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Celebrity Family Feud - General Discussion


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Penny looked terrible.  She must be on steroids, a side effect is a distended stomach.   It is commonly given for lung disease of any kind.  Gary did not look good either.  Sure he is 80 but compared to the many celebs we see over 80 he does not fare well in comparison.  We never found out who the rest of that family was because they never won the first round. 


Robin, oh good god.  Her family was clearly bothered by her nervous and over the top enthusiasm.  Their son Jordan is witty.  When he was a teen the family was interviewed and he had some great one liners.  In that conversation they were teasing Robin about her Christmas nut cracker collection.  She mentioned that it was something that can be passed down to her kids and grandchildren.  Jordan quietly said, "dibs on the skier."   


These people had never watched the show beyond probably prepping themselves with a few episodes they were given to watch.  


Robin McGraw is incredibly annoying.  Son Jordan seems like the most normal and least attention-seeking of the bunch.  Were they playing for their own foundation?


So what was the charity the McGraw family was playing for, b/c I could totally buy them competing for their own charity that i'm sure Robin is head of / in charge of the funds.  I've always found her to be a fame whore and shady as well.

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Did you ever see Lost in America? He has a tiny but significant part as the manager of the Desert Inn casino who has to deal with a beleagured Albert Brooks, desperately trying to persuade Marshall's character to return the $300,000 Brooks' wife blew in a midnight gambling binge.

Hee!  I love that movie.


David Howard: As the boldest experiment in advertising history, you give us our money back.

Desert Inn Casino Manager: I beg your pardon?


Desert Inn Casino Manager: You're a nice guy, you make me laugh. But our policy is: we can't give your money back.

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I am glad that everyone else thought Robin was over the top "I need attention" annoying.  Does her face move?


I LOLed when the Marshalls won just with steals.  I too saw Garry in person a year ago and at that time he was walking with a cane.  Tracey looks good (A League of Their Own is one of my favorite movies).

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Penny looked terrible. She must be on steroids, a side effect is a distended stomach. It is commonly given for lung disease of any kind. Gary did not look good either. Sure he is 80 but compared to the many celebs we see over 80 he does not fare well in comparison. We never found out who the rest of that family was because they never won the first round.

Robin, oh good god. Her family was clearly bothered by her nervous and over the top enthusiasm. Their son Jordan is witty. When he was a teen the family was interviewed and he had some great one liners. In that conversation they were teasing Robin about her Christmas nut cracker collection. She mentioned that it was something that can be passed down to her kids and grandchildren. Jordan quietly said, "dibs on the skier."

These people had never watched the show beyond probably prepping themselves with a few episodes they were given to watch.

Robin shouldn't really have been all that nervous--at least not about being on TV; she's on Dr. Phil's show all the time.

Of course I can't find the link now (I just looked again), but sometime last week, before last night's ep aired, I read something somewhere about how Robin watches Family Feud all the time & has always wanted to play on the show (& then they were asked to do the Celeb version, so she was really happy).

The McGraws were playing for Fisher House. The easiest way to describe it is that it's the equivalent of a Ronald McDonald House (or a Target House, for those who have them in their area instead) for military families. It provides low-cost housing for families of military who are undergoing hospital treatment.


The Marshalls were playing for the Alzheimer's Disease Association. At least I think that's the correct name of it.

Wings707: I thought the Marshalls won?

Anyway, besides Penny & Garry, 1 of their players was Tracy (Traci? I'm not sure of the correct spelling). She's Penny's daughter & Garry's niece & she's an actress (or was 1 at 1 time). She's not his biological daughter (as far as I know, she's from Penny's first marriage), but she at least used to use the last name "Reiner", from her stepfather, & Penny's second husband, Actor-Director Rob Reiner. I know she's had roles in stuff her Mom & Uncle, maybe also her former Stepfather, have done--I remember her as 1 of the women baseball players, I think on Tom Hanks' team, in A League of Their Own (which her Mom directed)--but I'm not sure how many roles she's had in projects not done by/involving members of her family.

