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S07.E05: Mind Your Own Business

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Carole and Luann are STILL going at it on Twitter. They are both being ridiculous.

Wow. I went over to look at their twitter accounts. They really are acting like children both of them. Ridiculous! is a perfect description.
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Maybe I'm the only one but I think LuAnn can be very clever and witty in her scenes that appear to be unscripted. Carole seems to think she is the most clever, most witty, most accomplished woman on the face of the planet.



Wait, what the what -- Carole just said on WWHL, Lu hired someone to write all the mean shit she's been saying on Twitter.  She said to Satan Andy, "C'mon, since when has Luann said anything clever ever on the show."  Yikers!  Satan Andy paused & looked confused & sorta disagreed, but not very convincingly.  Oh man.


Carole better recognize.  "Even Louis Vuitton makes mistakes" re Alex's Herman Munster shoes is iconic in the annals of Housewife history. I can't think of a single thing that Carole has said off the cuff or in a rehearsed TH that comes close. 

Edited by islandgal140
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LuAnn later admitted that "Herman Munster shoes" came from Kelly, of all people. But the "Louis Vuitton makes mistakes too," was all hers.


Here's a tip ladies - maybe you wouldn't think downtown was so far away if you stopped insisting on driving everywhere like tourists.


I think it's all about not wanting to appear gauche. You can make a grander entrance with a livery car than you can on foot. (But who cares if no one's around to see it?) I regularly ride the subway when I visit NYC. It can't be beat as far as speed. Yes, I sometimes see "characters" on the cars, but just eccentric stuff - nothing that makes me feel unsafe. There WAS a time when Manhattan was pretty dodgy and empty, but that was the 1970s. As I tell people here in Boston - if Mike Dukakis rode the T when he was governor, no one's "above" taking public transportation.


Maybe Sonja's been banned from Uber for stiffing drivers on their fare and trying to comp them with free meals at Cipriani. Or passing out in the back seat and not being to get up on her own.

Edited by archer1267
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Maybe Sonja's been banned from Uber for stiffing drivers on their fare and trying to comp them with free meals at Cipriani. Or passing out in the back seat and not being to get up on her own.

It's so unfortunate that this seems like something Sonja would TOTALLY do!


I agree with you though, if I'm going somewhere nice or when I'm just exhausted and don't want to deal with walking I'll spring for Uber.  But if I'm just meeting a friend for lunch?  Subway it is!



I think it's all about not wanting to appear gauche.

That ship sailed when they agreed to take part in this show!

Edited by mostlylurking
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What is wrong with Beth's hair?


I'm guessing malnutrition?




There is definitely something going on with her hair.  When they showed the flashback to one of the old episodes from 2010 her hair was full, healthy, had some body to it.  Now it looks dry, limp, thin.  Maybe the stress has gotten to her too much.

Edited by FamilyVan
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I think Bravo has something to do with the cars. Not that I think the ladies would take public transportation otherwise (which is silly...Sarah Jessica Parker, Keanu Reeves, Rachel McAdams, and Helen Mirren are often seen taking the train in NYC), but based on what I see on other HW franchises car services are usually arranged for the ladies for these random lunches and parties to ensure they arrive when production wants them to.

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Here's a tip ladies - maybe you wouldn't think downtown was so far away if you stopped insisting on driving everywhere like tourists.


These women are all tottering around in 6-inch stilettos, which is not practical and probably just for the show. When I'm in heels, I don't take the train, either.


TBH, every time Sonja makes a point of noting that she has deigned to venture below 14th street, I always think back to LuAnn saying that Sonja doesn't want to socialize anywhere besides the UES because she's afraid the bank will take her house while she's away. Lu always throws the best shade on this show. Carole doesn't know what she's talking about.

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Ramona telling Kristen, that she won't hit on the young guy because she's deeper than Kristen was the best part of the episode. 


I rewound that part at least 5 times.  The look on Kristen's face had me rolling with laughter.  Priceless!  Never change Ramona, never change.

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There is definitely something going on with her hair.  When they showed the flashback to one of the old episodes from 2010 her hair was full, healthy, had some body to it.  Now it looks dry, limp, thin.  Maybe the stress has gotten to her too much.

Well, for 1 thing, it is parted down the middle and flat on top in her TH and that is not a good look for most women. LOL


I think Bravo has something to do with the cars. Not that I think the ladies would take public transportation otherwise (which is silly...Sarah Jessica Parker, Keanu Reeves, Rachel McAdams, and Helen Mirren are often seen taking the train in NYC), but based on what I see on other HW franchises car services are usually arranged for the ladies for these random lunches and parties to ensure they arrive when production wants them to.

