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S10.E14: A Storm Is Coming

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I could swear there was mention at the reunion of Brooks putting his hands on Vicki in a violent manner. It was either Tamra or Brianna that brought it up. IIRC, it was danced around and alluded to by either T or B and then Vickii said someting about it just being a shove or something like that. Am I imagining this or did it happen? Is there video of the reuinion online where I could find it? If this is true that could be yet another reason Brianna doesn't want her kids - or her mother - around Brooks.

I just watched a clip of the reunion where the infamous tape was revealed. I think Vicki said, "If he ever hurt me I would leave. He has never put his hands on me or shoved me," or something to that effect. There's a clip somewhere back thread where Vicki says that if he ever hurt her she'd leave. Now I'm not sure whether T or B danced around the issue. I know B was incensed that, "You told my husband to beat me!" regarding the recording of Brooks.


Gosh I'm really no help at all. Sorry! I suppose I don't know the full answer to this question.


BUT no we all know where Heather gets her condescending, googling, factual mode of conversation from. Terry! Or more specifically,

"being married to a scientist!". Having to back everything up with data and googling sources. That explains so much of her conversational style.


No offense meant to Heather. I find her to be a breath of fresh air on this show.


ETA: Re- Ryan. Did anyone think it was weird how he walked up to Vicki and said, "Okay, we have to go. Put all the toys back in the trampoline." The way he spoke to her/his tone of voice sounded like the way one would speak  to a child, not their MIL. It's pretty clear to me how Ryan and Vicki feel about each other.

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 8

Ok. It's more believable to me that Ryan makes bad choices and his mom enables him. What's described above sounds like production putting way too much effort, money and time into a storyline that's only mentioned like 3x in the season and is not highly dramatic, i.e., would not generate drama/revenue for the show.

It's not production that contrived the whole fake storyline, it's Tamra. She's desperate to stay on the show, but she's run out of storylines. Her young kids aren't allowed to film with her, so all she's got is Ryan, who is only too happy to pitch in for the paycheck. Same with her fake born again nonsense - she'll grab anything to get camera time. And the show acquiesces, cuz I think they like her, or think she's good for the show.

  • Love 5

Wasn't Briana really close to Don?  I seem to remember something about Briana finding emails between Vicki and Brooks while Vicki was married to Don and put two and two together and came up with the logical conclusion that Vicki was "involved" with Brooks long before she and Don split.  If I'm remembering that correctly, Briana disliked Brooks from the get-go.

  • Love 12

Briana had an SUV already and I disagree, a housekeeper would have helped her daughter more than another vehicle. The problem is that Vicki could not get the BIG reveal on camera paying for a housekeeper like she did with giving an SUV on camera.  

Not just an SUV, but a MERCEDES SUV! They were driving away in it to go to the restaurant. I saw another vehicle in the garage, also. Some kind of a jeep. Vicki's car gift was totally unnecessary. What a waste, why would they need another car?  Those kids must be doing pretty well for themselves. Unless of course, it was all a bunch of manufactured fake BS for the show.... I mean really, who has THREE vehicles delivered to a house and says, here you go honey, pick which one you want. And Brianna chooses the monstrous Chevy. I noticed the emblem on the steering wheel. I guess Chevy wanted to plug their product. 

  • Love 8

Wasn't Briana really close to Don? I seem to remember something about Briana finding emails between Vicki and Brooks while Vicki was married to Don and put two and two together and came up with the logical conclusion that Vicki was "involved" with Brooks long before she and Don split. If I'm remembering that correctly, Briana disliked Brooks from the get-go.

I think Vicki has always been jealous, narcissistic, insecure but that these traits were more hidden before she was on TV. This show and the stressors of being semi-famous/judged, and having to create drama in your home life just for a paycheck, has amplified Vicki's worse traits and brought them to the forefront. In order for Vicki to hold onto her self-esteem all these years due to the stress of the show, she has become more delusional (irrational, judgmental, hypocritical, insecure) rather than looking inwards and becoming a deeper, more mature person.

I think Brianna blames Brooks for these changes in her mother, that she doesn't like what her mother has become. It's not Brooks' fault, but I think it's easier for Brianna to blame him that to accept the fact her mother has turned into a shallow, desperate, vain loser.

I think Brianna feels that her mother will revert somewhat back to her old self once Brooks is out of the picture, but I think the series will have to be over for a long time if that genie is ever going back into the bottle.

Edited by Silo
  • Love 11

Wasn't Briana really close to Don?  I seem to remember something about Briana finding emails between Vicki and Brooks while Vicki was married to Don and put two and two together and came up with the logical conclusion that Vicki was "involved" with Brooks long before she and Don split.  If I'm remembering that correctly, Briana disliked Brooks from the get-go.

Yup. That is exactly what happened. Funny how she doesn't hold it against her mom for that little indiscretion, but hates Brooks. Or maybe she does and that's part of the problem between them.  

