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S17.E22: Episode 22

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The best part of this episode was Liz saying she was falling for Austin (Wha?? why didn't the feed watchers tell me this?) and then Julia saying "go away Austin"  LOL.


I don't care who goes but damn I don't like Shelli's face.  She has an arrogant look about her or something like that.


Have these people ever seen BB before?  I mean really.  People lie and go back on promises like they change underwear.


So feed watchers..what's the story with Austin smelling?  What does he smell like?  Ewwww

Sometimes these editors give me just a little gift to make me crack up laughing. Tonight was Steve (who had kind of been a bit creepy up until that point) talking to himself in the kitchen in total silence, then out of nowhere saying he wanted his Mom, and the music slowly starting back up. It was delightful.

I always love when people brag about something being their comp, only to do poorly on it. Thanks Vanessa! And go Meg, finishing second. You just might win one of these things one day. I kind of hope to see it.

I like Becky, but she seemed drunk in that convo with Vanessa. Sloppy on her part, although I understand the need to lie. I can't imagine what Vanessa would do if she knew "100%" that she was going up.

So Shelli vs. Vanessa. Who would've thought when they kept trading HOHs for that month.

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I laughed for a good five minutes over The Blanket.


I like Becky, but she seemed drunk in that convo with Vanessa. Sloppy on her part, although I understand the need to lie. I can't imagine what Vanessa would do if she knew "100%" that she was going up.

Drunk with power!

ETA: Here are all the comics: http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/photos/1004549/boom-zap-pow-the-houseguests-morph-into-bbcomic-superheroes/

Edited by alihart41
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Great job with the comics, though 'The Blanket' was an obvious stand-out.


I almost didn't recognize Vanessa without some kind of hat... she is really tiring though always needing re-assurances (even if they are lies) she's so on edge. For a reason of course but that doesn't forgive her actions. Oh and btw calling the house 'bitches' is always bad boomerang karma. Welcome to the block!


And way to go Meg with 2nd place in the veto. You'll get there some day! Heh.

Edited by Wandering Snark

Here's a few bullet points of AWESOMENESS


*THE BLANKET....best BB Comic cover ever!

* Jackie's Striptease and James's reaction earned her being cast for this season just for that little scene.

* Vanessa done up as Debbie Gibson circa 1988-this was the first and only time this season that I thought she looked attractive.

* Julia shooting daggers of death at Austin pawing her sister...she must not use to being margenalized when it comes to Liz and her attentions.

* Steve,...didn't care for his delusions of grandeur but he saved the master plan with his win.


Not so awesome: Shelli is one stupid Puma. Picking Vanessa and going against the HOH's plan is not a way to win trust...and could have sealed her fate if Vanessa hadn't made it onto the block.


Finally when are James and Meg going to hook up? I've been waiting all season for that.

Edited by North of Eden
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OMG!  The Blanket had to be the best of those comic book covers.  I loved it when they showed the clip of Audrey wandering around in her blanket of doom and sunglasses of pain.  I also laughed at "the Puma"....until Shelli (of course) took the opportunity to mention she is 10 years older than her twu-wuv, AKA the hairless bat.  I so wish THAT had been his superhero name.


Becky has been a complete non-entity in the house until now.  I kind of loved her when she was blocking out Vanessa during their conversation.(her Charlie Brown "wah wah wah" cracked me up).  And Vanessa being so confident that she wasn't going home.... Sorry, but I laughed my ass off at that.  Vanessa is way to emotional and I am tired of her.

  • Love 1

How did Meg, who moves like a grandma, end up with the second fastest time? What? 


So, Liz is now into Austin? It's slim pickings in the house, I get that, but I wonder if it isn't some sort of showmance Stockholm Syndrome. He finally wore her down with the constant touching and despite the fact that (according to his comic book cover) he doesn't smell the freshest? It wasn't that long ago that she was claiming she didn't like him like that.


The Blanket cover was truly awesome. Trainiac was a close second.  

  • Love 4
How did Meg, who moves like a grandma, end up with the second fastest time? What?


Her legs were either on firm ground or in the air where she didn't need them.


Loved all the comic covers.  Austin probably smells because he's working out so much and getting sweaty. 


James' reaction to Jackie's strip tease was hilarious.


I like Vanessa, but she must be exhausting to the HGs, as she's exhausting to me watching her only 3 hours a week.  Quite a blow to the Sixth Sense to lose another alliance member this week.

Unless I'm misremembering, while it is true Vanessa put Becky on the block and also sent people home Becky appeared to be allied with (how dare she!), Vanessa was never rude about it.