Filming in a car/limo is far easier than on the subway! LOL

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I hope Kristen HAS distanced herself from the foul and personality-disordered Brandi Glanville. They seem NOTHING alike. I am one of the few that likes having Kristen on this show. I like her personality; not everyone on here has to be high-drama. I would hang out with Kristen any day over toxic Bethenny. Or any of them really!


I don't mind that Carole dates a guy 20 years younger (and I find Adam hot), although long-term commitment seems pretty sketchy with that age difference, sorry. Ten years, fine. Fifteen, iffy. Twenty? Wow.


My real problem with Carole is just her whole vibe. Perhaps having a few dates with Clooney and hanging out with JFK Jr. did it to her.  She thinks she's way more witty, cutesy  and hot than she is and it bugs. She definitely finds herself superior to all the other peasants and I find it laughable.


I think she is incensing Lu because of this. Lu doesn't get all the Carole hype either and how could Adam pick Carole over her beloved niece?  p.s. Lu thinks highly of herself too and can be annoying in her own right but Carole is a whole other thing....

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Ugh. This whole Twitter back and forth really is nonsense. That said, I'm actually finding it comical that, after a week of LuAnn making digs about Carole dating 30 year old Adam--who was her staff! No! Her son's bestest friend forever! No! Her niece's ex-boyfriend! No, wait, her staff...because Carole met Adam in LuAnn's kitchen--LuAnn is all indignant about Carole saying that LuAnn has dated Sonja's exes. 


So, that's the low blow, LuAnn? You can age shame away? But don't Carole mention how you and Sonja have slept with the same men? Good grief. 

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Its pretty noticeable that Carole and Sonja go out with guys they probably would not have dated at the actual age the guys are now.



That is such an interesting point.  Look at the men they did choose to date and marry when they were 28/30.  Mind. Blown.

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I always think back to LuAnn saying that Sonja doesn't want to socialize anywhere besides the UES because she's afraid the bank will take her house while she's away. Lu always throws the best shade on this show.



This was the same dinner where she criticized Josh for discussing his meeting with Sonja, saying in a TH "it's not polite for a man to discuss a woman at the table when she's not there." (Paraphrasing.) Apparently it was fine for her to make that dig about foreclosure, though. Keep it klassy, Lu!


She thinks she's way more witty, cutesy  and hot than she is and it bugs.



Couldn't that be said for pretty much any of the HWs? Pick a franchise, any franchise.

Edited by archer1267
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The weird part of this was that the guy was sitting right there and had absolutely no reaction.  I started to think maybe they were talking about someone else??  It was just a weird exchange.


That dude looks absolutely checked out in every freaking scene he is in. I'm not sure if he just has nothing going on upstairs, or he's using Sonja for the exposure and has zero interest in getting to know her or her friends.

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My guess is Sonja dates young guys because she thinks it makes her look young. With Carol, I think it's a case of arrested development in that she's now living like she should have when she was in her early 30s which she spent in hospitals watching her husband die.

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If this look doesn't say it all then I don't know what does.




I wish Bethenney could take the reigns of what is left of Sonja's "brand."  It's sad to see how people are taking advantage of a woman who seems to be clearly losing her mind.

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If Andy Cohen and production could learn one thing, its that forced social gatherings have killed the franchise more then anything else.

OMG, THIS 1000000% times!!!!!!  And helping build Teams, dropping bits of gossip/lies to certain wives/media outlets to stir the pot. 

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Alex revealed in one of her recaps for that off-brand site that Bravo sets up the car service 90% of the time. It lets them control who arrives when and in what order.


It actually starts to explain a lot of things including Kelly leaving Bethenney waiting at a club for 2 hours and the Ramona showed up late for something and had the spazzed out answere about not knowing if it was at Jill's work or apartment. I know think either Bravo set it up so they could have one person ticked in the Beth-KBB instance or insure plenty of time for the Beth-KBB awkward interaction in another.  


It also allows them to film the immediate after comments of the 'teams' after they leave a group gathering. And avoid turning these broads loose in their own cars after an evening of drinking, ho-wifing and possibly gummies. 

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First there is the problem of even getting it knowing Sonja's and then if you do get it will fit you like a Denise Huxtable/Gordon Gartrelle original.



Sonja's accessibly luxurious fashion line is only slightly more believable than She by Sheree.