  • Love 5

Ubiquitous, don't have basements in the southern part of the U.S. I've lived in CA, AZ, currently TX, and will be moving to MS. I wish we had basements. I think OK is like TX, too much limestone

That's definitely not true of all of the south. I was born and raised in Georgia and currently live in Alabama. The vast majority of people I know in both places have basements. Conversely, I lived in in the SF Bay Area for a while and cant't recall anyone I knew having a basement. Edited by Cara
  • Love 3

It's not production that contrived the whole fake storyline, it's Tamra. She's desperate to stay on the show, but she's run out of storylines. Her young kids aren't allowed to film with her, so all she's got is Ryan, who is only too happy to pitch in for the paycheck. Same with her fake born again nonsense - she'll grab anything to get camera time. And the show acquiesces, cuz I think they like her, or think she's good for the show.

Agree....she's the master pot stirrer...and I am picturing Shannon Beador stirring the pot in her TH...Tamra stirs and then drops the spoon (like dropping a microphone!!) and watches as others get blamed for what she started...and I believe that's why Andy keeps her on the show...

  • Love 5

Agree....she's the master pot stirrer...and I am picturing Shannon Beador stirring the pot in her TH...Tamra stirs and then drops the spoon (like dropping a microphone!!) and watches as others get blamed for what she started...and I believe that's why Andy keeps her on the show...

Yes, she does this all the time. So does Shannon. Hell, they all do. But at the same time, they need to have a season-long storyline (or two or three) of their own to mix in with the pot-stirring and interacting with the others.

  • Love 3

Well, people also say some really stupid shit when they are drunk. People tend to lose filters. I guess I tend to to judge others by their actions more than their words. If Brooks had been abusive to Briana (outside of a drunken conversation)-- I didn't see that episode so ? was he joking? I don't know.


However, sometimes we don't like people our loved ones care about and most of us suck it up and behave civil towards them. My MIL hated me when we first got to know each other and the things she accused me of were ridiculous. She said some really rude stuff to my parents and I thought she was an unbalanced neurotic witch. But she got over it eventually and I saw the wisdom in forgiving her and now we get along and care about each other.


Brianna said that Brooks' remarks on the tape bothered her because her father was physically abusive toward her when she was growing up.  I kind of assume there are more things about Brooks that bother Brianna but she figured the taped conversation was good enough to cite for the show.  Also, perhaps she doesn't want to try to overlook disturbing things about him because she was close to Donn and Vicki cheated on him a few times, so maybe Brianna's tired of becoming close to men that her mom ends up not taking very seriously anyway.

Edited by Miss February
  • Love 2

According to Vicki, the reason why she bought Briana a bigger SUV (three rows) is because when she is there and they go out she has to sit in the middle of the back seat between two car seats.  Just sayin....


And, yeah, I asked a few pages back, what the heck is Briana doing with a Mercedes SUV.  If you're working two jobs, maybe you don't need the Benz.  Maybe you'd be better off not working so much and spending more time with your kids.  I'm actually surprised that Ryan was on board with the Benz.

  • Love 4

Briana needs to grow up. When you move, you make new friends. There are many ways to do this. I would find other young mothers, join playgroups, join meetup groups. Get out there and stir things up. Sheesh. She's working and raising children, as most women do. Suck it up, buck up, stop complaining, and enjoy bombing around town in your new Yukon XL.




From my observations of Brianna's husband Ryan, he just doesn't seem to be a people person.  He gives me the vibe that he likes having his wife sequestered away from other folks.  He keeps all control and doesn't have pesky people putting their feet all over their furniture.  lol

Edited by swankie
  • Love 11

That only describes PtSD in it's worst case. Lots of  people with PTSD never disassociate or have flashbacks on a regular basis. 

Not everyone with PTSD is walking around like they are an unsub on Criminal Minds 

Oh great. So I'm in the worst case scenario group? Like many on this board, weirdly enough, I also have PTSD. I didn't know that flashbacks and disassociation were the worst of the worst of symptoms. I thought they were regular symptoms. Now I feel like a real loser. 


As far as Ryan's behavior. I don't think he yelled at Judy because he had/has PTSD. I think he yelled at her because he's a controlling jerk. That's just my opinion based on his past restraining order and the aftermath of the situation, and how the family reacted, and how he acts on camera now. I could be wrong I'm not his psychiatrist. I'm just throwing this opinion out there to make the post about the show and not all about me!

  • Love 11

Brianna said that the abusive remarks bothered her because her father was physically abusive toward her when she was growing up. I kind of assume there are more reasons that Brianna hasn't warmed up to Brooks but the taped conversation was a good enough one to cite on the show. Also, perhaps she didn't want to try to overlook disturbing things about Brooks because she was so close to Donn and Vicki cheated on him a few times, so maybe Brianna's getting tired of becoming close to men that her mom ends up not taking very seriously anyway.

Did Brianna ever specifically say it was her dad? I remember her blurting out that she had been abused as a kid at the last reunion, but I thought it was all vague and then Vicki shut it down. Did we ever hear more?

  • Love 1

To be technical .....when Terry has a runny nose that counts as anal leakage. Just sayn'

Given the shape of Terry's nose, I think when he has a runny nose it's more of a dripping penis.  Now when he spits up, that's anal leakage!  Although I must admit when Terry speaks I think he's blowing it out his ass. 

Edited by Muffyn
  • Love 7

Brianna did say that Vicki helps her in places she doesn't need the help, or something to that effect. I thought the same thing you did when I watched. My first thought was, they have vehicles, why does Vicki think giving them a new car is helping, what about a housekeeper?


