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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I wonder how Olivia would try to convince Sam not to tell the truth to Julian. Ned already gave up his ELQ stock (not that Sam wants or needs it) and Olivia has nothing that would convince Sam as Sam was totes cool with raising a child with her mobster husband. Nor does she have anything on Sam for blackmail. There is zero reason for Sam to keep this secret, so I can't wait to see what stupid thing comes out of Sam's mouth for Ron to justify her lying to her dad. Or maybe Sam does spill and Ned and Olivia run away during LLC's real life maternity leave.

  • Love 7

It's interesting how the most hated characters are the only ones who can actually sing and/or dance.


Careful, Kiki sang and danced last year.


So, I watched early this morning when I couldn't sleep. And then deleted it, so I'm sure not all of it stuck with me. The shallow observations were that Maxie looked awesome. I don't know why though they're fine with referencing her fashion past with Cartullo and Crimson, yet they're still so determined to have her not work. I don't know why Ron finds jobs such a boring entity.


Sorry, but I hated Liz' hair. I don't like that hairstyle on anyone though. That princessy look is just annoying and ugly. The dress was okay, but like most others I didn't like it on her. I don't feel sorry for her either. She needs to get a reality check about her choices in men and her wishywashyness (spell check really doesn't like that word).


I really didn't like the Brad/Britt snark this year. Again, maybe it's because of real life KT (although I do have to say when I met her at Fantasy Weekend last year, she was really sweet), but it just seemed overly manufactured and repetitive. Just like the stupid "Welcome to the NB" opener with a nurse who was fired from GH for actively trying to murder a baby. And let's not forget that we have Sabrina to thank for resurrecting the NB, because they reminded us, yet again.


I do like the fact that we get to see a large number of the cast at one time, all dressed up, and points for a decent cliffhanger and some secrets being outed, but I'm still managing to be bored. And Carly, you've been fun lately with Fake Jake, but you were back to annoyingly shrill and self-serving yesterday. Typical.


Thank god Sonny wasn't there.

  • Love 2

The Ball had such a few tables; how could they call it a ball? And how was the Ball all that, if community leaders such as Monica, the Judge, the mayor, Tracy and other Quartermaines didn't come?   Sonny wasn't there--don't remember if Julian came either--but as someone above pointed out, it would have been a good opportunity to snag some good publicity.   I can understand why we might not see Tracy, since she could not have come with Luke as a couple. But still if the Quartermaines really do support the AIDS charity, Tracy could have appeared alone or with Ned and Olivia. She didn't need crazy Luke as her escort. Even if Bobbie, Tracy, and others would go over their usual time limit, isn't the Nurse's Ball an adequate excuse for having them attend? For a little overtime on camera, they could even wear their own gowns to avoid that expense to GH.


The Ball isn't over yet, so perhaps they will include this step--but wouldn't it be an appropriate touch and fitting gesture if the money raised from different companies or individuals was highlighted and celebrated? From what Lucy said at the beginning, it sounds like only the money from their tickets was being raised for AIDS. Since the tables are all small, even "buying a table" wouldn't be so grand. And finally, why was Liz doing so much for setting up the Ball? Presumably, it is at the Metrocourt, so why can't Carly donate all the food, decorations, help, bar, etc and make it a real Gala (and tax write-off)?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 5

The Ball had such a few tables; how could they call it a ball? And how was the Ball all that, if community leaders such as Monica, the Judge, the mayor, Tracy and other Quartermaines didn't come? Sonny wasn't there--don't remember if Julian came either--but as someone above pointed out, it would have been a good opportunity to snag some good publicity. I can understand why we might not see Tracy, since she could not have come with Luke as a couple. But still if the Quartermaines really do support the AIDS charity, Tracy could have appeared alone or with Ned and Olivia. She didn't need crazy Luke as her escort. Even if Bobbie, Tracy, and others would go over their usual time limit, isn't the Nurse's Ball an adequate excuse for having them attend? For a little overtime on camera, they could even wear their own gowns to avoid that expense to GH.

