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S07.E09: Birthday In The Berks

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Bethenny appears to be in full crisis mode, and it's hard to watch. I'm not downplaying her problems, but if you have to exhaust yourself with distractions because any legitimate conversation or hint of criticism will bring you to tears, you're not ready for television. I thought Heather was too much, but she couldn't win in that situation, and certainly nothing she did should have resulted in anyone sobbing. Sooooo uncomfortable.

  • Love 15

Seriously, can everyone please stop reposting this nauseating pic?  Pretty please?


I was thinking about making it my profile pic, Scoob. ;-)  But if it weren't for Andy, what would we all be doing right now?


The camera slowly moves over to Jon who is raising his sake cup to toast like he hasn't a care in the world.  I got the distinct impression Heather creating drama and getting all upset was nothing new to him at all, and he wasn't concerned about it in the least. I am guessing he sees it allll the time. 


I think she frequently embarrasses him.  He always looks like he'd rather be some where else.  I wish I could rewatch their anniversary party because if there's any chemistry to be seen between them, I imagine it would be there.  But I see none. Zero. Like most couples, I'm sure they've had their issues - one being the stress of a special needs child and the other that they seem to be about as opposite as they could get.  I don't see the happy marriage that a lot of people are talking about.

  • Love 8


She has no nanny. Interviews outside of RHONY that she wants to simply have every minute with her daughter.

She had a nanny when she was filming her spinoff and I've seen at least one article since then that references a nanny. If she didn't have one, who stayed with Brynn in the hotel?


I'm not doubting she wants to spend as much time with her daughter as humanly possible, but I think with her schedule, a nanny would probably be a necessity.

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 Bethenny is clearly just over the faked relationships and fights of reality TV shows. 

Then why in hell did she agree to come back on the show? if she doesn't want to be there then get off my TV, she's not doing any of us any favors.  


I love Dorinda. She has every. single. one. of their numbers. Even John's.

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 19

Sonja with a J flirting with John in lingerie is okay with Dorinda but Kristen dancing fully clothed with him, (yes there was grinding) is not, D needs to make up her mind.


I am in love with that blue lacquer paint Dorinda had in her livingroom and Lu's dress and hair for the dinner.


Ramona is very twitchy and akward, she is also oddly touchy feely...hard to watch sometimes. 


Between Heather and Dorinda's real estate and tour thru the town I am entertaining the idea of visiting the Birkshires, totally smitten.

  • Love 8

Bethenny appears to be in full crisis mode, and it's hard to watch. I'm not downplaying her problems, but if you have to exhaust yourself with distractions because any legitimate conversation or hint of criticism will bring you to tears, you're not ready for television. I thought Heather was too much, but she couldn't win in that situation, and certainly nothing she did should have resulted in anyone sobbing. Sooooo uncomfortable.

If Bethenny is truly mega-stressed and wound so tight over her personal situation, I cannot understand why she signed to return to this show this year. $1 million is nothing to her.

I know there's been speculation that she signed up to redeem her reputation after the disastrous reality spinoffs but didn't she already attempt to do that with her talk show? And she really didn't need this show to promote her SG products. Her books, tweets, instagram and personal appearances would be enough to fulfill her Jim Beam contractual obligations to promote SG. Nobody is guaranteed a tv show in perpetuity.

I'm sorry to say that B can't live happily without being on tv and in the spotlight. If her primary focus was truly spending every minute with Bryn on her custodial days, she would have never taken this job again. Plus, she originally pitched a Bethenny Starting Over show of her own, as I understand it? Think of the time and energy needed to star solo in another show. Yet, that didnt seem to make her think twice.

Sonja is an embarrassing idiot; she can't control herself around men at all. And Ramona is still Ramona, no matter what she pretends about some kind of evolution. Once she's back with Mario, she'll be Ramona x 10. What a thought! Carole is just playing a ditz for some reason. It's not cool to me at all.

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I get the sense that Beth is not all that comfortable in social situations. THe more uncomfortable she is, the more snarky she gets. She knows that she is the new girl, even though she was in past seasons. It's obvious she is more comfortable with Ramona and Luann. 


Heather needs to take a chill pill. Losing a nanny because they quit or were fired is not equivalent to divorcing a spouse or being widowed. I get that familes get close to nannies, but it's simply not the same. 


Kristen is a thousand time wrong to bring up shit about John while at Dorinda's house. 

  • Love 13

So much to talk about! First, let me start with Dorinda's home in the Berkshires. Lovely, simply lovely. I'm not a city girl, so I would live there year round. It was a large home, but still felt so cozy. And the area is just beautiful. Every time these ladies go to the Berkshires I love it more and more. And the story of how she GOT the home, and brought her father back there through the front door - pretty damn cool. I might have teared up. 


Ramona pulled the #1 pet peeve I have with my kids - pulling on clothes. Carole is a better woman than I, because if Ramona was hoisting me up into the air and stretching my shirt all out, I would have turned around and shoved her down those stairs. (They were only about 3 stairs up, so I don't think that warrants me going to hell, right?)


LOVED how Dorinda put Kristen in her place about the thing with John. Yes, John skeeves me out and his hands and eyes seem to loose for my taste. But it appears Dorinda is well aware of this and doesn't get upset about it as long as it doesn't cross a certain line. So for Kristen to act like he's just SO improper, when she was grinding up against him, is totally ludicrous. Both Kristen and John had probably imbibed too much and were being inappropriate. It wasn't like he just walked up and started groping her. She walked away when she decided she'd had enough, and he didn't grab her and force her to stay. He didn't chase her down. So take a seat. 


Hey, LuAnn, 1996 called. They want their satin choker back. 


So, when LuAnn was "defending" Bethenny, I got why Heather was getting frustrated. Yes, all kinds of people have horrible backgrounds and turn out fine. But, in a way, Bethenny IS fine. She didn't turn into a serial killer. She's not raising her daughter the same way. She is a successful businesswoman. Granted, she has a host of issues and maybe her past does define her in unhealthy ways. But not everyone copes the same. At the end of the day, I felt that LuAnn was giving explanations, not making excuses. Bethenny's past doesn't mean it's okay for her to be a bitch to everyone. But it can EXPLAIN why she is often very cold and closed off, she is afraid of letting people in. It can explain why she is so focused on her daughter and doesn't want to miss things, she's terrified of screwing up. I think it helps to try and understand people and what they've been through, so you can decide how to deal with them. 


Like with Sonja, she's clearly a delusional mess, so you just nod your head and move on. Did anyone else's heart sink when she arrived? I was hoping she'd be a no show. She must have been late because she arrived at the Berkshires via Russia, with her damned fur hat. 


I'm glad we haven't seen much of Josh this year. Just random sightings of him in his struggle-Rat Pack hat are enough for me. 


So the breakdown at dinner - I couldn't quite understand what was going on with Beth and Sonja. Were they just having their own conversation and being a bit loud? Or were they kind of mocking the other people? Either way, it did come off a bit rude. But here's the thing with Heather and Beth, as far as *I* see it, Heather just wouldn't let things happen organically. She seemed to be trying to force something between them from jump. 


I still remember that first little lunch they had, where Heather was trying to bond by trash talking Ramona. Then when she informed Beth that Kristen was peeved about the non-invite, it seemed like she was once again trying to offer something up, as a way of ingratiating herself with Bethenny. Now, did Beth respond to Heather's actions in a completely rude way? Yes. She was condescending and infantile with her "bored" routine, and I called her out as such. But she's seemed to calm that shit down since then. 


