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S10.E16: Suspicious Minds

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My theory on the Brooks cancer story is that at one point he did have cancer, got treated, and went into remission. In true grifter style, he pondered how much mileage he could get out of it, and talked Vicki into pulling a long con. Hence, the healing juices business, and I wouldn't doubt they have invested in some Resveratrol supplement as well. Vicki may still have vestiges of a real human being, and was uneasy about the whole thing, especially after her mom died. She seems distracted, and not very invested in the show, but it as too late to back out. She probably unloaded on Brooks for getting her into this, and their solution was to fake a breakup. I can just hear Brooks smooth talking Vicki that all the heat on them would die down if they broke up. Not to mention Vicki can refuse to discuss Brooks at the reunion! Lately, when Vicki bellows out " talk to Brooks", she seems like an angry woman that was duped, as opposed to a woman concerned about her beloved partner battling cancer!


My take is similar but  different...  I think Brooks had cancer, went into remission, and then when he realized Vicki was to some extent withdrawing the gravy train, or not extending all of it (remember how she wanted a rental agreement with him?  at the last reunion, he claimed a right to some portion of the equity in Vicki's house by virtue of having paid rent to her, suggesting that when she sold the house, he'd have a right to recover some of the proceeds of the sale?  She shut that shiz down)... Brooks decided he needed a sad con to keep Vicki hooked into worrying about/ taking care of him.  So he told Vicki the cancer was back.  She bought it.  Sincerely.  And Vicki wanted Brooks to talk about it on camera because she believed it.  And no one likes getting sympathy more than Vicki.  


But as time passed, as the season has progressed, I think Vicki has slowly had to face the possibility that Brooks may have been conning her.  But she is desperate to hang onto the relationship, so she has to maintain the belief that Brooks is telling the truth.  If he doesn't have cancer, she loses him because how can she stay with such a con.  If he has cancer, she potentially loses him to his illness.  That's why she's in such a tizzy, cause she's incredibly needy, doesn't want to lose Brooks, because she is so incapable of being alone.  

Edited by OhGromit
  • Love 14

Are we ever going to know the truth about Brooks cancer? I don't think so, therefore, I don't give a shit. 


On to some other thoughts:


It must be hell being married to Heather. It was obvious that Terry feels he has to agree with everything that witch says or he will end up  having many a romantic dinner like last nights. He's not going to kiss her ass and I have to say that is one thing I like about him. The only thing.  Heather has just got to get over herself. I would have thought he would have been the one to cheat instead of David.  


Ryan- Tamra feels super guilty for not raising him and dumping him on her mother when he was a little boy and he is now going to make her pay. Honestly can't blame him for that. She created this monster. Now she is trying to buy his love. Problem is, he is the most unlovable human on the planet. What a nasty, miserable, entitled jerk. I can see realizing he made a mistake with this woman and maybe even wanting out, but he had to go get her pregnant. Stupid. Now you pay the price for your carelessness for the next 18 yrs. Yeah, damn those kids for wanting to eat breakfast. How dare they? He must be oh so much fun to be around. I feel sooo sorry for those innocent kids. 


David continues to act like a zombie. Does he care about a single thing Shannon has to say? That Michigan style chili with potatoes didn't even get a spark out him. I did have to laugh when the camera showed him standing there eating those chips. One of the many things Shannon complained about him doing when he came home from work, it really annoyed her back before affairgate was revealed. Some things will never change. 


Meghan- I wonder if there will be another season of her. 

  • Love 6

I agree.  When did the Brooks cancer situation become all about them?  Shannon - this is not about you.  Ladies -this is not about you. If Brooks didn't go to an appointment, if his information is inconsistent, if he says the moon is made of cheese, It's Not About You.  His body is trying to kill him.  It is not about you.  Meghan - are you taking Leanne to her chemo?  Are you holding her at night?  Are you administering her pain meds and helping her not to vomit?  No?  Then shut up.  You are not "dealing" with cancer.  Leanne is dealing with cancer.   She is showing her age cuz lady, it's most probable that most of us will ACTUALLY help someone deal with cancer or god forbid, fight it ourselves.  Shut Up.

