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S12.E01: Sledgehammer


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Seattle Grace Hospital springs into action to save the lives of two young girls whose powerful story will force some of the doctors to revisit the effects of bullying on their own pasts. Meanwhile, Meredith must adjust to changes at home with her new roommates while Bailey continues to fight for the Chief of Surgery position and Jackson prepares for April’s return to Seattle.

Summary from TheTVDB.com

For the most part, I really enjoyed this episode. It kept stuff moving along nicely, it set up some promising stories for the season, and it was light-hearted without getting TOO cheesy. I liked that the drama was saved for the patient stories, aside from Jackson and April. 


I wanted to see Bailey become chief, so I liked how that played out. Predictable, but well worth it after all these years. It's nice payoff for fans who've been watching forever. I'm excited to see how she takes on the role of chief. I also think the dynamic of Arizona and that intern living together could be fun. 


The Meredith / Amelia thing was sort of ridiculous, and I kind of wish Meredith had more to do tonight (where were the kids?!) but it was a premiere and I understand that they had to fit a lot in. It's TV land, so we just have to assume that the kids are safe and being cared for when they're not visible. I like seeing Meredith smile, and love watching her be a great surgeon. I'm excited about her teaching the anatomy class to the new doctors. 


Again, my biggest issue is the huge cast. Too little time for everyone, so when there's focus on patients (which is good), each character appears for only a few minutes, and it's sporadic. Tonight it didn't feel too bloated, but Jo had basically nothing to do, April was away, and there wasn't anything too big going on. I'd liked to have seen more Alex, but his last scene with Jo was sort of sweet. 

Did anyone else find the covers to get a bit distracting? Rihanna, Miley, Iggy, Pinky... felt a bit forced. Grey's has such great music, and it works best when it's not gimmicky or 'themed'. I mean covers of top 40 songs can't really work forever, I hope it was a one-time thing. 

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 1

I enjoyed the episode.  I thought it was very fast paced.  


I was somewhat surprised that Bailey became chief of surgery.  I was half expecting Catherine's candidate to become chief because of her cardio background.  I was wondering if this was going to cause a conflict between Richard, Catherine, and Maggie since cardio is Maggie's specialty.

I thought it was a terrible premiere. I realized tonight that there are only four or five characters on this show I care about even a little, and those characters rarely interact with each other. And of course, other than not getting along with Amelia, Meredith is doing just great, one year after her husband's death. I particularly hated the line where she said "I used to love with someone who knew that I like...." when explaining to Maggie why Amelia is driving her crazy. Derek is just someone now? Of course. So I'm guessing the writers decided that having Derek's picture on the fridge and his drawing of that epic tumor surgery sitting on the ground in her bedroom was enough of a nod to Derek as if he and Meredith's love story only deserves a short nod. Ridiculous.

Also, I'm an atheist liberal and even I thought the patient storyline was obnoxious as hell. So the Christian fundamentalist is a total bigoted bitch (shocker) while the Muslim man was perfectly open and accepting. Whatever. I'm sure some tea party blog is going to have a field day with that.

I have yet to miss an episode of this show, but I may finally walk away.

  • Love 5

Jackson is having none of April.  Which she knew would be the case when she left.  I'm interested to see how that plays out.


Where are Alex and Jo living now?


I believe that's supposed to be the loft Jo bought in the finale. They must have hired one hell of a fix-it team. 

I thought it was a terrible premiere. I realized tonight that there are only four or five characters on this show I care about even a little, and those characters rarely interact with each other. And of course, other than not getting along with Amelia, Meredith is doing just great, one year after her husband's death. I particularly hated the line where she said "I used to love with someone who knew that I like...." when explaining to Maggie why Amelia is driving her crazy. Derek is just someone now? Of course. So I'm guessing the writers decided that having Derek's picture on the fridge and his drawing of that epic tumor surgery sitting on the ground in her bedroom was enough of a nod to Derek as if he and Meredith's love story only deserves a short nod. Ridiculous.


