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2 minutes ago, Catznip said:

Are all the charecters in prison on drugs? What's the charge for Ruby Rose (don't know the char name), Maritza, Drya and Piper? As I recall Piper was on her way out until she assualted the other inmate. 

Out of the ones we've met, I'd actually say most of the prisoners aren't on drugs - the only active addicts we've see are Nicky (recently), Leanne & Angie, and Tricia.  I don't know that we've seen Alex use before smoking crack with Nicky; I always got the feeling like she only transported for Kubra before and that the reason she was smoking now was because she was upset over her role in the hit man's death.

As for the reasons those characters are in prison:
Stella (Ruby Rose): We don't know the initial crime that landed her at Litchfield, but she's in max because of the contraband (including a shiv) that Piper planted in her bunk at the end of season 3
Martiza: In her flashback, we saw her steal a car.
Daya: I believe it's drug related charges, similar to how her mother took the fall for Cesar, but I can't remember if that's confirmed - I think it is though.
Piper: She's in jail for helping to smuggle drugs and money when she was with Alex.  I don't know if we know for sure if she got extra time added to her sentence when she testified in season 2.

My UO: I still like Piper, and I always have.  She can get annoying on occasion, but no more so than any of the other characters, and I like what they've done with her.  I also, for reasons I can't entirely explain, have a soft spot for Healy too.

  • Love 1

While I don't find Black Cindy to be particularly likable, I do think Adrienne C. Moore is one of the stronger actresses on the show. As a black woman, I tend to be a harsh critic of black female characterizations in the media and I find her to be the most authentic of the black girl crew with Taystee being 2nd. The rest...hell to the naw, especially Poussey who veered wildly between hip hop/hood chick and worldly, educated military brat. 

Agree with the posters who think Uzo Aduba is overrated. Can't stand Watson and judging by her (annoying) accent, should she be with the Latinas?

I like Piper fine enough and her and Alex have good chemistry.

Laverne Cox - A poster up thread said it better about the terrible affect she uses. She went from being a NY firefighter to Scarlett O'Hara? Terrible actress. I'm guessing there's slim pickings for actual TG women to play the part. Could they have just done a Jeffery Tambor a la "Transparent" and gotten a competent male actor or even Felicity Huffman a la "TransAmerica?" Or would too much of a stink have been raised over representation and diversity in casting? 

Speaking of affects, I'm not sure if Lori Petty is going for Southern or just a straight up blaccent, but it works for me. She should think about having a side hustle being a dialect coach for non-black (and some black) actors who have to sound like they're from the hood.

  • Love 4

My unpopular opinion is that I do not like Nicky. I never have but this season she was at her worst. Litchfield is full of issues but prisoner on prisoner rape and sexual harassment is actually pretty low. So it was pretty bad to see Nicky sexual harass Morello and nearly rape her at the end. And she wouldn't have stopped if Morello did not react so vehemently. I also do not like her "yeah I know I'm shit what are you gonna do about it?" schtick. Don't understand Red's undying devotion to her either, as that's not the type person that Red usually seems to care about.

  • Love 8

Poussey was not my favorite character.  It keeps being said that Poussey had to be the one to die to make the most impact because she was the one character that everyone liked.  Well, I'm not saying I disliked her, but she was far from my favorite and I actually found her annoying at times.  That doesn't mean I'm glad she got killed off (because I'm not) or that her death wasn't heartbreaking (it was), but I found her annoying, especially in season 3.  She was one of the Norma followers - that alone is enough to put her on my shit list.  I like Taystee way better.

I don't hate Piper as long as she is not involved in the ridiculous panty plot of season 3.   She's not my favorite

I guess I'm actually saying I hated season 3 more than I hated/disliked any of the characters themselves.

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On 6/25/2016 at 4:51 PM, knaankos said:

My unpopular opinion is that I do not like Nicky. I never have but this season she was at her worst. Litchfield is full of issues but prisoner on prisoner rape and sexual harassment is actually pretty low. So it was pretty bad to see Nicky sexual harass Morello and nearly rape her at the end. And she wouldn't have stopped if Morello did not react so vehemently. I also do not like her "yeah I know I'm shit what are you gonna do about it?" schtick. Don't understand Red's undying devotion to her either, as that's not the type person that Red usually seems to care about.

So -- I've liked Nicky in the past, but completely agree that what she was doing with Morello was at the very, very least sexual harassment, and if Morello hadn't been strong enough to push away it would have been ugly.

I'm going to attribute this behavior to drugs (although that doesn't get her off the hook IMO) because nicky has been a pretty terrible person in an effort to get/under the influence of drugs.

22 minutes ago, RCharter said:

So -- I've liked Nicky in the past, but completely agree that what she was doing with Morello was at the very, very least sexual harassment, and if Morello hadn't been strong enough to push away it would have been ugly.

I'm going to attribute this behavior to drugs (although that doesn't get her off the hook IMO) because nicky has been a pretty terrible person in an effort to get/under the influence of drugs.

