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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

I am incensed!  First off, the answer was Quakers, and I do not even understand how the clue was confusing?  And second, Marshall should not have been accepted! Because which one? John, or Thurgood?

If I were Ellen I would protest.  That's some crappy bullshit right there.

I'm so angry I am not even going to watch tomorrow.

A million times YES! 


33 minutes ago, YoureSoUrban said:

Ugh, a new obnoxious, DD hunting champ. I hope he gets crushed tomorrow.

I agree the catholics reversal was some b.s. and he should have gotten a BMS for "Marley". Ziggy Marley has recoded several albums and is a star in his own right.

A trillion times YES!

  • Love 5
53 minutes ago, Trey said:

At least they didn't give him credit for the wrong pronunciation of beelzebub.  I thought they might reverse that one, since it is spelled the way he pronounced it.

I'm gonna disagree with this.  He said "Beezlebub,"  to rhyme with "weasel chub."  That doesn't reflect the spelling of Beelzebub--for it to do that, the l would have to come before the z, but he pronounced it as z before l.  And also he's just creepy, so there's that.

I wish the lady with the vegan cat had managed to slide in there at the end.  Oh, well.

Where do they find these judges anyway?  Do they stand in front of some cosmetology school and get first dibs at whoever flunks out on a given day?  No offense to excellent cosmetologists.

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At the risk of being unpopular  (just kidding, I'm a big girl), I wasn't really a fan of the now ex-champ and the new champ doesn't bother me.  Once she said Otis Redding for Ben E. King, I was rooting against her.  Also since the Puritans actively disliked every religious groups other than their own, I didn't find the points for Catholics to be that out of line.  Now ducking out of the line of fire...  :-)

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I'm a little mad that I recorded and watched tonight's show. Pranjal drove me to distraction with the starting mid-category, and it was so very unsettling when he never looked at Alex during the interview. 

I agree with everyone who said both Marley and Marshall should have required more information. Maybe it was Bob's little-known son Kit! I also agree that Quakers, given the "friendly" part of that clue, was the only correct response. 

I got emissary, National Enquirer, Beelzebub (though I sang it, Bohemian Rhapsody style) and Ben E. King. I was, however, clueless on FJ.

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

I'm gonna disagree with this.  He said "Beezlebub,"  to rhyme with "weasel chub."  That doesn't reflect the spelling of Beelzebub--for it to do that, the l would have to come before the z, but he pronounced it as z before l.  And also he's just creepy, so there's that.


I didn't realize he missed a whole syllable.

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Just to add that last week when the answer was William the Conqueror, the contestant answered Oliver Cromwell. I would get those 2 straight before going on the show. The Bible is also a really popular category, one that I am weak on. Some people spent their entire childhoods in Bible School so that makes it very easy for them. The rest of us, not so much. 

  • Love 4

Add me to the people pissed off about accepting Catholics for Quakers. I'd be upset even if I hadn't been rooting so hard for Pranjal to lose, but I was rooting so hard for him to lose by that point that it really leveled up my outrage. Can anybody take a stab at the rationale for that one, with "friend" so strongly emphasized in the clue?

For TSs, I got emissary and alderman, and shook my head at no one knowing Ben E. King. I also knew FJ, and think "John" should've been required.

I lasted 4 or 5 games of Arthur Chu before I had to give up watching, but old Pranjal and his 1000-yard stare might break his record. During the think music he looked like he was trying to set me on fire with his mind.

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47 minutes ago, Lois Sandborne said:

Add me to the people pissed off about accepting Catholics for Quakers. I'd be upset even if I hadn't been rooting so hard for Pranjal to lose, but I was rooting so hard for him to lose by that point that it really leveled up my outrage. Can anybody take a stab at the rationale for that one, with "friend" so strongly emphasized in the clue?

Yeah, that made no sense to accept Catholics. That and the Marley answer annoyed me.

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I seem to remember, many years (decades) ago, that someone answered just a last name in FJ (I think the category might have been presidents and they answered "roosevelt" or something like that) and they were ruled incorrect, since there is more than one (you can't say BMS for FJ). I also agree "Un-Friend-ly" clearly meant "society of friends", which is the Quakers. I said "Shakers", which I *think* is an offshoot of the Quakers, so I wonder if it would have been accepted. And yes, I answered BB King as well (hangs head in shame).

  • Love 4

I was yelling "Evergreen!" at my TV tonight for the woman whose name I don't remember.  I do admit I wasn't paying enough attention (I just couldn't) to know if she could have prevented a runaway if she'd gotten that DD right, but it certainly would have been closer.  <sigh>  Looks like we're stuck with Pranjal for a while.  He needs to stop it with the Vulcan salute, too. 

