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S06.E09: Run Away

Tara Ariano
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You guys. I haven't been to the gym! My gym time is my gym time!

I so desperately wanted MTV to put up a #gymtime hashtag on that scene, but it was not to be.

Javi is an insecure, jealous douche, but his suspicion of Kail re Jo is the first evidence I've seen that anyone on this show has actually watched this show.

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Adam is a dumb ass. I love how they subtitled him when he said Chelsea was blocking Aubree from going to him. He told his meth friend Aubree was running to him but when she ran to her mom instead, of course it was only because Chelsea was blocking her.

Like most of the rest of you,I'll say..

Shut the fuck up Karl and Fuck you mama Dawn.

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What I don't understand is why when Aubree has an event, Chelsea is always saying things like, "I still don't know if Adam is coming or not" or similar verbiage. What difference does it ever make when at these events, they don't speak to each other, they barely look at each other, no interaction whatsoever. Tell him about these things, and stop with the need to know if he will be there or not. If he comes he comes, if he don't, he don't. It does not stop Aubree's fun be cuz you got this, Chelsea.

When Chelsea's mom came thru the door, I said she looks like she is going to mention Adam this episode, since she missed saying his name last episode, but Lo and behold, it was Chelsea who brought him up. Speaking of which if Chelsea dislikes Adam so much, what is the first thing she brings up when meeting her friends for lunch and with Aubree sitting right there hearing every word except maybe when Chelsea whispered the spelling of Adam's name. Way for her not knowing who you are talking about, Chelsea.

Edited by lasandi
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Corey is my hero. Did Dawn really think she could tell not ask, but tell Corey she is taking the girls to see their mother but can't disclose where she is taking them. Dawn, a blind person can see your daughter is addicted to drugs, that whole town probably knows, so stop thinking you are protecting Leah from the world knowing she has gone to rehab. Dawn looked pretty jacked up to me. Then she c alls Leah and interjects her opinion about what is going to go down as opposed to what Corey actually said. I don't think Dawn wanted Leah to go to rehab in the first place so why not do what you can to get her to leave. So sad.

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Sweet Jesus, Kail is crazy. "KICK THE BALLLLL!!!! ISAAC, RUUUUUNN!!!!" Um, chillax, bitch. He's five years old, and he just learned like 5 minutes ago that he was supposed to kick the ball towards the other team's goal. Jo and Vee were cute and funny. Javi seemed engaged and supportive, but also patient. It was only Karl being crazy, once again.


Kail should really consider joining an adult league. That area looks likely to have one, or I'm sure her school does as well, and it would be a really good way for her to get some of her aggression out which I think is helpful for bipolar. I didn't read Javi as supportive though, he seems so utterly in need to control everything that I wouldn't be surprised if that's how he ended up as coach. Actually, I guess Kail would never be allowed to be on a soccer team since it would involve co-ed (Egads!) games and interactions. I'm not one who sees that Javi's bullshit as a reasonable reaction. He turned a reasonably-pleasant conversation over a difficult topic and stopped it dead while he spun off into an infant tantrum. Is he even really jealous, or does he just require this level of ownership in all facets of their life? Put your salamander peen aside Javi and allow the kid who's living under your roof's dad to be in your house, or surrender custody to Jo.


Did anyone else catch the scene during the game where Kail stood up and gave a knockout impression of the Heil Hitler salute? Geeez, that was embarrassing...


Leah's mom needs to have several seats. The only thing Corey asked for was the location to make sure it's a safe place. If things weren't already sketchy, they clearly don't want Corey to know where it is so he wont know what the actual facility it is. He asked a sensible question. He's been a lot more calm about things lately than I would be.


If every TM2 cast member took all of the seats they needed to take, the rest of the world would be Don Draper-ing it cross-legged on a mountainside just chillin' like villians, but seriously, these people have dibs on all the seats! I'm glad for the edit Corey got and the explanation to his dad about Delta's manipulation, I'm surprised they included it really being the crack editing & truth-telling team they are (MTV that is). 


One thing I still can't figure out is where the fuck was Leah calling from and how much time had passed? At first I assumed she was in the wrong kind of rehab where you sit in your bed alone on your iphone+ all damn day stirring up drama with your acrylics. But later they mentioned something about how she hadn't gotten there yet, so, was it the same day that Delta dropped Leah off at, um, Delta(?) airlines and then dropped the girlses off? Otherwise, wtf was Leah doing in a hotel -- waiting for a spot to open up? It sounded like Corey had the girls for at least a week or something before Mother's Day was on the table... Ugh, still confused...!


Chelsea, no honey. There is no "dad like Cole" because Cole is not a dad. Don't put that on him. He's your boyfriend of a few months. Just stop it. And stop talking to your dumb friends in front of Aubree as if she doesn't understand. She speaks English, fool.


Ten months in! Only 10 months in! So No, it's not time for a new dad just yet! Maybe Chelsea's baby-speak is on par with a larger part of her brain than we're all hoping because, yeah, spelling out only A-D-A-M was not going to save Aubree from the context or content of that situation. She seemed kind of young asking her client if she could see the light ("some people can"), but then at other times she seems ready for retirement, like one of my favorite scenes from the beginning of this season where she stated that she was "still" working as an esthetician but had gone down to part-time, like 40 years had passed since getting her license.




From your mouth to God's ears Nathan, you fucking dummy. Seriously though, this one deserves to be silkscreened onto a tee for all of us out there who appreciate horrible people at their worst. And speaking of...



Jenelle and Nathan are disgusting. Kaiser is nothing but an inconvenience to them. "I had to keep Kaiser for a month!" He's your child, asshole! You keep him until he turns 18.



