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S14.E27: Top 4 Perform

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  On 4/29/2015 at 8:12 PM, Qoass said:

Will someone please give me a shout around 9 o'clock to make sure I haven't dozed off?

I try to condense the show into an hour and still struggle to look at the TV. It's been a few years since there were any finalists who looked like they could end up selling records; I don't think the general audience can muster up any excitement right now.

  On 4/29/2015 at 8:27 PM, Neet said:

I try to condense the show into an hour and still struggle to look at the TV. It's been a few years since there were any finalists who looked like they could end up selling records; I don't think the general audience can muster up any excitement right now.


You're doing better than me. I wait for YouTube the next day and only watch the ones that look interesting, which is probably none of them now.

  • Love 1

I’m glad Rayvon made it through, but Nick or Jax deserved to go over Tyanna. I liked “Need You Now,” but his voice sounded like it was breaking in the middle. Surprised they’re giving Clark negative feedback--maybe they want Nick to win? Ew… I thought it was funny how Tyanna went out singing “Run the World (Girls)” on this show…


Ballads are about the only thing Jax is even halfway good at, but I still don’t like her.

  • Love 2

Bus, meet Clark. Clark, meet bus.


I was torn between that whole moment with Clark vs. Scott and then vs. the judges. He speaks eloquently and without any type of malice, which kudos because if people were constantly nitpicking me, I would probably have a shit fit on live television. But I can also see what THEY want out of him, because it's what ME as a viewer wants to SEE in him. JLo was right when she said that this is American Idol, and that you have to give the fans/crowd something of yourself (or something along those lines). Give us some sexy. Give us some soul. Lose yourself in the song completely. He doesn't want to try anything different or open up. If RAYVON of all people is finally willing and is doing that, Clark is going to lose this competition.


He made me stick up for Scott Borchetta of all people because I totally understood what Scott was trying to tell him, and Clark wanted no part of that. ughhhh. *hides* 

Edited by loveoutloud
  • Love 6

Now we know why JAX has been getting the rave reviews (and now Nick too!)--Clark won't "play ball" the way Big Machine wants him to play.  "On you way to the Holiday Inn...".  BM (how appropo!) wants complete control.  Clark's "music" isn't what they want to pedal--and BM could be right!  Clark does need to accept defeat (gracefully).  Given Clark's father's music background Clark has been scouted many times--yet no contract--there is a reason why.  I say let BM have their way, make two albums of their choice, then make the music "your way".  Right now Clark is a nobody--he needs to accept that and compromise.

  • Love 3

The chick from the Voice who did "Over the Rainbow" last night reminded me of the magic inside of that song. She sang like she was in love. It's a pretty song, but everybody doesn't need to sing it. It's just going to sound like you're going through the motions.


Jax's second song sounded like a drunk chick singing Bjork at a frat party.


Nick, I mean Daddy, I mean Nick: wow, that second song was good.


Fucking Rayvon...I went and watched the Top 12 male performances and I was surprised. Rayvon was probably my favorite next to Clark. Why did he get so basic on the Top 12?

  • Love 2

Evidently Clark learned nothing from Quentin. I don't even really like Clark all that much and think he's incredibly overrated and would not make a successful winner at all, however, with all that being said, that package they showed before Your Man I think in some ways was even more cruel than what they did to Quentin. They clearly do not want Clark in the finale or to win. It was very clear that Scott doesn't like him and I don't buy his BS about "I love them ALL! I want them ALL to do well!" Personally I don't think Clark would make a marketable winner or sell any records, so I see why Scott doesn't want him to win, but he was downright awful to Clark in that package. For whatever reason the show seems to think we want to see this type of drama between the contestants and TPTB/judges/mentors. We don't! We just want to see good singing! JAX is one of my favorites, but the pimping could not be more obvious. The only thing viewers hate more than unnecessary drama is an uneven playing field. On the one hand, I would love to see Clark get booted for this because I just don't think he's all that and he is predicted to win, on the other hand, I think this will just make his fans vote harder for him and he will stay in. I do think he needs to listen a little more to what people are saying to him about showing more emotion and not just always thinking about "Well I chose this song 'cause I love the chords, man I just love major 7th chords!" Like… who gives a fug about the chords? He needs to start choosing songs because he relates to the lyrics and message of the song, that's what people are trying to get across to him, but he just doesn't get it. One minute he's saying he "desperately wants to win," the next he's saying he doesn't want to win if he has to do something that isn't himself. With that being said, I commend him for taking time to explain his feelings and maybe do some damage control. Regardless of how the mentoring session went down, they should not have tried to paint him in such a bad light just to pimp another contestant because they know he is the frontrunner. I even suspect that results were actually announced in order tonight, since Ryan never said they were being announced in no particular order that I remember. I wouldn't be surprised if Clark had the highest votes, followed by JAX and Nick in third. Producers, please stop trying to make certain contestants look bad for no reason. That's not why people watch the show. I don't even like Clark but I honestly feel bad for him in this situation. And I have to applaud him for standing up for himself and staying true to his artistic vision. I mean, Scott wanted Taylor to put 3 country songs on her last album, which was meant to be all pop, she refused and the album was one of the best selling of the whole year. Sometimes these business people really just don't know anything and sometimes the artist has to listen to themselves. I commend Clark for doing that, but since he's not at Taylor level yet, he needs to find a balance between listening to himself and to the mentors/judges.


