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S06.E13: Season 6 Finale Special - Check Up With Dr. Drew, Part 1

Tara Ariano

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  On 10/1/2015 at 2:21 AM, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Thank goodness for Miranda. She'll do the job that the host of this reunion should have been doing for years. Hopefully they show Jabba the Dawn's blowup.

Oh, but poor poor Leah!!! She's anxious and depressed!! She just needed that intense (rehab *coughcough*) therapy and rest cos she forgot to care for herself, y'all!!! *facepalm*


Gawd I can't wait for Miranda to call that bullshit on camera. Sad Panda's head might explode.

  • Love 8
  On 10/1/2015 at 1:36 AM, asemumma said:

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think Kail looks great at this reunion. 


I can't say I buy all of the "I'm not jealous" stuff, but she looks beautiful.

I think she looks really pretty too. When she doesn't let her stank attitude take over her face, she can be pretty.

Jenelle is just a waste of oxygen. Logically I understand why they always have to coax back the person who stomps off stage, but I just want them to be ignored. And not pay them for their finale/reunion appearance. Because that's what would hurt them the most.

  • Love 6
  On 10/1/2015 at 2:18 AM, charmed1 said:

Drew went hard on Jo for some reason. As if Jo owed HIM child support.


I know, what was that?  Jo is one of the good teen dads.  He moved to the state of Delaware to be close to his son.  What young guy does that?  He has always been there for Isaac.  Why was Drew so obsessed with Jo not working?  He's obviously paying his bills.  Shut up.  And shut up Javi.  You don't pay extra for adding Isaac on to your medical FAMILY plan.  It's the same amount whether it's 1 kid or 2 kids.  If there are co-payments, ask Jo for that amount.   


And then he speaks to Jenelle and shit head like they are a real couple who can work things out if they just seek therapy!  Idiot.  And Drew informing Barb that Jenelle wants more custody?  Too bad.  She's not getting it.  Barb has permanent custody until Jace turns 18.  Jenelle can petition the court to vacate the guardianship if she can show the situation has changed.  BUT IT HASN'T.  If anything the domestic violence has probably increased in her life.  She's as unstable as ever. 


And Jenelle claiming that Kaiser is never witness to it?  Who does she think she's kidding?  Can't they roll back the tape at this point and show otherwise? 

  • Love 15

Still Team Jo over here. I was happy to see that Kail/Javi/Jo/Vee all agreed to play nice on the reunion show. Sure it made it a little boring, but I really didn't want to see them going at each other. I don't know why it bothers me the most when they fight. And Javi sure had a lot of shit to say when Jo wasn't out there, but when Jo was he didn't say much. Unless it was all cut out. One part that Kail did kind of make me mad was when Jo said that she'll care about his child when she gets here. He's right! Kail should care about and for Isaac's sister. I always see Jo making an effort to play with Lincoln and hold him and interact with him. I'd bet that Kail wouldn't show Jo and Vee's daughter that same attention because she's so hung up on herself. I hope that she heard what Jo was saying.


I hate Jenelle so much, man. I try to cut her some slack sometimes, but she doesn't deserve it. She was a sorry ass mom at 16 and she's a sorry ass mom at 21/22. I don't have any hopes that she will stop being a sorry ass mom any time soon.


Nathan is a sociopath.

Edited by MitaJo
  • Love 10

Wait.....so Jo is in school today? And not working. Just like Kail?

Yet he gets roasted by Drew about it and not Kail.

And of course Janelle only cries over loser guys and not her own son.

  On 10/1/2015 at 2:41 AM, Lemons said:

I know, what was that?  Jo is one of the good teen dads.  He moved to the state of Delaware to be close to his son.  What young guy does that?  He has always been there for Isaac.  Why was Drew so obsessed with Jo not working?  He's obviously paying his bills.  Shut up.  And shut up Javi.  You don't pay extra for adding Isaac on to your medical FAMILY plan.  It's the same amount whether it's 1 kid or 2 kids.  If there are co-payments, ask Jo for that amount.   

Javi gets free healthcare in the military. They don't pay shit for it.

Even if they had to, now they'd be on a family plan with Lincoln so he wouldn't be paying extra anyway.