Why won't MTV do a web series of Jenelle's lawyer's reactions to scenes such as this? She's already signed a waiver! He should really be busy finalizing papers on where Roll goes when these two numbskulls crash their vehicles into each other and finally have the grand accident they've been trying for. WTF with Nathan cutting in and out of traffic like that to hunt her down; does the bitch even have his license back (or rather, how and when did that happen -- and how!?)? Roll had to be in his truck with him right? I mean, he was trying to roll Roll right back to Jenelle so he could get his roids and gym-lovin' so I have to think the baby was actually part of that car chase. Of course, with their luck, they would have rolled their vehicles, all come out okay with a few bruises and killed two other car's worth of drivers and passengers. And that was quite the heartwarming scene watching Jenelle take Roll straight from the daycare-->carseat-->to lying down with bottle while she went downstairs and outside onto the deck to weep into the phone. Glad there's nothing that could possibly go wrong in that scenario. Jesus take the wheel(s) and the Roll.


Jenelle should have her brain mapped and someone should create a virtual reality experience where you get to be that simple and selfish. I genuinely wondered what it must be like to have no real worries, no concern for others in your care, no guilt, no shame, and no thoughts beyond the next phone call or text. It made me wince to hear her say she's so full of anxiety! and constantly having panic attacks! because being an empty narcissist who's lost their narcissistic supply isn't anxiety or panic as the rest of the world knows it, it's just a gross misuse of those terms.

Edited by meisje
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What a shit stirrer.  Corey said NOTHING about taking the girls from Leah.  He said that he had to look out for his children.  That he wasn't going to just blindly send them somewhere.  If you were so worried about your daughters well being, why would you call her and tell her that the night before she's going into "therapy"? 


Adam is the biggest waste of space.  His fake interest in Aubree, for the mtv cameras, is so transparent. 


Kailynn is really an awful person.  Her only concern about Jo and Vee moving in the neighborhood is how it's going to effect HER, not what a great thing it would be for Isaac.  Jo is a good dad, he really wants to be a part of Isaacs life, she should be thankful.  I don't know who it was that said Kailynn should hook up with Adam, but they were right.  Two peas in a pod.  And her screaming at Isaac at his soccer game.  Get a grip!  He's 5 years old........he's not David Beckham.


OMG - Jenelle - you DO NOT PUT A BABY TO BED WITH A BOTTLE.  When his teeth are rotting out of his head, you can thank yourself.

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I don't begrudge Javi for having some insecurities in the back of his mind where Kail and Jo are concerned. Kail has cheated with Jo before. She's cheated on Jo. I think I read about her cheating or possibly cheating on Javi early on, as well. Point is, she's not above cheating in general. But she's his wife. Either he trusts her or he doesn't. You have to give your partner the benefit of the doubt if you accept them as your partner, because that relationship implies an inherent acceptance of trust. If you can't do that, you shouldn't be in that relationship. Javi needs to suck up and shut up. He made his bed, now deal with the lumpy mattress and box springs poking him in the back. Don't like it, buy a new bed.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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I should probably wait before commenting since I only caught the first 15 minutes of the show on my DVR before having to head to work, but f*** it. 


As others have pointed out, W-T-F Kail with your crazy soccer mom antics.  Do you realize how much of a fool you looked?  Isaac doesn't appear to have an athletic bone in his body.  Embrace him for being insanely cute, sensitive, smart, and funny and stop trying to shove "KICK THE BALL!!!!" down his throat.  He's 5.  This is not pro soccer.  Give a little encouraging shout every 5 minutes and call it a day.  I loved that Jo and Vee were just sort of laughing at how ridiculous Kail was being but still didn't even care all that much.  And it was pretty obvious that Vee is disinterested/unhappy with her situation at the moment.  Jo- "Thanks for coming with me to his game".  Vee- "Not like I had anything better to do".


Leah, ugh....you slay me.  So you left for "therapy" right before Mother's Day and wanted your girls with you, but didn't make ANY mention of it to Corey?  And Delta Dawn refusing to tell Corey where the girls would be if they left?  I can understand not wanting to announce the details on camera for the world to know, but you can't even tell him the state and then let him know you'll text the details later?  Corey is being a responsible parent; you should try it sometime. I think other posters are right; Dawn is a MAJOR bad influence in Leah's life.  On a side note, why are Dawn's eyes the size of sunflower seeds on a gigantic watermelon head?  Something is just so physically wrong there.


Chelsea- your segments are boring, but I consider it a nice "palate cleanser" between the crazy.  My only complaint is that, no, you should NOT have Aubrey calling Cole dad.  When I was 22 I moved in with a guy who had primary custody of his 7 year old son and for the 3 years we lived together I was "Miss SlothLoveChunk" to him (we're in the South) because I was NOT replacing his (drug addicted, loser) mom.  Did I hear someone on here mention that Chelsea is Cole's first girlfriend?  I'm not knocking dating single parents, but if you were Cole's parents wouldn't you be pretty sad that your son's first real relationship experience already comes with major baggage?  Also, holy smokes I just realized that Chelsea is a replica of her mother.  In looks, in mannerisms, and most especially, in her voice.  If you want to know what Chelsea will be like in 25 years, look at her mom.


Jenelle- I just...I'm at...just...No.  As another poster said, I'm curious to know how it feels to be so selfish, deluded, void of any real problems.  The coldness in you would be fascinating if it weren't so damn scary, especially knowing you brought two kids into this world who had the deck stacked against them from the minute they were conceived.  "I've had Kaiser for a month straight"??  How about "I've taken care of Kaiser alone for a month"?  You don't "have" your son like you "have" a dog you're babysitting.  But I truly think that in Jenelle's mind this "parenting" thing is just something she's doing until something better catches her attention and she can drop Kaiser off to be parented elsewhere.

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I would agree about Javi overreacting to Jo being in his house, if we hadn't seen that, that exact situation led to Jo and Kail hooking up a while back. I get that it was a long time ago, and I do think he was overreacting... But I can see where he was coming from, it just annoyed me that he wouldn't just come out and say it (even though that would have caused ww3.