Didn't Briana also say "I have money" at some point after getting the SUV as a birthday gift?



Some of the answer as to why Vicki went with an expensive car instead of something much more helpful to Brianna's current situation, like YES, definitely a housekeeper, was provided when Brianna said Vicki was tired of being squeezed in between the boys' car seats and having to climb over Troy every time they all went somewhere together.  So it was actually a gift that made Vicki's life easier, and also served as a large thing to hold over Brianna's head.  When Vicki isn't in OK, their family fits into their own car just fine.  Also, saying, "I want you to think of me every time you are in that new car" sounds more glamorous and California than "I want you to think of me every time the housekeeper I hired cleans your toilets".


I'm much older than Brianna, but even to this day, most of my closest friends have been the ones I made as far back as grade school, up through college.  Once I started working full time with a 100 mile daily commute, I truly didn't have time to meet a lot of new people or do a lot of socializing.  On the rare chances I had to see friends, I made it a point to see the ones who had been my homies for life.  It wasn't until 2 years ago when I left my job of 20 years that I actually had time to make new friends in my own community.  I've lived in the same house for 16 years and didn't have a single friend in the area until 2 years ago, when I had the opportunity to finally get out and meet some new people.  Brianna's homies are all back in California, and a year of not making a whole new set of friends to socialize with, especially considering how much she has on her plate, doesn't sound weird at all to me.  I do agree that Ryan doesn't seem like the kind of guy people are drawn to for fun times, so that probably makes it a little harder for them to get invited to things, but even if they were, who would watch the kids if Vicki wasn't there?  It's going to take more than a year to get so settled in that they have established babysitters and enough outside friendships to allow for a flourishing social life.  I also think maybe it hasn't fully sunk in for Brianna yet that those days of riding around in boats and partying in groups are part of her single past, and don't translate over to the life of a wife and mother of 2 little ones.  That's the problem with how young she was when she settled down - she's going to inevitably feel like she missed out on a lot of fun.  Right now she thinks those days can be picked back up and continued, eventually, but she's wrong.  It's where the phrase "you can't go home again" comes from.

  • Love 6

*In response to AnnaA's comments.

No closeness existed betwixt Brianna and Donn

During the first season of RHOC, Brianna stated that she looked upon Donn AS ONLY her mom's husband. That's it. She did not view him in a parental role--not even as a step parent. Donn was not much of a consideration in her life. This perspective altered upon Vicki's divorce and subsequent public relationship with Brooks.


Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 7

Did Brianna ever specifically say it was her dad? I remember her blurting out that she had been abused as a kid at the last reunion, but I thought it was all vague and then Vicki shut it down. Did we ever hear more?


I thought she said it was her dad.  But, since the conversation happened during a reunion, everyone was of course screaming over each other making it hard to follow what exactly was being said.

Oh great. So I'm in the worst case scenario group? Like many on this board, weirdly enough, I also have PTSD. I didn't know that flashbacks and disassociation were the worst of the worst of symptoms. I thought they were regular symptoms. Now I feel like a real loser.  



I should have worded that better.  What i meant was, not everyone has all symptoms, And most people don't have all of them all the time. Someone who does dissasociate and have flashbacks, doesn't do it all the time. You have good days and bad. When you are having flashbcaks, that is generally a worst case scenario. My husband would only get the horrifying flashbacks occationallly, when something like a smell or a sound triggered him. Those were the worst moments. Those are the worst case scenarios for us. The last time he had one we were back in RI for the first time in years and we passed the hospital he was in for 3 months. He had a horrible flashback and panic attack. He almost crashed the car. That's a worst case scenario and not daily life for him with PTSD.  Luckily the worst case scenario only happens for most people with PTSD occasionally. My husband doesn't dissasociate.

  There was a Criminal Minds episode where a vet with PTSD had a complete break with reality. He thought he was back in Iraq and went on a killing spree that lasted for days. I  think that's the image some have of PTSD. 

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 4

*In response to AnnaA's comments.

No closeness existed betwixt Brianna and Donn

During the first season of RHOC, Brianna stated that she looked upon Donn AS ONLY her mom's husband. That's it. She did not view him in a parental role--not even as a step parent. Donn was not much of a consideration in her life. This perspective altered upon Vicki's divorce and subsequent public relationship with Brooks.


OK -I stand corrected.

Maybe it was another HW and not Vicki. I have this idea in my head that someone's daughter was close to someone's ex-husband and visited him after the divorce.

How's that for vague? LOL

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 2

Brianna did/does have a fondness for Donn - he was invited and came to her small wedding (vs a huge one). Or so it seems to me anyway.

I think between the two incomes B and R have a nice income for a couple so young.

I guess I need to lighten up because all young families of 4 require a car that seats 7 rather than four. I can just picture car seats in the 3rd row for the boys and the middle row for Brianna.Scarcasm

Of course the situation REQUIRES a NEW top of the line SUV. Who on earth would buy a USED SUV? These very young boys are not even in school and sports for several years.....Sarcasm

Better idea - Vicki rent a 7 seat limo when you're in OK. And set up a fund to educate the boys. Or hire a nanny or house cleaning service for Brianna.

Brianna is not at all happy, imo. And having the kids so close together, maternity time off, etc - she hasn't been working that long.

