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I was moved when Tamra quoted Christ himself. "I'm saved. And if you don't like it, you can suck it". I said those very words when I was saved at the age of fourteen - not. This one has a real grasp on Christianity. Her version includes making jokes about taking it deep in front of an obviously uncomfortable Katie. God help her mini-me Meghan, who claimed Tamra as a mentor. A true famewhore it would seem.


I think it would be poetic justice for Andy to invite Alexis to the reunion after this season is over just so she can call Tamra JESUS JUGS!  lol!

  • Love 14
Shannon was kinda right when she said Meghan's dopey question about how many hors d'oeuvres to serve is actually a question she should be asking a caterer.  Why ask Shannon that?  I get she was trying to make a connection, but it was a lame way to do it.  This is an indication of your social skills, Meghan?  I am not getting the impression you are an effective communicator, hun.  This is how you sold 300 thou in medical supplies regularly, like you were bragging to us a few eps ago?  Really?  You better bone up on those social skills, Meghan, dear, cuz when asshole Jimmy dumps your ass, you'll need 'em.



Ha, I just thought of something. My sister is a pharm rep, similar to what Meghan did (there are lots of reps in MO, not all states allow it anymore) but anyway, my sister has parties for doctors to promote her drug, and she does it all from setting up everything to actually selling the product and giving her lecture. So, that said, I can totally see my sis asking another rep for help on where/ what to order for a particular region or set of doctors.  Meghan is young though, so she isn't a seasoned entertainer and is learning everything. She's sort of like Kathryn from Southern Charm, trying to be the gracious hostess and lady of house, but has a long ways to go given the status and lifestyle of the man she married and his friends. 


But Meghan is too thin! Her face has  no fat whatsover, so her skin just folds across her face when she smiles because she has no fat to push it out. Her legs look like they will break. 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 6
Tamra is just gross. What was with the recurring toilet paper gag?


Just when I think Tams can't get any trashier or sink any lower into the gutter, she surprises me!  Congrats on that, Tams.  Seems to be your only talent, hun.  Stick with it, I suppose.

I really don't want to hear about anyone's religious or political beliefs.


And I really don't want to hear these idiots' criticisms of people's religious customs & traditions.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 9

Shannon needs to find a balance between "walking on eggshells" and being a dick.  But I'm old school, I guess, in that I feel like some thoughts you keep to yourself, or express anonymously online or with friends who know how to keep their mouths shut, or whatever else you can do to process them harmlessly.  You don't always have to inflict them on their target.


That said, holy shit did she piss off the editors.  I thought she'd come back with a product to shill and be irritating because of that.  I didn't foresee...this.  They didn't need to air her quest for a full bar.


For what it's worth, I think Megan's pretty, mostly.  I'm not sold on her yet, though.  Consequently I don't care much about the phone call bullshit, except for my feeling that Shannon should have shut up and taken it.  I mean, sharing feelings incessantly to clear one's own conscience is kind of her thing, shouldn't she allow someone else to do the same?


It was nice seeing them seem to have genuine fun at Heather's advertisement (shouldn't they have to stick a little icon on their identifying it as such?).

  • Love 6

I still love Shannon. She is sabatoging herself but there is something real about her that I enjoy.

My least favorite is Meghan. She just kept picking and picking at Shannon. I didn't even think Shannon was rude during the call. So what, she didn't call Meghan back. That hardly merited Meghan reacting the way she did.

Edited by Brooke0707
  • Love 8

Heather is ridiculous, but she's in on the joke. She's rich and happy and having fun, inventing wines and such. I think she's fun. I really enjoy her clothes.

Is it even polite to mention someone's plastic surgery? "You look great!" is the way to nod to it. Why does Tamra want every individual to say "your tits are back"? (Wish I could make a funny joke about where they might have been.)

Shannon is just a terror. She needs help, she really does. Honey, if he's making you this crazy, you need to let go. Just sad.