Clark - I really didn't care for either of his performances tonight. Why must he always do that screeching thing every time? It doesn't even sound good, at that. I hated his rearrangement of Your Man. It was a flat performance. He's all technique with little substance. It seems his reasoning for choosing songs has more to do with the chords and music than the lyrics, message, or emotion of the song, hence why most of his performances always fall so flat and lifeless. If he weren't a frontrunner, I'd say he was a goner after tonight, but I think the bussing will cause his fans to vote even harder for him.


JAX - I thought she gave 2 really strong, solid performances. I disagreed with JLo and thought Empire State of Mind was a perfect choice for her. It allowed her to be at the piano, which is one of the things she does best, and it worked for her voice. Human was an equally great and smart song choice. The kneeling on the floor was a bit over the top and she looked like she was trying to "act" vulnerable, so that was a turnoff, but overall the emotion was what sold the performance for me. I get why people don't like JAX and they find her inauthentic, I used to think that way too, but over time she's grown on me. She's easily the last singer left that is remotely interesting. Her main issue is she is not consistent enough. But when she hits the mark, she hits the mark. With the right songs, I see her actually having a decent chance in the pop industry. Whether I end up liking what she does or not, I am always interested to see what she's going to sing, wear, and do next. She holds my interest, which is more than I can say for any of the guys left. 


Nick - He seemed more energetic tonight than usual, so that was good to see from him I guess. But he was certainly not the "star of the night" as JLo called him. Bright Lights was a good performance, What Hurts the Most was just ok. I felt he was trying too hard to come off as emotional. The thing I've realized about Nick is that he's totally meh to watch but he's great to listen to. He has easily one of the best, if not maybe the best, recording voice of the top 5. With the right songs, his voice is radio ready, for sure.


Rayvon - Gotta say, Rayvon delivered tonight. I wasn't a huge fan of his arrangement of Need You Now, but vocally it was strong. Believe was probably his best performance to date. The vocals got a little off by the end because of his emotion but it was so nice to see him show that true, genuine emotion. He earned my votes tonight. I would say Rayvon was the "star of the night."


Tyanna - I think doing the results in the middle of the show is stupid. It puts a damper on the second half of the show. And she didn't get to sing her second song. I saw many people saying she didn't do well with the Beyonce song, but I'm not sure what you can expect when she's 16 and just found out she's been eliminated. I thought under the circumstances she did great. The song choice was not good though, that song just has no melody at all. But overall I thought she did a respectable job, considering only moments before she found out she was going home, and not for a parade either. It's a shame she faltered in Movie week because she was so strong before then. Ever since Circle of Life, she's just never seemed to gain her confidence back 100%. I really thought at one time she was a contender for the finale. Regardless, she should feel proud of what she accomplished and how far she went.


Guest performers - Harry was so boring. That song frankly stunk and he kept clipping off the ends of his phrases. For someone always harping on the other contestants about pitch, he sure had his own issues with it tonight. Martina did a nice rendition of Over the Rainbow, although you could hear what age has done to her voice. Still liked her performance over Harry's though.


Next week I think B2 will be Clark and Rayvon. Hard to say who will go home. At this point it probably should be Rayvon simply because he's been in the bottom so many times, but he also always miraculously survives. It could be Clark because of the poor performances and bussing, but he has a really strong fan base to vote him through. So I think ultimately it will be Rayvon.

