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S07.E02: New House, Old Grudges

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      I was scratching my head at Sonja's dark brown tweedish blazer, with what I think was a black turtleneck under it and a gold necklace over that. My family did not go to church much (or ever) as a kid but that is exactly how I picture old Lutheran women dressing nice for church. The other ladies looked fresh and casual and lovely. Is black and brown even acceptable? Funny story about my poor mom. She has dementia, and I picked her up yesterday for a doctor's appointment. She gets in my car and looks down at herself and does this big facepalm. I asked her what the matter was and she told me she couldn't believe she wore black pants with a blue top. I know that a lot of Sonja's clothes are old and dated but I have seen her look lovely and fresh. She isn't cougaring in that outfit.


She looked like an ad for AARP, and not in a good way. The old monied country look just looks aged and homely.

  • Love 3


Doesn't really matter, but it stands for "Original Gangster."  :)

Oh man, I realized I had done that last night when I was out drinking, I mean eating dinner.  EVERYONE made fun of me and started telling fun stories of me being one dollar short or one number off.  So apparently I'm a serial offender.  I know it's original and for the life of me I don't understand why I typed old.  Everyone please fact check me in the future.  

  • Love 4

Bethenny has never been my favorite and it's worse now. She has the habit of rabbit talking and she says so much in the course of a minute hoping something witty pops out. I do the same thing however I know how to slow my roll. I am rather clever organically without having to try and whenever I find myself trying to force a clever moment I stop and shut the fuck up. It's funny when you're cutting loose with friends and everyone is joking and laughing and spewing nonsense and then the opportunity for a zinger presents itself but when you're the only one talking out loud, a mile a minute asking and answering your own questions while looking around trying to catch a glimpse to see if someone thinks what you're saying is funny so you can run with whatever particular comment caused a reaction. Ugghhh.  Can she ever just say, "No, that one fell flat? Okaaayyyy I'mma drop it now and take a breath". Nope she just keeps running her mouth until there's some reaction. Good or bad. I never did like that about her. I mean it may start off like she's just trying to banter around but when some of her crap jokes fall short instead of just falling back and letting the conversation flow she just keeps going until she envokes a reaction and that tactic has caused her to go into insulting because she knows well if nothing else a nasty "jokey" comment will get some kind of response. She can't stop until her words are acknowledged. I find it all kinds of gross actually.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 6

Bethenny asked what everyone was doing tomorrow, brunch was brought up and Bethenny was trying to gauge what exactly everyone wanted to do. She suggested everyone could come to her house (I assume to brunch?) and Sonja started talking about she hasn't seen Bethenny's house. Bethenny told her she could come over and see it in the morning "and then we'll go to brunch." I think the plan was a group brunch all along.

Yeah, I didn't get the impression that Bethenny was only extending an invitation to Sonja for brunch. When Bethenny was trying to figure out what everyone was doing the next day, no one really responded to her outside of Sonja so I think that's why Bethenny directed her comment to her.

  • Love 1

I like the description of Bethenny as brittle. I couldn't put my finger on it, but that's it. Since I just watched the first 3 seasons of the show during the Bravo marathon, I can honestly say I didn't like or dislike her. I was somewhat indifferent. I enjoyed her scenes with Jill, and many of her THs, but didn't really care for her private life stuff. Now, I see a big change in her. She's hard and she doesn't look or sound happy. I agree with the posters who says he probably sees this return as a step back, and I think that's why I haven't enjoyed watching her. One of my big TV pet peeves is TV actors who clearly believe they are better than the show they are on (Johnny Depp on 21 Jump Street, Bruce Boxleitner on Scarecrow & Mrs. King, Katherine Heigl on Grey's Anatomy, David Caruso on CSI). It leaves a sour taste in my mouth when they aren't grateful for the shows and fans who put them on the map. I don't personally care to watch Bethenny of she feels this show is beneath her.

  • Love 3

But LuAnn had a great reply. "And how IS your...trifecta?" with just enough of a pause that said that she didn't buy it. (Which Ramona might have caught IF she was attuned more to what others said.) If I remember correctly, this was after Morocco, and after the fortune teller saying that there was another woman in Mario's life. I think the HWs all knew something was up with the Singer marriage at that point, which is why Ramona's comment didn't bug LuAnn as much as it could have.


I loved that, too!  One of my favorite Countess moments (right up there with "Even Louis Vuitton makes mistakes, darling" to Alex McCord after Morocco).


There is audio but no visual during that fortunteller clip, if you listen closely, of Jill telling someone "I've been hearing in my circle that he's been cheating" (paraphrased).


It wasn't a talking head, there wasn't even visual footage of it, so I never thought that was Jill just being an ass for airtime.  


I believed it when I heard her say it.  I'm pretty damned sure LuAnn had heard about it, too.  And it was pretty apparent Sonja had heard about it as well with her over-the-top reaction.


And Ramona looked far too relieved when Mario (after a brief 'deer in headlights' moment) said the fortuneteller must have meant Avery.


I think Ramona had heard those same rumors but was happy to let Mario persuade her that is all they were, rumors.


While I don't like Ramona, I loathe Mario.  Always did...he just always came off as smarmy as hell to me.

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 6

I'm starting to find it more and more interesting that Sonja and Ramona have been friends for so long......given that Sonja has said mindless things that -- are major daggers regarding Mario -- but certainly small ones.

