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S10.E17: Broken Records

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Look, at this point, I really don't give a fig whether Brooks has cancer or not. If he is faking, shame on him, but really, who is being scammed by his con? Vicki, and at least during filming, she was all in. So why this need to investigate and ferret out the truth. Yes, people have faked cancer and many of them have held fundraisers and bilked people out of money for fake treatments. As far as I know, the only person he has scammed is Vicki and she is a big girl and doesn't need those dumb bitches to protect her. If Vicki is supporting Brooks financially because he has conned her into thinking that he has cancer, then there is nothing that the other hos can do about it and it's not like they haven't warned her.

'Megan with her "truth, justice and the American way" (snark) speech was just ridiculous. Leann, rest her soul, was not being somehow scammed or hurt in any way by Brook's con. So just shut the eff up. It takes a lot of balls to start calling doctors and medical facilities. Do I think that Brooks showed dummy Tamra his test results because she is the stupidest one and wouldn't know what she is looking at. I dunno, they are all pretty dumb.

Ryan continues to be gross. He has some leads in aerospace? lol, do they need a towel folder?

Shut up with the church lady thing Tamra! We all know that you are thirsty for a storyline this season and I guess finding God is it.

The women on the show are surely getting too involved. If they had refused to acknowledge the fishy behavior, there wouldn't be enough footage to make this a story. I blame them too. It would just be the viewers of the show being scammed. This is supposed to be "junk food" t.v. lighthearted bitch fights, shopping, vapid people doing vapid things and vacation porn. Bravo knows Housewives fans are addicted. How many people say "I'm done watching because (fill in the blank)" and how many actually stop? I don't care if he has cancer or not either. I do care that either way it goes Bravo has wasted our time like a M. Night Shyamalan movie.

Also, so many of us have been gravely affected by cancer and you can feel it in the comments that this entire season has brought the pain and memories of this awful disease to the surface.

I've got plenty of sick,sad world show to watch on Netflix.

Edited by freeradical
  • Love 9
EXACTLY! ANNNNDDD on WWHL Annabelle turned to Heather at one point and said "why would someone fake cancer?" and Heather's response was about something recent that was in the news about a scam of some sort where people where requesting donations, funds or whatever and I'm like ummm yeah there are people who do it and in her case it was to get donations from strangers that amounts to a whooooooolllleeee lot, but Brooks isn't setting up web donation funds and asking any of you for money...... uggghhhh!!!


Right. I haven't seen a kickstarter or gofundme for Brooksie and Vicki is too busy WORKING at her JOB to organize a fundraiser. So Vicks is the only victim. 




Well, it's would just be the viewers of the show being scammed. This is supposed to be "junk food" t.v. I don't care if he has cancer or not either. I do care that either way it goes Bravo has wasted our time like a M. Knight Shamala


Since these shows are totally fluff and nothing is really real, then wasting my time watching them talk about fake cancer is no different than wasting my time watching them talk about fake babies (Eddie and Tamra), or  fake religious faith (Tamra). These shows are a big ole fake waste of space and time, but I lurve them so much. The fact that this whole fake cancer drama started with a fake psychic just slays me. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 16

Tamra finding religion?! Hard to believe her behaving as a genuine person, given her history, nasty behavior and love for all things pink penis sex parties and getting Gretchen naked wasted, but...anything is possible..I guess. Maybe she really did want to start to become human once she became a grandmother.

I'm Catholic, but take great interest in Protestant & Jewish faith. In my experiences, I haven't met too many fakers, but I don't live in Orange County or Beverly Hills. I don't work or have to put up with any fakers and make nice with any fakers! Watching some of the Bravo shows is my "questionable" viewing, ha ha. I look at the housewives as one big human behavior experiment. With that said, I agree, Tamra (and Ryan) doesn't need church to be a better person, Tamra needs to chose to BE a better person. I also think she does owe Alexis a huge, sincere apology. You don't need God to be a better person. I do think religious counseling is a good idea for her though, because, Jesus, but that's my opinion.

