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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I hadn't thought of Scotty unmasking Fluke, but, yes, when you hate someone that much and for that long, you know your enemy.  (And if something were to keep him away from Lucy for awhile, I'd be much pleased.)


Brainpower aside in not being even a little bit doubtful when multiple people, including her son, tell her something's up with Luke, Tracy not realizing she's not with Luke doesn't speak well of either her connection with the real Luke or of his individuality in her mind.  (Or Bobbie, Lulu, etc. either.)  Fluke hasn't exactly been careful of keeping the Luke persona intact.  It is showing just how pathetically desperate she is to have Luke, any Luke.  That'll show Laura.

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Oh great, the brat pack is on again today.  I think Lulu and Dante need to babysit these kids for 10 minutes to decide if they really want more kids.


If Silas can pay for a hotel room for Rosalie, then why can't Neener live there, too?  Silas could give the excuse that a hotel is more wheelchair accessible.  Or is Neener supposed to never go to the washroom when Rosalie is off the clock?  Unless Rosalie is also staying at Silas' place and she changed clothes in the car(?) yesterday.

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The snotty kids camp was weird.


I didn't mind seeing them today. Now if we don't see them until the 4th of July, and then once more in August, that'd be fine. But alas. . . 



The scenes with Dr O and Britt watching the POWER POINT OF EVIL were silly, 


I thought it was funny and perfectly in character for Dr. O -- first, that she wouldn't understand that it was inappropriate and second, that she would prepare one to bond with her daughter. 



Yes Carly you are impulsive, stupid and a sociopath!  Oh, you totally suck as a mother.


I think the non-followup to how Franco got shaving cream on himself today was a perfect illustration of how Carly is NOT a mother.


And the sociopath part is really starting to ring true. It makes me uneasy that any character would consistently be written to speak so casually about killing another character as Carly speaks about Ava's impending death.* I think that kind of casual disregard for human life puts people pretty squarely in the nonredeemable villain camp. (see: Franco)  Carly spent way too much (of our) time on Heather's Underground Tour of Port Charles and Potential Murder Sites. It doesn't ring exactly true that she'd taunt someone else, even if it is Ava. Does sex with Franco give her amnesia?


 (*I know Sonny talks about killing Ava a lot, but I don't think anyone with a brain regards anything Sonny says as a real threat.)

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I think the only thing that could redeem Carly for me at this point is for her to say "Sonny, I didn't like AJ but you were very wrong in what you did and it's horrifying that he was pleading for you not to kill him and you still did", come clean to Michael, and take the tape to PCPD so they can prosecute.  Yeah, like that's ever going to happen.

Edited by statsgirl
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"A blueprint for triumph" might be the funniest thing I've ever heard on this show.  That whole power point was disturbingly hilarious.


I cannot wait until Michael finds out about Sonny killing AJ.  I think they're trying to build it up so that he will go absolutely ballistic, and I'm looking forward to see if they actually follow through.  My fear: The guilt/ stress is going to push Sonny over the edge, he'll have a breakdown, and he will somehow end up being the sympathetic character in all this.  I cannot abide that.


Joss is kind of cracking me up.  And I continue to like bratty little Spencer.  Especially with his "I'm on the list, in bold."  I know he's terribly obnoxious, but it rings kind of true for me - kids can be real jerks.  Although I hate him reaching out to Sonny, because I hate Sonny.  Overall, I don't mind the kids too much, but I do prefer to see them once every couple of weeks instead of the every day appearances we had a while ago.  

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I'm gonna go to RC's twitter and see if he quoted Spencer oh-so-relevant-and-up-to-date pop culture reference when he called Sonny:


Ugh, I don't know why I still follow him because when he quotes the show (almost every day) it pisses me off to no end.  Talk about patting your own back.  Yeah Ron, you are a frigging genius, all those lines you quote are AMAZING.  It's just so.....smug and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 


Becky is a stunning women, so I love how Dr O used the most unflattering picture ever to put up of Liz.  I am not even going to get started on the silliness of that power point.




"A blueprint for triumph" might be the funniest thing I've ever heard on this show.  That whole power point was disturbingly hilarious.

