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S06.E09: Run Away

Tara Ariano
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Yay, Labor Day. I can watch last weeks episode. Quick question, if Leah flew to treatment in another state, and Mama Dawn is planning on driving three kids under the age of 6 to same place, rehab can't be too far away. How far is the rehab, is there really rehab? I can drive to Dallas in 4 hours, and it's a 45 minute flight. Why didn't Leah drive to rehab if it was so close? Agree with previous posters, she never was going to rehab, she was going to hole up in a hotel for awhile.

Are you in San Antonio?

No, Peachyqueen, Oklahoma. We all know that Leah flew to "rehab", just can't figure out why since Mama Dawn told Corey she's drive the girlses.

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No, Peachyqueen, Oklahoma. We all know that Leah flew to "rehab", just can't figure out why since Mama Dawn told Corey she's drive the girlses.


That's what I said when the episode first aired! If Leah had to fly to "rehab", it's ostensibly not a quick drive away. So how on earth was Mama Dawn going to just whisk the girlses up there for the day? 


That don't make no sense.


Which is why I thought that Leah probably wasn't intending to go to rehab in the first place, but was hiding at a local hotel for a week. Maybe Nathan could give her tips. 

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Just washed the episode so a bit late to the party.


MTV's wonky/selective editing really showed this week.


Leah: I have no idea where she went after they dropped her off at the airport and where she was in that hotel room. Why would she need to leave the girlses just to sit in a hotel for a few days before rehab - sorry - therapy? Hair changed a bunch of times as well. Mama Dawn is the devil and a terrible enabler.


Jenelle: It seems obvious to me that Nathan checked out of the relationship after Jenelle's antics in the Caribbean. The weird voice-over the producers threw in that just referred to a "big fight" really doesn't highlight the fact that she attacked his friends and family in an extremely disgusting way. Even if they were mooching off of her, to laugh at someone's death and then say you wish another person would die in the same way is sickening. Nathan as low and verbally abusive as he is, apparently has a limit and Jenelle reached it for him. The smartest thing Nathan has ever done (by a long shot) is to break up with her and explain clearly that they were toxic together. Unfortunately for Jenelle she is toxic with everyone, including her mother and children. She has never had a stable relationship and every single one has ended in violence and/or an arrest. I fear for Kaiser. Jace is very lucky to be living with Barb.

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Eww. Who does that. I never ever heard of that. And isn't Kali an atheist?

I did not get my son vaccinated for a very long time and we had to use the excuse that is was against our religion to get him registered for school. I hate saying this, but I can actually give Kali a pass on this. In our case, we went in for a 11 month check up and our son got his scheduled shots. 2 days later he lost everything he had known. He stopped crawling, walking on the furniture, talking, and holding up 1 finger when you asked him how old he was going to be on his birthday. So we stopped the rest of the vaccinations. His doctor wrote a note and backed us up that it was for a medical reason, but in NY the only excuse they would take was that it was for religious reasons. It has taken 7 years of therapy to get him caught up to where he should be.

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I did not get my son vaccinated for a very long time and we had to use the excuse that is was against our religion to get him registered for school. I hate saying this, but I can actually give Kali a pass on this.


I give Kail a pass on nothing.  She seems to try to do what's trendy in parenting.  I was doing a ancestory search and was looking at the death records kept in early 1800's Boston and NYC.  They have books listed by date, name, age and reason for death.  There was as many children as adults in the death records.  Reasons for death were pertussis, diphtheria, diarrhea, cholera.  Diseases that have been wiped out thanks to vaccinations.  The parents back then would have done anything to vaccinate their children against these horrible diseases. 

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I was shocked Jenelle didn't call the cops when Nipples was chasing her down on the highway. She seems to have 911 on speed dial for everything else. I guess she knew that if the cops got involved, she'd wind up having to take the Roll. Barb told us Nipples didn't have a license when Jenelle graduated so I feel pretty safe in saying he was chasing her around in that truck without a license. But, dude, she had to watch the Roll for a whole month! She needs her lay in bed time! When she was crying to Nipples on the phone and told him not to bring his new squeeze around the Roll, I laughed my ass off. We all know that if/when Jenelle found some new loser to go out with her, she'd have him playing daddy to the Roll after their first date.


Corey is a fucking saint as far as I'm concerned. When he met Leah to get the girlses, I was hoping he would tell her that her stupid, shit stirring mother flat out lied to her and caused all the drama and extra attorney fees. 