I get the complaint, but I'm glad they didn't have Derek loom hard over this episode. Meredith wore his scrub cap, his photos were on the fridge... he won't be easily forgotten, but it's TV. They needed a lighter tone with this episode, and it all took place over one work day. There were some nice other nods to the past, but it was a very forward-moving episode. Derek is gone, the show needs to move on. I hope we see more of Meredith dealing with her grief in the future, and I think we will from what Ellen has said, but I'm glad it wasn't in the premiere. There were a lot of characters to service (too many.) 

  • Love 2

I hate to say it but that was terrible. If I'd never seen the show before I would have thought Callie was the lead. Not that I don't like Callie but I would have liked more Meredith. Also, the bullying thing was really heavy-handed. And if anyone from Grey's is lurking, I hate the music covers. I first discovered some of my favorite artists from the show. Sigh. Not a good start.

  • Love 1

The wrecking ball/sledgehammer was a bit too anvilly with the two girls storyline.

Some parts of it weren't bad. But the show needs fewer than the now 5000 characters. I did like when whatshername told Arizona everything that was wrong with her. But B.S. that a surgeon at her level would need a roommate. I'm sure neither she nor Callie is paying spousal or child support. Even with pro bono, she's making the bucks.

I did like seeing Joey Lauren Adams, though.

Edited by DropTheSoap
  • Love 2

I guess the writers forgot that Callie's dad wasn't so happy for her when she told him she was bisexual, and wanted him to meet Arizona.  I remember her yelling at him that he couldn't "pray away the gay" and then there was the whole Arizona speech to him where she assured him she was a "good man in a storm"  (though she is the exact opposite of that). 


Callie's shouldn't have been so incredulous about the girl's mom wanting to send her to one of those camps.


And yes, the bullying stories were too PSA.

But B.S. that a surgeon at her level would need a roommate. I'm sure neither she nor Callie is paying spousal or child support. Even with pro bono, she's making the bucks.


Arizona is an owner of that hospital, isn't she?  She put in her money from the plane crash like the others?  She should be getting as much money as the others are from their jobs, so I don't see why she needs a roommate to make ends meet.

  • Love 2

No offense to Bailey, but not picking Dr. Perfect is why Grey + Sloan will never be #1 again.


Can Amelia just shack up with Owen already?  The three "sisters" thing just isn't going to work for me.  And I realized that I don't really enjoy Meredith and Maggie together unless Alex and Callie are with them.


I kind of hate that they made Alex a fat kid for us to pity him even more.  I liked it when he had to grow up just so he could fight off his dad and I think Alex being your stereotypical bully works better as a backstory.

  • Love 5
Where are Alex and Jo living now?

I believe that's supposed to be the loft Jo bought in the finale. They must have hired one hell of a fix-it team.



I wonder where that loft is supposed to be located though if Jo (and I presume Alex) have to take the train to work. When it was first shown last season, I thought it was in First Hill, Capitol Hill, or Pioneer Square, neighborhoods that have a lot of lofts and are close to the major Seattle hospitals. But even if it was in another Seattle neighborhood, I still don't think they would take the train. Does this show not have a "location consultant"? Probably not, since Derek had to drive through no man's land to get to the airport and the hospital he was taken to was in some nonexistent podunk town.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 2

This episode made me realize how few of the cast of thousands I like these days.


I think Meredith, Maggie and Amelia living together is supposed to be some kind of cool sisters thing but they really seem to be missing the mark for me.

I was somewhat surprised that Bailey became chief of surgery.  I was half expecting Catherine's candidate to become chief because of her cardio background.

Bailey becoming chief was telegraphed for me in s1 because Bailey is Shonda's alter ego on the show.  That's why she gets everything, from the really hot guy to being chief.

  • Love 5

The personal finances on this show drive me crazy.  Unless Arizona is renting a mansion, she clearly should be able to afford rent.  And at her income, she would most likely buy, not rent.  The have to stop acting like attendings are first years.  And she is an owner.  How poorly is this hospital run that they are impoverished?


I get the feeling that Kevin McKidd got some feedback on his face swallowing kissing style.  While he was still overly aggressive, at least he kept his mouth closed and didn't try to swallow her entire head like a snake eating a rat.  I used to find him so sexy.  His make out scenes ruined that for me. 

