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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I think that tree was sorely missing from the strip.

They should have had him up there, with his bandaged head.  It wouldn't be any more silly than anything else on this show.

Oh, why is Jordan dropping Anna's charges?  Why isn't she a suspect in Carlos' death?  She was fighting with him on the docks and tried to kill him before.   But then I'm still wondering how the airbag went off in the prison van if they didn't hit anything, and how Dante got underneath the van, and how one person can lever a van off of an unconscious man and pull him out, all the while holding the van up. 

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My sister was in the room when I watched this. When Franco started singing she got up, said 'goodbye,' and left the room. LOL! When he got on stage with Jake I thought surely they won't have him actually sing. I assumed at the very least RoHo would put up a fight on that one. And then it happened. I can't anymore. I just really fucking can't. Also why the hell was Jake wearing pajamas? The whole thing was almost worth it though for Laura's, 'Oh Liz you're so stupid and pathetic' face.

The strip tease was so embarrassing but it was adorable in it's embarrassment. Literally not a single one of those guys can dance lmao!

Jordan is awful. AWFUL. Hayden is trying to report a crime to you and she looks super distraught while doing it so maybe do your job. I hate her so much. Andre is a pointless character with no personality but he deserves better!

Speaking of this Hayden/Nik mess, seriously what are they even doing? A couple days ago they're sexily wrestling and now Hayden seems scared and wants to tell all and Nik is basically abusing her like what are they going for with this whole thing? I honestly can't.

Honestly I'm pissed about Lucas being killed/injured but in general I am actually intrigued by this murder mystery thing.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Franco being the one to "help" Jake began irritating me on many levels as soon as he stood up at his table. But all of that paled once Jake began singing and RoHo kept screwing around with the microphone. All I could think at that point was that he was actually trying to upstage a kid. 


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19 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Oh, why is Jordan dropping Anna's charges?  Why isn't she a suspect in Carlos' death? 

I wondered that, too!  On what grounds, Jordan?  Not to mention I thought Anna was gung-ho to accept responsibility for her actions.  But, it was not a stellar night for our Police Commissioner.  Here's a tip, Jordan:  When someone comes up to you saying she has info on a crime, don't tell her it's a bad time and not the right place.  Hand her off to a detective.  If you're too busy to tear yourself away from the ball.  Oy.

Loved how Griffin managed to learn the Magic Wand number in five minutes flat, and lucky they had a tearaway tux that just fit him!  Man's a quick study.  Must be how he got to be a surgeon and a priest.  Maybe he can take up the Police Commissioner's job, too.

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Maybe it's because I've been away from this show but I'm actually enjoying the ball. I like nuJake and who was the guitarist singing with him? He was great.

Jason and Sam still make me hurl. 

Lucas better not be dead.

Kiki and Dillon are still sparkly, especially with the fancy clothes.

I will never be embarrassed to like the Magic Milo stuff every year. It's cheesy and makes me laugh.

Edited by twoods
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5 hours ago, ByaNose said:

That said, I don't recall any of my priest becoming a doctor. Maybe, that's what the people of PC out. Has GH ever done a Thorne Birds Priest bedding a damsal in disress storyline? I know that Days did one but he was drugged and that's a whole other story. LOL!!!

Lol!! The Thorne Birds version of Catholicisim is right up GH's alley.....

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7 minutes ago, twoods said:

 I like nuJake and who was the guitarist singing with him? He was great.

Yea, who was that? Is he someone famous or something? When he started singing with Jake I was like ok then random guy. Also kinda bizarre that two grown men were singing with a child tbh. Especially coming on the heels of Griffin saying he was 'falling in love' with Emma.


Maybe it's because I've been away from this show but I'm actually enjoying the ball.

I am, too. I've loved all the recent ones I don't care!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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@peachmangosteen, I was just going to write that exact post! Jake's pajama's! Laura's face! All the guys deciding that since they can't dance, clapping and push-ups is good enough! I could have overlooked Curtis and the nunchucks (because Curtis, shirtless, you know what I'm saying), but Griffin ... gyrating or whatever will appear in my nightmares forever.

Jordan has no detective skills at all. I'm pretty sure Nik could have shot Hayden right in front of her and she'd still be like, "please, this is my personal time."

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Just now, fishcakes said:

Jordan has no detective skills at all. I'm pretty sure Nik could have shot Hayden right in front of her and she'd still be like, "please, this is my personal time."