  • Love 2

I think Clark is the best singer left in the competition.  And having him describe what he loved about his "gravy" song gave me the only goosebumps of the night. 


But Clark's problem is that he wasn't able, IMO, to convey that kind of passion and depth when he was actually singing the song.  And it has been an issue with him pretty much all season.  (Or at least any time I've seen him sing.) Sometimes his voice is enough to create an experience.  But sometimes, like tonight, it's not.  When he throws on that guitar, it seems like he gets stiff.  Developing a more well rounded package would help him out.  It doesn't have to be over-the-top.  There are plenty of singers that are simple and straight forward.  But if they're successful, it's usually because they are able to emote their connection to a song.  Like Rayvon, Clark has trouble doing that.  I don't know if it's something that can be learned or not but it won't be learned if he's not open to it.


Speaking of Rayvon, the most emotion I saw was when he was looking directly at his mother.  I didn't see it earlier in the song.  He needs to learn to bring that emotion all the time instead of when he has a visual reminder in front of him.  His mother won't be there forever. 


It makes me sound like I want weepy messes. I do not.  But I want to feel like they know the songs they're singing and own them. 

  • Love 1
  On 4/30/2015 at 2:00 AM, Suzysite said:

Hey Idol, please stop trying to make Jax happen.  Ugh.   Who keeps voting for her?

To me, Jackie Cole is Hollywood's idea of a pop singer.


Director: "I'm making a film. I need someone who is a combination of Ke$ha, Ellie Goulding, and Lady Gaga. Can you find someone for me?"

Casting director: "I have just the right girl for you. She has hair like Gaga, a squeaky voice like Ke$ha, and she is a Ellie Goulding poser.  Her name is Jackie Cole, but she wants to be known as JAX."

Director: (Laughs). "Are you serious! Thank goodness this is a comedy. She'd be perfect as a foil for Adam Sandler."

Casting director: "I will give you her agent's number. She's so hungry that she'll do it."

Director: "Perfect! Thanks a lot."


Rayvon by default, I mean, for the win.

  • Love 1

First, cutest part of the night was Clark trying to wear his seatbelt strap low slung to please Keith.


Why is Jax so excited to sing a duet with the guy who delivers the firewood?  Oh Steven Tyler, you say?


Jax killed it tonight.  NY was beautiful, she emotes while singing so authentically.  I wish her exterior wasn't so poserish.  I would like her to win, i think they could do ALOT with  her.


Man I cannot decide if Scott is genuine or a Giant Douche.  Is his record company real, I mean, is it more than just Taylor Swift?  Anyway, he looked liked a douche standing in front of a charter plane who donated the flight in return for product placement, implying that this was the life of a rockstar.


I am hoping for a Nick/ Jax finale.  Obviously Nick will be doing Dueling Rob Thomases while Jax sings with I'm a Lumberjack and I'm Ok.  Next week I hope will be Clark in a shocking boot.  Cue Daughtry shockface gif.

Edited by WhineandCheez
  • Love 1

I voted for Clark tonight to stick it to that douche bag Scott.  I can't stand that Borchetta guy.  It says everything about him that he made a singing star out of a young woman who Can.  Not.  Sing.  I don't begrudge Taylor Swift her success because I do think she's a really good songwriter, she should just be writing songs.  The fact that she can sell millions of records through the magic of autotune is what's wrong with the music industry today.  You might as well just program a computer to sing the songs and bypass the human element altogether. 


I liked Clark's second song anyway, so voting for him wasn't just my feeble effort to slow the bus that the Idol machine has sent after him.  I thought his vocal was the best and most interesting of the night.  He does acrobatics with his voice that I find enjoyable.

  • Love 1

The past week's coaching must have stressed "pointing at people in the audience and otherwise getting the audience involved" since there was at least one request for the audience to sing along and some random pointing during the opening with Ryan.


Thanks to JLo for giving "the girls" the night off. In case anyone is keeping track, I timed Keith's first (and was it his only?!?!?) obligatory shoulder roll at 11 minutes in. Harry's performance was surprisingly underwhelming.

Edited by designing1
  On 4/30/2015 at 2:43 AM, Irlandesa said:

I think Clark is the best singer left in the competition.  And having him describe what he loved about his "gravy" song gave me the only goosebumps of the night.