-- at their lunch, Ramona is sharing about the difficulty of her situation and Sonja makes the conversation about her (not LISTENING to Ramona)

-- at Ramona's house when she finds out she's sleeping downstairs -- asks if that's Mario's dog house

--  that SAME evening Sonja -- talking about the idea of a gay friend -- said well when you're "divorced" -- and Dorinda and Ramona both looked up and said who's divorced. Forcing Ramona to again comment indirectly about Mario -- saying she's not divorced, yet.

-- at lunch with Dorinda -- makes a reference to "Italian men" -- which is so convoluted -- Ramona thinks Sonja is saying SHE is Italian, when sonja was actually -- yet again -- referring to Mario.


These women have been besties (supposedly) for years, and THIS is how Sonja helps her friend -- by constantly bringing up the separation and reminding Ramona of her public humiliation? I know Sonja is self absorbed...I just don't get how someone as Alpha as Ramona has been friends with someone as self-absorbed as Sonja. It's not exactly a "with friends like that who needs enemies" situation, because I don't think Sonja would INTENTIONALLY hurt Ramona, it's just that her run-on mindless blather shows how truly inconsiderate she is. And maybe it's just me, but I couldn't be besties with someone that inconsiderate....acquaintance, sure....BFF -- uh, no. I guess that's why I'm asking what has Ramona gotten out of this "friendship" all these years -- someone who can't see your hurting.....wow.

Edited by selhars
  • Love 4

I sort of thought that Ramona was projecting when she said with Bethanny you never know what you're going to get....because it's just not true. Love her or hate her, Beth is pretty much a version of the same person all the time. It would be like me justifying my Carole hate by saying you never know what you're gonna get. I know exactly what I'm going to get with Carole: a shallow try-hard overly impressed with her own adorableness. Yeah Beth was obviously tense and in a bad mood at the party, but that's not actually out of character for her. She reacted the way she usually does when she's tense and in a bad mood. Ramona (along with Vicki OC and Kim BH) is someone I think of as having wild and unpredictable mood swings, sometimes in mid-sentence.

Also Sonjia is completely jealous of Luanne's ability to downsize with style. She just couldn't figure out how to do it herself and now she's screwed.

  • Love 7

I'm starting to find it more and more interesting that Sonja and Ramona have been friends for so long......given that Sonja has said mindless things that -- are major daggers regarding Mario -- but certainly small ones.

-- at their lunch, Ramona is sharing about the difficulty of her situation and Sonja makes the conversation about her (not LISTENING to Ramona)

-- at Ramona's house when she finds out she's sleeping downstairs -- asks if that's Mario's dog house

--  that SAME evening Sonja -- talking about the idea of a gay friend -- said well when you're "divorced" -- and Dorinda and Ramona both looked up and said who's divorced. Forcing Ramona to again comment indirectly about Mario -- saying she's not divorced, yet.

-- at lunch with Dorinda -- makes a reference to "Italian men" -- which is so convoluted -- Ramona thinks Sonja is saying SHE is Italian, when sonja was actually -- yet again -- referring to Mario.


These women have been besties (supposedly) for years, and THIS is how Sonja helps her friend -- by constantly bringing up the separation and reminding Ramona of her public humiliation? I know Sonja is self absorbed...I just don't get how someone as Alpha as Ramona has been friends with someone as self-absorbed as Sonja. It's not exactly a "with friends like that who needs enemies" situation, because I don't think Sonja would INTENTIONALLY hurt Ramona, it's just that her run-on mindless blather shows how truly inconsiderate she is. And maybe it's just me, but I couldn't be besties with someone that inconsiderate....acquaintance, sure....BFF -- uh, no. I guess that's why I'm asking what has Ramona gotten out of this "friendship" all these years -- someone who can't see your hurting.....wow.

Because they were two peas in a pod. Mindless inconsiderate chatter that is ridiculously insensitive to others. There was comfort and a sense that her behavior was not all that bad since looky here Sonja was a good "foot in mouth and I find her harmless" comparison.  Sonja's blathering is usually taken as kooky and not really malicious although she's had some serious side eye moments but even those you can see is because she's just so damn self centered and delusional and not necessarily meanspirited. Ramona on the other hand has those moments too but a good number of her foot in mouth moments definitely didn't come from a legitimate space cadet "slip". Ramona has more of a  "Did I dooooo thaaaaatttt?" wink, wink slip ups.

  • Love 2

My take was Old Guard, not Old Gangster as in: old guard

a defender and protector of the good ol' days of a hobby or tradition, usually violently opposed to any new additions to their hobby.

I like the description of Bethenny as brittle. I couldn't put my finger on it, but that's it. Since I just watched the first 3 seasons of the show during the Bravo marathon, I can honestly say I didn't like or dislike her. I was somewhat indifferent. I enjoyed her scenes with Jill, and many of her THs, but didn't really care for her private life stuff. Now, I see a big change in her. She's hard and she doesn't look or sound happy. I agree with the posters who says he probably sees this return as a step back, and I think that's why I haven't enjoyed watching her. One of my big TV pet peeves is TV actors who clearly believe they are better than the show they are on (Johnny Depp on 21 Jump Street, Bruce Boxleitner on Scarecrow & Mrs. King, Katherine Heigl on Grey's Anatomy, David Caruso on CSI). It leaves a sour taste in my mouth when they aren't grateful for the shows and fans who put them on the map. I don't personally care to watch Bethenny of she feels this show is beneath her.