The only thing I'll disagree with slightly is that if Shannon pulled strings to get Brooks in with that doctor, Brooks made an appointment, and then flaked on the appointment, then Brooks should apologize to Shannon and the doctor. I only say that because he may have damaged connections that Shannon may have to use in the future for her friends and family. I would hate to have the doctor be reluctant to do favors for Shannon and those she cares for because he or she thinks Shannon's people flake. Beyond that, it's none of anyone's beeswax.

  • Love 7

Ryan was looking like Dale Gribble when he was walking around the front yard in that workshirt.

Lisa Rinna and Heather both look like they'd be terrifying to view up-close. I want to know about their beauty routine so that I can avoid doing what they're doing.

I skipped most of this episode, actually. Probably watched only 10 minutes.



Dale Gribble ... absolutely hilarious!  Thank you!

  • Love 1

From Heather's blog...



The Aries Party...I felt obligated to pull Vicki aside and discuss my feelings about what was going on with Brooks. There is a lot more to this part of the story and it will come out, so you will have to stay tuned to watch this unfold. What I can say is that I didn't want to be involved in Brooks' health issues, real or not. However, it was Brooks himself that pulled me into it! You will have to wait and find out how that happened.



  • Love 5

I have a weird theory on the cancer issue.


I think Brooks and Vicki set out to make some of the women look bad by questioning Brooks.  And I think Tamara was in on it.  Presumably, if this is the case, Brooks does have cancer (what stage, I do not know) and intends to prove it at some point.


I think there is way too much that is "hinky' and I actually think that Brooks and Vicki are better con artists than to have so much "hinky" out there.


The coffee enema, the juice cleanses, the flat tires...  Brooks is making it sound hinky- I think it has to be on purpose.  Brooks practically challenges Heather when he says, "You may know this doctor"


Tamara bringing in the psychic who proclaims "He doesn't see it"    The logical assumption to that (assuming for a minute you believe in this psychic) is that Brooks is healed, but Tamara jumps on the faking it angle.  Never mind the absurdity that a friend's boyfriend would have come up at all, let alone be read in absentia.


If any of this is true, well, my guess would be they were hoping Heather would jump on it.  I think Tamara and Vicki were plotting to make Fancy Pants look bad.  I'm not sure why- just my gut.  If that is true, it hasn't really worked- at least not on Heather.  Meghan is the one who really took it and ran with it.

Edited by Beachdreamer
  • Love 9

I think David was disappointed in Vicki and Brooks behavior at the party.  They are hosts they have extended themselves and they pretty much get ignored.  It has to smart that repeatedly, when push comes to shove Vicki always goes with Tamra.  Eddie can't stand either Brooks or Vicki but Vicki, for some unknown reason turns to Tamra.


I gave it some thought and I do believe what the three women are trying to say to Vicki is Brooks' situation is essentially isolating her from the group.  She can't stand to be around Meghan, Terry and Heather like Meghan and Jim, Tamra and Eddie apparently like David and Shannon and so there is no upside to being friends with Brooks and Vicki.  Shannon is certainly not feeling the love with Vicki.  So Vicki is left (and it is very late in the season) filming with Brooks and Briana.  Note to Vicki-there will be no offer next year if you can't include the others. Dinner one night with your son is not going to cut it.  Maybe there is some rationale in getting rid of the old guard.  

I'm in the camp that medical issues are private and no one should be pumping you with questions. I have a major medical issue, somewhat similar to Brianna' s but my real issue is my pituitary gland. I have to take different medications, and my status has changed over recent years. It is very complicated to explain to people because it's not very common. I have to fight to keep my weight normal, where it is...dealing with a changed body after 3 kids, approaching menopause and a barely functioning endocrine system. While my medical issues have strained my body, I do appear perfectly healthy. While I lost a lot of hair, for instance, it was very thick before...When I need to explain I'm sick, it's a pain to explain. If anyone asked for my medical records they would only get them shoved up an oriface. I am doing well for what I'm dealing with, very thankful and I empathize with all of the other medical situations with my fellow posters.

I'm not buying this at all, it sounds wishy-washy. Can you provide us with a doctor's note clarifying the fact that you have thyroid or pituitary problems?


okay, that was said for a cheap chuckle and a mockery of the nasty housewives of Orange county. I hope things smooth out for you soon. I've also had a problem with an endocrine disorder about 10 years ago. The hair comes back and so does the energy, keep the faith.