He wasn't going to come out and say it because Kail is physically abusive and would have whooped his ass. At least he is beginning to show a little backbone. Eventually, maybe he will have enough backbone to leave when she beats him again.

I hope Mama Dawn realizes that WV probably doesn't have grandparents' rights so should treat Corey with the respect he deserves because I firmly believe he will have full custody of the girlses within a couple of years.

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OMG - Jenelle - you DO NOT PUT A BABY TO BED WITH A BOTTLE.  When his teeth are rotting out of his head, you can thank yourself.


I find this practice very annoying in all of the teen mom series.... It never occurred to me as a mom to not participate in the feeding process and hold my baby when he was feeding.  I never would have just said here....hold your bottle and drink!  They seem to do this all of the time (not just Jenelle), and I don't get it.

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I wonder how much of Jo's hair loss is related to the stress of having to deal with Kail.

Oh, and you want Jo to pay more child support, how about you get a damn job, bitch! Why should he kick out more money while you do nothing but go to CrossFit and a gazillion vacations?

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Jenelle was literally trying to run away from her baby

Dude WTF. At first I thought it was someone trying to serve Jenelle with a summons because...Jenelle. But this waste of space was actually trying to run away from her infant son. Weaving in and out of traffic to avoid a baby that she just birthed. That is unreal. What would be the excuse to the police? "Officer, my baby was chasing me and I feared for my life." And his loser of a father was trying to chase down his loser of a mother to dump him on, not because he had to get to work, but because he wanted to go to the gym. Just give the baby up for adoption. It's clear that he's unwanted. I can see why Jace doesn't want to live in that hell hole. He lives in a nice house with someone who genuinely cares about him and his safety. Unfortunately, Kaiser doesn't. I can see Jenelle dumping Kaiser on Jace to raise in a few years. Then she'll pretend that she's trying to get custody of Kaiser from Jace but Jace is being mean to her.

Omg Kail, chill out. She was damned near incensed that Issac wasn't kicking the soccer ball. So much so that the first thing out of her mouth to Jo was, "Tell him he needs to kick the ball!"

Edited by charmed1
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Corey is my hero. Did Dawn really think she could tell not ask, but tell Corey she is taking the girls to see their mother but can't disclose where she is taking them. Dawn, a blind person can see your daughter is addicted to drugs, that whole town probably knows, so stop thinking you are protecting Leah from the world knowing she has gone to rehab. Dawn looked pretty jacked up to me. Then she c alls Leah and interjects her opinion about what is going to go down as opposed to what Corey actually said. I don't think Dawn wanted Leah to go to rehab in the first place so why not do what you can to get her to leave. So sad.

I wonder if Leah didn't want to go and they both used Corey as an excuse. Leah acted like she was going straight back, but it was at least a month, I think. In the meantime she was making excuses at nail salons and getting some "personal training" allegedly.
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Aubree was the cutest thing ever at her graduation! But it broke my freaking heart when she was naming people who were coming and said, "My dad....if he remembers". That's why I can't judge the quick attachment she's making to Cole - wanting to call him "Dad" and comparing him to Adumb. I fully believe Chelsea that Aubree comes up with that stuff on her own. She's 5, but she's not an idiot. We haven't seen a ton of Cole, but he seems like a really sweet guy who is very present in their lives. And then you have Adumb, who shows up when it's convenient for him. Aubree can tell the difference, and is it any wonder she'd prefer Cole to Adumb? I just hope it lasts. Out of all of the relationships on this show, it probably has the most potential. And I do commend Chelsea for not introducing the guy until it was pretty serious. I'd just hate to have Aubree's heart broken by another man. She is really craving the stability that Cole offers them. Adumb may think he's oh-so-much cooler than Cole, strutting around with his tattoos and fake muscles. But Cole has their heart. 




Ugh, so Kail is one of THOSE soccer moms. Not surprising. Man, that entire scene was so cringe-worthy. I was suffering second-hand embarrassment for Isaac, Javi, Jo, AND Vee. My son has been playing with the Y since he was 3. They are great at teaching the kids skills, but at 5 they are still keeping it super light and fun. My son's first year - he was running around like a dinosaur and looking for birds in the sky. They're out there with other kids, exercising, having fun. But here's Kail, screeching from the sidelines like it's the motherfuckin Olympics or something. God, I hate her. She is so freaking overbearing, she's going to give those kids anxiety from hell. 


Then, as if her benefits from Javi aren't enough, she has to try and squeeze the ex out of some more money as well. I'd be curious to know what are all these "expenses" she has for Issac, that Jo's child support is barely making a dent in. It seemed to me like she started to say, "It's not even making a dent in the expenses" - meaning in general, but caught herself and added "for Isaac" at the end. I really think she wants Jo to subsidize her lifestyle. "Expenses" means - new house, 5 trips a year, shitty tattoos, designer bags, and Pinterest crafts. She's ridiculous. 


But so was Javi. Damn. One week he's doing the mature thing and helping Jo move his stuff, the next he's flipping out because Jo sat on his porch for 5 minutes when wasn't there. That's Isaac's dad, you know he's going to have to talk to Kail at times. Get the fuck over it. 





I officially hate Delta Dawn more than any other person on this show. That was some low-down trouble-making going on right there. Never once did Corey say anything about filing for emergency custody of the girls. He was very supportive of Leah getting help. He simply didn't want Dawn taking the girls somewhere without telling him where. That seems perfectly reasonable to me. He's the freaking father, he has a right to know where the kids are. And why couldn't Dawn tell him? I can think of no reason for the secrecy, other than the fact that Leah's whole "therapy" thing was a total ruse. I mean, think about it - why did she need to FLY to therapy, but then she's close enough Mama Dawn can just whisk them off for the day? Makes no sense. I bet you anything she just booked a hotel in a city 4 hours away and thought she could hang out for a week and convince people she went to therapy. Something shady is definitely going on. 


