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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Thanks, ulkis. I never knew how to do the through line.


Olivia and Julian are trying to be civilized for Leo's sake.

I know that, I just mean, I don't think Olivia would choose to have dinner with them, given what's going on with Dante.


She probably decided her adult son can mope around without her being there. Besides, they haven't talked onscreen yet about his cheating, have they? She's only told Lulu not to act rashly. Too late, Liv!

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Too funny how Sam is acting all "You're the One!!" to Patprick now that she saw Liez and Jason sweep out of the Cassadine mansion together without a look back for her. Back home, she was falling all over herself to give ole Patprick a tongue job, and he was foolish enough to believe it. But since the actor is rumored to be leaving PC soon, perhaps the character will find out soon enough that Sam's affections can't be trusted, and all Jason needs to do is crook his finger at her.


Sam and Liez are so man-crazy that when one searches for their personalities, there's no "there" there.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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I know it's just a preview, but I just wanted to slap Valerie's face. Does she even bother to call before she shows up at Dante's? For all she knew Lulu could be there and even if she weren't, how does she not get that she needs to keep her distance if she wants Lulu and Dante to reconcile - as she pretends to want?


Valerie doesn't appear to have any shame or decency. I'm confused as to why Lulu hasn't beaten Val and Dante's asses yet. 

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I know it does not belong here but rest in Peace Adam Chandler (David Canary) somewhere, you and Edward are playing poker with Asa and Palmer

Now there's a show that wouldn't be a waste of an hour, unlike this mess.

Actually did Skye ever talk about Adam while on GH?

Edited by Gigi43
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 to caged black 'dogboy' Gabriel Devane - 


Who is Gabriel Devane?


I remember Anna had a twin sister Alex, and she had a son Aiden, but I don't remember any other Devane's.  



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is true and I STILL don't care about fuckin Konnie but Olivia should loathe the woman who shot her cousin in the stomach and left her to bleed out


Ava may have shot her, but Sonny is the reason she bled out.  It took him out 38 minutes, and two phones, to dial 9-1-1.

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I mean, I don't blame her, but I'm confused as to why she is actually there in the first place. Olivia would/should be baking pies for Dante and spending it with him, not having awkward family time with Julian and Alexis.


I get why Olivia hates Ava. It's definitely justified. It's just like I said, it's not her house, so she shouldn't be slamming the door on anyone.


I believe when Alexis extended the offer, Olivia said she didn't know what everyone would be doing so she and Leo would drop by Alexis and Julian. So I can imagine she'll do like Michael and Sabrina and spend her Thanksgiving with both families.



Wait wait wait wait. I ff'ed the Morgan scenes. Did they claim Dante and Lulu cheating triggered his manic episode??? the fuck??? Yeah right!


I was only half paying attention, but I think Dr. Maddox might have asked Morgan about some bad events in his life/happening around him, and he listed Dante and Lulu's situation as one thing.

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Wait wait wait wait. I ff'ed the Morgan scenes. Did they claim Dante and Lulu cheating triggered his manic episode??? the fuck??? Yeah right!

The break up was just one more stressor in a list of things that have happened recently to Morgan and his family; no one was blaming Dante and Lulu's split at all.

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I get why Olivia hates Ava. It's definitely justified. It's just like I said, it's not her house, so she shouldn't be slamming the door on anyone.


Meh. If Michael slammed a door, any door, in Sonny's face - I'd throw a fuckin parade so I'm not going to fault Liv for behaving normallly for once when faced with a murderous asshole

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Is Carly being written wildly out of character (again!) or is she being a hypocritical bitch (uh, again)? Is it because with AJ, when doing that, was a threat to completely controlling Michael and her taking Kiki's side allowed her to stick it to Ava.

While AJ's alcoholism was raging and difficult for him to manage, if stupid Jason didn't jump into his car, AJ would have been the only one hitting that fucking tree (and the Q grounds no less) and maybe that would have enough of a wake up call. Kiki, drove drunk on public roads and nearly killed Carly and could have hit some innocent stranger. Both situations were equally bad, but CarSon had to the need to destroy AJ of his drunkness, but Kiki gets the happy Thanksgiving?

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Well, I for one am glad Sam isn't going to wait around for Jason.  I am not a SamTrick fan, but I'd rather have that than any more of that plane nonsense where Liz and Sam fight like they are adolescent girls. 



Too funny how Sam is acting all "You're the One!!" to Patprick now that she saw Liez and Jason sweep out of the Cassadine mansion together without a look back for her.


Jason actually did look back at her while Liz hilariously dragged him out of there.


Dante was a HUGE tool today.  Lulu has every right to not trust you.  He should be groveling, not acting like he was the wronged party.  What an ass.


And I see the PC time suck has occurred once again.  Maybe Cassadine Island is in another realm, and Jason, Sam and Liz were only there for a day while 3 weeks passed in PC.


And I don't ask for much, but I NEED to see Sam at the Jeromes for at least a minute on Thanksgiving.  I want her with her parents, sisters, and brothers all in one spot.