I didn't like that at all. And Nicky didn't just try to kiss Lorna or something--she pushed Lorna up against the wall and shoved her hand down her pants and then was all "awww, come on!" when Lorna fought her off. It was every bit as ugly as what Coates did to Doggett and, imo, completely out of character for Nicky. 

  • Love 6

Bringing this over from the S13 thread:

I have two unpopular opinions (one will be more UO than the other, I expect) -- the first is that the guards became too cartoonishly evil for my tastes. If there was a shockingly horrific direction they could take, they would.  The icing on the cake was the "comforting" dialogue between the fat redhead and Bayley in the car on his way home that night.  Those anecdotes as throw-away "normality" were so over the top, and numerous*, that I rolled my eyes and tuned it out. (*One was enough, guys.  Making it two horror stories was just silly and degraded the power of the moment.)

The more UO, I think, is that I was proud of Caputo's speech.  I understand what prompted the revolt and I'm right there with them -- but I've heard a lot of criticism of Caputo's response and I think he did the best he could given his personality.  The most telling moment for me was when he went to Fig and she said, "They broke you, too, huh?"  And he agreed.  They broke him -- so his speech, going off the script, was his brave, if fragile, attempt to bring humanity to the situation.  It wasn't enough, of course, by a long stretch.  But it was a try and it was all he could do within his own limitations.  I came away with a feeling of pride.  This, to be sure, is a UO, so I fall back on the cartoon evil excuse -- Caputo was not only up against a battalion of Snidely Whiplashes but he is part of the cartoon and is limited himself.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Captanne said:

Bringing this over from the S13 thread:

I have two unpopular opinions (one will be more UO than the other, I expect) -- the first is that the guards became too cartoonishly evil for my tastes. If there was a shockingly horrific direction they could take, they would.  The icing on the cake was the "comforting" dialogue between the fat redhead and Bayley in the car on his way home that night.  Those anecdotes as throw-away "normality" were so over the top, and numerous*, that I rolled my eyes and tuned it out. (*One was enough, guys.  Making it two horror stories was just silly and degraded the power of the moment.)

The more UO, I think, is that I was proud of Caputo's speech.  I understand what prompted the revolt and I'm right there with them -- but I've heard a lot of criticism of Caputo's response and I think he did the best he could given his personality.  The most telling moment for me was when he went to Fig and she said, "They broke you, too, huh?"  And he agreed.  They broke him -- so his speech, going off the script, was his brave, if fragile, attempt to bring humanity to the situation.  It wasn't enough, of course, by a long stretch.  But it was a try and it was all he could do within his own limitations.  I came away with a feeling of pride.  This, to be sure, is a UO, so I fall back on the cartoon evil excuse -- Caputo was not only up against a battalion of Snidely Whiplashes but he is part of the cartoon and is limited himself.

I agree with these, especially the second. As Caputo saw it, he had two very unpalatable choices: either blacken Poussey's name or make excuses for Bayley. 

  • Love 2

1. I do not like Caputo and never have. He's a weak punk. Everyone has always praised him, but I never thought he was shit and this season just proved it. He's easily led around and let's not forget what a perv he is, masturbating to the inmates, although that always seems to be forgotten.

2. I think Morello is boring, especially on her own. Nicky being gone in season three and her [Lorna] subsequent dating story line just highlighted that.

3. I am no big fan of Piper on her own, but I like Piper/Alex. When they are together and when Piper is not on a power trip. the pairing makes Piper more tolerable.

  • Love 3

I thought it was a little contrived that Sophia and Aleida never had to interact this season, as IIRC, Aleida was the biggest force in getting Sophia sent to the Shu.

I think Fig and Caputo have chemistry *ducks tomatoes*

I did/do not for one second think that Maureen was mentally ill, but merely manipulative and mean-spirited, as she seemed totally lucid in every scene this season, with the exception of the one by the cabin.

The scenes leading up to, but not including, the Judy-Yoga-Lucheck threesome were hilarious to me.

  • Love 4

I read through the whole thread and can't believe I'm the first to post this...

I can't stand the "You've Got Time" theme song. I hate it! I fast-forward through the opening credits. I have friends who like Regina Spektor but that damn song doesn't at all inspire me to seek out her music. Ugh.

Other UOs:

I didn't miss Nicky at all and was annoyed when she came back. (For people discussing her real-life addictions upthread, Rufus Wainwright's song "Natasha" is about her.) 

I found Lolly more irritating than anything. I too could have done without the new crop of inmates, but I understand how it moved the "we're now privatized and with that comes problems" story line.

I never hated Healy and feel a lot for him now that we've seen his back story.

I wasn't a fan of the Judy King subplot.

  • Love 9

Why so much damn Maria when it turns out Blanca is interesting.  Blanca is badass- one side of the coin is attacking Piper, the other side is standing on that table.  Til this season I wasn't even sure Blanca spoke English (understood yes, spoke- wasn't sure).  Seeing her cowed by a rich old white lady made no sense, but also made total sense.

I can't imagine why anyone ever spends any time with Aleid..... I am not sure what her name is, Daya's mom.  What a sour pill.  She's pretty and that is all.