But if she was legitimately on her way to rehab, Corey is 100% right that not only did Dawn screw her own daughter out of getting help, but she screwed the kids out of getting a better situation at home. That is seriously fucked up right there. And why didn't Leah just call Corey herself, and ask him what's up? And what kind of whack ass lawyer advises a drug addict client to abandon treatment before it's even started??? 


That don't make no sense. 




Oh my gosh, Jenelle and Nathan. I just can't anymore. This girl is the definition of co-dependent. She cannot be alone to save her life. She's asked to make a pro-con list and the "cons" are basically the worst you can imagine - "He's mean, he's verbally abusive, there's NO trust". That's not a relationship!!! But she still wants him back! Jenelle has cried more tears over Nips in one week than she ever has over not having custody of Jace. She puts all of her efforts into guys, never her son. Has she ever been able to not concentrate at school because she missed Jace? Hardly. 


And clearly Kaiser will be the next pawn in their games. Nathan chasing her around in heavy traffic with the baby ostensibly in the truck made me ill. If it were me, I would have pulled over immediately and taken my baby. Let his whiny ass go to the gym. Motherfuckin toddler - "I haven't been to the gym yet!" = "I haven't had my nap yet!" Fuck that. If I saw the father of my kid acting that erratic and crazy, I'd take the kid! Damn. 


But she's not going to do that, because it's not about Kaiser. It's all about the guy. "Two years!!!" She kept repeating that, like it was some amazing milestone. Bitch, I've had relationships with a pair of underwear longer than that. Two years is nothing. And if you really wanted your next child to know what a family is, you would have been more discerning and patient in picking a father for him. But, honestly, I don't even think Jenelle really cares about Kaiser having a family, or a father around daily. She just uses that excuse to try and guilt Nathan into coming back. They're so gross. Both of them. 

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I just watched Leahs deleted scene. Seriously wtf. You can't trust your two exes. She is seriously fucking delusional. Take a fucking seat Leah because Corey has shown nothing but concern for his girls and is trying to protect them from your house or horrors and your dumb twit mom. Take a seat and stay seated you whacked out drug addicted freak.

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Mama Dawn is in denial calling Leah's drug addiction problem a medical issue, she doesn't want to see her daughter's problem for what it really is. And Corey never said he was keeping the girlses. Leah has a crap lawyer for telling her not to check into rehab and get home right away.

Why was Javi bitching about Jo coming to his house when Javi freely went over to Jo's to help him move in? I'm confused.

Jenelle and Nathan talk about Kaiser roll like he's a dog. 'What are we going to do about Kaiser?'. Like we're not together anymore so who get the dog, I mean, kid? He's yours Jenelle, you have him until he's 18, or in her case she decides which grandparent she'll foist him off on like she did Jace.

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Kailyn, turn it down with that soccer mom stuff. He's five and just playing a game. Even if he was 13, it's not that serious.


He probably won't even still be playing soccer at 13. After three games of her screaming at him from the sidelines, he's going to take off his cleats and quit. 


Jennelle friend is straight over her bullshit.


She literally told Jenelle that she needs to re-evaluate her whole life! I was like, "Who is this girl? Replace Dr. Drew with HER!"



I also wish Chelsea would just save the Adam bashing sessions for a time when Aubree isn't around. Even though she's trying to hide the convo, it's just silly to try and do at that time.


I do agree with this, and I'm not trying to make excuses - but I wonder how much MTV has to do with this. I've always felt like they set-up these friend visits/lunches to force the teen mom to talk about things to someone, instead just relying on voice overs. So they're like - "Leah, your friend ___ is coming over and you're going to talk about Germy filing for divorce". Or - "Chelsea, you're going to meet ___ at this restaurant and talk about Adam not coming to things". Or whatever. I could be wrong, but I've always got that vibe. At least Chelsea tries to tone it down, whereas certain other moms have no issue yelling and screaming and calling names right in front of their kids. 


Somehow I doubt Kaiser has woken up to Jenelle and Nathan's smiling faces.


More like Jenelle's wooden stare and one of Nathan's exposed nipples. 

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My only complaint is that, no, you should NOT have Aubrey calling Cole dad.


In all fairness, Chelsea said Aubree started doing that on her own, and Chelsea didn't tell her to. Honestly, sometimes kids just do that. My mom remarried when I was 3. I can only ever remember calling my step-dad "dad". She told me I started calling him that fairly early on, before they were even married. And I had a very loving, present father in my life my entire childhood. I can't recall my toddler motivation, but I guess it just felt natural. Young kids might have a hard time differentiating, and when Cole is around more than her dad, treats her better, does more "dad" stuff with her, it might just feel natural for him to call him that. If Chelsea was encouraging her to do so, THAT would bother me. Leah was that way with her girls and Germy. But I really believe her when she says Aubree wanted to on her own. And I agree with the poster who said it would be just as harmful to discourage Aubree from calling Cole "dad". Let her figure out her relationship with him and just be there to support her. 

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I was thinking about the Leah situation and that don't make no sense. I don't believe she was ever going to a treatment center and her plan all a long was to sit in a hotel for a couple weeks. She probably made the whole treatment story up hoping Jeremy would try to talk her out of leaving and come back to her but her plan backfired and Jeremy called her bluff.

I went to rehab years ago and you weren't even allowed to make unsupervised phone calls for the first ten days there much less get visitors a week after checking in. It makes zero sense that Dawn would fly out of state with two small kids to visit their mom only a week after she left.

Obviously, Leah never got on a plane and was staying somewhere close. What I'm really confused about is whether Mtv knew about this rouse of Leahs. The whole thing is a confusing mess.

