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S30.E10: Bring The Popcorn

Tara Ariano
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Last week I gave Sierra a pass for not flipping to save Hali because I thought it was too early.  I said I'd reserve judgment.  I think tonight should've been the night for her to make her move.  However, Mike shit the bed so badly that I think he made it tough for her.  I think he should've gone to her immediately after over-hearing Rodney and before the auction and told her that he was going to do whatever it took to get the "advantage" prize.  As it is, he looked like he was jumping ship at the Auction, and anything he said afterwards could be dismissed as damage control.

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Best episode this season s to three astonishing reversals.


MIKE-I have never seen anyone toast their own game in such a spectacular manner. Pullng the stunt at the auction and then ruining the loved one letters. Unbelievable poor game play and judgment.


WILL-When from a non entity to become an actual character on the show. I am squarely in his corner. Sharin was talking smack about him and deserved to be called out.

          About Sharin...she suffers from what I call the Fred Goldman syndrome. There isn't a person with a soul back in 1994 that wouldn't feel immense pity and sympathy for this man and his loss. But after 20 years of listening to him play the victim card whenever TV news trots him out I can't tolerate him anymore when ever he is on. He's beat it into the ground so much that I can't feel anything for him anymore ...if Will is to believed and Sharin is constantly playing the victim card is no wonder she elicts no sympathy, 


RODNEY-Dare I say it but he almost emerged as a hero when calling Mike out at tribal. I actually found myself cheering for him.


YAY to no more Jenn. I've wanted her stuck up rude self of there since episode two. An what's the deal...they have been starving for weeks and yet she still maintained that baby fat on her tummy. Maybe she was the one hoarding food.


Lastly there is just something shifty about Tyler that I don't like. If this ultimate coaster wins the whole season somehow it will be a bitter pill.

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It's always nice to see a decent person who plays a good game win but I have to remind myself that for sure I'm not winning a million dollars nor am I forking over the cash and in the long run who wins doesn't effect my life one iota.

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I'm wondering if Shirin's domestic abuse story is real. If I recall correctly, she saved it for TC where the jurors could hear it.



She wouldn't have to save it for TC for the jurors to hear it.  If it was a made-up story (which I don't think it was), then she could have been telling the prospective jurors at various points since the merge.  But her reactions were very realistic, and as others have pointed out, she's referred to that history in TH's, so I tend to think it's true.  (Besides, it's one thing to say your grandmother died when she's alive and knows you're going to say it and is okay with it, but it's another thing to claim someone is an abuser.  Even to help a loved one win a million, it's less likely someone would agree to be labeled as such.)

Edited by ElleryAnne
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Still wondering....just because she said it and others repeat it doesn't make it true...


If other people were repeating it in their confessionals during the game than may be I can see it. But Hali making comments about it a year after they are done filming and when this was never even hinted at during the actual show than sorry I am not buying it. I have no doubt what Shirin said was completely true.

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Shirin, Mike, and Jenn outright spread rumours of Will stealing, lying, hiding things based on zero evidence.  They jumped to this conclusion based on nothing and held firm to it.  Why is that just completely forgotten here?  Shirin did play the victim, yet Will was the victim of their shit in the first place.  Will purposely made a decision to NOT act like a victim.  He wanted to fight back.  

I dunno.  I have to go back and rewatch that sequence, but from what I remember, we got Jenn making one comment about how Will gave up the stuff he didn't like and kept the rest.  Not clear what Mike and Shirin said, but if they were repeating that, they were basically accusing Will of playing the game. They were not questioning his integrity as a human being, they were pointing out a possible strategy.


Will's reaction was way out of bounds. If someone says "I think you hid some food away to give yourself an advantage," an adult human being with any sense of empathy does not respond with a variant of "no one on the whole planet likes you and you are forever alone."


Again, IIRC. I might be misremembering what they showed.

Edited by phlebas
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If this was The Amazing Race, I'd say that Mike had a Killer Fatigue meltdown.  His strategy completely blew up, and he drove Dan (and Sierra, I guess,) over to Rodney's collection of Suck.  Just.  Awful.  Gameplay.


