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S06.E08: What Makes You Happy

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I have a hard time having sympathy for Leah not because she's an addict (been there myself) but because she won't own up to her mistakes. Right now I'm tired as hell but I'm not nodding off mid-sentence. It pisses me off that she's obviously high out of her mind and she's still denying that she has a problem.

People don't go to rehab just because they're stressed out. If she was just overwhelmed with life and needed help she could have given Corey more time with the girls, got into therapy a few days a week and hired a maid. Problems solved!

Add me to the list of people that think her children always look so unkempt. In the car Gracie looked like she'd been out all night on a bender herself.

Edited by grumpypanda
  • Love 16

This is my reaction to pain killers as well,

This may have been answered already, I'm still reading comments.

I'm on some heavy duty painkillers and they wire me up. If I wasn't so injured I'd be able to paint my house all by myself while on these things. I can't take my afternoon dose because if I did I would be awake all night.

The above poster is very incorrect that only addicts feel energy from pain medicine. The very first time I took it I was bouncing off the walls.

I was trying to quote this and keep reading to see if this was addressed before I replied, but it skips right to the comment part, and when I try to remember to go back to quote someone I always forget who said what and do g have time to figure out, so forgive me if this has already been said.

But there is no one reaction to any medication, everybody's body chemistry has the potential to react differently to any given medication. For example Benadryl most commonly makes people sleepy, but some people it actually makes them hyper. I was actually trying to quote marihnaprincess but messed up... But she is right a hyperactive reaction is not necessarily a indicator that someone is addicted.

At the same time it is possible to build up a drug tolerance, or resistance when you take so much so often that you require a higher dose or even different medication to have a therapeutic effect. So I suspect that may have a little to do with Leah's assortment of pain medication.

I agree that mental health issues have a stigma and if Leah is truly trying to get help then more power to her. But unfortunately much of her behavior points to other issues, like last week when she told Jeremy she was going to rehab and he said good, but he still wanted a divorce and she freaked out. Or how she has now been filmed TWICE so drugged she is falling asleep on camera. I agree being hard on her is not necessarily the best reaction, but it is hard when she does not seem to care about her own behavior, and she wants to blame everyone but herself. I also agree she does not owe anyone a full explanation, I respect that she may want to keep something's regarding diagnosis/treatment private... But she already had declined being in the show this season, why did she come back then?

Edited by leighroda
  • Love 4

I wish Corey would say to Leah: "Would you let me take care of the kids if I was in the state you are right now? Would you let me drive them around while high on meds? You should let me take care of them while you go get better precisely because you love them. You should go get well and come back to be the mother they deserve to have."

  • Love 8

There was a great episode of Intervention where the grandmother of a 21-year-old meth addict and alcoholic (the grandmother had had a successful intervention herself six months before) told the cops that the addict wasn't a good mother. The addict piped up "I'm a VERY GOOD MOTHER, you can't say that about me!" Grandma looked her square in the eye and said calmly, "You love your son but you're not a good mother, baby." And it was true: she clearly loved the boy - played with him, cuddled him, etc. But she was living in a closet in her mother's house, had no job, spent her government assistance on drugs and booze, and routinely left her son for days at a time to go get high. I loved that moment.


Of the MANY come to Jesus talks that someone has to have with Leah, one of them is exactly this. I have no doubt that she loves her kids, but she's not a good mother to them right now. They even look like they're not cared for - they always look unkempt, her house and car are filthy (both messy and dirty), and she's not doing the basics of getting them on a routine. To say nothing of the actual, tangible danger she is putting them in by driving around with them while she's high, probably taking them with her to score, and being the sole adult around them when she's high.


I've said before that I don't follow these girls on social media and hadn't seen the show in years, but it was immediately clear to me that Leah is on drugs. She's appeared pale and sweaty; withdrawing. She straight-up nodded off while holding her niece - she was high as a fucking kite in that scene. I'm going to need MTV to stop insulting my intelligence by letting her spout this "overwhelmed" bullshit. It's like when real celebrities go away for "exhaustion" or "dehydration." They're not fooling me and neither is Leah.


Jo doesn't give a fuck about Kailyn, she knows it, and it drives her crazy.


I don't understand why you'd keep a pig indoors but whatever, not my house. Aubrey was very cute petting Pete the Pig.


