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Jazz and the Jennings Family in the Media

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What the heck is going on with the grandmother's eyes ?  I have to admit that I didn't know what "bronzer" was until I saw it on the mother's face.


Is it suppose to look like that ? Seems kinda heavy/dark.

Edited by Taylorh2
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16 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Just saw an ad for season 2, it starts June 8th.

I saw it as well. Not sure if I am going to like season 2 as much as season 1 if TLC will have their over exaggerated plot devices as: mystery threatening phone calls (yes I realize they will be getting crank and threatening calls but comeon, they are on national television. That is to be expected - don't be shocked) and Jazz's brothers feeling that they are getting the short end of the stick.  

I wish that TLC would just focus on the family as a unit and specifically on Jazz, her struggles growing up as a trans teen.

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The hate is real though. Just look at the comment section of any of Jazz's YouTube videos. As for her brothers, they shot this series during their senior year in high school (this past year) and maybe they did feel like they should have more of their parent's time since they both are going to college in a few months. Jazz's mom is too savvy to let TLC fuck with her family.

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Not sure if I am going to like season 2 as much as season 1 if TLC will have their over exaggerated plot devices

Yeah, the first season already had too much "just for the show" stuff for my tastes (my tolerance is low), so I'm nervous about how much of that they'll resort to in a second season.  But, although this has always been more of a reality show/less of a documentary series than I normally watch, I'm in just because of the subject matter.  I think it's great to get a glimpse into the life of a transgender person, and I'm sure as hell not enduring Caitlyn Jenner to do it, so I'm happy this series exists.  Plus, I like the family, especially Jazz -- it is so nice to listen to a teenage girl on TV who doesn't speak like a moron and who has numerous interests and concerns, rather than focusing almost exclusively on dating.

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39 minutes ago, stillhere1900 said:

From the previews, looks like Jazz is going into surgery. Is she having 'reassignment surgery ?

Crikey, I hope not. Many surgeons in this country (USA) consider those surgeries unethical in any case, and to perform one on a 14-15-year-old should be unthinkable. It's probably something else and they're just letting viewers think it might be SRS.

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3 hours ago, okerry said:

Crikey, I hope not. Many surgeons in this country (USA) consider those surgeries unethical in any case, and to perform one on a 14-15-year-old should be unthinkable. It's probably something else and they're just letting viewers think it might be SRS.

They aren't allowed to operate on a minor so it can't be that. Also, the new term is gender confirmation surgery.

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This topic is for media about the show not arguments about specious websites and speculations about pet medical theories. Do not start arguments in here about this. Posts will be hidden and warnings given out. We had A LOT of issues with posts during season 1 and I do not want a repeat.

There is a thread for questions about what it means to be transgender where you can respectfully talk about this issue. Refer again to the glad media resources posted in this thread for language questions and how to respectfully talk about people. Transphobic language will NOT be tolerated. If you have a problem with this rule PM me.

This is your only warning about this.

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Thank you. I'm so tired of reading transgender bashing and would hope not to see it here.

Not sure I am in for a second season, although I am very fond of Jazz and her family. My tolerance for these kind of staged reality shows is waning. I do wish her nothing but good things, she seems like a great kid.

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Did anyone watch the special that was on last night on TLC?  It was catching up with Jazz and the family.  I have to say I really like the grandfather. For a man his age and his generation he is really accepting of his granddaughter and slams down haters. Kudos to gramps!

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It was a repeat of the interview special they aired at the end of season one - in which, yes, the grandpa was pretty much my favorite part - but it also included a sneak peek of the upcoming season.  I was making dinner, though, and didn't get to see that part.

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On 3/30/2017 at 2:24 PM, biakbiak said:

I understand the financial benefits for doing this show, but Jazz is still a kid. Being on reality tv is hard in general, never mind those out there that would wish her physical harm (as well as the harrasment aspect). However at least she is trying to educate others and show support and empathy for other trans-kids, which is a good thing. 