Although I think Ryan is not the kind of man to have his wife out earn him - especially if it is part time.

And I think her husband is not a hands on father.

GIM - 6 oz of salmon is 291 calories, baked or broiled. Not sauteed - plus the oil used and rest of the dinner.....Correct!

Edited by maggiemae
  • Love 3

I wouldn't want my kids near someone who suggested my husband smack me around to keep me in line either. 


I would not want to be near this person either.  I did not see the episode so I hope Brooks was kidding when he said that.


And I'll sit at my table for one over here by saying that I don't hate Meghan. She doesn't bother me (her relationship with Jimmy leaves a lot to be desired).


I don't hate Meghan either.  IMO, she is trying too hard to make herself happen.  I also think many people in her life dismiss what she says which is why she feels the need to continuously express the same opinion.


I agree. In my experience, people tend to be more honest when drunk. Brooks is creepy as hell. So is Ragey Ryan, and it is kind of odd how he was recording him, but one creep does not negate another. 


Birds of a feather.  They understand each other.


Agree that I should have also said "dress your size" but I still maintain that once you are over 40 it's time to put away the low cut cleavage tops (saggy pendulous breasts and/or cleavage wrinkles are not attractive) and the short skirts and dresses that are barely covering your lady bits. The alternatives are not limited to granny dresses and shawls - no need to use extreme examples. See Heather for examples of how to dress appropriately for your age and not look tacky, ridiculous and embarrasing. Any professional stylist would say the same.


Cosign, but if Vicki would just buy the right size, she would improve her look a thousand percent. 


I loved the Beador's dinner scene. I give Shannon credit for sticking things out, as I know several people who wish they could have forgiven the affair their spouse had. I know that many people think their kids shouldn't be involved they way they are, but considering that one of the girls was the one who discovered the affair I think they are doing the best they can. I think they are using the show as a way to be open.


She is not sticking things out IMO.  She is wallowing in martyrdom, sucking the life out of her family for her own selfish need to play the victim.  The public does not need to know the details of her relationship with her husband if it will affect her children in a negative way.  I cannot imagine anything that we have seen to date has been beneficial to her daughters.  Shannon seems to be one of those people who bleed you dry emotionally with their sad life story over and over and over again.


Whats that Dolly Parton saying "Get down off the cross, someone needs the wood."


I do understand that Shannon is hurting deeply which is why I think its a mistake to put this all on TV for the world to see.  They need to work things in private, away from the judgement of strangers.  The Beadors are more depressing than the Kim Richards saga.


I thought that was the whole point of these shows, to show how the rich live their lives. Everybody says they love these shows for that very reason and for the " house porn" and things like that but when they actually show those things, people complain about it.


I love Terry and Heather's house and I love their getaways, parties and luncheons.  They enjoy their money as wealthy people should.  I also appreciate that they go to work for their money and they keep on hustling.  Whats interesting is that they are the perfect match for each other.  They are both meticulous and prissy types that would be very successful as individuals.  They are annoying for sure, but I don't mind them at all.  Heather's clothes are drool worthy.  I loved that black and white dress she wore with the high-heeled black and yellow sandals last episode.  She looked young, fresh and stylish.  Ms. Vicki needs to get out a pad and pen.


This is my favorite description of Brooks ever - a Margaritaville tee shirt that somehow has a circulatory system and a SSN.  I will be laughing about this all day.  


Me too.  This description is awesome.

Edited by ToukieSmith
  • Love 9

Word. I can't believe they thought they were going to get away with this scam. Vicki isn't as smart as she pretends to be. EDUCATION, Vicki! (As she so patronizingly said to the sushi girl).

Sadly, though, even though the con has been called out, I think both Vicki and Brooks will and can get away with denying it until their last dying breath. There won't be any smoking gun because of HIPAA laws, unless one of them confesses, which I don't see happening.


Has it been proven that he doesn't have cancer? (Not counting Tamra and Meghan's opinions).

  • Love 2

Exactly, Shannon was born to play this martyr role she has adopted and has no intention of relinquishing. Whatever happens, she will go down claiming that SHE did everything to make it work, let him stay, etc...regardless of damage done by her doing so. It will be a miracle if those girls don't end up hating both parents. David especially, if Shannon has her way. I am so disappointed by Shannon, although even when she first came on the show, you could tell that the marriage was a trainwreck. Was he cheating even then? Because she spoke to him like he was a not very bright employee she could not fire. And he did not seem bothered.

  • Love 2

When Tamra and Eddie were arguing over Tamra giving Ryan money, Simon Barney was somewhere laughing his ass off.  He and Tams had this exact argument during Tamra's first season on the show.  She will always enable him and support him.  She did a real bang-up job with him.  She and Lauri Peterson were the bad moms on the show. 


Briana's situation really surprises me.  Of all the RH kids, she was the one who actually went to a good school and has a real career.  When she was a teenager, she had the good sense to know that Vicki was insane.  Seeing her isolated with Ragey Ryan, working two jobs to support the family while also doing all the work at home is hard. 


When Meghan dials it back a few degrees, she is tolerable. 

  • Love 11

Briana had an SUV already and I disagree, a housekeeper would have helped her daughter more than another vehicle. The problem is that Vicki could not get the BIG reveal on camera paying for a housekeeper like she did with giving an SUV on camera.