I would actually love something like that.

Bleeding Victim: Someone just shot me!

Jordan: ...do you not see me enjoying some coffee and the new People?

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So, Carly stole a sex tape?  Like Ava would be embarrassed by that.  She openly admitted to banging her daughter's boyfriend.   Also, it doesn't cancel out Sonny being Sonny.   I'm disappointed.   Carly has done better without trying.  Then again, it is Morgan's kid, so who cares?  

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2 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

All the guys deciding that since they can't dance, clapping and push-ups is good enough!

The clapping. The clapping! I was rolling.

Just now, TeeVee329 said:

I would actually love something like that.

Bleeding Victim: Someone just shot me!

Jordan: ...do you not see me enjoying some coffee and the new People?

This should definitely happen. I mean it kinda just did in today's ep with Hayden but still I want this exact scenario.

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2 minutes ago, Chairperson Meow said:

So, Carly stole a sex tape?  Like Ava would be embarrassed by that.  She openly admitted to banging her daughter's boyfriend.   Also, it doesn't cancel out Sonny being Sonny.   I'm disappointed.   Carly has done better without trying.  Then again, it is Morgan's kid, so who cares?  

I read that as Carlos's sex tape. I got excited. 

Edited by Mrs OldManBalls
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9 minutes ago, Mrs OldManBalls said:

I read that as Carlos's sex tape. I got excited. 

I imagine there is probably a Carlos/Ava sex tape.   Carly can't handle that.  Maybe in the 90s, but not now.  Sigh.   I wish he'd haunt the town.  

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1 minute ago, Chairperson Meow said:

I imagine there is probably a Carlos/Ava sex tape.   Carly can't handle that.  Maybe in the 90s, but not now.  Sigh.   I wish he'd haunt the town.  

Now there's a ghost I could get behind! … um,  I mean on top of … or under …

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Robin must have known when the Magic Milo number was coming up. Just before it, Emma announced that they were going home to watch the rest of the Show on TV with  Mac and Flea. So was poor little Jakie left to catch the whole sexy Milo number? I thought it was inappropriate for kids Emma and Jake to be wandering around a dimly it ballroom where alcohol was flowing freely and must have been tempting on the empty tables. Spenthaw Cassadine would have taken full advantage.

Loved that telescoped shot of Ava sitting atop the toilet in her ballgown and looking annoyed that Carly had stored the flash stick contents "in the cloud". But c'mon, is Carly savvy enough to know what the cloud is, much less actually use it effectively?

Did Alexis ever make it to the ball? I don't recall seeing her or Julian or Sonny Himself.

It was odd that at such a media event we didn't hear about myriad tweets flying to the internet. For example, each time another exciting couple appeared on the red carpet, I'd expect Lucy to tweet her snarky thoughts too without missing a beat.

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Is this just Sonny/Carly's MO? When they procreate with people they don't like and then want the other parent to go away they just find something to blackmail them with so they'll give up custody of their children?

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I admit, I did laugh when Ava took off her earrings and shoes.  But lame fight. 

Loved Jason holding Sam's hand pretty much the entire episode.  Meh on Nikolas suing him.  But I would much rather watch Jason vs Nikolas than Jason vs Franco. 

Speaking of.....who the fuck thinks it's a good idea to have their traumatized troubled child song onstage in front of a bunch of strangers?  And nothing on why Cameron, who has been in the NB before, wasn't there performing with him?  I know it's all a stupid ass plot point for Franco to "save the day".  Yes Liz, go fuck him now that he quacked with your kid.  It makes the torture and sexual assault from his past seem silly in comparison.  He is a peach now who sings!  And catches you when you trip!  In flip flops!   I will never understand why these writers seem hell bent on pairing a rape victim with someone like Franco.  Never.

Emma and Ned were cute.  The Magic Milo routine was hilariously awkward. 

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Aside from what all of you have said about this show (which I haven't watched in over a decade) why did they bring Kristina back and have her come out and then do nothing with her. Based on the clips I've watched she's only gotten about 8 minutes of screen time each week if that.

Seriously every soap needs to be canceled because most of these actors aren't that good. If they were they'd already be out of this genre especially with the advent of peak TV.