  • Love 2

Did I hallucinate, or are the interns taking Meredith's anatomy class (heh. Literally 'Grey's Anatomy.' I just got that.)?? Shouldn't they have taken anatomy as, oh, one of their first classes in MED SCHOOL? Or is it some sort of special topics advanced class? OR was it not the interns I saw? I thought I saw cute Dr. Intern-Not-Resident (Arizona's new roomie) in the crowd.

  • Love 5

I wasn't fully paying attention, because the roommate thing felt like they were trying to redo her adjusting to George and Izzie living with her. I'm also not that excited about it, anymore. I miss the days when I would look forward to the premiere. 


Arizona was amusing. I can't believe people think that she lies about having a fake leg, though. She would have been in the news, the plane crash would have been a huge story, and she's one of the owners of the hospital. She doesn't need to fake anything for attention (except for the ripping of a tag, for the roommate position ;) ). 

Edited by Anela
  • Love 1

There were sappy moments and unrealistic moments -- but that's what made it definitively GREY'S. Everything was lighter, knowingly. The humor wasn't cloying, because there was more self-awareness amongst the characters. Also, the storytelling was surprisingly less serialized (for a premiere). I don't like a handful of the regulars, but I generally appreciated how this installment placed them. It was far from fantastic television, as it was much too safe, but the tonal shift was recognized and enjoyed. 

  • Love 2

Not everything has changed: Alex Karev got about 5 minutes of screentime, and he's still the best thing on the show for me.

He ruled with the dads thing. I also loved the last scene and as always, I'm so glad he has someone like Jo who appreciates him and loves him.


I rather enjoyed this episode.

I enjoy the "sisters" dynamic. Mere was less Medusa than last year and actually a nice person again. I like Amelia, I think she's fun and very "little sister", for better or for worse. And the writers did an excellent job with Maggie imo, in the way they fleshed her out -and I was rolling my eyes at the idea of yet another Grey sister.

I like Owen and Amelia, and without heavy drama they play each other out better.

Loved Callie.


April wants to talk, that's a good idea. I appreciate that the writers don't make light of the consequences of losing a child on a couple, and don't take sides. But I love April/Jackson and I hope they'll get back together.


Stephanie and Arizona, meh. I don't know why the former is still around, and if the latter could stop drinking her own Kool-Aid, I might get to like her better.

Bailey is still on my shit list, and now of course she's chief. I don't think I can hope to see her humbled by the experience; more triumphant, obnoxious Bailey in sight I guess.


Also, I'm an atheist liberal and even I thought the patient storyline was obnoxious as hell. So the Christian fundamentalist is a total bigoted bitch (shocker) while the Muslim man was perfectly open and accepting. Whatever. I'm sure some tea party blog is going to have a field day with that.

Must be an atheist liberal thing, because ICAM.

It's a pity it was so heavy-handed, because I loved the way it was otherwise woven in the episode. And the storyline was moving in itself. The teen girl playing Jessica, in particular, did imo a good job. 

Edited by Happy Harpy
  • Love 1

There were sappy moments and unrealistic moments -- but that's what made it definitively GREY'S. Everything was lighter, knowingly. The humor wasn't cloying, because there was more self-awareness amongst the characters. Also, the storytelling was surprisingly less serialized (for a premiere). I don't like a handful of the regulars, but I generally appreciated how this installment placed them. It was far from fantastic television, as it was much too safe, but the tonal shift was recognized and enjoyed. 


I agree.  I think it was a good start to the season.  I had rewatched the last two episodes of last season, post Derek's death, over the weekend and those were good episodes, which led me to be optimistic for this season.  So far, so good.

  • Love 1

It would be nice - for once to have a Christian on this show (not Bailey because it's all perfect-rosy with her) to state why they don't believe in ABC/XYZ - then go, it doesn't matter what they believe, they'll still treat people the way they deserve to be treated.   With love and respect. Just once. that's all I ask.  I mean Daddy Torres got there. it just irks that's all.   Everything here was heavy handed. 


I do like Maggie. (i don't know when this happened). 


I don't think Bailey should have been named Chief. 


No kids sighting? No Baby NoHerNameIsNotEllis screaming that she was woken up by a sledge hammer? No Zola and BaileyBoy? Boo .