I think David was disappointed in Vicki and Brooks behavior at the party.  They are hosts they have extended themselves and they pretty much get ignored.  It has to smart that repeatedly, when push comes to shove Vicki always goes with Tamra.  Eddie can't stand either Brooks or Vicki but Vicki, for some unknown reason turns to Tamra.


I gave it some thought and I do believe what the three women are trying to say to Vicki is Brooks' situation is essentially isolating her from the group.  She can't stand to be around Meghan, Terry and Heather like Meghan and Jim, Tamra and Eddie apparently like David and Shannon and so there is no upside to being friends with Brooks and Vicki.  Shannon is certainly not feeling the love with Vicki.  So Vicki is left (and it is very late in the season) filming with Brooks and Briana.  Note to Vicki-there will be no offer next year if you can't include the others. Dinner one night with your son is not going to cut it.  Maybe there is some rationale in getting rid of the old guard.  

David and Shannon have enough money to use for toilet paper so shelling out thousands of dollars for a stupid 'Ares' party was their way to get some camera time and put some type of event into the cancer/no-cancer foray. Bravo needs 'events' like a stupid Ares party in order to gather the bevy of witches together in one place. Otherwise, Bravo would have to shell out the big bucks to haul them all to some exotic destination for three days in order to film something, anything.

  • Love 8

I haven't been reading the Bravo blogs.  I'm so disinterested in this season.  Ugh, these last few eps have been such torture to watch.  The only thing somewhat interesting about Heather's blog (thanks above for quoting it cuz I just don't have the strength to go to it) is she confirms they're gonna continue to go over the Brooks' cancer shit endlessly.  I may actually just stop watching cuz I had enough.


The thing is, I don't care about Brooks.  The producers have invested this season into a storyline about someone I care NOTHING about.  So what's the worst which could come out of this storyline -- that Brooks is faking cancer?  So the fuck what?  It's not my business.  I.  Don't.  CARE!!!!  Hear that, Satan Andy?  This shit storyline is a big fail!!!!  He's not committing fraud or criminal acts & even if he were, I still don't care.


So much about this storyline makes no sense &  seems too manufactured & made-up to be in any way believable.  It all seems very poorly written.  Let's break this up and take what makes the least sense about this crap fake storyline.


Why the fuck would Meghan, who has no connection to Brooks & does not know him, be digging into his past & checking up on who his doctors are?  This just absolutely makes NO sense.  She looks like a completely crazy stalker.  Last ep, she said she "loves knowledge".  She sounded like a moron & a lunatic.  Meghan's justification for her interest in Brooks' health makes no sense.  Hate it.  Get better, scriptwriters, Satan Andy, cuz this shit sucks.


Ah, so Heather seems to be boning up on her actress skills, eh?  First, in her convo with Vicks & then with Rinna.  Both convos felt completely scripted & very, very fake.  And it was particularly odd to me that Shannon's convo with Vicks felt just as scripted & fake.  I thought Shannon wouldn't go there.  Guess I was wrong.  Cuz she sure as fuck sounded like she was acting -- and badly too.  Look, nothing these broads said made any sense.  They seemed to be making sense to each other.  But not to me.  No way in hell.  Idk, I must live on a different planet than where these gals are.  In my world, you keep your health & your medical records to yourself.  Ah, but asshole Jimmy said he would show off private medical records too (a few eps ago).  Er, huh???  This is private stuff.  What the fuckety fuck with this shit?  You don't have to show your private medical records to anyone.  Fuck.  Off.  Show.


Last nite, WWHL made me scratch my head in puzzlement & disbelief.  Was Shannon serious in saying how she thinks Tams has changed?  Oy.  Sure, Gretch was up to her same old bullshit, saying Slade has a job & that she's gonna get married & have kids.  Yeah, Gretch, at least you're consistent about your bullshit.  We know you'll be saying this crap for the next 50 years.  OK, we know Gretch is a big bullshitter, but she can be good at sizing people up (well, she's dead wrong about Ricky, but that's off-topic).  She ain't wrong about Tams.  Altho she might have phrased it differently than saying Shannon is "drinking the Kool-aid".  Oh no, so is that the latest Housewives phrase we're gonna hear 8 billion times now?  Please, no, Satan Andy, pretty please?


OK, so Shannon says she isn't speaking to Vicks.  Eh, whatever.  I was more interested in what she said about Tams -- that she's dumb enough to think Tams has changed.  Set-up for another storyline?  Not exactly difficult to predict.