Omg, these analogies are giving me the life I need right now! ROTFLMAO!!!

The trait is called being a bitch.




Ha ha. I think we need a new psychological term for it. Bitchery?  Bitchitude?  Bitchobia?  I, too, know what Moaner was trying to say.  She just said it really poorly and rudely.  Which, you know...par, course and all of that.


Wow. I went over to look at their twitter accounts. They really are acting like children both of them. Ridiculous! is a perfect description.


They really are!  I was suspecting that maybe there was a small chance that Lu and Carole made a pact to fake a fight and do the Twitter wars for ratings and to secure their apples. At this point, I'm HOPING that is what happened because I'm cringing with 2nd hand embarrassment for both of them now.


There is definitely something going on with her hair.  When they showed the flashback to one of the old episodes from 2010 her hair was full, healthy, had some body to it.  Now it looks dry, limp, thin.  Maybe the stress has gotten to her too much.



I find Bethenny's hair very puzzling.  I suspect when it looks fuller that she is wearing clip-in extensions, like in some of her talking heads.  But I think her hair was always thin.  When they flashed back to that dinner scene between her and Lu from season one (the one where Lu "supposedly" coined the term Skinny Girl Margarita), her hair looks painfully thin---like, almost bald in some spots. 

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My real problem with Carole is just her whole vibe. Perhaps having a few dates with Clooney and hanging out with JFK Jr. did it to her.  She thinks she's way more witty, cutesy  and hot than she is and it bugs. She definitely finds herself superior to all the other peasants and I find it laughable.


Thanks for pinpointing exactly why I never warmed up to Carole. I never understood her appeal. Although I will admit to being on her side in the bookgate scandal because, well, Aviva.

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Ugh. This whole Twitter back and forth really is nonsense. That said, I'm actually finding it comical that, after a week of LuAnn making digs about Carole dating 30 year old Adam--who was her staff! No! Her son's bestest friend forever! No! Her niece's ex-boyfriend! No, wait, her staff...because Carole met Adam in LuAnn's kitchen--LuAnn is all indignant about Carole saying that LuAnn has dated Sonja's exes. 


So, that's the low blow, LuAnn? You can age shame away? But don't Carole mention how you and Sonja have slept with the same men? Good grief. 

Yikes! It is bad over there on Twitter. I am wondering if Lu is sorry that she started this? She said she thought it would be fun to kind of live-tweet during the episodes and be honest about her feelings, and boy has she ever been honest. I guess that she just thought Carole was going to take it? Contractually Carole cannot write a blog this year, so it looks like she is going to be making her point on Twitter.


The best (and yes I will admit I am enjoying it all) is that someone questioned why Lu is age-shaming Carole, but doesn't do the same thing to Sonja. Lu responded it is because Sonja doesn't find her boyfriends in the kitchen of her friend. Carole went on to say that at least she doesn't find her boyfriends in the beds of her girlfriends. Ouch. 

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Funny you mention Brandi and Kristen's friendship. I saw Kristen on a show today, while I do find Kristen bland/boring she does seem like a nice woman. A grown up. Ok, so they asked how she got on the show, and she pretty much tells the story I have heard before. She was with Brandi at a Bravo party and then got a call to audition or whatever and boom she's on the show. The only difference is this time she never names Brandi. She leaves out her name completely. It makes me think maybe Kristen doesn't want to be associated with trashy Brandi. Just a thought.

Kristen just did Brandi's Podcast this past week.  http://podcastone.com/pg/jsp/program/episode.jsp?programID=582&pid=505132


I posted a link to it.  I usually wait until a blogger listens to it to see if there is anything interesting. 

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I am so over the Carole/Luann fight over Adam. He leaves me with no impression so to have these two successful smart WOMEN in a media war over him is annoying, Luann and Carole are better than that.


The look on Kristen's face when Ramona chided her for suggesting she too date young men was like a kicked puppy. She was clumsily trying to give Ramona words of encouragement and she got called shallow for her efforts. Any other of these women would have flared at Ramona but Kristen just looked down in shame. She is so not cut out for reality TV lol


Also, I am still wondering how Kristen and Brandi are friends in real life? I've seen Kristen on interview shows and she can use words bigger then two syllables and doesn't have to swear.


Distance and a shared past maybe?


It is easier to remain friendly with someone you've known for a long time, whom you see and or talk to every so often.  They probably met when they were struggling or at the heights of their modeling careers and bonded then. There is also the fact they live on different coasts and aren't seeing/talking to each other as often as say, Lisa and Kyle might do.