Probst should have shot down Carolyn's attempt to give the letter back.  This was totally a moment where he made one of his, "on the fly, producer," decisions.  I thought Mike had made a balls out move, (perhaps in concert with Dan and Shirin,) and JiffyPop neutered it by not shooting down Carolyn.  [And seriously, you don't have a plan with your alliance to make sure one of you gets the advantage?  What the fuck are these people talking about on the beach?]


I hope Will's wife gave him a solid nut-punch after this episode.  Yeah, he'll claim his side of the story wasn't shown by "editing," but you said that shit, asshat.  Good luck with that "acting" career.

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RODNEY-Dare I say it but he almost emerged as a hero when calling Mike out at tribal. I actually found myself cheering for him.


He was either an idiot or just full of shit in that moment, though, because he told the story as if Mike could have denied the others their letters at the auction. Then he said he was stating FACTS. He's a delusional loudmouth, basically.

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This people are all horrible, I don't even know who I want to win since the one decent person got voted out last week.


Will thinks he's a good religious person? No, good people don't attack and verbally abuse people like he did.

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He was either an idiot or just full of shit in that moment, though, because he told the story as if Mike could have denied the others their letters at the auction. Then he said he was stating FACTS. He's a delusional loudmouth, basically.



I may be giving Rodney undue credit for being SMAHTAH than he is, but I think he was saying that (because Jeff was going to allow them to give back the letters they'd bought) by refusing to buy his letter, as a practical matter he was forcing the others to give up the chance to read their letters.


I actually thought Rodney played Mike pretty well this week.  I don't know that Rodney can win, but I think the definitely reduced Mike's chance of winning.

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I don't believe that we can judge Tyler's character simply because his strategy has been "let me sit back and watch these idiots ruin their own games." He isn't exactly a passive participant, but his meddling has been subtle and effective so far.

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I have never liked Will or Shirin--that's just being redundant 'cause I detest the entire cast--and I'm sick of the new fad of tarring everyone with the "bully" epithet, but lazy, stupid, worthless Will is a bully.  He purposely chose to go off on the supposedly weaker Shirin over the stronger, more vocal and volatile Mike and Jenn.  Everyone involved in that incident were dicks, but Will proved to be a dick and a coward.  I'm thrilled Shirin didn't let him get his letter and sit out the challenge (what a joke!) as that would just be win-win for slackin' sacko'shit Will.


All these people are so horrible that the hate is pinging around my in head like a pinball.  Ding! He's the worst.  Ding!  She's the worst.  Ding! Ding! Ding!, but Dan will always be the worst to me. Dan is transforming into a goat right before my eyes.  A fat, greasy, hairy, repulsive, stuff-of-satanic-nightmares goat.  Next week I expect to see the horns beginning to sprout.


I was actually excited and looking forward to this season.  Fuck me.

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Whatever criteria they used to cast these people should be crumpled up and burned. This episode was icky. I watch tv to be amused and even to watch the hilarity of some good snark....but not to watch emotionally wounded people get stomped on by other emotionally stunted people.

Choosing between the hate edit and cray edit is disturbing. Rodney, will and Dan would be the worst final 3 ever.

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Since when did they let people give back an auction item to get their money back?

Since when did they draw rocks for an item everyone wants? Before, it was whomever yelled out their bid first.

Since when did a "side deal" with Jeff require a unanimous vote from everyone else?


This episode was horrible. And Probst thinks it's the bestest evah? These people are all horrible. Even you, Shirin. I hate that "I'm a victim, so I automatically smell like roses and win the argument." You did attack Will's integrity after chowing down on the stuff he shared with you. I think if she had apologized or even threw Mike under the bus, he wouldn't have lost his damned mind. But she sits there all "I have no idea what you're talking about." Was Will wrong? Oh hell, yes! Was Shirin some poor innocent victim? Not really. You play with fire, you get burned. Occasionally you piss off somebody with a scorched-earth approach to verbal arguments.


I hate everyone, especially Jeff, for thinking this would be fun and exciting. It was like watching a bloody car wreck, with Probst on the sidelines chortling and eating popcorn, saying "Isn't this great? Can you believe that? Oh wow, look at the blood!" Asshole.

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I am done with this season.

