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S05.E08: Hardhome

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  On 6/1/2015 at 2:04 AM, LilyoftheValley said:

I sort of wish that someone we really knew and cared about as a character would have become a white walker, like Sam.  I dunno, I just feel that major things happen to character that we do not really know all that well, and it lessens the impact of whatever happens to them.

No to get all picky, but only Jon and the Thenn faced a Whitewalker. The soldiers and what the freefolk dead became are called Wights.

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That last however many minutes is some of my favorite television ever.  I actually said "oh my God" outloud when they showed the kids, because that was...I have no words for what that was.  Well done, show.  


Of course, now comes the long wait for the deployment of the dragons...which, based on this, should be well worth it.  


Also good: Dany/Tyrion, I'm enjoying whatever's up with Arya, and I was liked Sansa's reaction to learning that her brothers were alive.


Oh- and starting out with a conversation about sound strategy being tall walls and ending with what that was...nice touch.  Those people south of The Wall have no idea what's coming for them.

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That battle was insane! The whitewalkers and their commanders are fucking scary as hell. I had forgotten that they could raise the dead so I freaked out a bit when they woke up. At least, Jon now knows that Valyrian steel kills them though I am not sure how that helps much considering that it is very rare.


Danaerys and Tyrion are as entertaining as I thought they would be. Poor Jorah. Maybe he thinks it is better to die quickly,


I take it back about Theon. He did not have a plan. He is Reek.


I am enjoying Cersei getting hers though the Mountain still being alive cannot bode well.

Edited by SimoneS
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I will watch again at 11:30...when my bugged out eyeballs relax a bit!!!


That was amazing and that was Episode 8.  OMG...I may not survive Episode 9 if it sticks to the typical Episode 9 formula.




So, does Valaryian steel have the same properties as dragonglass? If so, then why didn't Longclaw shatter other walkers??



They were Wights, not White Walkers.  Wights are the dead that come back to life.

Edited by ShannaB
  • Love 1

That ending sequence was just, damn.  Who was the cloaked figure in the boat with Jon Snow who was at the bow?  It seemed like they were already in there and I don't recall seeing his/her face.  Thought it was a white walker at one point.  I also thought when one of the white walker kings raised his hand he was going to freeze the water so they couldn't get away.


Cersei is not having fun but I'll give her this, she doesn't cave easily.  And Sansa was very regal and terrifying, I wonder if she's getting her revenge planned?  Arya's story is not compelling to me at this point though A Man is hot as hell. 

  • Love 11

Gods that was exciting. I'll give them that was a temporary camp and they are not used to putting up forts as wilding for failing to put a crude walkway near the top of the wall. Walls with no way to fire over them or throw rocks down from are not very useful. 

I like Arya's story as it a slow build put training arc for Arya the Assassin Queen later. (my fantasy is for Danny to marry Jon and Arya to make them her dragon riders like the original King and two Queens riders)

I would hope more dragon glass is back at Castle Black or a search of the abandoned forts probably will turn up more as they were found in a Night's Watch bag originally. There is definitely more in the world to get but that is hard. 

Tomland shows he's a poorer King right now than his brother, if he lives and stays in power, doubtful, maybe he will learn to be stronger then his lack of cruelty would be a plus. Yes all rulers are butchers when needed or they are meat. Heck even President Bartlett on the West Wing did a totally illegal assassination when he thought it needed. 


Good God! (In the words of James Brown)


That was an episode!


The Arya and Cersei story lines were just place holding for the most part so I'll set them aside.


The Dany story line is starting to come together (though who ever doubted that Tyrion would be a Dany advisor). I would love it, though, if Tyrion ends up on top and seated on the iron throne. Now that would be a twist and how edgy would it be to make a little person character the hero HBO?


The Jon storyline was far better than I expected. Loved the Wildling Lady and so sorry she was killed and resurrected as a wight in their ranks. Maybe there's a cure Maester Qyburn can come up with to change her back? Great battle scenes and loved that we learned that Valyrian steel could kill White Walkers. That may be the most important aspect of that sequence other than just seeing the horrible threat the White Walkers and their minions pose to this world. 


Winter is here...

Edited by RiddleyWalker

OK, my heart rate is back to normal.


Loved, loved, loved seeing Cersei in her cell.  However, I was surprised that she was charged with the incest because that must mean that the Head Sparrow is prepared to declare that Tommen is not king.  Too bad Stannis doesn't know what's going on.


So glad that Sansa got to tell Theon off and get that bit of intel about Bran and Rikon. 


Poor Jorah.  Nuff said.


Tyrion was great with Dany. 


I really hate to say it, but Emilia Clarke is still the weakest actor on this show. She's got no range.


Arya's story got a little more interesting, but I can do without it.


Lord Commander Jon Snow!  Yeah, baby! 


And Dolouros Ed lives!

  • Love 6

Oh. My. Gawd. That was intense. And so damn good. That battle (though I guess it was more of a skirmish) with the White Walkers and wights is what I've been waiting for since we saw them marching towards the wall in the S2 Finale. The army of the dead is why I don't care about what's going on in Kings Landing. At least Dany has dragons that I assume will play a role in the war with the dead.


I found myself holding my breath fearing Edd, Tormund, or Wun Wun were going to die. I'm sorry the lady leader (did we get her name?) died and turned into a wight. I'd have loved to have another woman warrior on the show. Her poor orphaned daughters. 