Just keep in mind, it hasn't been mentioned before in this thread, Vicks makes a million bucks per season now.  That's a lot of freakin' cheddar, man.  And that kinda dough can motivate someone as greedy as Vicks to do whatever she has to do to get it.  I think it's the million bucks (and Vicks' insatiable greed) that's the real culprit behind this storyline I can't stand.  And that's about it.


And rat-face Ryan?  C'mon now.  Is anyone surprised he's shitty with kids?  He's a lazy, irresponsible, uneducated 30 year old, who has never held a steady job & doesn't seem to be employed now.  We don't know for sure if he's consistently so shitty with Sarah's kids or if this is merely Satan Andy's edit monkeys at work, catching rat-face Ryan at his worst.  Look, the one we really should be giving a side-eye to is Sarah.  They're her kids.  What's with this woman, that she hooked up with him & stays with him?  It's worth repeating they are not married.  Hmmmm.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 12



If VIcki wants to make up bullshit stories for sympathy and attention or to allow her friends to prove they love her, and she expects her friends to accept her lies and  not question her ever, then she really lost her calling as a Nazi. She is telling people all these different things, and then when they try to understand what is going on, she losers her shit and does some major emotional bullying to get them back in line. She probably has a "Work will Set you Free" Banner over her bed.



Please please someone send her a "Work Will Set You Free" banner - you KNOW she would put it up at her office.  She is so stupid, she would think it was an inspiration poster. 

  • Love 5

Brooks never said the cellulite doctor would actually be treating him, but one wouldn't know that from Heather's TH.


First they said the Resveratrol was to fight the cancer, now it's just to boost his immune system before he starts chemo again? Wait, I thought he wasn't doing any more chemo.

Technically, if Brooks was to start chemo again, then that would mean he did stop doing it at one point.


Vicki goes to his appointments and keeps watch over his binder, except no - she works and doesn't have time to go to his appointments.

I thought Vicki said she went to chemotherapy with Brooks, but not to his regular appointments (hence the binder with that info)?


Brooks might be the griftiest grifter who ever grifted, but the ladies are out of line, with Meghan Kreep Edmonds being most especially foul.

I would have thought he [Terry] would have been the one to cheat instead of David.

Maybe Terry does, too. It wouldn't surprise me in the least.

  • Love 9

I figured it out. Brooks and the gang are all faking the entire thing with the full knowledge and even help of Bravo. Bravo helped cooked up the story, including the  Brooks is lying storyline. Brooks and the HW's have known this all along, and they are all playing their parts Some are better at acting than others. Bravo gave Brooks a nice check for doing it and he used the money to move to Florida .  Or maybe I watched too much Unreal..

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 7

Yeah, me too....what Scoobie said. ^^^^


Can't stand this cancer story line. B-o-r-i-n-g.


Sorry, fellow posters. Many, many smart, insightful, and talented ones here. But I can't even peruse the forum anymore. My eyes are glazing over with all of the cancer talk and analysis. 


It's driving me to snark on Kim Zolziak Biermann's performance on DWTS which I'd never thought I'd watch.


If I succumb to Manzo watching...I am done. Stick a fork in me. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 9

I leave for Europe on October 4th for 6 weeks. Copenhagen, Paris, Loire Valley(booked a chateau for 2 nights) , Paris, Amsterdam, and 4 weeks in the UK with 2 weddings to attend. 


Jealousy levels ..... rising, Rising, RISING!


Sike, you deserve it and enjoy. 


 "All you have to do is pull those records, show us, and no big deal, it's all good, we'll stop questioning!" Why do I not believe that? And who has the stones to say something like that? Who do they think they are, Maury Povich? (Brooks... you... DO NOT HAVE CANCER!")

Because seriously? Two-thirds of the voters believe that Brooks should give up his right to his medical records' privacy in order to "convince" THEM (or at least the other housewives)? I can't believe that sane people would agree to that. All you have to do is think: "Would I want some random work colleague to ask ME to do that?" And you just about have your answer.


Can this flock of birds even read and understand some medical/lab reports?



I do remember either reading something about how Vickie  didn't want Brooks on the show at all this season but Bravo insisted since he was part of her life and living with her etc.    And of course they will get back together; he knows exactly how to manipulate her and always has.  