The Ball isn't over yet, so perhaps they will include this step--but wouldn't it be an appropriate touch and fitting gesture if the money raised from different companies or individuals was highlighted and celebrated? From what Lucy said at the beginning, it sounds like only the money from their tickets was being raised for AIDS. Since the tables are all small, even "buying a table" wouldn't be so grand. And finally, why was Liz doing so much for setting up the Ball? Presumably, it is at the Metrocourt, so why can't Carly donate all the food, decorations, help, bar, etc and make it a real Gala (and tax write-off)?

I'm so disgusted they want to do these big events and then don't bother to get the details right. And they could find more than 1 sponsor as well, to have more money for production values. And the stupid Ric reveal - most of those people have no idea who Jake is nor do they care about his drama with fake wifey. They should have had Qs in attendance and Jake's identity revealed to everyone, but towards the end of the festivities. Then milk the fallout at the ball for an entire week. FrankenRon are just so sloppy. No foresight, no long range planning, no exit strategies. No big fucking ideas at all. And I would have even tolerated both Sonny and Franco being there because of the history. Secrets and tension could have been building all throughout the show between different people, culminating in a Jakeson reveal to the whole audience.

FrankenRon just suck worse than a ho in a hurry.

  • Love 6

I just can't with the guy who is now playing Sloan.  He gives me the creeps, long hair or short hair. Can't define it, but he just activates my skeeve reflex.


And for the love of all that's holy--will someone PLEASE force feed Liz a meal or two--she looks like a strong wind, or someone sneezing on her will blow her away.


And really--what the fuck??? with KG's number?????

Edited by One More Time
  • Love 5

I, too, wondered why anyone in the general public of PC or attending the Ball would care about the lying Ric trying to muscle in on Liz by fabricating the Jake marriage scheme. Jake is a hired hand on the docks or a hitman for the mob; he isn't a well-known citizen. In the meantime, the "wife" has been hiding out at the hotel or gym or seducing other men in the short time she's been in town.


Seems to me that Carly hi-jacked the whole Ball purely for some personal revenge on Ric and Elizabeth. She's only Jake's former employer and sometime confidant; why is Carly filled with such rage and hate that she would obsess and ruin the AIDS ball for a personal vendetta on Ric and Liz's private relationship? She's acting like Jake is one of her own children who must be protected and avenged.

  • Love 9

Uhm she doesn't even protect her actual children with such vengeance and ferocity. Morgan might not be so screwed up if she did.


This was about Carly having a jones on for Jake and wanting to one up Hayden for rubbing her supposed sex life with Jake in Liz's face. 


Hopefully someone will say "... and why is this even your business if you're so into Sonny?"... but I'm not holding my breath.

  • Love 7

A song about nuclear holocaust during a fundraiser for AIDS /HIV?

Wtf is going on in Ron's head? Endless loops of that scene where the Wicked Witch steals Dorothy's dog?


Nothing will ever beat the mindlessness of doing a skit about an explosion in a hospital laboratory during "She Blinded Me With Science" at the ball dedicated to a woman who had died in a ... wait for it ... lab explosion.  And in front of the woman's 6-year-old child.

  • Love 13

What is the status of Leslie Charleston? I know she doesn't have a contract but does she even want to do GH? I know RC sucks and doesn't care about the Quartermaines except for Tracy. It drove me nuts when RC didn't even throw us a bone and have Donna Mills and LC share a scene considering their soap history. There is no way that Anna & Sloan would go to the nurses ball together. Doesn't Anna despise this man? All Grayson McCouch (though great looking) does is frown and growl as Slaon. He's awful and the writing for Sloan is even worse. What the heck are FV & RC thinking!?!?!?

  • Love 5

I really enjoyed the Michael/Sonny scenes yesterday and the Michael/sonny/Morgan scenes today.  I think we are seeing what the Sonny/Michael relationship will be from now on:  Polite, direct, distant.  I thought all those scenes were great today, and I have to admit that I am liking the Michael and Sabrina pairing.  She's smart, and Kiki is an idiot.