  • Love 8

Jenelle was on stage how long before she mentioned one of her kids?  A very long time! I had to keep reminding myself this was filmed in July so they haven't seen it all yet.  


I'm still on Jo's side.  I can't stand Javi.  I couldn't even look at the tv while he talked.  I'm sure Kail realized if she waited on that scarf tattoo she wanted she could afford tuition without extra from Jo. Girl, please. We all know you are NOT struggling.  


Can't wait for Miranda.  I think Leah was saying "Where were you the first 3 months of your marriage Cory?"

  • Love 7
Can't wait for Miranda.  I think Leah was saying "Where were you the first 3 months of your marriage Cory?"

Yep, Leah seemed to be insinuating that Cory was cheating on Miranda with Leah early in his marriage. Can't stand that trainwreck either (Leah, in case anyone was wondering who the trainwreck in question is). Even if that was true, he came to his senses once he realized what he had at home. And yes, I too think Leah is jealous of Miranda.


We have to use Jenelle-Logic to understand her. She doesn't consider the freak-outs and crying fits that she had in the car with BOTH kids as doing in FRONT of the kids. They were in the BACK seat, you see, so they couldn't actually SEE her. Sure Jace could see and hear, but he's used to her fits. Kaiser was rear-facing though, so he totally wasn't witness to her drama.

Edited by MitaJo
  • Love 11
  On 10/1/2015 at 3:18 AM, MitaJo said:

Yep, Leah seemed to be insinuating that Cory was cheating on Miranda with Leah early in his marriage. Can't stand that trainwreck either (Leah, in case anyone was wondering who the trainwreck in question is). Even if that was true, he came to his senses once he realized what he had at home. And yes, I too think Leah is jealous of Miranda.


We have to use Jenelle-Logic to understand her. She doesn't consider the freak-outs and crying fits that she had in the car with BOTH kids as doing in FRONT of the kids. They were in the BACK seat, you see, so they couldn't actually SEE her. Sure Jace could see and hear, but he's used to her fits. Kaiser was rear-facing though, so he totally wasn't witness to her drama.

Yes! Because Leah LOVES to point out everyone else's mistakes and flaws but don't you dare mention hers! She was having too much Joy saying that to Cory.  Just like her mother.  I'd have to be on drugs to deal with her. 


You're right about Jenelle!!

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 7

Hell YEAH Leah is jealous of Miranda!

Looks aside (even though I think Mieanda is better looking - I'm going not to be shallow).

Miranda looks/acts like a woman while Leah looks like she's a teen playing house and acting like she THINKS a mom acts - especially with all of the excessive correcting/punishing of her daughters.

Miranda had a career and no children before marrying Corey, and is NOW pregnant after being married a bit.

Miranda is older (?) than Leah and yet has less failed marriages.

Miranda looks younger than Leah.

Miranda is not a dick, pill, anything she can get her hands on addict.

Miranda's house is clean, her relationship with Corey doesn't seem unhealthy/unstable, and she seems to have it together - while Leah can't handle her life sober for an entire day.

I could go on - but I don't think I have to ;-)

  • Love 16

Man, fuck that. The moms on teen mom get to live off of MTV money and go to school but if the dads do it, their deadbeats? Even if they are still paying their child support? Fuck outta here. I will also not understand being so concerned about whether or not a 4/5 year old plays a sport. Damn, its not that serious and Issac does not care.

  • Love 20

Thanks for the snark I am a few weeks behind in my teen mom veiwing but have kept up to date with the forums.

I have not watched the clip but is Leah implying that Corey cheated with her during the first 3 months of his marriage to Miranda because if you look at the dates Leah got married April 2012 Corey got married June 2013 and Addie was born Feb 2013 so that means Leah found time to cheat with a 3 month old baby and was barely out of her first year of marriage herself. Props to her for finding the time I thought it was a good day if I had time to shower and brush my hair and teeth.

I do not get why she keeps throwing this crap out there that Corey cheated with her but conveniently forgets that she was married at the time too.