So Bethenny of RHONYC is allowed to keep her boyfriend off screen, who some alleged she was even living with, but Vicks is ordered to include hers because he is 'part of her life'? This is some serious BS here. 


I'm wondering, did the landlord pay to have the place repainted or is that something that Tamra is also footing the bill for?


If Ryan's biggest complaints are executing the move he agreed to make (9 hour drive both ways plus packing, packing and ..... more packing) and children wanting to eat one of the 3 main meals of the day and play with toys than he isn't equipped in any kind of way for the life that he willfully jumped into head first against the advice of his family. Dummy!

  • Love 10

Hearing about chili with potatoes in it-- aka .'Michigan Chili' , was a new one to me.


I think that was Shannon's way of joking about her comments from last season about people from Michigan and potatoes...or maybe David (not other people from Michigan) does like potatoes in his chili, which would be very strange to me.

  • Love 12

I do enjoy a good Crooks scam so I think I could've been interested in the cancer/fake cancer storyline if it lasted one, maybe two episodes, but come on. This is boring. I will say that I enjoy you OC posters and your commentary so much more than the faux cerebralism of another franchise that shall not be named. Just casual, witty, drive thru snarking. No thesis statement on the legal definition of bucked teeth or encyclopedia entries on divorce law or child custody. The OC wives are just pure trash and I can appreciate that. Makes me want to kick my feet up and have a glass of cheap wine.

  • Love 12

I did appretiatie how Heather talked to Vicki about Brooks and taking  a diffent angle on his cancer treatment--that she was concerned Brooks may be getting duped by his Dr.'s w/current treatment plan and that everybody only wants the best for him..


I know in the end  it's a rich people's problem, but building a  multi-million dollar very large hse is a job with the stress of making countless  choices and them be the right ones; add in too not getting ripped off in the process.  I DIY's watch Million Dollar Contractor and see what Stephen Fanuka goes through at times..

Also, just wanted to point out, I kind of get why Heather wanted a few  accolades from Terry on what she's been doing considering their storyline has been he was the one that really wanted a large OTT house.

He wants it and she gets the project  by default because she's at home. 

    My friend went through similar, she/he wanted the reno, but he was away on business for days it all fell onto her and ironically his job is oversrring construction projects.

Edited by sheetmoss
  • Love 9

I liked how Tamra was trying to take the heat off of Ryan by referring to him as grumpy. Being grumpy is the least of Ryan's character flaws. But yes Tamra let's label his asshole behavior as just being grumpy. Isn't Ryan just so adorable too. Not.

So Tamra sees that her son is "grumpy" and he told her himself he was stressed out. He made it quite clear that he wasn't looking forward to a 9 hour drive and he was already bitching about having to do something as elementary as feeding the children. So if all they were doing was going up north to pack, why didn't Tamra offer to watch the baby and Sarah's girls or at least just the baby for them so they could go not have to worry about the kids and just get things done? Maybe he was hinting at it and she didn't pick up on it or more than likely was ignoring it. 

Edited by Rainny
  • Love 8

I figured it out. Brooks and the gang are all faking the entire thing with the full knowledge and even help of Bravo. Bravo helped cooked up the story, including the  Brooks is lying storyli.e. Brooks and the HW's have known this all along, and they are all playing their parts Some are better at acting than others. Bravo gave Brooks a nice check for doing it and he used the money to move to Florida .  Or maybe I watched too much Unreal..


It's a good point that nobody has brought up -- the dough Brooks makes from this thing.  I bet it's nowhere near the million bucks Vicks is making.  Just remember he walked away from her (supposedly), not the other way around.  Something pissed him off but good to do that.  I wonder if she promised him some of that Bravo million to be the fall-guy of this shit storyline & then greedy Vicks backed out.

  • Love 6

I can't put my finger on it, but Shannon's face looked different at her lunch with Vicki. I love Shannon, but she was relentless and rude.

I'm sick of the cancer storyline.

What did the cashier say to Haley and Megan when they remarked on the Chanel dress? They both said, ok ok.

I can't stand to look at Megan. She's a horrible person.

  • Love 6

I'm not buying this at all, it sounds wishy-washy. Can you provide us with a doctor's note clarifying the fact that you have thyroid or pituitary problems?


okay, that was said for a cheap chuckle and a mockery of the nasty housewives of Orange county. I hope things smooth out for you soon. I've also had a problem with an endocrine disorder about 10 years ago. The hair comes back and so does the energy, keep the faith.