So I've just finished catching up on the episodes, and I'm quoting as I go along, but . . . this.  So this.  I think Ron is trying to meet the Sonny fans and Sonny haters halfway and give Sonny and Michael a relationship close to his relationship with Dante.  He'll be civil to him, they'll have an understanding, but they'll never hate each other.  But while on some level, they'll always love each other, there's no way Michael can ever trust Sonny or fully let him in ever again.  And you know what?  While I'd prefer him hating him all the time, I'm fine with it being this way, too.


Also, I like Michael with Sabrina, too.  I was taking a seventh-month break from watching over my rage from poor A.J.'s murder just to give Sonny yet another win he didn't deserve (I only came back when I heard that Michael cut him and Carly out of his life), so I never saw her attempt to kill Ava or Avery, so I'm not gonna let that bother me.

  • Love 5

Still catching up, but:

You know, the Carly of old would have blamed Kiki, pinned the whole plot on her, accused her of leading first Michael and then Morgan astray.  


Carly's blind spot when it comes to her is baffling.

I saw no blind spot.  She ripped her apart just as she did Morgan.  Yes, he got more of it, but given that it was all his idea and that he had no remorse for that, while at least Kiki did (though I really would have preferred it being the other way around), I didn't have too much of a problem with it.

  • Love 1

The Jakeson crap is written??



Obviously by the same people who brought you the suspenseful Luke/Fluke crap. {big yawn}


Nothing will ever beat the mindlessness of doing a skit about an explosion in a hospital laboratory during "She Blinded Me With Science" at the ball dedicated to a woman who had died in a ... wait for it ... lab explosion.  And in front of the woman's 6-year-old child


PLEASE tell me you are kidding  about this.


  • Love 1

Nothing will ever beat the mindlessness of doing a skit about an explosion in a hospital laboratory during "She Blinded Me With Science" at the ball dedicated to a woman who had died in a ... wait for it ... lab explosion.  And in front of the woman's 6-year-old child.


YMMV, but I honestly didn't even think of Robin at the time. (Not saying that as a set up for a snarky line, it just didn't even occur to me). That was probably my favorite NB performance from 2 years ago (aside from "Jessie's Girl", of course) because BA is good singer, EW was gorgeous, and it's a favorite 80's song of mine.


Wow, I am SUPER dense. -_-

  • Love 4

I did not like Lucy's hair on the red carpet.  Maxie's hair looked very choppy like extensions of varying lengths.  I can get Maxie being able to borrow her & Spin's outfits for the PR.  Hayden's dress was really awful but I guess she's supposed to be small town clueless?  Didn't like Val's 2 piece #.  Guess Nik got it for her? 


Didn't mind Britt's return but kinda stupid for her to think that Brad would just be sitting home waiting for her. 


I wish they had shelled out a few extra dollars and had the rest of the veteran cast walk the carpet even if we don't see them again. I'd be OK with them stretching this out for 3 days if we got everyone on the red carpet.  Though I was good with no Sonny.   Since the ball was at the Metro Court, they could have a baby room where AJ, Maxie's baby, and Liz's unseen child could be.   I don't get why Anna and Sloane were walking the red carpet together - maybe we'll get an explanation on Monday that they were aware a hit was going down or some such nonsense.


Val made a quick comment about "Isn't that Rosalie" when she saw Jake and Hayden together so guessing that will be followed up on Monday.



Yeah, I don't know why they are pretending Sam is or should be torn about this. Her father is Olivia' s baby daddy and she has no friendship formed with Olivia or Ned, so why would she be torn?

I'd guess she's torn because she feels it might torpedo her parents reconciliation.


Also Nik is a huge asshole if he can tell Liz but Not Sam/Danny. He is making literally no sense in this stupid story.

I'm guessing Nik has feelings for Liz and that's why he tells her.  Maybe he's tired of this secret and he feels he can get ELQ without it.


I am sorry, but Carly is a tactless beast.  I get that it was revealed at the ball for ~drama~ but find a better venue than a fucking charity event.  Classy Carly, classy.


That was really such a lame reveal.  Why didn't Carly have Fake Jake come on with a tray of champagne during the # and then change the photos?  It was a lame burn.  I did like Jake looking at Hayden with his WTF face. 

