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S07.E01: Summer Lovin'

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In the Season 7 premiere, Haley tries to stop Andy from proposing to Beth, but the attempt does a number on their emotions. Meanwhile, Jay and Gloria look at preschools for Joe, and are shocked by how competitive the process can be; and Cameron remains supportive of Mitchell's midlife career crisis, though he hatches a plan to get his husband's old job back when they start to run out of money.
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They also already did the 'get a job!' for the Pritchett-Tucker storyline. So, they changed it up. Wow.

Sorry, I like Haley and Andy. I was hoping they would've resolved it somewhat in this episode, but apparently "Fat Andy" lives on...

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Yeah, that was all chin! Worst fat suit ever.


Haley's hair did look cute. And the new Joe is adorable.


Kind of a boring episode. I don't like Andy and do not look forward to seeing more of him.

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I can't blame the actors or the writers, but it is definately time to wrap this show up.  I know it's a super cash cow, but I think it's just reached the end of its life.  That, or they need an infusion of a lot of new characters and situations, and I don't see that happening.

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Sorry, I like Haley and Andy. I was hoping they would've resolved it somewhat in this episode, but apparently "Fat Andy" lives on...

I like Haley and Andy too. I was hoping something would happen to move this story forward, but nothing really did.


Something just felt off to me about this episode. I cannot put my finger on what felt so off about it though. I did enjoy some of Luke's lines and Mitchell with his painting, but other than that everything kind of fell flat.


Has Stella always been in the opening credits? I probably haven't noticed it before but I did like that addition.

Edited by Misslindsey
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I must jave missed something. Why is Andy even there? I don't think he's a nanny anymore and even if he is, that doesn't explain why he's at Phil and Clair's house.

I don't like the actor, character or the story line. I hope they don't drag it out.

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I must jave missed something. Why is Andy even there? I don't think he's a nanny anymore and even if he is, that doesn't explain why he's at Phil and Clair's house.

I don't like the actor, character or the story line. I hope they don't drag it out.

I think he works for Phils company now. I remember an episode where he and Haley were helping each other get jobs and Andy asked to work for Phil. Also he asked Phil to sign some papers during that scene before he overheard Phil and Claire talking about Haley almost stopping him from proposing, I assume it was for work. I don't know. I'm pretty sure they are dragging this thing out even longer now. It's been about two seasons of this already. 

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Sorry show - doesn't matter how hard you work to try to get me to root for Andy, I'm on Team Dylan. I love him as much as Phil does.


Loved Mitchell as Van Gogh - he just needed a visit from The Doctor.


And I'm hoping Alex and Sanjay can make the long-distance thing work.

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I loved Luke's "I thought you were the beach(bitch) he likes." and Lily giving him the high five(I agree she has grown!)


Alex and Sanjay were cute.


As a Workaholics fan I like Adam Devine a lot so I have no problem with Andy. As Newsradio fan it was nice seeing Vicki Lewis.

Edited by VCRTracking
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I'm trying to decide if it was clever or lazy to go back to the Van Gogh reference for Mitch.  I liked it when Luke made the connection in "Starry Night", but this kinda seemed a bit too on the nose.  I did love Dylan's return (always liked that goofball) and super glad Cameron's braces were ditched.

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Sorry show - doesn't matter how hard you work to try to get me to root for Andy, I'm on Team Dylan. I love him as much as Phil does.

Yeah, if they want to browbeat me into getting on board with Haley/Andy, the worst thing they could do is insert Dylan into the mix.  I love that goofy moron just too damn much. 


And just watch Dylan's V-neck business turn into a huge success as soon as Haley dumps him.  Dylan will be a shark on Shark Tank by the time the show ends.

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Funny how 75% of the weight Andy gained was in his face. His gut should have been a lot bigger.


Agreed, or they could have ditched the fatsuit chin and made it look like he gained weight in a surprising, but realistic way.  It's not limited to this show, but I'm tired of "fatsuit" humor. We get it, hollywood, you can make skinny people look fat!  Yawn.

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I was glad to see Dylan again too - but I wish the writers/producers would stop trying to show Andy and Haley at us.  The chemistry is NOT there and it's just not working.  Fat Andy was just silly, and not in a good Modern Family silly.


