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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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This episode made me sick. So many people were just offensively awful. Like honestly no one, besides Michael, Olivia, and maybe Sabrina, was not awful in some way.


Why am I still watching this shit?


I'm sayin'!


I mean, look, I know characters like Julian are morally bankrupt, although not completely villainous either, but to watch him basically high-five Kiki (a niece he has never shown any interest in up until this story mind you) for successfully drugging Michael was sickening. Jerome family values for ya. Julian should be Team Michael -- pleased that Avery is not being raised by Sonny his so-called mortal enemy. Whatever. All of these "characters" are paper thin plot points anyway. 

  • Love 8
...suspect the reason Carly didn't go full tilt Carlybabes and eventually let Sonny call CPS is that when she finds out Morgan drugged his brother she is going to go nuclear.


I have no use for Sonny or Carly, but when they get wind of what Morgan and Kiki pulled, I can't wait to see them ream out Morgan. THAT will be a thing of beauty. Morgan is so being set up to be the ostracized son, and I'm loving it. 


It's amazing that I'm not only tolerating but actually enjoying Sabrina now that she's in scenes with Michael and away from Patprick.

  • Love 11

I must have missed the part where Kiki said she was going for custody (she thinks her uneducated, jobless butt is any better?). Admittedly, I cannot watch a full episode anymore because this show is trash and I really need to just stop 100%. I usually watch snippets of dialogue, get the gist and move on. The writing is simply too awful. 

Edited by BinkyMimo88
  • Love 2

Franco laughing at Michael doesn't bother me. It's heinous, of course, but so is Franco. He's acting totally in character. I'd be upset if he started worrying about people.


I'm sick of Ava insisting she needs to go to PC to save Avery knowing she'll be arrested. How exactly will that help Avery? It's all so STUPID. I'm also tired of her whining about being sick. Work on getting better. Stick with the chemo. Puke more in six months than you have in the previous years combined. But follow the process. It's there for a reason. Gah. She's barely trying. How will dying help Avery? 


Why am I still watching this shit?


Another T-shirt slogan.


I ignored the "We can't enable Michael" conversation. It was the only way not to stroke out. And the whole deal of the stroller tipping over could have happened any time. Everyone's acting like Michael propped Avery on the dashboard and went joyriding at 90 mph. And Olivia being blackmailed. OMFG. That makes me the most furious. It's dumber than Morgan and Lauren. "[Franco's] a terrible terrible person, Ned, but he's still a person!" I am without speech for that reasoning. Franco is a SERIAL KILLER, Olivia.


Liz isn't the only one who needs to see a shrink because her dealings with men is problematic.

  • Love 8

"[Franco's] a terrible terrible person, Ned, but he's still a person!" I am without speech for that reasoning. Franco is a SERIAL KILLER, Olivia.


I just decided to blame Olivia's compassion for Franco on pregnancy hormones. It's the only way to not have a rage blackout. Franco is filthy deviant diseased SERIAL KILLER and he deserves not a single ounce of sympathy or compassion. He deserves NOTHING but pain and misery for the rest of his worthless life. Stupid roach.

  • Love 7

I just decided to blame Olivia's compassion for Franco on pregnancy hormones. It's the only way to not have a rage blackout. Franco is filthy deviant diseased SERIAL KILLER and he deserves not a single ounce of sympathy or compassion. He deserves NOTHING but pain and misery for the rest of his worthless life. Stupid roach.


Olivia's enabled thugs for years. The only difference is, thankfully, she isn't screwing this one.

  • Love 4

ulkis, you're so right - Carly will NOT tolerate Morgan calling Jason a robot! Does the simpleton not know that his mom loves Jason most of all? I think (hope?) they're setting it up for Carly to side with Michael (and soon, Jake-with-a-memory) against Sonny and Morgan. Ideally, Morgan will come around because I liked the kid, but they've pretty much destroyed him so I'm not holding out much hope.

Look at Kiki, keeping secrets since nineteen ninety never! Julian better not make me hate him by doing something so stupid as defending KiGan. Or is it MorKi? Seems most of you are using MorKi, which suits me just fine because it's funnier and dumber-sounding.

I tolerate Sabrina so much more out of Patrick's orbit. I actually like her now and I'm not afraid to admit it. I hope she figures out that Michael was drugged, and soon. I remain rage-filled that they're doing tis to Michael right now. This story would have been just as good and probably even better if baby AJ had been with Michael for a few months before all this went down. But no, with this show, every storyline is either rushed, or drawn out way too long. It's called pacing, Ron, look into it!