Edited by SFoster21
  • Love 12

OK, so let's get this straight.  Meghan assumed Shannon was gonna text her back about some strange question, from someone she met once & talked to for maybe what -- 20 seconds, if that?  I mean, c'mon, WTF?  I have trouble getting back to peeps who luv me, let alone some fool I met once for a second, who is asking me a question she can easily find the answer to herself.  I would have ignored her too.


Now, on the other hand, Meghan has a right to invite whoever she wants to her house.  And Shannon was self-absorbed (as usual) & nasty to her.  If she wants an invite to her party she shoulda been at least a teeny tiny bit concerned about how Meghan felt.  But Shannon couldn't care less.  The woman has really deep problems just getting outside of her head.  She needs help.  And not new-agey bullshit, but real help from a therapist.  She just does not know how to deal with people.


Idk, Shannon's reaction to Meghan was over-the-top & nutty.  Maybe something else was going on in her head.  This young & beautiful & seemingly supremely confident gal makes her seethe with jealousy?  Maybe.  She's thinking David is panting lookin' at Meghan & it drives Shannon nuts?  Maybe.  Who knows?  The woman is a jittery loon & I don't think it takes much to set her off.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 7

I noticed that when Meghan was talking about moving to California, she said she "misses the little ones."   Does anyone know who they are?  I'm guessing that Meghan doesn't have any children and the "little ones" might be Jim's from his second marriage.  Yes?   No?

I think the other kids are from his 2nd wife and live in MO. His two kids with his first wife live in CA. The one is still a minor so she lives with him (they might share custody) and the other is probably an adult and in college or something. He married his second wife in 2008, so the kids are at the oldest 7. 

  • Love 3

Katie Hamilton looks just like Christina Aguilera, Genie in the Bottle days.

I can't believe I loved Shannon last season. Shes a nasty piece of work. And how come she can drink vodka like a fish, but David can't drink at all?

Yea, ole' Shannon couldn't wait to find the bar so she could start drinking some hard liquor. To hell with that Collette crap! 

  • Love 10

Re: the preview for next week, it is so delicious seeing the wheels turn in Heather and Tamra's heads: "Last year, we ate it for trying to take down Shannon - so, this year we're going to leap at the chance to rally around her!" Since when has Tamra ever cared if someone was left out of something? She is usually foaming at the mouth over the drama.

  • Love 9

I thought it was funny that Tamra, Katie, and Meghan talked about church and religion and then Tamra said 'suck it' and then proceeded to do just that to the wine tasting wand/spout and so did Meghan. So classy ladies!

Shannon just needs to stop and get a grip. She is looking to pick fights with everyone. It's ok for her to drink vodka but David isn't allowed to have some Saki. I'd drink if I had to put up with Shannon and her sour puss bitchiness too.

I'm sick of Heather. We know, we know you are filthy rich, wine is wine to me, spending $135,000 for cabinets? What a snob! And Terry must really hate his daughter Collette. He always says mean stuff about her.

  • Love 7

[quote name="Straycat80" post="1265146" timestamp="

I'm sick of Heather. We know, we know you are filthy rich, wine is wine to me, spending $135,000 for cabinets? What a snob! And Terry must really hate his daughter Collette. He always says mean stuff about her.

That's how much she went over budget. The total cost of the cabinets was more than $600,000. I can't begin to grasp the total budget of that house.

  • Love 5

Shannon is a reality tv show's wet dream.  She has no problem, none, with airing all dirty laundry on tv.  She cries over everything and freaks out about everything else.  She cannot let anything, even the smallest comment, go. 


ET Phone Home must have taken note of this last season because she wasted no time trying to pick a fight with her.  Tamra is loud and obnoxious, and Heather and Lizzie can handle themselves verbally.  So the "best" targets for ET to pick? Shannon and Vicki.  Vicki's not here and Shannon is a walking, talking target, so she wins.  So completely stupid. 

  • Love 7

The producers have passed the torch to her while Tamra is somewhere is thanking the lord for plastic surgery.

I think Tamra's tack is to pass to the "mentor" role; she is a proud grandmother who has found Jesus. At least, she appears joyful and welcoming. The inevitable decline will be amusing to witness.

