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S30.E06: Odd Woman Out

Tara Ariano

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How is it possible that the other players did not observe Mike and Kelly talking during that challenge?  I demand an explanation. 


Also Jeff was notably silent about it too, when he clearly was in a position to hear/see.



This shocked me, too.  In the past he has been very stern and disapproving at TC when he is in front of a tribe who threw the challenge.  

  • Love 2

Hali could sure give Dan some lessons in diplomacy.  Dan may be the most socially ignorant person to ever play the game.  Who thinks the way to apologize to someone is to list all their mistakes?  Who does that three times without noticing the negative results?  Who thinks,  "Shut your mouth and open your ears," is ever going to go down well with anyone? 




I will never ever feel sorry for Dan bc he is one of the most disgusting misogynist I have ever seen on this show, which is really saying something considering its sexist reputation. The over-enunciated, condescending voice that he uses to talk to women only while using his normal tone with dudes is one of the most disturbing things I've witnessed this season. Along with Rodney's pandering of his sister's death and Vince's overlong,

smelly hugs.


I'm really getting the feeling that Dan has been down this road before with regard to his misogyny.  It seems he has had either sensitivity training or some counseling to give him strategies for dealing with women.  His interactions are just too contrived.  The spouting of Men Mars/Women Venus platitudes (like a chapter/verse of a gospel he memorized), the somewhat smug "I know how to deal with women" (because I've been trained) and the way of speaking pointed out by wonald that seems like it was programmed into him (don't raise your voice to a woman, keep your tone neutral). 


Saddest thing is that while trained, the understanding is STILL lacking.  Like he took in all this information and still doesn't understand the context.  The extent of his delusions about having apologized to Sierra repeatedly and effectively makes makes me think he mind is a brick wall ... that I want to smack some sense into, with a big mallet.

Edited by escatefromny
  • Love 11

I too have a hard time believing that Jeff and the others couldn't hear Mike and Kelly talking.  It's possible of course that he was whispering, and the sound was later amplified.  Contestants on Survivor don't wear microphones, do they?  I don't think they do, they always have a sound guy nearby.  Not sure why Jeff wouldn't have said anything.  He usually LOVES to interfere in challenges and make his own commentary.  "Now we have Mike and Kelly talking back and forth!  Just exactly WHAT are they talking about?!  This never happens on Survivor.  A tribemate from one tribe appears to be actively HELPING his opponent!  What is UP with that?"


Is Joaquin really so unusual a name to most people that they would have no idea how to spell it?   Major points to Sierra for spelling it correctly.

I'd imagine he probably went on a bit about being from NYC.:)


I do think that it's definitely an uncommon name.  Were it not for Joaquin Phoenix I think many wouldn't be as familiar with the name.  I would have to think at some point, during introductions during the first few days, people must have asked how to spell his name.  Because I find it hard to believe that Dan, the "hick from Maine" got the spelling right.  If people saw the name in print they could very well think it's pronounced "Joe-uh-quinn".


Isn't Joaquin the one who spelled Carolyn (a common spelling) as "Cherilyn"?  Maybe he's sensitive to people spelling his name wrong and made sure to tell people how it is spelled.

  • Love 5

Wish it had been Rodney voted out but his confused expression was almost as good. What a dumbass. I'm so glad Sierra thinks so too.

That immunity challenge was pathetic. Could it have been any more obvious that the guys were throwing it? I thought Mike was going to have to arrange the items for Kelly. What a joke!

All of the challenges are getting hard for me watch, they just don't hold my attention anymore. I find myself picking up my iPad during them.

At least this one held my interest because they were throwing it.

  • Love 1


I do think that it's definitely an uncommon name.  Were it not for Joaquin Phoenix I think many wouldn't be as familiar with the name

I guess you're right.  I'm from California and everyone who grew up in California would know the San Joaquin River, the San Joaquin Valley, the San Joaquin Hills, and very likely Joaquin Murieta (the Chicano Robin Hood, the real life inspiration for Zorro).



I'm really getting the feeling that Dan has been down this road before with regard to his misogyny.  It seems he has had either sensitivity training or some counseling to give him strategies for dealing with women.

I've been getting that, too.  Especially that slow, careful way he has of delivering these shrink-driven lines.  

But they didn't start losing because Russell was their challenge monster. They would have lost those subsequent challenges anyway. It was a coincidence.



