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Favorite Commercials

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I have to say that Shaq can be quite a funny fellow.

He's just so cute, in those spots. Now that's the way to sell something, not with crazy situations that never happen.

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This is one of my favorite ads too. The boy is perfect with his reactions to the traffic situations and the bottom of the bag falling out. He's just wonderful.

Here's one from last year in a similar vein:


When he's sitting at the desk, his expression is priceless.

Edited by xls
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Back on the first page of this thread, I pointed to the c; 1980 McDonald's  "Moving to Another Town" commercial as a lasting personal favorite. It still is, but I must also mention the c. 1970 all-singing-and-dancing one. My buddies and I in our army band were devoted to it, competing for the best imitation of the tenor's "Tell me, what does it meeeeean??" line. It's certainly a double helping of the cheese on your burger, but I love it just the same:


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I like Flo. What I especially like is that Progressive has committed to using the same character for years and has managed to come up with new scenarios for her like this one. And I'd rather watch a good-natured spokescharacter than a snarky or jerkass one, so there's that.

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There's a car commercial that makes the point that the driver is the most important safety feature. It has a woman driving her 2 kids, and points out various things she does that make her a safe driver. My favorite moment in the commercial has got to be when kiddo in the back seat acts up so she gives him the "Mom look" in the rearview mirror and wonder of wonders he immediately settles back down! Love it.

Edited by animalnurse
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I like the "Maternal Reflex Technology" part of that ad, because to this day - decades after I stopped being a kid - if my mom has to stop short while I'm in the passenger seat that arm comes out.  I've had friends who are moms do that to me, too.  "Sorry, force of habit."

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I like the "Maternal Reflex Technology" part of that ad, because to this day - decades after I stopped being a kid - if my mom has to stop short while I'm in the passenger seat that arm comes out. I've had friends who are moms do that to me, too. "Sorry, force of habit."

My mom would do that, except now she thinks she's Miss Daisy, and so I'm the one with the crossing guard arm. By the same token, whenever I end up in the passenger's seat of either of my kids' cars (19 and 23, both with lead feet), I still find myself tapping the Imaginary Brake with my right foot. They hate that, and I try to play it off like I'm tapping along with the music. Edited by RubyWoo72
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I still find myself tapping the Imaginary Brake with my right foot. They hate that, and I try to play it off like I'm tapping along with the music.

Ugh, so glad I never had a parent do that to me - I got my lead foot honestly from both parents. :D

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Here's the thing--someone sticking their arm in front of you is not going to stop you smashing into the windshield or dashboard. Your seat belt is going to do that. All sticking an arm out is going to get you is a broken arm, and no control over the steering wheel. So, please, if I'm your passenger, just keep your damn hands on the wheel.

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My favorite commercial of late is the Esurance one where Milton is photocopying his face. I giggle every time he says hashbrown. It's pandering and obnoxious, but I can't help it. Also because I love hasbrowns. And the co-workers stonefaced reaction to it.

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Here's the thing--someone sticking their arm in front of you is not going to stop you smashing into the windshield or dashboard. Your seat belt is going to do that. All sticking an arm out is going to get you is a broken arm, and no control over the steering wheel. So, please, if I'm your passenger, just keep your damn hands on the wheel.

I agree.  And also, I thought that was something Seinfeld made up until this thread.

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But he made his rope out of slim jims.


Yes, tablet-owning, fantasy saving guy was using Slim Jims; I thought it was going to be one of their ads because their brand was flipping prominent.


Just saw an ad and loved it!


The leads from Outlander are riding horses, as they apparently do and they stop. At which time, a very hesitant dude peeks out between the female lead and the male lead- still on horseback! Of course, it's for AT &T or whoever, but it's a genuinely fun moment. (Also nice that the company is giving a little love to a show that is so new.) It's in the way the guy leans out from between the leads that sells it. Oh, and the female lead's faces!

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Mr. Sketch Scented markers where they capture the blueberry fart for the scented marker.  I kid you not.


I love this commercial!  The first time I saw it, I was FFing the DVR and had to rewind to see if I was seeing what I thought I was seeing.  Cracks me up every single time.  

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Here's another alltime favorite of mine. The person who uploaded it thinks probably 1950s, but I'm pretty sure it's early 1960s -- I remember when it was first on, and I was (relatively) old and experienced enough to think "that's sort of a one-minute version of Fugue for Tinhorns." Whatever you call it, it's a nifty bit of musical ingenuity -- 3 tunes that end up going together. (Apparently it was too ingenious for somebody; this version was soon replaced with a watered-down spot with no counterpoint.)


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I recently discovered that one thanks to another thread here, and I love it.  I wonder how many other draft busts they approached who declined to poke fun at themselves, but good on Leinart, Shuler and Bosworth for doing it because it cracks me up.

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One commercial I like right now is the Target "Back to School" ad where the little boy sets out his school supplies and notices that he's missing a marker.  He looks to his mom, who points to his little brother, who wrote him a "Good Luck" message. 



Another one I like is this Farmers Insurance ad.  That robot just became a criminal.


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One commercial I like right now is the Target "Back to School" ad where the little boy sets out his school supplies and notices that he's missing a marker.  He looks to his mom, who points to his little brother, who wrote him a "Good Luck" message. 


I hate that one!  Use your own marker!  He's obviously trying to organize his stuff.  And way to teach the little brother that he can just use other people's stuff without asking, mom.

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