Kail acting like a lunatic at Isaac's soccer game reminded me of when our son was in Little League. A couple parents acted like that and they got ejected from the game. One of them kept it up at more games and got banned from the ball field for the rest of the season. I hope Jo can work something reasonable out as far as child support goes. But, if she demands a ridiculous increase, I hope he gets family court involved. A couple we know are divorced and each of them make close to $90k a year. She kept trying to shake him down for more money and he went to support enforcement. They re-calculated and his monthly payment went down. He pays $1190 a month for three kids and chose to have them take it directly out of his check so everything is documented. I hope Jo covers his ass if she asks for some ridiculous amount every month.


I also wish Chelsea would stop shit talking Adam in front of Aubree. It's bad enough the poor kid is stuck with him for a dad and she has to listen to him and his family talk about her mother.

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I give Kail a pass on nothing.  She seems to try to do what's trendy in parenting.  I was doing a ancestory search and was looking at the death records kept in early 1800's Boston and NYC.  They have books listed by date, name, age and reason for death.  There was as many children as adults in the death records.  Reasons for death were pertussis, diphtheria, diarrhea, cholera.  Diseases that have been wiped out thanks to vaccinations.  The parents back then would have done anything to vaccinate their children against these horrible diseases. 

I agree that back then they would have. All I was saying was that after you watch your child lose the ability to walk and talk from a reaction from vaccinations I can understand a little why she wouldn't do them. I don't usually agree with Kali's parenting choices but I can at least see this one.

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There are risks involved in any medical procedure, minor or major, common or rare and unpredictable. I don't think any medical professional who advocates for vaccinations will look anyone in the eye and argue that the shots are perfectly safe with no risk whatsoever. Nothing is without risk. But statistically and practically speaking, the risks involved in getting vaccinated are far, far outweighed by the risks of not getting vaccinated, and so, as with any medical matter, one must weigh the odds and take a risk one way or the other. There are no guarantees. Back on point, I have to come down on Kailyn's decision to not vaccinate her children not for the choice in itself, but because her choice doesn't seem backed up by any real reasoning or education on the subject. She seems more of the "I'm against vaccinations because all of those studies that have since been debunked a hundred times over told me to" type.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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I was in preschool in the 80s and we had graduation! I remember it and my picture from it is the most adorable thing EVER!

We didn't have gowns but we had hats of some kind, probably just cardboard or something. 


Re Chelsea:  When you get older... relationships tend to move A LOT faster... i imagine even more so if you're sped up into adult hood by having a child when you're a teenager.  I know people who have very successful marriages after only being together 3 months and some that were dating for years that are equally successful.  The way some people talk it's like Chelsea was suppose to become a nun or something until Aubrey is 18. 

And even though her boyfriend (brain fart on the name) maybe hasn't had other 'real' girlfriends, I bet that dude was dating around plenty.  He's too cute to have been locking himself up in his apartment. Maybe now he's ready to settle down. He seems ready and willing to take on the dad role. 


Now on Leah... I am SO confused.... was it posted on here.. or did leah say that she didn't actually get on the plane to rehab? And either way... then why in the world was she filmed going into the airport and where was this hotel located?  And who travels to rehab and stays in a hotel first??? What a crock of crap that whole thing was.... At least they admitted she was in a hotel. The moment they showed her in bed getting that phone call I would have called BS if they said she was in rehab during that whole thing. 

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I agree that back then they would have. All I was saying was that after you watch your child lose the ability to walk and talk from a reaction from vaccinations I can understand a little why she wouldn't do them. I don't usually agree with Kali's parenting choices but I can at least see this one.

I'm happy that your child is doing better, that's great!   Which vaccine did they get at 11 months old?  Did the doctor think it was a virus related to the vaccine? 

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Now on Leah... I am SO confused.... was it posted on here.. or did leah say that she didn't actually get on the plane to rehab? And either way... then why in the world was she filmed going into the airport and where was this hotel located?  And who travels to rehab and stays in a hotel first??? What a crock of crap that whole thing was.... At least they admitted she was in a hotel. The moment they showed her in bed getting that phone call I would have called BS if they said she was in rehab during that whole thing. 

I'm wondering if this was a manipulation - like she got to rehab and came back right away and the producers decided to make it seem like she was coming back to protect her kids.

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I'm wondering if this was a manipulation - like she got to rehab and came back right away and the producers decided to make it seem like she was coming back to protect her kids.