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7 minutes ago, maraleia said:

Aside from what all of you have said about this show (which I haven't watched in over a decade) why did they bring Kristina back and have her come out and then do nothing with her. Based on the clips I've watched she's only gotten about 8 minutes of screen time each week if that.

Seriously every soap needs to be canceled because most of these actors aren't that good. If they were they'd already be out of this genre especially with the advent of peak TV.

I think there are a couple good ones, although they aren't showing it lately. A bunch of them did get work before and after they came on to the show and when they left it. But soaps are steady. I've seen more than one actor swear up and down they wouldn't stay past their first contract and then re-sign.

They had Kristina comr out because they wanted some quick buzz, give Sonny something to react to and because the EP has the attention span of a fly. 

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2 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

So, Carly stole a sex tape?  Like Ava would be embarrassed by that.  She openly admitted to banging her daughter's boyfriend.   Also, it doesn't cancel out Sonny being Sonny.   I'm disappointed.   Carly has done better without trying.  Then again, it is Morgan's kid, so who cares?  

Is a sex tape supposed to cancel out that Sonny threatened to kill Ava in open court? Or how his past behavior makes this credible since he killed AJ, which would be a serious factor if this was a show where common sense existed? You'd think committing murder (which he went to jail for, regardless of the later pardon) would be more of an issue for a judge than two adults having sex.

She could have brought up potentially using the audio tape where Sonny admitted to the car bomb that nearly killed Kristina (which the PCPD should still have). Or Sonny shooting Carly in the head while she was giving birth. One sex tape pales in comparison.

Hopefully, Avery doesn't become the new MyKill and the writers don't drag this story out for years (assuming this show even lasts that long).

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Lol.  Quote of the day from Carly during Toilet Fight "That's what you get for using your baby as a bargaining chip;". Um,  ahem.  Because you don't?  Ever met Michael?

Matt Cohen needs to be in a suit always.  He is goregous AF. So is Curtis.   Meow.  

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29 minutes ago, Lobsel Vith said:

Hopefully, Avery doesn't become the new MyKill and the writers don't drag this story out for years (assuming this show even lasts that long).

Too late for that!

Maxie has the magic touch this week. Just like Robin/Maxie yesterday the Dante/Maxie bit reminded me of old interactions. Dante's face had the proper amount of alarm someone should display at a NB number.

Obrecht kinda looks good in scrubs.

Oh, Gentle Folk Singer Franco. 

I think the men joking around backstage after the number was the most I've enjoyed a Magic Milo number.

Anna saying "can I come with you?" when Emma said she was leaving was funny. 

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Up until the Magic Milo number, I was thinking the idea of the Nurses' Ball was that people are held prisoner and exhorted to give money to make the acts stop. But all the guys kind of rocked that. It was fun.

I had been creeped out by a grown man and a little girl duetting on "Don't Go Breaking My Heart," though. There are some songs that are okay for that wide an age discrepancy, and they didn't find one. 

Am I wrong in wishing we had seen Liesl's number? How could it have been worse than "Nurses! Welcome! Welcome to the Nurses' Ball!"?  

Coming so soon on the heels of the controversial, gruesome murder of Will on Days of our Lives, what appears to be happening with Lucas is a disturbing trend. Are soaps, which have dipped into serious presentation of gay characters, retooling for Trump's America?

If Jason is going to make pissy faces over Franco's relationship with Jake, maybe he could, you know, get off his ass and be of some help when the kid freezes on stage? When was the last time Jason even had a scene with Jake that wasn't about territory-marking with Franco?

Maura West was great today, and I loved Ava's initial indifference to the sex tape. I wish she had said, "It's just a shame you didn't find the ones with Morgan." Carly's head would have exploded. In fact, that would be a good stall for the blackmail.   

That catfight between Carly and Ava had a promising lead-up, but was surprisingly lame. I really thought LW and MW would bring it. I hope it's okay to put this here, from a different soap, but they should look to two sistahs to see how it's done. People still talk about this scene 25 years later, and the show wasn't even that widely watched.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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The way of Jason is to hold the door and pout.   It's his thing.  That and Chinese food.  Damn it, Lucas.  You couldn't text your man?  You're getting married.  If my boyfriend did that on our wedding day, he'd better pray for death because I'd Corinthos his ass.  

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TPTB need to watch yesterday's DOOL with Jennifer, Jack and the meeting. I haven't really cared for Jenn in years, and yet I teared up. Mostly because of seeing Matthew Ashford, but eh.