I'm assuming the other 2 players were relatives from Garry's branch of the family, or perhaps "Scott" was Tracy's husband/partner or something. I know Tracy's Penny's only child.

camom: Garry Marshall's theatre is The Falcon Theatre (he used the same name for the theatre where Bette Midler's character performed as an adult in Beaches, by the way). The website has it listed as being in Burbank.


The most recent production there was The Trouble We Come From, a new play written by actor/playwright/multi hyphenate Scott Caan (also 2nd lead in the current version of Hawaii Five-0 & eldest son of acting legend & Oscar/Emmy/Golden Globe nominee James Caan). It starred Michael Weston, Scott Caan, & actresses Claire van der Boom (best known as Scott Caan's character's ex-wife, Rachel, in Hawaii Five-0) & Teri Reeves. The play was supposed to run through July 12, but closed the last weekend in June because Mr. Weston was cast as a lead in a new TV show that had/has to start production.

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I was stuck at a friend's house and she had this on...ugh!  It was torture to watch ( and hear) Dr. Phil's family.  His wife is a shrieking shrike.  I know on FF the families are expected to do the encouraging "chatter" thing, but that woman would. not. shut. up.  I have only watched Dr. Phil's show a handful of times so I'm not very familiar the harpy he married.  Does she butt in on his show too?  Is she a co-host?  She acted as  if the cameras were there for/because of her, not her husband's "celebrity" cachet. And if Phil & her sons really cared about her, they'd tell her to throttle back on the fillers and injections.

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Wow, out of all the episodes of this summer series so far, Robin McGraw has by far made the biggest ass out of herself on this show.  Did she think she was being precocious and cute? 



I came here to whine LOUDLY about Robinass McGraw...but those before me have done a better job.  I hope she's extremely embarrassed when she watches the show.  She has finally gone too far for her so-cute-and-tiny-size-and age.


The wife of that McGraw son, I mean I thought the color on my tv was off....she was damn orange.  She also looked like she had a stick up her ass.



I'm not sure Erica was a "Playboy bunny," but she and her two sisters were featured in Playboy magazines, videos, appearances, etc. as the  Dahm Triplets for a few years. They're 38 now...but she could pass for much older.  Doesn't seem to have much of a personality...but maybe her "vibrant" mother-in-law overshadowed her.

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I, too, wanted to comment on Robin McGraw.  WOW!  It was kind of hilarious how she kept looking for the camera and when Steve stood in front of her she would crane her neck/head around to find the camera.  Agree that she was non-stop talking.  Pretty fake, too; when she was up for an answer, said she didn't know and then gave an answer and the audience clapped she was all 'you like that answer?  am I doing right?".  She also kept trying to interrupt Steve.  Just stop.  She must be exhausting to be around.  I had no idea...

  • Love 5
Wow, out of all the episodes of this summer series so far, Robin McGraw has by far made the biggest ass out of herself on this show.  Did she think she was being precocious and cute?


Being precocious and cute is fine for a kindergartener but not for a woman of at least 60.  Next week will feature the Robertsons from Duck Dynasty.  I'm not much a fan of the family who got rich from outsmarting ducks so I'll pass.

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Wings707: I thought the Marshalls won?



They did, without ever getting a turn to be the team who one the buzzer round!   So we never got to see Steve go down the line and talk to each one.  They got the correct answer after the other team struck out.


I just watched the Willard family.  How strange.  Fred never once looked at his wife or had any communication with her at all.  He turned his back to her to stare at the board when nothing was going on up there.  He didn't even care to act the part of loving husband.  Very strange. 


I have only watched Dr. Phil's show a handful of times so I'm not very familiar the harpy he married.  Does she butt in on his show too?  Is she a co-host?  She acted as  if the cameras were there for/because of her, not her husband's "celebrity" cachet.


I've only seen the show a few times as well, mostly when i'm stuck at my grandmother's, who loves the show.  I believe, correct me if i'm wrong anybody, but she is at every taping of her husbands show and she does put in her two cents on his show as well when she deems it necessary.