What a bunch of fucking assholes

Me too, ProfCrash, I'm out.



Guess I'm going to have to do what I did the 3 seasons Russell Hantz was on. Fast forward to the end and if he wasn't voted off, I didn't watch the episode. So, if one of the supreme assholes (Dan, Will and Rodney) isn't voted out, I'm not wasting my time watching.

I couldn't even manage that.  Hantz was so vile I just didn't watch period.  These guys still can't touch him, but they make up for it in numbers, so I gots to go.

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Since when did they draw rocks for an item everyone wants? Before, it was whomever yelled out their bid first.


I think I remember this happening before. I could be wrong. I need a nerdy superfan to verify this, please.

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SO, Mike stirs the pot by suggesting that Will is hiding more food, or something from his box of goodies. It was a strategic move on Mike's part to sow a bit of distrust there. Fair enough. No different than lying about someone having a HII, or speculating that some were lying about the beans and rice choice in the 1st episode. It can work to your advantage to sow a little discord amongst people you don't want getting too close to one another. All fair game play, IMO. Jenn and Shirin bought it and shared the theory with the others. I didn't get the impression that anyone else at camp was even buying it. Then, Tyler shares what is happening with Will, I believe to stir the pot a little bit himself. Maybe to help Will protect himself, maybe because he thinks it will help keep a target on Mike/Jenn/Shirin. I don't know. Again, what Tyler did was fair game play, IMO.
Will gets hurt/pissed and blows up. I get it. He's tired, hungry, stressed. His good intentions have been turned against him. It sucks. He lost it. But he went too far. If he'd kept it about the game, fine. But to attack someone in such a vile, personal manner? And for the others to just stand there and let it happen? It was just gross. I don't want to watch that. That's not must-see TV. That's "let's hope whoever is in charge of this show gets their shit together before next season" TV.

I don't like any of these people. I don't know how Jeff is seriously calling this one of the best seasons ever. If that's the case then he's watching a different show than I am. The best parts of the show I'm seeing must have gotten left on the editing room floor.

Edit: Sorry about the strange formatting. I don't know why it looks like this.

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I detest Will.  Detest him.  I haven't liked him since he flipped for whatever reason on No Collar.  But I knew there was a very nasty person there that finally reared his ugly head tonight.


He can't get off my screen fast enough.


I feel that way about Shirin.  She started the hurtful behavior, Will was hurt and lashed back.  Two wrongs don't make a right but he was wronged first.  Then Shirin stoops to a new low and prevents the guy from getting a letter from home?  Really?  That was the worst.  Then coming in all weepy at tribal council after all the s**t she pulled.  Hypocrite.


Also how is preventing him getting a letter from home a good game play oh great Survivor savant Shirin? 


Can't stand her.  Will was totally wrong.  But she was also totally wrong and didn't even own up to it but expected Will to.  Too bad she had a tough life but a lot of people do.  Suck it up and quit playing the weepy card in a game show and please, for the love of God, keep your mouth shut.  You get a response like this cause you drive all of your tribe mates nuts with the endless yammering.  You keep pushing their buttons ... and mine!


Mike's a better person than me to put up with her to try and win the million.  I'd be running to the other alliance just to get away from the woman.  This woman knows how to drive everyone crazy. 


She expects everyone to let her win cause she had a tough childhood?  How does she not know others there haven't had tough lives too?  Why is she and she alone the only suffering human on the planet?  It's a game, play the game.  Then go have therapy privately and stop expecting half-starved, sleep deprived people desperate to win a million for their own reasons to stop and make you feel good and special. It's Survivor, not a love-in.  You should know having watched the show forever that it was going to be rough and cutthroat.  Aaarrrrgggghhhh!

Edited by green
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Since when did they let people give back an auction item to get their money back?

Since when did they draw rocks for an item everyone wants? Before, it was whomever yelled out their bid first.

Since when did a "side deal" with Jeff require a unanimous vote from everyone else?



Well technically Jeff didn't say anything to Carloyn when she tried to do that.


They drew rocks a couple seasons ago when Tony and I believe Spencer bid the same amount.


In Season 24, all members of the Men's tribe had to agree to voluntarily go to TC to vote out Bill.