I can't find the original post, but I'm going to agree with mybabyaiden, that for the Nurses Ball, which, in the past, meant something, and was taken seriously and treated with respect and integrity (Minus the years of the clothes malfunctions between Lucy and Katherine), has been destroyed. I don't think soapy shenanigans should be allowed or the kind of performances that Carlivati has turned it into. And in the past, though most of the cast were together, they were still playing their characters, not being themselves and treating it like they were at a party. I get that they might love that, but I guess I'm just a Debbie Downer.


Not to say there weren't other 'crashers', there were, but it was done so well; like when Tony showed up in '98, trying to stir up trouble, and Robin told him to "just leave."  I think it was the same one where Alan was high on his painkillers and dropped Robin...and Ned came to the rescue, singing and picking her up from the floor. Those kind of soapy shenanigans are fine with me.


Turning it into what Valentini and Carlivati have, just pisses me off and depresses me.

  • Love 6

I agree GHScorpiosRule, I don't mind soapy shenanigans.  It's the complete lack of anything remotely resembling awareness or education about Aids and Hiv.  The NB of old had a nice mix of all things.  Today, we get a quick mention by Maxie, and Lucy mentions it now and again, but there is nothing SUBSTANTIAL to highlight the continued struggles of people living with HIV and AIDS.  Yes, there have been INCREDIBLE advancements, but it's not cured yet so it shouldn't be treated as an afterthought.


I shouldn't be surprised since Ron seems unable to balance ANYTHING on this show. 


**Ok, now I swear I am done ranting.  Until Monday's episode airs of course**   And yes I know the NB has just started, maybe Ron will surprise me and actually have a segment that is fitting for the event.  I'll eat my hat if it happens. 

  • Love 3

Yeah, they keep forgetting Bobbi was a nurse at GH & actually worked with Steve a Hardy & Jessie Brewer. Although, RC did have her work in Fluke story. As, for the Nurses Ball itself everyone can sort of sing but when you put altogether it's cringe worthy. I guess in the 90's it was wholesome and innocent. Now, it's embarrising. I guess it takes away from the melodrama which soaps are about. It's a nice gesture and a worthy subject but the actual "talent" for show is horrible. That said, the actresses looked beautiful.

  • Love 2

  Re the Nurses' Ball, as much as I loved the return of Br2, KT's & BC's antics on Twitter tarnished some of it for me. However, I did love seeing Maxie fall and the subsequent snark .  Maxie's red carpet tumble was not only karmic justice for her treatment of Nathan, when she fell, I said "Jackpot!" too, just like Br2. True story. Brad's singing was better than last year, but IMO the public proposal is a big mistake because it puts unfair pressure on Lucas which he doesn't deserve. I still ship Lad, but it would serve Brad right if Lucas rejected his public proposal only to accept it in private in order to teach him a lesson. Lucas may have professed his love for Brad in public on Valentines' Day, but that wasn't a full-fledged marriage proposal.


  Re the Jakeson/Liz/Ric saga, Ric and Jakeson's returns, like so many other things Ron touches, turned to shit. The panic-room debacle has taught Ric nothing when it comes to women. Ric should have let things happen naturally between him & Liz but instead he plotted and schemed again and it backfired again, which serves him right. Liz's flakiness didn't help matters, either. One moment, Liz wants Ric, but when she learned that Jake was married, or so it seemed, she chose Ric, or so that seemed and now that that's imploded again, she wants Jakeson, but now she probably still won't have a chance with him now that Nik has deigned to come clean as a last resort, not out of the goodness of his heart.


  Nik's confession not only impacts Liz, it also affects Sam and her relationship with Patrick, the latter of which TBH I was never a big fan of, but IMO it was still better than JaSam and/or Liason. Samtrick went way too far way too fast, which means that it'll end way sooner than later and be messy. About Jakeson, the bloom has left the rose for me and that too is Ron's fault. Jakeson's story could've/should've been powerful, compelling and fascinating, but Ron chose to concentrate on his life of crime and his love life. Instead of trying to integrate Jakeson back into his real family, the Quartermaines, Ron & Company stressed on Jakeson's past, professional and personal, neither of which I care about. Then there's the Carly factor. When Carly exposed Ric's latest scheme, her perpetual smugness ruined what should have been a great moment for Liz just so she could gloat.  Basically, Carly hijacked a charity event just to say, "I told you so." I hate Carly so much that even when she's right, she's wrong.