Anyone else besides me think the entire season will be Andy/Hayley/Dylan? I also think this could very well be the last season, and the finale will be Hayley's wedding to ?????.  Up until Dylan reappeared, I thought Andy/Hayley wedding (count me out) but Dylan/Hayley (count me in...unless the focus of the season is on Hayley trying to decide between the two.)

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I thought this was awful, and I'm usually a big fan of this show. The daycare storyline was a snore, I felt no chemistry between Alex and Sanjay (was that the point...? they work as smart/nerdy friends, sure, but as a couple? don't see it), I found Fat Andy to be offensive somehow and hope that Manny gets some digs in at him (recall the episode when Andy is introduced and tries to trick Manny into exercising on the stairs), and I felt for Cam and his complaining about Mitchell not having a job but felt like the show has done this storyline already. Ugh. 

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Loved:  Lily and Luke's high five.  Luke no longer referring to Haley as "kitten."  Dylan's return, love him and Haley!  Haley's haircut, so cute.


Not crazy about:  Alex's lovestruck act, I'm not feeling it, plus really bad acting IMO.  Andy's fat suit - or any fat suit ever put on in a sitcom.  Andy and Haley - not feeling that either.  Joe killing a chicken.  Yes he's a street smart Colombian per Gloria, but come on, he's what, 2?  Anything else Luke, he needs diction lessons or something.


Ok:  Mitchell as Van Gogh.  Alex being a better painter in one try than Mitchell - fits the dynamic they've established.

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I kind of liked this one. Lots of inter-family interaction for one. I had two snort-laughs:

“Please. That’s the saddest blanket since the AIDS quilt.”

“The colors make me feel so happy.”
“I call it Rape of the Immigrant.”

Really not into seeing a season of Haley and Andy. Also, let's just make it a general rule that if you need a fat suit for humor, you're doing something wrong. (The only possible exception is Monica on Friends in her high school flashbacks.)

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I love Dylan, so the episode was good for me.  The repeat of the Joe gets into school, Cam/Mitch wanting the other to get a job, and even Mitchell as Van Gogh (they have done that visual gag before) was pretty sad.  I don't like fat suits (cheap joke that isn't funny to me), so the Andy storyline went in the totally wrong direction for my taste.

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Anything else Luke, he needs diction lessons or something.


I agree. I rarely understood what he was saying.


But I really enjoyed this ep. I don't know why exactly. One thing is that I like Andy. I also like Dylan. So having both of them in an ep is a good thing to me. Dylan looks so different. I guess it's just that the actor is growing up. His v-neck t-shirt idea is almost clever. I love when Jay asks about the second v (in evolve) and Claire says the shirt can't have two neck holes. 


Although it's an old joke, I liked when Claire and Phil were overheard twice. And then Phil saying, "We have got to start talking in the garage," cracked me up.

I also liked Gloria saying about Joe, "I think we had established that he can take care of himself around the chickens."


Oh, and I also like Mitchell's boss, whose name I can't remember. 

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Certainly felt like a good throw back. Everyone interacts, a nice bit of farce thrown in. It was an easy watch.


They definitely rehashed a couple story-lines we've seen, but I liked the different takes, Jay's approach vs. Mitchell's approach to day care, and Cam dealing with the stress of being the sole income earner.


"Oh, did you walk here? I thought you just Ubered everywhere" was a quick line I really liked.


I'm not on board for a full season of the love triangle...they've been hinting at it for a season and a half. Shit or get off the pot with this arc.

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Not a fan of Dylan or Andy, actually. If I had to choose, (and why would I) I would pick Andy because Dylan seems like a tryhard character.

The ep was okay, nothing spectacular and certainly indicative of why Emmy has moved on. I wish they wouldn't recycle old plots from their or other shows - competition for a preschool, love triangles with silly misunderstandings and unrequited yearnings, unemployed goof off.

I read somewhere that Cam and Mitch will be renting out the top unit of their condo that they just bought, resulting in a steady parade of oddball tenants. So maybe there's some hope for fresh storylines there.

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But I really enjoyed this ep. I don't know why exactly. One thing is that I like Andy. I also like Dylan. So having both of them in an ep is a good thing to me.

I like them both, too, so I Enjoyed getting to see them both. And they even got to meet. But, please, show, NO long drawn-out "love triangle" (er, rectangle).

Although it's an old joke, I liked when Claire and Phil were overheard twice. And then Phil saying, "We have got to start talking in the garage," cracked me up.

I liked that they got along so well this episode (except for the "Hey, Dylan!" moment in the mall. Oops!)