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On 7/6/2016 at 8:49 AM, archer1267 said:

I read through the whole thread and can't believe I'm the first to post this...

I can't stand the "You've Got Time" theme song. I hate it! I fast-forward through the opening credits. I have friends who like Regina Spektor but that damn song doesn't at all inspire me to seek out her music. Ugh.


that song is just too.damn.long.....a lot of theme songs aren't the best, but that one seems to go on forever and ever.  I hate it too, and I always have to find that sweet spot when the song is just ending and the show is starting.  I think its generally around 2:43

  • Love 7

I actually like the song, but since I binge watch..........it gets old real quick.  I fast forward too! I used to try and figure out whose face they were showing, but, that got old very quickly. 

Back in the day before fast forwarding was an option we had no choice but to listen to the "catchy" theme song.  There was no internet or IMDB so that was the only way we could know who was in the show.

I think the day of the theme song is past.  Same with credits.  Just start the damn show already!

  • Love 4
On ‎6‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 7:10 PM, Negritude said:

Laverne Cox - A poster up thread said it better about the terrible affect she uses. She went from being a NY firefighter to Scarlett O'Hara? Terrible actress. I'm guessing there's slim pickings for actual TG women to play the part. Could they have just done a Jeffery Tambor a la "Transparent" and gotten a competent male actor or even Felicity Huffman a la "TransAmerica?" Or would too much of a stink have been raised over representation and diversity in casting? 

I don't think Laverne is setting the world on fire with her acting, but if they had put a cis man in a dress for that part, I wouldn't watch this show. I wouldn't have watched this show with a cis woman either. There are so few opportunities for trans actors that seeing a cis actor in that part would have been awful. It's not about raising a stink; its about letting people tell their own stories. Why not just get Felicity Huffman, put her in blackface, and get her to play Poussey? Laverne is not amazing, I'm in total agreement with that, but I think she's as competent as the actors in other featured roles.

On ‎7‎/‎2‎/‎2016 at 2:50 PM, GreekGeek said:

I agree with these, especially the second. As Caputo saw it, he had two very unpalatable choices: either blacken Poussey's name or make excuses for Bayley. 

Caputo had another choice, but he's so weak that he couldn't do it. He could have fallen on his sword. He could have told the whole story, from allowing the original guards to walk, to hiring new people without much oversight or training, to letting Piscatella hold him hostage by threatening to walk and ultimately losing control of the situation and not even being there when someone died. He could have been honest about what he knew and what was broken. His career in corrections would have been over and its hard to say what would have happened to Bailey or the women in the prison but the whole truth was his third option. He's just too big a coward.

My unpopular opinion is that I liked that Daya ended up with the gun. I'm not a cliffhanger fan and I would have preferred a resolution, but in terms of who had the gun, she was, for me, easily the best choice. I know what Judy would have done with that gun, or Piper or Red and I know what Maria or the skinheads would have done too. Daya is one of the few people who I can't predict. Really, just her and Taystee are the only two I can't decide with some certainty and Taystee only because she was so emotional in that moment. Daya has always been someone who could go either way. She's had a difficult life and has been surrounded by poor role models and peers but she's always held on to some hope. One thing she's never had before is power, so seeing her with power to make a choice for once felt right and interesting. I do wish the show had given us a conclusion but I don't mind how everything was going until the cut away from that plot.

  • Love 9
On 6/25/2016 at 6:51 PM, knaankos said:

My unpopular opinion is that I do not like Nicky. I never have but this season she was at her worst. Litchfield is full of issues but prisoner on prisoner rape and sexual harassment is actually pretty low. So it was pretty bad to see Nicky sexual harass Morello and nearly rape her at the end. And she wouldn't have stopped if Morello did not react so vehemently. I also do not like her "yeah I know I'm shit what are you gonna do about it?" schtick. Don't understand Red's undying devotion to her either, as that's not the type person that Red usually seems to care about.

I'll join you.

I liked her in season one but I feel like with each passing season her acting has been way too over dramatic and not even a bit realistic.  She's always twitching her eyes and talking like she's got something stuck up her ass. Which maybe she does, but her scenes are annoying to me now.


And my possible unpopular opinion is that I think all the sexual stuff and nudity is unnecessary. But I have this opinion about most shows that have extreme sexual scenes.  It does nothing for the show! It's like the writers just put it in there because they can.  And there are just some things that I prefer to not to see in a show that I should be able to watch with other adults, like my parents.  That's just awkward!

  • Love 3

I hate Piper and Alex. I really don't care what happens to them. As for the others, I may or may not like who their characters are but they are much more interesting than two slices of white balloon bread and their background stories so much more interesting.

I also hate the Judy King Character, she wasn't even needed except to give Poussey a phone number.