I didn't say he was some challenge monster. The comment I was responding to was essentially questioning whether throwing a challenge ever worked out for a tribe. I was simply pointing out things did go downhill for them after the thrown challenge. Sure it was likely that the subsequent IC just played to Ometepe's strength but there is always naturally a "what if" after a tribe throws a challenge and they later end up losing a bunch of challenges, only to later be pagonged after the merge. 

Because I find it hard to believe that Dan, the "hick from Maine" got the spelling right.

He is a postal worker, so he's probably been exposed to all kinds of names. 


That was a thoroughly amusing episode.  It was like Survivor:  Keystone Kops.  The cluelessness and downright stupidity abounded.  Dan's, "And I've done nothing but grovel" had me in stitches.  The dead seriousness, with slight umbrage, and not a clue, with which he offered that line had me rolling.  Kelly's incomprehensible incapacity was stunning.  She looked like she was drooling. 


We had Sierra and her foolish whining and even more foolish (apparent) alignment with Joe.  And Carolyn's inability to refrain from letting Shirin know who's top dog now.  And Shirin's late realization that she's persona non grata were fun to watch. 


The lovefest between Rodney and Joaquin seemed weirdly homoerotic.  The excitement and touching- and Joaquin's caressing himself, seemed really strange to me.  I also noticed that Joaquin doesn't appear much taller than Little Rod. 


I was down on this season for not providing anyone to root for.  That hasn't changed, but I am utterly amused by this pack of blockheads.  They're downright funny. 

  • Love 7

The malapropisms continue to amuse.  Rodney:  "You've got one guy who's a bible-bumper ....".


I just can't get into Joe.  I did find Ozzie and Malcolm hot at times.  But I can't decide if Joe looks worse with the huge matronly bun, or the long flowing locks.  His tiny little mouth just doesn't appeal.


Shirin does bug, but Carolyn was completely disingenuous with her, "I thought we were buds".  Carolyn flat out dislikes Shirin, this has nothing to do with feelings of neglect, hurt feelings, etc. And then giving a speech to Shirin about loyalty - it seems to me that Carolyn is the one who was disloyal, and that's part of the game.  Enough with the false outrage.  It's the first time I'm finding Carolyn somewhat unlikable.  Shirin is friendless, humbled, and scrambling for a connection - as always happens after a blindside and/or after a player's closest ally is voted off.  Carolyn is handling it as poorly as the blue collar's handled Sierra post-tribal.  After a victory, why do some feel it necessary to rub the loser's face in it?


I continue to dislike Hali.  Coming up to Shirin with false empathy, "I guess you're kind of shaken up by last night *giggle*".  Quickly descending into - and they say you're annoying, too.  But of course, it's what "they" say, not sweet ole innocent me.  I want to be an attorney because I care about the outcast and the underdog - in theory.  In reality, you're all self-pitying annoying whiners, and I can't stand to be around you.


I'm rooting for Shirin (for the moment) because she's so willing to self-reflect and become more self-aware.  I am bothered that she thinks that she's 100% to blame, and should turn herself inside out to please these assholes.  They thrive on the us versus them, and you'll never be one of them.


And Hali, after being the only red team member unable to hit a target, brags- "It was like David and the Goliath, like all you needed was to put a sling shot in our hand and we took down that giant".  Is there a reason the show decided to give the TH to the only tribe member who didn't help win?  Their favoritism to this girl, and watching her preen and pose is really getting to me.



  • Love 6
All of the challenges are getting hard for me watch, they just don't hold my attention anymore. I find myself picking up my iPad during them.


I do the same thing! (Only I use a Kindle Fire.) I really enjoyed the first challenge, when the groups had options for the puzzle, based on what they thought would better fit their skill set. I'd so hoped we'd get more of that this time around, but it seems we won't. 

  • Love 1

I don't understand why Mike didn't throw the challenge in the normal way-- stand there until Kelly pulled the handle because she had the order down then put them up wrong and/or slow himself.  What was the purpose of beating her to the lever?  To make it less obvious?  All the whispering and peaking seems more obvious than him just going slow enough for her to beat him.  Maybe he waited as long as he felt he believably could all three times?  


The name I have trouble with is Hali.  Because who spells Hayley that way?  In what word does "ali" have a long A sound?  

Fuck anyone who throws a challenge, you deserve to lose it all.


Who thinks up the reward meals? Some of the combinations are bizarre, who has beef stew with macaroni & cheese?