Although, it would be nice if Jesus would caution her to can the raunchy talk in mixed company.

Edited by SFoster21
  • Love 3

Anyone watch Heather on WWHL?  Eh, honestly I just haven't the patience or strength.  If anyone saw, please us know if she said anything worthwhile bout this ep.  Thanks in advance, cuz I know how much work watching Heather is.  We should ALL get paid for it.

I watched.  I'm not great at objectivity, so take this for what you will...


She was kind of awesome.  Opened by suggesting that "Odd Mom Out" show is based on her life, or so "people" have said.  She went off on Star magazine for suggesting she took her daughter to get her legs waxed.  She was defensive when questioned about bragging- it's a window into her world, she'd like you to know that if you don't like it you can fast-forward.  She was neutral on Shannon vs. Meghan.  She misses neither Alexis nor Gretchen (though they're lovely, of course).  


About this episode specifically...I thought her most interesting comment was about Shannon's oversharing.  Thankfully she didn't use the word "brave," though Andy almost did (sidenote: someone suggested he loves "trainwrecks" he got pissed).  But she did say it would be helpful for people to see that kind of reality...and then she declined to answer whether Shannon/David shared that reality with the people they were actually interacting with.  That made me think Shannon did not in fact share the marital woes with her costars, and while I get that I can't help but also think that perhaps Shannon just saved shit for television.  I think it's weird to hide it in person as you prepare to televise it.

  • Love 7

Meghan is an attractive woman. Yeah, she has a long neck. So what. What do you want her to do? Get neck shortening surgery. Sorry, I hate it when people make fun of physical features that people are born with that they have no control over. I'll get off my soap box.


I couldn't agree more. Making fun of any physical feature of another person is horrible, but especially something like a neck.

It's bad when a woman does it to a woman, but it's even worse when a man does it to a woman.

Then they get made fun of for having surgery to fix it.

  • Love 12

Anyone watch Heather on WWHL? Eh, honestly I just haven't the patience or strength. If anyone saw, please us know if she said anything worthwhile bout this ep. Thanks in advance, cuz I know how much work watching Heather is. We should ALL get paid for it.

Just to add what Phx missed she said you dont like her scenes fast ffwd.

Shannon is a reality tv show's wet dream. She has no problem, none, with airing all dirty laundry on tv. She cries over everything and freaks out about everything else. She cannot let anything, even the smallest comment, go.

Yep. She might be annoying for some but Shannon puts the REAL in REAL HWs

  • Love 4

I would love to see a spinoff of Shannon having lunch with RHONY's Bethany. Not really but kinda. The neurosis!

Ugh! I can just picture it.

Shannon: David. David. DAVID!

Bethenny: Get off my jock. Is she gonna watch my every move? Is she my mother? Is she going to burp me when I'm done with my meal? I'm glad I have this Skinny Girl vodka and branded Skinny Girl glasses.

David: Can I have a shot of that Skinny Girl vodka?

Shannon: David, what were you saying to her? What were you telling her David? David, were you drinking? DAVID!

  • Love 13

Whoever said that Meghan reminded them of Ally Sheedy, I'm high fiving you.

I'm calling her Plastic Sheedy, though.

Thank you, thank you very much. :)

It's the unusual mouth expressions? Not sure, but it's something.

As Heather would say, she's an amalgam...cross between Ally Sheedy, IMO also Kristen Stewart & another poster nailed it with Tracey Gold...

  • Love 2

And Terry must really hate his daughter Collette. He always says mean stuff about her.



I feel for that kid if she ever sees any of these episodes of Terry calling her a bitch, a mistake and mean when she is older.  I don't think naming a drink after her will make up for that.  Terry is such a horrible father if he thinks that shit is funny.  And Heather can lose me with her rant on WWHL about that magazine saying she had her daughter's legs waxed, yet when Terry makes tasteless remarks about their youngest daughter she just laughs it off.  I can't stand either of them.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 4

So the guys have such busy schedules it made sense for them to drive in Friday afternoon rush hour traffic from OC to Napa rather than flying? That makes no sense.