Dawn is a shit stirring bitch. She acts like Corey is a babysitter and doesn't have the right to know where his children are going. I'm proud of Corey for shutting that shit down.

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WTF with Nathan cutting in and out of traffic like that to hunt her down; does the bitch even have his license back (or rather, how and when did that happen -- and how!?)? Roll had to be in his truck with him right? I mean, he was trying to roll Roll right back to Jenelle so he could get his roids and gym-lovin' so I have to think the baby was actually part of that car chase. Of course, with their luck, they would have rolled their vehicles, all come out okay with a few bruises and killed two other car's worth of drivers and passengers.

I was half-afraid that Nipples would try to football poor Kaiser through Jenelle's car window.

And I can just imagine Nathan, Jenelle,  Maci from TM OG and Adumb all walking away from an amazing four-way collision.

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Oh my. These girls keep bringing it.


Where to start.


Jenelle and Nathan. Oh my God. I really can't believe these people. There is nothing even remotely natural about how they attend to their son. They talk about him like he is a thing that needs to be dealt with. Like the dishes. 'I did the dishes yesterday!! But you know I have to go to the gym today so I can't do the dishes. Yeah but I did the dishes all week.' There is nothing organically parental about these people. And it makes it so sad that even after a year Jenelle still has not been able to really bond with her son. As soon as Nathan was out the door she didn't know anymore how to deal with her son. It is just sadness galore for that little boy.

Stop having kids Jenelle. Please. Just stop. Same goes for Nathan.


Kail her segments weren't that bad this week. Vee was really a sourpuss this episode but understandably since she just moved somewhere she doesn't know anyone besides her boyfriends ex and her husband but still. Jo thanked her for coming to his son's game. I think just saying 'thats fine' would be sufficient but she just had to say that she didnt have anywhere else to go. And she was desinterested the whole time being there except for when laughing at kail. She wasn't even that warm to Isaac since Kail had to tell him to go hug Vee which made Isaac go right back to Kail and it felt a bit sad to me for him. Kail though needs to just Isaac play. This was his first game. And more importantly ; he is 5!!!! Chill.

I think the childsupport thing is ok if it is justified. Jo didn't even blink a eye and wanted to discuss it so he probably was expecting it. Their agreement is from years ago so he may make more money and the costs to raise Isaac don't just stay the same. And yes, Kail can go on holiday etc and Jo still has to pay more. That has nothing to do with it.


There is no way that Aubree needs to call Cole dad. She also doesn't have to make them interact that much. He is supposed to be her mom's boyfriend. He is not her stepdad or a permanent figure in her life. I don't think 10 months is that long at all. Especially since Chelsea didn't even introduce Cole into Aubree's life from the beginning so Aubree has known him for maybe 6 months. I think if they breakup Chelsea will be a mess since she is way too overly impressed by the fact that she finally found a man who is nice. Well even nice men can break up with you. She needs to slow it down with the emotional attachment for her daughters sake. Especially since if the would break up Aubree will have to go back to only having her real dad still there and being underwhelmed and dissapointed by not having Cole around.
I feel that she doesn't have to discourage Aubree litteraly but there are ways to just get her attention more focused on her family as a whole and not on Cole alone. I hope though they stay together since they go well together in general but also in their own obnoxious way (yes I am talking about their voices) but time will tell.


Leah. Dawn. Dawn. Dawn. Dawn. Dawn. Oh my God. 


I think Isaac is so cute btw. It seems like he just has a lovely soul.

I was half-afraid that Nipples would try to football poor Kaiser through Jenelle's car window.


Hahahahhahahahahhahahah that is so funny. (and sad because it is almost true)

Edited by TM2
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I'm telling you Teen Mom 2 needs to never go away. 

How did none of the other parents at that soccer game not tell Kail to shut up?  It's not the world cup.  Poor Javi, he actually thinks Jo might want Kail when it's really the other way around.  I think if Jo were to even hint to Kail he was still interested she'd be down for it.    Wow Jenelle has managed to stay faithful for a whole 2 years and had to take care of her son all by herself for a whole month.   

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In all fairness, Chelsea said Aubree started doing that on her own, and Chelsea didn't tell her to. Honestly, sometimes kids just do that. My mom remarried when I was 3. I can only ever remember calling my step-dad "dad". She told me I started calling him that fairly early on, before they were even married. And I had a very loving, present father in my life my entire childhood. I can't recall my toddler motivation, but I guess it just felt natural. Young kids might have a hard time differentiating, and when Cole is around more than her dad, treats her better, does more "dad" stuff with her, it might just feel natural for him to call him that. If Chelsea was encouraging her to do so, THAT would bother me. Leah was that way with her girls and Germy. But I really believe her when she says Aubree wanted to on her own. And I agree with the poster who said it would be just as harmful to discourage Aubree from calling Cole "dad". Let her figure out her relationship with him and just be there to support her.

I know this sounds crazy but I have had four random kids call me daddy for no apparent reason. One of those times, I was getting my mail and a kid ran up to me, hugged my leg and said, "Hi Daddy!" The thing is that I think Chelsea needs to gently correct Aubrey. I mean Chelsea is the parent after all.
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This episode was a mixture of sad and hilarious:


Jenelle:  TWO YEEEEEAAAARRRRSSSS!!!!  Honey, it was two years, not two decades. And having a one year old from a 2 year relationship speaks to your abysmal decision making. Her and Nathan trying to pawn off the baby on each other was so sad to watch.  Normally couples are fighting to GET the baby after a break up, not to pawn it off.  And who bitches about having their child for a whole month by themselves?  Bitch, that's your SON.  You're supposed to have him a hell of a lot longer than one month! Clearly she doesn't have a maternal bone in her body.  She looks at her kids as links to her boyyyyyyyyfriends, nothing more. And Nathan?  IT'S MY GYM TIIIIIIMMMMMEEE!!!!  Oh no Nathan, you're not roided out, AT ALL. 