  • Love 16

Dude dude dude. I swear Jenelle needs to be on a Dr Phil episode. Or be court ordered to some serious therapy. If it weren't for Babs Jace would be dead, severely traumatized, or in fucking foster care. Babs has a job that puts food on the table. Babs wakes up, gets herself ready, Jace ready, takes him to school, goes to work, picks Jace up, helps with hw, feed him dinner, bathes him, plays with him, deals with an ungrateful daughter, and finally goes to sleep. Gee wtf does Jenelle do all fucking day.

So Jo is in school. Good for him. But Kali is in school too but gets a free pass.

  • Love 10


I do not get why she keeps throwing this crap out there that Corey cheated with her but conveniently forgets that she was married at the time too.


Because she is a fucking idiot and doesn't realize that implying she cheated with Corey when they were both married makes her look just as terrible. Only her most delusional fans (ie her hillbilly relations) can try to justify her hand in that. The sad thing is, I almost am more disappointed with Corey IF he cheated with Leah, then just cheating with any random holler girl. If that is true, Miranda is a saint for not punching Leah in her smug  face for acting like she is the pure Virgin Mary in all of this.


This episode was boring as hell. Even Dr. Drew seemed semi-comatose. I can't blame him, though, because I suspect MTV tries to keep a tight leash on this shit show and they really think most of us don't see this "cautionary" tale for what it is: reality trash about trash. So of course no serious questions. The only thing that made this worthwhile for me was watching my husband try not to break the screen every time Jenelle Evans, fake MD opened her mouth. I believe the words "fake ass Katy Perry looking bitch" were thrown around in my home. What a nasty human being Jenelle is. I almost have to agree with Nips on this, she likes to play the victim card to the hilt but can't even produce real tears or facial expressions like someone who actually has emotions. Christmas will come early the year I read about Jenelle having to beg for a Walmart job because the TM2 money has run out.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 14
  On 10/1/2015 at 3:04 AM, Mkay said:

Jenelle was on stage how long before she mentioned one of her kids?  A very long time!


I came here to say the exact same thing.  The show is called "Teen Mom," and yet all Janelle does is obsess over boys.  You would think Dr. Drew would pick up on this, and talk to her about focusing on her kids and getting her shit together, but instead he coddles her and says "let's bring Nathan out..."

  • Love 6
  On 9/30/2015 at 2:56 PM, DangerousMinds said:

The problem is - if these girls are criticized or confronted in any way they are likely to simply walk off stage. They already do this. Makes it impossible to ask any meaningful questions.

If they walk of the stage then they shouldn't get their money for the season. It should be their obligation to tape these reunions as a part of their contract. Or no cash. Try to walk off stage and act like diva now.

I had to pick up my eyes from back of my head after the show was over, I was rolling my eyes so hard. FFS you can as well skip this crap if you don't want hold them responsible for anything... Janelle's behavior was hideous. Very "mature". Can't believe how much she "grew and changed".

  • Love 6
  On 9/30/2015 at 10:56 PM, GreatKazu said:

Exactly. This is why MTV should make it part of their contracts that they must do the reunion shows and they can't walk off or they don't get paid. If they can't handle the heat of a host asking them hardcore questions then, they have no business being on this damn show. They can sit there and give one interview after another to MTV, reality show gossip sites, and magazines, but don't dare go after them for the shit they willfully took part in ON CAMERA and were happy to accept payment for those shenanigans.


Props to you. :-)


Time and time again I dealt with those addicts in my life. You come to the point where you just have to lay it out there for their sake. They can either take it or leave it.


You want your check, asshole? Then, you better sit your ass down and answer these damn questions about the behavior you exhibited on this show that you signed up for.


Dr. Drew may be an addiction specialist, but he is not there to talk to people entering rehab. He is talking to a group of people who have chosen to air their dirty laundry on camera and ask them about what they did and why they did it. Just because Leah and Jenelle happen to be people with addiction issues, they should not be treated with kid gloves.

Oops I just posted pretty much the same thing before I even got to read your post. I guess I should always read everything first, which I normally do but I was so pissed from watching this BS that I skipped on that tonight.