Yolanda is Brandi's friend but I don't judge her for it. She's figured out a way to deal with that trash that works for her.  Maybe Kristen as too. 

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I figured that Kristen and Brandi were both models, partied together etc. However, I think living on different coasts plus the fact that Kristen's youngest child had problems with her walking, etc....probably changed Kristen. Seeing a child struggle and being unable to magically make the problem go away has to be tough on a mother...and i think that changes a person..IMHO.

She's too sweet almost to.be on a reality show.. imho....almost like she is the Quinn of this show.

Edited by JAYJAY1979
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Kristen just did Brandi's Podcast this past week. http://podcastone.com/pg/jsp/program/episode.jsp?programID=582&pid=505132

I posted a link to it. I usually wait until a blogger listens to it to see if there is anything interesting.

Thanks for the info. I think it was just the awkward way Kristen told the story, I have heard her tell it before. And Kristen always mentions Brandi taking her to the party, this time she imo made a point to say she was with a friend at a party. Not that it matters or is a big deal. I can't read these women's minds, it just caught my attention.

I'll skip the podcast, her voice is a thing of nightmares :)

Edited by imjagain
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I am so over the Carole/Luann fight over Adam. He leaves me with no impression so to have these two successful smart WOMEN in a media war over him is annoying, Luann and Carole are better than that.


The look on Kristen's face when Ramona chided her for suggesting she too date young men was like a kicked puppy. She was clumsily trying to give Ramona words of encouragement and she got called shallow for her efforts. Any other of these women would have flared at Ramona but Kristen just looked down in shame. She is so not cut out for reality TV lol



Distance and a shared past maybe?


It is easier to remain friendly with someone you've known for a long time, whom you see and or talk to every so often.  They probably met when they were struggling or at the heights of their modeling careers and bonded then. There is also the fact they live on different coasts and aren't seeing/talking to each other as often as say, Lisa and Kyle might do.


Yolanda is Brandi's friend but I don't judge her for it. She's figured out a way to deal with that trash that works for her.  Maybe Kristen as too. 

Brandi did say she usually goes out with Josh because Kristen has to be in bed by 10:30.

Thanks for the info. I think it was just the awkward way Kristen told the story, I have heard her tell it before. And Kristen always mentions Brandi taking her to the party, this time she imo made a point to say she was with a friend at a party. Not that it matters or is a big deal. I can't read these women's minds, it just caught my attention.

I'll skip the podcast, her voice is a thing of nightmares :)

I agree-I will risk a transcript to avoid hearing Brandi's voice.

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That dude looks absolutely checked out in every freaking scene he is in. I'm not sure if he just has nothing going on upstairs, or he's using Sonja for the exposure and has zero interest in getting to know her or her friends.

He also asked Ramona if he could" hit her up the next time he goes out."

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Brandi did say she usually goes out with Josh because Kristen has to be in bed by 10:30.

I agree-I will risk a transcript to avoid hearing Brandi's voice.


I completely agree.  Her voice is like nails to a chalkboard to me.

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I hope Kristen HAS distanced herself from the foul and personality-disordered Brandi Glanville. They seem NOTHING alike. I am one of the few that likes having Kristen on this show. I like her personality; not everyone on here has to be high-drama. I would hang out with Kristen any day over toxic Bethenny. Or any of them really!


I also don't mind Kristen either. She IS pretty, I like her fashion sense, and she's pretty inoffensive on the irritating meter to me. You need a few quieter wives to counteract all the crazy. I don't think I could handle an entire cast of Ramonas and Bethennys going at it. The contrast is welcome.

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There is definitely something going on with her hair.  When they showed the flashback to one of the old episodes from 2010 her hair was full, healthy, had some body to it.  Now it looks dry, limp, thin.  Maybe the stress has gotten to her too much.


I think Bethenny may have worn extensions in the past, and had them removed.  Extensions can be hell on natural hair, and when they are removed, a lot of breakage can occur, I think.  (A friend of mine wore extensions for a long time, and when she removed them, her hair was really damaged for a long time)


I also agree with what you said about stress, and also, if Bethenny is taking any supplements, they can also affect your hair.

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Ugh. This whole Twitter back and forth really is nonsense. That said, I'm actually finding it comical that, after a week of LuAnn making digs about Carole dating 30 year old Adam--who was her staff! No! Her son's bestest friend forever! No! Her niece's ex-boyfriend! No, wait, her staff...because Carole met Adam in LuAnn's kitchen--LuAnn is all indignant about Carole saying that LuAnn has dated Sonja's exes. 