Did I see Jenelle in cutoffs and a tank top in her attorney's office? Girl, what? Just another of her shitty choices.

I think Leah does need someone to tell her that loving your kids does not necessarily equal being a good mom; however, I don't think Miranda is the one to do it. Leah is not going to receive that information in a constructive way from her ex's new wife on camera, imo.

Would Leah's mother or another person close to Leah be a better choice to have the come to Jesus talk? Sure, but that's probably unlikely. I hope she gets ( or has gotten) good professional counseling and support so that she can face her problems.

I am not condoning or defending Leah's actions; she needs help and the girls need protection. The children and their needs and safety come first. Corey and Jeremy have every right and responsibility to step in and see that the girls are safe and taken care of.

My empathy for her is due to the fact that I understand how frightening it can be when you feel overwhelmed and lost.

  • Love 6

I am appalled by Leah's behavior. She is a drug addict who at this point is unable to take care of her children. All that said I am sympathetic to her. I thought the most genuine thing she said was that the last 4 years had taken the life out of her. In the past 4 years she discovered that her daughter was not developing at a normal rate. She endured not knowing what was wrong and then the realization that her daughter was likely going to spend much of her life in a wheelchair.

Maybe others are stronger, but if I lived through that with my daughter I don't believe I would be unscathed. And I am the opposite of a teen mom. That's not to excuse her very bad choices.

Jenelle. I have no words. I just can't.

  • Love 3

Chelsea is in no way "struggling" to raise her daughter, she's doing a damn good job and seems to enjoy it, I see no struggle.

I also don't think 2 dogs and a pig equals "stockpiling" animals. Just because you don't like animals, many, many other people love them and enjoy seeing them on TV, myself included.

A lot of people have pet pigs and don't live on farms, pigs are very intelligent and make great pets. There's nothing wrong with it. I've collected pigs since I was a kid and would have one in a minute if I could.

I have also never understood the mindset of "i work 50 hours a week and can't buy that shit". That isn't Chelsea's fault. Should people who have money not buy what they want just because other people can't afford it?

I don't know how else to say. Basically, I have no interest in a show where we are supposed to be (in theory) showing what it's like to be a teen mom, the struggles, the learning you do, etc. feature a plot of buying a kid. That's it. This is the most interesting thing going. I just don't care. That's all I'm saying. It's just my opinion.
  • Love 1

I didn't mean to suggest she was making some sort of deep calculated analysis about this. But probably some combination of instinct that it would be really dangerous to admit this stuff on camera, and perhaps some advice from friends or possibly a lawyer, is just making her wary of saying anything that could get her in trouble.


The defensiveness about the serenity prayer and such is not a great sign (although it's a perfectly good mantra for a nonbeliever, including one who's not an addict), nor was the leaving the first time (but it's great she went back, and she may have been unable to keep her promise to call the kids every day and worried about that, or the stuff with her Mom about possibly losing custody made her feel she needed to come address something straight away - but she went back). The boyfriend or whatever from straight after - well, it didn't last. False starts in early recovery are par for the course and opportunities to learn from mistakes, if you look at them that way instead of blowing it all out of proportion. Bad move, recognize it as such, move on. Am I optimistic that she's done? Not really. But I hope for the sake of everyone involved that she is. She may just be deeply uncomfortable with being public about any of it.

Hon, it has been shown that anything filmed by MTV, cannot be admitted into court. There was an article posted here a week or so where Cory was denied any footage could be used in court. Per the contract they signed with MTV, and also because the judge wouldn't consider any footage as proof since the show is highly edited. So, there is nothing about what Leah can say that will be used against her in a court of law. She is worried about the court of public opinion. Leah has been blasted left and right by the public for all the things she has done, all the things she has said, and all the stuff in between, in her past, in her present and likely the future.


There is also the fact that she is an addict. As anyone will tell you about addicts, they lie, manipulate, cover-up, exaggerate, deny, and paint themselves as the victim. I believe Leah thinks that any admittance of drug abuse means she is a bad mother. To her, bad mothers don't love their children. It is an unfortunate choice of words but, good, healthy-minded mothers don't put their children at risk like she has. I don't doubt Leah loves her children but, there is loving your children and then there is caring about your children.

