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S01.E16: Rogue Time

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Yay, Barry is finally suspicious of Wells. I still think that the time travel to change events is a cheap trick, but damn, I am glad that Cisco is alive, Singh is healthy, and Joe is safe. Iris will face up to her love for Barry soon enough.


Oh, fuck Harrison Wells and his pep talk to Cisco. I hope someone stabs that treacherous piece of shit in the heart or rips his heart out of his chest. 

  • Love 6

Yay, Barry is finally suspicious of Wells. I still think that the time travel to change events is a cheap trick, but damn, I am glad that Cisco is alive, Singh is healthy, and Joe is safe. Iris will face up to her love for Barry soon enough.


Oh, fuck Harrison Wells and his pep talk to Cisco. I hope someone stabs that treacherous piece of shit in the heart or rips his heart out of his chest. 


When Wells gave Cisco the same "you're like a son to me" speech that he used last episode before killing Cisco, I just cringed. Wells meant it in both contexts, and that was so wrong and so gloriously creepy at the same time.

  • Love 19

Wentworth Miller is so much fun as Captain Cold.  There's really not much else that can be said about him.


They had to know they were giving Peyton List the ugliest wig possible.  She's a beautiful woman, but wow, that wig on her was horrible.


The game of chess between Barry and Wells is going to begin.  Next episode he should tell Cisco about his suspicions.

  • Love 3

Captain Cold and Heatwave continue to do nothing for me. I was bored to tears with their shenanigans.

It was nice to get some insight into Cisco and his family. Glad he survived this timeline.

Finally we get a Joe/ Iris scene with some substance and based on what was said I think she does have feelings for Barry and would've reciprocated had he confessed his feelings sooner.

The most interesting part of this episode was the last 5 minutes. I'm thrilled that Barry has FINALLY bought a clue. But does this mean that Iris never learned about her mentor's suspicion about Wells? And thus will have no reason to investigate his disappearance? I'm really disappointed if that's the case. I thought we might've been starting to get some traction with her investigative reporter storyline, but looks like that might be stalling out.

This episode came together a little bit better than last week's, but IMO it wasn't all that great.

On a shallow note, the back of Iris' green dress really made me love it. Wonder whose the designer and where I can find one? :)

Edited by Enero
  • Love 1

No! Not random guy at the newspaper I liked!

I missed some of the Cisco stuff with his brother, but he used to be hot on some show I watched so I'm down. The scene I did see with cold dude shooting the brother was pretty good. Ciscos actor continues to impress me. I could hardly watch the scene with wells because I was so scared for him even though I knew try weren't going there.

Iris's blue dress was cute but she needs to not wear hooker boots to work because it's not appropriate.

  • Love 6

Barry/Cisco hug! Barry/Cisco hug! I did not know how much I needed that until I got it. Also Barry/Eddie hug! 


Cold is such a great villain. I like to see him, but I'm sick of them letting him go. At least Barry talked him out of killing. I saw shades of spinoff setup.


I like the Ramon brothers, although I wish Cisco had at least talked to his parents.Can we stop toying with Cisco's emotions for an episode or two? I'm gonna need my comic relief to be happy.


Fuck you, Wells! At this point I want every single hero in the Flash/Arrow universe to kick his ass. It's so disturbing that his pep talks seem so sincere, and his comment about buried feelings rising to the surface seemed to be about realizing he cared about Cisco once he was kidnapped. 


I missed some of the Cisco stuff with his brother, but he used to be hot on some show I watched so I'm down.


The O.C?

  • Love 4

Yep, he's the third actor to cross over.  So I'm waiting for the episode where we learn that Cisco's brother has secretly been a cop who was dating another (super awesome) cop who was actually training with the embedded evil General who is now Grodd's play toy.  Oh, and half of Firestorm has travelled in time from the 18th century to bully his recently-widowed son into coming back to England.  Or something like that.


Topic?  This episode was not as nail-bitingly intense as last week's, but I liked it well enough.  I agree that the scene between Wells and Cisco was wonderfully effective at hitting me in the feels, both good (aww, loving family) and bad (don't kill him, dude).  So, the timeline adjusting meant that Mason got the throbbing hand of death in Cisco's place?  I'm okay with that.  On a shallow note, I have almost gathered enough evidence to scientifically prove that Cisco and Wells grow exponentially hotter by speaking Spanish and removing spectacles, respectively.