But I still get this forceful feeling from Heather. I had a "friend" like that once, someone who moved in our circles. I just felt like she was trying to make the friendship be more than it was from very early on. That she was trying to be there in ways for me that she simply hadn't "earned" yet. It was very off putting. The thing is, I don't think Heather means any ill will. I think she is simply a very controlling person and it's just in her nature to try and take command and "do" for other people. And that works with some of the other ladies. If Sonja broke down into tears, she'd have no problem jumping up and leading Sonja from the room to calm her down. That just doesn't work with Beth. She needs to take better stock and figure out a new way to interact with B. Because what she's doing isn't working. 


Also, Heather can quit trying to act like Bethenny is just such a "harsh" and "mean" person, because I've seen Heather be plenty mean herself. For instance, she just can't seem to wait for Sonja to fall flat on her ass, and seems to get true glee out of imagining the downfall. So I think Heather's problem with Beth isn't really about her being "mean", but about there being another lady who is as strong and independent as she is, and who she can't really control. She wants to lash out and tell B not to tell her how to talk and act. But Beth wasn't doing that. She was simply not responding to Heather's "tending" the way Heather would have wanted. Heather needs to let go. 

  • Love 22

I've liked Bethenny in the past, but coming back has been a mistake for her, and it shows all over her face.  That breakdown seemed like someone who is overtaxed in life and on top of it all, pushed herself to deal with this bullshit show for money.  It's her own fault, but I can feel for her.  I wish she was in a better place in her life because when Bethenny's heart is in the show, she's a golden cast member.


I've never liked Heather, from Day One.  Something about her cheery bossiness has always seemed very aggressive and mean to me.  She showed it last season when she attacked Kristen for an entire episode just to watch her squirm.  She has always made me uncomfortable and she seems to be play acting as 'nice' when she will really get in your face and attack you if you don't bend to her whims.  I'm glad that tonight it seems like that was laid bare and everybody sees it closer.  B and H both breaking down in tears was hilarious but also very weird.  These two bitches both need to TAKE A XAAAANAAAXXXXX...


Kristen's husband needs to dress his age.  His outfits and hats are way too young for him.  Actually, just fire Kristen and I won't have to look at him anymore.  I loved it when Dorinda lost it on her and read her for filth.  GO DORINDA!!!


Is it just me or is Ramona classy, beautiful and amazing this season?  I've always loved her, even when she acts like an asshole, but her new mindset is disconcerting to say the least.  

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I'm surprised at how unattractive and cheap Dorinda's Christmas decorations were considering how beautiful the interior of her home is.

Okay, she gets a pass on the holiday decor as far as I'm concerned. Christmas stuff is, almost by definition, tacky, thank you. For me it's not Christmas without that wind up 3-D Christmas tree my beloved grandfather gave me 50 years ago--now faded, lopsided, cheesy but still bravely playing the worst version of Silent Night you ever heard. It has pride of place on my mantle every year and the hell with anyone who says anything about it.


As to Bethenny's allergies; I had a cookout last weekend, a friend of a friend (whom I didn't know) showed up uninvited, announced through choice he never, ever eats flour or gluten. He ate the dip by sticking his finger in then licking it off before repeating. . Gross. I pointed out the small knife he could use to put some on his plate. He did then tossed the knife into the dip--covering it with the contents. Jerk. Anyone with a brain either simply passes it by or brings their own food.


How not to handle food choices.


You show up supposedly unexpectedly (yeah, right...), you deal with your own allergies and don't dump it on the hostess (or her cooks).

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She had a nanny when she was filming her spinoff and I've seen at least one article since then that references a nanny. If she didn't have one, who stayed with Brynn in the hotel?


I'm not doubting she wants to spend as much time with her daughter as humanly possible, but I think with her schedule, a nanny would probably be a necessity.

And let's not forget the boyfriend she had during this time. They were photographed together all the time, and in one article I read, Beth mentioned she hadn't yet introduced him to Bryn because she wanted to wait. Perhaps she only spent time with him when Jason had Bryn, but I doubt that. She no doubt had the nanny watch her after bedtime from time to time at night while she went out. Eventually there were pictures of him out with Beth and Bryn, and they were together for something like 18 months. They broke up right before filming ended, so it seemed to be pretty serious.

I wonder if this bothered anyone during filming? They had all met him because he was off camera during her birthday dinner which was early in the season. She is doing this thing where she acts like she is so broken and unhappy, and clinging to her daughter, all the while having a very public romance where she looks to be extremely happy and in love. I cannot help but think that the narrative of Beth out on the town with her love interest didn't fit with the look they were trying to portray of Beth not trusting people and being so sad.

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Apparently on hulu there is a web exclusive.scene of.bethanny at work as well as talking heads of those working for.her. again..why r these only web exclusive scenes?

I get that Atlanta and jersey thrived on conflict...but NY and to a lesser extent OC didn't. What works foe one franchise doesn't mean it will work for all of them.

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Wait a minute.  Did I just hear Moaner offer the best, most heartfelt apology I've ever heard her offer -- er, ever???  And she never once mentioned the word "sorry" cuz it wasn't necessary.  She merely said she shouldn't have judged John so harshly & quickly.  Wow!  Big difference from her past apologies.  Remember when she used to say "I'm sorry if you were offended"?  Ah, good times.  Well, I guess it wasn't exactly an apology, but she actually admitted she was wrong.  What the what?


Right?  Our Mona might still be a lightweight asshole, but she is finally growing up.  Time was she'd be plotting and planning a way to snap the hell out on Lu in repayment for their champagney dinner at that restaurant a few weeks back as opposed to laughing it off with "you pulled a Ramona"  -  yes girl, she was a tourettesy bitch to you for absolutely no reason whatsoever and seemingly without provocation.  I love that you called that a Ramona.  Lol.


And I loved Kristin's shocked-young-matron explanation, which boiled down to "Dorinda, how dare you! I was fine humping John & grinding my pubus into his ass! But when he turned around and I presented my lady buttocks -- which I thrust back and forth in his crotch, like a Bonobo ape in heat -- and John took this as a sign I was willing to have his hand on my hip? WELL I NEVER!" 




"Don't get all coquette-ish on me"....one of the great lines of the Real Housewives!!  


::toddlergiggles::   One of the myriad things I love about Dorinda is, circumstance be damned, this chick will read your ass from hair follicle to toe nail if you have it coming.   She was perfectly happy to leave Kristen alone until her excerpt from a Margaret Mitchell novel bullshit.  I promise all that was missing at the end was a *fiddle dee dee*


So Bethenny can't take a quick cab ride after her daughter goes to bed to see a boxing match in the city but can take a car ride to the Berkshire's. I just hate everything about her.


I think she can but the point is not to spend the limited time she has with Bryn, away from Bryn.  She took the baby with her to the Berkshires, whereas the boxing match and post fight bar scene is 5 hours out of a one/two day a week (pure guess) custody arrangement. 


Lu's look - it's not for me, but bish, werk!  Nobody else could've pulled that off and made it look not ridiculous.   They all need to find out what her moisturizer is called and get that in a hurry.  