I understand that no one owes anyone else any favors, but I thought Becky was a bitch just to be a bitch. Power mad is not a good look for her.

I know it most likely won't happen but I would be fine with Becky up and out on Thursday.

  • Love 7
Vanessa done up as Debbie Gibson circa 1988-this was the first and only time this season that I thought she looked attractive.



That's exactly what I came here to say.  At risk of sounding like Vanessa's grandmother, why does she wear that ugly touque on her head all the time?  She looks so much much better without it.  Though, I also kind of liked the jaunty hat she wore at the POV ceremony.




  • Love 1

I've heard that the HGs get the comics at the end of BB. It would make cool wall art for their homes. However, i wouldn't be too happy with mine if i was Meg or Audrey.

Meg--a dorky apple

Audrey--it was cool from an outsider's point of view, but for Audrey it was embarrassing and unrecognizable.

Audrey made fun of herself on twitter for that look, so I think she'll find it funny. Meg is ALL ABOUT NYC (eyeroll, as someone who is actually FROM HERE) so she probably loves that apple. Austin should be embarrassed by his. He should also take it as a hint to shower more and WASH HIS DAMN HAIR. 

  • Love 5

Oh Steve. I do feel sorry for him, but he is painful to watch. But he rocked that veto comp, so kudos to him.

I will always love Julia solely for her dislike of Austin.

Meg did well but her comic was lame. It kind of sums up her game so far, really.

I dislike Becky but she had a good sense of humor about her comic.

I want more DRs from James and his kitty hat.

  • Love 1

So feed watchers..what's the story with Austin smelling? What does he smell like? Ewwww

This is pretty benign, so I don't think it needs a spoiler tag. I haven't watched him bathe, but someone posted the other day that he showered without soap or shampoo, and put the same shorts back on. I did witness him look at his dirty hair, and state "I have to wash my hair, oh God", as if it was a complicated and time consuming process.

  • Love 3

Unless I'm misremembering, while it is true Vanessa put Becky on the block and also sent people home Becky appeared to be allied with (how dare she!), Vanessa was never rude about it.

I understand that no one owes anyone else any favors, but I thought Becky was a bitch just to be a bitch. Power mad is not a good look for her.

I know it most likely won't happen but I would be fine with Becky up and out on Thursday.


When Becky went on the block during Vanessa's Week 5 HoH, it was something she volunteered for, at the request of her good buddy, Jackie.  The only reason she stayed on the block is because she couldn't win a BotB that was being thrown to her, and then Vanessa did in fact get a shit-ton of "blood on [her] hands"™ when Shelli (the woman Becky is trying to save) would have been fine with Becky being evicted.  (Although, as I noted, the only pawn who was likely to send Becky home that week was Shelli herself, and she wasn't volunteering.)  So if Becky's doing this out of "revenge", it really makes very little sense.


In fact, there's so little sense going on that I'm almost tempted to call DR shenanigans, which I never do, and hate when other people do it at the drop of a hat.  (Or, in Vanessa's case, an annoyingly-omnipresent series of beanies.)  Why is Becky claiming that James/Meg are her bestest buddies, when last week she ran down from James's HoH room to rat out his plans to Clelli?  (And if you look at the scene in 17.18 of James/Meg/Jackie/Becky in the HoH, you can tell from Becky's body language that she's clearly on a different page from The Three Buffoons, even if we didn't see a lot of the efforts to "steer, steer, steer" the target elsewhere that Becky alluded to in edited, aired version.)


But now she's all "I trust [The Three Buffoons], I want to work with them" for no reason I can logically see.  Other than perhaps all those "who's your favorite HG?" videos coming from a disproportionate number of supporters of Da'Vonne (empty brain-dead sass  that couldn't survive even a single eviction on her own, despite TPTB throwing her two twists and her landing in a giant alliance based on nothing more than being in the first group into the house) and Jason (easily the worst human being in the house this year…and no, I haven't forgotten Masturbating Jeff, much though I've tried…) and so the DR is all "Doesn't it make SENSE to ally with the POPULAR side of the house, Becky?"  Because there really doesn't seem to be any reason for Becky's 180° turn, otherwise, IMO.  Unless she enjoys allying with someone who talked her into going up (Jackie), someone who couldn't throw the comp to save her ass (James; Austin said on BBAD that he would have just poured the paint on the floor and not cared who knew, but James was too scared to do that) and three people who spent Week 5 trying to get her evicted, despite previously having given her their word they would vote to keep her.  Her week 5 troubles were entirely the fault of her new buddies, the people she "trusts".  Makes perfect sense to me! [/eyeroll] Seriously, did Becky get hit by another train and I just missed it?