  • Love 5

I really feel bad for Leah because it looks like she is over medicating. Sitting there holding her niece/nephew and nodding off like that and then saying she is so tired reminded me so of me when I was on pain killers. When I started over medicating (taking 2 at a time instead of 1, that's how I looked and blamed it on tired. Just like she nodded off on the chair she could do that while driving putting herself, her children or any other innocent person crossing the street in danger. She knows she has a problem but is afraid to admit it to Corey for fear he will take the girlses from her. She certainly is NOT going to say it in front of the cameras. I am glad she is going to rehab even though she is calling it something else. In rehab they will teach her that the real shame would be doing nothing.

Now if only her mother would just get a clue and not stand in the way of Leah getting the help she needs. I hope what we saw in the coming attractions does not make Leah leave before she is ready. Her mother knows what Leah is most afraid of, Corey getting custody of his girls, so why would she call her and tell her that BS. :::::throwing my hands up in despair:::::::

  • Love 2

I think Leah does need someone to tell her that loving your kids does not necessarily equal being a good mom; however, I don't think Miranda is the one to do it. 

I agree. Having to toe the line as a stepparent is tough and anyone would feel threatened by their ex's new spouse calling them a bad parent, addict or not. Miranda seems like a good person - I think she genuinely loves those girls, the girls seem to like her, and I can see her not treating her new baby (is she pregnant? I think I read that here) any different, just folding it into their big blended family. But that whole "So will you be able to admit that you weren't doing a great job?" thing was a misstep on her part, IMO - although I did like that she straight up called it rehab.

  • Love 3

I am appalled by Leah's behavior. She is a drug addict who at this point is unable to take care of her children. All that said I am sympathetic to her. I thought the most genuine thing she said was that the last 4 years had taken the life out of her. In the past 4 years she discovered that her daughter was not developing at a normal rate. She endured not knowing what was wrong and then the realization that her daughter was likely going to spend much of her life in a wheelchair.

Maybe others are stronger, but if I lived through that with my daughter I don't believe I would be unscathed. And I am the opposite of a teen mom. That's not to excuse her very bad

Not every mom that has gone through something terrible with their child turns to drugs. My daughter was diagnosed with a heart defect when I was 28 weeks pregnant then died when she was 5 hours old I never turned to drugs. Leah's biggest problem is she has a mom that will enable her every move and even when Leah tries to make a reasonable decision she talks her out of it. Leah's biggest problem is she was the pretty girl in the family whose ever bad behavior was excused

  • Love 2

Am I the only one that heard Leah say she had a spinal TAP when she was in labor? (And therefore was prescribed a boatload of meds) Isn't that what is used to diagnose like, say meningitis and encephalitis?  I'm sure she meant "spinal" (at least I think I'm sure), but she really is a victim of those well schools in WV, isn't she?


ETA; Oops, sorry, discussed in the other thread.

Edited by OnlyMeSuz
  • Love 4

I have also never understood the mindset of "i work 50 hours a week and can't buy that shit". That isn't Chelsea's fault. Should people who have money not buy what they want just because other people can't afford it?

I'm one of the few people that doesn't begrudge the girls the ridiculous amount of money they were paid. In fact, I'm completely okay with athletes, actors, musicians, etc getting paid millions of dollars. Why? Because there's a market for it. If MTV decides putting a some girls' shitshow lives on their channel is worth a few hundred thousand dollars per year, then that's their business. They're a company, and they made an offer to the teen moms.

  • Love 4

Corey and Miranda went hard core with Leah. Interesting as I would have assumed they would have just been happy as shit to get the girlses away from Leah and her pilses and so would not have pushed so hard. Part of me thought it was not such a smart move to be so antagonistic with Leah, especially with Miranda pressing her to admit she hadn't been the best mom. (If only because Leah has seemed close to voluntarily giving the girls over for more time but one sticking point seemed to be her thinking that people were "conspiring" against her). But you can tell they have just had it up to here with her nonsense bullshit and it must grind their gears that she's now getting help primarily as a last ditch attempt to keep husband number 2 and doesn't even have the balls to call rehab, rehab. I feel for them and genuinely hope Leah improves, because the court seems unwilling to intervene unless those girls get caught up in a drug bust at a meth lab at midnight. So poor Corey is stuck knowing full well he's unlikely to get primary custody of those girls and knowing full well Leah is incapable of being proper primary custodial parent. To have to sit there and have Leah say she's flouncing out of state for some intense therapy but ya know there's totes no reason to change anything after she gets back cause she doesn't have any problems y'all - she just needs some me time. Actually after typing all this I'm more surprised one of them didn't throat punch her during that scene.