People may mean well with that overbearing mess but the only way to shut down their relentlessness is by being abrupt.  I agree with what was said about B's patience upthread.  I was rocking back and forth thinking any minute now she is gonna have a thought bubble blowout that looks like:  bitch I SAID I don't want a damn meatball.    Once, ok, twice, I'm getting annoyed.  You ask me a different version of the same question 3 times in a row, your feelings are about to get bashed in.

  • Love 23
So Bethenny can't take a quick cab ride after her daughter goes to bed to see a boxing match in the city but can take a car ride to the Berkshire's. I just hate everything about her.


Wasn't the boxing match before LuAnn spoke to her about the girls feeling she was missing out on too much? I think since that conversation she has been trying to make more of an effort. 


Sonja with a J flirting with John in lingerie is okay with Dorinda but Kristen dancing fully clothed with him, (yes there was grinding) is not, D needs to make up her mind.


I didn't think Dorinda was all that bothered about Kristen's behavior with John....UNTIL Kristen decided to make John's behavior an issue. I think that night Dorinda probably thought that BOTH of them were behaving a bit inappropriately, but she let it go. No big deal. But then she hears Kristen acting like John is such a pervert and she's all Miss Innocent, so Dorinda wanted to make a point that Kristen was rubbing herself all up on him and it wasn't all one-sided. Just my take. 

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I think it pisses Heather off a lot that Bethenny has not warmed to her. I think she is taking the situation far more personally than she needs to. Instead of backing off and giving Bethenny space, she is overbearing. Bethenny specifically said that she wanted space and wanted to keep the wall up and Heather does what? Walks over to Bethenny and tries to take her hand so they can talk in another room. Which is exactly what Bethenny did not want. The hostess offered a solution (hummus...heh) and Heather should not have poked her nose into the situation. It is not your home, you did not hire the caterer, and it is not your situation to rectify. Bethenny said she'd be able to figure out what she can eat based on what is brought to the table. The conversation should have ended there, but no, Heather felt a need to tend to Bethenny in a home that she doesn't even own. It was just too bizarre to me and I feel no sympathy for Heather.


I thought Heather was on to something when she surmised that everyone seems afraid of criticizing Bethenny.


I think the other ladies have figured out how to cope with Bethenny's return - they hang out with her, they talk to her, and they let the situation be what it is. They don't seem to speak to her about her divorce or the custody issue. Heather is the only one that is really forcing a relationship by trying to bond beyond a superficial level and it's not welcomed.


The other thing that I don't get is the Beth is dealing with the end of her marriage and divorce.  This stuff was filmed almost two years after she filed for divorce.  It ain't that raw.


I've never been through it, but I know people who have gone through lengthy divorces and the pain/frustration can be raw until everything is sorted out. It seems Bethenny was still in and out of court around this time.


Heather walking over to a crying Bethenny and grabbing her arm to lead her into the next room was just so wrong. I think Heather was coming from a good place in that instance but that was seriously the wrong way to go about it. I would not have reacted well to that at all. heather is so fucking bossy even when she's trying be kind.

I agree. This is when the tiniest smidge of sympathy I had faded way. Heather is extremely aggressive and I don't get why she doesn't see that. It's ridiculous that a simple 'I can't eat xyz' escalated to two women crying at a dining room table.

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Brian Moylan on Vulture writes the best blogs (Carole endorses him as her stand-in :) - and I thought his take on Bethenny v. Heather was smart and said what I think better than I could. (From the link above)




Here is what I can tell you: Heather and Bethenny aren’t going to mesh. Know what, that’s okay. In life there are just some people who are operating on a wavelength either too identical or too opposite, and those two people just aren’t meant to be friends. Heather and Bethenny are such a pair, and they should do the smart thing and stay away from each other and act civil at parties, but then not engage in any one-on-one conversation. The real problem is that Heather is trying really hard to get Bethenny to like her, and Bethenny is just not having any of it. To Heather’s credit, Bethenny is being especially harsh to her for no real good reason. Bethenny has always been abrasive, but given her current vulnerability, it is even worse, and it is coming out at strange times and in odd directions. “I just want the wall up,” Bethenny says, very tellingly, but Heather is not listening. She walks around the table and tries to take Bethenny into the next room to talk about it, but that is sort of like trying to bake a pie with a flashlight. The last thing Bethenny wants to do is talk about it, but Heather can’t understand that. Heather is playing Reality Show, where two people fight around a table and then they go to a second location (pro tip: Never let a Housewife take you to a second location) and fight about it one-on-one. But the last thing that Bethenny wants to do right now is play Reality Show. She just wants to have drinks and cackle inappropriately with Sonja. Gosh, Heather, just let her. Just let her be superficial and stupid. But, in Heather’s defense, if Bethenny doesn’t want to play reality show and put her life on camera for everyone to see, then what the hell is she doing on a reality show?


He also notes that Heather is getting "the bitch edit something fierce this season."  Yes, she is.  As Breezy424 said



Heather is frustrated and trying too hard.  She's also getting the bitch edit.  Notice when Beth came in they showed a clip of Heather making a 'face'.  Cut to commercial.  Then we see a clip of Beth entering the room and Heather is looking at Beth entering the room - no bitch face.  Editing is a bitch.  I noticed this a few times throughout the episode.  It's all about portraying drama...or creating it.


I saw this edit too.  Bethenny comes in, Heather turns around with a neutral face, everyone gets up.  Then cut to Heather sitting and scowling - but John, sitting beside her, hasn't moved yet.  Clearly a totally different time.


I wish they could have done the season with Heather and Bethenny bonding and taking over Manhattan as two boss ladies.  I think Heather had that wish as well, and she aggressively tried to make that happen.  Heather's default mode is take charge, skewing into bossy, but coming from a good place.  That approach was never going to work with Bethenny, not ever, and certainly not in these circumstances.  I don't think Heather is jealous of Bethenny, and I don't know that Heather even feels her place in the show was threatened.  I do think Heather wanted something (a connection with Bethenny as two strong business women) that Bethenny wasn't willing to give.  And the more it was denied, the more frustrated Heather got, the harder she pushed, and the worse she made it. 


To me, this is not an admirable move on Heather's part.  But it is understandable.  I wish she could take a breath, and back off a bit, but that doesn't seem to be in her nature.  Some people know how to handle it - notice Carole coming into breakfast that morning, wearing a sweatshirt that says "Stop Talking," and Heather laughed, "You wore that for me!" and hugged her.  I think Heather knows this is an issue of hers, and can laugh at it - but apparently still has some work to do when managing it.


As for Bethenny, I have a very strong willed standard poodle, and we laugh at her "not my idea" attitude.  If you want her to do something she doesn't want to do (come here, cuddle, whatever), you get this vehement pushback from her: she digs in her heels,  not my idea!!  I think Bethenny is like that.  Her default response to everything this season has been "not my idea!" Not my idea to make friends with Heather!  Not my idea to come to this event, or that one, or that one.  Not my idea to have this conversation.  Not my idea to eat a meatball!  


Believe it or not, I'm sympathetic to Bethenny.  She is a raw nerve under all circumstances (remember in Season 1 when she turned on a dime and threatened to stab Jill Zarin with a fork for asking about her birthday presents?) - and now she's going through a divorce, not getting her way at all, and returning with her tail between her legs to a franchise that she once ruled, and which she thought she had left behind.  It's a blow.  And she wants some space.  I get that.  But, as Dame Moylan said over at Vulture, a reality show based on interacting with other women is not the right place to go to get space.  And to act like Heather is crazy for wanting to form a relationship with you when you came on a show that is about forming relationships with people is sort of disingenuous.  Suddenly I'm channeling Eileen Davidson from RHOBH:  "Pay attention to me!  Don't pay attention to me!"