David and Shannon have enough money to use for toilet paper so shelling out thousands of dollars for a stupid 'Ares' party was their way to get some camera time and put some type of event into the cancer/no-cancer foray. Bravo needs 'events' like a stupid Ares party in order to gather the bevy of witches together in one place. Otherwise, Bravo would have to shell out the big bucks to haul them all to some exotic destination for three days in order to film something, anything.

I think the same could be said for every party on the show-be it a luncheon to show off the half built mansion, a sex party to celebrate the launch of a You Tube channel-so a birthday party celebrating three Aries just doesn't seem as far fetched.  I thought the party was pretty and the premise of the show has become getting the parties together because the adult spawn of these women are boring-so there goes life at home.

  • Love 4

I am also done done done with the Brooks' cancer story line. And I haven't even watched this episode yet! So damn boring.

I wonder if Brooks broke up with Vicki because she told him she would give him a percentage of her salary in exchange for his cancer story being part of the show nd then tried to renege on her offer or something like that. Probably not or he'd already be talking to the tabloids about it. Brooks in very small doses on the show was ok and brought some snark value. As a major character it's just a total fail.

  • Love 5
When Shannon was talking to David, I swear I saw a thought bubble over his head wondering how long he had to listen to her before he could have a potato.


LOL, I bet that's what he talks about with his friends. "How long do I have to listen to her? Five minutes? Thirty? Until she passes out?" Sort of reminiscent of the Harry Burns "How long do you women like to be held after?" conversation. 

  • Love 9

They only 2 things that stood out to me this episode were:

1)Shannon's potato chili. WTF? Okay, I'll take it as a not to David, and being less of a nag, over his eating habits.

2) Ryan is an entitled douche lord.

I have relentlessly researched this "potatoes in chili" issue. I have scoured the internet and I have found that in fact there are people who put potatoes in chili. There are recipes for all kinds of chili with potatoes, sweet potatoes, russet potatoes, chili over baked potatoes. Who knew. 

  • Love 6


Believe it or not, Sage, there are loads of women who do exactly what Sarah is doing with Ryan.  I have a male cousin who met a woman at a local bar.  She has, get this, 8 kids with 7 different men, all of whom she never married.  My cousin who's 36 years old, hooked up with this white trash woman, and Fertile Myrtle got preggers right away with baby number 9.  She has nothing, and doesn't work, so she hooks up with men, gets pregnant so she has a place to live, and then takes off when the baby is weened.  She did just that to my cousin.  She lived in his house until the baby girl was 14 months old and then moved out, leaving the kid behind---she also left the two oldest kids behind, two sons, 21 and 19.  My cousin had to get restraining orders to get those two out of his house because they wouldn't leave.  About a year later, he saw the POS in the area and she had hooked up with another guy and was, yes, you guessed it, knocked up again.  


 Your cousin certainly has some questionable judgment. I've never quite heard a story like this one. 

  • Love 3
Technically, if Brooks was to start chemo again, then that would mean he did stop doing it at one point.


Right. But they were making it sound like he stopped because it's just not working for him. Now he's going to try Resveratrol instead. But then they changed their story and said the Resveratrol was only to give the immune system a boost before starting chemo again. Which he said he was done with. It doesn't make sense. 

  • Love 9

So Tamra sees that her son is "grumpy" and he told her himself he was stressed out. He made it quite clear that he wasn't looking forward to a 9 hour drive and he was already bitching about having to do something as elementary as feeding the children. So if all they were doing was going up north to pack, why didn't Tamra offer to watch the baby and Sarah's girls or at least just the baby for them so they could go not have to worry about the kids and just get things done? Maybe he was hinting at it and she didn't pick up on it or more than likely was ignoring it. 

Watch 4 kids on top of her 3? Nooooo, don't think Eddie would be having any of that. Even if it was for just a couple of days and it was Simons turn to have the 3 kids. Buck up, Ryan. It's called reality. 

  • Love 3

Did you guys notice Shannon asking only for water and no grey goose at her lunch with Vicki? Maybe she wants to quell the talk she has a drinking problem. I don't happen to think she does. And David just staring blank face eating chips while Shannon talked. I don't think he head a word she said.