I think it was a manipulation on Leah and Dirty Dawn's parts.  Leah was on her way and then the girlses were in danger of being snatched away for good by the evil COrey!  So Leah just had to come back to save the girls from any chance of a normal childhood. 

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No bed at the rehab until the next a.m. when someone else checked out, but best way to get that bed is to take the flight the night before. I've seen this done (and the person does not always follow through in the morning, in which case someone else on the wait list gets the bed). 


Why a plane: rehab is a few hours' drive away, perhaps in PA or VA or OH or something. One plane ticket makes more sense than driving; four plane tickets (Dawn & the three girls ) does not, when they can either drive there and back for the day, or possibly overnight at a nearby hotel themselves as well, and also spare themselves the hassle of dealing with three small children and the flight, the airports, maybe they have to take the wheelchair or if not otherwise have additional hassles due to the one daughter's disability, etc.


The problem was Dawn being completely off base about Corey's intentions. I'll give her the possibility that she honestly was blinded by paranoia and incomprehension and thought she was doing the right thing by raising q's, but honestly, she could have just had a fuller conversation with Corey to straighten all that out. That part was handled ridiculously poorly.. 

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I can't remember the epi but I clearly remember the Isaac Lowry award on the refrigerator because everyone on the forum was surprised to see his name wasn't Rivera.

I remember it, too. I thought it was a drawing or painting of some sort with his name in large letters. I also remember the discussion on the board about it. Just did some Googling and Isaac's legal name is Isaac Elliot Rivera.


Did Jenelle's voice-over say the DV charges were dropped?

Edited by GreatKazu
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I fully believe Jenelle is Diane Downs 2.0. Always chasing after loser men, but delusional enough to believe she's a good mom.

I thought the exact same thing when she was complaining that no man was going to want her because she has two kids by two different guys.  There are plenty of other reasons for no one to want her but she'll never figure that out.

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I don't get why Dawn didn't want to "disclose" where the rehab was.  Because then Corey would be able to look it up and see that it was indeed a rehab center? And fuck you lady, those are his kids. You can't just take them across state lines without dad's permission. 


I'm still mad.  She's toxic. And stupid. Not a good combo.

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I am surprised there is no clause in the present court order about taking kids out of town or state without notifying the other parent. That was a must in most of the court orders that were presented at the court where I worked. I hope Cory goes to his attorney and gets that situated for the future if that is not part of the agreement. I need to send him that message via Facebook. Does he have one?

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I still don't understand why Leah didn't, ya' know, call Corey himself to ask him what all the ruckus that Dawn was making was about.  Though really, I actually sort of get it. Leah and Dawn are clearly very codependent on each other, and I'm sure Leah was made that way by Delta Dawn. Having been like that with my own mother for a long time, I know how easy it is to buy into the bs.  Leah needs to wake up and smell the toxic wafting off of her mother, but I'm afraid she is not bright enough and too needy to grow a spine.

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Leah has no spine. All she knows how to do is whine, deny, and blame others for pretty much everything. She hasn't really taken ownership of anything in this situation. It's not rehab, it's therapy. She didn't cheat on Jermy, he is leaving her cos she can't control her spending. There is no drug problem. Leah is a bottomless pit of constant need, validation, and pity, and I do blame Delta Dawn...100%.  I also really feel like Leah is too dim and weak to really break away cos her area smalltown WV is all she knows. Sad thing is that even once MTV is gone she will probably still be dick hopping and trying to play house with just about any man that'd have her. She really hasn't grown or matured at all.

Edited by fliptopbox
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I still don't understand why Leah didn't, ya' know, call Corey himself to ask him what all the ruckus that Dawn was making was about

The reason being, it was a staged scene, in my opinion. Leah wasn't going to call Cory because that had already played out in real time. It would also not work with production's plan to make it appear Leah was headed to rehab. As was pointed out, the hair style changed from scene to scene, her nails were already done before the deleted nail salon scene that was linked here.

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Wait, when Leah was narrating how she had to come rushing back for her kids didn't they show her briefly on a plane? But last week she got the phone call while she was luxuriating in her hotel room. I know they editing monkeys had a free for all with this story line and I do tend to take my Lunesta when TM2 comes on so I tend to make up stuff.