Saddleback was founded by Pastor Rick Warren, as in The Purpose Driven Life, a best seller book that I highly recommend. He has a Ph.D. In Theology. Tamra said she had recently attended some services at Saddleback, but there are now several locations. She said she decided to go to a smaller church (it's not clear where unless you recognize this Pastor we have seen on 2 episodes this season) because she prefers the smaller feel - experience. Does anyone know which church/Pastor this is?? He actually looks like he's either had plastic surgery or lost a lot of weight, something is off with his appearance/bone structure. Anyway, I think she just found someone that felt ok/comfortable filming on a Reality show. Maybe it's one of those "chintzy churches" Meghan was referring to! That was such an obnoxious comment though Meghan. Just stop.

Vicki insinuating the other ladies are victims of Satans work? How dramatic of you Icky Vicki. Most people think it is you and your scams, running around on Donn and your attraction to Brooks that is more Satans work. Good grief, give us all a break! Come to think of it, she does share some qualities with Tammy Faye Baker. Ahem.

  • Love 4

I am calling out Meghan PI in the name of Truth and Justice and stuff!!  At the Evine viewing party, when Tammy Sue starts to tell the ladies about her meeting with Vicki and Brooks, Meghan specifically, looks like she doesn't know what Tamra is about to say.  But, after Tamra says Brooks got the PET/CT scan, Meghan had already put on her investigative headband and called the facility to see if they did those specific tests.  She even said she called back to clarify!  Apparently her PI headband has psychic powers? How did she know to call them and ask if they perform those tests?



  • Love 12

I agree that Shannon should have respected Vicki's desire to drop the subject, but V's response just makes little sense to me. Tamra is the one who freaking brought the psychic on and basically started all this. And Vicki admitted that last night! Heather also approached her about - although Heather spun it in a much better way. Why is Vicki only getting pissed off at Shannon? I honestly believe, going back to Brooks's birthday dinner, that Shannon was just trying to help. And Vicki was the one who got nasty. She lashed out at Shannon in such a harsh way and did not show ANY grace or forgiveness when Shannon backed down and was tripping over herself to apologize. The fact that Vicki was able to turn on her that quickly, leads me to believe it was SHE that was never the 100% committed friend, not Shannon.


ITA, this really doesn't make any sense to me either. Vicki had no problem forgiving Tamra for bringing it up to the psychic, stirring it up with the other ladies instead of firmly stating they should believe Vicki, fights loudly at a party with Brooks, again, yet Vicki goes to Tamra??? to be her advocate?!! Yup, Tamra holds too many secrets of Vickis and thinks this merger will keep them on top. Talking about dealing with the Devil!

I also want to add, in real time, Vicki has seen Eddie cough B.S. in the background when she was talking to Tammy Sue on the phone, yet she trusts them over anyone else? Puh-leeze

Edited by IKnowRight
  • Love 7

Bravo knows Housewives fans are addicted. How many people say "I'm done watching because (fill in the blank)" and how many actually stop?



I've watched several of the RH shows and given up on every one but this one because they got so stupid and annoying. I think a lot of people have actually stopped, and that's why ratings go down on shows like RHoNY. I agree there is a core group of "addicts" who will keep watching the shows and Bravo is aware of that. Anyone know how the ratings have been for OC this season?

  • Love 4

Of course Brooks will do a pre-recorded segment for The Reunion.  Just like Donn did.  Brooks loves the attention.  He brought this on himself.  Or in Meghan speak and Brooks' medical report speak #broughthisonhimselfandVickitoo.  http://www.allabouttrh.com/brooks-ayers-tapes-real-housewives-of-orange-county-reunion-segment/

  • Love 2
I am calling out Meghan PI in the name of Truth and Justice and stuff!!  At the Evine viewing party, when Tammy Sue starts to tell the ladies about her meeting with Vicki and Brooks, Meghan specifically, looks like she doesn't know what Tamra is about to say.  But, after Tamra says Brooks got the PET/CT scan, Meghan had already put on her investigative headband and called the facility to see if they did those specific tests.  She even said she called back to clarify!  Apparently her PI headband has psychic powers? How did she know to call them and ask if they perform those tests?


I believe Vicki group messaged all of them about the scan, but Tamra was the only one invited over to read it. If her text at least gave the name of the imaging center, Megan could have called based on it alone. 

  • Love 6

I've watched several of the RH shows and given up on every one but this one because they got so stupid and annoying. I think a lot of people have actually stopped, and that's why ratings go down on shows like RHoNY. I agree there is a core group of "addicts" who will keep watching the shows and Bravo is aware of that. Anyone know how the ratings have been for OC this season?