I actually think the show would be better served if Andy and the editors took the advice I would give Heather.  Don't try to force the issue.  Relax and let it play out on its own.  I would be more sympathetic to Bethenny if you didn't force her therapy sessions down my throat, and if you didn't try to turn Heather into a vicious b--h to make Bethenny look good, but instead told the very simple, very real truth:  sometimes two people don't get along, and that's not easy to handle. 


To me the real, interesting narrative arc here is that one: two high-powered successful alpha females, used to getting their way and being able to take charge of the situation, both being denied in different ways, and how they handle it.  We don't need to make either one the villain.  It actually works better if we can understand them both.

  • Love 20



I didn't think Dorinda was all that bothered about Kristen's behavior with John....UNTIL Kristen decided to make John's behavior an issue. I think that night Dorinda probably thought that BOTH of them were behaving a bit inappropriately, but she let it go. No big deal. But then she hears Kristen acting like John is such a pervert and she's all Miss Innocent, so Dorinda wanted to make a point that Kristen was rubbing herself all up on him and it wasn't all one-sided. Just my take.

I agree with this. I don't think she would have mentioned it had Kristen not brought it up.

For the most part, I have me a huge girl crush on Dorinda.

Bravo to whoever mentioned Sonja showing up without a dress. Just another reminder of why this dress designer shit isn't really real. Hey girl, take a small page from Beth. Does anyone believe she made the long trip from Manhattan without at least one Skinnygirl product to whip out at a moments notice? Sonja could have wondered into dinner and announced she was wearing one of her own frocks, but the thought clearly didn't occur. She somehow managed to remember the clingy nightgown, however.

  • Love 9


I swear I remember reading that Kristen had a second boob job not all that long ago (last 1 or 2 years maybe?).   She must have gone for a really natural look...

Kristen said she got the second set as a gift from her husband after the last kid.  For whatever reason, her implants are really low.  The first set was too.  I think it looks odd but she's happy.   Josh looks like he's trying to be Timberlake.  Um, no.


Did Beth say she was allergic to non-shellfish?  To me, it sounded like it was a preference.


When Heather said she lost her nanny of 9 years (meaning her kids' nanny), did said Nanny die?  Or just move.  Because if the nanny died, I cold see the kids being very upset since she was a major part of their lives for many years.  If the nanny moved or changed jobs, meh, easier to get over.


if Bethenny doesn’t want to play reality show and put her life on camera for everyone to see, then what the hell is she doing on a reality show?

Amen.  Beth is clearly trying to rehabilitate her image on TV (ain't working), push her SG products and 1M$ isn't chump change while receiving all that free airtime for SG.

  • Love 2
But I still get this forceful feeling from Heather. I had a "friend" like that once, someone who moved in our circles. I just felt like she was trying to make the friendship be more than it was from very early on. That she was trying to be there in ways for me that she simply hadn't "earned" yet. It was very off putting. The thing is, I don't think Heather means any ill will. I think she is simply a very controlling person and it's just in her nature to try and take command and "do" for other people. And that works with some of the other ladies. If Sonja broke down into tears, she'd have no problem jumping up and leading Sonja from the room to calm her down. That just doesn't work with Beth. She needs to take better stock and figure out a new way to interact with B. Because what she's doing isn't working. 


I have a "friend" who is like this as well, except in my case, she is using our "friendship" to ingratiate herself (romantically) with a very close friend of mine (male) who isn't interested. And it is extremely off-putting and makes both me and my male friend uncomfortable. I guess I'm more cynical and thought Heather was merely doing it for screen time, but now that you've pointed it out, I can see how her personality could result in what happened between her and Bethenny.

  • Love 3

I thought Ramona stealing Carole's Bluestone Manor suggestion was hilarious.

Ah, see, I thought it was HORRIBLE.  Steal a dress, ehh, they all have a hundred dresses--get a screen catch of your friend wearing the dress she stole and you can have more fun with that than you'd ever get out of the dress itself.


But if I dreamed up a thoughtful, clever idea for a friend to whom it will be permanently significant and then someone stole the credit--I'd murder her.


Intellectual property, baby!


But I guess that's just me because Carole was laughing even though she was exasperated.

Edited by candall
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I think Heather's problem with Beth isn't really about her being "mean", but about there being another lady who is as strong and independent as she is, and who she can't really control. She wants to lash out and tell B not to tell her how to talk and act. But Beth wasn't doing that. She was simply not responding to Heather's "tending" the way Heather would have wanted. Heather needs to let go.


Bingo, Heather is use to taking the lead and not only does she takes the lead, she expects the other person to let it happen and be grateful about it. Under the pretense that she cares so much and is coming from a good place she basically gets to tell other people what to do and how to do it. Case in point last dinner.


Nobody asked Heather to confont Ramona's date based on a gossip rag article but she took it upon herself to nail the guy , if you ask Heather she will tell you she did it because she cares for Ramona and doesn't want her to be hurt.  

She nailed Sonja "team" because she cares so much, no matter that she is mocking Sonja right and left, she does have to meddle because she cares.

Bethenny has told the host about the food issue and she even offered a solution by saying she would wait to see the other options but Heather wasn't going to let that be the end of it, she had to push because she cares so much.


I am seeing a pattern with Heather here, her fake concern and her "caring" somehow is applied more to the people that she evidently can't stand, her comments, facial gestures, talking heads, overall demeanor about Sonja, Ramona and now Bethenny cannot be confused with those of a real caring person, Heather just think she can pull it off and pretend to be nice and when that is not well received then she gets to be the bitch and say, " I tried to be nice to you"


How come Heather's niceness never seem to apply to the people she really cares for , how come we have never seen her having a real, nice, "caring" conversation with Carole about how to motivate herself to meet the editor's deadlines? How come she is not talking to Carole about her teenagerish regressional behavior? maybe they have but it happened behind cameras? Of course she will never talk to Carole in front of the cameras about anything real because she actually cares about her.


Heather doesn't fool me one bit, her fake concern and her fake caring is usually reserved for the ones she actually doesn't like and can care less about and when they can read through her BS she gets to act hurt and offended. I am not buying it  

  • Love 22

Now..having said that - Heather needs to just back off and shut up.   I have food allergies, and in this respect I am like Bethenny.  I will say something to the hostess, and Dorinda was right to offer her something else, but when Bethenny said no, it should have been the end of it, Heather.  Like Ramona said, Bethenny is a big girl, if she's hungry, she'll eat.   I'm the same way - after I have explained it to hostess, and she has responded,everyone else leave me alone, I 'm fine.



I have life-threatening food allergies and I do the same thing. I let the host/hostess know, purely so they understand why I might not be eating everything. I want to make sure that they know it's not because I don't like the food. When John went out of his way to talk up the sushi chef, I think it made it even more necessary to let the two of them know what her situation is. It's really not a big deal, but I have been in situations where other people make a big deal out of it and it's the worst. Horribly embarrassing. The last thing I ever want in that situation is for my food allergies to cause stress to the host. I let them know and then I handle it. For Heather to get in the middle of it and start talking about it and then offering a meatball or whatever the fuck was just so annoying. I would have been sinking into the floor if I were the one she was "helping". 

