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S17.E17: Episode 17

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My husband is currently unemployed after twelve years working overnight so he has never really watched this. He is not happy that it's endurance so he can't see a winner because he feels like he wasted his time.

He did however love the Johnny Mac segment, as did I, because John is so goofy it's endearing. I wish we could have seen more of those moments in the show proper.

No more BOTB! Yay!

  • Love 4

Aw man, fan fave BotB is over.

Poor Clay, there isn't much going on upstairs. Vanessa needs to stop being so heavy-handed with her makeup. It makes her look like ghost.

Shelli was so phoney saying she didn't want Jason to leave.

Did they seriously interview one of John's patients?

Jason & The Outsiders had all the signs that the Sixth Sense is an alliance and they didn't use it.

Liz's goodbye message was kinda meant but it's not surprising given the things he's said about.

Given that the HoH is a small feet competition, the women and possibly James have the best shot at winning. I'm surprised TPTB would do a comp that requires a lot of water with the California's drought.

Edited by Chrissytd
  • Love 5

Well tonight's episode got me very excited for the rest of the season.


First, sad to see Jason go, but he was his own donwfall. Ran his mouth too much. Also, I didn't really feel bad that Liz snarked in her goodbye message about him watching BB from his mom's basement. He was calling one of the twins "thickums" and saying that "it's not his fault she's fat" like that gives him the license to be a dick. She got you back, Jason, she's not "evil."


Second, I'm beyond psyched to see Julia enter the game. That dynamic is going to be interesting to watch. I suspect Julia gets along with the "outsider" part of the house more than Liz does. And she "loathes" Austin, which is a plus for most fans.


Finally, I literally jumped for joy when Julie said the game reset and Battle of the Block was donezo. Thank goodness. Now we might see some power shifts we couldn't get last season. I think I saw Shelli shitting her pants in the background.


Hoping for a Jackie win, but maybe now the HGs will consider putting up Clelli since they can don't have to endure 30 million negotiations and comp throws due to the BotB.

  • Love 6

I loved, loved Jackie turning to Shelli in the HOH and asking her point blank if she was one of the "majority" and Shelli not having one clue about what to do. That was fun. Vanessa is much better at bullshitting than Shelli is. Shelli was right, her strength was building relationships, but she didn't quite get that her alliance members weren't just going to allow her to continue that while they got all of the...wait for it...blood on their hands.

So very happy for no more BoB. So very happy for endurance. Every single person who is not Jackie, James or Meg was pissed at that announcement. None more so than Vanessa, who can't even play.

  • Love 12

Yay, the BotB is dead!! I loved hearing "solo HOH" today.


Okay, asking "Will Becky's game be derailed?" Is at once hilarious and tasteless. We all know she was hit by a train/tram/trolley type thing.


Meg, you don't deserve "answers"... sorry, but this is what you get when you allow the "big kids" to run the game and you just flit about, the game goes on without you and around you...


That Shelly is really stand-up member of the alliance, at least Liz had the guts to say she was on board.


Sorry that getting what you wanted has become inconvenient for the two of you Shelly/Clay if people actually hold your actions against you.


And at first I was wondering what the hell James was saying when he said "I don't like the look of those eagles up there."


ETA: I'd also like to adopt a feed watcher to PM me who wins/won as I hate waiting... (Edit: Thanks for the PMs)

Edited by Wandering Snark

Did Julia really not know that she would be entering the game?  Wouldn't the fact that she was told to wear shorts and athletic shoes have tipped her off that she was going into the game instead of leaving with Liz?

Last time Julia/Liz switched places in the House was pre-BotB, Juliz was one of the noms, and Julia's had no contact since. For all Julia knew, Liz was sitting in one of the Hot Seats waiting to find out if she/they were playing for HoH or grabbing a cab to the airport.

  • Love 1

An early end to BotB? I LITERALLY am over the moon. Shelli and Vanessa especially did not look thrilled.


Kinda want to vomit in my mouth at the cutaways to Austin massaging Liz's nether-areas.


Shelli's eyes when confronted in the HoH room about the Jason knowledge looked like a panicked rat scanning for a dime-sized hole to run through. So awesome.


And James' eyes at seeing the twins next to each other looked like he was drooling to be the meat in that white bread sandwich.

Edited by Dewey Decimate
  • Love 5

WanderingSnark, I can PM you if you're serious. But if it drags on for hours and hours, it'll have to be in the morning!

That goodbye message from Liz was so mean and unnecessary. Nastiest one I've seen this side of Mike Booger.