I know Dr. Phil was married once before, and I really think based off of body language i've noticed b/t the two of them that this marriage seems unhappy on his end and she is sticking it out for the celebrity of it all.  It's just my opinion of course.


Watching the reruns now.  Thankfully tuned in too late to hear much from the McGraws.  But oy, the buzzer went off way too fast for some answers.


side note: One of my favourite movies EVER is Soapdish partially due to Garry playing the network head.  


But I did cry laughing at Freddie Willard answering "his sex drive" and his dad is in shock, his mom is covering her face and his grandma said "What the hell is happening?!" 

Edited by mtlchick
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I just got caught up with the reruns tonight.


Freddie Willard is the cutest thing!  But I nearly turned it off because of Robin McGraw. I would say that she drunk off her ass, but I think she's always that annoying. It felt like I was watching an SNL take-off of Celebrity FF.

YES!  SNL has done Family Feud skits, and that's exactly what Robin McG looked like she was on.  Like her ultra-enthusiastic mugging and shrieking was all part of an act - but no, that's who she really is. UGH.

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Did Steve skip over the Robertson son in the second round after the mother gave her answer at the buzzer podium?  It seemed like she gave her answer and said the family would play, then he skipped the son and went straight to the daughter.


These two episodes were somewhat boring, but damn if Steve didn't have it out for Niecy Nash's son after she called Steve old.


Cheryl Hines was good at fast money.

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I liked that the Niecy/ Cheryl game was one of my favorites of this special run because it wasn't so lop-sided! Both families had goofy answers ( but no one on the Hines' side earned Steve's payback like  Ms. Nash's son!) and seemed supportive of their family. ( My DH and I loved Donelle's faces after her brother said "mummy" as another way to say dead body. Also? Does no one in either family watch crime dramas at all?  And note to Mr. Harvey: 187 was the title of a Samuel L. Jackson movie from the 80s or 90s, so put the brakes on with the 'who'd know that.')


I love Katy Mixon enough that I stayed for her family. They were nice. I agree with the knee questioning.  I admit to feeling smug abo me answering kids  to the interruption question. 


The preview with Gronkowski  got a big chuckle out of me; of course, it was in all the ads through BattleBots and into Castle.


Also, DH was unhappy with the judges giving Niecy's mom's answer an okay on the "What does Grandma take out..." question. He felt that was not in the same... classification. :D

Edited by Actionmage

Believe it or not, almost a year ago, Cheryl Hines married into the Kennedy family (the famous Massachusetts political 1). She married Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., & is his third wife (http://www.people.com/people/mobile/article/0,,20838899,00.html).

I'm not necessarily surprised he wasn't on her family's team, but I think I was a bit surprised they didn't play for a water conservation/environmental-related charity (I think RFK, Jr started 1 awhile back; it's 1 of his pet causes) or perhaps the Special Olympics, which was founded by RFK, Jr.'s late Aunt, Eunice Kennedy Shriver. Not that Cerebral Palsy isn't a worthy cause as well. I guess they didn't use his/his family-related charity since he wasn't on the team. Which is understandable.


Enjoyed the first episode with Niecy Nash and Cheryl Hines.  Cheryl was great at fast money, but I also think her questions were relatively simple.


Sometimes the fast money questions are pretty easy and sometimes really difficult.  I remember for the football game one of the questions was like "how much would a husband say is too much to pay his wife for sex" or something like that.  The football players went REALLY high.


Skipped the second episode.  I don't mind the Mixon chick, but I have no interest in the Duck Dynasty family.


Edited by DkNNy79

I liked that the Niecy/ Cheryl game was one of my favorites of this special run because it wasn't so lop-sided! Both families had goofy answers ( but no one on the Hines' side earned Steve's payback like  Ms. Nash's son!) and seemed supportive of their family. ( My DH and I loved Donelle's faces after her brother said "mummy" as another way to say dead body. Also? Does no one in either family watch crime dramas at all?  And note to Mr. Harvey: 187 was the title of a Samuel L. Jackson movie from the 80s or 90s, so put the brakes on with the 'who'd know that.')