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I am supportive of Jazz and that individual's quest to find their way. As someone in the arts, I've always been around TG people my whole life, am completely supportive, and know two who have completed all surgeries -- one, I know well. But I am a bio woman in my 50s and have some questions about how young people are now defining male or female. Women my age worked SO HARD to have equal rights, even to wear pants at work (I'm a full-time musician and we were not allowed to wear anything onstage other than a floor-length gown until recently), not to mention being allowed to work at all. But now it seems females are defined as giggly, brainless ornaments who wear pink doilies, earn $0.69/dollar and have few aspirations other than shopping for makeup. TG males make more sense, as identifying male will increase earning potential, being taken seriously, and participating in activities that will advance professional life and the ability to support oneself and a family. I don't understand what happened here. Thoughts? It just seems to set women back half a century -- including transgender women. I'm straight, but the transgender phenomenon seems at odds with lesbian interests too. I'm not trying to stir a pot here, but I'm honestly interested in others' perceptions so I can increase my understanding.

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54 minutes ago, orangeiguana said:

But now it seems females are defined as giggly, brainless ornaments who wear pink doilies, earn $0.69/dollar and have few aspirations other than shopping for makeup. TG males make more sense, as identifying male will increase earning potential, being taken seriously, and participating in activities that will advance professional life and the ability to support oneself and a family. I don't understand what happened here. Thoughts? It just seems to set women back half a century -- including transgender women. I'm straight, but the transgender phenomenon seems at odds with lesbian interests too.

I am not sure if you are assuming that transgender people *choose* to be transgender, since you say "TG males make more sense" which implies that they are identifying that way to gain a societal advantage. Gender identity is similar to sexual orientation in that it is innate and has been around forever, so not really a phenomenon in a "suddenly there's so many trans people" way. They are just becoming more vocal and visible. Within the transgender community there are very girly trans women and very "tomboy-ish" trans women, just like with cisgender women. It is impossible to pigeon-hole such a large and diverse group. I found "She's Not There" by Jennifer Finney-Boylan to be a great book about what it means to be transgender and go through transition, about how the hormones make you experience a second puberty and become basically a teenager (ie a bit more shallow) again, and about how you can identify as a woman but still like "guy stuff" like football and cars.

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I think the other Jennings kids are going to have a lot of hidden resentment that will eventually come out.  

Not that this is the same thing, but I've read that siblings of terminally or chronically ill kids often have issues because they are always on the sidelines and miss out on a lot of their parents attention, not because their parents don't want to give them attention but simply because the parents whole energy and focus must be on the ill child, it's just a natural thing that can happen when you have one very ill child and your other children are healthy. The child with the huge need is obviously going to need a lot more from you. 

I think this will be sort of like what happens to the Jennings kids. I mean, one of Jazz's brothers ALREADY stated on the show that his mom missed out on a lot of his activities because she was always off doing interviews and shows and things like that for Jazz.

Now, in the case of the terminally ill children, the siblings can have issues from being on the sidelines, but they realize that their sibling is very sick and they cope because they know it wasn't anyone's choice for things to be this way and they want their sibling to be okay.

In Jazz's case, I don't think her siblings will give her the same benefit that healthy siblings give terminally ill siblings. If Jazz was the parent's focus because she had to have surgeries and hormone injections and got bullied at school, ok, her siblings would rally around her more. But that's not the case. Her siblings are on the sidelines because Jazz has her own show and her mother has to travel around with her for publicity purposes. And I think THAT is the thing that will lead to resentment. Basically, that their mom is totally checked out when it comes to her other kids because she's making their sibling into a spokesperson and media darling.

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@Mommyof2 I'm a Sib ( sibling of someone with a disablity) and I've spoken a bit about my experiences on this board. I belong to a group of Adult Sibs (Sibnet, there is a child chapter as well, and a teen chapter), and I've spoken about how I see similarities regarding how me and my fellow sibs grew up and how Jazz's siblings have grown up. (It's like having a terminally ill sibling)

I do see a LOT of similarities, but I have to say how someone reacts or feels about their family varies just as much as families themselves. Many of my sib cohorts state they felt neglected as kids etc- I NEVER felt that way (despite the severity of my sister's disability- she's a 29 year old toddler, a mom that worked 80 hrs a week as a single parent and my ill grandfather that lived with us). Any issues I had with being a Sib certainly aren't related to where the dollars were spent (I grew up similarly to Jazz socio-economically).