It was a jerk move. I know people give mean messages often and I'm usually okay with them when they relate to gameplay. But hers was personal, and it was about something she knows is a sore spot for Jason. He's said some nasty things too, and I don't think those were right either, but she went in there and recorded that message with the intent to hurt him. That's just mean.

Austin continues to sleeve me out. I loved seeing Shelli squirm. And I remain astounded that no one seems to pick up on all of Vanessa's lying tells.

  • Love 7

Raise  your hand if you would give a weeks pay to see Austin's eagle do an out of control pile drive into his nuts.


LOL @ the completley gratuitous shot of one of the twin's you know what's standing at attention from the cold.


If you told me after viewing episode one that I would be sorry to see Jason go I would have thought you were crazy as I hated him immediatly but after he toned down the whole over the top playing for the camera he became likable and probably the best hope to foil the Sixth Sense...alas. Also I thunder struck that Allison and Production did not work over time manufacturing a twist to save him as he was the best hope as said to shake things up...and clearly they hate Becky because she gets no screen time when she's not HOH or on the block.


Jackie was my fave on TAR but she dissapointed me tonight be voting with the house and Steve is a pussy. I hate people with NO convictions. He hates Becky but votes with the house. Man up son.


On Rob has a podcast someone speculated that Austin will quickly  become jealous of Julia monopolizing Liz's time. I TOTALLY see that coming as well. Remember how threatened he was by Jeff. At least that is something to look forward too. Hopefully it will be the undoing of the repulsive dude who is only a couple wresting moves away from being rapey towards his "love".


Thanks for production for the Johnny Mac segment. It gave me time to speed tonights episode along on my DVR as I have zero interest in anything related to this manchild and his family.


Okay BOB is gone...(I don't think it will ever be back because even production has to realize all it does is damage the game by giving one faction too many chances to be in power all summer...just like last year. Hopefully they have learned) so now let's see something intersting happen...something so crazy and unpredictable...I'd love to see a Julia/James showmance that would be spectacle to behold.


Aw man, fan fave BotB is over.

Given that the HoH is a small feet competition, the women and possibly James have the best shot at winning. 


Yeah, sad, isn't it?  I guess the "takeover" this season turned out to be "Old School Big Brother", with the Twists just twisting themselves out of (or in Liz/Julia's case, into) the game after just five weeks.  Maybe Alison Grodner got hit with a clue, finally.


I think they're trying to balance out the "small feet favors small people" aspect of the comp by having them attacked by kamikaze eagles (and seriously, what?), which the Austins and Clays have a better chance of enduring.  I don't think that's enough compensation, but it's good that they're making the effort.


Did Julia really not know that she would be entering the game?  Wouldn't the fact that she was told to wear shorts and athletic shoes have tipped her off that she was going into the game instead of leaving with Liz?


No, it would have told her that they wanted her to think she had a chance to go in.  If they'd said "dress nice", she probably would have realized it was goodbye.  The athletic attire meant either "endurance comp" (remember, Julia was in the house for the last HoH and knows they're overdue for the usual "Week 4 or 5 endurance HoH") or "haha, we fooled you".  Best way to keep her guessing, IMO.


I loved, loved Jackie turning to Shelli in the HOH and asking her point blank if she was one of the "majority" and Shelli not having one clue about what to do. That was fun. Vanessa is much better at bullshitting than Shelli is. Shelli was right, her strength was building relationships, but she didn't quite get that her alliance members weren't just going to allow her to continue that while they got all of the...wait for it...blood on their hands.


Yes, Shelli, this is what Vanessa meant by "Line in the Sand", in case you didn't know.  No more playing both sides.  But given that your and Thunderbuns's lying skills seem to be going to pot, perhaps it's for the best. (I mean, when even Meg can tell you're bs-ing her, it's probably time to call it a day, I think.)


Soooo…Jason has decided that his eviction means he "was right about everything, I sussed all these people out from Day 1"?   Really?  One might think the evidence of where you're sitting would make you a little less sure of your genius, genius.  But good on you for the self-confidence, I guess.   Hope Mom kept the basement nice and clean.

Edited by DAngelus

Well, I'm thankful that CBS is seemingly not protecting their golden couple anymore.  Clay and Shelli are exposed to the house, and now, they're trusted by fewer people than before.  The outsiders noticed their demeanor after Jason's blindside and FINALLY got a clue.


I will and won't miss Jason.  On the one hand, he gave good Diary Room confessionals.  On the other hand, it took him way too long to figure out just how badly Clay and Shelli were playing him.  In fact, not till it was too late.