You are giving Vicki too much credit, I could totally see her bringing three housekeepers to the house, having them all wear bows and making Brianna choose one if she had to do housewwork during her visits.

  • Love 11

I should have worded that better. What i meant was, not everyone has all symptoms, And most people don't have all of them all the time. Someone who does dissasociate and have flashbacks, doesn't do it all the time. You have good days and bad. When you are having flashbcaks, that is generally a worst case scenario. My husband would only get the horrifying flashbacks occationallly, when something like a smell or a sound triggered him. Those were the worst moments. Those are the worst case scenarios for us. The last time he had one we were back in RI for the first time in years and we passed the hospital he was in for 3 months. He had a horrible flashback and panic attack. He almost crashed the car. That's a worst case scenario and not daily life for him with PTSD. Luckily the worst case scenario only happens for most people with PTSD occasionally. My husband doesn't dissasociate.

There was a Criminal Minds episode where a vet with PTSD had a complete break with reality. He thought he was back in Iraq and went on a killing spree that lasted for days. I think that's the image some have of PTSD.

Yes, and I'd also like to point out that PTSD is not something that only those who served in the military can be diagnosed with. My mother was diagnosed with PTSD stemming from things she witnessed in childhood.

I hope that's the last I see of Ragey Ryan on my tv. I have such a visceral reaction to him and can't help but think of Lydia nearly in tears defending her mom. I hope that when Ryan returns to civilian life, he does not get a job in any type of security or law enforcement field.

  • Love 10

Vicki was tweeting way back in December about Brooks completing round 2 of chemo.  They didn't start shooting until late January so I question how the two of them could come up with such an  elaborate scheme.

Thank you, zoeysmom :) But, at the risk of sounding like a dimwit, I'm not following. Do you mean they changed their story once they started shooting?

  • Love 2

I actually asked for the "Shannon Beador" when I was out the other night, Vodka, cranberry juice in a tall glass with ice and a lime. The waitress totally knew what I wanted since she watches the RHOC too!  Shannon should bottle it up and sell it and be the next Bethenny Frankel. 


That is so funny! I love it!


Briana had an SUV already and I disagree, a housekeeper would have helped her daughter more than another vehicle. The problem is that Vicki could not get the BIG reveal on camera paying for a housekeeper like she did with giving an SUV on camera.  


I thought I heard Briana say, possibly jokingly, that Vicki didn't like being wedged between the kids and wanted a third row.


That's definitely not true of all of the south. I was born and raised in Georgia and currently live in Alabama. The vast majority of people I know in both places have basements. Conversely, I lived in in the SF Bay Area for a while and cant't recall anyone I knew having a basement.


Yes, I should have said most. The further east you go, you have basements. I'm sure the reason there aren't basements is because of the type of soil in certain areas, and if you wanted it one, it might be able to be done, but it would cost you a pretty penny!  That being said, I am jealous of everyone that has a basement!!

  • Love 3

That is so funny! I love it!



I thought I heard Briana say, possibly jokingly, that Vicki didn't like being wedged between the kids and wanted a third row.



Yes, I should have said most. The further east you go, you have basements. I'm sure the reason there aren't basements is because of the type of soil in certain areas, and if you wanted it one, it might be able to be done, but it would cost you a pretty penny!  That being said, I am jealous of everyone that has a basement!!

With the exception of Flordia. we don't have them here. Swampland and all that

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 1



He was diagnosed with PTSD and underwent treatment in OK. He served 4 tours of duty of active combat in an active war zone, he was on the front lines, not behind some desk. His behavior towards Judy was wrong but he did get help and there has been no mention of any other aggressive behavior towards anyone else since and had there been, the Military tends to cut them loose in a heart beat now and that he is still in the Marines, I think the treatment helped him.

I could have absolutely missed something but do we know he was on the front lines? What is his MOS? But no matter, I only point that out to show that PTSD can affect ALL Marine's subjected to the stressful environment of war. So, just for clarification making a comment about "behind some desk" is rather offensive because I sat "behind some desk" because I had a data MOS,( system administrator) and that "desk" happened to be located in Fallujah Iraq at one of the most active times during the war in a camp that was regularly bombed by mortars and rockets as well as continuous small arms fire. PTSD doesn't only affect those that did patrols and came face to face with the enemy. I understand making a point about PTSD but I think we really need to be mindful of how far we want to go just so we can make such absolute points that in all reality we as viewers can't even begin to be so "sure" off.


Also, even the most "civilian" of MOS's have a different In Combat version of the job. Even the food administrators (cooks) are trained to do their job in combat enviornments and just because they aren't Infantry doesn't mean they wouldn't need to fire their rifle, go on patrol and travel with an infantry unit or find themselves in a combat situation. You go where you're needed and sometimes that's right smack in the middle of things no matter what your MOS. This is why the Marine's take so much pride in our branch of service. No matter what MOS we are assigned we are Rifleman first.