Leah is so lucky the court has been on her side thus far. Corey has proven himself to be a responsible parent with a stable home, he shows great interest in the kids, he married a woman who seems to embrace the idea of having the girlses in her home. And he's not a drug addict, so there's that. I really thought Leah was going to break Corey for awhile but I'm glad he's pushing back and not out of spite, as she would do, but for the genuine best interest of his daughters. 


Jo was never my favorite Teen Mom dad but he's stepped up, too. I worry for Vee, she's starting her family in the shadow of Jo's. Hopefully they'll be okay. 

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I remember it, too. I thought it was a drawing or painting of some sort with his name in large letters. I also remember the discussion on the board about it. Just did some Googling and Isaac's legal name is Isaac Elliot Rivera

I know trying to apply logic to Kail is like trying to teach Leah about birth control, but seriously why would she have Isaac go by "Isaac Lowry" at school? How is that even allowed? It's one thing to go by a nickname or middle name instead of a given first name, as per the parents' instructions; but going by a different last name don't make no sense.

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I know trying to apply logic to Kail is like trying to teach Leah about birth control, but seriously why would she have Isaac go by "Isaac Lowry" at school? How is that even allowed? It's one thing to go by a nickname or middle name instead of a given first name, as per the parents' instructions; but going by a different last name don't make no sense.

You're right. It don't make no sense. lol


Seriously, I imagine Karl having told Isaac how he needs to know that "Lowry" is just as much his last name as "Rivera". She likely told him in the same manner with how she came off scolding him at the soccer game.


Speaking of that game, both Javi and Kail said to Isaac that it was all about winning. What a great thing to instill in one's child at such a young age. [sarcasm] Forget learning about team work. Forget having fun. Forget that it is the first game! No. It is all about making your child feel guilty if they don't kick the damn ball or score a point. Karl was in full Hulk mode out there. She was howling like a fucking banshee. I was waiting for her to yell at Isaac, "Kick the fucking ball and make a goal or you can walk your half-Puerto Rican ass all the way home!"

Edited by GreatKazu
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Re Isaac's last name. Officially (report cards, attendance records, IEPs, cum files), my students go by their legal last name. Every year, I have at least one parent who asks that their child be referred to by a different last name. We are told to comply with parent request. The parent always tell me they are "going to court to get the name officially changed", but it never seems to happen.

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Re Isaac's last name. Officially (report cards, attendance records, IEPs, cum files), my students go by their legal last name. Every year, I have at least one parent who asks that their child be referred to by a different last name. We are told to comply with parent request. The parent always tell me they are "going to court to get the name officially changed", but it never seems to happen.

I used to work at a daycare, and I can think of two kids that went by different last names, because their fathers were no longer in their lives, and another whose name got switched back and forth over the 2 years I worked there (she started as Smith, then went to Jones, then back to Smith again before she was 3). I understand the parents wanting to have the same name as their kids, especially if their father isn't around, but why have them go by a name when they never get around to legally changing it? If it was important enough to me to have them sign their preschool art projects with a name, I would make legally changing it a priority.

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You're right. It don't make no sense. lol

Seriously, I imagine Karl having told Isaac how he needs to know that "Lowry" is just as much his last name as "Rivera". She likely told him in the same manner with how she came off scolding him at the soccer game.

Speaking of that game, both Javi and Kail said to Isaac that it was all about winning. What a great thing to instill in one's child at such a young age. [sarcasm] Forget learning about team work. Forget having fun. Forget that it is the first game! No. It is all about making your child feel guilty if they don't kick the damn ball or score a point. Karl was in full Hulk mode out there. She was howling like a fucking banshee. I was waiting for her to yell at Isaac, "Kick the fucking ball and make a goal or you can walk your half-Puerto Rican ass all the way home!"

Sweet Jesus, she's such a terror! And you know however she explained it to him, she did so in a way that put down Jo and his whole family. "Isaac, wouldn't you rather have the same last name as mommy? Don't you want everyone to know we're a family? When I hear people call you Isaac Rivera I feel so sad."

A lot of divorced/remarried women, women that kept their name and women that never married their kid's dad get called Mrs.KidsLastName by default, and either roll with it, or politely correct the person. Instead, Kailyn just makes the kid change his name to fit her.

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I know trying to apply logic to Kail is like trying to teach Leah about birth control, but seriously why would she have Isaac go by "Isaac Lowry" at school? How is that even allowed? It's one thing to go by a nickname or middle name instead of a given first name, as per the parents' instructions; but going by a different last name don't make no sense.