Here is a site that sets forth the ratings-you can look at it episode by episode season by season.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_Real_Housewives_of_Orange_County_episodes

  • Love 2
ITA, this really doesn't make any sense to me either. Vicki had no problem forgiving Tamra for bringing it up to the psychic, stirring it up with the other ladies instead of firmly stating they should believe Vicki, fights loudly at a party with Brooks, again, yet Vicki goes to Tamra??? to be her advocate?!!


Vicki actually said she needed Tamra to be "her warrior"! This woman....she is so demanding. Her men must constantly fill her love tank with banal platitudes and daily affirmations, and her friends must fight to the death to defend her. No wonder her own son won't let her know his address.

  • Love 21

Right. I haven't seen a kickstarter or gofundme for Brooksie and Vicki is too busy WORKING at her JOB to organize a fundraiser. So Vicks is the only victim.

Since these shows are totally fluff and nothing is really real, then wasting my time watching them talk about fake cancer is no different than wasting my time watching them talk about fake babies (Eddie and Tamra), or fake religious faith (Tamra). These shows are a big ole fake waste of space and time, but I lurve them so much. The fact that this whole fake cancer drama started with a fake psychic just slays me.

We will just have to respectfully agree to disagree on this one because fake babies, fake religion, faking how much money you have, faking a relationship, faking a fight.....well, I could go on and on. These things don't bring tears to my eyes thinking about my mother suffering the last 12 year's of her life, and all of the other stories I hear on this board that are someone's broken heart. Maybe you just have to have been through it.

Edit for spelling.

Edited by freeradical
  • Love 6
I'm gonna miss the Vicki and Shannon friendship.



I am too - it seemed like a really genuine friendship, like when Shannon joined the show they just hit it off.  Sad, Vicki will give up every relationship in her life for Brooks.  We are seeing it happen in just about every facet of her life.


Tamra made a really good decision a few years back when she decided to not include Ryan very much in this show.  Now after 5 or so years, unable to include her younger children, she has pulled him back in, and it's backfiring for her and for him.  He is unlikable.  He has very few redeeming qualities, and he is not "bad' in that "makes for good TV" kind of way.  He just sucks, and the decision to film with him was a bad one.  Get this deadbeat off the screen Tamra.

  • Love 16

Last night's episode was the first time that I thought Vicki looked like she knew -- not just suspected, but knew -- the cancer story was a lie. Watching her while Tamra was reviewing that bogus report (sorry, no lab releases an official report with that many typos), Vicki's face just seemed a mass of guilt and embarrassment and anger.

  • Love 20

I hope these women are right because if Brooks dies of this disease I sincerely don't know how any of them could ever live with themselves. There would be no justification in the world to make what they have done alright. 


Now having said that, wouldn't his Dr's have given him a prognosis of how long he has to live? It doesn't seem like anything is working for him so I would think that for him the disease is terminal. Maybe if he and Vicki brought that up, it just might shut these bitches down. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 2

I hope these women are right because if Brooks dies of this disease I sincerely don't know how any of them could ever live with themselves. There would be no justification in the world to make what they have done alright. 


Now having said that, wouldn't his Dr's have given him a prognosis of how long he has to live? It doesn't seem like anything is working for him so I would think that for him the disease is terminal. Maybe if he and Vicki brought that up, it just might shut these bitches down. 


My dad died of cancer (not NHL; we aren't sure where it started -- possibly colon that traveled to his lungs or the other way around).  He was Stage IV when diagnosed.  The oncologist basically told him this was the time to pretty much get things in order, but he also said that cancer has become a managed disease where sometimes patients that are terminal can live for 5-7 years more.  He never actually gave him a prognosis of time he had to live until they had exhausted everything, the cancer was aggressive and my dad was in the hospital.  At that point it was "maybe 2 weeks" (he died two days later).


I think oncologist never want to completely take away hope until it is close to the end.  And I don't think he actually said anything to my dad other than "there's nothing more we can do."  The oncologist told my mom that he might have 2 weeks.

  • Love 5

I Loooooooove that Meghan stands up to Vicki and seems to have absolutely no fear whatsoever. I think that is why Tamra feels so secure around her, because she is a badass and very confident. However, Meghan is also kind of a psycho. I can totally see her digging around in Vicki's garbage looking for stuff to prove Brooks does not have cancer. Or looking for the truth so she can serve justice. But it seems like she scared Vicki off the show, which is no small feat. 