I cannot wait until Michael finds out about Sonny killing AJ.  I think they're trying to build it up so that he will go absolutely ballistic, and I'm looking forward to see if they actually follow through.


Obrecht's nuts but for one-liners alone she's a keeper.  Unlike Franco's dumb shit lines.  


I see the set up for Michael blowing sky high, but I'm afraid instead of angry, emotional confrontations galore w/cold turn his back on them for good, we'll  get him acting out in violence.  Basically, I can see Michael shooting Ava and Sonny and then that's how Sonny becomes sympathetic.  I want Michael's reaction in a way to be normal, like AJ is dead, there's no walking this one back so we can all be besties.  

Edited by sunflower
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I totally forgot that Patrick knows Jason is alive, but has to pretend that Jason is dead when talking to Sam!  Or, more accurately, I don't think I ever even made the connection.  I blame the show, even though I'm not sure how it's their fault.


On a show that writes their relationships decently, this could be the Big Secret that causes agita and a temporary breakup of the couple when It All Comes Out.  On this show, we'll have a, "Oh, by the way, I knew all along your husband was alive and never told you"/"It's cool" scene.  Or, the reveal will happen offscreen.


Although I am liking Nina, the problem with her storyline is that it's an umbrella storyline that centers around all new characters.  I don't are about the new characters because they haven't established themselves.  Do I care if Nina hates Silas?  No.  I don't know or care about Madeline, Rosalie, and I sure don't care about Kiki.  RC is desperate to stick her into any possible storyline.  So now I have a Nina storyline that involves her plotting against new characters that I don't care whether she hurts them or not.  I mean does anyone care if Silas, Madeline, Kiki die?  The only vet in that storyline is Sam, and she's a side character.


In all fairness, Silas and Kiki have been established on canvas for over a year now, so it's hardly like they are raw newbies.  Sam was getting major storylines written for her when she was on canvas for a far shorter time.


Michael/Maxie (Mixie?)




The kiddie triangle is driving me insane.  THAT is what is called wasted airtime, folks.


The kiddie triangle hits square on one of my pet peeves - I hate kiddie stuff in entertainment that is supposed to be for adults/young adults.  I hated the movie THE PHANTOM MENACE with the fire of a thousand exploding suns because we had to watch Baby Darth run around sucking up screentime that real actors could have used.  Plus, I can't shake the feeling that the kiddie quad is RC's way of pointing and laughing and japing at soap tropes and soaps in general, and nothing gets in my craw like people being paid quite well to do soaps looking down their nose at their own damn genre.  (It's one of the myriad reasons I hated Guza all those years).


I have long suspected Fluke turns out to be Damian Smith and not the oh so predictable Bill Eckhart.


Damian Smith or Bill Eckhardt, the problem remains that there is no character of the ones being heavily featured on the show who would realistically give two shits about the Big Reveal, and the characters that might be arsed to care are so far off the front burner they're freezing to death.  Might as well have it turn out that Fluke is Faison, at least that way half of the viewing audience won't be going, "Who?!?!" when the mask comes off.

Edited by yowsah1
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I genuinely want to know: does anyone like the kids and their storyline?


Because while there are stories, characters and actors that I dont like, I do see support for them here and elsewhere on the net.  I see none for the kiddies.  


I hate that they are desecrating Lila's name with this shit.  Its almost as bad as a child of Sonny's being named Lila (Sam & Sonny's daughter).  


Im so glad we have this place, because if it wasn't for all you all's amazing snark, I would have quit this awful, awful show a long time ago.  


ETA: im sure Liesl's first grade teacher will be giving her an A+ on that power-point presentation.  Her use of clip art was gold star worthy.

Edited by Tiger
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I hate that they are desecrating Lila's name with this shit.


It cracks me up that Lila's Kids sprang up out of nowhere, and we're supposed to think it's some established charity.


Sam whining about Silas was really aggravating. Pick up the phone, demand to talk to Silas without Nina present, and hash it out. If Silas won't do it, or he thinks you're a "possessive, insecure woman," dump his sorry ass and don't look back. It's not that hard. You just need to value yourself.