I LOVED that. He knew what the package made him look like and he knew what the judges' comments made him look like, so I'm glad he took the chance to explain it a little more otherwise he would've come off as some ungrateful, pretentious, know-nothing kid when he's just a guy who really wants to make some good music that isn't as savvy as to how the whole Top 20 world works.


His problem right now, though, is he's got to show that he's not just a good performer, but someone worthy of becoming an IDOL. Sometimes the things you want to do as an artist is not conducive to that and sometimes it is. That's the tough part about the whole thing, figuring out that line, which we are seeing these contestants struggle with every time.

  • Love 1
  On 4/30/2015 at 3:08 AM, WhineandCheez said:

Man I cannot decide if Scott is genuine or a Giant Douche.  Is his record company real, I mean, is it more than just Taylor Swift?  Anyway, he looked liked a douche standing in front of a charter plane who donated the flight in return for product placement, implying that this was the life of a rockstar.


Zac Brown Band, Reba, Rascal Flatts and Tim McGraw are also on the label


Jax's "Human" was screechy horrible.  What were the judges hearing?  I love that song, but that ... no.


I cast all of my votes for Clark.


Was there a significance to the pink triangle T shirt Rayvon was wearing? Too many runs in that last song.

  • Love 1

Would it be too much to ask for a double elimination next week with Jax and Clark going?


WTH was Ryan talking about at the top of the show when he said there are no more saves and someone WOULD be going home. There was only ever one save when no one when home and that was when the judges saved Quasim ages ago. The twitty twitter saves still sent someone home every week, it just wasn't necessarily the bottom vote getter. Sometimes I wonder what Ryan is smoking.


Ugh to Scott looking straight at Jax at his record company when he talked about the winner making an album and their pic being on the wall. Ugh. And Scott referring to Jax as getting into her " Jax character"? That is my whole problem with Jax (well that, and her voice) - she is not authentic. Jackie is who she is. Jax is who she pretends to be.


So annoyed at Harry telling Jax she had pitch issues all over the place, but that it didn't matter. Meanwhile Quentin was hammered every. single. week. for pitch issues. And for some reason it mattered big time. I was hoping when Jax fell to her knees in the fog (dramatic much?) she would just flat out fall on her face and disappear.


I think Clark deserves to go home next week (since I won't get my double elimination wish). It is fine to stand up for what you believe in, but if you are continually butting heads with the person who would produce your record if you won, you do not deserve to win. Sorry.


Loved both Nick and Rayvon tonight and hope they are the final two standing. Also love Rayvon's mom and Nick's dad. The tears in the eyes of the latter,especially after Nick's first performance were touching.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 2

Harry didn't bring the gravy to his own performance; color me disappointed, though the dullness of it fit right in with the way this meh of a season has gone.


Blinged-out pajama party is all I could think of upon seeing JLo's outfit and messy pony.


Rayvon seems to do the same thing every week and I'm bored. And I don't think it's a good thing that he's set a record for most saves from the brink of elimination, it means you're not exciting enough to get lots more people to vote for you.


I'm fine with Clark standing up for what he wants to convey to the AI audience, but it makes me wonder what his goal was for coming on this type of show if he won't make compromises as a way to get to the greater reward (if being a big-name entertainer with backing is end game, as opposed to just gaining exposure and returning to your own thing). Busking on the street corner, you can do whatever you want...being signed to a label, not so much--especially in the beginning.

  • Love 2

Boy, was I finally energized when I saw the train a comin' down the tracks for Clark.  I do not recall it being so obvious in AI histoire.  SB is all about selling a listen and not about performance.  He might could be correct about Clark's music.  Might.  So, I knew it was going down once he finished singing.  I could not wait to see what the jidges came up with to back up SB.  Could.  Not.  Wait.


They came with NOTHING!  Not one specific issue with pitch, chords, authenticity, making it his own (he manifestly did), daring to be great despite what anyone else thinks.  NOTHING.  It was all a description of the alchemy of creating a hit.  Which had not a thing in the world to do with his performance.  Did you hear a single word from these frauds as to precisely why the song was turrible?  There were none.  None.


What I heard was right down the Clapton Change the World alley.  If that isn't a path to success, I don't know what in the world can be.  It certainly is not one SB understands.  Which is fine.  What is not fine is making Clark out to be some fool.  