But…it's probably simpler than that.  Becky's just a mean girl who likes the other mean girls (she and Jason probably bonded over "ew, Steve is such a freak!") and her alliance is just too stupid to think.  (After all, they still haven't figured out Sixth Sense yet.  But, to be fair, it's only Day 55. Becky even declared last episode that Vanessa was "alone in the house".  Well, if by "alone" you mean "in charge of the huge alliance that ran the house for a month under your unsuspecting nose", then, yeah.  But otherwise, not so much.)


I mean, there's no reason for James to want to keep Shelli, right?  He broke his word to her and Clay and practically spit in their face about it, he wanted her out last week, he wanted her out this week (that's the whole reason the eight-person "deal" Becky just broke got made in the first place), he's afraid of her in competitions because she can win physical as well as mental comps.  But he's clearly going to vote Vanessa out on Thursday with a smile on his (vacant) face, just because he's swept up in the herd mentality of he and his fellow Buffoons.  (Well, that and probably some homophobia, too. His calling Vanessa "the Devil" smelt of Bible-thumping, even though I doubt he's actually read the damn thing, as evidenced by his thinking the "woman scorned" phrase he butchered [twice] was a "Bible quote". [No, not Shakespeare, either.  William Congreve, The Mourner Bride. Same play as "Music hath charms…"])


So even though Vanessa should have four votes available to stay (Austin/Liz/Julia/Steve), I can't see a chance of Captain Redneck, er, "Camo" being the fifth, even though it would involve evicting the woman (Shelli) he's spent two weeks gunning for and who is the one person in the house dead set on evicting him.  There's no room for logic in James's brain, so Vanessa probably goes out 8-0, with her voters tossing in the sponge.  Ugh.  All I can do is hope that James or Becky follows her right out the door.  (Wait, would this mean that I might actually enjoy a Fucking Fast-Forward episode, for once?  That can't be right…)


At least I can take comfort that the comic book designers disdain Meg almost as much as I do.  Not only did she look so stupid on her comic (down to the apple-stem hat) but I had to love the cover copy:  "In case you didn't know…she's from New York!" (Well, the Philadelphia suburbs, actually, but why should Meg be burdened by facts?  Any more than she is by intelligence, kindness, good looks, a haircut that doesn't look like a string mop, decent make-up, clothes that don't look like potato sacks…) Loved the "in case you didn't know…" to signify that Fakey McFameWhore never shuts up about being "from" NYC.  One decent smile in the episode, anyhow.

Edited by DAngelus
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I always love the comic book comp, such a fun idea. Dr Drill was my favorite, but The Blanket was freaking hilarious! 


I had a feeling Steve was going to have the fastest time when we were watching. I'm glad he was able to pull himself of the block, instead of just trusting that he'd be safe no matter what. Now we'll get another week of him talking to every camera in the house and begging his mom to help him make important decisions. 


I thought it was kind of dumb for Shelli to pick Vanessa to play in the Veto. I'm sure that's the last thing Becky wanted. If Vanessa had played and won, she could have saved Shelli - but Becky and her group would have been hella pissed at Shelli. Oh well, in the end it didn't matter. 


I really sort of loved Becky straight up telling Vanessa she was safe, all the while laughing, and then turning around and putting her right on the block. This is turning out to be a very enjoyable season, one side isn't completely decimating the house. 


Just pissed that stupid MFing Green Bay Packers are deemed more important than BB and I have to wait until 10:30 for the show to air, at which point I will be asleep. Who considers football more important than Big Brother??? Who, I ask you???

  • Love 1
The best part of this episode was Liz saying she was falling for Austin (Wha?? why didn't the feed watchers tell me this?) and then Julia saying "go away Austin"  LOL.


While the whole Liz-Austin thing makes me incredibly sick, it's almost worth it to see how disgusted Julia is by them. She cracks me up! At least one twin has taste. 


All the comics were cool but Clays was dumb.


I know, right? Mr. Perfection? What the fuck was that? It wasn't even done in a way where it was poking fun at him for thinking he's perfect. It was just a massive ego stroke. 


I want more DRs from James and his kitty hat.


That hat was everything. I found it delightful that James would rock an accessory I immediately wanted to buy for my 4-year-old daughter. 