And hot chocolate when it's hot?  As a vegetarian, I would have appreciated the bread and mac and cheese.  I rarely appreciate the beverages on reward:  beer/wine/margarita/coffee.  Give me chocolate milk, pop, or nice cold clear water (versus the warm brown stuff they typically drink).

  • Love 2

I continue to dislike Hali.  Coming up to Shirin with false empathy, "I guess you're kind of shaken up by last night *giggle*".  Quickly descending into - and they say you're annoying, too.  But of course, it's what "they" say, not sweet ole innocent me.  I want to be an attorney because I care about the outcast and the underdog - in theory.  In reality, you're all self-pitying annoying whiners, and I can't stand to be around you.



I can see how you would see it that way based on what was shown but the extended scene from EW that was linked on the prior page tells a different story.

  • Love 2

I don't understand why Mike didn't throw the challenge in the normal way-- stand there until Kelly pulled the handle because she had the order down then put them up wrong and/or slow himself.  What was the purpose of beating her to the lever?  To make it less obvious?  All the whispering and peaking seems more obvious than him just going slow enough for her to beat him.  Maybe he waited as long as he felt he believably could all three times?  


The name I have trouble with is Hali.  Because who spells Hayley that way?  In what word does "ali" have a long A sound?  



I thought that was odd, too.  It is possible the editing left out many failed attempts by Kelly which made Mike take charge to help her. 


In a previous season we saw this happen.  Not the throwing and prompting, just countless tries. 



Who thinks up the reward meals? Some of the combinations are bizarre, who has beef stew with macaroni & cheese?


It's possible they listen to the food cravings they voice around the fire at night.  In Australia there was much talk about peanut butter and chocolate; that combo showed up in a reward challenge. 

Edited by wings707
Nice subtle irony by the editors: after the immunity challenge, in Kelly's talking head segment, she said "Mike helping me in the challenge was the first time in my life I had ever completely trusted someone and felt they had my back."  [snip] Kelly, police officer.


She can't even trust her own memory :(


Plus if Joaquin would have stayed, he would have aligned with other people cause he is sociable and likable,


And hot.  To some.  Maybe to me.  I didn't have long enough to figure it out.


In that season, they were between a rock and a hard place with having Russell on their team, for all they knew he would be pouring out their water or burning personal items, so I can't blame them for throwing the challenge.


As the resident Russell defender, I found what he accomplished that season very impressive, because he took a minority alliance to the absolute last leg of the game while taking out the opposing majority tribe.  For all of his 'faults' that team of 4 was incredibly loyal.  One of the best displays of loyalty I've ever seen in the game.  So, I thought it was ridiculous for many reasons how that tribe acted towards Russell, but I know he has a lot of detractors based on reputation and soundbites and what I believe to be the more shallow parts of his game.


Speaking of which, has anyone just flat out told Shirin she's annoying them? Have they asked her to stop singing, or put on some pants? I know Shirin seems to have a severe lack of self-awareness so if the others don't tell her she's bugging them, how's she supposed to know?


The lack of anyone giving her the reactions she's probably looking for?  The lack of smiles or laughter?  The stone cold stares?  Nobody talking to her except Max? Nobody joining in her ideas of 'fun'?  I mean, come on.  


The malapropisms continue to amuse.  Rodney:  "You've got one guy who's a bible-bumper ...."


It cannot be overstated how much I love when you guys collect these and repeat them here for me.  Along with "We're like apples and oranges".  I mean in a weird way it makes sense, I've never heard of apples and oranges not getting along in the same place before.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 3

It cannot be overstated how much I love when you guys collect these and repeat them here for me.  Along with "We're like apples and oranges".  I mean in a weird way it makes sense, I've never heard of apples and oranges not getting along in the same place before.


I wonder if he was thinking peas and carrots.  Sort of like, "me and Jenny was like peas and carrots".  Run Rodney, run.

  • Love 7

On one hand I liked that Carolyn at least was honest with Shirin which is a help to Shirin.  On the other I think her demeanor lent more credence to my estimation of her as a very high maintenance friend with lots of rules who gets her nose out of joint easily and holds grudges (see Max). 

I was also very happy that Hali also was honest with Shirin - if no one will tell you, you can't fix it.

I really liked Shirin's confessionals, she was taking it to heart and willing to try to change her behavior which is very hard.  Both the seeing/accepting what others say and the changing part.  So kudo's to her.