I enjoyed Michael unwittingly turning the knife in Sonny about AJ's death.


I liked the purple scrubs Britt was wearing. It was a great color on her.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Caught up to yesterday's show. Ugh. I gotta say, out of all the couples shown, I'm rooting for Nathan and Mac.  You have Sonny, with his potential baby mama/grandbaby mama who he's threatening to kill as soon as she gives birth, Franco who passive aggressively has his fee fee's all hurt because the woman he's dating has an ex-husband who is a giant child, Silas and Sam who are boring as hell and for reals Silas, make sure the nurse is in the house with your supposed invalid wife (who seriously needs to wear a t-shirt if she's going to wear yoga pants, that flowy top with the yoga pants just looked like American Eagle screwed up her clearance order and she decided to just go with it) prior to leaving on a date, and the grossest of gross, Levi and Maxie.  How long are we going to be subjected to Maxie with terrible guys? I think Levi is even worse than Spinnelli, in fact, I'm actually starting to long for those halcyon days when I had Spinnelli to hate.  On a show full of orange folk, he just manages to look dirty, like he got the tan in a can with the manager's special sticker on it.  He's showing some serious signs of becoming abusive (trying to isolate her from friends and family, and the "that's what I'm here for, you have me" barf speech when any decent guy would encourage her to try and repair her friendship with Lulu) and if RC and co. had any awareness they would explore that, but they'll probably just make him some bullshit con artist.  Sonny continues to be the absolute worst, and no one seems to have an issue with him essentially holding a pregnant woman hostage.  At this point I don't even care if it's a jealous Franco that spills the news about AJ to Michael.  I'm scared if no one does soon, that the storyline will just get dropped entirely and I want to see Michael go scorched earth on the assholes that raised him.  

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I would choose Liz or a "Liz Type" on 999 out of a 1000 days but there is something oddly appealing about an Amazon Britt type.

I think the actress who plays Elizabeth is luminously lovely and obviously bathes in virgin blood, but as a (admittedly heterosexual woman) I think the actress who plays Britt is far more sexually attractive. Not sure what it is. Height and build, probably, but I also tend to be more attracted to stronger, bolder facial features in men and women. I could buy a man or a woman finding Britt more physically attractive than Liz.

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I want to see Michael go scorched earth on the assholes that raised him.


It seems like Ron is allowing other voices to note how horrible Sonny is while still allowing all stripes of characters to exist on the show.  Of course, Mac doesn't have a story, but the GH writers wrote the line about Sonny being a self-glorifying narcissist thug.  I don't see how Sonny gets out of this once the truth comes out.  Dante lied about being shot by Sonny, but will Michael just be fury without justice?  Maybe he'll just become full Q with manipulation and banter edges?  I don't know if that's in CD's wheelhouse.  As someone here noted, he is so Eeyore.  

Today's show was a hot mess


See, this is what I get for being so nice about yesterday's show. Today was massive suckage everywhere you looked. You guys know how I always try and usually find one thing to enjoy. Today was like looking for an engagement ring in the Atlantic Ocean. Just not going to find it.


Ugh, I guess I'll go with Sam dumping the Silas/Nina mess to go off with her new guy, Patrick. Don't judge me, but I had a dream about Samtrick last night. I dreamed we were floating down some river in inner tubes to get to an appointment to find out about who ran the car off the road. And I told them how jealous all the other Samtrick fans were going to be. I'm blaming that piece of chocolate cream pie I had last night right before I went to bed.


Off to read the rest of the snark on today's show, because you guys are so much better at it than me.

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I don't think KA and CD were that great as Starr and Michael.  The potential was there due to their character backgrounds, but Starr was just boring as a character.  She lost all her spark the minute they made her a teenage mother, imo.  So when they teamed her with Michael, they were basically this "old married couple" already, and RC (as always) rushed them together.