I also hate Piper and Alex, even though that's not really an unpopular opinion anymore.  The entire prison population is being affected by racial tension and sadistic, asshole guards, and we have to listen to these two talk about how they are craving a grass-fed beef hamburger?  It brings the show to a screeching halt.  Not even Alex killing the hitman brings those two back into the loop.  I will say that Piper's branding was memorable, but even then I couldn't help thinking that it was totally avoidable on her part, and that she wouldn't have a Windows '95 logo on her arm if she had just kept her head down for the three whole months she had left on her sentence, instead of fucking with real life, hardcore gangstas.  So, instead of being horrified by it, I just kept thinking about what a colossal dumbass Piper was.  Alex, I have never liked, for the simple reason that she feels zero remorse for being involved in an international drug ring.  She's so damn hollow...here she is, face-to-face with addicts, the very people whose lives she helped to destroy, and all she can think about it how glamorous it was and how she was so good at it.  I don't see her attitude changing with time, either.  Maybe that's because Laura Prepon is a mediocre actress who can't do subtlety very well, but I just don't see it.  Piper and Alex, easily the worst characters on a show full of criminals and sadists and methheads.  WTF.

Another UO of mine?  I don't like the neutered Pennsetucky of seasons three and four, and I think her backstory was over-the-top.  No matter how backwoods and ignorant a mother might be, I have a hard time believing she would tell her daughter to lie back and start taking rape at the age of ten.  The dialogue in that scene was so over-the-top, I rolled my eyes.  I think a more realistic approach would have been for Tucky to have been molested at a young age and have her mother blame her for it, telling her she was "tempting" men with her developing body and that it was all her fault.  It would have been a more difficult scene to film, I know, but I think it would have  been more realistic than the "Lie back and take a bee sting" approach they used.  Ugh.

Edited by Sweet Summer Child
On 21/06/2016 at 5:42 AM, HeySandyStrange said:

I agree totally with most of this. While Healy definitely can be close-minded, judgmental, and overbearing, the show has done a good job of showing how he got that way and giving glimpses of the lonely, well-meaning person underneath. It's hard for me not to feel some empathy for the guy when I see the sadness lurking under the surface. I have to give the actor props, he has done a great job humanizing the character while not glossing over Healy's more problematic traits and ideas.

Healy is well meaning? I really don't see that. He's like a child trapped in a man's body to me. When women don't act the way he expects them to, he shows what sort of a well meaning person he really is.

  • Love 4

I hate the intro song and the photos it plays over too.

I hate the non-blonde meth head the most. Her dialog is just unbelievable when she twists a cliche that I am sure she never heard or read in her life, like saying "Power erupts." And she plays way too much in-on-the-joke.

What I really hate is the size of the cast, and referring to the characters by their nicknames and their full names and their last names. I don't know who is who on this show. They could do unlimited spinoffs--they'd never run out of characters. And they should have sent Piper home when she was supposed to go home instead of having her sentence extended. It would have been nice to see if a privileged person (unlike the characters who will never catch a break once they get out, so those afterstories are all the same) could make a go of real life after serving a light sentence in a minimum security for a non-violent crime but now she has baggage and back story like everyone else.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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On 6/15/2017 at 2:35 PM, MakeMeLaugh said:

What I really hate is the size of the cast, and referring to the characters by their nicknames and their full names and their last names. I don't know who is who on this show.

It took me forever to figure out Flaca/Marisol/Gonzales is the same person! And does Yoga Jones have a real first name?

Alex is without a doubt my least favorite character, followed closely by Healy. These days Piper is just there and I feel neutral about her.

Is it unpopular that I like Lorna? She's endearing even though she's batshit crazy. Her and Vinnie can just go be crazy together.

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On 6/15/2017 at 2:35 PM, MakeMeLaugh said:

They should have sent Piper home when she was supposed to go home instead of having her sentence extended. It would have been nice to see if a privileged person (unlike the characters who will never catch a break once they get out, so those afterstories are all the same) could make a go of real life after serving a light sentence in a minimum security for a non-violent crime but now she has baggage and back story like everyone else.

Hmm?  When was Piper's sentence extended?  It was mentioned on one episode that she only has 3 months left.  It's never really made clear how much time has elapsed over the course of the series.

Edited by Thrifty
  • Love 1

So my UO is that I really hate Tasha "Taystee" Jefferson.  She lied about what was going on in the prison, calling it a "peaceful demonstration", while they were torturing and humiliating hostages to extort the authorities.  Then when it all actually works, she unilaterally sells out everyone else in the prison because they won't give in to her impossible demand for revenge on Bailey.

Edited by Thrifty
  • Love 3
20 hours ago, Thrifty said:

Hmm?  When was Piper's sentence extended?  It was mentioned on one episode that she only has 3 months left.  It's never really made clear how much time has elapsed over the course of the series.

Thank you, I believe you are right--I was thinking she got in trouble for what, beating up Pennsatucky? when she was close to getting out but I'm obviously confused--maybe that wasn't even Piper. It seems like her original 15 months would have been up long ago but I guess orange months are not the same as human months. Litchfield must be the Hotel California of prisons.

  • Love 1
On 6/20/2017 at 0:28 PM, MakeMeLaugh said:

Thank you, I believe you are right--I was thinking she got in trouble for what, beating up Pennsatucky? when she was close to getting out but I'm obviously confused--maybe that wasn't even Piper. It seems like her original 15 months would have been up long ago but I guess orange months are not the same as human months. Litchfield must be the Hotel California of prisons.