  On 9/30/2015 at 11:02 PM, Elizabeth9 said:

Leah needs someone to lay that shit out there (I don't include Jenelle because I think she's a lost cause). All this pandering and ass kissing and the girl's going to wind up dead. Someone needs to look her in the face and say exactly that.

Janelle might end up dead as well by a way of domestic violence. Some people should never be together. And they are trying to work things out again???? It blows my mind. Janelle's and gym rat pictures should be next to dysfunctional in the dictionary.

  • Love 5
  On 10/1/2015 at 2:55 AM, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Wait.....so Jo is in school today? And not working. Just like Kail?

Yet he gets roasted by Drew about it and not Kail.

Well, Kail does have an income; she's a principle on this show, she's selling books and fragrances and has a spouse working full time.  She's taking a full load and raising two kids that seem to be thriving.  


Jo may or may nor have an income and he told Drew school doesn't take up much of his time and yet he's missed some important [to Issac] stuff.  Whatever the reason, it doesn't look good when Kail and Javi have full schedules and still manage to make it to Issac's events.  I'm not defending Drew, but I don't think he watches the show so this kind of stuff stands out.   Besides, Jo doesn't look that great to me - he certainly doesn't look happy.  Maybe getting a job isn't such a bad idea.  

  • Love 7

I don't know why Panda softballs these twits. The "TM2 Finale Catch up Special" is certainly not a therapeutic environment, so it's not like he has to bring them along slowly in a clinical setting. And as far as fearing that they will quit the show, as long as MTV keeps dangling money in front of them, they will alll be back, guaranteed. Didn't Leah say that she didn't want to come back for this season? Does anyone really think she came back to tell "her story"? Nope, she came back for the cash.


Jo gets wider every season. He's gonna be Gary  from TM OG if he doesn't watch it. And cargo shorts? Really? to be on TV? THere are no words for Nipple's outfit choice. 

  • Love 5
  On 10/1/2015 at 1:25 AM, Ffiferoo said:

Javi is so deluded.  Obviously you were jealous of who Kail was talking to and you felt insecure, and no, Isaac did not appear to "love" soccer.  Seemed more like indifference at best!  Also, is it normal for a five-year-old to have life insurance?  I'm not a parent, so maybe that's typical, but I've never heard of that.

It is normal, in my family, for kids to have life insurance. The babies used to get stocks or bonds upon their birth but now, it's a one time payment for a life insurance policy. It's about $500 for a $25,000 policy that gets transferred to them when they turn 21. Or, if it's needed before then, "it's enough to get them in the ground". Our funeral services are free, if needed. (Morbid, I know. But it happens. Life is like that sometimes)

  • Love 5

Kail did look really good.... and she was very restrained about everything, so even if it was all pretend, I give her credit for helping her part of the reunion show go well.  I appreciate that she stood up for Jo in some ways, though I still think Jo is lacking in the motivation department.  I think he was picked on more about the job because of the way he came off this season--he seems not very busy, but yet also not able to show up for things.  It has been odd for me as a viewer to understand so I am kind of glad they pushed him a little.  Normally he seems more on top of things than he has lately.


I really liked how Vee handled her portion so well...good for her!  On the same note, I can kind of understand Kail's somewhat disinterest in their baby.  In normal every day life when you have two families like this the wives don't typically bond in regard to the other children (typically just the child that they parent/stepparent).  


Jenelle is a mess, but that portion went better than I thought.  The previews discussed her made me think she would get a pass on everything, but I really appreciated how the segment started out with Barb being praised for doing so well with Jace, and isn't it great that she has raised him so well.  I loved that, and you know Janelle just wanted to disagree but couldn't.  From there it was clear her and Nathan are a mess, and Janelle only proved the point she hasn't learned a thing.  I think Drew let some of her comments go because there was no point, and she wasn't making herself look good anyway....

  • Love 9

Once again it seems quite clear that Drew does not watch these shows. I refuse to even call him a Dr. No, I bet all he watches are the little packages MTV puts together for the reunion - "This season on Teem Mom 2". Maybe he reads some recaps. But either he is totally clueless and/or afraid of certain people. 