PTSD is rather sad and I can sympathize with Ryan and I can even see the understanding in the whole couch issue but we can have sympathy for his situation without throwing another victim of his problem under the bus or blowing it off like no one should react to that terrible display with anything but understanding. There's nothing wrong with validating the wrong that was done to the victims of his verbal abuse that night whether or not he does suffer with this disorder. I found it in bad taste that instead of attributing his outburst to PTSD it was more about he's a Marine that served tours in Afghanistan. That made it sound like because of his service he should be allowed to walk all over people and I for one was aghast at the idea that a title I consider sacred is used as a get out of jail free card for very wrong behavior. PTSD okay I get it but "oh he's a Marine so".. No Sireeee.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 8

Thank you, zoeysmom :) But, at the risk of sounding like a dimwit, I'm not following. Do you mean they changed their story once they started shooting?

No change in story.  For some reason because Tamra did not reach out to Vicki when she and Brooks announced his cancer returned, Tamra decided to just start the rumor the cancer didn't exist.  I don't think Vicki has changed her stories I think the editors have tried to make it sound as if there are these glaring inconsistencies and Vicki, et al,  play along with them.  Last year at the Reunion there was an exchange between Tamra and Vicki and she accused Vicki of doing nothing all season (after Vicki claimed Tamra had told her Terry said take the Beaadors down).  I interpreted that to mean Vicki stayed back, was the good guy, was nice to the new gal, and she needed to have some drama.  Once the Brooks stuff started this season she has played it to the hilt.  Even the dinner she walked out on with Shannon and David.  Brooks wanted to hear about it but Vicki and the producers needed it to be a Tamra/Vicki moment.  Obviously to placate the naysayers it would simple to say something such as,  Brooks is undergoing CHOP or if she were really trying to convince the others he had cancer it would be showing the binder to say Shannon.  This is an old twist on the she said, he said off camera twist. To me, using cancer as a storyline is in poor taste and I put the blame squarely on the producers.  If Meghan thing was to bring cancer awareness or have a support group with the women of this show maybe her charity event should have been something to do with cancer.


There will never be medical proof offered during the show as Meghan has repeatedly said she believes Brooks does not have cancer.  Although Jim and Meghan believe that the way to silence it is to bust out medical records the producers aren't going to allow it.  That is Meghan at this point keeps up the BS story she cares about what treatment he receives and claims on camera they believe he has cancer.  That isn't as black and white.  To me although the OG of the OC, Vicki on the eve of a fraud trial could not be part of a complex scheme such as this one.  She would risk losing her role on the show and even bigger in court.  Sometimes I reach beyond what is on the screen.

  • Love 3

I think Brianna would enjoy her life a lot more if Vicki wasn't always visiting...if you're always having out of town company, you don't get the chance to join clubs, play groups, etc.  I'm surprised they haven't gotten involved in a church.  Honestly, the first question any one asks when they meet someone in OK is "What church do you go to?" or "Have you found a Church Home yet? I'd love to take you to mine!" I know Vicki goes to Saddleback, so I I would think the evangelical scene that is so popular in OK would have been kind of familiar to Brianna.  Of course I also have no idea what all is out in Choctaw (where she lives)...in the 3 years I lived in OKC I definitely never ventured that direction.


I thought Brianna offering to stay in a hotel was pretty normal.  We definitely stay in a hotel when we go to see my in-laws, there are some people you just aren't meant to be around 24/7!  Vicki saying Brooks was traveling on business was such obvious BS...it would have been better to say he was going to be visiting his children- we all know he doesn't work. 


Call me crazy, but I am starting to believe the other women are crazy and maybe Brooks is the nice guy?  He always seems to mild mannered and calm on camera (WTF is he doing with Vicki?) so I have a hard time believing he's this devious, evil person Brianna, Meghan and Tamra would like us to think he is.  Of course, then I remember him saying Vicki's vagina was his favorite part about her and then he's ruined forever.

  • Love 2

No change in story.  For some reason because Tamra did not reach out to Vicki when she and Brooks announced his cancer returned, Tamra decided to just start the rumor the cancer didn't exist.  I don't think Vicki has changed her stories I think the editors have tried to make it sound as if there are these glaring inconsistencies and Vicki, et al,  play along with them.  Last year at the Reunion there was an exchange between Tamra and Vicki and she accused Vicki of doing nothing all season (after Vicki claimed Tamra had told her Terry said take the Beaadors down).  I interpreted that to mean Vicki stayed back, was the good guy, was nice to the new gal, and she needed to have some drama.  Once the Brooks stuff started this season she has played it to the hilt.  Even the dinner she walked out on with Shannon and David.  Brooks wanted to hear about it but Vicki and the producers needed it to be a Tamra/Vicki moment.  Obviously to placate the naysayers it would simple to say something such as,  Brooks is undergoing CHOP or if she were really trying to convince the others he had cancer it would be showing the binder to say Shannon.  This is an old twist on the she said, he said off camera twist. To me, using cancer as a storyline is in poor taste and I put the blame squarely on the producers.  If Meghan thing was to bring cancer awareness or have a support group with the women of this show maybe her charity event should have been something to do with cancer.


There will never be medical proof offered during the show as Meghan has repeatedly said she believes Brooks does not have cancer.  Although Jim and Meghan believe that the way to silence it is to bust out medical records the producers aren't going to allow it.  That is Meghan at this point keeps up the BS story she cares about what treatment he receives and claims on camera they believe he has cancer.  That isn't as black and white.  To me although the OG of the OC, Vicki on the eve of a fraud trial could not be part of a complex scheme such as this one.  She would risk losing her role on the show and even bigger in court.  Sometimes I reach beyond what is on the screen.