I love Katy Mixon enough that I stayed for her family. They were nice. I agree with the knee questioning.  I admit to feeling smug abo me answering kids  to the interruption question. 



My thought was that Steve was thinking of Dr. Dre and Snoop's title song from the movie Deep Cover. The most recognizable part of the song, besides the beat, is probably the "it's 187 on the undercover cop" refrain.


The Mixon family didn't win Fast Money. Is that a first for this CFF season?

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Last night I slept strangely and woke up with shoulder pain. I feel like it's karma for snarking on their answers yesterday.  (In fairness to me, I also had neck pain and I think it was causing the shoulder pain.)


As for 187, it's sort of well known slang.  I even thought of it but technically it refers to homicide or murder and not the body.  I know it from Detroit 187--a show I so wish had gotten a second season.

  • Love 3

Yes, the Mixon family was the 1st to lose Fast Money, sadly. I was born in Birmingham, AL & never heard of the charity they were playing for. But, to be fair, I only lived there until I was 3 or 3 1/2 (mid-'60's, when we moved north because of my Dad's work) & while I have been back in the area for visits since, I haven't been back since my maternal grandfather died in 2007.

For the "another name for a dead body" question, I was thinking, simply, "DB". They seem to be using that on the police shows I've seen lately. I never saw if it came up, but it probably didn't.

Edited by BW Manilowe

Enjoyed the first episode with Niecy Nash and Cheryl Hines.  Cheryl was great at fast money, but I also think her questions were relatively simple.


Sometimes the fast money questions are pretty easy and sometimes really difficult.  I remember for the football game one of the questions was like "how much would a husband say is too much to pay his wife for sex" or something like that.  The football players went REALLY high.


Skipped the second episode.  I don't mind the Mixon chick, but I have no interest in the Duck Dynasty family.



My answer was 'one dollar'

First let me just say that I wanted to punch Robin McGraw in the throat within 1 minute of turning this craziness on.  What the hell is wrong with her?  She is weird and bobble-headed on the Dr Phil show but this was just over the top ridiculous.  My question is whether anybody knows how old the McGraw boys are - because despite her best efforts, that daughter-in-law looked old as hell!

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That's part of Family Feud. Any mugging aside. Saying 'good answer' is a part of the show, part of the tradition.



And it is why I can't watch FF in any form now. Some answers are NOT "good answers." They are sometimes baffling, sometimes unclear and, most often, dumb (and so are many of the answers shown from the "audience survey"). Someone in the family should say so when the answers are especially ridiculous. But no, the mindless "good answer" and clapping happens, while viewers say, "What?" That drives me nuts.


First let me just say that I wanted to punch Robin McGraw in the throat within 1 minute of turning this craziness on.  What the hell is wrong with her?  She is weird and bobble-headed on the Dr Phil show but this was just over the top ridiculous.  

Robin looked (and acted) drunk.

But I did cry laughing at Freddie Willard answering "his sex drive" and his dad is in shock, his mom is covering her face and his grandma said "What the hell is happening?!" 

I bet Fred Senior was biting his tongue so he wouldn't yell out something like "that's my boy!" (Fred famously still relying on adult movie theaters as recently as 2012--although heaven knows how he still found them).

Edited by Kromm
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Bill Engvall was hilarious.  I could see him hosting this show and being successful as it.  I loved how he mocked "good answer" when he knew his family was giving crap answers.  I know this is out there, but I was kinda hoping Steve would ask Bill where his daughter, Jennifer Lawrence, was....I could see Steve saying that's the only reason we invited you to this damn game was for her.


Keke Palmer though....ugh....that voice.  I remember when she guest hosted the View a few times and that voice is shrill as hell, and she acts so damn immature.  She is the main reason i'm apprehensive about watching Scream Queens b/c of her...here's hoping they kill her off in the first season.