Doesn't Luke know about Jake's identity and Robin's hostage situation? Is there any chance this whole awful story will be wrapping up soon?


Wrapping up soon? Hahahahahahahahaha! Thanks so much for the belly laugh- I needed it.

Why was the bartender fired?


I'm confused about that because I thought Olivia was defending the bartender today and trying to find her for (someone) to talk to, bit she was off that day. I don't think she's fired.

Sonny said that they should stop enabling Michael but when was the last time they enabled Michael?


When they didn't get mad at him for ordering hits as a 12 year old? That's all I can come up with.

The look of anger on Carly's face was scary.  LW played that beautiful including that poke in Morgan's chest as she said it.  I think Morgan peed himself a little there!

Yes. This is the Carly I know and love. Well, I don't love her as in liking her at all (we'll never have drinks), but I love how the character can have some depth and even some consistency, and I think LW plays Carly beautifully in those situations.

  • Love 3

Did the brain trust, Morki, even think to check the side effects of the medication that they slipped Michael? They really could damage his health.

that'd be funny if this show ever followed up on its stories much less actually dealt with consequences of things that happen rather than just racing on to the next shocking thing. Pssst, writers - the show will actually write itself if you let the characters follow their passion and then have to deal with the consequences of their actions (both good and bad).


I think my standards have fallen tremendously as I kind of liked that one fairly small action spawned lots of developments. They'll mostly be over by Friday's show but it's kind of nice that they tried. Gosh, next I'll be saying how Sonny's paaaaaaain is very important to me.

  • Love 2
He also gets to use soaps as a chance to degrade women. Haylee goes around town trolling for dick, because that's what a woman needs.


That's Ron's perception as to what a woman needs, and how she needs it.


Though I'm going to bite my tongue on exactly who Greenlee/Hayden really is.  The degradation to women in this particular aspect is incidental and not intentional.


The degradation of mothers as clueless nitwits or complete monstrosities is intentional.  That women can be almost simultaneously back stabbers and best friends (Maxie and Lulu come easiest to mind) is intentional degradation. That they are so often incompetent and ineffectual in the workforce is intentional. That they are liars and schemes is intentional. 


And it should be no mystery as to why the female demos are at an all-time low.

  • Love 5


Ava's defending Kiki, that how Michael won't let her see her to see if Avery's ok. Kiki's the reason the accident happened.


But Ava has no way of knowing that. It was perfectly logical for her to see things that way since she's not in full custody of the whole story. This storyline with Ava could have been good (especially with MW's acting), but the pacing is awful and Ron won't allow it to be seen other than 1x every third Thursday. It's sped up on top of that so that it makes no sense. I'm just ready for her to escape THAT DUNGEONHOLE. She already got worthless Silas to leave, her plan is working perfectly.



Oh, and Morgan called Jason a robot. Morgan is now pretty much dead to Carly, as opposed to merely just there taking up space to Carly.


I seriously thought she was going to slap him, and I would have so been there for it. Badmouthing Jason, Morgan? You don't know your mother very well. You're lucky she still let you breathe air.


Aside from Franco being a complete disgusting asshole who laughs at rape victims and babies falling down, I liked the Access PC stuff. I guess I'm going straight to hell (and now I'll have Drivin' and Cryin' in my head for the rest of the night). But Alexis freaking out while Julian couldn't care less, Carly being her usual Carly self: "Forget Olivia, get to Michael!"? Yeah, I enjoyed that.


I have such low expectations for this show though, it's ridiculous. No Spencer made it a pretty good day. LW was really good, and I liked the Ned stuff with Olivia. Really sucks that he's leaving. My only goal right now for this crapfest is story progression. If I can get that, I'll consider it a win.

  • Love 2

But I also can't see ANY of the Quartermaines wanting ELQ taken over by outsiders, they should all already be rallying together and around Michael.  I dunno why Jason leading the charge would make the difference.


I still HATE how stupid the show made off-screen Skye look, just handing her shares over to Luke.  I need her to storm into town, slap Luke hard across the face, and demand the shares back.


I think the deal is that Sam controls Jason and Danny's shares of ELQ. I don't know how much that is, but it's probably at least somewhat significant. Sam is Nik's cousin. Nik is a successful business man (and a prince) so some other shareholders might be swayed by his takeover pitch. If Jason comes back, he'll regain control of the shares Sam currently wields, and Jason would, of course, be Team Michael. I know this isn't a perfect argument, but I think it's the most we've gotten out of Show.