Heather needs to take a chill pill. Losing a nanny because they quit or were fired is not equivalent to divorcing a spouse or being widowed. I get that familes get close to nannies, but it's simply not the same. 


Yeah, no. My nanny of 8 years left this year because she had her own baby. My kids are still really sad about it and it was upsetting for our whole family. She'd been with my little one since she was 2 months old. That said, it's nothing compared to divorce and custody issues and adjusting to not having your kids with you every day. Nothing. It was just an ill-chosen analogy and I would hope Heather can recognize that at this point. And honestly? There's really no need to compete over tragedy, okay? We are all going through things and it doesn't matter whose is worse. Just have empathy for the person, even if you think they are overreacting or "my situation is so much harder!" We all respond differently to different things. Have empathy, don't judge, and then mind your business. I would hope that if Heather was crying to Carole over her nanny leaving that Carole wouldn't respond by saying "my husband died!" Because that's not how adults operate.


I think it pisses Heather off a lot that Bethenny has not warmed to her. I think she is taking the situation far more personally than she needs to. Instead of backing off and giving Bethenny space, she is overbearing. Bethenny specifically said that she wanted space and wanted to keep the wall up and Heather does what? Walks over to Bethenny and tries to take her hand so they can talk in another room. Which is exactly what Bethenny did not want. The hostess offered a solution (hummus...heh) and Heather should not have poked her nose into the situation. It is not your home, you did not hire the caterer, and it is not your situation to rectify. Bethenny said she'd be able to figure out what she can eat based on what is brought to the table. The conversation should have ended there, but no, Heather felt a need to tend to Bethenny in a home that she doesn't even own. It was just too bizarre to me and I feel no sympathy for Heather.


I would have been so pissed if after all that Heather tried to pull me into another room to talk. Heather. Move on. Just let it go and move the fuck on. She just can't stop herself from being the aggressor. I kind of forgot about the Kristen/Heather stuff from last year. Ugh. Heather's "the Berkshires are my hood" got on my last nerve too. I grew up in the Berkshires and, yes, the New Yorkers are always annoying. (of course now I live in NYC so I guess I'm the annoying one. Hah) Heather, you weren't born there and you didn't grow up there. It's not your "hood". Shut it.


Lu looked gorgeous but had way too much makeup on. Ramona's "date" was not attractive, sorry. He was also kind of annoying. I think it's funny how Josh said basically nothing and still managed to look like a douche just by showing up in the clothes he had on.


I have a total girl crush on Dorinda. Dorinda, I love you girl - I wish they would let you have ONE nice birthday party!

  • Love 10

I've thought this for a while not and just had to say it now....LuAnn is gorgeous. Good Lord I wash I had that body.

Her outfit at dinner was the bomb....the make up was perfect....a little too heavy but otherwise perfection.



Given that we don't see EVERYthing I hadn't even expected that the first dress Dorinda pulled out would be the one Sonja would wear. It's just the only one we saw them look at. But I just presumed, Dorinda also said, "Let's go see, I've got plenty, let's see what you like....." 


I've always thought Lu was so very beautiful.  She looks as good as she did in season 1- maybe even better!  However, for the first time in a long time, I was not feeling her look for the birthday dinner!  I didn't like the dress, the earrings or the hair.  I still covet the other 99% of her wardrobe though (and about 60% of her accessories!)

Perfectly put. Heather's damage is that she's not able to live up to her name because, like it or not, Bethenny is Queen B.


Carole's taste in men's looks is pretty low. Every guy who is not bad is suddenly "gorgeous." She exaggerates probably because she thinks crushing on guys furthers her campaign to come across as a pretty young thing.


Errr...huh? Do only young women find men "gorgeous"? Pretty sure I've heard woman of ALL ages use that terminology. But maybe I'm missing something.


Along those lines, though, NO he was no Mr. Big.  I also found him quite... awkward and strange at the dinner.  Maybe he was just uncomfortable since he didn't really know most of them. 


When Heather said she felt the loss of nanny of nine years I thought it sounded odd but it had to be hard on the children.   I do think Heather's nanny had to have some wonderful attributes to deal with the special needs in Heather's household. I did find Heather's loss ever bit as significant to her children as Bethenny's whining about having custody half the time. 



Yes. I admit, when I first heard those words come out of Heather's mouth, I rolled my eyes a tad.  But when I thought about it more, I realized that yea--this nanny isn't just an ordinary nanny.  She has been caring for a boy who - at certain times in his life - was gravely ill, had multiple surgeries, etc.  I'm sure Heather and Jonathan were very close with her and felt she was part of their family.  So, in short, yes she had a right to bring up the Nanny situation as an example of something she's been going through (yet not lashing out at others like a rabid jackal as a result of it, BETHENNY)


Maybe this why I don't mind Heather, all my sisters are like this. Very helpful and always busy busy. The idea of a person not being able to eat something in there home would send into a tailspin trying fix/help. Are they a bit bossy, yeah I guess but it comes from a good place.


Ha- this describes my best friends, too, whom I actually refer to as "sisters" because we've all known each other for a ridiculously long time.  They're all very TAKE CHARGE and, admittedly, YES it can feel like too much sometimes.  But they are 100% coming from a good place and would literally give you the shirt off their backs if you needed it.  That is how I see Heather and why I just can't quit her! 


As for "jealousy" being a reason that H and B aren't getting along? No.  Just.. no.  I don't see jealousy at all on either of their sides.   The whole "alpha females butting heads" is so much more plausible.

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 7

It's just that Heather has an A type personality. You know the kid at school who just had to be perfect and follow all the rules? And everyone else should too? Authority is her middle name. Couple that with good intentions equals Heather trying to 'help' Bethenny. As an aside, the need to control can often manifest in those who are raised in situations where there are difficulties that they cannot control. So the need to control something becomes a personality trait. No idea of Heathers upbringing so I can't correlate anything here.

Bethenny has a 'victim but I'm tough now' personality so authority completely rubs her the wrong way. Bethenny sees the authority assertions from Heather but cannot see the good intentions behind it all.

I have some leanings toward the A type need to control, be in charge, or sort everyone out (I'd self diagnose my childhood for that). But I'm also very sensitive, caring, will do anything for others. So I can see where Heather is coming from. One thing that drives me NUTS is being misunderstood. I think that might explain Heathers reactions during dinner and how she tried to take Beth away to sort it all out away from the others. It especially explains her tears when she sat back down after Beth didn't want to go away and talk.

Heather, in her own way (right or wrong) is trying with Beth with good intentions. Beth isn't reading Heather in the way Heather is expecting/hoping she will. Frustrations from both ensue. I just wish Beth would hear Heather out.

Oh, and another example of Beth getting a TH about the dinner but Heather didn't.

  • Love 9

Is it just me or is Ramona classy, beautiful and amazing this season?  I've always loved her, even when she acts like an asshole, but her new mindset is disconcerting to say the least.  


I loved your entire post until the last line. ^^ LOL.  Moaner seems to have grown but I still can't handle her loud voice and Tourette-y hand waves and head wags and shoulder shrugs. Someone said, upthread, that if she started pulling at me and stretching my sweater out, she might find herself lying in a heap at the bottom of the stairs.  Agreed.  She was just being playful but...too much.