I do agree that Clark is awkward in his body movement.  He is decidedly not smooth.  Well, have we not seen artists with the very same issue?  In fact, it actually adds to the feeling.  It is, of itself, "gravy."  SB is correct that it is not slick.  It can't be packaged.  


HJC's song is weak, trivial, slight, and vapid.  His performance clearly showed he was phoning it in as he was not with his usual musicians and reduced to the AI house band.   Did you, for a second, feel a 'Nawlins vibe?  I sure as hell didn't.  It was about as authentic as SB producing Ella Fitzgerald or Tony Bennett.   Just how many of AI's target audience gave a rip about it?   Was there even a melody in there?  


Nick clearly hit the marks he was trying to hit better than the others did tonight.  But, again, he was ordered to do stagecraft with which he is uncomfortable right at the time he can least afford to be.  It is not the time to stretch.  it is the time to hone in on what you do best and who you truly are.  Incongruent missteps are death.  Then again, SB and AI know this damn well and the only conclusion to draw is that they don't want Nick to win.


It's gonna be a hoot seeing how AI edits the home visits to make them seem all that.  What a fraud this whole enterprise is.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
  • Love 2

I really, really have liked Clark (and Tyanna) throughout, but from the git-go, when I read that he had Clay Aiken as one of his faves, I wondered if TPTB or even his own principles would allow him to win and be molded the AI Way. So perhaps tonight's contre-temps was inevitable.


Rayvon and Nick are, to me, complete non-entities. Either would fit right in with the Caleb Who? Kris Who? Come Out and Just Stand Here But Don't Sing Ruben Who?  Male Winners Circle.


Jax is in like Flynn. She has all the elements of a current female Pop star, for good or ill.

  • Love 1

I kind of see both sides with Clark. He's definitely got the chops to make a good record and could probably be fairly successful with the right songs and right marketing. I think he could be sort of America's answer to Sam Smith and Hozier. He's not as vulnerable as the former, but a bit more accessible than the latter. Or, like, a younger, slightly more telegenic Gavin Degraw. The point is he needs to fit somewhere. I think Clark, like a lot of musicians, believe that by working inside a mold is selling out. It's not...not always. We always hear recording artists talk about staying true to themselves and doing what they want to do, but the truth is many of them are managed and produced to within an inch of their lives. They can talk all the "I'mma do me" shit in the media all they want, but until they see you'll sell, they have to sign off on it. Consider your audience, stop Krisallening Justin Bieber songs (it's a neat idea if you're making a YouTube video or you're on Elvis Duran, but you need to do serious songs so that people take you seriously), stop dressing like a recently divorced dad out on the town for the first time in twelve years, and pick sings you can sink your teeth into vocally.

  • Love 1

   I think I may be done with watching American Idol after last night.

   I somewhat enjoyed Clark's first song and Rayvon's was good too.

   Still can't stand the JAX character, ok voice but the dramatics are really out of control.

   Nick just bores the hell out of me.

   I agree with someone who also posted about not revealing Tyanna as the loser so early in the show.  Why not let everyone do their 2 songs and just announce the loser at the end.

   I found myself flipping channels looking for something else to watch throughout the whole LONG 2 hours.  I think they could leave out the guest envelope bringer, the star performances and cut this baby down to an hour easily. And, Harry sure did not do his best on that boring number.

   And, last but not least..........did anyone really think that outfit JLo had on was attractive?  I know having a big butt is her big claim to fame, since she really can't sing worth a damn, but that sure was not a flattering getup....... or was she headed to a slumber party after the show?  

  • Love 1

This will be the last year I watch this drizzly bad show.  They literally are pushing Jax for the win to manufacture her into some sort of "star" with all the tricks of magic that technology and PR can do because she has no real major talent or star quality.  It was so obvious last night.  It's like watching a bunch of puppet masters trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes.  Show is done.  It has jumped the shark.  End it.  It's a joke.

  • Love 2

Well, as many of us predicted, Rayvon the cockroach took out Tyanna.  Although, I have to say, based on her performance last night, I'm not too angry 'cause that wasn't good.  Of course, that song (and I use the term loosely) is not a singer's song at all.


Specifics, in order of appearance:


Round One

Nick - That was really, really good. Matchbox 20 was a good fit for his voice, and he finally seemed comfortable on stage.

Clark - Living for the City was okay.  I like it when he gets bluesy, but the range wasn't good for him; he strained for those high notes.  It had energy, though.