And while I know Michael is being drugged he still can comprehend he is not sober and should have self selected to be away from Avery not argue with everyone. I mean one time I drank 2 drinks not realizing high altitude makes you more drunk if you aren't use to the altitude and I stumbled down the hall to my room, but I knew I was drunk even though I didn't drink much. Just b/c it doesn't make sense for him to be so drunk he IS that drunk and should have made better choices. Sonny was trying to get him to see this and he refused to listen. So even though Morgan and Kiki are mostly to blame Michael does have some control over his own actions.


First of all, this is soap opera pharmaceuticals, so there's magic and pixie dust. Beyond that, though, I don't think mixing alcohol and certain drugs always ends up in a blackout. Sometimes, it ends up in aberrant behavior, and that's what (I think) the show is going for, here.


I keep expecting to find out that ELQ has some asset that is highly valuable, and they don't realize its value, but the LoD does.  Most likely, whatever it is can be used to further their evil plans.  I don't know what Helena has sold Nik on in terms of wanting ELQ, though.  I assume that, much like Kiki is going along with Morgan's plan and letting him think they're getting AJ back for Sonny, when she really plans on getting custody herself, Helena is allowing Nik to think that he's going to acquire ELQ and add it to his portfolio, when she really plans on either outright claiming it on her own or just raiding its assets to benefit her own agenda. 


When it was allegedly Bill Eckert and Jerry Jacks who wanted the shares, it was clear, the implication was the LoD needed a legitimate outfit, through which to launder their mob money. I have no idea what Helena (or Nik) is (are) up to, except that they've been stuck in a poorly written corporate plot, by someone who has no understanding of how corporations work, because he's a soap hack.


Am I the only one that thought he was acting drugged-like before he even started drinking? CD pretty clearly was playing it that way IMO.


No. I too thought he was acting off (even beyond the sneezing), but he didn't seem drunk, so I can understand why Sabrina wouldn't see it that way.


How old is Valerie?  If she was Molly's age, OK.  If she's Lulu's age, then um, no.  I get her mom being her whole family.  But not her whole life.  Girl went to school I am guessing.  Why wasn't mom pushing her to have more of a life?  Did Pat not get married?  Val said her dad left after she was born.  So her last name is Spencer?  Is this going to tie her to Shawn?  Or Jordan's first husband?  You know everyone has to be related.   If Bobbi is in her mid 50s, Luke is in his late 50s and Pat is mid 60s?  When did Pat have Valerie? 


I think the ages are all way off, now, thanks to this storyline. The actor who played teen Luke is 18. Okay, I can buy him as 14 or 15 years old. For the sake of my suckiness at math, let's call him 13, in the flashbacks, which occurred in 1963. Were wee killer Luke 13 when he accidentally killed his mother and then murdered his father, that would mean Luke was born in 1950. That would mean today, Luke is 65. I would say Patricia was a couple of years older than Luke, so let's say 67, and Bobbi looked to be about 7 in the flashbacks (I didn't look up the young actress to see how old she was; I'm just guestimating). 

The actress who plays Valerie is 28. Let's call the Valerie character 25, for reasons. So, yeah, Patricia would have had Valerie, while in her mid 40s. 



Why would CPS allow Morki to come with them when they removed AJ?


This is one of the easier things for me to accept. Yes, of course, there should have been home visits (with Michael, Sonny, and Kiki), but since Kiki had custody of her sister, until Sonny was pardoned, I don't think it's unusual for CPS to find bio family members who are capable of caring for a child, and who already have a relationship with that child. Sure, Kiki is mooching off Silas, right now, but to CPS, that means she's ready to be a full-time care giver and lives with a respectable, successful person. Also, she would get a stipend for fostering the child. I feel like we just got the shorthand version of the story.


If Morgan and Kiki do get Avery tomorrow, I desperately, DESPARETELY need the following to happen:


Morgan: We did it, now we can take Avery to Sonny.


Kiki: Not so fast, Captain.  I've decided I want custody for myself.  Thanks for helping, loser.


Me (pointing and laughing at Morgan): HAHAHAHAHA.


THIS! I so want this. Since Kiki is being so loathsome, I want her to go all the way. Screw over Morgan and Sonny, so that you can keep your baby sister away from the man who essentially kidnapped your mother, and who threatened her life at every turn. Then tell Morgan to suck it. They're not going to do this, though, because Kiki had the guilts over poisoning Michael. Suck.