It's obvious, to me, he is afraid of Kail. Well, who wouldn't be, with her propensity for head-shaking? But I felt like he totally handled her with kid gloves. The looming divorce - he really never made her taken any responsibility for that. And that's a BIG deal, they had a kid together. It was pretty much glossed over, with a tad of "Javi, are you done being insecure now?" And, by all means, Javi is incredibly insecure. However, Kail played a big part in all that. What about calling her out for her constant need for girls night out? Never wanting to spend time with her actual husband. Then openly admitting that Javi is being better, even though SHE isn't trying - and that's okay, because that's just how she is? Nope. Nothing to see her. 


And I thought he was pretty harsh on Jo.He kept hounding him about missing stuff, when even Kail said that Jo had just moved and it was all confusing. She seemed over it. But not Sad Panda. And all his, "They need help, they need help". Oh please. Help with what? Their monthly vacations? The annual car upgrades? The Pinteresting of the entire fucking house? Now, don't get me wrong. Nobody's wealth/income/etc. should excuse either party of contributing to their child. But Jo does contribute! He shouldn't be made to subsidize Kail's excessive lifestyle. 


It was interesting we found out that he IS in school. I guess if Jo is meeting his financial obligations, it's not really anyone's business why he isn't working. I just hope once he's done with school he gets something going, because you can't just live off MTV/parents/whatever for ever. 




I'm so done with Jenelle. That bitch is crazy. How about when they played her little "This season" montage and we cut to her being in tears. Was it about fighting with Barb? Not seeing Jace enough? Nope, it was about Nathan being sooooo mean, dude, and leaving her. This. THIS is why she doesn't deserve her kid back. Her kid that Barb never took from her, and I'm sick of her saying that shit. She all but abandoned Jace, and then did the only intelligent thing she's ever done - signed custody over to her mom. That's on you, Jenelle. No one stole your kid. And with the chaos that goes on daily in your life, no one in their right mind would give him back. 


But let's be clear, she doesn't really want him back. It's all about appearances. The only one she will fight tooth and nail for is her nipple-baring baby daddy. HE'S the one who effects her to the point that she's having daily panic attacks. Which brings me to - who is this bitch to downgrade (tm Leah) Barb's job???? Her job is the one that put food on the table most of your life and is now putting a roof over Jace's head? So fuck off. You think you're so much better because you're going to be a medical assistant? Fat chance of that. You may have graduated, but you did not pass your state test. And even she did? Who would hire her? Not only does she have a lengthy and recent arrest record, but she openly admits she was having panic attacks while trying to take people's blood pressure. If you can't separate home from work, you're not the type of person to work in the medical field. 


Also, she can lose me with her protestations that she and Nathan are able to co-parent and her/their issues don't effect the kids. BS you never fight in front of them. There's endless hours of footage proving otherwise. And what about the time Nipples chased you down the highway with Kaiser Roll in the car? And she really thinks she can control her mental issues to fit around the baby's schedule? Ha! I have a sister who has always struggled with anxiety and depression and you don't just get to choose to be depressed after the kids go to bed. You can't tell a panic attack to wait until the baby is in daycare to present itself. 


And Dr. Drew calls her out on none of this! I just can't stand it.

  • Love 18
Wonder if Kail realized going to court that she would possibly get less money?


Yea, there's got to be more to it. I don't buy that Kail just let it go to avoid confrontation. This broad is the queen of confrontation. She doesn't just let shit go. 


We have to use Jenelle-Logic to understand her. She doesn't consider the freak-outs and crying fits that she had in the car with BOTH kids as doing in FRONT of the kids. They were in the BACK seat, you see, so they couldn't actually SEE her. Sure Jace could see and hear, but he's used to her fits. Kaiser was rear-facing though, so he totally wasn't witness to her drama.


Plus, if Jace is singing the Rainbow Song, it's sure to drown out Jenelle's sobs of "Why is he so mean to meeeeee?" ;)


It was nasty and rude and mean, and Dr. Drew just let it pass.


Two seconds prior he jumped all over Barb's ass for (correctly) stating that Jenelle took 6 years to even try to get her kid back. But it's okay for Jenelle to malign the way her mother makes a living? When has Jenelle ever held down ANY job? Wait, didn't she work as a waitress for some brief period of time? Fucking hypocrite. 