  • Love 5

Doing a re-watch of the episode (because....well, it's better than actually WORKING) and realized I forgot to put in my original post how hysterical Julia's face was when Liz and Austin were being all cutesy in the chair and Julia was soaking in the hot tub all by her lonesome.  I was amazed Austin didn't burst into flames from the "I hate you with the burning passion of a thousand suns" stink-eye Julia was shooting at them.  Do the twins never talk to one another?  Since Liz is now saying she likes Austin, wouldn't you think she would have told her twin sisters about her feelings?  Julia's DR seemed to indicate she thought Austin was still "annoying" Liz with his attentions. Did I mishear it, or did we see a clip of Vanessa telling Austin that Liz liked guys who "played hard to get"? What the hell was that about?!    Since the two of them are acting all snuggly with one another, I don't think Austin needs advice on how to get Liz interested in him.  In case it escaped her keen professional poker player observation, she is ALREADY involved with him.

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Shelli has finally made a huge bone-headed move.  I mean what DIFFERENCE did it make to deny Vanessa the "houseguests choice" if she was going to be backdoored?




I'm liking Julia a bit more. Her look of disgust at Judas-Boy pawing at her sister was priceless.


Steve seems like a scary dude. I'd be nervous being trapped in a house with him.

Shelli has finally made a huge bone-headed move. I mean what DIFFERENCE did it make to deny Vanessa the "houseguests choice" if she was going to be backdoored?

Shelli knew Vanessa was paranoid, so Shelli knew if Vanessa could play Van would go all out. Vanessa wins, pulls Shelli off, they are both safe, someone else goes home. In the long run, I don't think Shelli really wanted Vanessa to be backdoored, but I could be projecting.

The broadcast episode did not say who the alternate would be who Becky would have to nominate, but if Shelli and Vanessa are safe, what does Shelli care?

Say Liz goes up. Shelli, Vanessa, Austin and Julia vote Steve; James, Jackie, Meg and John vote Liz (maybe, I'm not really sure what John would do). Becky breaks the tie and sends out...Steve, most likely. Shelli is now back in the majority with a big bullseye on Becky's back. That's why it was good for Vanessa to play veto. IMO.

Edited by mojoween

I thought Clay's cover was pretty appropriate. I mean, just like with his pose in the opening credits, it basically says "I have nothing else to offer except being pretty."


I was actually surprised Meg was the runner up in the Veto comp. Go Meg! (She looked as surprised as anyone, which I loved)


The stank face of death that Vanessa was giving after being put up on the block was so delightful, I was sorry we had to end there. I thought about tuning in for BB After Dark to see how she was melting down, but I guess we'll have to wait until Sunday for a recap because with a double eviction on Thursday, we're not going to have any time for recaps/flashbacks. 


The editors are clearly having a blast with Steve. The music cues are just genius. Going from the crazy stalker music to "I need my mom" and the wacky music comes back? Love it! 


I'd hoped Julia would be able to talk some sense into Liz, but I'm REALLY hoping Liz's "I'm developing real feelings for that beast" DR was just producer-prompted nonsense to create a storyline. Because I really don't see how she went from "I'm just tolerating him because it's good for my game" to "I want to cut off his beard ponytail and have his babies." Ick.

  • Love 2

Things I loved:

*  Julia's face while sitting in the hot tub watching Austin and Liz.

*  The kitty hat James was wearing.

*  All of the comic book covers -- very creative!


Things I didn't love:

*  Vanessa believing that anyone who won't go along with her plans is "not playing a logical game."  

*  Vanessa's hats....she looked so nice during the POV competition with her hair pulled back in a simple ponytail.


I don't watch the feeds or BBAD, so I have no idea why Steve hates Becky, although based on the comments on the show threads, it seems like it's not entirely clear even to those that watch the feeds/BBAD.  However, didn't Steve in a previous episode make Johnny Mac promise to "go for it" with Becky if both Becky and JM ended up in sequester together....?  Very confusing.


I was also a little confused with Vanessa's statement (before the POV competition) that if Becky wasn't going to put up JM as a replacement nominee, then there was "no one else" but her to go up.  What about one of the twins?  Or Austin?  It isn't that far-fetched to believe that she could make some sort of case to Becky that the twins and/or the showmance need to be split up sooner rather than later.

  • Love 2

Just finished watching the episode and I'm still laughing at the closing shot of Vanessa complaining about how Becky is playing emotionally, not logically, all while Vanessa sobs to the camera. 


James was funny too, "I was dodging hand grenades!" describing his verbal attack by Vanessa. She really is exhausting. I thought she was a shoo in to win since usually BB players are afraid to make big moves, but she overplayed and interrogated everyone with every move.


Not a Becky fan, but she remained calm and fakey smiley throughout Vanessa's many questions. The only way to play with a player like Vanessa is to flat out lie or else be prepared for verbal abuse 24/7.  


Why are the twins just skating through this game?