I'm DYING at your "the girlses and the pilses"!

That rates right up there with Nathan and Janelle saying "dramastically"...you just can't make this shit up!

If I knew someone who had a pet pig, I would so be all over their house playing with the pig!  It's something I would find cute and adorable but not something I would want in my house.  Also I think Chelsea has a good handle on her money or at least has Randy making sure.


As for lacking empathy on Leah. I have plenty of empathy for her and her addiction but there is more going on with her that MTV is making a choice not to disclose.Also, yes, she needs to admit that she has a problem but she won't and it scares me that none of her family and her friends will either. I don't have a problem with Miranda saying "will you be a better Mom?" because she needs to hear these questions. Also, let's think about this, this problem has been going on for quite some time and on camera, Corey held his tongue for some time by saying more than what I'm sure he wanted to say. It was only in the few episodes where he said out loud, she had a problem.  I think the problem has always been for some reason, no one will tell Leah she needed help a long time ago. I also know of the other things Leah has done but because MTV won't show these things, it doesn't fit in here.


I think Kail is wishing Javi still hated Jo. She wants the boys to be fighting over her. She likes fighting/tension, it's all she knows. Then she can cry to her friends, "Javi is so mad for no reason! HE'S RUINING MY GIRLS NIGHT!"

  • Love 5

But there is no one reaction to any medication, everybody's body chemistry has the potential to react differently to any given medication. For example Benadryl most commonly makes people sleepy, but some people it actually makes them hyper. I was actually trying to quote marihnaprincess but messed up... But she is right a hyperactive reaction is not necessarily a indicator that someone is addicted.

At the same time it is possible to build up a drug tolerance, or resistance when you take so much so often that you require a higher dose or even different medication to have a therapeutic effect. So I suspect that may have a little to do with Leah's assortment of pain medication.


I tell Dr's to NOT give me hydrocodone. Tylenol #3 helps more for me. Hydrocodone is like a sugar pill.  It has no effect on me at all and it's a waste of money to go pick it up at the pharmacy.  Maybe I haven't taken the right dosage.  But people RUN to the pharmacy to pick that RX up fast!! It's never helped my pain and I've never understood an addiction to it.  But I know medication is different for everyone.  Same for Benadryl.  People tell me to take it for sleep.  Or "Oh, don't take that right now or you will fall asleep."  Not me.  It doesn't make me hyper and it doesn't make me sleepy.  It has no effect on me at all.  Kinda disappointing when I do need something good for itching.  It does nothing for me. :/

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 1

I really feel bad for Leah because it looks like she is over medicating. Sitting there holding her niece/nephew and nodding off like that and then saying she is so tired reminded me so of me when I was on pain killers. When I started over medicating (taking 2 at a time instead of 1, that's how I looked and blamed it on tired. Just like she nodded off on the chair she could do that while driving putting herself, her children or any other innocent person crossing the street in danger. She knows she has a problem but is afraid to admit it to Corey for fear he will take the girlses from her. She certainly is NOT going to say it in front of the cameras. I am glad she is going to rehab even though she is calling it something else. In rehab they will teach her that the real shame would be doing nothing.

Now if only her mother would just get a clue and not stand in the way of Leah getting the help she needs. I hope what we saw in the coming attractions does not make Leah leave before she is ready. Her mother knows what Leah is most afraid of, Corey getting custody of his girls, so why would she call her and tell her that BS. :::::throwing my hands up in despair:::::::

In the after show the host asked Leah what happens in the next episode, she says something to the effect that she leaves rehab due to a situation at home.  So yes, she leaves.  My understanding is she goes back (about 2 months later if this is only April) after promises of baby daddies not going to court to try and take her kids.


Edited to add that TWICE today I have read the word dramatically as DRAMASTICALLY!  Dang you Jenelle! 

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 3

Leah: "I'm going into this intense reh--...therapy thing...place. Totally not rehab."

Miranda: "So once you get out of rehab, do you think you'll be a better mom?"


"Shame on you!"

Seemed like Leah was being a bratty teenager and Corey was her dad instead of her ex husband.

That's so funny you said that, my son was watching that scene with me not knowing who they were and he asked if Corey and Miranda were her parents.