Edited by Daisy
  • Love 3

First off, waayyy too much Maggot Pierth and not enough Alex, Jo, April and Jackson (I’m sure that is a sentence that I will get tired of writing.)  I hated that she got high-fived for punching the mother, no matter how odious the mother was.


Secondly, some of the dialog was just laugh out loud bad.  When Ben is taking the call about the train accident, all of the seasoned doctors who are standing by audibly gasp in dismay and then Ben says “They’re just kids...They’re JUST KIDS DAMMIT!!!!”  Okay, maybe he didn’t say that last part, but if they are going to write dialog like this then the actors may as well go all Charlton Heston on us.  Are we to believe that these last year residents and veteran doctors don’t see kids being brought in day and night with awful injuries under much more horrifying circumstances?  Sure, kids throwing themselves in front of a train is not an everyday occurance, but come on.  Or maybe I’m jaded and heartless.


I kind of hate that they made Alex a fat kid for us to pity him even more.  I liked it when he had to grow up just so he could fight off his dad and I think Alex being your stereotypical bully works better as a backstory




100% this.  Alex has one of the most thought out and detailed backstories of all of the current characters.  Why would the writers feel the need to change what we have already been told and this on?  Couldn’t he just have been teased for being poor, for having dirty or ripped clothes or because his mom was crazy and his dad was violent?  I want to give the writers the benefit of the doubt (sometimes) but then they pull lazy and unnecessary crap like this and it makes me wonder if they even know their own characters.


I am trying to be re-energized and positive about this season, so I will say that I enjoyed the way that characters interacted with characters we don’t normally see them with.  Arizona talking to Jackson, Stephanie talking to Arizona and Arizona talking with the new cute intern.  Okay, maybe its just Arizona talking to new people but its something.  Her new living situation should be interesting.


Again, I”m trying to take a cue from all of the #TGIT, #Rebirth# #LightandSexy, etc. that is being sent my way, so I will chalk all this up to being the first episode and just hope that it improves.

  • Love 2

Halfway in, I got up to brush my teeth & put the dishes away so I am guessing I was getting pretty bored.  Which isn't a good sign seeing as this was the season premiere and all... 


Randoms:  Derek/Patrick Dempsey is oh, but a very, very distant memory (did he ever even exist? if a tree falls in the forest, and nobody is there, does it make a noise?) , a lot of the women have gotten haircuts recently and are sporting bobs,  Jessica Capshaw has done something weird to her mouth (my guess is lip injections & an unfortunate combo of fillers & Botox) this was really evident during her scene about the rumours with that boring newer cast member who's character's name  I can't bother to remember, and Bailey's story lines are starting to bore me to tears.  For all that is good and holy in the world, please, dear God, give that woman something to do that doesn't involve whether she will or won't be Chief and will she make a good Chief or a bad Chief ... and whining /yelling at her husband! 


Oh!  And only ONE Sun reference in this episode, thank god and no, it wasn't about being in the sun or being the sun or standing in the sun... it was at the beginning when they arguing over the wall coming down and whatsherface said how it would let so much more light in and then said to Meredith 'oh yeah, but you hate the sun.'  Please let that be the last of the Sun talk.  Last season was more than enough.

Edited by Cementhead
  • Love 1

Overall I thought this was a well executed, interesting, light hearted episode. They achieved what they were going for with tone. I liked the different combinations of characters.

I get them trying to recreate the dynamic of Meredith/George/izzie with Meredith/Maggie/Amelia, but they need to realize that all three are older and hopefully wiser than when they were all interns. Heir dynamic is fun though but like it's been said, the absence of the kids will annoy me. Where can I get kids that allow me to look spiffy in the morning while having a complete conversation without being interrupted. Where's the baby? That really stuck out to me but if the home hijinks get put to a minimum I can fan walk the kids.

Bailey being chief, I wasn't pulling for it but by the end she won me over. Which is what I feel was the point. Bailey from the past three seasons has been insufferable to put it mildly. A little humility to make her appreciate the work and her place in it was needed. I liked Ben really being there for her too. I like Ben a lot and am so glad he's a regular.