You show up supposedly unexpectedly (yeah, right...), you deal with your own allergies and don't dump it on the hostess (or her cooks).


I didn't think it was an allergy, just a preference.  That said, Beth shouldn't have mentioned it.  Prior to the announcement of sushi, it seems like there was salad and plenty of appetizers on that table.  She probably ate more before the sushi course than she had all week.  Also, she could have picked the crab and avocado out of a California Roll if she was still hungry and pushed the sticky rice (CARBS!) to the side. Or just eaten more salad.  Much ado about nothing.

  • Love 7

Ramona waxing poetic about the universal tragedies we all face? My my. It must've been high tide and a full moon, or maybe she really has turned a new leaf.



I was really turned off by Dorinda's reaction to what Ramona was saying, which pains me because so far I have LOVED Dorinda.  She basically just completely dismissed Ramona and told her she didn't know what the eff she was talking about.  The look on Ramona's face killed me.  It's not often that Ramona shows that side of herself and I can understand why if that's the sort of reaction she gets when she does.  


There is so much more I want to say about this episode but for now I'm going to read everyone else's comments.  So far, it seems pretty split down the middle in regards to the Bethenny/Heather feud.  I haven't had enough coffee yet this morning and I haven't decided yet if I want to wade into all that. lol

  • Love 4

You all are  being too hard on poor Heather. I mean sure, both Carole and Dorinda are widows. Sure Ramona's husband publicly humiliated her with his affair.  But for cripes sake people, Heather lost her Nanny!!! Have you no sense of what is important in life?


Seriously, I am completely hating Heather this season and completely enjoying it because I have always sensed she was a controlling bitch and now it's on grand display. I would have reacted exactly as Bethanny did to Heather's intrusion into her plans for eating. Seriously, her plans for eating? Bethanny is a big girl. I am pretty sure, based on her figure, that missing a few portions of a few dinners is not going to be a new or unbearable experience for her. Also, although I am not allergic to it, I will not eat any fish other than shellfish because it makes me, literally, gag. So, if I were  served non-shellfish, I would eat around it.


Heather is a bossy bitch and is pissed off that Beth isn't interested in being BFF's with her and will not take her mothering. I would be seriously pissed about her making such a big deal about what Bethanny was going to eat.


I also want to know who that short, blond, rational and even tempered woman impersonating Ramona is.

  • Love 16

Is it possible that Heather aggressively pushed the meatball on Bethenny as an underhanded way to expose Bethenny's purported eating disorder?

Or, is it possible that Heather meant no such thing, but Bethenny did interpret the meatball-thing as a sneaky way to out her rumored bulimia, which, in turn, upset her?

It's a possiblity. But Im going to hold onto some Heather bias and not give Beth some edge at using it to play victim. Plus Heather might be bossy and a tad annoying but I cant see her being that malicious.

  • Love 8

One, great episode. Dorinda's house has to be one of my favorites from this show, ever. The setting was so perfect, except her decor isn't exactly my style, but at least it had personality...it hadn't been turned into some faux mid-century interior that is now all in on Pinterest. Still, I agree with ScoobieDoobs:


As beautiful as it is, honestly, that ain't for me.  Winters there stink.  And it looked kinda isolated.  Sorta remind me of The Shining, but I prefer the city so maybe that's just me.



I am never more terrified than when I am staying out in the country somewhere isolated on vacation. 


Second best thing about this episode: Minimal Sonja schtick.


I like Dorinda. I do not like John. He's skeevy, and if my husband behaved the way he does, I'd have tossed him long ago. I feel sorry for Dorinda, because she's tolerating his bullshit as a trade-off for his redeeming qualities and she probably is too exhausted by tragedy to find a partner who is supportive AND appropriate.



And the fact is she will need to give John the heave ho so she can be open to finding someone better. Was it me, or was John lying to her about the time he left NYC when he came in the door?  I mean, anyone can cry when someone is sitting next to them pouring their heart out, but John lacks basic respect for Dorinda by being a hound dog in front of her. I get that he is Mr. Right Now for her, except he is also Mr. Two Years of Her Life at this point too.


Bethenny is really raw. Could it be the holidays setting her off? I'm guessing here, but maybe she is really feeling the lack of a warm big family now that she has nothing on her end to offer Brynn in that department?  I really feel for her, yeah, she's harsh and brittle but also seems truly sad.  I do not think Andy and Bethenny envisioned her return as a series of sobbing fits.  


Notice that Heather was helping Dorinda set up, ashing asking John if he needed help with his bags, and just generally doing quiet things in the background up until the fight




Because Heather isn't okay unless she's the number one, go to, I-can-fix-that-for-you person in your life. It's very egotistical, IMO.  Just sit back and let other people's lives fall apart Heather without seeing it as an opportunity to pump yourself up by suggesting "the answer."  I like when Ramona (I think it was Ramona, maybe some other face) said that Bethheny wants to figure it out on her own.  I don't think it's necessarily that Bethenny is more successful, it's that Bethenny can't be bothered with Heather. If Bethenny gave two cents to her Heather would be all over her. And I personally would hate it if someone marched over to me when I was sitting at dinner and grabbed my hand to lead me out of the room like I was two. Heather is over the top.


Carole is being redeemed in my eyes. No mention of the chef in this episode.

  • Love 7

Then: "Ding Dong" and I could feel the life being sucked out of my TV screen.  The dynamic instantly changed and I could feel the tension.  Sorry Bravo, but I don't see what the million dollar baby is bringing to the show.  She's just too tense.  And who is she to knock the women and their clothing - they wanted to get dressed up for a nice dinner, so what?   But this is Bethenny trying desperately to be Season 1 Bethenny and it doesn't work anymore.



To me, this was the Scary Island version of "Hiiiiiii!!!" in that I felt the energy just get sucked out of the room as soon as Bethenny made her presence known. Like, Bethenny being in the house really changed the dynamic of the evening.


When Heather said she felt the loss of nanny of nine years I thought it sounded odd but it had to be hard on the children.   I do think Heather's nanny had to have some wonderful attributes to deal with the special needs in Heather's household. I did find Heather's loss ever bit as significant to her children as Bethenny's whining about having custody half the time.  


On the face of it, talking about the loss of a nanny seemed ridiculous. However, given that Heather has a child with a lot of needs, I can imagine that that shake up in routine can be unsettling. It's easy to forget that Heather and Jon have a little boy with a lot of health issues because even during her inaugural season, Heather wasn't a big crumpling mess over it.


Lastly, I'm going to end on a superficial note: Dorinda is beautiful.

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 14

Errr...huh? Do only young women find men "gorgeous"? Pretty sure I've heard woman of ALL ages use that terminology. But maybe I'm missing something.


Along those lines, though, NO he was no Mr. Big.  I also found him quite... awkward and strange at the dinner.  Maybe he was just uncomfortable since he didn't really know most of them. 

It's not about that specific term, just that she adopts hyperbole to affect a gushing schoolgirl.

Edited by anonymiss
  • Love 5

I'm surprised at how unattractive and cheap Dorinda's Christmas decorations were considering how beautiful the interior of her home is.

I thought it was endearing and I am not a big Dorinda fan. I am pretty sure I have some Christmas decorations people might find cheap and unnattractive like my 60 year old pink and blue plastic angels that my dad bought for my first Christmas when I was 24 days old. They have been displayed on my mantel every year since, along with some lovely,expensive decorative garland (green and very real looking), and gorgeous chrystal candle holders. They don't match the color scheme, they definitely look cheap, they don't match the style, and they will need to be pried from my cold, dead hands one day if I am ever to give them up.