  • Love 4


I have also never understood the mindset of "i work 50 hours a week and can't buy that shit". That isn't Chelsea's fault. Should people who have money not buy what they want just because other people can't afford it?

This. In fact, if watching people throw away money like it is coming out of their ass is so bothersome, why don't they bitch and gripe at Kail? Oh, wait. Kail never does anything wrong. How about Leah? I got a better one. Why not Adam? He is pulling in some good money. He is pulling in enough to buy a home, a truck, cars, tattoos, and other miscellaneous crap including paying an attorney to file a motion to obtain full custody of his kids. You know, the ones he fails to pay child support for. Well, it is pointless since we know what is going on. lol Maharincess, it seems a fast one is trying to be pulled. You know what I mean. :-)




In the after show the host asked Leah what happens in the next episode, she says something to the effect that she leaves rehab due to a situation at home.  So yes, she leaves.  My understanding is she goes back (about 2 months later if this is only April) after promises of baby daddies not going to court to try and take her kids.



That wouldn't have happened if Mama Dawn had kept her big trap shut about Cory trying to keep the kids.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7

In the after show the host asked Leah what happens in the next episode, she says something to the effect that she leaves rehab due to a situation at home.  So yes, she leaves.  My understanding is she goes back (about 2 months later if this is only April) after promises of baby daddies not going to court to try and take her kids.


Edited to add that TWICE today I have read the word dramatically as DRAMASTICALLY!  Dang you Jenelle!

Mkay, thanks for letting me know that she does go back. I am glad Corey eased her mind so that she could take care of herself with no worries.

  • Love 1

I didn't have any problems with the way Miranda approached it.  She has been with Corey for a few years now, watching Leah fall to pieces in front of them.  For the most part she has kept out of the Corey/Leah custody issues but has always been there for him and the girls.  Plus being law enforcement, she would have seen this play out before and knows the likely ending which doesn't look pretty.  

Besides, last season Jeremy spent half of his screen time agreeing with Leah that Corey was a terrible father because he didn't snap his fingers and make the wheelchair appear.  Javi has been critical of Jo and we all know that Nipples has insulted Barb at every opportunity.  But when Miranda asks Leah a question, she is the bad one?  She and Corey have spent the entire season being polite about Leah and her "stress", talking about "routines" and "structure" rather than the fact that the girls are unkempt and poorly parented.  Their conversations only ever escalate when Leah gets defensive, like when she ended up screaming at him on the phone, calling him a piece of sh*t in front of the girls.  Good on Corey and Miranda for calling out Leah and her BS because clearly no one else is.  


Edited to add - I cannot stand Dawn and the preview makes me want to scream.  There is no way that Corey would stop Leah from getting the girls when she comes back from rehab. No way.  He has let her take them when she has been off her face all through the season, why on earth would he stop her from taking them back now?  Dawn seems to feed off Leah's craziness. 

Edited by ChocolateAddict
  • Love 15

Speaking of wheelchair, where is it? It practically had its own screen credit last season, but now it's as if it was a figment of our imaginations. I remember hearing it was broken soon after they got it, but as important as they were making it out to be, is it not fixed by now? And that therapy horse, whatever became of that?

As far as jenelle is concerned the thing that bothers me most about her, is that we have seen season after season, boyfriend after boyfriend, her have some sort of crying nervous breakdown where she begs them to stay, or how they hurt her or whatever, but correct me if I'm wrong, I can't recall a single time she has ever showed any emotion other than anger over getting Jace back... When she talks about it she is generally monotone, or yelling fighting, but when that happens it's usually just jenelle using jace as a pawn to fight with Barbara.

  • Love 13

I don't know if Ali ever got her actual wheelchair. The one last season was a loner from the hospital and it was broken by the end of the season like you mentioned and it wasn't even theirs to break, so there's that.. I also remember there being an article where Leah said something where they let the other twin play on it a few times, so.. there is that nugget of info. But for all of the nonsense about that wheelchair, it's not mentioned at all.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 1

Speaking of wheelchair, where is it? It practically had its own screen credit last season, but now it's as if it was a figment of our imaginations.

Bwhahahahahahaha. A wheelchair with its own screen credit. And with that, Leighroda, I am out. Too funny and so true! That wheelchair that Leah practically wanted Corey to do a "say hello to my leettle friend" to the insurance company be cuz they weren't moving fast enough to approve it for Ali. To be honest I don't remember ever seeing anything but the loaner wheelchair.