The very little Jackson and April was expected and not as frustrating as I thought it would be. Jackson being testy with everyone was entertaining and just showed how on edge he is with April coming home. There are so many unanswered questions with them...if she left he was done, but he's still wearing his ring and still referring to his marriage in the present tense...so what happened between the finale and april leaving? What makes her come back at all? What makes her decide now to fight for her marriage?

Their scene was short but I felt like it said a lot. Jackson is wearing his pain on his face. You can see how hurt and angry he is, and how lonely. When April walks in he's apprehensive but he still very much loves her, that's not the question here. I think the question for him is if she still loves him as much as before? I liked how they both were trying to be considerate of each other (and avoiding one another) and he wanted her to be comfortable on her first night back. There's a lot going on there and I'm looking forward to how their story plays out.

The patient storyline was done so well, usually I gloss over the patients but this was engaging. I was glad to see both girls pull through. The Maggie punch I thought I would hate but it worked only cause Maggie did feel scared of repercussions and although didn't want to apologize she did it with as much sincerity she could muster. The lady was a biotch and deserved it but this isn't the first season and these are baby interns, they should know better.

I was surprised by the amount of Callie and Maggie considering this is merediths season but I can't say I mind. I'm still hurting over the fact that Ellen was the only one who got new cast photos :/

Overall I really enjoyed this episode. I

  • Love 2

I wonder where that loft is supposed to be located though if Jo (and I presume Alex) have to take the train to work. When it was first shown last season, I thought it was in First Hill, Capitol Hill, or Pioneer Square, neighborhoods that have a lot of lofts and are close to the major Seattle hospitals. But even if it was in another Seattle neighborhood, I still don't think they would take the train. Does this show not have a "location consultant"? Probably not, since Derek had to drive through no man's land to get to the airport and the hospital he was taken to was in some nonexistent podunk town.

I thought Jo was driving to work, but just got stuck at a train crossing when the train stopped after hitting the kids.

That may not make sense logistically either though.

  • Love 3

100% this. Alex has one of the most thought out and detailed backstories of all of the current characters. Why would the writers feel the need to change what we have already been told and this on? Couldn’t he just have been teased for being poor, for having dirty or ripped clothes or because his mom was crazy and his dad was violent?

Just what I was asking. I could see Alex being teased for those things. I knew kids who were teased for those things. I could see Alex responding by becoming a bully. I knew kids who responded that way. Alex and Jo could have had the same conversation without throwing in the random "I was the fat kid" that doesn't fit the backstory we've been told at all.

I didn't care for the "sisters" scenes. I don't mind Maggie too much, but she is very Mary Sue-ish. I think Meredith and Amelia have potential for an interesting dynamic, but the actresses together leave me cold.

Callie didn't bug me as much as usual, but I thought she had way too much prominence for a premiere. I'm sure the yearly Callie-centric episode is right around the corner too.

I liked Arizona's scenes, but I thought they could have trimmed them a bit and given more airtime to other characters.

I just don't like Bailey.

Edited by Evie
  • Love 1
Also, I'm an atheist liberal and even I thought the patient storyline was obnoxious as hell. So the Christian fundamentalist is a total bigoted bitch (shocker) while the Muslim man was perfectly open and accepting. Whatever. I'm sure some tea party blog is going to have a field day with that.


I'm a moderate heathen lapsed Catholic (those Fundies HATE us!) and I also thought Shonda went overboard (gee....that NEVER happens!)


Not only was Fundie Mom homophobic, but in case you missed her distaste for the nice, sympathetic Muslim man, who as an added "awwww" moment, was also a widower, Fundie Mom also went after MAGGIE, even though it was Callie who was in her face earlier. Yep. Evil Christian Mom is also a racist who went after the doctor with the darkest skin in the room. You know, in case you missed that she was also a racist in addition to being a homophobe....as well as the blondest white who ever Caucasianed. 


My head still hurts from that sledgehammer blows to the temple last night. 


And is it me, or does Owen, the horn dog that has more sex than anyone on the planet, have a habit of inhaling the face of every actress he has a love scene with?