I think it is the Adderall.  

  • Love 3

I recommended my mom check out Real Housewives of New York since the new season had just started.  She hadn't watched the show since season 4's reunion where she thought all the women were psycho LOL  So I got to hear her assessments of all the 'newbies' plus updated thoughts on Luann, Sonya, Ramona, and Bethanny.


Luann is her fav.


Ramona is crazy funny


Bethanny is Bethanny, though she got a kick out of the whole homeless comment stating only Bethanny would say she was homeless with a net worth in the millions LOL


Sonja is self-absorbed and blissfully unaware of how selfish she appears to others


Carole is intriguing though doesn't think the blonde suits her.  She also read her book about her late husband as well.


Dorinda intrigues her.. wanted to know the 411 on her.. told her she just started this season.. but she is a socialite that she used to own a cashmere clothing company years ago in London


Heather was bland (told her that Heather was anything but bland.. but because of the 8 housewives being featured.. she's been at best a background character so far).


Kristen is bland and non-descript (told her that is true.. but cause she's besties with Brandi.. she remained when she should have been cut last season).


All in all, she said it was a breath of fresh air watching NY thus far vs. how BH turned out.

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I think I'm in the minority and that's ok, cause I know no one will scold me. I like Bethenny as a single thrown in with other pompous crazy women. I hope Bryn isn't allowed to film. That way, I can just pretend the three years of Bethenny Ever After never happened. I find denial a great philosophy.


We can make it a minority of two.  First I like that I know what B does all the time from her twitter.  I like that she has actual friends and they go out and they drink and fly to Aspen and fly to Miami.  That's money.  It's fine by me if others are struggling etc.  I just need one of these women to have fun money.  Notice when they were all complaining about the traffic Sonja said something to B and B said she flew out.  So suddenly Sonja is sitting next to B and asking about her house.  That will teach you Ramona, nobody puts baby in the corner.  You give Sonja the second room and next Hampton weekend she will fly out with Bethenny and stay at a really nice house.  (I'm guessing because I've seen twitter pics of the outside)


So I like Bethenny in the mix.  I also thought her discussion with Andy about why she came back was pretty honest and she wants to add something or bring something to it and not just show up for the paycheck.

  • Love 13
I just need one of these women to have fun money.



That's why I've always preferred RHONY to other franchises, like RHOC, where almost every cast member has gone through foreclosure or short sale, or RHONJ, where the legal troubles of various cast members are a distraction when you see them spend money on dumb things. Other than Sonja, I think the RHONY ladies have mostly stayed afloat financially, so kadooz.

  • Love 6

I love Luann's house. I think it's much nicer than Ramona's huge house or the pile Luann had before.


Bethenny's foul mouth made me cringe, when she was talking about what 'keeping company' meant. Maybe to her it does, but it seems to me Ramona's been a one-man woman for many years. Given the pain she's been put through, she doesn't strike me as the sort of person to start sleeping around.


I also thought Sonja's constant references to Mario were awful. If I'd been Ramona I'd have thrown her out and told her to find the nearest Motel6. Sonja is getting worse, and her eye-rolling at Luann's house was ridiculous. (BTW, someone mentioned upthread that Luann is royalty. She's not - she married a French aristocrat, but he's not a member of any Royal family. But Carol's late husband was a Prince.)


Did we find out who the African-American woman was who was lounging on the back of the sofa during Brunchgate? She was the only non-HW in the room and I thought her presence looked odd. This was a 'staged' scene so if she hadn't meant to be there the crew would've moved her from being insuch a prominent position.

  • Love 9

I used to like Bethenny in the past but this season...she's giving me a headache! Does she take speed? She talks loudly, non-stop, over people, she's exhausting!


I loved her and she's annoying the hell out of me.  It feels too forced to me.  Like "This Bethenny Goes to 11."  I mean asking the ladies about their last great sex out of the blue?


And did Heather really suggest she should buy Luann a car?  What the fuck is Heather smoking?

  • Love 5

I didn't get this at all.  Driving around in Manhattan during the week, mid-day, sucks.  Why would she brag about doing this?  It doesn't make her look like a big shot.  Just makes her seem like she doesn't know how to best use her time.  I mean, really, who the fuck would wanna spend all day sitting in traffic?  Big ole fail on this shit, B.



Yeah, well, guess what?  I just got hit with 3 emails from Bed Bath & Beyond today, pushing this crapola.  Co-inky-dink?  Er, me thinks not!


I thought Bethenny was doing a couple of things there -- Look at me, I am SO busy I even need to work in the car! Look at me, I have a personal driver! Look at me -- my not yet ex is still in MY house and I have nowhere to work! Look at me -- I have money!

Jeez, rent a damned office, lots of NYers are busy, busy, busy, and lots in fact have personal drivers, no one thinks you are homeless.

  • Love 9


I thought Heather prodding Bethenny about the car for Luann (be it a joke or not) was funny in light of the upcoming "you're a know-it-all" scene between them. If anything, I'd describe Heather as the know-it-all. Bethenny's a loudmouth. There is a difference.