I was also not a fan of Conor.  He seems like That Guy, and also had the bad habit of not starting at the top of the category.

Since I wasn't really paying a lot of attention, the only TS I remember that I got was Sue Sylvester.  And I never even watched Glee.

I never in a million years would have come up with FJ, but I do remember how popular CBs were back in the day.

  • Love 6

Not all that great a game. 

I laughed at AT trying and failing to do the Vulcan salute, mostly because I was trying and failing at the same time:)

I did learn tonight that I've been mispronouncing gunwales all these years.

I am always happy to see a clue about BtVS, my most favourite show ever. And that quote was from the Dracula episode which I was just thinking about.

My only ts's were Waikiki and Aretha Franklin - I was surprised that was a ts. I did say Sue for the Glee clue but couldn't remember her last name - I've never watched the show either.

Did not get FJ - I finally said sign language just for something to say.  I should have remembered the popularity of CB's back then.

Just read another board and found the date was the important part of the clue - 10-4.  If I had picked up on that I would have got it.

Edited by Trey
  • Love 4

May I have "Which Contestant Do You Want To Punch In The Throat" for $2,000, Alex?  I, too, am reaching Arthur Chu levels of dislike of Mr. Creepy Eyes, and he's only been on two days.  He's not even fun to hate watch.  I wish they'd count him wrong when he grossly mispronounces words like kibbutz (keeeebitz - WTH?) and gunwale (which I mispronounced, too, but hopefully I'm not a total asshat).  

I didn't like Conor, either, for starting in the middle of categories.  Despite my rooting for her, Sophie flamed out.  Boo hiss.  A totally annoying and unsatisfactory game.

I got Waikiki, Aretha Franklin (another one I was surprised was a TS), Vice President and Hasidic.

I was clueless on FJ.  I remember everyone and their brother using CB's back in the day.  That's interesting about the date, @Trey.

  • Love 7

I got FJ!  There was virtually no other information in the clue besides the date of the proclamation, so I thought that had to mean something.  Once I said 10/4, there it was.  Much unseemly fist pumping followed.

I wonder if they'd have accepted "Coach" for the Glee clue.  Because that's all I had for that one.

Too many GGs in this game.  "Evergreen" was right there in the clue, but you do have to stop and think for a millisecond.  Why people answer so fast, I'll never understand.

  • Love 4

May I have "Which Contestant Do You Want To Punch In The Throat" for $2,000, Alex?  I, too, am reaching Arthur Chu levels of dislike of Mr. Creepy Eyes, and he's only been on two days.  He's not even fun to hate watch. 

I watched up to the first commercial break and couldn't take anymore of him. FF'd to the end, saw that he won and deleted it from my DVR. I'll have to rely on you guys to let me know when he's gone.

  • Love 4

I was just talking to a friend about BtVS when the clue came up, so I was pretty excited to see it!

I was also shouting "evergreen" at the TV over her answer - she answered too quickly.

Didn't have a clue on FJ. I was over-thinking it - I dismissed mail, TV, telephone and radio as being too old to be recognized and given a "day" in 1978. I guessed satellites, enabling rapid transmission of information across oceans.

I mostly listened rather than watched (and I missed yesterday's show), so I haven't noticed any creepy eyes, but I'll be sure to pay attention tomorrow. I am curious about what you all are talking about!

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Lois Sandborne said:

Add me to the people pissed off about accepting Catholics for Quakers. I'd be upset even if I hadn't been rooting so hard for Pranjal to lose, but I was rooting so hard for him to lose by that point that it really leveled up my outrage. Can anybody take a stab at the rationale for that one, with "friend" so strongly emphasized in the clue?

After thinking about it (and rewinding to the clue and re-reading it) I thought it might have to do with the fact the word mass (mass exodus) was in the clue too. Though "exodus" would seem to eliminate that as a reasonable answer.

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, secnarf said:

I was just talking to a friend about BtVS when the clue came up, so I was pretty excited to see it!

I was also shouting "evergreen" at the TV over her answer - she answered too quickly.

Didn't have a clue on FJ. I was over-thinking it - I dismissed mail, TV, telephone and radio as being too old to be recognized and given a "day" in 1978. I guessed satellites, enabling rapid transmission of information across oceans.

I mostly listened rather than watched (and I missed yesterday's show), so I haven't noticed any creepy eyes, but I'll be sure to pay attention tomorrow. I am curious about what you all are talking about!