Christmas can be very sentimental and nostalgic for people.    

Edited by chlban
  • Love 18

It's just that Heather has an A type personality. You know the kid at school who just had to be perfect and follow all the rules? And everyone else should too? Authority is her middle name. Couple that with good intentions equals Heather trying to 'help' Bethenny. As an aside, the need to control can often manifest in those who are raised in situations where there are difficulties that they cannot control. So the need to control something becomes a personality trait. No idea of Heathers upbringing so I can't correlate anything here.

Bethenny has a 'victim but I'm tough now' personality so authority completely rubs her the wrong way. Bethenny sees the authority assertions from Heather but cannot see the good intentions behind it all.

I have some leanings toward the A type need to control, be in charge, or sort everyone out (I'd self diagnose my childhood for that). But I'm also very sensitive, caring, will do anything for others. So I can see where Heather is coming from. One thing that drives me NUTS is being misunderstood. I think that might explain Heathers reactions during dinner and how she tried to take Beth away to sort it all out away from the others. It especially explains her tears when she sat back down after Beth didn't want to go away and talk.

Heather, in her own way (right or wrong) is trying with Beth with good intentions. Beth isn't reading Heather in the way Heather is expecting/hoping she will. Frustrations from both ensue. I just wish Beth would hear Heather out.

Oh, and another example of Beth getting a TH about the dinner but Heather didn't.



That is were we disagree, I don't see good intentions in Heather at all, the way she talks about her and the way she makes facial gestures when she arrives tell me that Heather can't stand Bethenny but is trying to play cool and it is upset because Bethenny can see through her fake game.

  • Love 10

One, great episode. Dorinda's house has to be one of my favorites from this show, ever. The setting was so perfect, except her decor isn't exactly my style, but at least it had personality...it hadn't been turned into some faux mid-century interior that is now all in on Pinterest. Still, I agree with ScoobieDoobs:


How could I forget my absolute house lust?  I loved her place, I think more for the fact that it's not an ode to Restoration Hardware or Pottery Barn, nothing wrong with either, but it's clear that everything about it came from her own approximately-zero-fucks-were-given- about-your-opinion sense of style she has.   I also loved the birthday dress she was wearing and now I know the proper style earring to wear with that cut.  Better run out and get me some chandeliers before Rainbow runs out.

  • Love 5

I have life-threatening food allergies and I do the same thing. I let the host/hostess know, purely so they understand why I might not be eating everything. I want to make sure that they know it's not because I don't like the food. When John went out of his way to talk up the sushi chef, I think it made it even more necessary to let the two of them know what her situation is. It's really not a big deal, but I have been in situations where other people make a big deal out of it and it's the worst. Horribly embarrassing. The last thing I ever want in that situation is for my food allergies to cause stress to the host. I let them know and then I handle it. For Heather to get in the middle of it and start talking about it and then offering a meatball or whatever the fuck was just so annoying. I would have been sinking into the floor if I were the one she was "helping". 


Yeah, no. My nanny of 8 years left this year because she had her own baby. My kids are still really sad about it and it was upsetting for our whole family. She'd been with my little one since she was 2 months old. That said, it's nothing compared to divorce and custody issues and adjusting to not having your kids with you every day. Nothing. It was just an ill-chosen analogy and I would hope Heather can recognize that at this point. And honestly? There's really no need to compete over tragedy, okay? We are all going through things and it doesn't matter whose is worse. Just have empathy for the person, even if you think they are overreacting or "my situation is so much harder!" We all respond differently to different things. Have empathy, don't judge, and then mind your business. I would hope that if Heather was crying to Carole over her nanny leaving that Carole wouldn't respond by saying "my husband died!" Because that's not how adults operate.



I would have been so pissed if after all that Heather tried to pull me into another room to talk. Heather. Move on. Just let it go and move the fuck on. She just can't stop herself from being the aggressor. I kind of forgot about the Kristen/Heather stuff from last year. Ugh. Heather's "the Berkshires are my hood" got on my last nerve too. I grew up in the Berkshires and, yes, the New Yorkers are always annoying. (of course now I live in NYC so I guess I'm the annoying one. Hah) Heather, you weren't born there and you didn't grow up there. It's not your "hood". Shut it.


Lu looked gorgeous but had way too much makeup on. Ramona's "date" was not attractive, sorry. He was also kind of annoying. I think it's funny how Josh said basically nothing and still managed to look like a douche just by showing up in the clothes he had on.


I have a total girl crush on Dorinda. Dorinda, I love you girl - I wish they would let you have ONE nice birthday party!

Yes to all this.


Although I think Heather grew up in the Berkshires nevertheless the whole "The Berkshires is my hood.  And Dorinda and I established this kind of summer love affair here. So I feel like the co-host with the most"  No Heather you are not the co-host, so STFD motherfucker!


I think what set Heather off that day was during the Red Roof Inn meal when Carole related her experience with Bethenny @ CB2 and how Bethenny broke down to Carole & had an organic bonding moment.

Carole is her BFF & Carole had the moment that Heather wants with Bethenny.


This was a dinner party with 14 people, so of course there will be conversations within groups or fun shenanigans (Bethenny & Sonja) or what not.

Heather took it upon herself to monopolize the table with roasting of Mr. NotBig & promise of salacious gossip about him later on 

And because she didn't have everyone's undivided attention she was so quick to admonish Bethenny & Sonja but telling them that she would need to separate them?

No Heather, STFU motherfucker!


This is not your boardroom with a meeting you are running, this is Dorinda's home & Birthday Party & up to that point looks like a good time.

Lean back, sip some sake & eat your fucking meatball

  • Love 19

Bingo, Heather is use to taking the lead and not only does she takes the lead, she expects the other person to let it happen and be grateful about it.


I was floored by the way she took Bethenny's hand, turned on her heel and just expected Type A Bethenny to follow. Didn't look at Beth when she was doing it, just aggressively took her hand, turned on a heel and started to walk. I had to watch it again just to make sure I was seeing it right.  Just one more way Heather reminds me of a mean teacher.  "Talk in MY class?  I'll show you who's boss, Billy."  Grabs Wild Bill's hand and escorts him to the corner, all aggro and Maleficent-like.


That might have worked on a weeping Kristen or Carole but Bethenny?  Fuggetaboutit. 

  • Love 18

I agree with this. I don't think she would have mentioned it had Kristen not brought it up.

For the most part, I have me a huge girl crush on Dorinda.

Bravo to whoever mentioned Sonja showing up without a dress. Just another reminder of why this dress designer shit isn't really real. Hey girl, take a small page from Beth. Does anyone believe she made the long trip from Manhattan without at least one Skinnygirl product to whip out at a moments notice? Sonja could have wondered into dinner and announced she was wearing one of her own frocks, but the thought clearly didn't occur. She somehow managed to remember the clingy nightgown, however.

Kristen did not bring up John, Ramona did and then Dorinda walked into the room when Kristen was responding to Ramona's comment. Just like when she tried to blame LuAnn for talking badly about John when she has been the main force doing it, she did it again with Kristen. She is trying to take the heat off herself by throwing the others under the bus, typical Ramona move. JMO

  • Love 7

You could almost draw a line between the two halves of this show. 