Shannon and Meghan both need to let things go. I love how Meghan felt it necessary to twice bring up the hoedown saying that they had cleared that up, then why mention it again?

And Shannon is going to send David into another affair. That will be on him for being to passive to actually end the marriage but it won't come out of nowhere. I am curious about how Shannon used to be because it doesn't seem like she is capable of not saying whatever is on her mind.

  • Love 3

So the guys have such busy schedules it made sense for them to drive in Friday afternoon rush hour traffic from OC to Napa rather than flying? That makes no sense.


I was wondering about that myself.  The ladies' private flight probably took no more than 1.5 hours.  If Heather is standing on the tarmac in/by Napa announcing to the girls that she received word that the guys were on their way (by car, no less!), you mean to tell me that the ladies couldn't wait another 1.5 - 2 hours for the guys to fly with them?  That's bullshit; I'd be pissed if I was one of the guys.

  • Love 3

I googled it and its a 6 hour 45 minute between oc and Napa. I live in Northern California (SF Bay Area - Napa is probably an hourish away) and I would think 6.45 is generous, I remember Disneyland taking approx. 8 hours. The boys had to have flew to SF Airport and then drove. The traffic, of course, would be bad pretty much any day of the week, but Friday would be horrible.

  • Love 5

I feel for that kid if she ever sees any of these episodes of Terry calling her a bitch, a mistake and mean when she is older.  I don't think naming a drink after her will make up for that.  Terry is such a horrible father if he thinks that shit is funny.  And Heather can lose me with her rant on WWHL about that magazine saying she had her daughter's legs waxed, yet when Terry makes tasteless remarks about their youngest daughter she just laughs it off.  I can't stand either of them.

Maybe she won't have to see it because they will just tell her they said it. That's what we did when we told out grown kids we jokingly called them our little bitch or Bastardo once or twice. This doesn't seem to have made them question our love for them. I have zero idea why this would make them bad parents, or mean as someone said above, that "Terry hates her". Really?

  • Love 9


Tamra is just gross. What was with the recurring toilet paper gag? It was like she was proud of it. Anything for attention I guess. I'm also not feeling her redemption edit. Although she was sort of fun to watch this episode, my eyes rolled back in my head when she started with the "I'm saved" talk. Ok Tamra. I'd be happy if this were her last season. She's totally played out at this point.

Is it just me who's seriously fed up with the incredible level of vulgarity which Tamra has now hit? Praise Jesus and pass the fellatio jokes? Rub your latest set of bolt ons in everyone's figurative face? No one cares; I know I don't. Endless anal jokes? Really? This isn't even high school, this is junior high. Guys, I can get as raunchy as the next person but I've now hit the point of enough is enough and I'm bored with this pathetic excuse of a fame whore and her desperate search for a storyline/income.


She's beyond snark, she's simply gone past her sell-by date for me and I'm tired of Tamra, her faux bullshit, her crap and her juvenile, mean-girl  nastiness. No kidding, she's over and it's time for her to go away. These shows have devolved to now being --for me--unwatchable. We all know they're scripted and overseen buy a man (men?) who can only be describes as misogynistic. The stereotypical portrayals of women on these show--nasty, bleached blond, big boobs, catty, on their 2nd, 3rd or whatever marriages, materialistic, petty, shallow-- have become beyond insulting; This isn't entertainment to me; I'm gone.

Edited by Beden
  • Love 10

OK, so let's get this straight.  Meghan assumed Shannon was gonna text her back about some strange question, from someone she met once & talked to for maybe what -- 20 seconds, if that?  I mean, c'mon, WTF?  I have trouble getting back to peeps who luv me, let alone some fool I met once for a second, who is asking me a question she can easily find the answer to herself.  I would have ignored her too.


Now, on the other hand, Meghan has a right to invite whoever she wants to her house.  And Shannon was self-absorbed (as usual) & nasty to her.  If she wants an invite to her party she shoulda been at least a teeny tiny bit concerned about how Meghan felt.  But Shannon couldn't care less.  The woman has really deep problems just getting outside of her head.  She needs help.  And not new-agey bullshit, but real help from a therapist.  She just does not know how to deal with people.