I say all this to say that whatever Ari and the twins feel is valid, but I'm not putting words in their mouth or assuming they feel xyz because a third party observer who's never lived in the home thinks they would feel xyz in that situation. 

Edited by Scarlett45
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I don't think it's unreasonable for any of us to speculate on what will happen in the future or what they may possibly be feeling.  This is a forum.  And since many people in similar situations HAVE felt that way, I don't think it's unreasonable to speculate that they, too, may feel that way at some point.

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1 minute ago, Mommyof2 said:

I don't think it's unreasonable for any of us to speculate on what will happen in the future or what they may possibly be feeling.  This is a forum.  And since many people in similar situations HAVE felt that way, I don't think it's unreasonable to speculate that they, too, may feel that way at some point.

Oh no of course not. I was just putting another view point out there. There are a lot of assumptions about the Sib experience, and often the squeakest wheel gets the oil. Very much like the Jennings family that doesn't mean the non-squeaky wheels are not being cared for. 

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Also, the increased publicity from having a reality show is a recent development, one that occurred when the other kids were mostly grown.  Jeanette was a stay-at-home parent, so even though she did spend time accompanying Jazz to speaking engagements, she was still around a lot as they grew up.  They may very well have had more a fair deal more time with her than with Greg, but that doesn't automatically mean they resent him.

It's hard to know how the others all feel, since the show is about (meaning focused on) Jazz, not the Jennings family at large.  How the "typical" kids in a family that includes a sibling with special circumstances is always interesting to me.  From what has been presented, the other kids take note of but don't particularly resent Jazz getting more than an even 1/4 of the parental attention, but we've only had glimpses.  I'd be happy to see that explored further.

Edited by Bastet
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I'm most interested in what's going on with Ari.  She has noticeably removed herself completely from anything having to do with the show and I would be interested in some insight as to why.  You see her around and with her family, but she doesn't participate in the sit-down interviews and seems to avoid the cameras as much as possible which is different from before when she did participate.  

I think the twins are very articulate and insightful about Jazz and her impact on the family dynamics.  I don't think they get enough credit from their parents, then again who does besides Jazz, for how astute and aware they are about the situation.  They and Ari seem to be very supportive of their sister and her struggles, but also aware of how they have in turn, not on purpose, been short shifted in a lot of different ways from their parents.  

And as supportive as her siblings have been of her, I don't really see Jazz ever really returning the favor in any meaningful way for them because she's such a self-centered person who is really selective about who she has empathy for.  I haven't seen her once acknowledge and support them the way they do her.  Yeah, the show isn't about them, but there have been moments where she could try to see things from their perspective and doesn't but just brushes their feelings aside and barrels ahead with whatever is important to her at the moment.  Some examples that stand out to me are when they were doing the family run and Jeanette wanted to name the family TEAM after Jazz, and one of the boys was like  "um no, this isn't about her."  Jazz had no comment.  And most recently when her brother was uncomfortable discussing her bottom surgery over lunch like ANYONE, transgender or not would be, and she was like "deal with it, my vagina is family now."

I've been glad to see the grandfather push back against Jazz's self-centeredness and refusal to consider that she may not be right all the time.  Someone needs to do it.  I've always thought that the siblings have wanted to, but maybe feel that it isn't worth the hassle to try.  She cannot continue with her "my way or the highway" attitude if she wants to be successful in life.  It's funny in an ironic way that she's going on Tomi Lahren's show next week.  They have the same style when it comes to their beliefs and it's going to be interesting to see Jazz have to deal with someone just like herself.  Stubborn, rude, interrupts when others are speaking, and refuses to see the other side.  I'm not going to feel bad for her one bit.  They knew what they were getting into with Tomi Lahren.  I bet she doesn't see the irony of the situation though.