Did her sentence get extended when she was taken to Chicago (I think) and had to appear in some courtroom? Or was that just for Alex's trial? My memory is that she got screwed by Alex in that episode and it affected her sentence. I could be wrong.

On 6/17/2017 at 8:10 PM, ExplainItAgain said:

It took me forever to figure out Flaca/Marisol/Gonzales is the same person! And does Yoga Jones have a real first name?

Alex is without a doubt my least favorite character, followed closely by Healy. These days Piper is just there and I feel neutral about her.

Is it unpopular that I like Lorna? She's endearing even though she's batshit crazy. Her and Vinnie can just go be crazy together.

Today I learned Flaca is not her name, it's just a nickname, and in Spanish it means "skinny".  

My UO is that this season was too ridiculous and it was insulting to our intelligence.   There's a 3 day riot. The prisoners don't rush the drugs, and let Lorna and Nicky play doc to get meds?  There's a whole entire infirmary that exists in a different dimension? Women in MINIMUM SECURITY prison who aren't the "lifers" engage in these risk? Maria: if you though 5 years was a tough add to your sentence, don't torture and sexually assault hostages. There are phones but people aren't calling the  media? There is an industrial kitchen but they ran out of food in less than 3 days? There's a hole in the fence and the riot gear guards don't think that MIGHT have something to do with the count being off?  What else.  Judy King has a live TV interview about the hostages without talking to the police first? People locked in portapotties for DAYS aren't dangerously dehydrated?  The Governor's hostage negotiator has to ask the prisoner if she can have coffee vs having meals brought in? Piscatella kidnapping a half dozen women in the middle of a prison riot....so they can watch him be cruel to an old lady... what exactly is his endgame there?  That whole stripping scene, and the "let you try my finger" orgasm? WHUT.  No.

  • Love 10
On 6/23/2017 at 5:09 PM, April Bloodgate said:

Is that an unpopular opinion? That song is awful and not sung well. I didn't know people liked it.

Use the new "Skip Intro" button located at the bottom right of your screen in the first 10 seconds of the intro.

I hate the song too.  And the ugly pictures.

Speaking of ugly ... what a self-indulgent steaming pile of shit this season was.  I feel dirty and stupid for having watched.   There is nothing noble or redeeming about any of the characters.   Getting back to the intro song and "the animal"  -- animals have more humanity, dignity and hygiene than any of the selfish, petty and utterly despicable human beings populating this so-called  "dramedy" in which nothing is truly funny.    

How have we sunk so low that this is the kind of programming served up to us now?   A loosely connected series of excuses to rub the viewers' noses in drug use, scatalogical scenes, bodily functions, degrading sexual behavior, ignorance, cruelty, violence, torture, racial hatred, racial stereotypes, insanity, filth (the literal kind) and garbage (again the literal kind).

The only decent character checked out of this clusterfuck early.  I can only hope it was because Laverne Cox found a better and more dignified gig than this shitshow.

  • Love 4
33 minutes ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

I just fast-forward through the credits.

If you're doing that, I highly recommend that you don't stop and keep fast-forwarding all the way to the end.

1 hour ago, Thrifty said:

I've seen that feature on my computer screen, but I don't see it on my TV.

I watch Netflix on TV through a Wii.   The "Skip Intro" option appears on the Wii console and I have to tap it with the stylus.

1 hour ago, April Bloodgate said:

I do use it. Before it was an option, I either fast-forwarded or just hit mute until it was over. I don't love the pictures, but they don't bother me nearly as much as the song.

Actually, this is the only show where I've ever used the Skip Intro button.   Normally I consider the intro an indispensable part of any program.  But that song ... ugh.   High on the earworm index, but worst of all is towards the end, that "Yoooouuuuve got tiiiiiiime" part where her voice climbs to a pitch it cannot control ... nails on chalkboard. 

  • Love 2

Hi. I'm new around here. I'm rewaching all seasons. I'm in season two at the moment.