  • Love 6
And finally, why was Liz doing so much for setting up the Ball?


Because the only regular character on General HOSPITAL who is a nurse doesn't have any more pressing duties?  It also provided Liz with the opportunity to be at the most used set of Ron/Frank's soap opera - the MetroCourt and involved with the real reason for the ball - the Jason reveal.

  • Love 2

I don't think Nik had anything to do with Valerie's dress. But don't you always pack a formal gown and accessories just in case? I know I do.


I liked what she was wearing. It's not too much of a stretch to imagine she might have had the top with her. As for the skirt, maybe she's good with a needle and  liked the draperies in one of the empty rooms at the mansion . . . ? 

  • Love 1

I liked what she was wearing. It's not too much of a stretch to imagine she might have had the top with her. As for the skirt, maybe she's good with a needle and  liked the draperies in one of the empty rooms at the mansion . . . ? 


There is no way there were any draperies even half that lively hanging in Nik's mausoleum of a home. 

  • Love 4

What is the status of Leslie Charleston? I know she doesn't have a contract but does she even want to do GH? I know RC sucks and doesn't care about the Quartermaines except for Tracy. It drove me nuts when RC didn't even throw us a bone and have Donna Mills and LC share a scene considering their soap history. There is no way that Anna & Sloan would go to the nurses ball together. Doesn't Anna despise this man? All Grayson McCouch (though great looking) does is frown and growl as Slaon. He's awful and the writing for Sloan is even worse. What the heck are FV & RC thinking!?!?!?

Hey, if Leslie Charleston wants out then get Erika Slezak. She plays a great soap mom, and then at least we would get to see Monica. And ugh. Sloane. Waste of tanner.

  • Love 2

I liked what she was wearing. It's not too much of a stretch to imagine she might have had the top with her. As for the skirt, maybe she's good with a needle and  liked the draperies in one of the empty rooms at the mansion . . . ? 

"I just saw it in the window, and couldn't resist" - Went With the Wind, Carol Burnett Show 1970s. :)

  • Love 9

I put GH back on my PVR for the Nurses Ball (which, sorry if it's been mentioned before, shouldn't it be Nurses' Ball?) for the first time in about 2 years. Not quite ... I tuned it a bit when Billy Miller came on board but even that couldn't hold my interest.

The good:

Britt and Brad snarking on the dismal red carpet.

Britt and Spencer. She is one of the few adults who make that kid tolerable.

Maxie's dress.

Lulu's dress.

The proposal (but barely, because it seemed like an afterthought on Brad's part).

Liz telling Rick to go kick rocks.

The Jakeson reveal! Maybe it will finally get things rolling.

The bad:

All of the singing.

Emma's hair. Why, stylists? Why?!

All things Carly.

The red carpet. It looked really cheap.

The photos from the red carpet. They also looked really cheap.


Re: Liz finding out that Jake is jason...

... so it looks like all those people who were predicting that Liz was going to go under the bus for JaSam were right.

This is the Sam fan in me that had to watch my fav be literally destroyed in 2007 for Liz and Jason 2 boring assholes and I'm going to say HA HA!!!!

But Liz will come out smelling fine I doubt that bus will leave a scratch all thoes males will be lining up to pat her on the head like they always do.

Edited by Jazzy24
  • Love 9

don't think Nik had anything to do with Valerie's dress. But don't you always pack a formal gown and accessories just in case? I know I do.


I liked what she was wearing. It's not too much of a stretch to imagine she might have had the top with her. As for the skirt, maybe she's good with a needle and  liked the draperies in one of the empty rooms at the mansion . . . ?


I thought her top looked like it was made of an heirloom doily and the skirt from a tablecloth.