The Gronkowski-caveman/Peete match was boring.  I was shocked when the Peete family let her dad do fast money, I mean he was horrible at the game.  I think when you go first at fast money you tend to do better, but damn he was taking his time coming up w/ answers.

I could not believe how awful some of the Engvall answers were for the doctor/first date question.  Lower back? Waist?  All the "notice first" questions are essentially the same, although this question did allow them to go even further than they normally do.


But I do think the Engvall family were a bit screwed.  Bill mentioned "rolling" out the dought but they gave them credit for hitting the dough.  Yet later when they revealed the answers, rolling/flatten was one of those answers. I don't know why they were credited with the wrong response.

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Irlandesa, DH and I were thinking the same thing. Especially as Bill used the rolling pin motion, but I guess the judges have to go with the verbal answer separately. I really don't know.


 Matt, and Holly got all of the Number One answers on their Fast Money, so I think he redeemed himself for teddy bear.  I am also glad that Will was able to get in a good answer before Fast Money.


What I liked about both games was that there was no obliteration of the other team. That the games had to go to four questions, imo, shows that both families were ready to play. Even with crappy answers, they at least had answers, as opposed to folks who just let the time run out.


I think that we just need less... "flowery" writers for the show. Why not just butt, instead of "tight bun"?  Or just "buns"? I'm not shooing kids outta my lawn, but really? "Blossoming mams"? People said "breast" on game shows in the 70s, for cryin' out loud. Just don't get vulgar and don't get too precious.


I am excited for the finale episodes next week! Vicki Lawrence usually does well on game shows, so she could be a blast!

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Big Brother and Celebrity Family Feud in one week? #SummerofGronk continues. I'm cracking up that the notoriously strict media standards of the Patriots have likely been lifted to unleash their resident court jester on the world in an attempt to deflect negative attention from deflategate.


And I've never heard of the word "fuddle." Befuddled, yes. Fuddle, no.

Edited by Eolivet

Bill Engvall was hilarious. I could see him hosting this show and being successful as it. I loved how he mocked "good answer" when he knew his family was giving crap answers. I know this is out there, but I was kinda hoping Steve would ask Bill where his daughter, Jennifer Lawrence, was....I could see Steve saying that's the only reason we invited you to this damn game was for her.

Would have been funny if Steve pretended to act confused about that and Bill would have corrected him by saying Jennifer was his tv daughter, not his real one. I always forget that's how she started out acting.

Bill Engvall was hilarious.  I could see him hosting this show and being successful as it.  I loved how he mocked "good answer" when he knew his family was giving crap answers.  I know this is out there, but I was kinda hoping Steve would ask Bill where his daughter, Jennifer Lawrence, was....I could see Steve saying that's the only reason we invited you to this damn game was for her.



Bill Engvall did pretty well on Dancing with the Stars about a year and a half ago. Even without the JLaw connection, he's probably at least as famous as Monica Potter or Katy Mixon.


But I do think the Engvall family were a bit screwed.  Bill mentioned "rolling" out the dought but they gave them credit for hitting the dough.  Yet later when they revealed the answers, rolling/flatten was one of those answers. I don't know why they were credited with the wrong response.


I think Bill said hitting the Dough Boy with the roller, meaning to roll the dough. However, since both roll/flatten and hit were separate answers, they could probably only give him credit for one and chose to credit him with "hit" rather than "roll".


I enjoyed both match-ups. Apparently Gronk is releasing a book that he's been promoting this past week. Maybe that's why they held back his episode until now after advertising it a lot at first. 

Big Brother and Celebrity Family Feud in one week?


CBS is really pimping Rob Gronkowski. Geez. Why? He seems kind of like a doofus.

Celebrity Family Feud is on ABC though.

I am excited for the finale episodes next week! Vicki Lawrence usually does well on game shows, so she could be a blast!

So bets on if ABC brings this back next summer?


Seems like they probably would. It can't be that expensive to produce, the set is already built, the host already hired, etc.

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