Chelsea: that convo about Adam in front of Aubree was unacceptable.  She needs to knock that shit off.  I love watching her with Aubree though.  I've said it before, but watching her I can feel her emotion, since she's very similar to how I am with my kids.  You can FEEL the love she has for her daughter and it's nice to watch. 


Kail:  Ugh.  Hi, psycho, why don't you settle down a bit at the soccer game?  Kail acts like my husband at our son's soccer lessons (well, he doesn't yell like Kail, he just gets frustrated that our son would rather be spinning in circles staring at the ceiling than actually playing.)  I, however, am just like Jo and Vee and loved watching how relaxed they were, contemplating how Isaac will be as a kid (a scholar not an athlete, lol).   Isaac will have a nice balance between them and crazy ass Kail.  Oh, and Javi was being an idiot.  What about when Jo picks up or drops Isaac off?  Does Javi have to be there?  Get a grip, man.  


Leah:  Fuck Delta Dawn.  That's all.  

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I have to agree with others that Mama Dawn is toxic. Leah needs real help, and Dawn's dramatics prevented that from happening ( at least temporarily). If Dawn were really concerned for her daughter's well- being and for her grandchildren's safety, she would have never called Leah to tell her some bs story about Corey.

Kail-- control freak in her could not stop yelling at poor Isaac during the soccer game. With regard to Javi's hissy fit over Jo stopping by, I think that yes, there is a lot of insecurity on his part, but I also think that there is some " tit for tat" going on. I don't think that if the situation were reversed, Kail would allow an ex/ baby mama of Javi's at the house if she were not there. They are both jealous insecure people, imo.

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I was half-afraid that Nipples would try to football poor Kaiser through Jenelle's car window.

Hahahahhahahahahhahahah that is so funny. (and sad because it is almost true)

Good, I'm not the only one who laughed at this.

cheatincheetos, I so wish you'd make a graphic of this. I'd keep you company in your one-way hand basket to hell.

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The therapy excuse seems like that just an excuse. If Leah was really going MTV wouldn't have been at the hotel to film her conversation with her mom and her lawyer. And no therapy (rehab) let's people free access to their phones. Their phones and the people on the other end is often the source of their problems and early on in rehab they still don't have the skills to deal with those people. So I call bullshit on her going, because MTV just happened to be there, no way. If she had really went away they would not have been allowed to follow and they quickly were there to film the Enabler shit stirrer momma Dawn scene. Such bs

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Also, don't most gyms have daycares in them? You would think Nipps would be thrilled to have an excuse to hit on the 21 year old girl working there.

Not sure about “most” gyms. I’ve belonged to gyms consistently since I got out of college and not all of them had babysitting – actually, now that I think about it, I think my current gym is the only one that does. My current gym does but you have to book it ahead of time because there’s a limit to how many kids can be in it at one time. There’s also a time limit – kids can’t be there for more than an hour and a half. (I don’t have kids but am friendly with some of the moms at my gym who are regulars like me, so they’ve told me the policies.)


As someone who enjoys exercise, I kiiiiiiiiind of get what Nathan was yelling about "my gym time is my gym time." I look at exercise as my "me time;" it helps me relax and clear my head. And if I had a kid, I would try to work in some exercise time for myself. Everyone says that parents should make time for themselves and each other, so exercise would be my time for myself. But Nathan was screaming ('roid rage?), being completely inflexible, and acting as though his child was an inconvenience to his going to the gym. (I didn't know he had another kid. These people are just founts of bad decisions.) Like, you do not say "I don't have time to raise the baby because I have to go work out." That should not be a thing.


Also, WTF with "I told you I'd let you know if I can watch our kid or not?" Where they do that at? I cannot stand it when people talk about babysitting their own children. You do not watch your children. You do not babysit your children. You raise your children! And Jenelle was like "I'll let you know if I feel like it?" WHAT?


That scene with Aubree and Cole playing with those cars was adorable – when Aubree told Cole “You’re the bridge!” and stood with her feet apart to show him what she meant, I actually said “Awww” out loud. (Same with Isaac playing soccer, because little kids playing soccer is cute.) I do think Chelsea is maybe moving a bit too fast, like she wants an instant family with Cole. 10 months isn't long. (Neither is TWO YEARS, Jenelle, so shut up. Also, she was with him two years and has an almost one-year-old, so she got knocked up only a few months in? Fount. Of bad. Decisions.) Cole does seem to have a sense of what he’s getting into and I believe that Aubree started calling Cole Dad on her own – but I also think that Chelsea needs to shut that down.

Corey was so dead on right about everything that I will forgive him the dip he had in his mouth at the end. (I’m sure he’s not the only person in town to dip, but I think it’s fucking disgusting.)  

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There is some funky editing going on with Leah's going to rehab, she gets on the plane with no gel nails, has coral gel nails during her flee back home phone call with Dawn, go to the nail salon with Chastity to trash talk her exes and get nails to last, has the coral nails when meeting Corey at the end of this weeks episode and then goes back to rehab a week later with no gels again and her extensions out in next weeks sneak peek. Until she looks extremely rough without her extensions her hair regrowth matches in all the scenes.


So somewhere in the week that she was home between rehab stints I think the phone call with Dawn was reenacted in  a local hotel

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TOTALLY not a tie-in to the Star Wars toy release this week:




"BWAHAHA. Your child custody mind tricks will not work on me, young Corey-Wan, we gots a lawyer with funky wallpaper." chortled Delta the Hutt. "Tell you where your own kids are? Why that don't make no damn sense!"

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Seriously... I'm just gonna call Kailyn the "Golden Snatch" and be done with it.  What does Javi think Jo is gonna do with Kail?  Kail may be warm for Jo's form (My Mom would put it that way, she'd also start talking about worms getting warm) but Jo is NOT interested.  Kail and Javi need to seriously STFU!