The look of anger on Carly's face was scary.  LW played that beautiful including that poke in Morgan's chest as she said it.  I think Morgan peed himself a little there!


Laura Wright is so good in the Carly role, that she makes this otherwise unbearable scold, a pleasure to watch. She was great, today. When she was standing in that doorway, though, I wanted her to tell Sonny to suck it, and clearly stamp herself Team Michael. The Carly who lives in my brain would have done this. She's dishonest, flaky, irresponsible, but she has always been all about Michael (and way more than she has been about her other kids). I tried to coax her to walk out that door, but darn it, she couldn't hear me.



Since the Nina is missing from her hotel room, is she planning on grabbing baby Avery, again.


Of course.


Though I'm going to bite my tongue on exactly who Greenlee/Hayden really is.  The degradation to women in this particular aspect is incidental and not intentional.


I'm not following. Are you alluding to a spoiler? If so, can you spill in the spoiler thread?

Edited by General Days
  • Love 2


I'm not following. Are you alluding to a spoiler? If so, can you spill in the spoiler thread?


I think Francie was just referring to a certain word that is not allowed here.   Rhymes with snore?   Or the other one that rhymes with mutt?  Correct me if I am wrong though...I am a spoilersnore and haven't seen any indication she meant otherwise.


I think Ron, in his usual way, is trying to portray Hayden as a sexually empowered woman in the 21st century....but it's not coming across that way.  

  • Love 1

I could not do Show at all today, not even with FF'ding.  I could not watch Sonny bleating or Morgan crowing or Kiki breathing.  And Julian can just suffocate with his head up his own ass.  He's one nasty piece of work, setting up a hit, and has the gall to smirk about Michael......Franco Nina just die.  


Show left me with no humor, nothing today.  It's as entertaining as when Ron C. wrote a storyline about the sexual abuse of a mentally ill woman on OLTL and thought it was a LOVE STORY.


Damn - I would rather have seen more Luke today than this.  And that is just sad.

  • Love 4


I think the ages are all way off, now, thanks to this storyline. The actor who played teen Luke is 18. Okay, I can buy him as 14 or 15 years old. For the sake of my suckiness at math, let's call him 13, in the flashbacks, which occurred in 1963. Were wee killer Luke 13 when he accidentally killed his mother and then murdered his father, that would mean Luke was born in 1950. That would mean today, Luke is 65. I would say Patricia was a couple of years older than Luke, so let's say 67, and Bobbi looked to be about 7 in the flashbacks (I didn't look up the young actress to see how old she was; I'm just guestimating).

The actress who plays Valerie is 28. Let's call the Valerie character 25, for reasons. So, yeah, Patricia would have had Valerie, while in her mid 40s.

It's a little tough to follow the way the show recounts the tale.  I thought Luke said Bobbi was 6 when this happened.  So that makes Bobbi born in 1957.  Luke looked 14 to me, so I'd place him at 1949.  Pat was driving and able to live on her own so I'm guessing 17, which makes her born in 1946.    They should have had Valerie be a grand-daughter.  Then she could be much younger.


I do want someone to give Val another shirt.  That smocky looking top is super ugly.  Guess they want Val's transformation into smoking hot babe to be very dramatic.

  • Love 2

No, no. I 100% do not think they want us to hope Michael dies. That's a little much.


I just don't really think they have any particular attachment to most characters who weren't brought in under their own hand. I think if they believe the Michael-is-a-loser-like-AJ story gets traction, they'll go with it. 

I think Ron, in his usual way, is trying to portray Hayden as a sexually empowered woman in the 21st century....but it's not coming across that way.  


Ron doesn't write sexually empowered women. Sex is there to be dirty or punishing or shocking much of the time. I think we're mostly supposed to see her as some example of what a "bad" girl is - of course she's trolling for trouser snake, that's what makes her wild, etc. etc. 

  • Love 2


I do want someone to give Val another shirt.  That smocky looking top is super ugly.  Guess they want Val's transformation into smoking hot babe to be very dramatic.


Speaking of ugly wardrobes, what is up with what Kiki has been wearing lately? What, she doesn't suck enough, she has to wear ugly clothes too? Her shirts are hideous and just look wrong for her.

  • Love 2

  And Julian can just suffocate with his head up his own ass.