 And that's what a show is supposed to do. I can't remember the last time GH made me tear up, but it certainly didn't involve any of the characters FV considers his "leads" or "stars". It was probably the hospital stuff with the Qs. I don't care if it was worms on the brain. Nothing else that has happened recently has moved me emotionally, even a little bit. Isn't that mostly the purpose of a daytime DRAMA? To give us feels?


35 minutes ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Lol.  Quote of the day from Carly during Toilet Fight "That's what you get for using your baby as a bargaining chip;". Um,  ahem.  Because you don't?  Ever met Michael?

And if could like this a thousand times, I would.

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2 hours ago, mybabyaidan said:

Speaking of.....who the fuck thinks it's a good idea to have their traumatized troubled child song onstage in front of a bunch of strangers?  And nothing on why Cameron, who has been in the NB before, wasn't there performing with him?  I know it's all a stupid ass plot point for Franco to "save the day".  Yes Liz, go fuck him now that he quacked with your kid.  It makes the torture and sexual assault from his past seem silly in comparison.  He is a peach now who sings!  And catches you when you trip!  In flip flops!   I will never understand why these writers seem hell bent on pairing a rape victim with someone like Franco.  Never.

And again, what's irritating about the show expecting us to swoon and get all gooey about Franco being so good with Liz's son Jake is we're supposed to forget about Franco kidnapping Liz's son Aiden when he was minutes old and dropping him off with his crazy adopted mom with every intention of Liz never seeing him again.

Edited by TeeVee329
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31 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

TPTB need to watch yesterday's DOOL with Jennifer, Jack and the meeting. I haven't really cared for Jenn in years, and yet I teared up. Mostly because of seeing Matthew Ashford, but eh.

 And that's what a show is supposed to do. I can't remember the last time GH made me tear up, but it certainly didn't involve any of the characters FV considers his "leads" or "stars". It was probably the hospital stuff with the Qs. I don't care if it was worms on the brain. Nothing else that has happened recently has moved me emotionally, even a little bit. Isn't that mostly the purpose of a daytime DRAMA? To give us feels?


And if could like this a thousand times, I would.

Is he Ghost Jack or did they bring him back from the dead .... again?

Bringing it to GH, I haven't watched today's show yet. That's all I got.

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1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

And again, what's irritating about the show expecting us to swoon and get all gooey about Franco being so good with Liz's son Jake is we're supposed to forget about Franco kidnapping Liz's son Aiden when he was minutes old and dropping him off with his crazy adopted mom with every intention of Liz never seeing him again.

And add even more to the irritation is that Jason and the woman he loves for now get to be all self righteous about who Liz is seeing (when they finally go there) AGAIN and they'll actually Be right to do so. I HATE being on their side. I hated watching Jason and she who shall not be named get all smug and condescending every time they saw Liz and Ric  back in the day- and that was before the stupid panic room thing when his only crime in the beginning was ...gasp...hating Sonny and I don't want to see that ish again.  I just......I dislike Jasam and I hate that I would agree with them giving Liz the wtf are you doing look with Franco.  From the few comments on here grudgingly admitting that they have chemistry I say BH's chemistry magic is working again, they need to put her skills to better use.

OH! And I just saw the scene where Jason talks to Liz about Franco and the "eventually were going to talk about that. OK?" Jason never talked to her like that. No matter how pissed he got he was never that disrespectful. Shut up Jakeson.

Edited by MissL
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Oh, I don't begrudge admitting RHo and RHe have chemistry. He and LW had it too. But it's not enough to overcome his mess of a character.

Edited by ulkis
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14 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Is the subtext now that Nik is or could be soon abusive to Hayden to keep her quiet? Because that is the vibe I got from their scenes today, and it made me uncomfortable...

Nikolas has already been an abusive husband. 

Anyway, speaking on the Nurses Ball, I thought Emma's performance with Ned was too cute for words. Ughhh, I hate that Brooklyn can't be on more often. Jake's stage fright was cute, but I should've guessed they would use it to prop Franco. 

Speaking on whoever is doing the killing at the hospital, I had the thought that Obretch is doing it to frame Finn. But perhaps Obretch and Finn are both too obvious? I just hope Lucas ends up okay, because if there's anyone who doesn't deserved to be killed off, it's him. Whatever the outcome, the effect it will have on Julian should be interesting, considering the collapse of both his life and marriage with Alexis atm.