After her comments about the haircut Isaac got when he was with Jo, I think she doesn't want him to have an ethnic name in school.

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Re Isaac's last name. Officially (report cards, attendance records, IEPs, cum files), my students go by their legal last name. Every year, I have at least one parent who asks that their child be referred to by a different last name. We are told to comply with parent request. The parent always tell me they are "going to court to get the name officially changed", but it never seems to happen.



My grand nieces did not find out their real last names until mid-way through grade school when a teacher required they use them. The younger one also found out then that her first name was slightly changed from the one she was given at birth. Both parents were still together, and their younger sister did have their dad's name, so they were confused and upset. Even more so when they needed to bring birth certificates to their first driver's ed classes and saw "unknown" listed as father since the POS did not want to have the state come after him for child support. He claimed the third one so he could get a (then) AFDC check in his name, since after 2 kids the benefit amount would not be upped. So, he still avoided child support because on record she had two kids and was on welfare, he had the third and was also on welfare. The fourth he also claimed and collected on, the fifth they had to avoid work training requirements once the fourth one was in school full day.


I can totally see Kail next hooking up with someone that would play this game with her. She will have two baby daddies paying support, a TANF check for a couple of kids, and another baby daddy getting his own piece of the pie.

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I thought there might have been some exaggeration going on with the talk regarding Kail's behavior at the soccer game. I finally got to watch yesterday and OMG what a beast she is! Y'all were spot on, way too much for a 5 year old soccer game. When Javi asked "What's the most important thing about soccer?" I expected him to say "Have Fun!" but no, of course he didn't. Crappiest soccer coach ever.

I think Leah's rushing back for the girlses storyline was a total history re-write. I think she went to rehab, I mean THERAPY!, couldn't hack it and cut out after a couple of days. She needed a good storyline for her fanses hence we got "Cory's tryin to take mah kids!". Just my opinion.

Jenelle and Nathan would be hilarious if not for the little innocent life they're treating like trash that needs to be taken out. "I did it last time, it's your turn!'. Sad.

Adumb can get off my screen, he is the biggest loser that ever lost, re-wrinters of history get on my last nerve but re-writing events as they are occurring "Chelsea totally blocked Aubrey from coming over" Dude, it's on film, that's not what happened. GTFO

And thanks to the awesomeness that is this board, I find myself saying "That don't make no sense!"all the time and I don't care who looks at me funny.

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I thought there might have been some exaggeration going on with the talk regarding Kail's behavior at the soccer game. I finally got to watch yesterday and OMG what a beast she is! Y'all were spot on, way too much for a 5 year old soccer game. When Javi asked "What's the most important thing about soccer?" I expected him to say "Have Fun!" but no, of course he didn't. Crappiest soccer coach ever.


The Y is desperate for soccer coaches. Every year when we sign up, they ask parents to volunteer. All of our coaches have had a kid on our team. But they have always been super patient, nice guys. They encourage teamwork above all else, and also having fun. If Karl was the wife of one of our coaches, yelling on the sidelines like that, I would not be able to keep myself from having words with her. 



As for Leah, I still believe she never left the state. She was faking the entire rehab/therapy thing, in an attempt to win Germy back. That's why she freaked out so much when Dawn told her Corey was going to lock up the gilrses and never let them out - because she knew she didn't have a legit reason for being gone. And it would look bad. I may be crazy, but I'm sticking to my theory until proved otherwise! Haha

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As for Leah, I still believe she never left the state. She was faking the entire rehab/therapy thing, in an attempt to win Germy back. That's why she freaked out so much when Dawn told her Corey was going to lock up the gilrses and never let them out - because she knew she didn't have a legit reason for being gone. And it would look bad. I may be crazy, but I'm sticking to my theory until proved otherwise! Haha

You might be right. There's definitely something fishy going on because it don't make no sense!

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The Y is desperate for soccer coaches. Every year when we sign up, they ask parents to volunteer. All of our coaches have had a kid on our team. But they have always been super patient, nice guys. They encourage teamwork above all else, and also having fun. If Karl was the wife of one of our coaches, yelling on the sidelines like that, I would not be able to keep myself from having words with her.

Also, it doesn't help that Javi has barely aged out of rec sports himself.

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Watching that scene of Kail at the soccer game was horrifying.  I already knew there are parents out there... my SIL constantly complains about them at my nephews' sporting events (who are 6 and 10).


Was Kail ever in sports?

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Was Kail ever in sports?