So, that's the low blow, LuAnn? You can age shame away? But don't Carole mention how you and Sonja have slept with the same men? Good grief. 




They really are!  I was suspecting that maybe there was a small chance that Lu and Carole made a pact to fake a fight and do the Twitter wars for ratings and to secure their apples. At this point, I'm HOPING that is what happened because I'm cringing with 2nd hand embarrassment for both of them now.




Yikes! It is bad over there on Twitter. I am wondering if Lu is sorry that she started this? She said she thought it would be fun to kind of live-tweet during the episodes and be honest about her feelings, and boy has she ever been honest. I guess that she just thought Carole was going to take it? Contractually Carole cannot write a blog this year, so it looks like she is going to be making her point on Twitter.


The best (and yes I will admit I am enjoying it all) is that someone questioned why Lu is age-shaming Carole, but doesn't do the same thing to Sonja. Lu responded it is because Sonja doesn't find her boyfriends in the kitchen of her friend. Carole went on to say that at least she doesn't find her boyfriends in the beds of her girlfriends. Ouch. 


I am almost 100% convinced that this is really just a set-up by Luann and Carole.  As annoying as they both can be at times, this twitter ridiculousness is way beneath both of them.


I also wonder if perhaps the "twitter war" isn't between Luann and Carole as much as it is between their social media interns....

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I haven't read the latest tweets (will be reading soon), but the ones I read do not sound like LuAnn. I believe Carole that LuAnn hired someone to tweet for her. I think the same person is writing her blogs. I read her blog last week and was surprised how long it was. Lu's blog of old were a couple of paragraphs at best and were not well written. What I dont understand is why she is allowing someone to write what he's writing. She could have had someone live tweeting witty repartee without starting a war. Unless they are all in on it. Curiouser and curiouser.

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My snarky feeling is that Adam and Carole spend most of their time smoking pot, having sex, and taking molly and having sex. Carole is desperate to relive or to live a youth. 


LuAnn should write both Carole (druggie) and Adam (druggie) off.


My snarky thoughts. Not committed to it yet. But I do understand why LuAnn  is ticked. It's like if a friend started dating my sisters ex-husband. Yes, the relationship is over, but I know I will instinctively protect my sister and want to protect her feelings. It would make me feel really shitty that I brought a friend around that would hurt her and be that shady. It's actually a reflection LuAnn, and I'm sure LuAnn feels really bad about indirectly being responsible for hurting her niece. 

Edited by bravofan27
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I haven't read the latest tweets (will be reading soon), but the ones I read do not sound like LuAnn. I believe Carole that LuAnn hired someone to tweet for her. I think the same person is writing her blogs. I read her blog last week and was surprised how long it was. Lu's blog of old were a couple of paragraphs at best and were not well written. What I dont understand is why she is allowing someone to write what he's writing. She could have had someone live tweeting witty repartee without starting a war. Unless they are all in on it. Curiouser and curiouser.

At this point does it matter? Both Lu's and Carole's name are attached , so it's them. They are letting this twitter bull shit own them . I find that strange.

Edited by imjagain
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Heather is jealous of Bethenny, plain and simple.



I'm not sure why that would be. Heather's not perfect, but she's always struck me as someone comfortable in her own skin. If she was a relentless Alpha, I don't think Kristen and Carole (both Betas) would want to be close to her. Bethenny's had a big financial success, but is a hot mess in her personal life and is the first person to acknowledge that.


I wonder if it's a similar dynamic to when Heather and Ramona first met. Both admitted that, given their shared background in fashion and business, they expected to "click" right away and that didn't happen…but they grew on each other eventually. In St. Bart's, they at least reached a place where they could enjoy each other's company. At the reunion, Heather said that sometimes you dislike in other people the qualities you have in yourself that you're not crazy about. (If my awkward wording makes sense.) Maybe as the season goes on, Heather and Bethenny will find some middle ground.




I know.  I was thinking - Jealous of what?  Jealous of Bethenny's broken marriage, her vicious custody battle, her dysfunctional childhood, only seeing her kid fifty percent of the time, her gaunt body, her thinning limp hair, her "homeless" status?


I agree that Heather is extremely comfortable in her own skin.  I think these are two alphas circling each other.  Bethenny immediately dismissed Heather, Dorinda, and Kristen, and possibly would have dismissed Carole if she hadn't enjoyed flirting with her so much.  Bethenny is trying to get by on minimum effort, and seems to resent the new ladies.  Who knows how she would have treated Carole if the sex dream hadn't occurred.