Edited by teenj12
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7 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

And let's get real - you know the SERIAL KILLER Carly spent a year banging had her do something freaky in bed.

They took that grotesque post-sex selfie. That was bad enough.


Hopefully, Avery doesn't become the new MyKill and the writers don't drag this story out for years (assuming this show even lasts that long).


Supposedly, they're wrapping this up soon. I'm not sure what it means by Ava makes a decision regarding Avery, but I pray it won't send me into a blinding rage. Who the hell am I kidding?

Suffice it to say, I hated today. Every day, I don't think I can hate Carly more or see her limit on smugness. I was gravely mistaken. And her hair is annoying the hell out of me.

Ned/Emma were adorable, but I hate that song.

The guys were all kinds of awkward. Cringeworthy but funny at the same time.

I wanted Killon to get a little more alone time to sparkle before Morgan shows up and starts pouting.

Aw, look at Curtis coming to rescue his BFF/future friend with benefits.

Do NOT get me started on this Franco shit.

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1 hour ago, MissL said:

OH! And I just saw the scene where Jason talks to Liz about Franco and the "eventually were going to talk about that. OK?" Jason never talked to her like that. No matter how pissed he got he was never that disrespectful. Shut up Jakeson.

As a general rule, I hate Jason in any form, but if he was acting like a douchebag to Liz, she has more than brought it upon herself. And I also have no use for Sam, but Franco literally let Sam think she was raped and carrying his spawn so he could mess with Jason. He strapped Lulu to a fucking bomb. So if Jason has issues there where Jake is concerned, I can't blame him at all.

Which makes me feel dirty considering what Jason is. But there it is.

Excuse me. I need to shower now, having defended Jason. Ick. Ptooey!

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2 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

Up until the Magic Milo number, I was thinking the idea of the Nurses' Ball was that people are held prisoner and exhorted to give money to make the acts stop. But all the guys kind of rocked that. It was fun.

I had been creeped out by a grown man and a little girl duetting on "Don't Go Breaking My Heart," though. There are some songs that are okay for that wide an age discrepancy, and they didn't find one. 

Am I wrong in wishing we had seen Liesl's number? How could it have been worse than "Nurses! Welcome! Welcome to the Nurses' Ball!"?  

Coming so soon on the heels of the controversial, gruesome murder of Will on Days of our Lives, what appears to be happening with Lucas is a disturbing trend. Are soaps, which have dipped into serious presentation of gay characters, retooling for Trump's America?

If Jason is going to make pissy faces over Franco's relationship with Jake, maybe he could, you know, get off his ass and be of some help when the kid freezes on stage? When was the last time Jason even had a scene with Jake that wasn't about territory-marking with Franco?

Maura West was great today, and I loved Ava's initial indifference to the sex tape. I wish she had said, "It's just a shame you didn't find the ones with Morgan." Carly's head would have exploded. In fact, that would be a good stall for the blackmail.   

That catfight between Carly and Ava had a promising lead-up, but was surprisingly lame. I really thought LW and MW would bring it. I hope it's okay to put this here, from a different soap, but they should look to two sistahs to see how it's done. People still talk about this scene 25 years later, and the show wasn't even that widely watched.  

There never was a better cat fight in daytime. These two actresses went full throttle & didn't pull (actually, they did) punches. This was when Vivica A. Fox was at the top of her HOTNESS. I agree the Carly & Ava fight could have been much more but with budget cuts there is only so much you can do in a 4x4 room, as they were using. on GH. 

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Was Val wearing her dead mom's wedding dress?

Felix has grown on me. I enjoyed him today. He was the best dancer of that motley crew.

Jason, if you are so concerned that Franko is twisting your already twisted kid, perhaps you should spend some quality time with him.

I wish that TPTB splurged and hired JJ to appear as Avery Barkley from Nashville.

Edited by Lillybee
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18 hours ago, ulkis said:

Oh, I don't begrudge admitting RHo and RHe have chemistry. He and LW had it too. But it's not enough to overcome his mess of a character.


And LW had much better chemistry with SK and a much more interesting, compelling potential story with Carly/AJ

The problem with Liz/Franco is the same issue most people had with Carly/Franco. She would never get involved with a man who had facilitated the rape of her child/kidnapped her newborn. Franco has specifically harmed most of the people in this town and the bullshit, half-assed "redemption" RC gave him just made it worse.