Part one was fun, the girls as a group having a good time.  Even the dinner table conversation about Bethenny was pleasant.  There was the Dorinda/Kristen skirmish but they moved past it.  Looking forward to a nice episode.


Then: "Ding Dong" and I could feel the life being sucked out of my TV screen.  The dynamic instantly changed and I could feel the tension.  Sorry Bravo, but I don't see what the million dollar baby is bringing to the show.  She's just too tense.  And who is she to knock the women and their clothing - they wanted to get dressed up for a nice dinner, so what?   But this is Bethenny trying desperately to be Season 1 Bethenny and it doesn't work anymore.



Now..having said that - Heather needs to just back off and shut up.   I have food allergies, and in this respect I am like Bethenny.  I will say something to the hostess, and Dorinda was right to offer her something else, but when Bethenny said no, it should have been the end of it, Heather.  Like Ramona said, Bethenny is a big girl, if she's hungry, she'll eat.   I'm the same way - after I have explained it to hostess, and she has responded,everyone else leave me alone, I 'm fine.


Finally, Sonja - really - prancing around John with an open robe?


ETA:  A Question - because I have not consistently watched this season - what is it that Bethenny cannot discuss or she will be crying all over the floor? Second time I have heard her reference it. Is it the divorce, her childhood?  Just wondering if it 's been mentioned and I missed it.


Reminded me a little of the "Scary Island" episode when Jill walked in on them with her big "Hiiiiiii".....the only difference here, was that the hostess (Dorinda) was gracious and welcoming, and most of the other guests followed her lead, excluding Heather.  


If I remember correctly, Bethenny was one of the people who froze Jill out when she showed up unexpectedly, after having declined the invitation (well, aside from all the other issues they were having).  


I think that Bethenny would have remembered how badly that went for Jill, and maybe she should have stuck with her original plan of not attending.


If Bethenny doesn't soften up her hard edges and lighten up on her unapologetic rudeness she is NOT going to be everyone's favorite anymore.  Well, except for Andy (and I guess he's the one that counts), because Andy loves a housewife who is snarky, rude and stirs up drama.

  • Love 7

The preemptive strike was calculated IMO to draw attention to herself.  Otherwise, why mention the allergy?

That was my perception, too. I won't be surprised if she comes up with an excuse to get around having to eat anything at all.


The camera slowly moves over to Jon who is raising his sake cup to toast like he hasn't a care in the world.

John also had his arm around Heather at the time, so he evidently wasn't that blasé about the situation.


Losing a nanny because they quit or were fired is not equivalent to divorcing a spouse or being widowed.

I seriously doubt Heather was trying to make a literal comparison, but was just pointing out that everybody has their own upsetting shit they're navigating, and how ridiculous it is to coddle Beth and excuse her stank 'tude because of something that happened to her thirty years ago.

  • Love 13

HEE I just read Brian's Vulture description of Lu's dinner outfit and it is SO along the lines of what I was thinking but not nearly clever or witty enough to come up with:


Crackerjacks was dressed as the villain at a murder-mystery dinner party



It's not about that specific term, just that she adopts hyperbole to affect a gushing schoolgirl.



I don't see her describing somebody as "gorgeous" as hyperbole.  We all have different views on who we find attractive, and perhaps she really did think he was hot. 

  • Love 6

I think jealousy has to be a factor somewhat in Heather's dynamic with Bethenny.  How could it not?  Bethenny's success is unbelievable and it's probably her that made it that Heather and Kristen even wanted to be a housewife in the first place.  I'm not saying Heather is bitter or wants to trade in her own life, but I think it would be hard not to be jealous of Bethenny.

I for one see absolutely no jealousy on Heather's part.  Why would she?  For all of Bethenny's success, she owes much of it to being on RHONY.  Heather earned her success without being on reality tv.


The difference between Heather and Beth - Heather does mean well and is trying (not so successfully) to be nice and Beth doesn't feel she owes anyone anything because Beth had a horrible childhood and she is the first person to have to deal with joint custody.  Beth is doing you a favor by being there.


Heather is frustrated and trying too hard.  She's also getting the bitch edit.  Notice when Beth came in they showed a clip of Heather making a 'face'.  Cut to commercial.  Then we see a clip of Beth entering the room and Heather is looking at Beth entering the room - no bitch face.  Editing is a bitch.  I noticed this a few times throughout the episode.  It's all about portraying drama...or creating it.

I, for one, didn't miss Beth or Sonja.  The episode was much more enjoyable without them.


Heather also did get up off the couch to greet Bethenny, contrary to what another poster said.  She even said upon learning that Bryn was staying at the hotel with Bethenny that she'd wished she'd known that Bryn and Bethenny were at the Red Lion Inn because her own kids were there and maybe they could have played together.  She has made so many efforts to befriend Bethenny and has been pushed away nearly every single time.

Edited by slitz
  • Love 13

Reminded me a little of the "Scary Island" episode when Jill walked in on them with her big "Hiiiiiii".....the only difference here, was that the hostess (Dorinda) was gracious and welcoming, and most of the other guests followed her lead, excluding Heather.  


If I remember correctly, Bethenny was one of the people who froze Jill out when she showed up unexpectedly, after having declined the invitation (well, aside from all the other issues they were having).  


I think that Bethenny would have remembered how badly that went for Jill, and maybe she should have stuck with her original plan of not attending.


If Bethenny doesn't soften up her hard edges and lighten up on her unapologetic rudeness she is NOT going to be everyone's favorite anymore.  Well, except for Andy (and I guess he's the one that counts), because Andy loves a housewife who is snarky, rude and stirs up drama.


I think an important difference between this and Scary Island though was that Jill wasn't welcomed to come.  Don't quote the raggedy memories, but weren't they all beefing or annoyed with Jill at the time?  or did she have a legitimate reason she couldn't attend, something about the store?  In any case, they'd made it clear she wasn't missed.   Dorinda, Ramona and the Countess were (or at least said they were) pleasantly surprised to see Beth.


The Countess lost etiquette points for not removing her gloves at the dinner table.


I'm tickled by this. Lol!

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I think what set Heather off that day was during the Red Roof Inn meal when Carole related her experience with Bethenny @ CB2 and how Bethenny broke down to Carole & had an organic bonding moment.

Carole is her BFF & Carole had the moment that Heather wants with Bethenny.



Winner!!! Hey Jez, I mean, I can shorten your handle to Jez because we post on the same forum, right? We're besties now because I quoted your post, right? NO? Wow, what's wrong with you????


Anyway, yes! Heather sees Carole, Princess of Coleslawvania (love that name someone coined on another thread) slipping out of her claws.  I think Bethenny incites jealousy in Heather, and the Skinny Girl success has got to be part of it, whether it is unconscious or not on Heather's part.  Heather works hard, has worked hard, but Bethhenny did not invest the same amount of time into Skinny Girl before she cashed in.  So Hanes hasn't bought out YummieTummie yet despite two seasons of Bravo exposure? Yes, it's probably not happening.  Not to knock Heather for that, those are real human emotions, but I for one don't think Heahter is always coming from a good place. She is coming from a place where she is seeking to soother her needs, it's just that Heather gets off helping people, but it's still uncomfortable for the "helpee."


Jonathon's "hey, let's drink more sake" response to his wife was classic. I noticed that too. He sure has finely honed "I am on camera now" reflexes. 


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