I still think Dayanara's character is not a likeable one but a tragic one. I mean is kind of that tragic character. In some way shes a good girl nothing like her mommy but she's been influenced in a bad way from her own maternal figure. All her bad decisions were influenced by Aleida. And aleida is not juslty a good example of a mother... She had her moments in s1 when she cared about Daya and her symptoms because of her pregnant. But i never bought this temporal care affection, i mean is the right thing ALL moms would do, welll, or mostly would. Because the truth is that aleida was always a very toxic person for dayanara and a big trouble influence for her daughter's life decisions. and she fucked her life. And don't get me wrong. I like these two characters bc of the toxic relationship mother/daughter they shown us. The performance of Elizabeth Rodriguez is hypnotic just bc the way she portrays Aleida so good. shes that sassy woman that says things directly and she's not idealistic fool shes not a woman that fall for true love, particulary... so nothing like her daughter... and that's where the problem is. Like in s5 in daya's flashback, she had this two friends. Her mother put in her daughter's mind that the boy possibly had a crush on her and talked shit about her blonde friend. Wich wtf you care so much is not big deal. A mother being in the middle of her daughter's friends like so out of clue.(i dont remember so well) she told daya to act. what did daya do? Influenced by her mother, she made a destructive decision doing unecessary damage to the ones she cared about, her friends. and she lost them just because she did what her mother advices her to do. and the wrost of this is that daya is not like that. There are a lot of other examples like this. the one her mother, again, make for her. And its about the destinity of her baby's life. influenced by her mother, plus Aleida lied to Mendez's mother. and was such an egoistic move. The woman seemed like she could give the baby a good life. And it could of be the best for the baby's affection to have a maternal figure that this woman could give, since the father left(Bennett) and the mother is in prison. Aleida always defined her daughter. she never let her daughter be the way she is and let her make her own decisions and grow up to learn by herself and finding her own self and life goals. she always defined her by saying things like "you don't fuck for love you fuck for interest" i dont remember exactly if she said interest. she thaught her to only save her own ass and fuck the people in the middle who gets hurt by her decisions(of Daya). And this applys too, on Red/Aleida's plan to blame Mendez for "raping" daya. I know he wasnt one of the most sympathetic characters. But the dude fell in love for her, like for real... Its kind of ironic that Bennett wasn't the good guy in the end. And daya had to play the dirty part. And still people got hurt and pushed like Mendez and his mother not having the opportunity to give true love to the baby in all that mess. Aleida never took responsability breeding her younger daughters. She always thought that she did but she didnt. It was Daya the one who had to be the mother of her sisters when she was out with Cesar. In the flashback is clearly that Daya didnt like Cesar, not a little bit at that time. She fucked him bc was frustated of her mother being always unresponsable and ended up in prison. I know Aleida has mostly the fault for fucked up Dayanara but she has it too... What I'm saying is that some people thinks Aleida has the whole fault but Dayanara had her moments to do the right thing... In all of these Gloria was someone who would advice her well. She told her to be quiet and not get in trouble and stop hanging out with bad influences in prison. Dayanara didnt listen to her. And thats when I knew she was going to end up bad...  Ironic isnt it. Gloria tried to gave her very rational and good advices for her future life and Daya never realized to listen to her truly, she was in her stupid mood tbh in s4, s5. Aleida in other hand was always a bad influence and toxic for her and she always ended up following her bad advices.. Sad but a fact. Even when her mother fucked up her daughter's life for 23 years like Gloria said to Aleida. I liked the scene when Gloria told Daya to be responsable for all the mess she did with the gun and all that stuff. And to call her mom. In this show, having conscience and taking responsibility of their own acts is something that is touched so deeply in some characters. And Dayanara being and taking responsibility for her own acts was something that she never did before and I was relieved in some way... Because she never took responsability in all her life in all her bad decisions... And taking it for what she did to the officer was hard I know but she made her own decision this time, not influenced by his mother. And this applys too, taking responsability to call Mendez mother and tell her the truth. Taking responsibility of all the damage she did in her own life. And this time she was the one who got hurt. But I have to say I loved this moment and I even cried. Think thats a very autodestructive person in some point. Some chacarters are autodestructive in their ways. 

I find Suzanne pretty annoying since s1. I think shes in the wrong place. A violent place like prison is, isn't a right place for this kind of unstable person. I literally, never found her "sweet", "funny" or "innocent" at all.

Piper being a scared puppy or the Piper "bitches has to learn". Well, I always found Piper in s1 pretty naive, so I still prefer when she came back from Chicago. that's the Piper I liked to see in prison. I know she made bad decisions and she was hanging out with the nazis(poor move) but I prefer to see her getting respected, rather than acting pacific and calm all the time back when others had 0 respect for her in prison. 

Sometimes I like Figueroa more than Caputo... Caputo in s1 was a total pig. But i know she isnt all good. I like the scenes when she tries to make deals with the inmates. Like with Pipes and Tastie. Is like watching a chess match. Shes not easy to convice and she always pulls for her side. Sometimes I find her more interesting in that way. Says a lot.

I never liked Boo I find her more tolerable, i think she has prooved to Pennsatucky that she really cares about her. And Pennsat needs someone like Boo. I dont find healthy and "nice" the relationship Coates/Pennsatucky. I know she fell in love with him and the same for him. But, I dont buy they "love" like a good and healthy one. She has tendency to be an autodestructive person. She needs love and true affection. He practically forced her once. Why wouldnt he do the same in the future and give her a bad treat?. Or if he really changed(I dont find this believable). I dont think their relationship was written to be shown like something good and positive. But a sad one, for pennsat mostly. There are just people that see them "sweet" and "nice".

I hate the two methheads and I hate when they try to be mean with others because theyre so useless and chaotic. They cant be that "scary" they just think they're.

Norma. I never got the interest for her character.

I love Frieda. I was glad Red knew her when her family wasnt there. Shes a badass.

Piscatella. I didnt feel sorry for him. I think his death was unexpected bc how they made the scene.