I sort of, no, totally, hate long nasty beards.  So I couldn't stand Dan right from the start.  And he is a total dick.  Not only was he clueless in his conversation in the watering hole but the way he was gesturing made it clearly apparent that they were strategizing not just bs'ing.   Isn't he gone yet?  Please?


I have a bad tendency to tunnel vision when I have to concentrate like on that memorization challenge.  Mike talking to me would be like a fly buzzing around.  It would totally ruin my game but I wouldn't even understand what he said the first time.  I absolutely get why his talking to her totally threw her and it took awile to split some focus from trying win the memorization game. 


As a fallen Catholic, bible bumpers (too funny) who wear their religion on their backs are very foreign to me and I don't particularly care for that outspoken kind of religiousity.  However I like Mike, or his edit anyway.  I think throwing a challenge is a bit of a bum move.  But he had better reason than most and he said it killed him a little in his confessional so he knows what he did.  His game playing seems pretty good but a big mistep was letting Dan talk.  At all. But especially to whats her name.  He needs to freakin fix that. 


I would love to see some fluidity in the alliances.  I don't think I've seen a better show where it could work really well.  When alliances do not break, they may win but its boring. 

I didn't understand the Joaquin vote.  I mean - is Rodney really going to stick with his blue collar alliance that just shafted him?   He might for awhile but I'd never trust him to not muck something up on purpose in some grand scheme. 

How about Mike, whats her name go with Tyler?  Then pull in Kelly and maybe Shirin.  Leave Dan and Rodney to figure it out on their own. 


When idiots like Rodney stay in the game this long it totally underscores how Survivor is just a big game of coincidence, luck and a little junior high turning on the nerds and loners first.  It just depends on your season, who your teamed with etc.  Doesn't matter if you can play, nada. 


I mean how do Dan and Rodney's make the merge! The idea of themm making jury is just heartbreaking.  There is no game in Survivor!


Looking forward to seeing how Shirin pulls it together.  Seeing if Mike measures up and what is Tyler up to? 


Last I was disappointed in the turtle reward.  First think I thought of is OMG they are going to hang on to a turtle and not let her lay till they get there and set up and blah blah blah.  Then it  looked like Kelly had a flashlight pointed right at the turtle.  I just think animals should be allowed to do their thing without people papparazzi  freaking them out and upping their stress level.  AND while for me it would be a religious experience they didn't even seem to get off on it.  "oh its big.  gee I didn't know they did that"  head smack.  total waste.

Not to mention  the scent of all those people around that nest site will draw predators that take the eggs:( 

Really irresponsible.

Edited by marys1000
  • Love 1

If Kelly wasn't trying to throw the challenge- and I can't imagine why she would be, the editors surely would have shown something as delicious as two tribes trying to lose on purpose- then she might be the worst challenge performer I've ever seen. That was embarrassing, head injury or no.  Slightly- and only slightly- less embarrassing is how obvious Mike was being.  I'm shocked Jeff didn't say anything snarky, and I don't for one second believe the people there didn't figure out what was happening.  Hell, even before he went up Mike visibly shook his head when Dan won and tied it up 2-2, as if to say "Augh, we're trying to lose this!".


However, I disagree with the "never throw a challenge".  I can think off the top of my head of four times it happened in seasons I've seen, and it hasn't been that bad a choice in retrospect.


13: Cook Islands, Ozzy decides he has to get rid of Billy.  This is especially weird that he threw a challenge- and convinced his teammates to do it- in the second episode, since Ozzy in particular would win nearly every team and individual challenge throughout the season.  He also made final 2 and lost 5-4 to Yul, so I guess throwing a challenge didn't hurt him.


15: China (2), Peih-Geh and Jaime do my favorite thrown challenge ever.  The Zhan Hu tribe is noticeably smaller and weaker than the Fei Long tribe, and is down to a 5-7 tribe deficit with a merge fast approaching.  Survivor throws a twist of tree mail asking them to pick and steal two members of the opposing tribe, so the weaker Zhan Hu tribe picks the two strongest players from Fei Long, James and Aaron.  Ah, but Peih-Gee and Jaime realize before the immunity challenge they have been given a gift by the producers: since their team had been losing a lot anyway and was down in numbers, why not just throw the next two challenges, eliminate James and Aaron with a 3-2 and 3-1 vote, then enter the merge with two of your players safe and sound on the other side and even 5-5 split.  This wasn't a dumb move: this was the smartest move, and they got rid of Aaron at the next TC.