I will be interested to see the ratings for last night, seeing that Shonda has done more promo, press and damage control this summer, after last year's clusterfuck of a spring on Grey's.  They were up against Thursday Night Football on CBS, but it wasn't a particularly GOOD game. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 2

I kind of hate that they made Alex a fat kid for us to pity him even more.  I liked it when he had to grow up just so he could fight off his dad and I think Alex being your stereotypical bully works better as a backstory.

Given that Justin looks like he's put on a few pounds, maybe they're setting up a very special episode about weight loss, or body acceptance.


It would be nice - for once to have a Christian on this show (not Bailey because it's all perfect-rosy with her) to state why they don't believe in ABC/XYZ - then go, it doesn't matter what they believe, they'll still treat people the way they deserve to be treated.   With love and respect. Just once. that's all I ask.  I mean Daddy Torres got there. it just irks that's all.   Everything here was heavy handed. 


I do like Maggie. (i don't know when this happened). 


I don't think Bailey should have been named Chief. 


No kids sighting? No Baby NoHerNameIsNotEllis screaming that she was woken up by a sledge hammer? No Zola and BaileyBoy? Boo .

April's the resident Christian on the show, for better or worse. It's a little hard to respect, in my opinion, people who want to whisk their physically damaged child out of the hospital so they can go to a re-programming camp, without allowing for any recovery time. Or for that matter, people who expect their beliefs to be treated with love and respect, but won't do the same for others.


But, I do agree that the storyline was a bit heavy handed. Nevertheless, I'm tired of seeing news of children killing themselves because their families can't accept them for who they are, so I can see why this is a storyline. And I found it quite moving at times.


I was ready to stop watching the show at the end of last season, but despite its flaws, this episode drew me back in. Even though the title of the show was an accurate description of the plotting.

Edited by clanstarling
  • Love 3

Premieres of shows are generally my least favorite of the season since they have to both catch everyone up on where they left off and setup the new stories. Overall, I thought this was a pretty good episode. There was some heavy handedness, bad dialog and the ever-irksome roomie living situations but those have all been part of Grey's for several seasons. I live with it and move on, lol.


I always want more Alex but I was happy with what we saw last night. I liked that Alex & Jo are seemingly living like normal people; no roommates, they eat dinner together and talk about their day. I didn't mind that they made Alex the fat kid in 5th grade because I liked how he calmly shared something from his childhood with Jo. Usually things are shared (all characters) by blurting them out in the hospital hallway in the middle of some angst filled speech. A few minutes here and there of them at home helps to build them as a couple since most of the show is at the hospital with everyone else around. Or maybe I was just so happy Alex wasn't at Meredith's that I would have loved anything.


I liked how April & Jackson were setup too. They aren't my favorite characters but I'm really interested in their storyline.


The sisters were the weak storyline for me but I expected that since I don't like Meredith and Maggie is wearing thin. I was/am interested in Meredith's story this season but last night was like 3 college freshman in a dorm. I know we won't see the kids much and that's fine with me but they should not then write scenes that are kind of ridiculous if there's kids in the house. I guess its better that Meredith is home downing tequila shots and the kids aren't in 24hr daycare. At least they get to sleep at home.  And really, hire a housekeeper (at a minimum). 


Derek punches Mark, gets called out. Mark/Derek fight, both get called out. Alex shoves a patient's family, gets called out. Maggie punches a patient's mother in the face and gets high-fived. That tells me how Maggie's going to be written.


  • Love 6

Derek punches Mark, gets called out. Mark/Derek fight, both get called out. Alex shoves a patient's family, gets called out. Maggie punches a patient's mother in the face and gets high-fived. That tells me how Maggie's going to be written.

Absolutely. I think it was meant to show how Maggie overcomes her past as a bullied girl - but it was absolutely unprofessional and undermined her character. Now, if she'd punched Amelia....

Edited by clanstarling
  • LOL 1
  • Love 4

Excellent--best season opener in years.


The story with the young girls made me cry.  The dad taking a stand made me cheer.  Arizona's wakeup call made me laugh.


I disagreed with a plotpoint here and there and I don't care for some of the characters, but my dis/likes are different from the ones mentioned above, so, hey, something for everyone.