That led to a funny exchange on twitter.  Some random follower had exchanged tweets with B about a year ago.  One of the things B tweeted was 'I like to think I put the cock in cocktail'.  So the tweeter thought since she was there when it happened perhaps B owed her a car too.  

  • Love 2

I'm feeling a bit sympathetic towards Ramona this season.  She behaved atrociously last season, especially towards Kristen, and getting cheated on publicly and going through a divorce does not excuse any of it.  However, enough time has passed since last season that I personally am over all of that, and I really feel bad for her.  If Bethenny is melodramatically mean to her this season, then she can count on at least one viewer (me) thinking that she's the biggest villain bitch ever.



Ramona was a nightmare last season! Some of us viewers knew what was happening behind the scenes during filming (because Mario's affair was later outed), and so I could see at some level why she was behaving badly and lashing out. Who knows, for some people it really does take a humbling experience like she's going through in order to increase her empathy with others. We shall see. 


Bethenny has a remarkably privileged life and "fuck you" money and doesn't have to be on the show if she doesn't want to be. Her only reason to be there is because she needs the spotlight at all costs. The time she spends filming equals time she can't spend with Bryn, for example. It's possible that filming events/occasions 100% coincide with Jason's custody time. My point is it's her choice to be here, and she acts "put upon," like it's some kind of burden.


I think Heather's convo about buying LuAnn a car was mostly facetious, and that she was trying to make fun conversation and find common ground as they got to know each other. Heather's not a stealth bitch like that. If she comes at Bethenny, it's going to be for a reason that's established as the show goes on.

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 7

I thought Bethenny was doing a couple of things there -- Look at me, I am SO busy I even need to work in the car! Look at me, I have a personal driver! Look at me -- my not yet ex is still in MY house and I have nowhere to work! Look at me -- I have money!


Jeez, rent a damned office, lots of NYers are busy, busy, busy, and lots in fact have personal drivers, no one thinks you are homeless.



Yes, it's all coming very much from a place of deep, deep, deep insecurity.  I remember B telling some stories about how she was late to parties/events for the first season of the show cuz she couldn't even afford to take a cab.  She said she had to take the subway, which she claimed often made her late.  As usual, I think she was exaggerating.  First off, even back then she was making OK money from the show, certainly enough to help her pay her rent & 10 bucks for how much a cab woulda cost back then.  Secondly, the subway usually runs pretty fast (& often) mid-day thru early evening (OK, maybe with some exceptions) & it usually is faster than taking a cab, so I say bullshit (as usual) to her crap.


I think she desperately wants to show us she's a big shot now.  But to me, she just seems insecure.  Carole said in her first season, "Everyone takes the subway", rolling her eyes hard when Luann, Sonja & Moaner all looked down their noses at the very thought of going anywhere near the subway.  Meantime, the NY Post shows everyday famous & rich people who routinely take the subway -- Kevin Bacon, Bradley Cooper, Helen Mirren, Sergey Brin (the billionaire founder of Google), Anne Hathaway, Sara Jessica Parker, Caroline Kennedy, among many, many others.  I think B's attitude makes her seem out-of-touch & above-it-all.  Er, is that really the impression she wants to give us?


Anyone reading the Bravo blogs?  If you aren't, I'd suggest you go over & take a look.  A lot of not-so-subtle ripping on each other over there.  First off, Luann is being kinda mean to Sonja.  Hey, don't look to me to defend Sonja.  I think her squandering her money was her own doing & the judgement against her is well-deserved.  But I'm never for kicking someone while they're down.  And that's what Lu seems to be doing.  She derisively refers to Sonja as "Lady Morgan".  Um, as if Lu should talk.  Please.


Sure, Sonja is sticking to her delusional crap & bullshit, but she rightly says her finances, & whether she tries to keep the townhouse, is nobody else's business & the rest of 'em should shut up about it.  She's right about that.  But she doesn't get why Moaner's attitude has changed toward her & she really should read Moaner's blog cuz she explains it.  Moaner says Sonja has offered no helpful emotional support to her, so Moaner seems kinda turned off to Sonja because Moaner has done exactly that for her but has gotten nothing in return, when she really needed it.  Can't blame Moaner for feeling that way.


And Dorinda's blog is sorta puzzling.  She says how she likes Sonja, but c'mon, Dorinda, this is how you act when you like someone?  Really?  So when you hate someone, you get the dry cleaner to do what?  Dry clean 'em with the fishes?  I mean, sheesh, Dorinda pointed so many zingers Sonja's way in this ep, I freakin' lost count.  


Sometimes you need to re-watch these eps cuz you miss some great stuff.  There was a comment early in this thread from someone who said Dorinda was useless & pretty much said nothing in this ep.  Er, what the what?  Between her WTF looks every time Sonja spoke in her presence & those 50 billions zingers she she kept flinging at Sonja thru this whole ep, I wondered what in the fuckety fuck is Dorinda's problem with Sonja anyway?  Now, don't get me wrong, I was enjoying Dorinda's zingers, especially the one about Sonja being an Upper East Side urban myth.  Still trying to figure that one out.