The hispanics.  l found Gloria to be the interesting and rational one. Tbh the others are very impulsive and they dont think twice... I can see why gloria ended up with Frieda taking a break from all the mess. such a shame, she has so much potential but she's surrounded with incompetent people. The actress gives such a fierce performance. I can feel the way shes feeling at some times.

Idk some may be unpopular opinions and others not at all.

My UO is that I like....

Boo, Suzanne, Nicky, Frieda, Red, and Sophia


And I dislike....

Alieda, Pennsatucky, Maria, Leanne, Angie, Flacca, and Maritza 


I don't really care either way about....

SoSo, Piper, Alex, Healey, Black Cindy, Tastee, Morello, and many more.


With all of this said, there were a few moments over the 5 seasons that stuck out to me with several characters.


1. Piper being branded.

2. Piscatella torturing Red

3. Alex and Lolly killing the hit man.

4. Poussey's death

5. Vee getting ran over by the escaped con dying of cancer.

6. Frieda, Alex, and Lolly chopping up the hit man and burying him in the garden.

7. Daya and Bennett 

8. The insane Norma/toast worship.

9. The few times when the races came together.

I still have about 2-3 episodes of the the latest season to watch but here goes:

- a big Newp to a pregnant Lorna. I feel like next season will be unbearable and interminable with that storyline.

- I'll take the muck-mouthed methheads over Maritza and what's her face any day. I hated those 2 walking around and doing youtube videos.

- That bathroom scene with Suzanne washing the white face off was cringe inducing, heavy handed and a clear awards grab. Might as well have had her bow and say "for your consideration" both before and after.

- Red's Russian backstory was very underwhelming, in fact there was a lot of underwhelming backstory this season.

TRULY Unpopular opinions . . .

- I didn't care about the Poussey character enough to be upset by her death. I do like Taystee, so I empathized with her grief. I was more emotional when Miss Rosa made a run for it and killed Vee (whose psychopath ass I sort of miss).

- I enjoyed the story when it was Piper's personal soap opera. I cared about her family and friends. I felt like there was more at stake for her because of her privileged background. Real Talk: Some of these women are going to be career criminals. They will stay in trouble because of drug habits, or bad relationship choices, or lack of resources, or mental illness or stupidity. Piper, simply because of an accident of birth, had every opportunity and no excuses for her fuck-ups.

I know her character better than the rest (by design). I care about Piper the most despite the fact that she's a deeply fucked up person. I hate that they turned her into some wise cracking panty kingpin in Season Three, only to pretty much sideline her for the rest of the series. I'm upset that we probably won't get a chance to see her attempt to reestablish herself after prison. Most people will believe it'll be easy for her, but I beg to differ. Prison has changed Piper in good ways and terrible ways. I hate that I won't get to see that journey. I'll probably be forced to watch the redemption of 'Tucky or Maria or something equally fastforward-worthy.

- I like Boo and Alex and Black Cindy despite them being awful people.

- I don't care that much about Red. No hate or anything, but Captain Janeway can be a little over the top for my taste.

- Morello is as mentally unstable as Suzanne. BOTH should be in psych for the rest of their stay.

- I love the shit outta Chang, but I hope they bring her crafty ass back after her escape and give her something to do. Of all the backgrounds we've dipped into, I loved hers the most. I want to see her do more besides blending into the background and pretending to be senile. I think she's badder than Red. If Chang weren't Asian/Elder/Other, she'd be running that joint. Not so loud but very smart.

- I think the only inmates I really dislike are Maria and Daya. Maria is an opportunistic power-monger who will wind up back inside despite her love for her daughter. Daya is an idiot who treated prison like summer camp and got knocked up by a guard.

  • Love 3
On 6/23/2017 at 10:09 AM, poppy- said:

My UO is that this season was too ridiculous and it was insulting to our intelligence.   There's a 3 day riot. The prisoners don't rush the drugs, and let Lorna and Nicky play doc to get meds?  There's a whole entire infirmary that exists in a different dimension? Women in MINIMUM SECURITY prison who aren't the "lifers" engage in these risk? Maria: if you though 5 years was a tough add to your sentence, don't torture and sexually assault hostages. There are phones but people aren't calling the  media? There is an industrial kitchen but they ran out of food in less than 3 days? There's a hole in the fence and the riot gear guards don't think that MIGHT have something to do with the count being off?  What else.  Judy King has a live TV interview about the hostages without talking to the police first? People locked in portapotties for DAYS aren't dangerously dehydrated?  The Governor's hostage negotiator has to ask the prisoner if she can have coffee vs having meals brought in? Piscatella kidnapping a half dozen women in the middle of a prison riot....so they can watch him be cruel to an old lady... what exactly is his endgame there?  That whole stripping scene, and the "let you try my finger" orgasm? WHUT.  No.

I came here to see if anyone else felt the way I did about this season. Agree 1000%. Let's not forget that an inmate had a bunker inside the prison that nobody knew about, accessible via the guards' locker (I think?)

To tell the truth, I think this show has way too many characters. I can't even remember who is who half of the time. 