  • Love 6

Did I hallucinate, or are the interns taking Meredith's anatomy class (heh. Literally 'Grey's Anatomy.' I just got that.)?? Shouldn't they have taken anatomy as, oh, one of their first classes in MED SCHOOL? Or is it some sort of special topics advanced class? OR was it not the interns I saw? I thought I saw cute Dr. Intern-Not-Resident (Arizona's new roomie) in the crowd.

This was not the first year med school gross anatomy class. She started off by saying that they'd need to forget everything they know about anatomy. It was my impression that it was a SURGICAL anatomy lab for the surgical interns.

  • Love 5

Did I hallucinate, or are the interns taking Meredith's anatomy class (heh. Literally 'Grey's Anatomy.' I just got that.)?? Shouldn't they have taken anatomy as, oh, one of their first classes in MED SCHOOL? Or is it some sort of special topics advanced class? OR was it not the interns I saw? I thought I saw cute Dr. Intern-Not-Resident (Arizona's new roomie) in the crowd.

Ha! Exactly. I thought Shonda did this to give Meredith this Annalise feeling from the other show where she teaches students law.

Halfway in, I got up to brush my teeth & put the dishes away so I am guessing I was getting pretty bored.  Which isn't a good sign seeing as this was the season premiere and all... 


Randoms:  Derek/Patrick Dempsey is oh, but a very, very distant memory (did he ever even exist? if a tree falls in the forest, and nobody is there, does it make a noise?) , a lot of the women have gotten haircuts recently and are sporting bobs,  Jessica Capshaw has done something weird to her mouth (my guess is lip injections & an unfortunate combo of fillers & Botox) this was really evident during her scene about the rumours with that boring newer cast member who's character's name  I can't bother to remember, and Bailey's story lines are starting to bore me to tears.  For all that is good and holy in the world, please, dear God, give that woman something to do that doesn't involve whether she will or won't be Chief and will she make a good Chief or a bad Chief ... and whining /yelling at her husband! 


Oh!  And only ONE Sun reference in this episode, thank god and no, it wasn't about being in the sun or being the sun or standing in the sun... it was at the beginning when they arguing over the wall coming down and whatsherface said how it would let so much more light in and then said to Meredith 'oh yeah, but you hate the sun.'  Please let that be the last of the Sun talk.  Last season was more than enough.

Cool commentary. I love it! I laugh from top to bottom of your post. You are very poignant with words,and express it very well what is wrong with this show. You have a great sense of humour!!! You see the whole picture and stay above it all, I should do the same.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
  • Love 1

I did like seeing Joey Lauren Adams, though.


Agreed and I think she is a really good actress and presence, but that voice for a full season might be a little much.


No offense to Bailey, but not picking Dr. Perfect is why Grey + Sloan will never be #1 again.


Agreed-Catherine was right that they need someone to push them to new areas and to be creative and not stick to same old same old. Only good part will be if they let Bailey return to what we say in the first few seasons before they made her all soft and mushy.

  • Love 1

Given that Justin looks like he's put on a few pounds, maybe they're setting up a very special episode about weight loss, or body acceptance.


April's the resident Christian on the show, for better or worse. It's a little hard to respect, in my opinion, people who want to whisk their physically damaged child out of the hospital so they can go to a re-programming camp, without allowing for any recovery time. Or for that matter, people who expect their beliefs to be treated with love and respect, but won't do the same for others.


But, I do agree that the storyline was a bit heavy handed. Nevertheless, I'm tired of seeing news of children killing themselves because their families can't accept them for who they are, so I can see why this is a storyline. And I found it quite moving at times.


I was ready to stop watching the show at the end of last season, but despite its flaws, this episode drew me back in. Even though the title of the show was an accurate description of the plotting.




Oh my apologies - I meant on the parent issue. (I should have been more specific) :) 

like I am totally NOT. FOR what the mother was doing, but the minute she tossed out "our pastor" i was like. (sigh) really? really? (or in Grey Anatomy-ese... Seriously? seriously?). 


I fully get that this is an issue - and i'm glad that it was tackled, but just for me - I personally feel it didn't have to have that christian tack on to it (because I flat out know people who believe in de-programming camps, who aren't Christians). 


April is a great example of what I ask for though to be honest, so I can't complain too much. 

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