Jax - I could the vocal strain, and thought some of the pitch was off, but this was on the good end of Jax's multiple personalities.  I thought it was alright.

Rayvon - Of course he took a mid-tempo song full of emotional pain and turned it into a drab, over-orchestrated, over-elaborate, over-done, emotionless ballad.  Vocally, it sounded nice, but it was like extra-strength Ambien.


Round Two

Nick - That song choice was inspired.  It suited his voice and really allowed him to connect with the audience.  There was a whole lot of emotion there.  Nick has definitely chosen the right time to hit his groove.

Jax - I heard vocal strain here as well, but she connected with that song and managed to express the emotion of it without going over the top.  I like this Jax; why do I have to put up with that other one so often?

Rayvon - Even though I wasn't a fan of the song, this was by far his best performance.  You could hear the emotion coming through every line, and for once, he didn't over-stylize it.  It was pure and sweet, and I could finally see what the judges must have seen in him at the beginning.

Clark - I didn't hear most of this song, didn't even recognize it (Googling tells me it was "Your Man" by Josh Turner - really?  Didn't sound like that at all at the end.) but what I heard sounded like smooth jazz on some Light FM station.  Which I hate.  I don't think it'll get him cut at this point because his fan base will keep him in, but if I had to judge by this one performance, I'd really wonder what the hell the judges were thinking when they chose him for the finals.


My pick for top three, based on their performances over the course of the season: Nick, Clark, Jax.  But I wouldn't count out Rayvon.  I'm sure he'll manage to take down a seeming sure thing next week, too.


Harry was so boring. That song frankly stunk and he kept clipping off the ends of his phrases.


I had to change the channel during Harry's performance.  I'll confess that I've never liked him as a performer.  I've always thought that, at best, he's a poor man's Frank Sinatra, and at worst, he's smooth jazz on Lite FM (for which I've already expressed my disdain).  I can listen to Sinatra any time I want; I don't need Harry.

HCJ's brazen mediocrity in his own performance--combined with his arrogance toward these newcomers--says it all about this show. It's not a talent show, it's about making money off these (mostly) kids' performances--and then finding the best money maker to lock into a lousy contract post-show. 


Borchetta may be a little better to work for than the previous production company (Clive Davis sounds like a monster), but he's still giving the message--I'm not an artist, I'm a businessman, and you'd better do it my way so I get the return I want on my investment.


If Clark can last a week or two more--to perform a few more times, get a few more fans--that's the best he can hope for. No need to hope for "winning". And I have no doubt that the only one SB thinks might be commercial enough for his label is Jax.  I'm not sure that will actually feel like "winning" though.

  • Love 1

Sweet fancy Moses. [/seinfeld]


Wow. Jax kind of makes me sick. Is her stupid name spelled all in caps? Really? Gag. This show is stuffing her down my throat. Sorry to sugarcoat it, but I cant stand her voice or anything about her. If you gave me a free CD by her I'd never play it once and toss it. She already needs autotune imo, so she is right up Bochetta's alley; and Mrs Borchetta better watch Scottie. Just an observation. NEW YORE? Is that like days of YORE? "The strights woo mike ya fill brine you" (The streets will make you feel brand new) BRINE YOU!? That sounds like something you do to a turkey before cooking. Oh Dear God get her off my TV Sweet baby Jesus.


Clark, for whom the bus revs.... it revs for thee.


I sort of had Tyanna for the win even on her worst night I still liked her. I like Nick too. I guess.


Rayvon is gonna ride the seal all the way to the finals a la Syesha Mercado. As Rayvon and Tyanna approached the stage Ryan was all: "Rayvon has become comfortable with this position over the course of several weeks" And that certainly blows to eliminate Tyanna and then have her sing. And screw her out of the second song? That super blows.


Hate, with the heat of a thousand nuns  :) melisma, screeching,  and runs and falsetto; so there's that.


Glad HCJ clarified that he wrote "City Under the Sea" 20 yrs ago... as in years before Katrina. Ouch. That may have been the worst I have ever heard HCJ since ...ever. And I say that as  a HCJ fan. Yikes. The song was bad. The sound was bad. The performance was bad. (imo)

Edited by ari333
  • Love 2

I guess these are some slightly unpopular opinions:


While I felt bad for the obvious bussing of Clark last night, I personally feel like he's gotten worse over time instead of better. I felt the same way about Tyanna (I didn't like her performance last night at all.  Not a good song to show case your vocals).