I don't really understand why Vicki is so jealous of Meghan. The only thing she has going for her is youth (maybe not even an advantage). She's not smart, or liked and she looks like that alien that descended from the spacecraft on Close Encounters of the Third Kind with the big fetal head and long spindly arms, or she's a close second for the Sylvania man.

If Brooks is faking he must be starving having to keep his weight down to look like he could be sick, I'm sure once he's cured he'll be at Outback Steakhouse making up for lost time.

  • Love 6

It's a good point that nobody has brought up -- the dough Brooks makes from this thing.  I bet it's nowhere near the million bucks Vicks is making.  Just remember he walked away from her (supposedly), not the other way around.  Something pissed him off but good to do that.  I wonder if she promised him some of that Bravo million to be the fall-guy of this shit storyline & then greedy Vicks backed out.

I think you are on to something-I think Vicki does make promises to Brooks and most likely Briana to get them to perform on the show.  You can't convince there is anyone conniving enough as Briana to go on television and repeatedly go after her mother and Brooks without some excellent compensation-the car was the opposite of hush money it is a performance bonus.


I do think Brooks has to negotiate his position with Vicki each and every month.  I think Vicki has an empty office-she is running an ad wanting a CPA type to rent office space from her.  it may be a control issue with Vicki and at some point if Bravo/Evolution wants to make good TV they are going to have to start compensating some of the supporting cast.


She will never find anyone as willing as Brooks to do her stooge work for her at his price.

  • Love 4



Sorry, I was confused. I thought you were dismissing my comment. Now I'm thinking it was kind of the opposite?

I'm barely awake.

Sorry, my fault.


I was going to say something about Vicki's interpretation of the psychic saying he didn't see cancer meaning that it was cured or in remission, and how odd it was (or not) that no one else walked away with that; they all thought the psychic was confirming their suspicions of another lie from the lying liar who lies -but I couldn't word it right and lost my train of thought, and hit reply instead of backspace,..so I gave up. 

  • Love 5

As gross as the does he/doesn't he have cancer storyline is - Brooks is a "cast" member on this show as Vickie's boyfriend. 


I am MUCH more offended by Meghan using Jimmy's ex wife's cancer as her "connection" to the storyline.  That poor woman actually WAS suffering and I find it in very bad taste that Meghan is using it. 

  • Love 19

Just a quick comment about the potatoes in the chili and Shannon calling it Michigan Chili.   I think it goes back to the past season when Shannon was complaining to David that he needs to eat potatoes with every meal - and that's not the OC diet of low fat, low carb.  She made reference to potatoes being something women in Michigan would eat.   So, maybe by adding the potatoes, she felt it was Michigan style.

  • Love 2

I know not everything gets shown, but it isn't all the inconsistencies in Brooks and Vicki's stories that makes me question him, it is Vicki's non-reaction to Brooks' cancer. She is someone who can get worked up over such small things, but she seems completely unfazed by Brooks having cancer. I would have pegged Vicki as someone who would be researching treatments, clinical trials, doctors, and know the ins and outs of everything, but she does not seem to. I know I shouldn't be comparing the two, but my brother passed away from cancer and he and my sister-in-law spent a lot of time researching various aspects of treatments and clinical trials up till the very end. I do agree with the posters who have said that they believe that Brooks was treated and is in remission, and he and Vicki are just playing it out on camera now. 

  • Love 11
Also...I hate Icky so much. I hated that she just had to say "these are my work clothes" when Shannon gave her a compliment. Really? God she is just the worst. She should take herself off to a psychiatric hospital and stay put while they go to town diagnosing her crazy a**.



She also said something like she expected Shannon to be wearing workout clothes.  The whole thing seemed like a dig at Shannon not working. 



Vicki just can't shake her jealousy that Meghan is young - and probably jealous that she is thin too, lol! How many times is she going to bring up the fact tat Meg is 30? That must really stick in her craw. That's what made is especially tasty when Meg called her out as"old and bitter." Much as I loathe Meg that was a great moment.



That was such a weird thing to throw in with that comment.  Would Vicki think what Meghan was doing would be okay if Meghan was in her 50's?  Absolutely not. Also, she's 30, not 16. She's not THAT young.


Was it just me or did Shannon look odd at her lunch with Vicki?