Something else I hated tis season is how nearly all the inmates became mean and animalistic.  

On 7/18/2016 at 11:34 AM, vibeology said:

I don't think Laverne is setting the world on fire with her acting, but if they had put a cis man in a dress for that part, I wouldn't watch this show. I wouldn't have watched this show with a cis woman either. There are so few opportunities for trans actors that seeing a cis actor in that part would have been awful. It's not about raising a stink; its about letting people tell their own stories. Why not just get Felicity Huffman, put her in blackface, and get her to play Poussey? Laverne is not amazing, I'm in total agreement with that, but I think she's as competent as the actors in other featured roles.

Yes, I agree. Transgender seems to be a hot topic on TV lately so transgender parts should be given to transgender actors. The same happens with disabled actors. There are many disabled actors but something like 98% of the parts are given to non-disabled actors. In many cases, it is Oscar bait (in the case of movies, obviously).

But more than transgender actors, disabled actors, or any minority actor, the writers should have consultants that belong to those minorities. Paid consultants. Otherwise it becomes a caricature of what being [insert minority here] is.

  • Love 2

The show has WAAAAAAAY too many characters.

Alex is my favourite character BECAUSE she is hollow and doesn't feel a shred of remorse for anyone/anything most of the time. It takes a lot for someone to become that way and, imo, this is what makes her a badass.

Alex's ugly arm tattoo is beyond hideous. Of all the awesome tattoos that she could have had, they chose THIS one?

Taylor Schilling is so bland looking and it makes her character come off as even more bland. I don't mind her character being spoiled and wild as much as I mind Taylor's constantly bored and bland face. I find her cute at best. I can't take her seriously as a wild child.

I don't care for any of the characters at all. 

There's something very boring about this show that I find myself skipping episodes. I don't know if it's the crazy amount of characters there or if it's because I don't give a crap about any of the characters.

It makes more sense for Alex to be bisexual than a lesbian

Laura Prepon's eyebrows need to be filled in with a black eyebrow pencil. It drives me nuts that her eyebrows don't match the colour of her hair or glasses. LIKE WHY?

Ruby Rose is insanely overrated in terms of looks and acting. I get why she's hot but her acting and 'storyline' are both equally boring

Larry should NOT have gotten with Piper's friend. Can they be any more mismatched? He's 10 billion times better than her. What a downgrade.

I'm conflicted when it comes to Martiza Ramos. I can't tell if I like her or not. 

The story should have only focused on Alex and Piper or gotten a much more interesting cast than this one. 


Tricia Miller should have stayed on OITNB


BIANCA'S EYEBROWS NEED TO BE FIXED! She looks like a cavewoman! FFS!

Edited by Lucky Thirteen

My unpopular opinions:

-I do not care that much for Big Boo.

-While I like Martiza and Flace, I am not as crazy about them as anyone else.

-I understand why people do not like Aleida at all, but I would take her over the meth heads any day.  At least Elizabeth can act while the actresses that play the meth heads grate my nerves so much.

-I too do not like Alex and Piper together.  I feel like all they do is fuck each other over.

  • Love 1

I also hate the theme song.  The song is bad, it is sung horribly, and then pictures are ridiculous.  Thank goodness for the "skip" button.

Can't stand the meth heads and feel they bring nothing to the show.

Don't care about Alex and Piper at all.

I felt sorry for Bennett during the pregnancy storyline.  I felt that Daya, whom I usually love, was a royal bitch to him at every moment.  The poor guy couldn't seem to do anything right by her even though I felt like he always had the best of intentions.  Yes, it was wrong for him to sleep with her in the first place, but I got why he was so hesitant to come forward and didn't like that she kept pushing him to come clean and telling him to do his time in jail. In real life, I'd agree with her.  In fantasy television show world, I agreed with him that it wouldn't help the baby to have both parents locked up. Then, her "Family" trying to get him to smuggle in crap as blackmail was the final straw.  While I don't agree with men shirking responsibility when it comes to their children, I get why he ran for the hills.


Like (or, at least, find myself liking them more often than not): Red, Nicky, Taystee, Morello, Poussey, Chang, Daya, Yoga Jones, Gloria, Rosa, Healy

Dislike: Leanne, Meth head sidekick (can't remember her name), Piper, Suzanne, Alex, that Ruby Rose character, Soso

Indifferent: Gina, Norma, Norma, Flaca, Maritza, Black Cindy, and pretty much everyone else that isn't mentioned here and is forgotten at the moment because the cast is absolutely huge and I forget a lot of them until they are on my screen.

  • Love 1

I like Black Cindy.  Would I be friends with her, in real life?  Hell no, but I enjoy watching her, and I think she is one of the funniest characters on the show.

Oh, and I thought Soso's memorial idea for Poussey was...kind of dumb.  A bunch of books hanging on strings, and stacked every which-way, waiting to tumble?  I know, I have a cold, black heart, but I couldn't help but think that when her memorial was finally revealed.  I just didn't get it. 

Edited by Sweet Summer Child
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