Glad to see that Julia's finally managed to enter the game.  I'm gonna love watching her dynamic with her sister inside of the house.


Glad that BotB is over, but I don't necessarily think it has to be abolished.  Just . . . tweaked somehow so that strategy won't have to die.  Like, say, four houseguests getting nominated by one HoH, then competing individually to get off the block, with the top two finishers getting off and the bottom two finishers remaining on it.  That way, even if an outsider gets HoH, then the majority alliance can still get rocked with four of their members fighting for survival and possibly a fifth in jeopardy if the Veto gets won and/or played.  As it is now . . . no chance of anything exciting happening.


That HoH Competition looks extremely painful.

Ok peoples, I need help.  Anyone reading my posts knows I am a newbie to BB and I am lost on this whole "Jury House" thing.  Can someone enlighten me as to how it works?  Is it like Survivor where EVERYONE evicted ends up on some "jury" that selects the winner in the end?  Do these people literally leave the BB House and go live in some other house with their frenemies until the show ends?  Explanations, please.


The jury house is the last 7-9 people (it varies season to season) evicted before the final two and they are sequestered.

They go to the jury house week by week and each week the newest evictee brings an edited DVD to watch so they have some information of what is going on (since unlike Survivor, the just doesn't get to watch something like a Tribal Council where they can glean information to make a decision).

Edited by mojoween
I am so happy that BotB is done and over with. Why it had to be brought back in the first place, I'll never know. Hopefully it doesn't come back again next season.


I'm just glad that the BBTakeover appears to be dead as well, and for good measure it went out with a whimper since Chenbot just stopped mentioning it on the shows -- it was a just bad idea poorly implemented.

  • Love 1

I'm probably in the minority, but I was kind of bummed to see Jason go. I found him amusing. Also, I liked the idea of the "other side" of the house actually doing something. Too bad it took them THIS long to figure out there was some kind of alliance going on. They have to got to be a real pack of dolts not to figure that out. I mean, you have Clay there in the storeroom with Meg, completely bumbling around - "Which alliance? Huh?" But no one ever puts two and two together? They kind of deserve what they get. 


Well, okay, at least Meg admitted that they were "all so stupid". 


I did love Jackie point blank calling Shellie out. That was awesome! Jackie could be a real little spitfire, but it might be too late for it to matter at this point. But, um, why did she end up voting for Jason in the end? That was weird. 


Also, did they even TRY to talk to Steve? If he has all this animosity towards Becky, it should have been easy to sway his vote. I feel like I really don't know much of what's going on in half the house's minds, as far as game play goes. 


I am scared to even say this, but I think I'm developing a crush on Johnny Mac! Blame the picture they showed of him with a beard! That was a good look, he should keep it. I loved seeing his coworkers and hearing from his family. He is definitely my favorite. 


Thank God BOB is over, AND we have an endurance comp! I'm going to have to go peruse the feed thread, because I cannot wait until Sunday to find out who the HOH is. 

Raise  your hand if you would give a weeks pay to see Austin's eagle do an out of control pile drive into his nuts.


I'm a SAHM, but I'd be willing to cook someone dinner for a week, do their laundry, etc. to see that. That would be awesome!


Jackie was my fave on TAR but she dissapointed me tonight be voting with the house and Steve is a pussy. I hate people with NO convictions. He hates Becky but votes with the house. Man up son.


I'm still confused by Steve's vote. He has voted against the house before. But maybe that was because everyone forgot to/intentionally didn't talk to him and he HAD to decide on his own? 

  • Love 1

Again, we had a crazy out-of-context DR moment with Liz's good-bye to Jason. At least I don't recall Jason being particularly horrible to Liz on the show… nothing to warrant that tongue lashing, at least. So just like with Steve's bitter tirade against Becky, I'm left feeling like we're missing out on some parts of this story. Unless Liz really is just a raging bitch, in which case, then I'm actually a little glad that she has to endure Austin's lecherous advances.


But I feel like this season the show is trying to edit together all the gameplay moves (or at least the ones that will make everyone's decisions make sense) and eliminating the personal relationship moments. So when people get angry at someone, we don't understand why. Watching simply the broadcast show, you'd have no idea why Steve is so angry at Becky. And then if he's so angry at Becky, why would he vote to evict Jason? The TV viewer is left wondering. And why did Liz blast Jason in her good-bye message? These are the mysteries of life.