Unfortunately, while from a game theory perspective they were right to do this, the game itself prevented it from working.  First, Peachy would NOT shut up about the "dishonor" of throwing a challenge, and this helped clue in the other team what was happening.  Second, the two people who left Zhan Hu- Frosti and Sherea- were so stupid they didn't realize their old teammates were trying to save them and preserve a 5-5 split, so they immediately defected.  Third, before the next IC, James conspired with his old tribe to get two II and then throw the next challenge so he could bounce it back on Jaime.  Instead, they couldn't even throw the challenge on purpose, so Fei Long loses, votes off Sherea instead, followed by Jaime (post merge) and after Jean-Robert Frosti.


Jeff- classy as always- even mocked Jaime at Tribal for presenting a fake II when she went home, as if she really believed it.  She didn't, you idiot, but what else was she supposed to do, not play it?  Oh hey, just a few episodes later, James got voted off with both of his idols still in his pocket.  Of course, James was so oily and brawny and muscly, Jeff Probst seemed to not find this as laughable.  Odd, that...


30: Worlds Apart.  The episode we just watched.  No idea if this will work out or not, but since the BC people who threw the challenge- Rodney and Mike- didn't get burned by it immediately and are on paper up 5-4-3 over NC and WC, we can only wait and see.  Sierra is not wedded to BC, but they might be able to pull over other people... or might get plowed when the other two tribes plus Sierra knock them out.


So in one case, it had no effect and the throwee made the final 2.  In the second two, the decision to throw a challenge was a direct result of the tribal swap the producers introduced, so was absolutely the smart move- it just didn't work out in the long run for those involved.  In this case, we don't know yet.  I guess what I'd say empirically is, "Throwing a challenge isn't really that bad a move" since it doesn't seem to have lasting negative effects.

You missed the Pearl Islands example.  Doing so caused one tribe to keep losing after they threw the first one.

I get mad and annoyed when I see no comments made from the winning tribe about who was voted out from the losing tribe. The "omg" and "what?" when this person is revealed are not enough for me. I'm sure blue tribe talked about this matter and they were surprised Kelly was not the one to leave and Max was, but we didn't get to see it. What did they think happened? Weren't Tyler and Joaquin mad about Carolyn voting out Max? All these speculations we make in this forum seem to have no cause when we don't get the whole picture, right?


Well from Tyler and Joaquin's perspective, they don't know who voted for whom, and they probably think that the No Collars aligned with Kelly to vote out Max.  Kelly was the swing vote so she was never in any real danger.  And even if they find out Carolyn voted Max out, they may not care because they didn't like him either.

Joaquin immediately said, "YES!" when Probst said that Max was gone, so he was definitely not mad at him being gone.  Didn't see Tyler's reaction, though.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
  • Love 2
I really liked Shirin's confessionals, she was taking it to heart and willing to try to change her behavior which is very hard.



I would bet that Shirin has been "talked to" before: elementary school, high school, college, jobs.  She learned along the way what those who try to help her need to hear...and she says it.  She probably means it, but can't put it into action.

You guys... Mike doesn't have sex. You can't bro up with a dude unless he's out there hittin' it on a regular basis, amiright?

(Good grief, Rodney is a moron.)


Every time I look at Joe, I feel like he should be playing in an alt-grunge band in the 90's somewhere, like he's the lost member of Pearl Jam or Blind Melon or Screaming Trees or some such.



I was down on this season for not providing anyone to root for.  That hasn't changed, but I am utterly amused by this pack of blockheads.  They're downright funny.

Same here. I still can't really say I like any of these people--Joe is probably the most benign of them all--but they sure are an entertaining bunch of dingbats.

  • Love 6

For much of the episode it appeared Joe might be going home.   It seemed to me he didn't deserve to go home, but he really didn't deserve to stay either.   He exhibited zero game-play.   I recall he started strong, being able to build fire, then going up against Mr. Coconut ... but the last couple episodes he's been too laid back as people all around him are networking.   Lucky for him he finally  woke up and realized the house was on fire ...

  • Love 4

No-I consider myself from the South.  To me, "East Coast" is New England and New York/NJ.  


I grew up in North Carolina and totally considered myself "East Coast".


I would bet that Shirin has been "talked to" before: elementary school, high school, college, jobs.  She learned along the way what those who try to help her need to hear...and she says it.  She probably means it, but can't put it into action.