I will take Meghan and Jim Bob over Brooks and Vicki any day. 


I can't put my finger on it, but the whole Dr. visit was strange. Why was the electron lady there? I just didn't get it, it was all nonsense. I did get the sense the Dr. thought the papers were fake, he pretty much said so. Why is Brooks showing his "records" now? I thought he didn't want to talk about it. Also, Vicki was acting like she had never seen Brooks take a pill before. Doesn't he do this every day?


So so so weird. And completely boring. The best part was the charcuterie board, which my snobby foodie husband said Heather was wrong about (charcuterie is just meat, not meat and cheese). 


That Doctor seemed fake.  Oxygen into your blood? That's what your lungs are for. Air embolism??? Quack.

I'd throw in: retinol, glycolic acid, vitamin c (if you're over forty), and moisturizer. Another big one - don't smoke.

And genetics....that' the main thing....

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 4

Um....did I just hear Brooks Doctor say "Unless somebody faked this?"

WTF is really going on?

This Doctor is covering his rear end, just in case he's being played. Why would Vicki & Brooks invite cameras along to a Doctor visit with a Doc he has never seen before? It was clear it was Lemka who referred them to this new Doc, the ClubDetox tree shower, juicing lady. Then we see alternative therapy and an evaluation based on one scan when he supposedly has an extensive history with NHL? I don't think Brooks faked his history, but I do think are revisiting it to have a storyline for Vicki this season.

I don't take any of Meghan's sleuthing seriously because she's a twit. I do question Vickis reaching out and making Tamra her personal Ambassador. Her shooting messenger Shannon (as Brooks pointed out) but not Tammy Sue? Watching Heather on WWHL, the take away to me is that she confirms that this story is hinky, so there you have it. Brooks has a medical issue, likely NHL as he says, but exaggerating his current status for attention, without expecting questions.

  • Love 7

Vicki actually said she needed Tamra to be "her warrior"! This woman....she is so demanding. Her men must constantly fill her love tank with banal platitudes and daily affirmations, and her friends must fight to the death to defend her. No wonder her own son won't let her know his address.

This is why I could care less if brooks is a scammer or not. Could you imagine the hell his life is with the constant neediness and whining that comes from Vicki? If she's fronting his lifestyle he is more than earning his keep IMO. And considering her own kids can't be bothered to even live near her let alone to reaffirm her every day, they should just shut up about Brooks. If she didn't have him she'd be up their asses way more than she is now.

  • Love 2

Last night's episode was the first time that I thought Vicki looked like she knew -- not just suspected, but knew -- the cancer story was a lie. Watching her while Tamra was reviewing that bogus report (sorry, no lab releases an official report with that many typos), Vicki's face just seemed a mass of guilt and embarrassment and anger.

I thought it was weird as she handed the report to tamra she decided she had to go get the glasses...it just seemed very contrived timing, like she needed a moment to collect herself. I honestly thought she was going to hide the whole time Tamra read the report. 


Still don't care if he doesn't have it! Like others said, he didnt ask for donations. He just needed a story line. It would be another ballgame if he was soliciting donations or something. 


How many times have we seen Heather fake parent her kids or Tamra fake talk about Jesus? Jim edmonds fake tolerate Meghan? ( or in some cases, not tolerate at all )

 fake fake fake its alllll fake! Crooks and Vicke crossed the line with their fakery ( if fake) but I almost feeling like, if you really think its fake, just stop acknowledging it if you are truly outraged.  All these histronics..ughhhhhhh

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 7

For me, this was the best episode of the season.  Just to watch Vickie as she tried to play Tamra and then her face as she's listening to Brooks.... solid gold.  Perhaps it's at this point that Vickie will step out of herself and see that no one is buying her act.  Well, not only not buying it, but actively feeling distaste for her and her chosen man.   And that is how I feel about this latest development.

  • Love 4

Look, at this point, I really don't give a fig whether Brooks has cancer or not. If he is faking, shame on him, but really, who is being scammed by his con? Vicki, and at least during filming, she was all in. So why this need to investigate and ferret out the truth. Yes, people have faked cancer and many of them have held fundraisers and bilked people out of money for fake treatments. As far as I know, the only person he has scammed is Vicki and she is a big girl and doesn't need those dumb bitches to protect her. If Vicki is supporting Brooks financially because he has conned her into thinking that he has cancer, then there is nothing that the other hos can do about it and it's not like they haven't warned her.