Edited by lasandi
  • Love 3

This episode I actually felt a little bit sorry for Leah. I had a mother a little bit like mama Dawn. Nothing mattered except what people thought, and if you didn't do things exactly like other people you were a bad mom. The difference is, I saw the pattern and pulled back. Yes it meant less help with baby sitters, but a happier mommy and home life was worth the trade off. I know she is an addict, but deep down she has to know she is a mom and she is not taking good care of her kids. I know being a mom can be overwhelming at times, but you learn to prioritize. Someday's my dinner dishes may not get done to the next morning, but my kids are feed, bathed, have homework done, and are in bed by 8 on a school night. Some mornings I leave the house with my hair in a pony tail and no make-up on, but my kids are clean, dressed, and have their hair combed. Gracie's hair looked so knotted and matted at the airport and they always look so unkempt. I think she knows she is not doing a good job right now but she is afraid to tell mama Dawn that.

Edited by lorrie298
  • Love 6
I give it a month till we find out Chelsea is pregnant . In teen mom land they pop out babies the second they meet the guy.


Heh. I give Chelsea credit for being the only one of this group who hasn't had another baby, but then I take into account the fact that she's also the only one who hasn't had a real post-baby daddy significant other (that we know of) - that is, until now. Of course, she and Cole have been together for several months already and no pregnancy yet, so she's at least making progress in Teen Mom 2 Land. I presume she's still on birth control - but so were Kailyn, Leah and Jenelle. They each went out of their way to go off it.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 5


I didn't have any problems with the way Miranda approached it.  She has been with Corey for a few years now, watching Leah fall to pieces in front of them.  For the most part she has kept out of the Corey/Leah custody issues but has always been there for him and the girls...But when Miranda asks Leah a question, she is the bad one?  She and Corey have spent the entire season being polite about Leah and her "stress", talking about "routines" and "structure" rather than the fact that the girls are unkempt and poorly parented.


I don't understand either why Miranda is considered to be a "bully" or "over stepping" by asking a few pointed questions? If she was new on the scene or a barely involved stepparent, I could agree she wouldn't have room to talk. But she has been with Corey for a few years and actively nurturing those girls. She truly seems to love them and I don't blame her being concerned and tired of the constant crap Leah spews, including all the bad mouthing Leah and the Messers did about Corey and her before the drugs became involved. It is not as if Corey and Miranda were sitting there calling her names or Miranda gave her a white trash beat down, though I almost couldn't blame her for wanting to give Leah at least one good bitch slap. I get that Leah is going through a tough time and needs support, but it isn't Corey or Miranda's job to coddle her or hold her hand. She has a whole holler full of relations to do that for her. Corey and Miranda are strictly concerned about the girlses, which is what they should be.



I give it a month till we find out Chelsea is pregnant . In teen mom land they pop out babies the second they meet the guys.

To be fair Chelsea and Cole have been together for a while, I think, not just a month or two. I haven't got the vibe that either wants to rush to have more babies. They seem to be enjoying just hanging out together with Aubree and getting to know one another. I have hope that they will take it slowly.

  • Love 7

I'll add my two cents on Corey and Miranda's attempt to make Leah admit what's really going on. Those of us that read about these people in real time know that a whole hell of a lot has gone down that MTV isn't showing. If you've never dealt with an addict, you have no idea how insanely frustrating and downright gut wrenching it can be. You can catch them red handed stealing pills and/or money they'll look you in the eye and deny it. You can catch them with a syringe and fresh needle mark on their arm and they'll look you in the eye and deny it. The list goes on and on and on. Corey and Miranda have been hearing and, no doubt, seeing things for a loooong time and have finally decided that they're done with her lies and will do everything in their power to put the safety and well being of the girlses first. I can only imagine the crap she's been pulling and getting away with. They live in small town USA. Everyone knows everyone (hell, everyone is related to everyone) and nothing is secret. Add Miranda's law enforcement ties and it's enough to drive you insane with worry. It's not Corey or Miranda's job to treat her like the Princess of the holler like her mother does. Their concern is for Ali and Gracie and the overwhelming need to stop the trainwreck the kids are being forced to live in before they get a phone call at 3 am telling them that Leah rolled the hoarder mobile down the mountain on her way home from buying a bag of pillses and the twins are either dead or horribly injured. We've seen over and over that seatbelts and booster seats are too much for Leah to bother with.