Yep, Leah seemed to be insinuating that Cory was cheating on Miranda with Leah early in his marriage. Can't stand that trainwreck either (Leah, in case anyone was wondering who the trainwreck in question is). Even if that was true, he came to his senses once he realized what he had at home. And yes, I too think Leah is jealous of Miranda.


It's going to make me really mad if Leah is allowed to throw Corey's alleged cheating in his face, but everyone has to MIB the Deer Cam incident from their minds. 


Has this aired and missed it?


I had no idea this was going to be on Wed instead of Thurs. I only avoided missing it because I was creeping Kail's IG last night. So at least she's good for something. 

  • Love 6

Speaking as someone who has suffered from panic attacks in the past, I find it interesting that Janelle can choose the times when she has attacks. Part of the cycle of panic disorder is the fear of having an attack whenever, so that just feeds into it the disorder. Yet how she manages to wait until the Roll goes to bed  to have an attack is downright amazing. 

  • Love 13

Dr. Drew is ridiculous. Notice how he jumped to Janelle's defense when her mom truthfully said that Janelle is fighting for Jace 6 years later. Dr drew quickly shook his head no saying don't say that. It isn't fair. Meanwhile when Janelle is putting down Barbs job that supports her son, Dr. Drew didn't cry foul about that. Why do they have this A hole as host?

  • Love 16

I know a mother's love is unconditional, but I want Barb to cut Jenelle out of her life completely at this point. The stress of raising a six year old and having that sorry bitch screaming in her face can not be good for Barbara's health. And the better Barb's life is, the better Jace's life is. I heard Jenelle say that Barb is preparing to retire. That's wonderful and if Barb wants to continue filming to supplement her pension, I'm all for it. But I don't want to see Jenelle on my screen ever again. If MTV wants to film her chasing penis and whining about how many panic attacks she has while her baby is in daycare, fine. But film separately from Jace and Barb.

  • Love 12
I know a mother's love is unconditional, but I want Barb to cut Jenelle out of her life completely at this point. The stress of raising a six year old and having that sorry bitch screaming in her face can not be good for Barbara's health. And the better Barb's life is, the better Jace's life is. I heard Jenelle say that Barb is preparing to retire. That's wonderful and if Barb wants to continue filming to supplement her pension, I'm all for it. But I don't want to see Jenelle on my screen ever again. If MTV wants to film her chasing penis and whining about how many panic attacks she has while her baby is in daycare, fine. But film separately from Jace and Barb.


I want MTV to give Barb her own show sans Janelle so that she can use the money retire comfortably and raise Jace. Given that she is retiring from WalMart, there is probably no pension, maybe a 401k, unless she had another job before working there. I noticed that they were doing little 90 second  "Ask Barb" filler segments. I hope they keep that up and Barb cashes in. Janelle has a lot of freaking nerve putting down Barb's job that puts food in her kids's stomach, then says that she is going to be saving lives by being a medical assistant. First of all, she will never get a job because she won't be able to pass a background check, and if she does somehow manage to get a job, she will most likely cleaning out bedpans. 

  • Love 20
  On 10/1/2015 at 4:14 AM, Racj82 said:

Man, fuck that. The moms on teen mom get to live off of MTV money and go to school but if the dads do it, their deadbeats? Even if they are still paying their child support? Fuck outta here. I will also not understand being so concerned about whether or not a 4/5 year old plays a sport. Damn, its not that serious and Issac does not care.

Yeah I don't understand that. Kail doesn't work, Javi might not work (he certainly seems to always be around)...neither Leah, Jenelle, or Nipples work. The only two parents who both have jobs are Adumb and Chelsea. Hell, even Miranda left her career as a cop to stay home and parent Leah and Corey's girlses. So why is it such a huge deal that Jo took some time off to enroll in school and get whatever degree he is pursuing? Doesn't Dr. Quack get that school = degree = better job = more money?  As long as all his bills are being paid who cares?


And I agree that Kail did look good at the reunion, but it's her entitled and patronizing attitude towards everything/everyone that makes her ugly. Oh, and that she goes all Hulk smash on her husband for daring to have an opinion.