I completely agree with this. The only thing I'd add is that all the women minus Justice League King Edmonds ultimately agreed as well and said there's nothing they could do if he was faking. Tamra even said that if true he is sick in a different way, which I assume she heard from someone else because Tamra being insightful would break the universe. Meanwhile, CSI Karma Kwester King Edmonds had THE BIGGEST POUTY STANK BITCH FACE. I honestly did laugh out loud at that moment. She so desperately wants to turn the whole playground against Vicki and Brooks and take over as Queen Bee.

PS I once did temp work as a check-in/check-out clerk at an allergy clinic. Feel free to message me for medical advice.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 11

That Doctor seemed fake.  Oxygen into your blood? That's what your lungs are for. Air embolism??? Quack.

And genetics....that' the main thing....


No, it's been a 'treatment' for over 50 years. Not saying what kind or if it works, just know that it's been around since the 1930's and some people swear by it.



This is why I could care less if brooks is a scammer or not. Could you imagine the hell his life is with the constant neediness and whining that comes from Vicki? If she's fronting his lifestyle he is more than earning his keep IMO. And considering her own kids can't be bothered to even live near her let alone to reaffirm her every day, they should just shut up about Brooks. If she didn't have him she'd be up their asses way more than she is now.




All his choice, even when she was married, he held on.  Got to be something in it for him.

  • Love 2

Last night's episode was the first time that I thought Vicki looked like she knew -- not just suspected, but knew -- the cancer story was a lie. Watching her while Tamra was reviewing that bogus report (sorry, no lab releases an official report with that many typos), Vicki's face just seemed a mass of guilt and embarrassment and anger.


I tend to think that she knew (or thought) he had cancer before and thought hey, since you had it before...let's use this as a storyline to redeem you in the eyes of the public!


Or he really does have it and the gameplan is to make it seem so shady that everyone doubts it, it's a storyline, and then he's redeemed in the end.  


The thing that makes it hinky for me is that she doesn't act like a woman whose loved one has cancer and decided to give up on the chemo.  As I mentioned in several other posts, my husband is currently undergoing chemo for what is considered Stage IV colon cancer b/c it spread to his liver (which the oncologist said Stage IV colon cancer is actualliy cureable).  Anyway, long story longer, he went had radiation and chemo before surgeries to remove colon cancer and spots on the liver.  Did post-op chemo.  Got a clean scan and then had 3 months until his next scan w/o chemo.  W/o chemo, a couple of very small spots reappeared on the liver.  Flash forward to almost a year later, he's still getting chemo.  Pill form and then a drip once a month.  His last scan showed everything is stable, but the small spots on the liver hasn't shrunk.  So essentially, like Brooks so far the chemo didn't work on the spots.  If he decided he was going to juice his way to health and do coffee enemas I'd be one freaked out mess.  I wouldn't blithely be okay w/it because "chemo isn't working."  For all we know, chemo may not have shrunk the small spots on the liver yet (but they think will eventually) but has kept it from invading other areas of his body.


This is why it's hard for me to believe that Vicki is the lover of someone who has Stage III cancer and the chemo isn't working after very little time on it.  For someone as high strung as she is, as narcissitic as she is, I don't believe for one minute that she would be so laissez-faire about his current health plan.   While you do sort of get used to the "new normal" of endless Dr.'s appointments (I don't go on though), you always get nervous before a scan and you want the best, most competent oncologists and actual modern medicine to treat the cancer.  Unless he's been told there is flat out nothing more than he can do, there's no way at this stage when he seems reasonably healthy that he'd do these wacko treatments.


I think either he had it recently and has been cured so she thought technically it wasn't a total lie and went with it as a storyline.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 13

We will just have to respectfully agree to disagree on this on because fake babies, fake religion, faking how much money you have, faking a relationship, faking a fight.....well, I could go on and on. These things don't bring tears to my eyes thinking about my mother suffering the last 12 year's of her life, and all of the other stories I hear on this board that are someone's broken heart. Maybe you just have to have been through it.

I've been through it but I don't find the need to validate or prove or disprove anything Brooks says. If he's faking then he has another illness that I feel sorry about. The state of other people's morality is not something I can burden myself with. And I sure as hell wouldn't give anyone that much relevance in my own personal story of heartache or let their unfortunate choices and lack of integrity have some voice about my private struggle with the same disease. I honor my loved ones more that way.