And, I'm seriously questioning the 'therapeutic treatment facility' Leah went to. It's standard practice for patients to have NO contact with friends or family for the first week and they must surrender their cell phones when they check in.  Knowing Delta Dawn calls her on her cell phone on day 2 to tell her Corey might not willingly give the girls back has me giving the whole thing some serious side eye.

Edited by lovesnark
  • Love 16

So to go back to an earlier discussion, I'm pretty torn about the dinner with Leah, Corey, and Miranda. I completly sympathize with how fed up they must be at this point, but their instance in the vernacular of rehab over treatment sort of smacked of wanting a "I told you so" moment. Totally understandable, but maybe not needed? As for Leah taking/not taking responsibility....eh. I mean she booked herself into a rehab. Does she need to call it such in front of her ex and his new wife on camera?

  • Love 5

My feelings are also a little mixed on the Corey-Miranda- Leah issue. Yes, they have been through hell with her and her lack of responsibility. But, at that moment in time, Leah is doing exactly what they want her to do. She's handing the girls over for a month and getting help. I don't think her using the exact word matters at that point in time. Take the kids and run. Figure out what to do once she comes back. As it stands, they put Leah on edge and she was completely primed for Dawn whispering in her ear in rehab. 


ETA: I am perfectly sympathetic to how difficult it must be to be strategic in the moment with situations like this. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
  • Love 3

I'm wondering if Corey and Miranda were trying to get Leah to admit drugs are the problem because they know that the first baby step in getting help is admitting you have a problem? It's possible  they would have actually been positive, kind and empathetic if she hadn't lied to them AGAIN.

Edited by lovesnark
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I'm wondering if Corey and Miranda were trying to get Leah to admit drugs are the problem because they know that the first baby step in getting help is admitting you have a problem? It's possible they would have actually been positive, kind and empathetic if she hadn't lied to them AGAIN.

Maybe. I'm not sure I agree though even if that was their intention. Maybe that is the first step(not every treatment philosophy agrees on everything), but I don't agree that everyone gets to choose who, how, and when you have to talk about it. Plus, I think they just want her to admit they were right. I sympathize, but I don't think it was productive.

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So to go back to an earlier discussion, I'm pretty torn about the dinner with Leah, Corey, and Miranda. I completly sympathize with how fed up they must be at this point, but their instance in the vernacular of rehab over treatment sort of smacked of wanting a "I told you so" moment. Totally understandable, but maybe not needed? As for Leah taking/not taking responsibility....eh. I mean she booked herself into a rehab. Does she need to call it such in front of her ex and his new wife on camera?


My feelings are also a little mixed on the Corey-Miranda- Leah issue. Yes, they have been through hell with her and her lack of responsibility. But, at that moment in time, Leah is doing exactly what they want her to do. She's handing the girls over for a month and getting help. I don't think her using the exact word matters at that point in time. Take the kids and run. Figure out what to do once she comes back. As it stands, they put Leah on edge and she was completely primed for Dawn whispering in her ear in rehab. 


ETA: I am perfectly sympathetic to how difficult it must be to be strategic in the moment with situations like this.

I think they were seeing if she was actually going to rehab for the right reason (to actually get better) or to just get everyone off her back. If she still cannot admit that she has a problem and what that problem is, then she is just wasting everybody's time because once she leaves, she will just start using again. She is lucky that they actually care. I would have been quietly documenting everything, speaking with teachers, Goggles' therapist and parents of my daughters' classmates to swiftly snatch custody from her. Screw Leah's sobriety. My kids' safety comes first.
  • Love 11

Edited to add - I cannot stand Dawn and the preview makes me want to scream. There is no way that Corey would stop Leah from getting the girls when she comes back from rehab. No way. He has let her take them when she has been off her face all through the season, why on earth would he stop her from taking them back now? Dawn seems to feed off Leah's craziness.