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Will and Shirin have had this contempt for each other from way back.  I remember all the fat digs from her about him (considering that she said she used to be fat makes those digs interesting.)  When she was crying, I rolled my eyes.  My childhood wasn't the peachiest, but grow up. 

And for Will, dude who had the right to go off when you felt your integrity being attacked, but he didn't have to go there.  I would have called her a trouble maker and trotted out the treasure chest.  And then turned it around on her and said, " if she's accusing me of hoarding then that's probably what she would have done, its in her train of thought".  That's all he needed to do.

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In Season 24, all members of the Men's tribe had to agree to voluntarily go to TC to vote out Bill.

True, but that involved all of them. This was strictly between Peachy and Will. I don't believe for a moment that Jeff didn't know about the shit-storm back at camp, and knew there were people angry with Will, so when Will proposed his deal, Probst thought of a way to screw that up while increasing the negative feelings that were already there. That's why Probst is an asshole. He can't just let the game happen; he has to insert himself and stir shit because he believes we love this stuff.

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So far, I'm loving Tyler. Admire his stealthy observing. Smart cookie. Let everyone else duke it out and offend each other. If I was his age and single, I'd have a huge, huge crush on Tyler. Plus I think he's really cute. I like the cute, smart look. :)


I was liking Tyler until tonight.  He spies, then runs off and tattles like a little bitch.  Not only did he make sure the wrath of hell (Will) came down on Shirin, he made sure he was front and center to relish it all.  And he did have a smirk on his face.  And since I can never remember if next week's preview is a spoiler

Tyler will join Rodney in my hate category after he goes through Dan's bag. My number one pet peeve on this show, and I wish they'd be automatically ejected for rifling through someone else's belongings. Otherwise, you're always going to have a Godly person "innocently" going through someone's bags to "help" (Lisa Welchel).


I will be very happy when Rodney is voted to the jury and has to be quiet.  He grates.  


I knew Mike and Joe were tall, but I didn't realize how tall Tyler was until I saw him talking to Rodney,  


Rodney has officially crossed into hate category for me tonight.  There's nothing like a man screaming hysterically with veins bulging out of his head telling another to calm down.  What an idiot.  And I don't know if the other guys are tall, but Rodney seems to be quite small - which may explain his personality.  I'm going to call him Rumpelstiltskin in my head from now on.  Tiny little man, raging and stomping his foot.  Hoping for that hole to open up any day, tiny little man.


And what's that Rodney?  You've never seen anything so disgusting or disrespectful before?  How about tattooing your dead sister's name on your arm to pick up chicks, you freak.

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True, but that involved all of them. This was strictly between Peachy and Will. I don't believe for a moment that Jeff didn't know about the shit-storm back at camp, and knew there were people angry with Will, so when Will proposed his deal, Probst thought of a way to screw that up while increasing the negative feelings that were already there. That's why Probst is an asshole. He can't just let the game happen; he has to insert himself and stir shit because he believes we love this stuff.


If he was just asking to sit out the challenge I would agree with you. But he wasn't. He was asking to sit out the challenge and receive his letter from the auction. Letters that all the other players had to spend money to get. 

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Mreid, I can't speak for anyone else but I promise you, I'm a white woman and I see Will as Will and nothing else, just a contestant on this show. His skin color means nothing to me, and he doesn't represent anyone but himself. My guess is most of the other commenters feel the same. He seems to be a horrible person, and I hope he's voted out next.

Rbonnie, I couldn't agree more. It's not about colour. It's like people are lining up to also be considered equal victims of the tirade and suck up some sympathy. Thicker skin people, please. 

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I usually look forward to the reunion show, and wish it was longer than the 30 or so minutes.  But this year, I'm dreading it, and am glad commercials and announcing the winner cut into it.  I can completely see why Jeff loves this season so much, although I'll stick with my own made up theory that he secretly thinks it's the worse but is laying it on thick as a laugh.  Drama, fights, people to root against rather than for, misogynistic assholes that will blame it on the editing and that they were just trying to be memorable to get asked back.  Sierra's question at the reunion will probably be 'did you have fun?  Okay, moving on, you contributed nothing'.  Seriously, between Dan, Rodney, Will, and Shirin, I don't even want to re-live any of this.  At least there will be fan favorite Joe who can hopefully take away some of the pain.  I feel like this is all happening in reverse order of how it should have went.