  • Love 10

Did anyone else find Lizzie's reaction confusing last night? She acted like she was hearing about Brooks stopping Chemo for the very first time. At first it cemented to me that there is a lot of other stuff going on in the show that we just don't see, because they cannot be sitting around all the time talking about it if Lizzie was so out of the loop. Then I remembered that she was the one who was the voice of reason with Meghan at Heather's party - telling her to just back off Vicki and leave her alone. Wasn't that conversation between Meghan and Vicki entirely about the fact that Brooks had selected more non-traditional treatment? Why was she so surprised by what she was hearing last night? 

  • Love 5

EXACTLY! ANNNNDDD on WWHL Annabelle turned to Heather at one point and said "why would someone fake cancer?" and Heather's response was about something recent that was in the news about a scam of some sort where people where requesting donations, funds or whatever and I'm like ummm yeah there are people who do it and in her case it was to get donations from strangers that amounts to a whooooooolllleeee lot, but Brooks isn't setting up web donation funds and asking any of you for money...... uggghhhh!!!

Well, not quite. Brooks may not be asking for money/donations but he and Vicki were pushing that ClubDetox product on their twitter pages until recently so I suspect they were hoping to get a cut of any profits. I would not be surprised to hear/read that they partnered up the detox woman and the Dr. to promote this junk. LOL

  • Love 8

Did anyone else find Lizzie's reaction confusing last night? She acted like she was hearing about Brooks stopping Chemo for the very first time. At first it cemented to me that there is a lot of other stuff going on in the show that we just don't see, because they cannot be sitting around all the time talking about it if Lizzie was so out of the loop. Then I remembered that she was the one who was the voice of reason with Meghan at Heather's party - telling her to just back off Vicki and leave her alone. Wasn't that conversation between Meghan and Vicki entirely about the fact that Brooks had selected more non-traditional treatment? Why was she so surprised by what she was hearing last night? 

What I did notice is Lizzie was excusing herself with a full glass of wine in hand and then they showed her walking out without the glass.  Makes think she sat there as an observer.  I think Lizzie is "shocked" Brooks would lie.  Maybe Lizzie wants a full paycheck before getting into the cancer war.

  • Love 2

This is why it's hard for me to believe that Vicki is the lover of someone who has Stage III cancer and the chemo isn't working after very little time on it. For someone as high strung as she is, as narcissitic as she is, I don't believe for one minute that she would be so laissez-faire about his current health plan.

I think either he had it recently and has been cured so she thought technically it wasn't a total lie and went with it as a storyline.

This precisely. I just find it hard to believe that Vicki wouldn't be filming a ton of scenes bemoaning how she lost her mother and now she could lose...lip quiver...Brooks. I think he had a blip in October. It was treated and they've moved on.

It reminds me of these clients I had years ago who were on the Jerry Springer Show. They said that the story that got them on the show was absolutely true, but it happened five years before and they were completely over it.

  • Love 6

Well, not quite. Brooks may not be asking for money/donations but he and Vicki were pushing that ClubDetox product on their twitter pages until recently so I suspect they were hoping to get a cut of any profits. I would not be surprised to hear/read that they partnered up the detox woman and the Dr. to promote this junk. LOL

Have a seat they have been since December Vicki produces a recipe a day from the woman.  When you click on the recipe it takes you to a site that charges you $9.99 a month for the advice.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 6

Although it pains me to say this, at least Ryan had the intelligence to not marry Sarah.  This way, he will only have to pay child support, and not alimony, too.


Sarah seems to be as flaky and lazy as Ryan.  

I was thinking the same thing on both counts - and how convenient that Sarah gets pregnant with each guy.

For me, this was the best episode of the season.  Just to watch Vickie as she tried to play Tamra and then her face as she's listening to Brooks.... solid gold.  Perhaps it's at this point that Vickie will step out of herself and see that no one is buying her act.  Well, not only not buying it, but actively feeling distaste for her and her chosen man.   And that is how I feel about this latest development.

That was a great scene - though I doubt Narcissist V will ever be able to see herself or others clearly.

  • Love 3

Forget everything I said about Brooks being Vicki's problem alone. Apparently the Vickster has partnered with the grass lady to promote an online detox program. 