I agree with all of that. But I still think the pairing had real potential, as did her character for improvement. I don't, however, think Nathan and Maxie really work - they're functional, I guess, but though they are both relatively grounded, Nathan does not have the rich history or layers to the character of a Michael. Ryan Paevey's a nice, sexy hunk who can barely act and I've seen Kirsten Storms try to carry those men before on this show; she can't. What's the upshot of that pairing? Lucy and Ricky antics as Officer Nathan tries to keep Maxie from coming to the show at the Copa? They have a sweet rapport but as for a serious love story, no, I don't care about them. It's a waste of her time and mine AFAIC, beyond it being a transitional thing as Maxie's character continues to grow and mature a little.


As for Nina and what others have been discussing, I think Michelle Stafford had a great spooky Friday reveal and then immediately went back to doing zany wacky off-brand Phyllis with the line repetition and all her screwball tics in full bloom. As winning as her flow with the actress playing Rosalie is, comedy is not the way to go with this character right now; I don't care about wacky, goofy Nina on top of wacky, goofy, crazy Obrecht or wacky, goofy, crazy Heather. They went too broad too fast, which is what Ron always does now. Rosalie can stay, but I am already exhausted by Comedy Crazy Nina the same way I was by the late-years Phyllis on Y&R. This is not the proper use of Michelle Stafford's talent - this is just both her and the writers being self-indulgent. This should've kept it at 'holy shit - this chick is scary nuts.' That would have kept me interested. The way Janet Green/Jane Cox did on AMC in the mid-'90s - Robin Mattson was terrifying.


Levi I still can't tolerate, to be honest.

Edited by jsbt
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Could words like campy, silly, and a waste of time be used to describe Dr. Obrecht's "How To Recapture A Cassadine" PowerPoint presentation?  Probably.  But sorry/not sorry, I loved it.  The cheesy graphics.  Dr. Obrecht's delight in scheming with her daughter and using multimedia software to do so.  Britt's brief sadness at seeing Ben/Rocco and then her horror at seeing the picture of her and Patrick in the shower.  The rapid cuts between the worst picture of Liz/Rebecca Herbst ever taken and Britt in a bikini.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, if we must see Britt scheme to get Nikolas back, keeping it light like this is definitely the way to go.


But Britt and Dr. O both missed the obvious plan, when Britt was commenting on Liz being Nik's damsel-in-distress and how that played to his princely, chivalrous side.  They should have come up with some kind of scenario where Nikolas had to rescue Britt!   I mean, that is partially what attracted him to her in the first place!  But recognizing how Sabrina's relationship with Emma worked to her advantage and deciding that Spencer was the way back in (especially since Spencer likes Britt and would rather his father be with her than his hated cousin's mother) was pretty smart.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I agree - they make Kelly Thiebaud look like crap on a regular basis on this show.  Whoever does her hair and makeup should be fired.  But, that's largely what contributes to my feeling that Britt is not even in Liz's league - the character looks like crap, and kind of frumpy, most days.  


OK, and there's the teeth. She's much prettier when the teeth aren't fully exposed.  

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I have a longer post on a more sure fire plan for Britt to get Nik back, but I'm tired. With Britt vs Liz, even though they have similar hair and eye color, I feel they have two different types of beauty and are equally stunning in their own right. I think that Britt has some what more exotic and yes Amazonian look to her while Liz seems more of an english rose type beauty. 

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The Nina already seems so stale and pathetic to me, and her story is only just beginning. Everything about all of that is just wrong.


They tried to pep it up with Rosalie's smart remarks. If I were Sigh-less, I would throw them both out of my place immediately. If he fires Rosalie, Nina can hurt herself and claim it is his fault. If Rosalie stays, he is in for enduring more smart-ass remarks from her.


Silas is being set up, but all he has to do his use his trump card of being a physician. He fell into the trap when he didn't summon the EMS with 911 when Nina fell. He really did a disservice to Sam by dumping their date. Today I saw a little smile on his lips that made me think he is on to the Nina/Rosalie games. And his point about physical therapy for Nina gave her a scare and painted him as a doctor acting and thinking like a doctor.

It makes me uneasy that any character would consistently be written to speak so casually about killing another character as Carly speaks about Ava's impending death.