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TOTALLY not a tie-in to the Star Wars toy release this week:


"BWAHAHA. Your child custody mind tricks will not work on me, young Corey-Wan, we gots a lawyer with funky wallpaper." chortled Delta the Hutt. "Tell you where your own kids are? Why that don't make no damn sense!"

Bwah!!! What is wrong with you?! Now, when Dawn appears on the screen, this is all I'll be able to think about. She's going to have Corey and Jermy in chains.

And omg are those the "stacks" from Ready Player One, or are they already getting down with that post apocalyptic life in West Virginia?

Edited by charmed1
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On a lighter note I did notice that Javi & Kail share clothes, during the soccer match Kail wore he Quiet Storm T-shirt, then Javi wore it while they recapped Vee snobbing Kail at the game. I really hope it wasn't filmed that same day so at least the shirt was washed.

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I loved how Vee ignored Kailyn when she said goodbye but clearly accepted a kiss on the cheek from Javi--dishing the immaturity back in Karl's face. I read somewhere that people complained about Vee being rude saying," I had nowhere else to be," but you have to see her point of view. She left her home 3 hours away where her job, friends, family her entire support system during a fragile time (pregnancy, all girls want their mom or more support around) because she has to follow Karl around...she was basically saying, "what else is there for me to do today? I have no job, friends or other family to visit," sound like she's depressed is all--rightfully so. This is the first time I've seen Vee act immature.

Leah's nails kept changing throughout these scenes...something seems reenacted. Also, momma dawn embellished that entire conversation--Leah left to get help with her "drug" stress problems and the first phone call she gets since leaving was a BIGTIME stressfull convo--shame on you momma dawn.

Adumb, I'm sorry to tell you, but Aubree is onto your "conveinent for dad" type of parenting and wanted to hug her supportive mom who shows unconditional love and takes her to school everyday hug first! Chelsea WASNT blocking, Aubree made her choice on her own--she's not a baby anymore.

I could feel the embarrassment on Adumbs part when NOBODY acknowledged him including Aubree aside from the,"yeah, hi dad, whatevs, back to my mom" hug she gave her dad. Which shows me that Aubree is more mature than her dad because she was clearly giving him a pity hug so he wouldn't feel left out.

Nathan needs to realize there is no "me time" when you have kids. Yes, you can make "me time" but when something comes up with your kid you need to put them first--chasing the kids mom on the high way for gym time was pathetic and shows that you're addicted to the gym or your girlfriend was waiting for you or steroids.

Jenelle, being with your son by yourself for a month alone is nothing to cry about...there are real single moms out there that do it alone Until the child reaches the age of adulthood. I get what you're saying," Nathan gets to do what he wants to do because he ditched his son," but do you really want a man that ditches his child for the gym or another girl high on roids watching your child? I wouldn't, believe it or not I think the roll is safer with Jenelle than Nathan--I've seen men addicted to steroids lose their cool and attack their loved ones. Jenelle is a flake and terrible parent, but I don't think for one second she would EVER hit her child. I have to give her some credit ...she's more calm with Jace and Kaiser than with Barb or Nathan.

Edited by Calm81
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When will Kail realize that Jo is doing nothing more, than trying to be the best father to Isaac that he can be? She’s so hung up on him being close, and trying to take their son (See, Kail, he’s not just yours!) away from her.  I wish she had some humanity like Javi. When will he see that he deserves so much more than her? She hides her disgust so well. Not!

Chelsea: I really have nothing to say about her. Adam will always be an asshole. It was funny when Aubree gave Adam major shade at the graduation. He definitely deserved it.  She and Cole are adorable. Wish the baby voice would go away.

Leah: Leah has some major issues. She always thinks that Corey has some ulterior motive when it comes to the girls. I don’t think she can see this through her medication induced haze, but he’s just trying to do what’s best for their children. Leah is another one, who thinks that everyone is out to get her. I don’t fault Corey at all for questioning  where Leah was going for “Treatment” before sending the girls there. He wants what’s best for his kids. Also, Leah’s mom needs to open her eyes, and try and see someone else’s point of view.

Jenelle: Jenelle really showed her awfulness this episode. All she does is whine about Nathan. When will she see that not being with him will dramastically change her life? Neither Jenelle or Nathan give a shit about Kai, and that’s heartbreaking.  How could she say no to seeing her son?  and Nathan whining that Jenelle was taking away from his gym time.. Who the fuck cares?  I wish Babs would take Kai, but she told Jenelle she wouldn’t, and she’s sticking to that.

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There is some funky editing going on with Leah's going to rehab, she gets on the plane with no gel nails, has coral gel nails during her flee back home phone call with Dawn, go to the nail salon with Chastity to trash talk her exes and get nails to last, has the coral nails when meeting Corey at the end of this weeks episode and then goes back to rehab a week later with no gels again and her extensions out in next weeks sneak peek. Until she looks extremely rough without her extensions her hair regrowth matches in all the scenes.

So somewhere in the week that she was home between rehab stints I think the phone call with Dawn was reenacted in a local hotel

I think it was more like a month between rehab stints, but the editing was definitely funky, and I wouldn't be surprised if the phone call with Dawn was reenacted, probably because whether she actually went to rehab or not, the MTV cameras didn't follow her. Edited by Evie
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I wish Babs would take Kai, but she told Jenelle she wouldn’t, and she’s sticking to that.

I commend Barbara for that. She's over sixty (and not particularly "young for her age"; you can tell she's been through some shit) and raising a six-year-old alone (yep, Jenelle, I said it); she doesn't need to add a one-year-old to raise. Maybe Jenelle will dump the baby on his other grandmother.

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Also, don't most gyms have daycares in them? You would think Nipps would be thrilled to have an excuse to hit on the 21 year old girl working there.