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Well, I for one am glad Sam isn't going to wait around for Jason.

I dunno. I think she's OOC right now to service whatever ridic drama is coming next. I just don't see Sam giving up on Jason after like, a week, memories or no memories. I don't see her ever telling Patrick that he's #1 and being real about it.

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Although I've never personally experienced the famed rage blackout, I think I came close today.  Do they begin with shaking your head from side to side and yelling "No, No, No" at the tv and feeling something boiling up inside you while something beyond comprehension is on the screen (like Sonny pontificating as if he is an actual patriarch)? 


I think my hands are shaking now as I even recall that.  I.cannot.believe. that anyone associated with the show would think viewers would want to see the abomination that was on the screen. Or to think the Michael would be there instead of at the Q's.


Yes, and, I swear, today when he was just sitting on the sofa and smiling he still had more screen presence and personality than many other actors on the canvas. 

Sign me up for the Carlos Fangirl Club now. 


JVP deserves so much better than GH. I think he's so entertaining, and I think he loves playing Carlos.

Valerie doesn't appear to have any shame or decency. I'm confused as to why Lulu hasn't beaten Val and Dante's asses yet. 



They de-spined Lulu a long time ago.  A shame too, because if any chick on this show other than Ava and Liz needs a beating, it's Valerie.

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I would also love to hear the explanation of how he survived being shot in the heart and then multiple times after that.


CARLOS:  "So, while I was lying there bleeding out from all my bullet wounds, Helena..."


::Cut to commercial break::


CARLOS:  "... and that's what happened!"


^^^  This joke will never get old  ;)

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I liked the Carlos/Sabrina scenes. I mean if I think even a little bit about it the whole thing is annoying and sucks, but Carlos is fun and I like TeCa/JVP together.


The only person I've ever liked Sabrina around is Carlos. He just really draws some fire out of her, whereas every other single scene she's in puts you into a coma. I missed hearing him call her "Querida", and she rolled her r's once today when she said his name (I missed that too). But yeah, he can feel free to usher her off the screen. I don't need her back either.



Olivia and Julian are trying to be civilized for Leo's sake.


I'm sure that's giving you a rage blackout, dubbel zout.



Oh man, and she'll probably go on some "I can't eat with the woman who killed my cousin!" rant when she was more than willing to bang said dead cousin's fiancée  slash the guy who shot and almost killed her son.


This cracked me up, so thank you. I'll try and think of this post when I'm busy trying to tear my eyes out tomorrow at these scenes.


The entire Corinthos family is just so gross. I seriously cannot believe they really are trying to tell us that they're the Waltons. Kiki being all buddy buddy after what Morgan did to her was nasty. So was her kissing Carly's ass. They warned us of all of this kind of thing, but to actually see it on screen like this is nauseating.


Bring on Johnny, I need someone here who despises Sonny as much as I do.


I can't see any reason for what they're doing with Patrick/Sam except pissing off the Jasam fans.

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All of that is true and I STILL don't care about fuckin Konnie but Olivia should loathe the woman who shot her cousin in the stomach and left her to bleed out on the floor


Olivia didn't seem to have much of a problem screwing Sonny in the same exact spot that Connie bled out on the floor. If it were just Ava, I could understand it more. But she's holding Avery. An infant, for god's sake. For all of her religious preaching she does, she doesn't exactly walk the walk.


Wait wait wait wait. I ff'ed the Morgan scenes. Did they claim Dante and Lulu cheating triggered his manic episode??? the fuck??? Yeah right!


When Morgan started listing all the things that had happened to him and his family, I kinda went WTF at this one. He barely speaks to Dante, and he hasn't said one word about them breaking up. And was that list supposed to make us feel sorry for Morgan? Because I don't.

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Who is Gabriel Devane?


I remember Anna had a twin sister Alex, and she had a son Aiden, but I don't remember any other Devane's.  

Gabriel Devane was Anna's and Alex's half brother. He was in his early 20s when they were about 40. He was half black/half white and had a darker copmlexion.  He was already on canvas when Anna showed up and I think they wanted to make Alex/Anna and Gabriel connected to give them more family.  But he left soon after Anna showed up.

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The break up was just one more stressor in a list of things that have happened recently to Morgan and his family; no one was blaming Dante and Lulu's split at all.


ah, okay, thanks.

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Missed pieces. Did Sonny mention  how grateful he was that he managed to get away with murdering (and I mean murdering) AJ, covering it up and  only had to suffer a few beatings from Johnny's goons and what like 3 months in prison? How he know has the governor in his back pocket that he shamelessly calls in for favors (though it did backfire on him this time).

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Why didn't Carly say, "Ava, give Avery back to Sonny and I'll withdraw the charges against Kiki."   Outside the cop shop, of course. 

I'm still going on about Hayden's bullet in the head.  I know the PCPD is inept, but wouldn't the crime scene people check for other slugs?  What is the point of needing Shawn's guy to look into it.  The entire garage should have been already checked.