Idk, Shannon's reaction to Meghan was over-the-top & nutty.  Maybe something else was going on in her head.  This young & beautiful & seemingly supremely confident gal makes her seethe with jealousy?  Maybe.  She's thinking David is panting lookin' at Meghan & it drives Shannon nuts?  Maybe.  Who knows?  The woman is a jittery loon & I don't think it takes much to set her off.

I like how Meghan kept saving up her umbrage over really a nothing phone call.  Meghan intentionally downplayed who she was and why she was calling.   Meghan had never even met Shannon, had Meghan asked a question that was something only Shannon could answer or was at all germaine to a successful charity such as a list of donors for the affair  her outrage was misplaced  and demanding an apology of any sort was out of line. Meghan sent a clarifying text explaining who she was - great.  It didn't need a response.  It seems rather silly to even bring it up and to me Meghan looked like the loon.  I also think Orange County sets the bar pretty low when it comes to flirting. I would hardly call the conversation between David and Meghan flirting.  To claim someone is flirting you are making a statement about their state of mind or perhaps Meghan was flirting. 


I also have an issue when someone is holding a charity affair and they use the guest list as a tool to exact revenge.  It is suppose to be about the charity you invite people who are connected and donated and certainly someone who co-hosted an event.  Shannon wasn't crazy, she was abrupt and she could see where Meghan was going with her demand for an apology.  So Meghan was a bad steward for the charity and her comments about calls from charities, she is 30 years old, been married to Mr. Money for a couple of months, just how many charity experiences has she had if she cold calls someone to ask about how much food to serve?


For some reason when Meghan writes a blog it is really important that she mention how close she is with Jim's ex-wives.  Maybe because she is forced to live with their interior design choices.


Shannon does herself no favors by asking about the damn liquor.  She was acting like she was about to erupt into a case of DTs.  That is what a husband is for to go to the bar and get you a drink, Shannon's job was to be supportive and a good guest of Terry and Heather's.  Shannon seemed far more worried about letting David out of her sight.  I am not saying that because of their marital woes but she seemed to have no issues later on separating from him.   Sorry I am being sexist about the drink but when I go to an event my husband usually makes his way to the bar and gets the drinks unless it is a wine tasting and then my presence is required.  I hve also offered to go to the bar-it is not necessarily a couples' experience.





She was kind of awesome.  Opened by suggesting that "Odd Mom Out" show is based on her life, or so "people" have said.  She went off on Star magazine for suggesting she took her daughter to get her legs waxed.  She was defensive when questioned about bragging- it's a window into her world, she'd like you to know that if you don't like it you can fast-forward.  She was neutral on Shannon vs. Meghan.  She misses neither Alexis nor Gretchen (though they're lovely, of course).  


About this episode specifically...I thought her most interesting comment was about Shannon's oversharing.  Thankfully she didn't use the word "brave," though Andy almost did (sidenote: someone suggested he loves "trainwrecks" he got pissed).  But she did say it would be helpful for people to see that kind of reality...and then she declined to answer whether Shannon/David shared that reality with the people they were actually interacting with.  That made me think Shannon did not in fact share the marital woes with her costars, and while I get that I can't help but also think that perhaps Shannon just saved shit for television.  I think it's weird to hide it in person as you prepare to televise it.

I heard Heather say she was demanding Star magazine apologize and retract over the leg waxing comment.  Good luck with that one.


I don't think Shannon or Tamra could possibly expect Shannon to share her marital troubles with either one of them.  Again it is one of the conversations that neither Tamra or Heather are equipped to handle because they are missing the compassion chip.  Tamra already stirred the pot by repeatedly calling David a flirt at the Reunion.  She obviously has zero regard for Shannon's feelings.  Last thing Shannon needs to hear is those two confirming what is fact.  Wasn;t it Heather and Terry that told Shannon she should be discussing her marital issues with David and not to darken their doorstep?