Did I miss something? Haley had long hair in the mall and then short hair in the home after that.

I think there was a month placard somewhere between those two scenes. I thought Andy might've noticed Haley's haircut since it had been a while since they had seen each other, but I guess not. Typical guy. ;) And yes, Claire and Haley do have the same cut--how cute! Edited by indeed
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This episode was all kinds of meh for me. I feel like the original humor is played out and we're just running on fumes now. Oh well. I loves me some D-Money, so it was a delight to have Dylan back, but Haley has so grown beyond his "type" that I don't buy them as a couple. But he's fun to have around in any other context. Fat Andy was a fail. The fat face was too distracting. He looked like he had a stroke.

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I think there was a month placard somewhere between those two scenes. 

I think this happened three times -- May, June, July. The only differences I noticed were Haley's hair (which was very cute) and of course Andy's weight gain. But I read a recap that said the time passage with Mitchell and Cam's money problems was pretty clever. I might have to rewatch to catch this kind of stuff that I missed.

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This episode was all kinds of meh for me. I feel like the original humor is played out and we're just running on fumes now. Oh well. I loves me some D-Money, so it was a delight to have Dylan back, but Haley has so grown beyond his "type" that I don't buy them as a couple. But he's fun to have around in any other context. Fat Andy was a fail. The fat face was too distracting. He looked like he had a stroke.

Exactly. I have no problem with Dylan he's hilarious and the actor who plays him makes him so believable but I think Haley said it best: "He's trying to make a plate out of sticks." Haley has realized that type of guy really isn't what she wants anymore, they might be hot and great at sex but then what? She has also been on the other end with the doctor last season and then going: "I need something in-between." I agree, Andy should be that but going with making him chin fat and making Beth this psycho, they've done the same with Andy. He doesn't want a moron for a wife but he seems to like it if they are hot and love the drama, which is what Beth is. I can't ship for them and while I love seeing Dylan, its like with what they doing with Joe, Jay and Gloria. We've been there already with Cam and Mitch already. Also, I can get that Mitchell had a break down but I've read he is going to have a hard time getting a new job. I'm sorry, I know that people lose jobs all the time from budget cuts to having asses for bosses. However, you really are expecting us to believe that he can't get a job when he was at his previous firms over a long period of time and left on his own accord until the most recent one and can't find a job? In LA? In California? No, not buying that. They tried that on Brothers & Sisters and I rolled by eyes on that storyline beyond believe. 


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However, you really are expecting us to believe that he can't get a job when he was at his previous firms over a long period of time and left on his own accord until the most recent one and can't find a job?

That I can actually believe. I recently read a great article by a legal headhunter about how difficult it is for unemployed lawyers to find jobs, regardless of whether they were fired or quit (barring some kind of extreme extenuating circumstance like illness). Mitchell is not exactly a stable employee. He quit in season 1 over his boss making him work long hours. He worked at Charlie Bingham's firm and then quit again. He moved onto Aisha Tyler's legal aid firm and was let go there. He's in his mid-40s. The time for job-hopping should have been well over. If he had been in Big Law, he should have been a partner by now. As it is, he has jumped around and has employment gaps. He's a "risky" hire in that respect.

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I didn't totally hate the episode, but I do hate the Andy/Haley nonsense.  And while I don't care about the pairing, if they are going to do it then they just need to do it already.  Move the story forward.  Do they really think people are waiting with baited breath for the payoff? Either do it or don't do it.  Just get on with it.

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I can't stand Andy and wish he would go away. Dylan is a million times better and he makes Hayley better.

Why are they wasting time on stupid Andy and Phil doesn't even get his own plot?

Edited by partofme
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My husband hates this show except for Lily and Stella. Lily said something when Cam and Mitchell were arguing and DH almost fell out of his chair laughing. I think it was about Cam picking up extra drivers ed work and she said " so that's going to do it?"

ETA: I really hate Andy and Haley.

Edited by Quickbeam
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Is it weird that I would buy one of Dylan`s shirts? Those were kind of ironic cool. Or maybe I`m just a dork like that.


Wish we had seen more of Alex and her boyfriend? They are way cuter than Hayley and her drama. I do like both Andy and Dylan though. I just find love triangles boring in general. 


This show still makes me smile. Not really laugh hysterically or make me think very hard, but I usually smile when I watch it. 

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