Jon's fight with the White Walker felt epic; like he is meant to lead mankind against them. Now he knows Valyrian steel can kill them and WW Darth Maul knows that the curly-haired pretty boy is a formidable foe. It is getting kinda ridiculous, though, how Jon has taken so many beatings and is still alive. I mean, he was vomiting blood and somehow managed to outrun wights to the docks.


Hands down the scariest part was when Darth Maul raised the newly dead wildings and gave Jon a stare that said, "Beat that, buddy!" What Jon feared came to pass; the wildings were added to the army of the dead. How many got on the ships before the attack? A couple dozen, at most, I'd guess. 


The rest of the episode was Eh, except for Dany and Tyrion. I loved both of their conversations and I'm grateful the writers didn't drag out Dany's decision in taking Tyrion on as an adviser. Now he needs to advise her to collect her dragons and head on over to Westeros. 


Only 2 episodes left. :-(

  • Love 3

Arya's story bored me to tears but my husband thought it was interesting. So she's going to pretend whatever was in the vial was vinegar and feed it to the gambler? So what?

But the rest was outstanding and it's why we pay for HBO.

Now I'm curious to see what Tormund's daughters look like.

Jon, Jamie and Brienne are the only ones that we know of who have Valyrian steel blades, yes?

Edited by mojoween
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I felt sorry we lost the wilding woman also. I have seen the actress in other roles. She is pretty good.


Jon was so freaking brave. He reminded me of Aragorn. With Jon fighting the whitewalkers and Dany being advised by Tyrion, I think that the overarching story is finally coming together. They are the fire and ice who will defeat the whitewalkers in the end. I can see them ruling Westeros and all the kingdoms in between together.


I liked that the Giant escaped. They will need him. 

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 5

Well, then!  Apparently, The White Walkers and their horde have tired of being on the sideline for so long.  Shit got crazy!  That battle was easily the highlight of the episode, and will probably be one of the highlights of the season, I suspect.  Loved seeing everyone kick ass, but I was majorly bummed that Woman Leader Wildling bit it (or was bit... several times.  By kid zombies.  Ouch!)  She was badass and, well, hot.  I guess I can't have too many good things.  But I was really worried about Dolorious Edd their for a second.  Not sure how he managed to skate by, but I'm glad.


At least this should help Jon with getting the rest of the Wildlings on his side.  Tormunnd has provided himself to be a decent ally, all things considering.  I think the biggest concern is really going to be the Nightswatch folks getting in line, if Alister and Ollie are any indication.  Still, I'm just amazed that Jon's story-line is probably my favorite this season, and I find myself really digging him as a leader.


Besides that, really loved Tyrion & Daenerys.  Part of it is, again, just seeing Peter Dinklage and Emilia Clarke actually acting together, after years of being on the same show, but never even being anywhere in the same vicinity.  But, I'm also liking how neither of them fully trust each other and don't even really seem to like one another, but they seem to realize that they need each other.  And, so far, they seem to be on the right track.  Like that Tyrion seems to be giving her a dose of realism now.  That said, I cracked up over Dany stopping him from drinking for the rest of their conversation.  About time someone tells him enough is enough.


At least Tyrion talked Jorah out of execution, but he's been banished again.  But now he seems to have talked himself back into the fights, so I have no idea what to expect.  Except that they greyscale seems to be getting worse.


Boltons being planning, I see.  Roose wants to just play it safe and let the winter take care of Stannis and his crew, but Ramsay has an offensive plan, that only involves twenty minute.  Have a real bad feeling about this...


At least Sansa finds out that Bran and Rickon aren't actually dead.  Probably the best thing to happen to her in ages, sadly.  Still don't see her forgiving Theon/Reek anytime soon.


Things continue to suck for Cersei.  And, I love that even off screen, Kevan is awesome.  Cersei in jail, Jaime out in Dorne, and Tommen a recluse?  Yep, it's time to slip in and be the new Hand!  It's Kevan's time to shine, baby!  Although, if Cersei ever does manage to get out, that won't be a good reunion.  Will she finally relent to Qyburn's idea to just confess?  Or will Zombie Mountain be busting in Kool-Aid man style, in a prison break attempt?


Arya gets her first target from Jaquen, at least.  Still find this story boring; hope it picks up soon.


Favorite minor moment was Tyrion saying that maybe the Tyrells would be willing to back Dany, because I began picturing Dany interacting with Margarey and especially Olenna.  Olenna rolling her eyes during Dany's little spats, would be the greatest thing ever.  Make it happen, show!

Edited by thuganomics85
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Damn Jon Snow...both the character & the actor have elevated their game. Those battle scenes were some of the best I've seen on tv ever. The last half hour kept me absolutely riveted to my tv screen. That's how to do CGI.

I still love Cersei. I know she's had it coming but I still felt bad for her. Lena is so good.

I'm tired of Tyrion. I no longer find him amusing. Putting him in scenes with Dany (who I still consider the weak link) does nothing for me.

As does Arya and her story. My unpopular opinion is that Jaqen does nothing to appeal to me. I cannot stand his "A man this... And a girl that..". Nails on a chalkboard.

Sansa is slowly continuing to become a favourite. Slowly she is learning the fates of all her surviving brothers. I think she will become a force to be reckoned with. Hopefully Ramsay won't know what hit him. While I will concede that the Theon actor is good, I still hate the character for all the reasons he spelled out. Even though Bran and Rickon are alive, he still killed 2 little boys.

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