I first thought of Morse Code but realized no one cared about Morse Code in 1978. I then thought telephone and radio? But seemed wrong. Well it turns out my brother was this huge CD radio guy at that time! His "handle" was Snake. From his bedroom he would chat with truckers all day long! It was so weird he had this thing going all day and all night! In 1976-77-78 but I didn't get it or the 10/4!!

  • Love 1

From JBoard:


by trainman » Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:12 am

I know this because I was at the taping in April, and have been patiently waiting to blow the lid off it here on the JBoard...

Alex accidentally gave away the correct pronunciation of "Beelzebub," so they stopped tape and re-recorded. That's why the other two contestants didn't ring in on that clue after the miss.


Also, being a TMBG fan pays off:

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Pranjal is just teasing us -- giving us false hope that he might lose, isn't he?  It isn't DD seeking if all DDs have been found.  It's just obnoxious.

I did like Dan, and hoped he'd win.  I also got a hoot out of Kyle's answer of, "Aw, hell." when he couldn't come up with West Side Story.  That surprised me as a TS.  It also surprised me that Long Day's Journey Into Night was a TS after Pranjal flubbed it.  I got Alpha-Bits as well, and agree that they were ruined when the formula was changed.

FJ was an instaget for me, too.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, secnarf said:

Also - this is my first time actually watching Pranjal, but I don't quite get the hate. I didn't notice any creepy eyes.

Maybe he's toned it down a little.  He doesn't bother me particularly, except for starting in the middle. He is very knowledgeable.  I also liked Dan and was hoping he would win but then he just faded away.

It was not a great game for me - so many answers that I knew but just wouldn't come to me.  My only ts was Anwar Sadat.  FJ was an instaget.

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

I also got a hoot out of Kyle's answer of, "Aw, hell." when he couldn't come up with West Side Story.  That surprised me as a TS.

It especially surprised me that Dan, community-theater/Broadway-musical guy, didn't know that West Side Story has a song named "Maria."

6 minutes ago, teebax said:

What the hell happened to the middle contestant? Did he fall asleep for DD? He wasn't even attempting to ring in, was he?

Maybe he heard me say that if he won, I'd promise to have his babies.

  • Love 6

I don't understand the Pranjal hate, either. Runaway games are never my favorites, but apart from starting in the middle of categories--which is no longer unusual--he doesn't do anything I find seriously annoying.

I too was surprised by the West Side Story and Long Day's Journey Into Night ts's, especially since, as Mondrianyone pointed out, Dan is active in community theater. I would go see him as Edna Turnblad if I lived nearby!

Kyle was funny with his two-car garage story and his "Ah, hell!" when he had a brain freeze. He talked so fast and swallowed his "What is..." so often that he would have driven the judges crazy if he had made repeat appearances.

FJ was easy because of "alliterative." 

  • Love 6
14 minutes ago, secnarf said:

I thought the DDs and FJ were all quite easy.

Also - this is my first time actually watching Pranjal, but I don't quite get the hate. I didn't notice any creepy eyes.

What was with Pranjal and the panicky blurting out "$2000" when he hit that DD ?  That was just weird.

FJ was super duper kids tournament easy -- how many alliterative landmarks are there in Jerusalem to start with ?

The 'S' category seemed really easy too.

  • Love 1
35 minutes ago, teebax said:

What the hell happened to the middle contestant? Did he fall asleep for DD? He wasn't even attempting to ring in, was he? 

I really thought he was going to run away with it, I would have liked to see him win.  I liked the other new guy too, he looked like he was having fun despite the troubles he was having.  I ran the planes/trains category, FJ was an instaget.

  • Love 5

Easy FJ. I ran the 1970s and Broadway categories (I'm a theatre nut). That's my daydream. I'm on the show and I hit the DJs for books, theatre, and "you're too young to remember." It's FJ and I have what AT calls a "can't be caught" total (Mr. Author calls it a lock). FJ is Broadway Musicals. I bet it all. . . :)

  • Love 7
11 minutes ago, Mystery Author said:

Easy FJ. I ran the 1970s and Broadway categories (I'm a theatre nut). That's my daydream. I'm on the show and I hit the DJs for books, theatre, and "you're too young to remember." It's FJ and I have what AT calls a "can't be caught" total (Mr. Author calls it a lock). FJ is Broadway Musicals. I bet it all. . . :)

And somewhere Cliff Clavin smiles...  :)

Edited by opus
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