It seems Terry and Heather to date, have not shared their cost overruns and their running tally of their new home with their friends and saved that for the show, Tamra saved her boob job for the show so it is quite possible that outside of Vicki, Shannon saw no need to share.  I am hoping Shannon pulls it together because right about now I feel like she needs to go join Bethenny, Kim and Brandi on broken RH island.  This doesn't need to be that  real.


We now know what Mehgan's commercial is-Wheels Up.  The same membership private plane service Kyle and Mauricio used on RHBH.  They could have used a nicer plane.  I doubt Jim is an investor It think it is called a membership.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 9

Shannon, STAHP!!!! Just stop already. My God, you're going to kill that man. Or yourself. Why go through so much stress??? Pick your battles. Is the way in which someone hugs you really something to nitpick about??? Oh, and God forbid David have a few drinks during lunch with Christian on his way there. What a fucking hypocrite Shannon is to complain about that....when she was the one ready to call a search and rescue team to locate the bar the minute, and I do mean THE minute, they walked into Heather's event. You know Shannon can't function if she's not mainlining the vodka. 


What a miserable woman. I was thrilled to see them mingling separately by the end of the night. It just gets so awkward when she has David glued to her side, whispering, "Where should we stand? Who should we talk to? You're not smiling enough". Egads! 


I'm not sure what to think about the thing with her and Megan, though. Honestly, from just the phone conversation. I didn't think Shannon was rude. It truly sounded like she was distracted and confused. She had her kids in the car. I have 3 kids very close in age, so I know the joys of that situation. But she gets a call from a number she doesn't know, and her own number is supposedly uber private, and the woman introduces herself as Megan KING. It's not out of the realm of possibility that Shannon has met several Megans over the years, and without "Edmonds", it wasn't ringing a bell. People can sound different on the phone, especially when you have 3 girls yammering away in the backseat. 


So yea, I get it. It didn't seem like a big deal, and I tend to think Megan just wanted to stir up SOME controversy as part of her "new girl" storyline. That being said, I thought Shannon could have handled it better. When she gets all bristly with Megan, it really does make her look like she has some jealousy/insecurity issues. All she had to say was, "I'm sorry, I was truly confused as to who you were and what you wanted. But now that we've cleared that up, how can I help you?" Instead she comes off all bitchy, making condescending remarks about asking the caterer and freaking out about her super private number. 


Hey, it's not as if Megan got your number off of an AIDS Walk list or anything,



So Tamballs is saved now? She has given her life over to Jesus Christ, eh? Yea, usually when people tell me they've been saved they utter the words "suck it" in the same sentence. Hey, I'm a fairly hip Christian. I know we're not all perfect, and far be it for me to cast the first stone... But really, who is she kidding with this shit? 



Heather is just so pretentious I can't stand it. First of all, that bottle for her "method champ en wahz" (whatever the fuck that is) is fugly. I picture the person who designed it wearing knee high stockings and platform shoes, doodling in her Lisa Frank notebook with a furry-topped pencil. Then we have the lovely discussion about her renovations - "Oh, it's just not much fun throwing money at builders and getting whatever I want in my 4378905809840958 square foot house. Sigh" or "I'm sorry, my diamond encrusted cabinets cost 2 million, so we'll have to take a chunk out of your 10 million home movie theater budget. The horror!" 


No, the real thing with her, is that I just feel like she is constantly performing. Constantly. Her scenes on RH are no different than the ones on Hot in Cleveland or Hawaii 5-0. And hell, she can even tap dance! Alright, Mr. Demille, she's ready for her close up.

  • Love 13

I actually enjoy Heather's pretentiousness because she seems to deliver it with tongue in cheek. However, I recently mentioned her faux pax re her inaccurate "Porte-cochere" description so I feel duty bound to mention her mis-pronunciation of "méthode champenoise". If you pronounce it correctly it is not method with a TH. It is not meTHod, it is pronounced metod. T not th.

I like being more fancy pants than Ms Fancy Pants!

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
  • Love 17

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