But Sonja is not a complete dummy.  She got that she was zinged but good in this ep & got in a few blows of her own against Dorinda.  Sonja said in her Bravo blog that Dorinda's place is tiny & she has had to "downscale" several times.  Yikes!  Sonja sounds very, very defensive in her blog & she says she got the distinct feeling she's gonna be the punching bag this season.  Guess we'll see.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

Back to Brunchgate, did Betthenny ask Sonja out for brunch in front of all the others? I think that is inconsiderate -- beyond the fact that Sonja was Ramona's houseguest (which B may or may not have known.)

It was shown on camera prior to the brunch argument that one of the girls specifically detailed which housewife was staying where. It was shortly after B arrived. My poor memory thinks it might have been Heather and Sonja talking with B.

  • Love 2

Yes, it's all coming very much from a place of deep, deep, deep insecurity.  But I seem to remember B telling some stories about how she was late to parties/events for the first season of the show cuz she couldn't even afford to take a cab, so she took the subway, which made often her late.  As usual, I think she was exaggerating.  First off, even back then she was making OK money from the show, certainly enough to help her pay her rent & 10 bucks for how much a cab woulda cost back then.  Secondly, the subway usually runs pretty fast (& often) mid-day thru early evening (OK, maybe with some exceptions) & it usually is faster than taking a cab, so I say bullshit (as usual) to her crap.


I think she desperately wants to show us she's a big shot now.  But to me, she just seems insecure.  Carole said in her first season, "Everyone takes the subway", rolling her eyes hard when Luann, Sonja & Moaner all looked down their noses at the very thought of going anywhere near the subway.  Meantime, the NY Post shows everyday famous & rich people who routinely take the subway -- Kevin Bacon, Bradley Cooper, Helen Mirren, Sergey Brin (the billionaire founder of Google), Anne Hathaway, Sara Jessica Parker, Caroline Kennedy, among many, many others.  I think B's attitude makes her seem out-of-touch & above-it-all.  Er, is that really the impression she wants to give us?


Anyone reading the Bravo blogs?  If you aren't, I'd suggest you go over & take a look.  A lot of not-so-subtle ripping on each other over there.  First off, Luann is being kinda mean to Sonja.  Hey, don't look to me to defend Sonja.  I think her squandering her money was her own doing & the judgement against her is well-deserved.  But I'm never for kicking someone while they're down.  And that's what Lu seems to be doing.  She derisively refers to Sonja as "Lady Morgan".  Um, as if Lu should talk.  Please.


Sure, Sonja is sticking to her delusional crap & bullshit, but she rightly says her finances, & whether she tries to keep her place, is nobody else's business & the rest of 'em should shut up about it.  She's right about that.  But she doesn't get why Moaner's attitude has changed toward her & she really should read Moaner's blog cuz she explains it.  Moaner says Sonja has offered no helpful emotional support to her, so Moaner seems kinda turned off to Sonja because Moaner has done exactly that for her but has gotten nothing in return, when she really needed it.  Can't blame Moaner for feeling that way.


And Dorinda's blog is sorts puzzling.  She says how she likes Sonja, but c'mon, Dorinda, this is how you act when you like someone?  Really?  So when you hate someone, you get the dry cleaner to what?  Dry clean 'em with the fishes?  I mean, sheesh, Dorinda pointed so many zingers Sonja's way in this ep, I freakin' lost count.  


Sometimes you need to re-watch these eps cuz you miss some great stuff.  There was a comment early in this thread from someone who said Dorinda was useless & pretty much said nothing in this ep.  Er, what the what?  Between her WTF looks every time Sonja spoke in her presence & those 50 billions zingers she she kept flinging at Sonja thru this whole ep, I wondered what in the fuckety is Dorinda's problem with Sonja anyway?  Now, don't get me wrong, I was enjoying Dorinda's zingers, especially the one about Sonja being an Upper East Side urban myth.  Still trying to figure that one out.


But Sonja is not a complete dummy.  She got that she was zinged but good in this ep & got in a few blows of her own against Dorinda.  Sonja said in her Bravo blog that Dorinda's place is tiny & she has had to "downscale" several times.  Yikes!  Sonja sounds very, very defensive in her blog & she says she got the distinct feeling she's gonna be the punching bag this season.  Guess we'll see.

I'd take a small place with running hot water over a decrepit townhouse next to a parking garage, thank you very much.
  • Love 4

Not me.  Sonja's place is worth millions. no matter how ya cut it.  I suspect Sonja's strategy is she wants to hold onto it as long as she can to get as much as she can for it.  Her prob is there are an awful lot of negatives about that townhouse.  It's in crap condition, it's very small & it sits right next to a very busy 24/7 garage.  But I bet she could still get at least $5mil for it, given its location.


Or maybe she's holding onto it cuz she's a deluded nutcase & she wants to desperately cling onto her "Lady Morgan" status.  I keep thinking about Dorinda calling her an Upper East Side urban myth.  Still chuckling on that one.

  • Love 3
I loved her and she's annoying the hell out of me.  It feels too forced to me.  Like "This Bethenny Goes to 11."  I mean asking the ladies about their last great sex out of the blue?


I think Bethenny is naturally witty and can easily come up with a quick, funny comeback in any conversation. That's what I liked about her during her first run on the show. Now that she's back, I get the impression that she think she needs to play that up as much as possible since it is what she is known for. So, I think you're right, she's turned it up to 11, to the point that it doesn't feel spontaneous anymore. She talks a million miles an hour and throws out zingers so fast that it comes off as her trying way too hard.  