Jo did look weird. I noticed most that his hair looked odd, all smashed down and combed across his head, and I couldn't stop staring at it, then whoever said he's gotten wider is right. Vee looked stunning. Pregnancy is agreeing with her.


  On 10/1/2015 at 4:47 AM, Maharincess said:

Has this aired and missed it?

The second reunion is gonna be next Weds at 9. Dunno why they changed the day and time, but I saw a commercial about it during last week's episode while I was DVRing it.


  On 10/1/2015 at 12:41 PM, ghoulina said:

Once again it seems quite clear that Drew does not watch these shows. I refuse to even call him a Dr. No, I bet all he watches are the little packages MTV puts together for the reunion - "This season on Teem Mom 2". Maybe he reads some recaps. But either he is totally clueless and/or afraid of certain people. 


It's obvious, to me, he is afraid of Kail. Well, who wouldn't be, with her propensity for head-shaking? But I felt like he totally handled her with kid gloves. The looming divorce - he really never made her taken any responsibility for that. And that's a BIG deal, they had a kid together. It was pretty much glossed over, with a tad of "Javi, are you done being insecure now?" And, by all means, Javi is incredibly insecure. However, Kail played a big part in all that. What about calling her out for her constant need for girls night out? Never wanting to spend time with her actual husband. Then openly admitting that Javi is being better, even though SHE isn't trying - and that's okay, because that's just how she is? Nope. Nothing to see her. 


And I thought he was pretty harsh on Jo.He kept hounding him about missing stuff, when even Kail said that Jo had just moved and it was all confusing. She seemed over it. But not Sad Panda. And all his, "They need help, they need help". Oh please. Help with what? Their monthly vacations? The annual car upgrades? The Pinteresting of the entire fucking house? Now, don't get me wrong. Nobody's wealth/income/etc. should excuse either party of contributing to their child. But Jo does contribute! He shouldn't be made to subsidize Kail's excessive lifestyle. 


It was interesting we found out that he IS in school. I guess if Jo is meeting his financial obligations, it's not really anyone's business why he isn't working. I just hope once he's done with school he gets something going, because you can't just live off MTV/parents/whatever for ever. 




I'm so done with Jenelle. That bitch is crazy. How about when they played her little "This season" montage and we cut to her being in tears. Was it about fighting with Barb? Not seeing Jace enough? Nope, it was about Nathan being sooooo mean, dude, and leaving her. This. THIS is why she doesn't deserve her kid back. Her kid that Barb never took from her, and I'm sick of her saying that shit. She all but abandoned Jace, and then did the only intelligent thing she's ever done - signed custody over to her mom. That's on you, Jenelle. No one stole your kid. And with the chaos that goes on daily in your life, no one in their right mind would give him back. 


But let's be clear, she doesn't really want him back. It's all about appearances. The only one she will fight tooth and nail for is her nipple-baring baby daddy. HE'S the one who effects her to the point that she's having daily panic attacks. Which brings me to - who is this bitch to downgrade (tm Leah) Barb's job???? Her job is the one that put food on the table most of your life and is now putting a roof over Jace's head? So fuck off. You think you're so much better because you're going to be a medical assistant? Fat chance of that. You may have graduated, but you did not pass your state test. And even she did? Who would hire her? Not only does she have a lengthy and recent arrest record, but she openly admits she was having panic attacks while trying to take people's blood pressure. If you can't separate home from work, you're not the type of person to work in the medical field. 


Also, she can lose me with her protestations that she and Nathan are able to co-parent and her/their issues don't effect the kids. BS you never fight in front of them. There's endless hours of footage proving otherwise. And what about the time Nipples chased you down the highway with Kaiser Roll in the car? And she really thinks she can control her mental issues to fit around the baby's schedule? Ha! I have a sister who has always struggled with anxiety and depression and you don't just get to choose to be depressed after the kids go to bed. You can't tell a panic attack to wait until the baby is in daycare to present itself. 


And Dr. Drew calls her out on none of this! I just can't stand it.

So much this.

