon is here when Lulu gets jealous of Valerie and Dante, gets the wrong idea and then sleeps with him. Is there any storyline on this show that is not so predictable?

This is rhetorical, right?

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