I'm really annoyed by the idea that she should have to change (and no one seems to note that if she were really so socially hopeless in all contexts, she would not be an executive).  To me, she's the cool one and her detractors (on the show) are a bunch of assholes.  She obviously has no path to victory, so what I'd love to see her do is something akin to Cochran's move in his first season (which I loved): just make whatever moves she can to blow up the games of as many of the meanies as she can on her way out.

Edited by SlackerInc
  • Love 4

Well from Tyler and Joaquin's perspective, they don't know who voted for whom, and they probably think that the No Collars aligned with Kelly to vote out Max.  Kelly was the swing vote so she was never in any real danger.  And even if they find out Carolyn voted Max out, they may not care because they didn't like him either.


You know, I sympathize with Rodney's confusion just a little bit, because I think from his perspective, Mike's decision to take out Joaquin, who was an apparent ally, instead of Joe who's an obvious threat, makes no sense at all.  From Rod's perspective, his alliance with the White Collars was a major boon to the Blue Collars and he probably think he was doing the Blue Collars a favor.  Because of Mike's decision, the White Collars are now much more likely to align with the No Collars to take out the Blues.  Next week he's going to rant constantly that Mike's decision doesn't make any sense.  Or he may come to understand that Mike was trying to curb Rodney's power but think it was much too early for that.  I can't say I'd blame him.  But I dislike Rodney intensely so I'm still glad it went down that way!


I wouldn't be surprised if Joaquin/Tyler knew exactly who voted for Max.  In a couple of interviews I've read with Joaquin, he said had the WC tribe lost a challenge before the swap, Max was getting voted out.  He said that he became tight with Tyler and Carolyn after So was voted off.  Carolyn didn't trust Max at that point, Shirin seemed to be his puppet, and they annoyed the crap out of everyone.  So while I haven't heard him say that he knew Carolyn voted him off, I wouldn't be surprised if that's what he assumed.


I guess I will need to see what happens next week to figure out if it was a good move getting rid of Joaquin or taking their chances and taking out hot headed, flip-flopping Rodney.  Shirin is a potential swing vote.  Tyler spent time with the blues, but probably won't care for Mike/Dan/Sierra.  Since Carolyn has been with the former NC tribe, she might pull Tyler over there.  Will Rodney turn on the blues, or do like Natalie did last season, and wait to make his move for revenge?  Rodney's a lot of talk so whatever he says will probably fail miserably anyway.  I wouldn't be too surprised if they attempt to get another WC out, for the sake of getting their numbers down even further so they can't be swing votes or align with the NC and make a majority.  Of course I don't know why Mike would expect Rodney or even Sierra to stay loyal to them.  I still say Sierra's vote was more to save Joe than to break up the bromance.  Seriously, Rodney's got to be a lot worse than he's being portrayed if Sierra would rather vote along with Dan of all people.  

  • Love 2

And hot chocolate when it's hot?  As a vegetarian, I would have appreciated the bread and mac and cheese.  I rarely appreciate the beverages on reward:  beer/wine/margarita/coffee.  Give me chocolate milk, pop, or nice cold clear water (versus the warm brown stuff they typically drink).

I think I would barf at attempting to eat mac & cheese washed down with hot chocolate after being deprived of food for a few days.

It sounded odd to me too.

On one hand I liked that Carolyn at least was honest with Shirin which is a help to Shirin.  On the other I think her demeanor lent more credence to my estimation of her as a very high maintenance friend with lots of rules who gets her nose out of joint easily and holds grudges (see Max). 

I was also very happy that Hali also was honest with Shirin - if no one will tell you, you can't fix it.

I really liked Shirin's confessionals, she was taking it to heart and willing to try to change her behavior which is very hard.  Both the seeing/accepting what others say and the changing part.  So kudo's to her.


I sort of, no, totally, hate long nasty beards.  So I couldn't stand Dan right from the start.  And he is a total dick.  Not only was he clueless in his conversation in the watering hole but the way he was gesturing made it clearly apparent that they were strategizing not just bs'ing.   Isn't he gone yet?  Please?


I have a bad tendency to tunnel vision when I have to concentrate like on that memorization challenge.  Mike talking to me would be like a fly buzzing around.  It would totally ruin my game but I wouldn't even understand what he said the first time.  I absolutely get why his talking to her totally threw her and it took awile to split some focus from trying win the memorization game. 