Likely, she was in wrestling, where she gave choke holds and was banished from the sport for good.


Honestly, I have no clue. But, I am certain they don't allow ogres in sports.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I'm just curious if she was in sports, and was pretty good and therefore holds her kids at a higher level. 

OR she was terrible in sports, but wanted to be awesome, so she wants to live through her children. 


I figure those are two reasons that create psycho sports parents.

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I agree, I can't see Kail involved in anything other than, maybe, an informal game of three on three with the neighbor kids when she was young. School- or association-sanctioned sports? With that mother of hers? Nah. Besides, Kail doesn't exactly strike me as someone who grew up learning about camaraderie and being a team player. Unless Biggest Eeyore Face is a sport.

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I'm happy that your child is doing better, that's great!   Which vaccine did they get at 11 months old?  Did the doctor think it was a virus related to the vaccine? 

Thank you. He was getting his MMR and his doctor thinks his body just couldn't handle the 3 together. But, we were delayed on all the others also. Autism runs in my husband's family (out of 11 grandkids 6 have some form of autism) so we were being very careful and were putting off what we could. Luckily we found a doctor who was willing to work with us.

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Kail is no athlete. Look at her. She's either living vicariously through Isaac, or she thinks cos she and Javi have "status" that Isaac should be automatically a good athlete and the best player on his little YMCA soccer team....and since I am sure she (nor Javi, or even Jo) really didn't explain the rules all that well he probably has little idea about what to do during a game. And even if they did, when you throw a bunch of kindergarteners on a field chasing a ball around it's just asking for chaos. It's like they all lose their minds. Most of those weekend/evening leagues are more for getting the kids socialized, maybe learning some basic soccer skills, and starting to build team camraderie rather than "winning the game". Especially the first practice/game! At 5-6yrs old none of the kids really care or have any idea that they are winning or losing...or what it means. It's mainly the adults who really give two shits about that part, and their attitudes can go a long way when it comes to kids and their activities. If I had a mother screaming at me from the sidelines every 5 seconds during *anything* I doubt I'd be able to pay attention to what's in front of me, and I'm an adult...imagine a 5yr old. Totally counterproductive. I can see Kail totally ruining everything Isaac does because if he's not the best or the fastest or whatever then she will shit all over it, or force him to work extra hard on it and therefore kill the fun. She is and will forever be a killjoy....and masquerade it as being supportive.

Edited by fliptopbox
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I don't get why Dawn didn't want to "disclose" where the rehab was.  Because then Corey would be able to look it up and see that it was indeed a rehab center? And fuck you lady, those are his kids. You can't just take them across state lines without dad's permission. 


I'm still mad.  She's toxic. And stupid. Not a good combo.

This! I also smelled the Hotel room. I was was like what now?! Did see stop off for a last sniff off the counter?

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There could be 3 reasons as to why Dawn didn't tell Corey where the rehab was. 1. She was on camera and did not want to disclose potentially confidential patient info. All rehabs require a patient confidentiality. Maybe (for once) Dummy Dawn was just trying to keep Leah's rehab out of the TM2 spotlight. 2. There was no rehab, or Leah backed out before she even got on the plane to go to wherever this place is/was. That would explain her holing up in a [local] hotel and why Dawn didn't tell him where she would be taking the twins. 3. Leah did fly to said rehab and was waiting for a bed to open up at a local hotel. But again did not want the name of the place said while being filmed. We still know she did not stay more than 48hrs.


If I recall correctly she did (later on) make it to Cirque Lodge in UT for at least a few days, after being forced by the TM2 producers. Isn't that where she met that trainer/sobriety coach/whoever?

Edited by fliptopbox
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There could be 3 reasons as to why Dawn didn't tell Corey where the rehab was. 1. She was on camera and did not want to disclose potentially confidential patient info. All rehabs require a patient confidentiality. Maybe (for once) Dummy Dawn was just trying to keep Leah's rehab out of the TM2 spotlight. [....]

HIPAA doesn't apply to patients and their relatives, only to the provider, insurance companies, etc. If she doesn't want to talk about it on camera, it's because she's embarrassed or worries that Leah would be embarrassed, or for fear of what someone (Corey, Leah's "fans") would do if they found out it was rehab. But there's no legal requirement on her to keep her mouth shut - it's just a choice. A choice I understand, but if she's not willing to say, she shouldn't be at all surprised that Corey wouldn't just go ahead and sign off on it. 

Edited by akr
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