On an unrelated note, Dorinda's Berkshire getaway was mentioned a couple of times. I hope we get to see it at some point this season.

Edited by absolutelyido
  • Love 8

Anyone reading the Bravo blogs?  If you aren't, I'd suggest you go over & take a look.  A lot of not-so-subtle ripping on each other over there.  First off, Luann is being kinda mean to Sonja.  Hey, don't look to me to defend Sonja.  I think her squandering her money was her own doing & the judgement against her is well-deserved.  But I'm never for kicking someone while they're down.  And that's what Lu seems to be doing.  She derisively refers to Sonja as "Lady Morgan".  Um, as if Lu should talk.  Please.


LuAnn loves sniping at Sonja (and vice versa). They're frenemies at best. I still remember last seaosn when LuAnn said to a table full of people that Sonja wasn't at the gathering because she was afraid to leave her house for fear of it being repossessed in her absence.


I hopped over to the blogs, and it looks like LuAnn's word for the season is "cool."--


1. "For the past six years, I’ve had a front-row seat on The Ramonacoaster, and she’s been terribly unkind with me, my children, my friends and, well, just really uncool."


2. "Next week, watch what happens to see who ends up winning Brunchgate. And remember…

Be cool.



She also said this about Carole--


I didn’t think I had to keep my eye on Carole, but I noticed she was using her schtick on Adam, and she was laying it on thick! Funny how she suddenly became fascinated by cooking. I really thought nothing of it at first, because Adam’s a very close family friend, and I would never think Carole would dip her toe into the twenty-something pond. Well, Tinder was frozen, it seems, and Carole swiped right in my kitchen.


Heh. I don't understand, though, what Adam being a close family friend to LuAnn has to do with Carole flirting with him. Is LuAnn owed some sort of courtesy? [insert side eye] And I have to wonder how old LuAnn's pirate booty was in St. Barth's.

  • Love 2

I was thinking about Ramona's apology to LuAnn and was thinking that Bethenny kind of owes LuAnn one too…not that it will ever happen. I'm thinking of their Hamptons meeting when LuAnn referenced not seeing Bethenny that summer, and going through a challenging time (her divorce from the Count). Bethenny said, "I sent flowers," and LuAnn said (in a TH) "I didn't want flowers…I needed a hug."


I don't know if Bethenny thought she really was making a sincere gesture, and was clueless about flowers being a sufficient expression for someone going through a divorce…or maybe she just didn't care about LuAnn enough to be there for her. I wonder if B has similarly had her own epiphany about LuAnn, now that she's going thru the same thing.


Sonja said in her Bravo blog that Dorinda's place is tiny & she has had to "downscale" several times.



But Dorinda's not in any danger of foreclosing and she has a second home that she presumably will not have to sell to support bad business decisions. Unless Sonja's interns live with her, I suspect that she cuts off heat to the upper floors to save money. I'd have thought that Sonja would know that bitterness is not a good look on her.

  • Love 3

Like or hate B, would you agree her presence has injected some life into the show?  Apparently, ratings are thru the roof, so Satan Andy must be delirious he threw a mil at her to get her to come back.  If the ONLY reason for the presence of Carole, Heather & Kristen is to relate or bounce off of B, then so be it.  But I still think Kristen could be booted out & nobody would notice.  


Btw, I notice more than a tinge of jealousy from Heather that her business is worth nowhere near B's & it never will be.


I'd have thought that Sonja would know that bitterness is not a good look on her.



No, it isn't.  My advice to her is to keep it light & delusional, as usual, cuz that's about all she can do these days.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 7

I totally get that Sonja wants to hang on to the townhouse.  She had the unfortunate timing to be dumped in a down market so if everything she 'got in the divorce' was in real estate you would be foolish to sell in a down market.  It also seemed that everything was co-owned so even if Sonja settled for a low price her ex would have to as well.  PageSix widely reported that JP still had not paid the money to Sonja that was agreed on.  And everyone now sees him in court suing for something, not sure what.  I think she figures if she can just walk away with that one piece in Manhattan then she can survive.  Meanwhile is is loopy, always was and always will be.


So what is the bug up Ramona's butt on Bethenny?  She wrinkled her nose at lunch with girls before B even showed up.  Me thinks there's something else going on.


Luann has something as well.  I want the story on why Sonja is on Lu's shit list.

  • Love 2
So what is the bug up Ramona's butt on Bethenny?  She wrinkled her nose at lunch with girls before B even showed up.  Me thinks there's something else going on.



There may be nothing.  Last year, Sonja mentioned something in an interview somewhere about how Moaner tries hard to "bring it" for the cameras.  Satan Andy hates, hates, hates when any of the cast members say stuff like this cuz it implies his shows are faked.  Oh, shockers, eh?  Anyhoo, he musta shut her up quick.  But Moaner could just be working up shit for the cameras, as I think she was doing with this dopey fight over brunch.  Hope she comes up with better stuff than that in future eps to battle with B over.


I think she figures if she can just walk away with that one piece in Manhattan then she can survive.