Bethenny is being pretty kind about Sonja's business - to her face.  I wonder what Sonja thinks after seeing Bethenny and her assistant talking, as well as Beth's THs.

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I also don't mind Kristen either. She IS pretty, I like her fashion sense, and she's pretty inoffensive on the irritating meter to me. You need a few quieter wives to counteract all the crazy. I don't think I could handle an entire cast of Ramonas and Bethennys going at it. The contrast is welcome.

ITA. I was beginning to think I was the only one who liked her. She's the only HW who doesn't make me turn away from my television in secondhand embarrassment.

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I know.  I was thinking - Jealous of what?  Jealous of Bethenny's broken marriage, her vicious custody battle, her dysfunctional childhood, only seeing her kid fifty percent of the time, her gaunt body, her thinning limp hair, her "homeless" status?


Jealousy isn't an all or nothing thing. You can be envious of something about someone and at the same time be glad that you're not living their life.  I agree that Heather has nothing to be jealous about. Unless she's trying to grow and diversify her business as fast and furiously as Beth did and it's not working.  But Heather may be happy with her career just the way it is. 


I don't know if Heather is jealous of Bethenny. I think her problem with Beth is something other than that - She was used to being the bossy know-it-all of the group and then, along came Bethenny.  Annnnnd....Beth is a bitch and I don't think Heather is used to someone being up in her grill like that.

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I know.  I was thinking - Jealous of what?  Jealous of Bethenny's broken marriage, her vicious custody battle, her dysfunctional childhood, only seeing her kid fifty percent of the time, her gaunt body, her thinning limp hair, her "homeless" status?


I agree that Heather is extremely comfortable in her own skin.  I think these are two alphas circling each other.  Bethenny immediately dismissed Heather, Dorinda, and Kristen, and possibly would have dismissed Carole if she hadn't enjoyed flirting with her so much.  Bethenny is trying to get by on minimum effort, and seems to resent the new ladies.  Who knows how she would have treated Carole if the sex dream hadn't occurred.


Bethenny is being pretty kind about Sonja's business - to her face.  I wonder what Sonja thinks after seeing Bethenny and her assistant talking, as well as Beth's THs.

I don't think it is jealousy, but I do think there is something. Perhaps anxiety in some form? I like Heather very much. She is my favorite, but then I generally like Beth too. The reality is, the ratings have overall declined in the years since Carole and Heather joined the show. I like the vibe they brought, but there are a lot of factors that made the ratings slip. Bringing on 3 new girls a few years ago, Aviva and all of her crap, and the long delay of last season. Beth was brought on to fix all of that. At the end of the day this is a business for all of these women, and they weren't getting the job done for whatever reason. Because of that they brought in someone who was considered to be one of the most popular HW's ever to make it all better. At my job, if things weren't going well and they brought in a "fixer", folks would be a little bit nervous. What would that mean? How would the dynamics change? I would imagine that Heather is not use to not succeeding in most things that she does and this notion might initially throw her off her game a little bit. I still think that in the end she and Beth will be friends.

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I am almost 100% convinced that this is really just a set-up by Luann and Carole.  As annoying as they both can be at times, this twitter ridiculousness is way beneath both of them.


I hope when Lu is on WWHL that we'll be able to tell if this is a ruse for ratings.  I couldn't tell by Carole's WWHL appearance if it is or not.  She was just mainly unpleasant yet didn't say much.  She's starting to get that look on her face like she's always smelling poo.  Her legs looked great, though!


Alan Thicke stole the show and talked a lot.  I hope whomever Lu is paired with next week is a wallflower so that Lu can further open this can of worms. Somewhere in there is a joke about a worm, Adam, an apple and Lu the snake.

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I take the subway all the time.  Never have a problem.  God forbid these women ever, I don't know, WALK a little.  That is one of the best things about living in a city, not needing a car.  I just feel very embarrassed for them when they say they never leave the upper.  They live in one of the most interesting cities in the world and they spend all their time in arguably the most boring part of it.  JMHO:)



I was all over the city in my twenties and I do have to say once you've been there for a while you have your preferences. I've been all over the city so no need to repeat the journey to areas that didn't leave much of an impression on me. I'm guessing when the cameras aren't rolling they do enjoy the city as much as they want to but when it calls for social events, nights out and all that jazz I'm not surprised they that they are more inclined to keep it familiar. As for day activities I sure as hell know I'm not jumping on a train to the village for a mani, pedi or something simple like that if I live on 75th and Madison unless it's for a reason like meeting someone there cause I'm most likely going to have a local establishment already set that's close by or at least much closer than the village. Don't get me wrong the city is lovely and it's great to roam around and really drink it in but I have no reason to believe these women, at their ages, haven't covered every inch of that city in one way or another so I'm not too put off by the idea that they may stay close to one area regularly.