  • Love 8
  On 10/1/2015 at 2:28 PM, fliptopbox said:

Yeah I don't understand that. Kail doesn't work, Javi might not work (he certainly seems to always be around)...neither Leah, Jenelle, or Nipples work. The only two parents who both have jobs are Adumb and Chelsea.


The second reunion is gonna be next Weds at 9. Dunno why they changed the day and time, but I saw a commercial about it during last week's episode while I was DVRing it.

Wait, Adam's gym trainer job really exists? :)


My DVR caught it because it was already set to record the series whenever it has a new episode. There were complaints on TM Junkies about MTV changing the day without much notice. The theory is that the execs decided that the TM2 reunion had less competition if it aired Wednesday.

  • Love 2
  On 10/1/2015 at 2:26 PM, mla40 said:

Javi just said he wakes up at 4 in the morning "to make it at his game by 5". In the morning?!?! The fuck is that!!?!

I was confused by that also. The only thing I could think of is that he gets to work early, so that he can get off work in time to be at the game by 5 p.m.

  • Love 5
avi just said he wakes up at 4 in the morning "to make it at his game by 5". In the morning?!?! The fuck is that!!?!
  On 10/1/2015 at 2:35 PM, cheatincheetos said:

Little kid soccer must be hardcore in Delaware.

What he probably meant, although these dolts are so inarticulate that they can barely get a cogent statement out, is that he probably gets up by 4 to get into work really early so he can put in his 8 hours and be at the soccer field at 5. My guess is that he does a 6-3 shift on those days. I'm not sure where they live in relation to the base, but it's probably a decent distance if he has to go to work super early to get to the game by 5. 

  • Love 3
  On 10/1/2015 at 2:34 PM, cheatincheetos said:

Wait, Adam's gym trainer job really exists? :)


No idea, but it's been mentioned enough times (maybe just by Adumb but I am not sure, honestly) so I just figured that he's doing something that makes him money. Whatever it is (personal training? ..why do all these TM dudes think they're personal trainers now?) I guess it doesn't involve driving, hahhah.

  • Love 2

Kailyn did look nice from the neck up last night. Her hair was pretty and the makeup tastefully done. And, her temperament was surprisingly even. I think that, as someone else noted, she isn't pressing the court thing because she bloody well knows that no judge would increase her support because she chooses to have an extravagant, relatively speaking, lifestyle. It is ridiculous, for example, to think he should have to pay a high private school tuition when they presumably moved to a place with a good public school system. Javi needs to shut the fuck up with the he pays for insurance crap since he's not paying anything extra to have Issac on his plan. And from what some posters have said, the insurance is free any damn way. He's such a douche. 


I also didn't get why dr. drew was all up in Jo's grill about working. As long as his bills are paid, what does it matter? Since he was working all along, he may well have saved his MTV money and have a nice little nest egg that enables him to go to school. Also, the 9 sleep overs likely don't count time he may spend with the kid after school. Drew is a joke.


Barb looked great and I'm glad she's calmly standing her ground and also told Nips what's up. Jenelle walked away because she knows her mother's right and deep down inside I think even she knows the things she says about her mother are cruel and unfounded and make her look like the douchebag ho she is, constantly chasing after boys and putting them before Jace. Saving lives, indeed.

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Janelle is delusional.  They don't fight in front of Kaiser?  He was in the backseat while Nips wasted "100 miles worth of gas" chasing her around like a madman!  And when Dr. Drew asked about physical violence and they both looked at the floor and didn't say a word?  He didn't even bat an eye.  I think physical abuse should be more of a concern than teen pregnancy.  And the way Dr. Drew kept telling Babs to keep quiet, more or less, and let Janelle continuously insult her was so frustrating.  Why he doesn't point out to Janelle that her sons are the priority and not a relationship with some "dude", I will never understand.


And perhaps if Babs wasn't so busy, oh RAISING YOUR KID, maybe she would have used her free time to go back to school and get a career so she didn't have to work at Walmart.  I'm sure that's no walk in the park, especially at her age.  And if Janelle were a stereotypical "teen mom" she would probably be the one working at Walmart.  Drew needs to remind Janelle that "she won the lottery" when MTV came knocking.

Edited by redgurl
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