This is the Sam fan in me that had to watch my fav be literally destroyed in 2007 for Liz and Jason 2 boring assholes and I'm going to say HA HA!!!!

But Liz will come out smelling fine I doubt that bus will leave a scratch all thoes males will be lining up to pat her on the head like they always do.


If I'm lucky Sam will get to yell at her for two minutes, but other than that I'm not expecting much. Jason won't threaten to kill her and she'll still have Nik and Ric competing over her.

  • Love 6

I couldn't help but laugh at how SMALL all the tables were!  First I noticed that Lucy and Duke seemed to be sitting at a table for two and I thought that was ok since it was just the two of them.  But then I started noticing that EVERYONE seemed to be sitting at these tiny tables!  For the love, tables can not be that expensive!


Sloane and his tan, OMG!  He's more orange than Sonny usually is.  It's especially noticeable when he sits right next to Anna who looks like she hasn't seen the sun in years (although her skin is fab).  Speaking of Sonny, the one day out of the year when I don't mind seeing his mug on my television and he is nowhere in sight!  Come on, it's the Nurse's Ball!  It's the only time when we are practically guaranteed to see the entire cast.  No Felicia, Mac, Tracy, Sonny, Monica, Bobbie, etc.  Horrible.


Much like the Luke/Fluke debacle, I am just happy the Rick farce is over, so I can't be too upset at how it came out.


Loved Brad and Britt snarkiness, and also loved Britt and Spencer.  Actually I think I just love Britt.


I can't help but feel bad for Liz.  Her bad luck with getting together with Jason continues, even when he has someone else's face.


Re the Nurses' Ball, as much as I loved the return of Br2, KT's & BC's antics on Twitter tarnished some of it for me.

Sorry if this has already been asked and answered, but what were their antics on Twitter??

  • Love 2

If I'm lucky Sam will get to yell at her for two minutes, but other than that I'm not expecting much. Jason won't threaten to kill her and she'll still have Nik and Ric competing over her.



That's a good thing? Seems like punishment to me.


In show terms, its a good thing, since in show terms Patrick is also considered a catch.

I couldn't help but laugh at how SMALL all the tables were!  First I noticed that Lucy and Duke seemed to be sitting at a table for two and I thought that was ok since it was just the two of them.  But then I started noticing that EVERYONE seemed to be sitting at these tiny tables!  For the love, tables can not be that expensive!


Sloane and his tan, OMG!  He's more orange than Sonny usually is.  It's especially noticeable when he sits right next to Anna who looks like she hasn't seen the sun in years (although her skin is fab).  Speaking of Sonny, the one day out of the year when I don't mind seeing his mug on my television and he is nowhere in sight!  Come on, it's the Nurse's Ball!  It's the only time when we are practically guaranteed to see the entire cast.  No Felicia, Mac, Tracy, Sonny, Monica, Bobbie, etc.  Horrible.


Much like the Luke/Fluke debacle, I am just happy the Rick farce is over, so I can't be too upset at how it came out.


Loved Brad and Britt snarkiness, and also loved Britt and Spencer.  Actually I think I just love Britt.


I can't help but feel bad for Liz.  Her bad luck with getting together with Jason continues, even when he has someone else's face.

Sorry if this has already been asked and answered, but what were their antics on Twitter??


Check out the PC in the Press thread and the Daytime Emmy thread. Actually mostly the Daytime Emmy thread.

  • Love 1

This is the Sam fan in me that had to watch my fav be literally destroyed in 2007 for Liz and Jason 2 boring assholes and I'm going to say HA HA!!!!

But Liz will come out smelling fine I doubt that bus will leave a scratch all thoes males will be lining up to pat her on the head like they always do.


I think Liz more than got hers when her child had to die so Sam and Jason could have a kid.  


Ron and Frank really can muck shit up, can't they?  "It's the Nurses Ball!  Except, well, budget, so it kind of feels more like a third of the cast got dressed up to come watch rehearsals for the Nurses Ball.  And they just all squished in at the handful of tiny tables that were there.  But, don't you worry, there will be some kind of shit about Spencer!"  

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