Edited by aurora296

Shelli knew Vanessa was paranoid, so Shelli knew if Vanessa could play Van would go all out. Vanessa wins, pulls Shelli off, they are both safe, someone else goes home. In the long run, I don't think Shelli really wanted Vanessa to be backdoored, but I could be projecting.

The broadcast episode did not say who the alternate would be who Becky would have to nominate, but if Shelli and Vanessa are safe, what does Shelli care?

It was dumb because everyone (except Vanessa) in this case KNEW that Shelli was in on the plan and by defying that plan, she unnecessarily created a risk she otherwise wouldn't have had.  Now she's stuck on the block next to Vanessa and the others are mad at her.  Ergo, the risk that they'll change their mind and boot her instead.  After all, it wasn't that long ago that they thought that Shelli was the bigger risk than Vanessa anyway.  As long as one of them goes, their power block is broken, and now Shelli has stupidly drawn ire to herself instead of Vanessa.

  • Love 1
I was also a little confused with Vanessa's statement (before the POV competition) that if Becky wasn't going to put up JM as a replacement nominee, then there was "no one else" but her to go up.  What about one of the twins?  Or Austin?  It isn't that far-fetched to believe that she could make some sort of case to Becky that the twins and/or the showmance need to be split up sooner rather than later.


I think she was saying it wouldn't be wise to target one of them, because there's 3 of them and it would be harder/get more blood on your hands/cause more people to be angry with you? I agree, it wasn't super logical. For one, I doubt Julia would give a rat's ass if Austin went home, and probably vice versa. Also, isn't better to get larger "couplings" out before there's too few people in the house to do so? 

I think it's more a case of deciding that he's actually a pretty nice guy and just needs a little cleaning up.


But he's so icky creepy! Why does she think he's a nice guy? I mean, yes, he needs some cleaning up, but his personality will still be there once you get rid of all that hair...


Unless maybe Liz hasn't fallen for Austin at all… MAYBE SHE'S FALLEN FOR JUDAS! :D

  • Love 5


I know, right? Mr. Perfection? What the fuck was that? It wasn't even done in a way where it was poking fun at him for thinking he's perfect. It was just a massive ego stroke.


Even with Clay evicted it seems like the editors and/or producers can't let go of this whole Clelli thing. I suppose they're always hoping for the next Jeff and Jordan, but I wonder how Clay feels about the announcer referring to him as "Shelli's boy toy" in the previouslies recap.


Something I picked up on when Vanessa went upstairs to talk to Becky was the fact that Austin, Liz and Julia are currently in sort of a hands-off zone for nomination due to being some kind of trio. Nobody seems to be targeting them because they seem to fear targeting one will piss off the other two. They might be in the best position in the whole house if everyone is afraid to come after them because of that.


Something I don't get about the Veto comp is whether the HGs are told which covers are wrong. We see them X'd out, but is there some kind of signal that tells the HGs which covers are wrong? The editing suggests they zoom right in on the covers that are wrong.

  • Love 2
Something I don't get about the Veto comp is whether the HGs are told which covers are wrong. We see them X'd out, but is there some kind of signal that tells the HGs which covers are wrong? The editing suggests they zoom right in on the covers that are wrong.


I agree.  AND it looked like they were trying to figure out WHAT was wrong with the pictures.  If there are only two options, and one is wrong  - put the other one up!

I was annoyed, because It looked like something was left out. 

Something I don't get about the Veto comp is whether the HGs are told which covers are wrong. We see them X'd out, but is there some kind of signal that tells the HGs which covers are wrong? The editing suggests they zoom right in on the covers that are wrong.

Doubt it; remember, We The Viewers are only seeing 1-1/2 to 2-minute clips of individual comp runs - each of which in reality ran from 13+ minutes (Steve's time) to over 25 minutes (Shelli). We missed seeing a heckuvalotta runs down that zip line - fortunately. :)

  • Love 2

I thought Clay's cover was pretty appropriate. I mean, just like with his pose in the opening credits, it basically says "I have nothing else to offer except being pretty."


James's cover copy ("By the time you see him, it's already too late") was appropriate for his game, too.  Sixth Sense (or at least Clelli) left him around for one eviction too long, it appears.


Loved "The Blanket" yesterday, then spent last night wondering exactly how tasteful it was to mock somebody's possible descent into mental illness that way.  But Audrey seems to be cool with it, so I guess I give them a pass.


And Shelli did take a long-term risk she'd generate some resentment by using Houseguest's Choice on Vanessa, it's true.  But she had the short-term benefit of doubling the number of people in the comp who would take her down, so it's hard to argue with her decision, IMO.

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