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All of that is true and I STILL don't care about fuckin Konnie but Olivia should loathe the woman who shot her cousin in the stomach and left her to bleed out on the floor

She should also loathe the asshole who couldn't figure out how to call 911 if you spotted him two numbers.

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I just can't with the Corinthos Family Hour show. I wish Krissy would be spending the day with her mother and her sister. BTW where is TJ? I hate that show has devolved into All About Sonny All the Time.

I hate that the one good thing Ron did...turn Michael against Sonny...was trashed. :/

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Well, I for one am glad Sam isn't going to wait around for Jason.  I am not a SamTrick fan, but I'd rather have that than any more of that plane nonsense where Liz and Sam fight like they are adolescent girls. 




Jason actually did look back at her while Liz hilariously dragged him out of there.


Dante was a HUGE tool today.  Lulu has every right to not trust you.  He should be groveling, not acting like he was the wronged party.  What an ass.


And I see the PC time suck has occurred once again.  Maybe Cassadine Island is in another realm, and Jason, Sam and Liz were only there for a day while 3 weeks passed in PC.


And I don't ask for much, but I NEED to see Sam at the Jeromes for at least a minute on Thanksgiving.  I want her with her parents, sisters, and brothers all in one spot.

I wasn't watching super closely but I noticed that Sam looked great in those blue jeans.  And I think she wore them on the 8 hour flight to CI, had them on in Helena's room, flew home in them for another 8 hours, not including airport and ground transportation time, and then straddled Patrick while wearing them.


When I fly oversees I wear comfy clothes and then I change when I arrive at my destination. 

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All of that is true and I STILL don't care about fuckin Konnie but Olivia should loathe the woman who shot her cousin in the stomach and left her to bleed out on the floor


Olivia was having an affair with Konnie's boyfriend at the time so it wasn't like she had much respect or positive feelings towards her cousin; neither did Sonny.  Ava did shoot Olivia.  They might be nice people in real life, but Olivia, Alexis, Ava, and especially Carly need to either be removed from this soap or their point-of-view toned down.  If I have to watch middle-aged women - give me FH and GF any day of the week.   However, yesterday's episode of the Corinthos clan celebrating Thanksgiving at the 'hospital' was a horrific reminder of the fundamental problem of this show - Sonny Corinthos.

Edited by sunnyface
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Show came thisclose to having Sonny singing the Thanksgiving Song, but having Kristina "What Mother? I have sisters? Of course! One - Jossalyn!" Corinthos along with Michael "Sonny is my true and only father" made it just as bad.


No Q-Pizza episode, I assume. No wait, Sonny and his family get a full T-Day dinner. In the hospital! *rageblackout*

Edited by NutmegsDad
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I hate that the one good thing Ron did...turn Michael against Sonny...was trashed. :/



Ron gave us Joe Jr and Tracy, right? If he did, that's two good things. But he, Frank, or someone else, ruined the potential themselves of that pairing, so I guess it cancels itself out.

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Olivia and Julian are trying to be civilized for Leo's sake.

I'm sure that's giving you a rage blackout, dubbel zout.


I vastly prefer this to Olivia idiotically keeping the stupidest secret on GH. WTD stories are my least favorite of all the baby stories. So dumb, and it makes everyone look reckless and irresponsible.

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The Jason story has actually been moving at a good-paced speed since the Jake Doe is Jason Morgan! reveal at the wedding happened, now that I think about it. It's just that it's been more than a year since Robin's kidnapping and the car accident, and the fact that Liz has known and been lying for nine months, that is dragging at along and just makes me want her to be outed already. (And it cracks me up that Sam and Spin found out Jake Doe's identity in, like, two days, once Jake said he got serious about wanting to know his past for Elizabeth's sake)

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I had to take my kitty for her annual vet visit yesterday, so missed most of the ep.  I'd already had enough trauma for the day so did not On Demand it.  Reading here, I'm looking but not finding...  Did the show offer any explanation for Carlos still being alive?

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Are Cam and Aiden in the attic again? As soon as Jake spawn returned those 2 were history.


I wish Sam was with her sisters. I need more Davis girls scenes.


The first words out of Valerie's mouth today was "my mom". Of course.


Dante and Valerie kissing, Yikes. Whyyyyyyyyyy.

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Dante has been Patrick'ed. Not that he hasn't already been pretty much. But I'm just sitting and staring (at recaps) wondering who the hell is this person? Dominic Zamprogna playing some random dude.

Edited by ulkis
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Are Cam and Aiden in the attic again? As soon as Jake spawn returned those 2 were history.


It's really gross, Cam and Aiden being inconsequential now that the spawn of Jason has returned.  What would have been the harm at having them come along to the Q's?  Or, hell, have them on-screen with Laura and Lulu instead of having poor injured Audrey return home from Vienna and get drafted right back into babysitting.


In other news, I'm all done sticking up for Valerie.  Girl, stop.

Edited by TeeVee329
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