She did.  She was very subdued, and almost sleepy looking.  It was possible she was nervous for the confrontation she was about to have with Vicki.  

  • Love 5

It's driving me to snark on Kim Zolziak Biermann's performance on DWTS which I'd never thought I'd watch.

If I succumb to Manzo watching...I am done. Stick a fork in me.

But the Manzos are must see TV!! Chris is again taking the world by storm - this time he wants to be a children's author. He prepares by going to the library and reading tons of successful children's books (plagiarism?), whereupon he's asked to leave the children's area because they think he's a perv. Of course Caroline accompanied her baby boy to the library.

We also learned that Vito's mom is ten times worse than Caroline. How do we learn this? Well Vito's mom comes over to teach Lauren how to perfectly fold little precious' shirts. And don't forget - he will only eat chunky peanut butter with 2% milk. BUT, he will only have whole milk in his cereal.

And Albie reunites with some chick that Caroline hates. Lauren's not crazy about her, but only because she likes to go braless with hard nipples. Albie likes the classy girls.

Also, Lauren wears a wedding dress of her surprise not surprise shower, and Caroline wipes down the kitchen counter.

  • Love 9

Right. But they were making it sound like he stopped because it's just not working for him. Now he's going to try Resveratrol instead. But then they changed their story and said the Resveratrol was only to give the immune system a boost before starting chemo again. Which he said he was done with. It doesn't make sense. 

Brooks said that he quit chemo to do the Resveratrol treatment because it cured the Dr. that was going to treat him with it, he did NOT say that he was just "taking a break" from chemo treatments. It was Vicki that said he was doing this new treatment to bolster his immune system to then continue chemo. Two very different statements from each of them, hence the confusion/questions from the other HWs.

  • Love 8
Brooks said that he quit chemo to do the Resveratrol treatment because it cured the Dr. that was going to treat him with it, he did NOT say that he was just "taking a break" from chemo treatments. It was Vicki that said he was doing this new treatment to bolster his immune system to then continue chemo. Two very different statements from each of them, hence the confusion/questions from the other HWs.


You're right. One statement came from Vicki, the other from Brooks. But it still just don't make no sense. (tm Delta Dawn of TM fame) They live together, she's supposedly managing his folder. How are they that far off track from each other???

  • Love 6

Did anyone else catch Ryan looking at the floor of the big new rental house and saying, "I'm still not happy with these floors" or something like that?


Was I hearing things? He said it so dismissively, like he is lord of the manor. Really odd that he was acting so picky about the house that Tamra put him in! One would think that he would be thankful. His wish is Tamra's command, apparently.

  • Love 10

Sorry, my fault.

I was going to say something about Vicki's interpretation of the psychic saying he didn't see cancer meaning that it was cured or in remission, and how odd it was (or not) that no one else walked away with that; they all thought the psychic was confirming their suspicions of another lie from the lying liar who lies -but I couldn't word it right and lost my train of thought, and hit reply instead of backspace,..so I gave up.

I agree with you on that and, it's all good. :-)

  • Love 1

You're right. One statement came from Vicki, the other from Brooks. But it still just don't make no sense. (tm Delta Dawn of TM fame) They live together, she's supposedly managing his folder. How are they that far off track from each other???

Isn't it possible that they (Brooks and Vicki) were told that the results vary with the resveratrol? There are no absolutes with any cancer treatments. I can see that they were told some people experienced remission, some experienced stronger immune systems, some got no results, etc.

I also know when my husband was going through cancer treatments, each of us remembered different things doctors told us, there's a lot of info to take in and things can change depending on how the patient is reacting to the treatment.

For the record, I believe Brooks has/had cancer.

  • Love 8

I totally agree with this from the Previously TV post:


Why don't they just show the medical records?  Um, because then there'd be nothing to argue about? But seriously, this question is absurd; even with Brooks's shady past, he's not the President and he doesn't owe a medical accounting to anyone, except maybe Vicki. Of all the people making a big deal about his fake cancer, he actually seems to downplay it to the core cast, so if the scheme he's running is just to screw over Vicks, I say have at it. Those two deserve each other, but we deserve a fresh, less morally complicated plotline.


It's so boring.  I'm not even outraged over what anyone is doing or saying.  I'm just bored.


Also, didn't Hailey already have prom?  Meghan hired a photographer and they had a hotel room. Was that a different formal dance? 

  • Love 8

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