On the plus side, I'm beyond thrilled that they've ditched the Battle of the Block. It seems a little early in the season for that, but maybe that means production has realized that it makes the competition super boring every week as the two HoH's work together to find pawns (and check with them if they're OK to go up on the block) to throw the BotB and backdoor somebody. It may not be completely predictable, but it's certainly repetitive.


And I love that they ran out of celebrities after like, the third week. Week four was the 90s theme week, and now it's just… they gave up. Which is kind of hilarious.

  • Love 2

I'm very confused by this episode.  The first half I'm skeeved out at Austin's way to hands on 'cuddling' with Liz especially when it's mingled with her DR saying that she definitely does not like him.  But then in the second half, she doesn't seem to have a problem with him massaging certain 'zones'.  Men have been though off buildings for messaging feet, much less where he had his hands


Too bad it took them THIS long to figure out there was some kind of alliance going on. They have to got to be a real pack of dolts not to figure that out. I mean, you have Clay there in the storeroom with Meg, completely bumbling around - "Which alliance? Huh?" But no one ever puts two and two together?

Of course there are alliances. You've got HG's in three or four simultaneously. But, how is an individual player to know if there are any to be concerned about?


It sure took Julia a long time to "go right on in". She must have been instructed to wait a while between doors so that Julie could make the big announcement. Now we won't have to keep hearing about the "twins entering the game", as if neither has been in the house before.

I'm probably in the minority, but I was kind of bummed to see Jason go. I found him amusing.



Ghoulina, I'm in that minority status right with you.  I can't remember if this show has a vote for fan favorite.  If so, I wouldn't be surprised to see Jason win.  I think he has the type of charisma that works on television.  Maybe some agent out there will see his appeal and contact him.  

I did love Jackie point blank calling Shellie out. That was awesome! Jackie could be a real little spitfire, but it might be too late for it to matter at this point. But, um, why did she end up voting for Jason in the end? That was weird. 


Also, did they even TRY to talk to Steve? If he has all this animosity towards Becky, it should have been easy to sway his vote. I feel like I really don't know much of what's going on in half the house's minds, as far as game play goes. 


I'd guess that Jackie learned that Clay/Shelli weren't going to flip and decided to keep her relationship with Becky strong. Remember, it was difficult for Jackie to decide between her two allies; for all we know, she may never have told Becky she was considering keeping Jason over her.  Stay close to the girl who's staying, that makes sense to me.


And it's not as if Jason and company are close with Steve, either; they may not know the depths of his anti-Becky animosity.  (Steve's DR was almost played like he was "dropping the mask" and letting his true feelings show, and Jason/Meg/etc didn't get to see that, of course.)


Besides, as noted, Steve's vote would be worthless without another vote, likely Johnny Mac's as everyone else (Clay/Shelli, Austin/Liz) was paired and if you had them, you wouldn't need Steve.  And Jackie knows that John has had an agreement with Clay/Shelli since Week 2 (she and Jeff were part of that, and John reaffirmed by voting to keep Jeff the next week and being open about it) and so if he's likely to follow "Clelli", then it would be Clay and Shelli they needed to get, anyhow.


Again, we had a crazy out-of-context DR moment with Liz's good-bye to Jason. At least I don't recall Jason being particularly horrible to Liz on the show… nothing to warrant that tongue lashing, at least. So just like with Steve's bitter tirade against Becky, I'm left feeling like we're missing out on some parts of this story. Unless Liz really is just a raging bitch, in which case, then I'm actually a little glad that she has to endure Austin's lecherous advances.


But I feel like this season the show is trying to edit together all the gameplay moves (or at least the ones that will make everyone's decisions make sense) and eliminating the personal relationship moments. So when people get angry at someone, we don't understand why. Watching simply the broadcast show, you'd have no idea why Steve is so angry at Becky. And then if he's so angry at Becky, why would he vote to evict Jason? The TV viewer is left wondering. And why did Liz blast Jason in her good-bye message? These are the mysteries of life.


While it's true that the show hasn't shown all of Jason's more charming remarks, even from the broadcast episodes, we know that rather than using his knowledge of the twins to try and build relationships with them and work with/protect them (as Vanessa did), he used his knowledge to expose them to the house and make them a target.  We saw it in Week 2, we saw it when Austin gave him a second chance by trying to make a peace treaty on Sunday's episode (showing events from right before last week's HoH), and Liz specifically complained about it to Jackie when explaining her vote in this episode.  And we've heard Jason (and Da'Vonne) calling Liz "fat Beth" and "thickums", even if, for the sake of Jason's edit, the show didn't make this a constant feature.  Apparently, Liz knows where she stood with him, so she wasn't sorry to see him go.