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Typical Duggar, biting the hand that feeds him. I hope the Dullards are expelled from the Duggars' lame excuse for  "reality" show. 

Grown men should know better than to bully children. And yes, by singling out Jazz, I consider this an incidence of bullying. I hope she takes the high road and acknowledge the statements Dillard made without it becoming a pissing war. The latter will just cause Dillard to martyr himself. I've followed the Duggars for years; martyrdom is their MO when their backs are against the wall.

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I think also there may be the dynamic that in addition to everything else, Jazz is the baby of the family. The youngest child often gets a different amount/form of attention, right or wrong.

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I have to say that I'm so glad that I found this forum. So much discussion of this show on other online venues is very one-sided, either super positive or hateful. This seems more objective and critical.  Some of what I have to say may not be the most politically correct stuff in the world, but I have a feeling I'm not alone in some of my views.

I remember watching the very first Barbara Walters interview 10 years ago with Greg and Jeanette (or Scott and Renee, as they were referred to then) and to be honest, Jeanette instantly rubbed me the wrong way. I don't know why, but I just got the impression that she was enjoying this media attention just a little too much. I'm always bothered by interviews with couples, especially about serious matters such as this, when one partner basically does all the talking while the other is largely silent. If you look up the interview on YouTube, everything out of Jeanette's mouth is "I, I, I, me, me, me" while Greg, as he does now, sits on his ass in quiet deference. I'd be curious to know if this how their entire marriage has always been or if Jeanette unilaterally sort of took over when it became obvious that Jazz was transgender. I just don't know why he never just stands up to her. Is she really THAT intimidating? Something tells me that after Jazz moves out and goes on with her life (if she does), the marriage won't last much longer. And please tell me that I'm not the only one who never really bought Jeanette's story about 3-year-old Jazz asking her when the fairy was going to change her penis into a vagina, using those exact words. Even for a kid as articulate and well-spoken as Jazz, that seems like a stretch.  As usual, we only have Jeanette's word about this.*

I think the main problem with Jazz — and it goes back to the parents — is that she doesn't really have a sense of identity other than the fact that she's transgender. It seems she was never really allowed or encouraged to just be a kid, nor was she ever really treated like one. It's excellent that they support their daughter and her gender identity all the way, but she's still a child who needs boundaries and discipline. Somehow, they (namely Jeanette) have equated calling out Jazz's bad behavior as "stifling her identity". Jazz of course knows this and takes full advantage. I have a feeling that this is why we basically don't see her cisgender friends from early on in the series anymore. Every get-together probably turned into Jazz pontificating about transgender issues. Friend disagrees? They're transphobic! Friend misunderstands? They're ignorant and narrow-minded! Friend asks politely to talk about something else for a little while? They're invoking their privilege and are trying to silence people like her! I think you get the point. They keep bringing up the fact that Jazz has no friends her own age. To be honest, I wouldn't be totally shocked to find that there are in fact classmates of hers who have tried to befriend her and get to know her as a person, but soon found her to be self-righteous and victim-playing. Even the kindest people can only take so much, and not everything needs to be a "teachable moment". I get that Jazz is also depressed, but she shouldn't just get a pass.

On 8/2/2017 at 10:41 PM, Mommyof2 said:

I think the other Jennings kids are going to have a lot of hidden resentment that will eventually come out. 

Not that this is the same thing, but I've read that siblings of terminally or chronically ill kids often have issues because they are always on the sidelines and miss out on a lot of their parents attention, not because their parents don't want to give them attention but simply because the parents whole energy and focus must be on the ill child, it's just a natural thing that can happen when you have one very ill child and your other children are healthy. The child with the huge need is obviously going to need a lot more from you. 

I think this will be sort of like what happens to the Jennings kids. I mean, one of Jazz's brothers ALREADY stated on the show that his mom missed out on a lot of his activities because she was always off doing interviews and shows and things like that for Jazz.

Now, in the case of the terminally ill children, the siblings can have issues from being on the sidelines, but they realize that their sibling is very sick and they cope because they know it wasn't anyone's choice for things to be this way and they want their sibling to be okay.