I am beyond disgusted. Now I think that maybe Brooks had a blip, as someone upthread stated, and Vicks and Brooks are in this together. They deserve each other with their huckster ways. 

  • Love 10

I am calling out Meghan PI in the name of Truth and Justice and stuff!!  At the Evine viewing party, when Tammy Sue starts to tell the ladies about her meeting with Vicki and Brooks, Meghan specifically, looks like she doesn't know what Tamra is about to say.  But, after Tamra says Brooks got the PET/CT scan, Meghan had already put on her investigative headband and called the facility to see if they did those specific tests.  She even said she called back to clarify!  Apparently her PI headband has psychic powers? How did she know to call them and ask if they perform those tests?

The PI learned about it from the text message Vicki sent all the HW.

  • Love 3

Well, not quite. Brooks may not be asking for money/donations but he and Vicki were pushing that ClubDetox product on their twitter pages until recently so I suspect they were hoping to get a cut of any profits. I would not be surprised to hear/read that they partnered up the detox woman and the Dr. to promote this junk. LOL

And people promote psychics, healers, Diamond water..... Unless they are doing an infomercial about the stuff ala "Billy Mays and Sully" claiming the "Cancer Cure" and produce their financial records showing their stock in the product then......

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 4

There is more than one Newport Imaging location. Only one location did not have PET/CT available. And doctors can order whatever test they want -- the test location does not determine if a patient cant get the test or not. Meghan has no blasted idea what the hell she is talking about. She is like one of those people with enough information to be dangerous.
Here are just a few links. They are located in free standing facilities and hospitals. Meghan is an idiot. Meghan has just said unequivically on broadcast tv that she thinks his test is a forgery and that he is lying. Tamra is a frenemy to all.


I really think that the whole "does Brooks really have cancer?" is in bad taste.  He is not asking these women for money or fundraising, only some consideration and prayers.


    The problem with your information is that the facility that Brooks said he went to is Newport Imaging (Center South).    The facilities you mention are not a part of or affiliated with Newport Imaging.

          Newport Imaging is one of many facilities that is a part of NHRA, Newport Harbor Radiology Associates Medical Group Inc.  Many of the facilities are at Hoag which is where the Pet Scan is done like Meghan said.    The website is http://newportradiology.com/locations.php

           The facilities you list have nothing to do with NHRA.     

             You many not like Meghan, but her information was correct.

    The only people who are at fault as far as I am concerned are VIcki and Brooks.  They chose to use his cancer story on the show. He is drinking a lot , which production made sure we saw, he is traveling and partying and gives conflicting information, most of which had EVERYONE questioning.

            I believe Shannon when she said Vicki asked for her help and she worked very hard as she said at securing a good doctor for Brooks.    Then Brooks tells her he had 2 flat tires ?   Vicki says she never asked Shannon for help.     Two drastically different stories.    If Brooks is telling the truth, then why didn't he reschedule ?    

      I think the flat tire and decision to stop his supposed traditional treatment is evidence enough for me that he does not have cancer.   Who with recurring NHL would pass up the chance to be treated by the best?     Someone who has nothing to be treated for.    He had to come up with an excuse beside the flat tires of course, so the radical change in treatment was his option.

       And yes, I agree with the poster who said that infusion looked like a strawberry smoothie.     Just from a common sense perceptive , the removal of one's blood and returning it to the body would take place in a much more sterile and professional space, than some random exam room.

            Circumstances, when all added up regarding this story do not err on the side of Vicki and Brooks.

Edited by Cherrio
  • Love 6

I hope these women are right because if Brooks dies of this disease I sincerely don't know how any of them could ever live with themselves. There would be no justification in the world to make what they have done alright. 


Now having said that, wouldn't his Dr's have given him a prognosis of how long he has to live? It doesn't seem like anything is working for him so I would think that for him the disease is terminal. Maybe if he and Vicki brought that up, it just might shut these bitches down. 

I think that those women, even if they were standing next to the deathbed of Brooks Ayers, would justify themselves in some way. They would deflect any blame by saying "It's not my fault, she told me he didn't have cancer" or "the psychic SAID that Brooks didn't have cancer". Either way, they will most definitely not be genuinely contrite and simply say "I was so wrong and I regret doubting Brooks, I don't know how I can make it up to them".  Never going to happen. Admission of wrongdoing and feelings of regret are just not built into the soul of any of these women.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 5

"Vicki's face just seemed a mass of guilt and embarrassment and anger."