And while Steve may not be a big fan of Becky's, he's not one of Jason's "crew", either, and he's already voted against the house once this season.  No need to make that a regular habit; look what that did for Audrey.  JMO.

  • Love 2

It looked like Johnny Mac, James and Steve were the best dressed for the endurance comp, with the long sleeves. In any comp where they spray you with water, you always hear the houseguests complain how cold it is.


Jason to Julie, "I knew I was right about everybody." Well if so, why didn't you play on your hunch and form an alliance? Yes, I know that America gets to see the inner workings of everyone's game, but I don't understand why Jason, as a so called super fan played such a crappy game?  


Steve once again is perplexing. He apparently hates Becky, but votes Jason? I haven't a clue about what his strategy is.  


During the twin reveal, was James faking a shocked reaction or did he truly not know?


Glad to hear BotB and the HOH duos are gone. I'm thinking Becky might have a good shot at getting HOH. She's small, with small feet and in good shape. before they cut to commercial, Meg was already moaning about how tough it was. Jason was right, she does appear to have jelly legs. Spindly, with no muscle tone. 


Didn't realize how much Clay is relying on Shelli? She's the Master to his Blaster (Beyond Thunderdome fans anyone?). He's just a big dumb lump. 


I hope now that Julia is finally here that she puts a crimp in Austin's attempts at wooing of Liz. I can see him getting annoyed that Liz wants to have bonding time alone with her twin. 


off to the live feed thread to see who won. PLEASE let it be a non Sixth Sense member. 

Edited by aurora296
  • Love 1

When did they end Battle of the Block last year? Is it ending earlier this year?


It really seems like Shelli and Clay don't have a brain between them but Vanessa's not much better. I mean, she did pretty much spell out for them that by backdooring Jason they were drawing a line in the sand and Shelli/Clay must not have understood that at all. On the other hand I'm sick to death of Vanessa saying she doesn't want to get blood on her hands and always trying to make someone else do her dirty work - or blaming someone else after the fact. At the end of the day she's HoH and she's the one who picks the nominee. If there's anyone to be angry with it's her. I think the other HGs were just more focused on Shelli and Clay because they realized they'd been fooled by them and felt like a bunch of suckers. Which they were.



Soooo…Jason has decided that his eviction means he "was right about everything


Yeah, and I always love it when an evicted HG has to brag about maintaining their integrity or being true to themselves. "I lost because I have integrity." Well, then, go home and enjoy your integrity in your mom's basement, loser.

  • Love 1


During the twin reveal, was James faking a shocked reaction or did he truly not know?

Since he isn't part of the alliance, it is possible he didn't know they'd play separately.  Is he enough of a fan to know what happened in Season 5? I've only watched for a few years, so if I didn't have google, I wouldn't know there was already a twin twist, and that was the result.

Why does Steve hate Becky??  I ask this here because it was mentioned twice this week (once by him and once by Julie) but I don't recall seeing any interaction between then two of them.  Somebody help!


Austin is a creepy dude.  He skeeves me out.  It's so obvious Liz doesn't give two craps about him, but in his head he thinks she enjoyed the kiss??  I literally cringed at his cluelessness.  So terrible.


I don't really strongly dislike anyone at this point, but Jackie is my favorite.  Loved her calling out Shelly.  Shelly reminds me of an actress that was on General Hospital that I disliked, so I think that's making me dislike her a bit as well.  Those giant teeth aren't helping either (sorry for the shallowness!).

  • Love 1

The BotB lasted 8 weeks last season-3 more weeks than this season.


But it ended when Nichole returned to the House from Jury, with Cody becoming sole HoH by winning that "punch out" memory comp.  (And Nichole not only getting the answers wrong but giving the same wrong answer three times running…ugh.)


So maybe the common thread is that, once everybody who might/is going to enter the house is finally in, then BotB is over.  Not necessarily sure why those two events would need to be linked, but I guess the idea is now that Julia has a level playing field, we don't need the fancy Sunday comp, or something.  


Praying that Sunday's nomination ceremony involves a box of keys, if only because perhaps production is uncertain if the HGs would automatically be able to tell the twins' photos apart on the Bluetooth.  ("Wait, isn't that Julia's picture?  I thought you nominated Liz, dude!"  "Oops.")  But I don't think there are any keyholes on this memory wall, so my hope is probably in vain.


And while Becky might well win the HoH, I don't think she qualifies as "small".  I think she's the tallest girl in the house, in fact.  (Save for perhaps, Julia.)   

Edited by DAngelus
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