Maybe "gym time" is code for something else. *wink wink*


I do agree with this, and I'm not trying to make excuses - but I wonder how much MTV has to do with this. I've always felt like they set-up these friend visits/lunches to force the teen mom to talk about things to someone, instead just relying on voice overs. So they're like - "Leah, your friend ___ is coming over and you're going to talk about Germy filing for divorce". Or - "Chelsea, you're going to meet ___ at this restaurant and talk about Adam not coming to things". Or whatever. I could be wrong, but I've always got that vibe. At least Chelsea tries to tone it down, whereas certain other moms have no issue yelling and screaming and calling names right in front of their kids.

I've always thought this as well. That they producers tell the girls what the story line is that day and they just go from there. I'm sure Chelsea doesn't always want to talk about Adumb but he's part of her story. Thank goodness for Cole and that pig, because otherwise, it would be all Adumb, all the time. We get too much of him now, if you ask me.


Thank goodness Jenelle is still Jenelle. Every episode, I get less worried that Jace will end up with her. Now Kaiser on the other hand, I just hope that his other grandmother is able to take care of him when Jenelle and Nathan finally get tired of playing mommy and daddy.


I was so worried for Vee and Javi when they kissed cheeks at the soccer game. Kail was probably losing her mind!

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I was kind of put off by Vee's attitude at the game. Yes, it sucks to leave your family and friends, but I don't recall Jo holding a gun to her head and forcing her to move. Not to mention it was Vee who was pushing for a baby, not Jo. It would have been a wee bit smarter to hold off on getting knocked up until you knew whether or not you could handle living out of state, but these girls have never been big on common sense.

Regarding Aubree, even if she started calling Cole "dad" on her own I do think Chelsea is somewhat to blame. She's clearly trying to cement Cole as Aubree's father. She talks endlessly about how much better he is than Adam (which is true), constantly asks Aubree how she feels about Cole and is moving the guy in after Aubree has only known him for a few months. Like I said upthread, Cole does seem nice, but I find it a little odd that he's never had a girlfriend before Chelsea. They seem to be doing fine IRT, but I don't believe in letting kids get too attached too early. Mileage varies, of course.

Edited by BitterApple
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I was kind of put off by Vee's attitude at the game. Yes, it sucks to leave your family and friends, but I don't recall Jo holding a gun to her head and forcing her to move. Not to mention it was Vee who was pushing for a baby, not Jo. It would have been a wee bit smarter to hold off on getting knocked up until you knew whether or not you could handle living out of state, but these girls have never been big on common sense.

I wasn't put off but she isn't getting any sympathy from me either. Jo doesn't know anybody there either so they are in the same boat.

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Good catch about Leah's nails. So if the hotel scene was a total reenactment, then we really don't even know if that's the reason she never made it there. This is just the story she wants to tell so she probably came home and said that's how it happened and who besides Dawn and Leah would really know if MTV didn't go with her? So maybe alarmist Dawn never even called with that bullshit and Leah just didn't feel like going to "Therapy Like In A Facility Or Something I Guess."

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I couldn't understand flying the kids way out there to see Leah (in Utah?) for Mother's Day. Wouldn't it be simpler to have the family celebrate that at home and then schedule her departure? Unless the clinic had no flexibility in dates available whatsoever.

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I do think Chelsea is feeling the pressure between performing for the producers while not bashing Adam in front of her kid - hence the spelling and mouthing words. <br /><br />However, the award for most forced scene for plotline purposes goes to Nips and Friend about court. Nip's friend was in a shirt and tie - 97% chance he WAS AT COURT WITH NIPS. There's a 1% possibility that he was attending to his own court case, another 1% that he's Nathan's lawyer that got recruited to be a fake friend for an MTV check, and the other 1% is that he came over after a funeral.

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I was kind of put off by Vee's attitude at the game. Yes, it sucks to leave your family and friends, but I don't recall Jo holding a gun to her head and forcing her to move. Not to mention it was Vee who was pushing for a baby, not Jo. It would have been a wee bit smarter to hold off on getting knocked up until you knew whether or not you could handle living out of state, but these girls have never been big on common sense.

I'm wondering how they're going to make this work. She left her job, so obviously she's not on any maternity leave or short term disability. Looking for work while pregnant will be challenging, and now Kail is asking for more money from Jo for the kid he already has. This was not a well thought out plan on either of their parts.
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I was kind of put off by Vee's attitude at the game. Yes, it sucks to leave your family and friends, but I don't recall Jo holding a gun to her head and forcing her to move. Not to mention it was Vee who was pushing for a baby, not Jo. It would have been a wee bit smarter to hold off on getting knocked up until you knew whether or not you could handle living out of state, but these girls have never been big on common sense.

Regarding Aubree, even if she started calling Cole "dad" on her own I do think Chelsea is somewhat to blame. She's clearly trying to cement Cole as Aubree's father. She talks endlessly about how much better he is than Adam (which is true), constantly asks Aubree how she feels about Cole and is moving the guy in after Aubree has only known him for a few months. Like I said upthread, Cole does seem nice, but I find it a little odd that he's never had a girlfriend before Chelsea. They seem to be doing fine IRT, but I don't believe in letting kids get too attached too early. Mileage varies, of course.

I think in a way Jo did hold a gun to her head. It was basically come with me or lose me. I think she loves him and wants to be with him but it must be hard on her. Plus, add to it pregnancy hormones and the stress of moving. I feel kind of sorry for her.

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I couldn't understand flying the kids way out there to see Leah (in Utah?) for Mother's Day. Wouldn't it be simpler to have the family celebrate that at home and then schedule her departure? Unless the clinic had no flexibility in dates available whatsoever.

It would have been simpler for Dawn to just help the girls make some cards and send them to Leah. Even if the clinic was in the next town, Dawn's insistence that Mother's Day was Leah's day and she didn't understand the problem was crazy.
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