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Mreid, I can't speak for anyone else but I promise you, I'm a white woman and I see Will as Will and nothing else, just a contestant on this show. His skin color means nothing to me, and he doesn't represent anyone but himself. My guess is most of the other commenters feel the same. He seems to be a horrible person, and I hope he's voted out next.


I agree with what you wrote, yet as I watched Will spew venom at tribal, making his exaggerated air quotes around the word "victim," it occurred to me that if the races were reversed, where a white man laid into a black woman like that on network television, ridiculing her family, her history of abuse, and denying her self-identification as a victim, the charges of racism would have been swift and deafening.


But a black man verbally abuses a white woman and he's just a bad person.

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But a black man verbally abuses a white woman and he's just a bad person.


I don't agree that this should be the takeawy from the episode.  Most of these folks suck.  Dan has been horrid to Shirin and Sierra.  Rodney, basically, has been horrid to most women who he can't see as his "mom", so Carolyn is ok.  Will was down right offensive to Shirin.  Not saying he's a bad person, but what he said and how he attacked was offensive.  It's hard on my scorecard to track who is the worst.

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I don't know how Jeff is seriously calling this one of the best seasons

ever. If that's the case then he's watching a different show than I am.


I think Jeff just has different characteristics in mind when considering which seasons are the "best". Even though this episode WAS practically one long cringe, it sure was full of "explosive TV moments". Explosive diarrhea, yes, but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.

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I hate this fucking season.    I had a moment of lucidity tonight, right in the middle of Mike's asinine "We built this city" speech, where I actually said to the people with me, "I'm embarrassed for myself that I'm watching this."    

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I feel for casting, I really do.  It's a huge roll of the dice every season, and it's the most critical part of the show.  You never know what you have until the cameras start rolling.  But this is the most vile collection of people I can remember at this stage of the game.  I mean, there are 8 people left, and I can't find a single one to root for.  And usually there are people who I'm neutral towards, but I can't even point to someone like that.  I dislike them all.  


Survivor: Thailand was so awful it made me skip the next season--the only season I've ever skipped.  This is worse than even that, because at least that season had a few stragglers whose biggest crime was that they were suckers.  Here, everyone is complicit in their awfulness.  It's Villains vs. Villains.  


Usually at this point in this season, I'm trying to analyze who has the best shot at winning, what's the best strategic play, etc.  Right now, though, I don't really care.

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Will could be angry all he wanted, it's NEVER okay to verbally abuse ANYone. I'm liking that Shirin raised her hand and kept Will from receiving his letters...it was a little retribution but not enough - the ugly things he said to her will remain with her for the rest of her life.

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This episode just reinforced why I have been wanting Mike to win.

He paid attention and figured out 4 people were planning to vote him out.

I cheered when he decided not to pay for the letter (all the others except will had their letters and everyone lies in the game…but he worried about Dan's perception of his loyalty and changed his mind. He shouldn't have changed his mind and should have told Dan and Sierra later why he did it--he over heard the other 4 wanting him out). I wish he hadn't changed his mind and then he would have the extra vote.

Mike STOOD UP FOR SHIRIN! while Sierra and the others just viewed the bullying as entertainment. The laugh is on you all since most of America (imo) are disgusted by you all…especially the vile disgusting Will. I liked Mike and Shirin hugging and celebrating.

OMG! Will wanting Shirin to stay just to suffer…he is a sadistic piece of shit! He laughed at her pain and said she was unlovable, no one liked her, made fun of her not having a family and said she was soulless. Dan and Rodney are disgusting but Will is REVOLTING.

I liked Jenn when she used her idol and I liked her this episode. Plus she is an animal lover and wanted to fuck with the games of the assholes. I'm sad she is gone.

Mike and Shirin for the final two (but it won't happen since people I like rarely win).

Tyler and the rest are shitty humans who stood by and didn't help out someone being verbally abused. Suggesting Will was holding back treats wasn't a big deal but he went bat shit crazy over it and exposed himself as hideous/atrocious person.