It bothers me that more and more characters on this show talk about the death of others so casually and vindictively. Sonny, of course, used to speak the same about AJ. Duke is still adamant about killing Joolian Jerome. Carly snarls like a wild beast and spews spoken wishes to kill without a thought to the possible aftermath and consequences.. Puke gets joy out of imagining the killings he plans to organize methodically. Human life gets cheaper by day on this show. Some days I have to take a break and get away from this putrid atmosphere.

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Damian Smith or Bill Eckhardt, the problem remains that there is no character of the ones being heavily featured on the show who would realistically give two shits about the Big Reveal, and the characters that might be arsed to care are so far off the front burner they're freezing to death.  Might as well have it turn out that Fluke is Faison, at least that way half of the viewing audience won't be going, "Who?!?!" when the mask comes off.

I so agree, as I said Lulu (Dante)-Scott-Tracy-A returned Lucky (or Ethan)- Bobbie-Anna (and yes even Sonny) would need to be up front if Fluke is Smith. If it is Damian I would love a scene where Ned says "You were going to kill me? I'm the only one who showed up at your funeral you son of a bitch."  But of course it won't happen.

I genuinely want to know: does anyone like the kids and their storyline?

I kind of like them, although I wish they weren't doing the love stuff so heavy handedly.  But kids that age do have crushes and "girlfriends" and can be pretty over the top with it.  Caveat: I like them in small doses.  I do not like when they are on every day.  But I like having the kids involved because it can have adults overlap that we don't normally see - like Patrick/ Nik.  


I genuinely want to know: does anyone like the kids and their storyline?


Nope. Love kids got one of my own but I don't need to see them on my soaps.


I keep thinking one way they could have fixed the Nina mess is after we see her grinning like the Cheshire cat on that reveal at Danny's party the next episode it could just be a woman that looked like her, Silas is rattled and Sam and they're like "did you see that"? "um yeah pretty freaky". They both say. And theNina and her shitty story line will never be heard of or seen again.


Also in my mind Sam notices Patrick for no apparent reason from the corner of her eye looking hot and she's like uh Silas, I gotta go. Silas is stunned for a minute then he gets a phone call its Bo Buchanan and he wants John back in the LPD. Silas snaps out of it and realizes who he really is. And then he jets off to Llanview never to be seen or heard of again. TheEnd




What kind of advice on women could uncle Sonny possibly give Spencer? "One thing you have to remember Spencer, women love it when you throw barware at them and call them whores. It's how they know you really love them."


   "And if all else fails, just shoot them in the head, preferably during labor."



Levi got so much more interesting this week. I like him as a bad character because he's playing it well.


Not to me. I believe that the best villains have the element of surprise going for them sometimes and since I've never liked or trusted Levi in the first place, he doesn't even have that going for him. The more shit Levi pulls or tries to pull on Maxie, the better it'll be when Mac and/or Nathan finally take him down.



I genuinely want to know: does anyone like the kids and their storyline?


                Only when it involves Joss torturing Franco.



Damm it, I want Franco to tell all of PC that Sonny killed AJ. I just hope that they do not hold up that reveal until Nov. sweeps. I need it to happen now.


  I want Sonny's killing AJ to be exposed too, but not if Franco's involved because that would make Franco look like a hero and given all his own crimes including covering up his knowing the truth but keeping it quiet for Carly's sake, that shouldn't happen. Just because Franco hates Sonny, that shouldn't mean that he deserves a free pass himself. However, I agree that the truth should come out way sooner than later and when it does, Michael should not only cut Sonny and Carly out of his life for good, Michael should do to Sonny what Tyrion Lannister did to Tywin in the Game Of Thrones finale.

Edited by DollEyes

Silas is stunned for a minute then he gets a phone call its Bo Buchanan and he wants John back in the LPD. Silas snaps out of it and realizes who he really is. And then he jets off to Llanview never to be seen or heard of again. TheEnd


No, off-screen Natalie needs to be free of JohnMcBain for good!  Jared's back from the dead!  Liam is really Brody's!  John McBain doesn't exist!  #lalalalacanthearyou


When are TIIC going to realize that Michael Easton is not all that and a bag of chips?  I can't believe I'm again being subjected to a story where his character is being fought over by a variety of women who could do better.