I used to live in the Bronx and work in Manhattan and sometimes I found that my commute from the Bronx to somewhere in Manhattan was easier mapped out from the Bronx than when I was trying to get around from one Manhattan location to another. I used to finish my day job on 23rd and 7th and had the worst  time getting to my next job on 66th and 3rd on time AND I had about an hour window to get there. Plus, there are crowed platforms, crowded trains, rerouted trains, station mazes that require escalators, multiple levels sometimes when switching trains. So yeah, I do understand why, if you have someone that will drive and brave the traffic, one would opt for that even if it means a slower pace.  At least then you can still relax and to be honest if it does take longer it's probably not more than 15 minutes longer which to me is sometimes still worth it considering the mission certain train rides can be.  And with that said, that's why I also understand why they wouldn't be traipsing from one end of the city to the other on a regular basis. Hee.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
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I am almost 100% convinced that this is really just a set-up by Luann and Carole.



I would too, but it's gotten too personal to be a set-up, IMO. I was looking at the Tweets this morning, finally, and it reflects poorly on them both. Now LuAnn is saying that Nicole and Adam were "still seeing each other" and were planning a trip together, which completely negates what she said on the most recent episode about the relationship being over for some time.


I guess the statement could be technically true in that Adam and Nicole share mutual friends and still see each other on occasion, as a friend…and this trip LuAnn refers to is probably the Nicaraguan trip, which is a group effort. But the Tweet certainly makes it sound like Nicole and Adam were romantically involved and along came Carole and ruined it all.

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If Adam and Nicole were still "seeing" each other, fwb, whatever, it's on HIM to be responsible for his own behavior.  He's not brain-dead.  He has autonomy and he made the choice to do whatever he and Carole are doing together.   Lu should be mad at him for hurting Nicole if Nicole is hurt by Adam seeing someone else.

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Could some of you ladies explain this to me- is a 30 year old semi-employed hipster chef really worth all this attention???


And is he really that attractive? To be honest he reminds me of a lot of women who attract older men, much of their attractiveness is youth.  Either he has the facial muscles of a pit bull, a cock like Ron Jeremy or these ladies lost their shame. Just puttin' it out there...


And not that either looks good but this escapade is really zoning me in on something I do not like about Carole. Her preferred insults & back handed witticisms sure seem to be anti-woman. Ramona is fat, Aviva is nothing for being a SAHM, Lu sleeps around/has a mans voice, etc. Plus her choice of the word 'girl' which reeks of issues with women's age & actually embracing intelligence, experiences, position gained with either age or independence. Then again I once cheered on Ivanka frickin Trump for cutting some broad down to size for using feminine wording as a way to demean men. 


Its just so weird to see Ms. Serious Journalist play completely of her lack of direction, who she dates and how painfully thin she is as her ID.

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I know.  I was thinking - Jealous of what?  Jealous of Bethenny's broken marriage, her vicious custody battle, her dysfunctional childhood, only seeing her kid fifty percent of the time, her gaunt body, her thinning limp hair, her "homeless" status?


I agree that Heather is extremely comfortable in her own skin.  I think these are two alphas circling each other.  Bethenny immediately dismissed Heather, Dorinda, and Kristen, and possibly would have dismissed Carole if she hadn't enjoyed flirting with her so much.  Bethenny is trying to get by on minimum effort, and seems to resent the new ladies.  Who knows how she would have treated Carole if the sex dream hadn't occurred.


Bethenny is being pretty kind about Sonja's business - to her face.  I wonder what Sonja thinks after seeing Bethenny and her assistant talking, as well as Beth's THs.


I saw it differently, Bethenny was direct to the point with Sonja's shady business partners, she asked them directly several things. Bethenny was flabergasted by them, not so much by Sonja even though I would be because there isa point in your life that as a grown up woman you should know better.


Even as she was walking out Bethenny said "I am afraid she is going to get screwed again" meaning those shady guys were going to take off with Sonja's money.