As a fallen Catholic, bible bumpers (too funny) who wear their religion on their backs are very foreign to me and I don't particularly care for that outspoken kind of religiousity.  However I like Mike, or his edit anyway.  I think throwing a challenge is a bit of a bum move.  But he had better reason than most and he said it killed him a little in his confessional so he knows what he did.  His game playing seems pretty good but a big mistep was letting Dan talk.  At all. But especially to whats her name.  He needs to freakin fix that. 


I would love to see some fluidity in the alliances.  I don't think I've seen a better show where it could work really well.  When alliances do not break, they may win but its boring. 

I didn't understand the Joaquin vote.  I mean - is Rodney really going to stick with his blue collar alliance that just shafted him?   He might for awhile but I'd never trust him to not muck something up on purpose in some grand scheme. 

How about Mike, whats her name go with Tyler?  Then pull in Kelly and maybe Shirin.  Leave Dan and Rodney to figure it out on their own. 


When idiots like Rodney stay in the game this long it totally underscores how Survivor is just a big game of coincidence, luck and a little junior high turning on the nerds and loners first.  It just depends on your season, who your teamed with etc.  Doesn't matter if you can play, nada. 


I mean how do Dan and Rodney's make the merge! The idea of themm making jury is just heartbreaking.  There is no game in Survivor!


Looking forward to seeing how Shirin pulls it together.  Seeing if Mike measures up and what is Tyler up to? 


Last I was disappointed in the turtle reward.  First think I thought of is OMG they are going to hang on to a turtle and not let her lay till they get their and set up and blah blah blah.  Then it  looked like Kelly had a flashlight pointed right at the turtle.  I just think animals should be allowed to do their thing without people papparazzi  freaking them out and upping their stress level.  AND while for me it would be a religious experience they didn't even seem to get off on it.  "oh its big.  gee I didn't know they did that"  head smack.  total waste.

Not to mention  the scent of all those people around that nest site will draw predators that take the eggs:( 

Really irresponsible.



I agree that Shirin is working the feedback to learn and to her benefit.  Good for her. And kudos to the honesty that Carolyn and Hali sharedt. 


I live on an island off the coast of Florida and turtle nesting is taken very seriously.  I have to believe that is done here, as well.  I think we saw a lot of stock footage.  Getting  that close is unusual.  And the shot of the eggs coming out, no way did that happen on the beach at that moment.  I have witnessed this and it is VERY controlled.  Human sent is not an issue. 

Edited by wings707
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The look on Rodney's face after the votes were read - priceless.  I expected him to say, "Wait Jeff, you must have a few more votes to read, Joe is supposed to lose."


Come to think of it, it IS surprising we didn't see any votes for "Wakeen"!


I have a feeling we would have seen Wakeen or something close to that if Rodney wasn't in an alliance with him.


Who thinks up the reward meals? Some of the combinations are bizarre, who has beef stew with macaroni & cheese?



It's possible they listen to the food cravings they voice around the fire at night.  In Australia there was much talk about peanut butter and chocolate; that combo showed up in a reward challenge. 


I was think along those lines.  I figured that the players must fill out a questionnaire before the season starts asking who their "loved one" would be and what their favorite foods are.  

  • Love 1

The look on Rodney's face after the votes were read - priceless.  I expected him to say, "Wait Jeff, you must have a few more votes to read, Joe is supposed to lose."



I have a feeling we would have seen Wakeen or something close to that if Rodney wasn't in an alliance with him.




I was think along those lines.  I figured that the players must fill out a questionnaire before the season starts asking who their "loved one" would be and what their favorite foods are.  



I think their cravings are not what they like but what they are missing when faced with the reality of rice and random seafood. Metabolism dictates the cravings and it is usually for protein and sugar and STARCH (which is sugar)


I so loved Rodney's face.  And what I loved most is that he did not just give a curious look, he went over the top, West Virginia. back woods, "no fucking way! How could this have happened!". 

  • Love 1

I just realized: there was bread at the food reward. So, if anybody had wanted a sandwich, Will could have scooped some beef onto it and made them one.

And he did actually score in that challenge, so, yeah, I think he does get credit. Even though he specifically said they were supposed to be sandwiches from the sea, well, fine. You're on the beach. Dunk your sandwich into the ocean and rinse it around like a raccoon. As far as I'm concerned, prophecy fulfilled.