I can't stand Dawn period, but you're right, she's a idiot in the preview. First, when Corey asked where she would be taking the girls, and she said that she can't disclose that information or whatever (as if she was James fucking Bond or something), I wanted him to be like, "your ass you can't disclose that." Corey is the girls' father. It's not only his right, but his job and responsibility to know where his 5 year olds are, who they're with and what they're doing. Knowing that they'll be in some mystery location supervised by that Dawnster fire and Sleeping Junkie certainly doesn't sound like a safe and secure plan. Sorry. Edited by truelovekiss
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She is lucky that they actually care. I would have been quietly documenting everything, speaking with teachers, Goggles' therapist and parents of my daughters' classmates to swiftly snatch custody from her. Screw Leah's sobriety. My kids' safety comes first.

I 100% agree. I don't have kids, and I don't plan to for awhile. But I know when I have them, there's nothing I wouldn't do to protect them. In fact, I actually think Corey has been way too easy on her, and it took Miranda to get him to realize that this is serious shit. When Miranda was confronting Leah on her shitty mothering skills, I saw a mama bear, trying to protect her own. She loves those girls, and she doesn't want to see them hurt.

To me, Leah is just like Adam. In fact, she's worse. She drives around, stoned, with her kids in the car. God only knows where she takes them and what they've seen. I might be in the minority, but if Leah stays on this path, I fully support Corey and Miranda getting full custody, with Leah getting visits at the visitation center. The reason this will never happen is that Leah is their mother.

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the funniest moment in TM2 history happened on the after show -- Janelle still thinks that dramastic is a word, and Leah agreed with her and wondered what was up. She turned to Chelsea for confirmation, but even though Chelsea kept saying "dramatic," Leah proceeded to put the word in a sentence: "Dramastic. When you make a sudden change, it's dramastic." Chelsea gently told her that she was combining "drastic" and "dramatic." None of this was for comedic effect - I swear! And I really don't think she was high. Just dumb. Same with Janelle.

The urbandictionary entries for dramastic and dramastically are several years old, so this goofy portmanteau has been circulating a while.

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I think Corey and Miranda have every right to call Leah out in her shit. Hell, I have a few pointed questions for Leah and I'm not involved at all. Was it the perfect time/ place? Probably not, but I'm sure that has a little more to do with producers. They have been pretty patient throughout all this so I can't blame them for maybe losing it a little bit at this point. And let's be honest if any aspect of this were happening reversed where Corey was the offender, Leah would go through hell or high water to be sure he never sees those girls again.

I do feel for Leah to a degree, it's hard to have a mental health issue because they are misunderstood, but her mom is the one doing the biggest disservice by justifying the issue. And I probably should discuss because this is from the preview of next week... But the fact that she called her at rehab and told her Corey was going to take the babies was one of the worst things she could have ever done. Let Leah stay in rehab and they can deal with that when she is out and in a healthier state of mind... If it did come down to custody I would think the judge would have been more likely to rule in her favore if she stuck out and finished, than bailing for the sake of the girlses. I know in real life she has now conpleted a program, I mean this from the view we are currently being given. Short of Corey and Miranda skipping town and taking the girls to Mexico, Delta Dawn needs to shut her trap.

  • Love 10

I just hope that Chelsea realizes that that baby pig will grow to be well over 100 pounds. There are unscrupulous breeders that will lie and many pet pigs end up dumped because owners think that they stay tiny. They are miniature but only in relation to farm pigs. I hope she did her research before buying Pete, who is adorable.

  • Love 8

Have not watched yet, I am a week behind, and love to read all posts before I watch. Really interesting all of the Leah-Corey-Miranda discussion. Being a HUGE Intervention fan ( I realize this was not an Intervention), Leah needs honesty and someone, anyone to call her out on her addiction. I have sympathy for her, she knows she is struggling emotionally, but the physical and emotional well being of the girlses must come first. Agree that Delta Dawn and Leah's extended family are enabling Leah all the way. I wish her well in her recovery.

  • Love 4

So to go back to an earlier discussion, I'm pretty torn about the dinner with Leah, Corey, and Miranda. I completly sympathize with how fed up they must be at this point, but their instance in the vernacular of rehab over treatment sort of smacked of wanting a "I told you so" moment. Totally understandable, but maybe not needed? As for Leah taking/not taking responsibility....eh. I mean she booked herself into a rehab. Does she need to call it such in front of her ex and his new wife on camera?

I didn't get an "I told you so" vibe from it at all. I got a "Holy shit we are so weary and fed up with Leah's double-speak and inability to call a spade a spade. Fuck it, we're calling it what it really is. REHAB."

YMMV and all that. :)

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