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I can't fathom why they would vote for Jenn, and I hate the editors this season because that's not the kind of thing that should make no sense at this point in the game.  So did Carolyn only end up with one vote (Jenn's) out of the nine?  


I assume they knew the outcome and there was no way to stop it.  So vote for Jenn since she wanted to go. 


Jenn votes for Carolyn cause Carolyn knows Jenn doesn't like her so would take it as personal from Jenn alone.


But Mike and Shirin NOT wasting their votes on Carolyn prevents Carolyn from becoming personally ticked off with them thus leaving the possibility of one or both of them becoming swing votes down the line in some alliance with Carolyn and maybe Tyler.  Keeping the door open to any possible possibility in other words.

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Here's something to help take away the vile taste from whatever that was:  after Dan watched the episode tonight and saw the he was wrong and Mike was, in fact, telling the truth he will NEVER be able to forgive himself again.   


Jenn may be one of my favorite players ever. Her confessional after being voted off about how much the others suck was hilarious.



I rewound her confessional 3 times and not just to figure out who voted for whom.  I'm really sorry to see her consigned to the jury since she was the most - the only - entertaining thing about this ghastly season.

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I've never been a victim of domestic violence (thank God above) but for a minute I thought about Shirin. She isn't close to anyone in her family, maybe only close to a few friends. It might explain why she talks a lot and tries so hard. I've known people like that, when things were shitty at home they either went way overboard trying to be nice and please, or they withdrew into their own world.

I really felt sorry for her to have to sit there and hear this asshole tell her she had no friends, she had no loved ones and she had no soul. And everyone else just sat there and let her take it without telling Will to shut up. I might have wanted to quit the game at that point.

Mike came in towards the end (he walked up during the end of it) and defended her verbally and then got her out of there and gave her support and hugs. The rest of them were disgusting and I was appalled that they just stood there and watched her getting verbally abused. I am surprised some are trying to justify Will's vile behavior by saying she lied about the food. She didn't like…she speculated as did Mike and Jen (as would anyone who doesn't fully trust Will).

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I thoroughly enjoyed the look of shock on Jeff's face when 1.  Mike walked away without paying for his letter, and 2. Shirin raised her hand to deny Will his letter.


I think Will's "reward" would have been a hell of a lot more interesting if he was forced to keep the food hidden, and forbidden to share.  That would make the food a dual edged sword - get extra food, but risk suspicion by constantly sneaking off to eat it. 

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Mike STOOD UP FOR SHIRIN! while Sierra and the others just viewed the bullying as entertainment.


It was my impression Mike did that for no reason other than to serve his own self-interest, and to give himself an excuse to get the hell out of there before Will turned it around on him.


Mike was the one who concocted the bullshit theory about Will hiding food in the first place.   All of the cruelty that followed was set in motion by Mike's treachery.   This is the man who deceived all of his teammates at the auction.   Right to their faces.  Oh sure, he second-guessed himself when he realized the consequences.   But you can't unring that bell.    He's a duplicitous, cheating bastard.   And a shit-stirrer to boot.

Edited by millennium
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Ugh, I feel like I need brain bleach after that episode. It made me feel dirty and bad, and not in a good way. I've never felt so gross after watching Survivor. The only excitement for me was a spontaneous cheer when Shireen did the unpopular (with the tribe) thing an prevented that bully Will from getting his letter. Serves him right for being so incredibly nasty to another human being. He's not exactly an IC threat anyway.


Probst really said this was the best season ever? What is wrong with his perceptions!? Does he not see how heinous most of these people are? It's like a cast full of nothing but Russells.


Jeff completely ignored Shireen pouring her heart out about her abuse, and how dare Will interrupt her answer to Jeff at TC! That was just piling on, making it even worse. What a pig. To think I used to root for him.


And root against Mike. I was stunned to find myself on his side, when I always lumped him in with the meatheads on the blue team before now. I was really hoping he'd pull out some kind of victory, but strategically he sucks. Talk about a sudden drop from top dog to bottom of the heap -- because of "mastermind" Rodney, too! What is with these sheeple, that they follow someone like Rodney? (Dan, Sierra, I'm looking at you, along with Tyler and Will and Carolyn. Idiots all!)