  • Love 9

Well Dan (and the rest of these bozos) are from Uranus.

I feel sorry for all the innocent fish that were killed in a sweaty brown oil slick when Dan's underwear floated out to sea.

Whoever was calling his underpants a banana hammock should have said gherkin hammock. Not that you'd ever see that gherkin in the first place because it lives under an enormous mountain of fat and is further hidden by a dense tangle of gray orangutan pubes.

The only thing grosser would be having to sit on a blanket with him while drinking hot chocolate and eating mac & cheese.

  • Love 2

3. If Joe and Hali had children, those children would possess the most magnificent manes of hair on the planet.


I like Hali and her wild hair. I can't stop staring at it.


Far be it from me to defend Dan (who I do think is a misogynist jerk) but when he did his "mouth closed, ears open" thing wasn't he talking about Tribal Council? That's good advice for anyone. Don't reveal anything but listen for the subtext.


I think there are more subtle ways to do that. I'm thinking of last season, how Natalie dealing with "stick with the plan" Keith and it was beautiful.



I can't remember how many fans are they in this season. Dan, Mike, Max, Jen and Shirin. Did I miss anyone else?

Great episode.  It is so late and I am supposed to wake up so early, so just a couple reactions from me.


I wish we had seen more of whatever Joe said to Sierra. That man is so, so, pretty. He's the rich man's Malcolm.


To each her own, but Joe has a long way to go before he's in Malcolm's league for me.  Malcolm has personality, and in my opinion a better eye for the game.  I'm not sure Joe would have teamed up with Denise.  I do like Joe and I think people are wrong to say he's too passive--he didn't have the eye to see that he could work on splitting up the blue collars (and ally with someone not young) but he did have the sense to seize the moment when it was presented to him.


Anyone have any ideas why Hali was doing the challenge backwards (setting up the objects right to left) as opposed to how everyone else who was doing it left to right.  Obviously it worked out for her great but it seemed odd to me.


I don't get why there's a "forwards" at all?  It's just a bunch of items in a line...


Dan is sort of my comic relief, he's just so socially inept that it's funny. I think he just desperately wants to fit in with the cool kids, he hears Rodney, and Mike to a lesser extent, and tries to copy that. In one of her interviews, Lindsey said she likes Dan, she said he's a gentleman, but he just doesn't want to be the kid that gets picked last in gym class, I think she nailed it.


Edit: I think Lindsey nailed it about his desire to fit in, not about the gentleman part, I definitely haven't seen that side of him, lol.


I'm sure as sure can be that Dan considers himself a gentleman.  He's exactly the Internet Gentleman type.  Ughhhhh Dan.  I think the observation that he's taken a class or whatever is so spot on.  Now he's cracked the code, and Knows How To Deal With Women.  Can't stand this dude.


Well, there are fans, there are superfans, and there are fans but you couldn't tell.


Superfans - Max, Shirin


Fans - Joe, Mike, Carolyn


Fans, but you can't tell from how they play - Nina, Dan, Jen


Jenn?  Really?  Jenn who seems to be top of her alliance, has the hidden immunity idol, and is totally killing it in every challenge?

  • Love 4

Moved my speculations about next weeks alliances to Speculation thread.

But I have to say it:  I think there is a good chance that the BC's will need Shirin in a post merge alliance.  Rodney and Shirin in the same alliance! 

Could be good. 


From Wok's interview with Cochrane.  Why didn't they just talk to Mike about it? 


Cochran: Alright, so you brought up challenges.  What happened with last night’s thrown challenge?  Whose plan was it?  Who was in on it?  Were you not aware that thrown challenges almost always anger the Survivor gods?

Joaquin: I was not in on it.  Rodney brought it to my attention the day before the challenge.  Then I spoke to Tyler about it, then we spoke to Rodney again and tried to convince him that it probably wasn’t the smartest move.  I believe the people who were involved were Rodney and Mike and maybe Dan, but if you see, Dan won his round, so… It’s a really good question.  We’re going to have to wait for one of them to take a loss for us to find out exactly what the [expletive] they were thinking.

Edited by marys1000
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I don't get why there's a "forwards" at all?  It's just a bunch of items in a line...



It's true, neither left-to-right or right-to-left are intrinsically "forwards" (Westerners are just biased to think that L-to-R is forwards)...but in this challenge, there was a small advantage in going L-to-R, because the players were supposed to step on a mat on the right after finishing.

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