Even in her blog of this week, this are Bethenny's own words about this


Aaaah Sonja. The truth is I love her. There are times during this season that that will be difficult to believe, but I simply do. Some people are cunning and have a malicious or shifty or disingenuous side. Sonja has none of that. She is a good person. She is just often misguided and misdirected


IMO Bethenny was concerned about Sonja being taken advantage of, as oppose as Heather whom I saw as being upset about not being invited because she fancies herself as the one with most business experience but it is obvious to me that Heather can care less about Sonja and openly mocks her and blatantly dishes her constantly.


Sonja is delusional and she is throwing her last pennies to the wind, but IMO she is a harmless drunk as opposed as a vicious one like Kim Richards. I feel sorry for Sonja while I despise Kim.

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I would too, but it's gotten too personal to be a set-up, IMO. I was looking at the Tweets this morning, finally, and it reflects poorly on them both. Now LuAnn is saying that Nicole and Adam were "still seeing each other" and were planning a trip together, which completely negates what she said on the most recent episode about the relationship being over for some time.


I guess the statement could be technically true in that Adam and Nicole share mutual friends and still see each other on occasion, as a friend…and this trip LuAnn refers to is probably the Nicaraguan trip, which is a group effort. But the Tweet certainly makes it sound like Nicole and Adam were romantically involved and along came Carole and ruined it all.

I sort of feel sorry for Luann. I'm guessing that Luann was on the receiving end of a lot of girl talk from her niece. That she got an ear full of "oh aunt Luann, I still care about him so much, I would like us to start up again, its great that we are still friends cause hopefully we can maybe get back to that place, he still treats me like I'm special, he's did the sweetest thing the other day, I think it's not completely over for him either, I'm hoping things will change with this trip" etc. etc. and as the aunt Luann was just drinking it in and encouraging about it hoping that things work out for her niece and maybe even a little bit giddy about it as well.  I mean it's not easy to translate what was going on behind the scenes with her and her niece without being indiscreet. She fumbled that up with all her non reason, reasons and now she's trying to come clean but it still sounds bad because she's trying to let it be known that her niece was in a very sensitive place with Adam but then there's the ridiculous technicality everyone including Carole wants to focus on which is that "technically" they weren't a couple.  


I also have to say the way Carole has chosen to be so callous. I mean her defense shows little compassion. I get that her issue is mainly with Luanns reaction but in the process of going at it with Luann she's allowed herself to be very very insensitive to her niece. That I can't get on board with because with every dig and smirk and jab Carole is putting out there in order to counter the Countess she's making light of, dismissing and disregarding whatever Luann's nieces feelings might be. Granted its not the job of the new girlfriend to worry about the old one but even if I didn't know the old girlfriend I'm not going to go engage in anything that would be somewhat dismissive of that story but for someone I knew??? Better believe I'm not going to drag out some ugly immature crap that would constantly have me pointing out how "so very over" the last relationship was before I came on board. Especially since that's not even the truth because at the very least what we all know to be fact is that Adam and Lu's niece were still involved in a friendship which I'm guessing is probably not the case anymore so it's not completely accurate to say that Carole didn't get in the way of Adam and Lu's niece in some fashion.  And for what? That's one of my biggest problems. So that Carole can get her yaya's off and have a juicy storyline for a show? I don't need to get laid that bad that I need to cause disruption amongst others. Uggghhh!

Edited by Sincerely Yours
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ITA. I was beginning to think I was the only one who liked her. She's the only HW who doesn't make me turn away from my television in secondhand embarrassment.


I felt second hand embarrasement when she was rubbing herself against John and giggling like a school girl while her husband was two feet away from her, but that was just me :)

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If Adam and Nicole were still "seeing" each other, fwb, whatever, it's on HIM to be responsible for his own behavior.  He's not brain-dead.  He has autonomy and he made the choice to do whatever he and Carole are doing together.   Lu should be mad at him for hurting Nicole if Nicole is hurt by Adam seeing someone else.

Lu can be mad at Carole because she's being callous and she is in fact a willing part of the problem and she is willing choosing to continue to be dismissive so yeah I don't think Carole is all to blame but the fact that she wants to be so simplistic in her defense is what's shameful to me. Sometimes feelings are hurt and even though you didn't mean too the circumstances just make it so. You don't then build your defense around how someone elses feelings are irrelevant and that's that. I mean shit. No one needs to be that insensitive. Doesn't hurt to acknowledge and understand where the feelings are valid and show a bit respect for someone else's pain even if you don't believe you are to blame. But not our Carole.

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