Wow, thank you for going to all that trouble to explain it, zoeysmom!  I do truly believe that Vicki either knows or believes he has cancer, because she'd probably get fired if they found out she knew he didn't have cancer but kept up the story for the show.  The fans would call for her head! The question is; is Brooks lying to everyone?  I'm sorry, but I can't believe all the crap that Tamra and PI Meghan spew.  For all we know; this Ex-GF of Brooks Meghan speaks of, holds a grudge and wanted to aid in taking him down via losing Vicki and his small role on RHOC.


ETA - I was half asleep when I read your original post, and for some reason my eyes omitted the word 'question', so it read to me like this; 


Vicki was tweeting way back in December about Brooks completing round 2 of chemo.  They didn't start shooting until late January so how the two of them could come up with such an  elaborate scheme.


Yep, I feel stupid LOL

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 1

Shannon mentioned it during one if her first talking heads where she discussed the affair


I believe she also mentioned it in her first Bravo blog of the season.


Vicki came home from a business trip with a cold, walked in the door, Brooks went right over to her for hugs and kisses while she was asking him how his treatment was going...and right there is where I first thought he was full of manure. Oh, and her too.


Oh wow you are so right!  I never put 2+2 together while watching that scene.  Good catch.


Wasn't Briana really close to Don?  I seem to remember something about Briana finding emails between Vicki and Brooks while Vicki was married to Don and put two and two together and came up with the logical conclusion that Vicki was "involved" with Brooks long before she and Don split.  If I'm remembering that correctly, Briana disliked Brooks from the get-go.


It is both correct to say that Brianna did refer to Don as "her mother's husband" and did not appear close to him in the earlier seasons.  However, it's also correct to say that she was much closer to him at the time he and Vicki divorced.  I don't know if she naturally drew closer to him as a result of her mom's affair (and her growing hatred of Brooks) - or if their relationship evolved organically - but yes-they were definitely shown to be tight a few seasons ago.

I think Vicki has always been jealous, narcissistic, insecure but that these traits were more hidden before she was on TV. This show and the stressors of being semi-famous/judged, and having to create drama in your home life just for a paycheck, has amplified Vicki's worse traits and brought them to the forefront. In order for Vicki to hold onto her self-esteem all these years due to the stress of the show, she has become more delusional (irrational, judgmental, hypocritical, insecure) rather than looking inwards and becoming a deeper, more mature person.

I think Brianna blames Brooks for these changes in her mother, that she doesn't like what her mother has become. It's not Brooks' fault, but I think it's easier for Brianna to blame him that to accept the fact her mother has turned into a shallow, desperate, vain loser.

I think Brianna feels that her mother will revert somewhat back to her old self once Brooks is out of the picture, but I think the series will have to be over for a long time if that genie is ever going back into the bottle.


IDK...  Brianna seemed to have Vicki's number way back when she was a teenager. That look on her face when Vicki "gifted" her with the new car and then followed up with "and you'll make the payments!" was very telling.  I personally think both of her children were well aware of Vicki's narcissistic side long before Brooksy entered the picture. 


I actually asked for the "Shannon Beador" when I was out the other night, Vodka, cranberry juice in a tall glass with ice and a lime. The waitress totally knew what I wanted since she watches the RHOC too!  Shannon should bottle it up and sell it and be the next Bethenny Frankel. 


But ....did they give you too many limes?? Not enough limes? I need to know these things!  

  • Love 4
Yup. That is exactly what happened. Funny how she doesn't hold it against her mom for that little indiscretion, but hates Brooks. Or maybe she does and that's part of the problem between them.


Yea, I do think she partially holds it against Vicki. Their relationship hasn't quite been the same since she split from Donn. But, of course, Vicki is her mother and Brooks is just some dude banging her mother. We can forgive a lot more from family members, and try to get past certain things, because of the love and history there. There's nothing tying her to Brooks, so of course she's not going to even try with him. 


Last night he said that he likes their set-up and doesn't mind that he and Brianna don't know anybody in Oklahoma because it gives them a chance to be only with each other.  Vicki then nodded and said that it's good not to have any outside influences.  Two controlling people just shooting the breeze...


LOL, yea, she specifically said something about outside influences on your marriage. I really think she somehow blames other people for the demises of her relationship with Donn. If your relationship sucks, it's going to suck whether you have weekly cocktail parties or Netflix it alone every weekend. 


You are giving Vicki too much credit, I could totally see her bringing three housekeepers to the house, having them all wear bows and making Brianna choose one if she had to do housewwork during her visits.


And if any of them were Hispanic she would start speaking very loudly and slowly and telling them "no scratchy the woody!"


So, just for clarification making a comment about "behind some desk" is rather offensive because I sat "behind some desk" because I had a data MOS,( system administrator) and that "desk" happened to be located in Fallujah Iraq at one of the most active times during the war in a camp that was regularly bombed by mortars and rockets as well as continuous small arms fire. PTSD doesn't only affect those that did patrols and came face to face with the enemy.