Edited by TeeVee329
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They should have come up with some kind of scenario where Nikolas had to rescue Britt!   I mean, that is partially what attracted him to her in the first place!  But recognizing how Sabrina's relationship with Emma worked to her advantage and deciding that Spencer was the way back in (especially since Spencer likes Britt and would rather his father be with her than his hated cousin's mother) was pretty smart.


I hate anything that brings more Spencer to my screen. Using a kid is pretty low, even if it's classic soap. I don't want this to become a Britt vs. Liz showdown. We already have the nascent Sam vs. TheNina, and it's really boring to me.

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I hate anything that brings more Spencer to my screen. Using a kid is pretty low, even if it's classic soap.


Oh believe me, I'm not advocating for more Spencer, but like I said, it makes sense that cozying up to him is the way to go and I think Spencer will be all for Britt being back in Nik's life if it keeps Liz and Cam out of Wyndemere.  But oh god, if Spencer asks for Britt's help with Emma in return, I may punch my TV.


Previews...Dr. O's disgusted eyebrow pop when Franco asked for a job was delightful.  No doubt she'll give him one because this show hates me so I hope she has him mopping floors with his tongue.


I want Sonny's killing AJ to be exposed too, but not if Franco's involved because that would make Franco look like a hero and given all his own crimes including covering up his knowing the truth but keeping it quiet for Carly's sake, that shouldn't happen. Just because Franco hates Sonny, that shouldn't mean that he deserves a free pass himself. However, I agree that the truth should come out way sooner than later and when it does, Michael should not only cut Sonny and Carly out of his life for good, Michael should do to Sonny what Tyrion Lannister did to Tywin in the Game Of Thrones finale.


The only benefit I see from Franco being the one to spill the secret is, it breaks up (at least for a little bit) Cranco.  And, as the only time I have liked Franco since he's been on the show was when he and Carly were having it out on Tuesday.  I loathe the slagbeast with him (and him too, nine times out of ten), but she is so fucking blind to what Sonny is, it drives me CRAZY!  And, at the very least, one psycho (Franco) can see another (Sonny) from a mile away and will call him out on it.   

Oh believe me, I'm not advocating for more Spencer, but like I said, it makes sense that cozying up to him is the way to go and I think Spencer will be all for Britt being back in Nik's life if it keeps Liz and Cam out of Wyndemere.  But oh god, if Spencer asks for Britt's help with Emma in return, I may punch my TV.


Previews...Dr. O's disgusted eyebrow pop when Franco asked for a job was delightful.  No doubt she'll give him one because this show hates me so I hope she has him mopping floors with his tongue.


How very Toddian.


Ugh, I don't know why I still follow him because when he quotes the show (almost every day) it pisses me off to no end.  Talk about patting your own back.  Yeah Ron, you are a frigging genius, all those lines you quote are AMAZING.  It's just so.....smug and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I hope I did this right. I am so Computer illiterate. re-Ron can't pat himself on the back, his hands  are in the way. Even when he is stealing other writers lines. Still on the barge.

Edited by testardo
fixing quote box

Jinkies, you guys, could Rafe have had something to do with Patrick's accident?  These hints are so subtle!


Oh Dr. O, girl, you let me down today.  And ack, that fucking egg sandwich painting again.  Kill it, kill it with fire!


Shut up, soap opera trope of a character seeing their loved one innocently hug someone else.

Edited by TeeVee329
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So, I don't mind the idea of Lila's Kids. I don't think it desecrates Lila's name, and I think it's sweet that the show continues to remember an actress/character who's been gone for years now. Moreover, the actual kids don't really bother me either. Am I enthralled by the love lives of Spencer, Joss, Emma, and Cam? Hardly. Am I going to storm the GH studios because of it? Unlikely. That said, I do have to wonder what segment of the audience the story is being written for. Perhaps the writers assume that the grandmothers watching the show will find the kids precocious? 