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Okay things that I want to point out that i found that no one caught. 


At the Auction, Jeff did his spiel (which I have to say: dude. bring back you can share food. it makes for better strategy and drama ) Jeff only said. "You can not share items and the auction will end at any moment. I caught this right away. blahw blah, auctiony things happen Mike (did something my brother used to do when he was 10. that was so freaking obvious so I knew that was going to happen. hanging back, "oh, no, no you go.") Carolyn said "ef you," and wanted her money back. (Jeff should have shot that down so fast). 


At that point,, I was screaming. SOMEONE GIVE CAROLYN ALL YOUR MONEY! I was so surprised that no one caught that, and did that.


About LetterGate: I  would have had more respect for Mike had he owned it. It was, as Jonathan "Blue Eyes" Penner would say "your story." You could have flat out said that you thought about, changed your mind, wanted to think about your game, and this was why because ABC, XYZ. Changing your mind, just.. ugh. whatever. own your moment. 


There were other things here, that I think production/Jeff needs to shut down right away. 
A: the fact that people (do actually know the game) and can predict how to get their letters from home and wait for an advantage). Squash that crap out next season. Make it the first thing in the item, have it tucked in the mashed potato. - something. When Danni did it in Season 11, it was fun, unique, and it made sense, because it changed things up on its head. Now a days, knowing that people are just going to sit there to wait for it, defeats the purpose of one of my favourite traditions of the show. 


B: again - have sharing of money/sharing of items. It breaks things up, and you get some strategy going on. that was just something. 


Also. I always wonder why people get sniffly and wiffly about love from home. (I guess when no one on the island likes you you want to get something) but for me, I would be more focused on protein whatever in my system than having a letter. I can imagine what my mom would say to me, don't need to read it. (nor would I want my mom on the Island). 


Dan is married.. Wowzer.

Also. I do like the advantage is an extra vote. not a stupid Idol. Progress. 


Something that I think this season is showing (one of many  things). If you get something, don't share it. seriously. People are going to think there is more, there is a clue (I was 1/2 expecting that in a bottle or something. But sharing is not caring in Survivor. It never works out well. If you don't share you're selfish, and If you do share, your devious. Don't share, and be selfish. (and you get all that food and crap). 


Mike Calling People out:
wrong time dude. save that crap for tribal council. (actually. don't call it out. had Mike shut up and played it cool, you could have blind-sided Carolyn, and woila). 


Mike/Jenn/Shirin being all super duper "Will is hiding food."
be thankful that he shared what he had. Honestly. 


Will being completely gross to Shirin:
this is where I have to say, why I could never be on Survivor. There would have been violence, and I would have been off the show. There are some things where "the game" takes a back seat, and I am flabbergasted that no one had the decency to stand up and go "Will, i understand why you'd be upset, but shut the hell up." that was way below the belt. (I can't even remember of Shirin said anything). And you know this moment will be played at Reunion and Jeff will try to get a "are we all good moment?"  well maybe not. but maybe...


I would have had more respect for Mike going "you know, I said it not Shirin, so if you have an issue, have the issue with me." again. there are some times where your gameplay should take a back seat.


Will's Let's Make  Deal:
Jeff should have shot that down right away too. what the hell was that. And Shirin, while she easily could have said "well you were mean to me, why should i - " I think she was very quite clear. winning letters was the right they had  because they were at the auction. Will was not there, he does not get to benefit. the end. 


Tribal Council. 

Carolyn is very cool. everytime her name comes up she seems to know - but she is not playing that idol. 


I am not rooting for anyone, but i've never quit Survivor. so... (sigh). Summer can't come fast enough. 

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There is no one I like here & I don't understand why people are acting so stupid. Mike has lost his mind, Dan is as stupid as ever (remember Mike just tried to screw you with the letters idiot?), Shirin is a bitch who plays the victim & I was glad when WIll went off on her. I can completely understand his point of view, he didn't have to share shit, & instead of being grateful that Will was sharing, they start bitching that he's keeping "the good stuff" for himself. And of course, there's standing around discussing how to get rid of Mike when he's standing nearby & can hear. Morons, all of them.

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