Other posters have said similar things in the thread and I strongly agree.

In fact, last night it was the first thing I thought of.   I thought, she looks so guilty and dishonest, hope with baited breath that Tamra will agree.


 I didn't mention it in my posts last night because I thought , nah I will keep it to just what was said and done, but I am SO glad so many others noticed it too.

       She looked so bad, I thought the Botox and other fillers might gel together to write GUILTY across her forehead.

  • Love 10

Well much as I hate to mention this there were other story lines besides Brooks....Shannons hair was gorgeous at the dinner out but Jesus woman, be a buzz kill about everything why don't you? She is NEVER happy.....she has to exercise, the meatballs aren't low fat, her kids pulled a kids prank, Vickie told her a million times to DROP IT and she's all butt hurt because she didn't drop it and now Vickys upset? But it's all about Shannon! Shan can be funny as hell as even fun at times but she is such a downer. No wonder David said he could talk to the affair and not to Shan. Bet the affair doesn't give a big sigh when ordering meatballs (yummy) at a beautiful dinner out!


What the holy hell was part time housewife wearing? See I can't even remember her name....oh, Lizzie. She dresses like she's going to a pageant just to go watch tv? Hon, try jeans or even slacks not every event is life calls for frilly dresses.


I can not stand this church story line.....ugh. Jesus Jugs Tamara.

  • Love 5

Am I the only one who thought Brook's infusion bag looked more like a strawberry fruit smoothie?

I thought it was a strawberry margarita. :-)


IMO, it was a big gaffe on Heather's part to deny Tamra's (extraordinarily gauche) reference to Terry's spray tan. So he's tan, but it's not a spray tan. Ergo, it's a real tan. Ergo, the good doctor is inviting dangerous rays and free radicals into his body. And it's on this doctor's authority that we're supposed to believe in a product that combats age and wrinkles?

Ooooh, good point! Perhaps he can claim he uses the product to offset the UV damage?




To me, the doctor visit came across as entirely fake. Everyone playing their parts, but none of it seemed believable to me.


Perhaps this was a "reenactment" so they could bypass those pesky HIPPA laws and balking doctors with old fashioned views on "doctor/patient confidence"?

  • Love 4

Have a seat they have been since December Vicki produces a recipe a day from the woman.  When you click on the recipe it takes you to a site that charges you $9.99 a month for the advice.

I saw the link to the recipe but did not click on it. LOL So she is still pushing this woman and her junk? Why am I not surprised! LOL I really do believe she is getting a % of any sales from her twitter links, much like her "boutique/store. LOL 

  • Love 2

What gets me is, if Brooks is lying about being sick, it takes someone with huge balls, or total ignorance to try to play this on television.  Look how many people have information, or can find it and so easily, and I'm not talking about idiot Meghan, but real people with brains.  He allowed that medical report to be shown on large high definition tvs.  He probably didn't watch RHOA when Kim's phone showed her married boyfriend's name on our television screens.


Shannon does appear to be buzzed when talking to David.  She has a right to be pissed at him, but alcohol probably really brings out the nasty when she is around him.  He looks like he is totally checked out, although she keeps saying their marriage is better than ever.


Speaking of high definition, I wish Tamra would darken her hair, cut it and use less make-up.  She could look so much better!

  • Love 5

Anyway, the point of that whole shpiel is I don't think it's possible that Brooks could be confusing a CT scan for a PET. I think *something* is up. I do think he has a history of NHL and is in remission and has been throughout the season.

I agree 100% and too feel that Brook's has had cancer in the past, may again relapse in the future, but at the time of filming was in remission and dreamt up this whole storyline as a way for Vicki, his cash cow, to get screen time and cement her place in the show. It's a brilliant con actually; he can always produce evidence,if needed , of past cancer and if it returns he can claim he had it all along or if it does not return, he has been cured.

Vicki has just been too damn calm during this whole thing for me to believe it. We all saw how she reacted to Brianna's thyroid issues in seasons past. We have seen her go off the rails over any questioning of Brooks in past seasons. Her measured, relatively calm, and dare I say mature, responses to all the Brooks questioning this season are SO unVicki. We haven't seen her grow like this in any other areas, so something is definitely not as they wish it to appear. I doubt we will ever know the truth.

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