In Jazz's case, I don't think her siblings will give her the same benefit that healthy siblings give terminally ill siblings. If Jazz was the parent's focus because she had to have surgeries and hormone injections and got bullied at school, ok, her siblings would rally around her more. But that's not the case. Her siblings are on the sidelines because Jazz has her own show and her mother has to travel around with her for publicity purposes. And I think THAT is the thing that will lead to resentment. Basically, that their mom is totally checked out when it comes to her other kids because she's making their sibling into a spokesperson and media darling.

I always wanted to know more about how the siblings really feel about how their parents treat Jazz as well as Jazz herself. It's clear that much of their childhoods were centered on Jazz. It's completely understandable that they would defend her, support her, etc. But I get the impression that they were all sort of expected to handle her with kid gloves at all times and never upset her in any way. It's not hard for me to picture a scenario where, say, 10-year-old Sander and Griffin want to go play with some neighborhood boys at the park and 7-year-old Jazz wants to tag along. Like most boys their age, they don't want their little sister constantly following them around and tell her no. Jazz goes crying to Jeanette who then guilts the twins into taking her. It was probably nothing that extreme, but I'm sure they probably were made to include Jazz in more of their activities than was really necessary. And I highly doubt Ari or the twins would have ever gotten away with talking back to their grandfather the way Jazz did.


* I don't believe for one minute that Jeanette "made" Jazz transgender. I'm merely saying that a lot of the stories and anecdotes about what Jazz said or did as a child seem to only come from Jeanette sans any real verification, namely Greg.

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@Bobby88 Thanks for your post. I too wonder how Jazz perceives herself outside of being a transgender advocate. I've talked a bit on this board about my experiences as a Sib and I have seen a lot of Moms (not my own though) who's entire identity becomes advocating for their sick and/or disabled child (not saying Jazz is sick or disabled) and when that child is cured or passes away,  the parent has lost themselves (not speaking to the horrid grief of simply losing a child). 

As far as the siblings, it doesn't help that Jazz is the baby of the family, and baby children often get different attention. I know Ari, Griffen and Sander love Jazz, and have their "we are going to roll our eyes at her in our sibling way", but I can see moments where they are like "Mom! we are here too." I just don't see as much resentment brewing as others see, but perhaps my experiences growing up as a Sib, living with a perpetual toddler, with a Mom that worked 80hrs a week created a different baseline for me.

Im sure Jazz will have bottom surgery one day, and after she does I think she will have a period of "oh what the f do I do now", which is fine many people go through that. Other posters have made it analogous to those that lose significant amounts of weight and expect their life to totally change. 

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I was looking up something about Jazz and found an article stating that she was caught by the paprazzi while buying weed back in December. I’ll admit that I got a bit of a chuckle out of it. It’s a bit weird though, you wouldn’t think Jazz is such pap bait that she gets followed and photographed around her city. 


But on the bright side, she’s biking! https://radaronline.com/photos/jazz-jennings-deal-suspicious-substance-photos-i-am-jazz/

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Eep... I don't care if an adult uses recreational marijuana, but a depressed teenager whose brain isn't done cooking yet? That makes me a little nervous. It probably doesn't help curb her appetite, either, which is not great considering she openly admits to binge eating.

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On 3/24/2018 at 3:07 PM, SongbirdHollow said:

Does she? I just saw her onstage at the March for Our Lives.  Go Noelle!

Yep, here she is on the HumansofMSD Instagram account. 

I realize it's not technically part of Jazz's journey, but it'd be a shame if the show doesn't touch on Noelle's involvement with all of this. For someone that we "know" (at least as well as you can know a supporting character on a reality TV show) to be part of something first so terrible and then so inspiring is really interesting. Does anyone know if they've been filming at all over the last month? 

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This is about Jazz's upcoming surgery.  I'm putting in spoiler since it does have some. Warning.



It says that Jazz has lost more than the 30 pound weight loss goal and that her surgery date is now June 20th.  She'll be 18 years old in October. I think that as her parents, I'd likely have waited, and she could have not needed parental approval in Oct.  



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