I completely agree with this. My husband was a civilian contractor for over a year in Afghanistan. He did not go into battle. In fact, he rarely left the base. But he did have to go out with convoys a few times to work on and/or pick up equipment from other bases, and there were times when his convoys were attacked. Thankfully he was never hurt. There were explosions outside his base often, and one time he walked into the cafeteria in the morning, only to find dead bodies all over the tables. I would never try and compare his situation to that of a soldier, but war affects so many people in so many ways. He was definitely different when he came home. He was very irritable and his temper sparked easily. He never saw anyone and was not formally diagnosed with anything, but his behavior was absolutely a result of his time over there. It took awhile of being back home, but he eventually got past it. Although, he also seems to have developed some social anxiety as well and hardly ever wants to go anywhere besides work. I don't push it. 


I'm not a doctor, I can't say whether Ryan's behavior is from PTSD or not. He does seem to be on the controlling side naturally. But I can recall how my husband would easily get irritated in large group settings and tiny things could set him off, and I see that in Ryan. My husband never yelled in anyone's face like that, though. At any rate. I just hope Ryan continues to receive help and doesn't behave that way with his family. War is a very very hard thing on people, it can totally change you. I find it deplorable that anyone would be sent over there 4 times in such a short span. 

  • Love 8

Yup. That is exactly what happened. Funny how she doesn't hold it against her mom for that little indiscretion, but hates Brooks. Or maybe she does and that's part of the problem between them.  


I think it has more to do with her fear that since Brooks appears to be a grifter there will be no money left when Vicki dies.  

  • Love 4

I could have absolutely missed something but do we know he was on the front lines? What is his MOS? But no matter, I only point that out to show that PTSD can affect ALL Marine's subjected to the stressful environment of war. So, just for clarification making a comment about "behind some desk" is rather offensive because I sat "behind some desk" because I had a data MOS,( system administrator) and that "desk" happened to be located in Fallujah Iraq at one of the most active times during the war in a camp that was regularly bombed by mortars and rockets as well as continuous small arms fire. PTSD doesn't only affect those that did patrols and came face to face with the enemy. I understand making a point about PTSD but I think we really need to be mindful of how far we want to go just so we can make such absolute points that in all reality we as viewers can't even begin to be so "sure" off.


Also, even the most "civilian" of MOS's have a different In Combat version of the job. Even the food administrators (cooks) are trained to do their job in combat enviornments and just because they aren't Infantry doesn't mean they wouldn't need to fire their rifle, go on patrol and travel with an infantry unit or find themselves in a combat situation. You go where you're needed and sometimes that's right smack in the middle of things no matter what your MOS. This is why the Marine's take so much pride in our branch of service. No matter what MOS we are assigned we are Rifleman first.


PTSD is rather sad and I can sympathize with Ryan and I can even see the understanding in the whole couch issue but we can have sympathy for his situation without throwing another victim of his problem under the bus or blowing it off like no one should react to that terrible display with anything but understanding. There's nothing wrong with validating the wrong that was done to the victims of his verbal abuse that night whether or not he does suffer with this disorder. I found it in bad taste that instead of attributing his outburst to PTSD it was more about he's a Marine that served tours in Afghanistan. That made it sound like because of his service he should be allowed to walk all over people and I for one was aghast at the idea that a title I consider sacred is used as a get out of jail free card for very wrong behavior. PTSD okay I get it but "oh he's a Marine so".. No Sireeee.

I apologize for how I worded my comment. It was not my intent to say that only soldiers that serve on the front line can be affected by PTSD, I was trying to point out that he saw/faced the worst of the worst in his 4 tours of duty in Afghanistan. I also know that many people can suffer from it, not just Military personnel or people in a war zone but anyone that faces a traumatic event can develop it as JM and I spoke of in a later post.


Vicki said/tweeted something about him being on the front lines in combat and asked for prayers for him when he was deployed last time.

  • Love 3

OK -I stand corrected.

Maybe it was another HW and not Vicki. I have this idea in my head that someone's daughter was close to someon's ex-husband and visited him after the divorce.

How's that for vague? LOL

I have watched every season of OC multiple times because I have no life. Brianna totally went back and forth on the Donn issue. She was mad at Vicki for treating him badly, she and Michael ate meals with Donn because Vicki was always working, she was going to visit him after the separation, she said he was the closest thing to a dad she's had etc. also she said she read the emails with Brooks. Then she about faced and said they had no relationship and that Donn was abusive to Vicki, my assumption is she meant emotional abuse. We are confused because if you put up a clip of everything she has said she would sound totally crazy! To her credit she was at a bad age to be held to everything she said since 20ish kids think they know it all but she still has some know it all going on. Edited by freeradical
  • Love 5

But wow, Vick really turned on a dime there in that final scene. What in the fresh hell was that all about? I thought Brianna was being perfectly polite about it. She is very put off by Brooks and would rather stay in a hotel. BFD. But Vicki immediately flips out about having this conversation on camera? So odd. She talks about everything on camera. She allowed her reaction to her mother's death be shown. She peed the bed on camera! But all of a sudden a little logistics conversation about Brianna's visit is verboten? Something more is going on there.



I also think she thought her saying, "I don't want this on camera" was her get out of jail free card.  She was probably thinking, "if I'm mentioning the camera, they will turn them off or they will edit this out."  But, Bravo, was like, "nope, this is too juicy.  We will totally break the 4th wall for this."  

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