So true.  When she was going thru the divorce, it was a horrible time in Manhattan real estate.  Now it seems to be going up, up, up, with no end in sight in the near future.  So the longer she can hold onto it, the better she's gonna do.  I know it seems like an absolute dump & it's teeny-weeny & being right on top of that awful, non-stop-noisy garage makes it seem like an albatross that would never sell.  But that's not true.  It's still in an extremely good location.  Sonja was probably advised to hold onto it as long as she can.

  • Love 2


So true.  When she was going thru the divorce, it was a horrible time in Manhattan real estate.  Now it seems to be going up, up, up, with no end in sight in the near future.  So the longer she can hold onto it, the better she's gonna do.  I know it seems like an absolute dump & it's teeny-weeny & being right on top of that awful, non-stop-noisy garage makes it seem like an albatross that would never sell.  But that's not true.  It's still in an extremely good location.  Sonja was probably advised to hold onto it as long as she can.


Someone in Manhattan said, depends how you look at it.  The garage is very convenient.  You can call and run out the door to your car just like you had hired a valet service.  (Valets go to your garage, get your car and bring it to the front door of your home.  I have an attached garage.  Haha take that Manhattan)  Plus the garage is solid sided so you have one less overlook to your garden.  So apparently there might be an upside to this.  Sonja did seem very pleased to have sold her French place so that's an upside.

  • Love 1

So what is the bug up Ramona's butt on Bethenny?  She wrinkled her nose at lunch with girls before B even showed up.  Me thinks there's something else going on.




I think it's what others have said previously - Ramona and LuAnn are the last of the old guard, the only ones who have been with RHONY for each season. Ramona probably feels a bit jarred with a popular HW coming back and disturbing the balance (i.e. detracting attention from Ramona). I think she's fine with new HWs coming on board since she doesn't see them as a challenge to her Alpha status, but I don't think she's going to make it easy for B to just march right back in and take her old spot.


I also wonder if Ramona felt dropped once Bethenny got married and then made it big. At the end of S3, Bethenny and Ramona were tight. I think she and Alex were the only HWs to be invited to Bethenny's wedding (?). Maybe Bethenny moved on once she left the show and with that, left her friendships behind too. 

I think it's what others have said previously - Ramona and LuAnn are the last of the old guard, the only ones who have been with RHONY for each season. Ramona probably feels a bit jarred with a popular HW coming back and disturbing the balance (i.e. detracting attention from Ramona). I think she's fine with new HWs coming on board since she doesn't see them as a challenge to her Alpha status, but I don't think she's going to make it easy for B to just march right back in and take her old spot.


I also wonder if Ramona felt dropped once Bethenny got married and then made it big. At the end of S3, Bethenny and Ramona were tight. I think she and Alex were the only HWs to be invited to Bethenny's wedding (?). Maybe Bethenny moved on once she left the show and with that, left her friendships behind too.

I can certainly see both LuAnn and Ramona not wanting Bethenny to upstage them. Unfortunately I think that is exactly what's going to happen. LuAnn will always be too guarded and Ramona is just too bat shit crazy. Whether or not if you like Bethenny, she tends to be more entertaining. She divides the viewers and that brings more interest.

As for whether or not Bethenny dropped Ramona, they were co-workers, not bffs and that's what happens.....former co-workers go their own way. Sometimes lasting friendships happen, but that's usually not the norm. I think the last seasonB was on, she and Ramona were able to bond. Especially with all the crap Jill and LuAnn were pulling. Things are different now and so are all the women.

  • Love 1

Ramona has annoyed me since season 1. I am not surprised that she continues to annoy me. Despite my dislike of her, I do find her entertaining.

Bethanny--I didn't watch her spin off shows and I wasn't sure what to expect with her this time around. So far she has been highly entertaining and I forgot how much I enjoyed her wit and humor. She can be snarky and make mean comments but I don't find her to be malicious or toxic (she is not like bg or Kim from rhobh). I think I am a fan

Sonja-- not a fan; delusional yet entertaining

Lu--most of the time (of this series) I have liked her and so far this season, I like her. She can be very practical or "common" and at other times pompous; I think I am a fan

Carole--less filler please! your face is getting bg puffer fish crazy looking! For a fairly boring hw, you have created 7 pages of controversy on this thread (more than bethanny/ramona) so you must be doing something right! lol. I use to dislike Carole but now I am neutral which probably pisses off both sides but frankly, Carole hasn't really done anything except flirt…and make a dumb diet comment and act like a twit in front of her agent/editor.

Heather--seems threatened by Bethanny but I like that Heather engaged in some banter with Bethanny however she doesn't own Lu anything since Lu didn't help create or name the drink (watch the film); at least Heather had the balls to banter with her and I think Heather going to have to keep bantering with her to get any camera time. Carole seemed distant towards Heather on the trip over (Heather was wrong again [what is going on and please step up your game] since people usually die with clothes on). Is there something going on with the friendship between them? I'm neutral on Heather since we haven't seen much of her this season (previously more of a fan than not)

Kristen--irrelevant and should have been fired. Yay, your child is improving (truly, I am thrilled she is improving!). Now go away……was neutral towards her until I saw that she was friends with one of the two housewives that I actually DETEST (notice I usually use words like "dislike" or "not a fan"). So Kristen, friend of toxic brandi, gtfo this show. I don't dislike Kristen but find her to be exceedingly boring and has shitty taste in friends (please stop promoting their unfiltered chunky shit wine).