(I would, however, storm the GH studios for whoever thought it was a good idea to put Alice in cargo shorts. Why those haven't been outlawed yet, I'll never know. Perhaps we could get Mayor Lomax to sign an executive order to make it happen?)


I'm thrilled that the atrocious Egg Salad Sandwich painting is out of the Q living room. It looked out of place and cheapened that entire set. It irritated me to no end. Let Dr. O hang it in wherever she's living and let's never see it again. 


And finally... mmm, Nathan. And I stand by my statement that Levi would actually be attractive without that mop on his head. At least put it in a pony.

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Really gross thought here...I think they may be setting up another round of Sonny and Carly.   There has been too much rehashing of their history over the past few days.  When the Sonny shot AJ and Carly knew about it reveal happens the sh*t will hit the fan.  No one will have anything to do with them. They will only have each other in their "grief" (because we all know neither one of them is capable of feeling shame or disgust by their own behavior ), and turn to each other yet again. 

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Maxie choosing to be with loser Levi when Nathan is an attractive, single, kind/supportive guy with a respectable job reminds me of Brenda or Slagbeast - or any woman really - choosing Sonny when Jax was available. Although Jax obviously has factors like high intelligence, lots of $, and lots of charm in his favor as well. Does. Not. Compute.


I could be wrong, but I'm under the impression Dr. O thinks of this "Win the Prince" idea as Britt v. Liz in the same way she thought of herself v. Anna Devane. She sees Anna as beneath her for a bunch of reasons, and figures hey I never "won" but Britt can because "that Webber girl" is just a lowly nurse, not a child of brilliant people, won't wear a bikini like Britt, and isn't adored by Nik's son like Britt is.  

  • Love 2
I think they may be setting up another round of Sonny and Carly.


I think their increased time together is to cause the dramz for Franco and Carly, and if Ron wants the AJ secret out now rather than later, to facilitate Franco spilling those beans. If Carly can forgive Sonny for shooting her in the head while giving birth, forgiving Franco for spilling the AJ beans is nothing. Franco and Carly may be temporarily estranged, but I don't see a serious Carly/Sonny reunion happening. That doesn't rule out StupidSex, of course. Those two will always find a dumb reason to fuck.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I could be wrong, but I'm under the impression Dr. O thinks of this "Win the Prince" idea as Britt v. Liz in the same way she thought of herself v. Anna Devane. She sees Anna as beneath her for a bunch of reasons, and figures hey I never "won" but Britt can because "that Webber girl" is just a lowly nurse, not a child of brilliant people, won't wear a bikini like Britt, and isn't adored by Nik's son like Britt is.  


I definitely think that was Dr. O's motivation for pushing Britt towards Patrick.  She wanted her daughter to have what Anna's daughter had.  But I don't think she sees Nik as the same kind of prize, she just wants to have a relationship with her daughter and helping her with this seems to be her foot in the door.


Oh Liesl, was it only six short months ago that I sat enthralled with your jailhouse rendition of "Oh, Tanenbaum"?   First you made that stoopid PowerPoint presentation, then you revealed yourself as a Franco fan!girl, and then you trashed talked Monica.  Three strikes, you're out!


HP once again stole the show.  If she isn't on contract she should be.  And they need to give Molly a friend and recast Rafe.  HP and TRi could be surrounded with other great actors for a legit teen sceen.


I love how awake Sam is around Patrick and how much greenery there was.  


It's too bad Nathan didn't get to clock captain douchebag right in his big douchey face.  Have I ever mentioned that I think Levi is a douche?


ETA: if and when they do recast Rafe, can it please with be with someone who isn't bedazzling themself with jewelry from the Justin Beiber collection?  

Edited by Tiger
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HP once again stole the show.  If she isn't on contract she should be.  And they need to give Molly a friend and recast Rafe.  HP and TRi could be surrounded with other great actors for a legit teen screen.


Agreed on HP today. For me, she's really hit it out of the park with this storyline, which I wasn't sure she'd be able to do. I think she's certainly earned whatever screen time and stories she gets in the future, and I hope TPTB have taken notice. That said, I wouldn't be disappointed if her voice dropped a couple octaves. 

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