Hilarious! LOVE!! This really must be added to the warehouse of t-shirts. I also think people should be able to special order and substitute "Julian" for a character they especially loathe, and substitute "her" if the chosen character happens to be female. 

  • Love 1

But only your head exploded, right?  I trust that the rest of your body is fine.


No worries.  I was able to pull the remnants together and managed to watch the rest of the ep.  But Show owes me after that one!


The end of the show he and Carly were going on about how Michael was good and strong (and nothing like AJ! Nothing! Which you know means he has writerly* approval) and they needed to help him.


That business at the end, like they're going to stage some kind of intervention for poor, alcoholic Michael because his guilt and loss of his real, true family is overwhelming him, and they must show him their treasured love and understanding and forgiveness, was sickening.  Could they be any more unself-aware?


Also?  I cannot wait till they find out the truth of the situation and lop off Morgan's head.


Speaking of ugly wardrobes, what is up with what Kiki has been wearing lately? What, she doesn't suck enough, she has to wear ugly clothes too? Her shirts are hideous and just look wrong for her.


Back in the day, I worked with a man whose sister-in-law was on a couple soaps.  She was Carlo Hesser's niece on OLTL and Maggie Cory on AW.  He said that, as a non-A character on the show, she wore a lot of her own clothes on the show.  Don't know if that's universally practiced on soaps or if it is today, but it might explain nuKiki's sucky wardrobe. 

  • Love 3

I wish someone smacked the shit out of Kiki's smug face at the Q's. I can't wait until her and Morgan get thrown in jail for what they did.

Sabrina, those tablets are too big to be Zyrtec! I hope she figures it out. I'm really liking her scenes with Michael.

Franco was cute with Nina, and now he's back to being his dickhead self.

Is Ned really leaving? His cuteness with Olivia is one of the only things I don't FF.

I really liked Carly today, but would have liked her more if she told Sonny to shove it.

They can not kill off that bitch Kiki fast enough, Morgan maybe I can forgive. I don't know but that end look she gave when they came to take baby Avery away from Michael made me want her to DIAF. She now is ahead of Franco/Nina whom I am rather indifferent these days, Carly who has shown some self awareness for the first time in her life, and even Sonny who pisses me off on a daily basis.


Hear that tptb KILL HER OFF.

  • Love 2

Please tell me that Moki aren't getting custody of AJ?  How is that even remotely possible? Neither one of them has a job, nor any ambitions in life. Nor any money other than what their parents provide. How are they supposed to support a child??? And shouldn't there at least be some kind of hearing before CPS just waltzes in and takes the baby?

  • Love 2

They can not kill off that bitch Kiki fast enough, Morgan maybe I can forgive. I don't know but that end look she gave when they came to take baby Avery away from Michael made me want her to DIAF. She now is ahead of Franco/Nina whom I am rather indifferent these days, Carly who has shown some self awareness for the first time in her life, and even Sonny who pisses me off on a daily basis.


Hear that tptb KILL HER OFF.

I really don't get why shes around..

  • Love 2

Please tell me that Moki aren't getting custody of AJ?  How is that even remotely possible?


I think just Kiki is getting custody which probably makes sense. She initially had custody and is AJ's next of kin besides Sonny. It makes me sick though and I can't wait until these two assholes get found out, have AJ ripped away from them, and get thrown in prison. I mean, that probably won't happen, but in the show in my head it will!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

 That does it! When it comes to Morgan & Kiki, to quote Detox from RuPaul's Drag Race Season 5, "I've had it, officially!" Drugging/framing Michael was bad enough, but putting L'il AJ at risk is unacceptable, unforgivable and unconscionable. These bimbos may think that they're protecting L'ilAJ from Michael, but they're more dangerous to her than Michael could ever be. Michael, L'ilAJ and Heaven knows who else could've died because of Morgan & Kiki and while Kiki had a pang of conscience over what she & Morgan did for a split second, once CPS showed up, she got over it even faster than that.  When CPS took L'il AJ from Michael, it was both heartbreaking and infuriating-heartbreaking because of an evil plot & infuriating because the architects of said plot were smirking the whole time. Morgan & Kiki might as well have the word "Guilty" stamped on their foreheads-which, come to think of it, might be the first things they've ever had between their ears.