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 2
Heh. I don't understand, though, what Adam being a close family friend to LuAnn has to do with Carole flirting with him. Is LuAnn owed some sort of courtesy?


Well, Adam is a youngster compared to LuAnn, so as a close family friends, she probably knew him when he was a pimply teenager if not even younger.  That has a tendency to make you think of him as a child, rather than a man that one of your peers would hit on. 


I want the story on why Sonja is on Lu's shit list.


Sonja would still be on my shit list if I were LuAnn, after the way incoherent and delusional Sonja went after LuAnn.  I can't remember all of what Sonja said, except I do remember her yelling at LuAnn for grocery shopping and buying a big bag of "potato ships."

  • Love 2

There may be nothing.  Last year, Sonja mentioned something in an interview somewhere about how Moaner tries hard to "bring it" for the cameras.  Satan Andy hates, hates, hates when any of the cast members say stuff like this cuz it implies his shows are faked.  Oh, shockers, eh?  Anyhoo, he musta shut her up quick.  But Moaner could just be working up shit for the cameras, as I think she was doing with this dopey fight over brunch.  Hope she comes up with better stuff than that in future eps to battle with B over.


I'm no Moaner fan, but speaking of this, I always kind of thought that her throwing the wine glass was every bit as staged as Aviva's leg toss. I can believe Ramona was upset at Kristen and I can believe that Ramona is crazy, but the tossing of the glasses always had a hint of "I'm trying to deliver something outrageous for the cameras" to me. I think Ramona's brand of crazy is verbal, not physical. But then after enough f-bombs, these HWs have to find something to up the ante...

  • Love 2

I'd take a small place with running hot water over a decrepit townhouse next to a parking garage, thank you very much.

Oh I love Sonjia's place! It needs repairs, but I'll take it any day of the week and twice in Sunday. As for the parking lot. Ehh. You're in Manhatten. There are worse neighbors. It's probably pretty quiet, has built in security, and provides tons of parking for your guests. Better than being next to a nightclub or even a noisy apartment building in some ways.

  • Love 6

Well, Adam is a youngster compared to LuAnn, so as a close family friends, she probably knew him when he was a pimply teenager if not even younger.  That has a tendency to make you think of him as a child, rather than a man that one of your peers would hit on. 


I got the impression that he dated her niece when they both were in their 20s. I don't think this is a case of LuAnn having known Adam since he was in middle school or high school (or even college). He and LuAnn's niece dated several years ago, and I think they (Adam and LuAnn) got to know each other that way.

  • Love 1

I got the impression that he dated her niece when they both were in their 20s. I don't think this is a case of LuAnn having known Adam since he was in middle school or high school (or even college). He and LuAnn's niece dated several years ago, and I think they (Adam and LuAnn) got to know each other that way.

Yeah, I actually think he might be in his late 20s early 30s and more a friend of the family than Noel's friend specifically.

The whole 'brunch' thing was just annoying.  It could have been resolved if everyone just shut up for a moment and some communication had taken place.  It reeks of a production set up for drama.  Production has a story board and schedule.  The dinner at Luanne's was 'set up',  In other words, planned ahead, just like all the events are.  I also think brunch was set up as well.  Ramona planned brunch.  Production was well aware and set up with the restaurant for filming.  Because of this, I think everyone was aware that the brunch was scheduled.  Did Beth purposely do the invite to Sonja to go to the Skinny Girl house (she must be writing the house off as a business expense.  As someone else posted, it's even Skinny Girl color coordinated) to get a film crew there?  Maybe.  Or maybe production...with Beth.  Bottom line... I think they all knew.


As for Luanne and Ramona being annoyed with the return of Beth?  Sure.  She's being treated like the 'star' returns and they know it.  Or, at least, that's what Bravo hopes.  However, Bravo doesn't seem to realize that the 'star' is tarnished and is not quite the same as it used to be.

  • Love 2

The whole 'brunch' thing was just annoying. It could have been resolved if everyone just shut up for a moment and some communication had taken place. It reeks of a production set up for drama. Production has a story board and schedule. The dinner at Luanne's was 'set up', In other words, planned ahead, just like all the events are. I also think brunch was set up as well. Ramona planned brunch. Production was well aware and set up with the restaurant for filming. Because of this, I think everyone was aware that the brunch was scheduled. Did Beth purposely do the invite to Sonja to go to the Skinny Girl house (she must be writing the house off as a business expense. As someone else posted, it's even Skinny Girl color coordinated) to get a film crew there? Maybe. Or maybe production...with Beth. Bottom line... I think they all knew.

As for Luanne and Ramona being annoyed with the return of Beth? Sure. She's being treated like the 'star' returns and they know it. Or, at least, that's what Bravo hopes. However, Bravo doesn't seem to realize that the 'star' is tarnished and is not quite the same as it used to be.

While I agree with you it was one of the stupider arguments in the history of arguments, I don't see a production hand. I think it was just Ramona being Ramona. She has a weird thing about etiquette rules. She's always pulling these random etiquette rules out of the air and making them into hills to die on. I've always said that she does this "memorize an Emily Post book" thing to hide the fact that she doesn't really get human interaction. Plus she was already irritated with Bethany. I thought her making a giant production out of a perceived social slight over an archaic point of behavior was a total Ramonacoster move.

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