Whichever idiot (RC or FV) decided that RoHo should be Franco should be punched in the balls HARD - because he and BH do have chemistry and if he had been Scott/Heather's ne'er do well son, I would be ALL OVER THIS but I cannot and will not with Liz/Franco. And it's not even romantic chem, really, but they are interesting in scenes together

Edited by Oracle42
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18 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:


And LW had much better chemistry with SK and a much more interesting, compelling potential story with Carly/AJ


The problem with Liz/Franco is the same issue most people had with Carly/Franco. She would never get involved with a man who had facilitated the rape of her child/kidnapped her newborn. Franco has specifically harmed most of the people in this town and the bullshit, half-assed "redemption" RC gave him just made it worse.

Whichever idiot (RC or FV) decided that RoHo should be Franco should be punched in the balls HARD - because he and BH do have chemistry and if he had been Scott/Heather's ne'er do well son, I would be ALL OVER THIS but I cannot and will not with Liz/Franco. It's not even romantic chem, really but they're interesting in scenes together

The good thing is that Liz and Franco's disgusting self will be contained or I hope so. 

Yeah it sucks that Liz and Jake are stuck propping a childish/serial killer/rapist flop of a character but better her than someone I like. 

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28 minutes ago, Jazzy24 said:

The good thing is that Liz and Franco's disgusting self will be contained or I hope so. 

Yeah it sucks that Liz and Jake are stuck propping a childish/serial killer/rapist flop of a character but better her than someone I like. 

Not for me. Why does this Liz fan have to suffer. Keep Niner and Freako together. Can't Liz get with Ric again? At least he never kidnapped any of her child, only Carly's.

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2 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Yesterday was not a good look for Jordan. I really need for her to go back to shooting mobsters instead of this whole police commissioner thing. 

Yeah.  I don't know why all commissioners suck.   Just hire Robert S Woods or better yet get a picture of him and say a guy from PA transferred.  Just let Dante handle the day to day, when Sonny gets arrested, they let Nathan take over.  No police anything should hear "I have important info on a crime! " And say "Nope, make an appointment, I'm trying to have cocktails and outsex a former spy.  ". 

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This opinion won't be popular, but it has to be said as part of the record. I didn't like the Ned/Emma number or the Freako/Jake non-song (seriously, neither can sing, and the music had no melody--just a series of chords that most amateur guitar players could perform and write). Neither act was cute or worth sentimental regard. 

Emma hit some painful cringeworthy notes, at times giving out a Jonbenet Ramsey vibe, and even Ned wasn't lip-syncing carefully. At past balls, an even younger Emma was dancing a version of the tango, which has a sexy reputation in the dance world. This year, she was asking rude questions a few hours earlier about the priest's romantic life. In short, IMO Emma is being rushed into womanhood when it's not likely that she's hit puberty.

At least some viewers were uncomfortable in the past when the show tried to make romantic quads and triangles out of the young prepubescent folk of Port Charles. Additionally, children don't belong at a sleazy, steamy, dim-to-dark gala like the Nurses' Ball, with booze flowing freely at the tables and women fighting in the powder room while male strippers undress in public on stage amid catcalls.

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13 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Loved that telescoped shot of Ava sitting atop the toilet in her ballgown and looking annoyed that Carly had stored the flash stick contents "in the cloud".

Was Ava barefoot in that scene? It looked like it. She lost her shoes in the struggle? 

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3 minutes ago, Mrs OldManBalls said:

Was Ava barefoot in that scene? It looked like it. She lost her shoes in the struggle? 

I believe she kicked them off along with her earrings. Pre-fight SOP. 

Does the show even realize, in their effort to prop Freako, that leaving Clark and Andy in the basement with a mummified Grams is NOT a good look for Liez? And having Freako be the one to say something about letting a traumatized NotDeadJake sing in front of a bunch of grown folks ALL BY HIS DAMN SELF was just the icing on the bad mother Liez cake. I don't understand why they're not even trying to redeem her and Prince Douchebag. They fucked up. Played God with people's lives. To have them still act like it's no big deal does neither any favors. I could've possibly started to like both of them if they showed any true remorse whatsoever. But that's par for the course nowadays I guess. Uncle Frank really is an incompetent asshat of the highest order, ain't he? 

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