 In their infinite stupidity, Morgan & Kiki are delusional enough to think that they're superior to Michael, but the truth is they're no more better than Michael than Sonny & Carly were better than AJ. If anything, they're worse than Michael. At least Michael wouldn't stoop to drugging Morgan and/or Kiki to get what he wants. Morgan & Kiki couldn't care less about what they did nor whom they hurt, including Lucas, who could lose his job over this and the bartender who did. Morgan & Kiki should have the smugness killed off their faces. A good DA could not only make charges of reckless endangerment and child endangerment against Morgan & Kiki stick, if they wanted to make a case for attempted murder, that could work too. Morgan & Kiki shouldn't just be punished for their crimes; they should be destroyed. As for Sonny & Carly, for people who claim to "love" Michael, they're sure quick to assume the worst of him. In fairness, the video does make Michael look bad, but given how hard Michael fought for L'ilAJ, it's never occurred to them that his going on a bender now when he's got so much to lose is just a little out of character? As for Sonny's being so sure of Michael's guilt, he was sure of AJ's guilt re Kannie's murder and look how that turned out. Given that practically everyone from Carly to the Governor has enabled Sonny's behavior, he's got about as much right to judge Michael and Morgan, Kiki and Franco. Sonny might not like L'il AJ being with Michael, but at least he knew where she was and that she was safe, but thanks to Dumb & Dumber, even that's in danger now. Carly's kind of defending Michael almost makes me forget about her own enabling where Sonny's concerned-almost.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 7

 That does it! When it comes to Morgan & Kiki, to quote Detox from RuPaul's Drag Race Season 5, "I've had it, officially!" Drugging/framing Michael was bad enough, but putting L'il AJ at risk is unacceptable, unforgivable and unconscionable. These bimbos may think that they're protecting L'ilAJ from Michael, but they're more dangerous to her than Michael could ever be. 


These two mutant slugs don't even have the excuse of "protecting AJ from Michael" to fall back on.  They just didn't want him to have her.  He posed no threat, they never even claimed that he did.  The only "threat" Michael posed was after they drugged him.

All so Morgan can see that Sonny gets his girlchild.  As for Kiki's motivations, I guess we'd have to ask whatever rodent has taken up residence in her egg-shaped cabbage head.

  • Love 5
Sonny said that they should stop enabling Michael but when was the last time they enabled Michael?

When they didn't get mad at him for ordering hits as a 12 year old? That's all I can come up with.


Their enabling usually backfires, like when they insisted on covering up Michael killing Claudia when it was clearly self-defense. 


Michael has been coddled and indulged his whole life, which I find a type of enabling in and of itself. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

These two mutant slugs don't even have the excuse of "protecting AJ from Michael" to fall back on.  They just didn't want him to have her.  He posed no threat, they never even claimed that he did.  The only "threat" Michael posed was after they drugged him.

All so Morgan can see that Sonny gets his girlchild.  As for Kiki's motivations, I guess we'd have to ask whatever rodent has taken up residence in her egg-shaped cabbage head.


They could have done a much better job with Kiki's motivation.  If Kiki hadn't jumped on board Morgan's "Michael shouldn't have Avery!!" train until after he hired Sabrina as nanny, it would have, at least, made some sense.  You could have had Morgan ranting and raving about how awful it was while Kiki made some effort to maintain a cordial relationship with Michael so she could see AJ.  Then she goes over to visit one day and finds the woman who switched her mother's medications while pregnant, almost killing the baby, hired on as her new nanny, and she goes back to Morgan and says "you're right, we need to do something."  Of course, she still shouldn't be remotely OK with the idea of the man who held her pregnant mother hostage, taunting her about how he was going to kill her as soon as the baby came out, having custody of her sister.  Take away that element, change the reason for Kiki's buy in that Michael is unfit, and have her jumping on Morgan's bandwagon while privately plotting to be the one who gets custody in the end, and it makes some sense.  The drugging plot is still beyond the pale, but Kiki's motivations would make some damn sense.  


As for Morgan, while he's an idiot, at least we can kind of get that he's doing this because he is desperate to be Sonny's number one son.  

  • Love 12

Their enabling usually backfires, like when they insisted on covering up Michael killing Claudia when it was clearly self-defense. 


Michael has been coddled and indulged his whole life, which I find a type of enabling in and of itself. 


Michael has been coddled and indulged, but given the brain-trusts that raised him that isn't shocking. Sonny and Carly have always expected everyone else to understand and deal with the fact that they're both walking disasters, whether its because someone locked them in a closet a hundred years ago or because they didn't get to grow up in a house of ill repute. Because its totally reasonable to let those things define your entire lives. Jason is only slightly less culpable because Carly only got her fangs in his throat once Michael was born.

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