Jax, well, I haven't seen any improvement from her.  She's pretty much still the same.  I understand why they want her to win (could it have been more obvious with that Steven Tyler segment last night?), but she's does nothing for me.


Rayvon does nothing for me, either, and I feel like he hasn't grown much.  Which leaves Nick...


Like said last week, I can understand why people find him boring, but I think he's ok and is improving a lot every week.


What's up with HJC?  We know he can sing, but his performances on this show haven't been good.  It's disappointing.


This is the first time that I'm totally underwhelmed with the competition and don't have one person that I'm rooting for in the finale.  Even in the past, when my favorites have left before the final two, there was someone I could shift my admiration to and get behind.  Not this year. 

  • Love 1


This show is stuffing her down my throat.

 Amen sister.  I am Jaxed out, maxed out and whacked out from this show. 


My opinions may not be too popular here as well but I guess I will vent away:

Clark is done.  I think he will have a great career in Christian music, but you could see the writing on the wall.  Nice kid, I think he can sing better than Rayvon but he doesn't quite have that command of the stage.  The show is driving a fleet of buses over him now.  I want to run out there and push him out of the way that's how hard the buses are coming but baby, all I can do is watch.  This show is so obvious.


Jax is the girl they think they can package up and sell to save the franchise but they don't realize she is a little plastic Long Island doll they can dress up and manipulate and she is so willing to do whatever they say to be a star.  Is she a punker?  Is she a rocker?  Is she a cutie pie crooner?   She is a flavour of the month that people will tire of after a song or two on the radio if she even makes it that far.   She will never be Taylor Swift.  Never.  Repeat and rinse.  Never. 


Rayvon.  All drama, no real good voice.  He has moments but I don't think he can really sing.  Someone is voting for him though.  Who knows what next week will bring?


Nick is the only one that has at least had a game plan that I like and is progressing nicely.  He may not be a total star but he is having such a ride and it is nice to watch. 


I am a huge Harry Connick Jr  fan for decades, the man is multi talented, of that there is no doubt but why oh why did he choose such an underwhelming song to perform last night?  It's like he was all: I don't care and I will pick this little fave of mine about my home town.  He should have brought the whole NOLA jazz ensemble and sung and danced and celebrated his city!!!  Tore down the house!! He is quite capable of doing that, I have seen his broadway show.  Instead he was like - yeah Imma gonna sit on this couch and just jam with y'all.  Then we will have beignettes and if we listen hard we will hear the ocean y'all.  Jennifer where is your beignette?  Y'all gotta eat one, come on. 


Borchetta and his wife and machine team or whatever the heck that sh#tshow is called - now the business end is called in and we see the payoff for him.  He was brought in and promised a winner to promote and make some $$ off of.  He chose Jax.  All others are just going for the ride.  Steven Tyler, here is Jax.   Me - barf, I'm done with this show. 


edited typos :)

Edited by MrsMoltisanti
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  On 4/30/2015 at 2:58 PM, Padma said:

Borchetta may be a little better to work for than the previous production company (Clive Davis sounds like a monster), but he's still giving the message--I'm not an artist, I'm a businessman, and you'd better do it my way so I get the return I want on my investment.


Well, at least we now know what the saying on his jacket "Music Has Value" really means.

  • Love 3

I think it's all about the power and the glory.  And by glory I don't think it's the glory of a beautiful song.  Sadly that's the way the world is going.  Just look at who gets the most hits and trends the most on social media.  People without real talent, famous for being famous and not much more. 



Well, at least we now know what the saying on his jacket "Music Has Value" really means.

Clark, for whom the bus revs.... it revs for thee.




I forgot to mention that hideous schmatte that JLo was wearing--it made her look like she had MAJOR saddlebags.  So unflattering.  And her ass, Kim Kardashian was going, "Whoa."  I wonder if it was from her new Kohls line, because it looked kinda flimsy.


Nick is the only one that has at least had a game plan that I like and is progressing nicely.  He may not be a total star but he is having such a ride and it is nice to watch.


I enjoy an arc and Nick's got a major one.  As I said, I think F2 should be Nick and Jax.  I hope Borchetta takes a washcloth to her face the second she signs the contract, and scrubs off the X.  I was gonna say and makes her dye her hair to a human color, but his plastic looking wife has the same hair!!

Edited by WhineandCheez
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