I'm hoping that Iris starts looking into Mason's disappearance, which will re-align her investigation of Wells. 

  • Love 6

I think we suspected that Mason 'Todd' Bridge was not long for this world. Based on the conversation he had with Reverse Flash, there will probably be some info left on some flash drive that Iris stumbles upon which starts her on Wells' trail.


Wells is beyond creepy. Don't trust him Cisco. But we can see why he'd eat that stuff up. He's family needs to get hit with the cold gun.


I think Wentworth Miller is having a blast playing Captain Cold. Booo no Weather Wizard-cus.


Linda took the break up well. I'm glad Barry didn't draw this out. Now we just need Iris to get on board. She's giving the lingering looks.

  • Love 2

Cisco's Bro was a bit of a douche, but Nicholas was so good that I kinda hope that he comes back sometime. I was kinda hoping the end was Gideon informing Wells that the timeline had changed just to Harrison freak out.


I'm just glad it looks like next week is back to being a little more light episode. Please please let next weeks episode end with Original Recipe Trickster being led through Central City Prison and he passes Barry's dad cell. they look at each other funnily and then go "Nah.......".

Edited by madhacker
  • Love 2

Barry/Cisco hug! Barry/Cisco hug! I did not know how much I needed that until I got it.

I "Awwed" and thought that Barry is a better big bro to Cisco than Cisco's actual brother. Wells' encouraging speech to Cisco in the same place where Wells murdered him last week:

1. Wells, you creepy motherfucker I hope you get murdered painfully.


2. It would have been cool if there was some kind of timeline echo. Like Cisco clutching his heart.

Lightning psychosis gave me a good laugh out loud moment but Iris' wistful looks are going to get tiring pretty fast. I don't know how but Grant was very hot this episode. A new hairstyle? Or just Barry's confidence?

So to all those people who were mad at Iris for finally being honest with herself, confessing her feelings for Barry, and being "disloyal" to Eddie, are you happy now that she rejected Barry and is choosing to stay faithful to a relationship that her heart is not truly in? Do you love her now?

Ugh to this.

I was unhappy with iris for cheating on Eddie and both of them for ignoring their dates for each other. Now, I still want her to make a decision and go with it. I liked that her dad told her to convince Eddie and barry that she loves Eddie. I think she may be lying to herself about her feelings now and the show took this opportunity to reset the whole thing and drag it out. I am always for people being truthful and I don't like that Caitlin took it on herself to take away Barry's confession. In fact, I'm rather irritated at her for it. I hate secrets and this just added more secrets and a stupid psychosis lie. Shut up Caitlin.

I think Wentworth Miller is having a blast playing Captain Cold..

He's chewing the hell out of the scenery and I am enjoying it so much. Edited by Shanna
  • Love 2

Yikes, I can't believe they're bringing Wentworth Miller and the other guy into the new spin-off. I'm not sure if they see what's going on, but their acting is so over the top, so stilted, so wooden and terrible, it's embarrassing. It's like "How am I watching this? How did a director let this happen?"


"Lightening psychosis" haha, nice one Kaitlin.  That was a fun scene. 


I was pretty lukewarm on Cisco and his actor when the series began but he's become such a terrific part of the cast. 


So now that Iris' co-worker is dead(or to her, missing) who wants to bet she come across something that puts her on Harrison's trail too? I'm calling it, Iris will be the one to crack the case. Either that or find out Barry is the Flash on her own. 

  • Love 1

So to all those people who were mad at Iris for finally being honest with herself, confessing her feelings for Barry, and being "disloyal" to Eddie, are you happy now that she rejected Barry and is choosing to stay faithful to a relationship that her heart is not truly in? Do you love her now? 

I wasn't mad she confessed her feelings and kissed Barry but now I wish they would just drop this Barry/Iris thing for good. I think Iris should stick with Eddie. It's what she wants so she should make it work.


As for the rest of the episode, I don't understand why Cisco made those weapons but couldn't use them against Captain Cold and the others. Also, why didn't Barry disarm them and would it really have been that difficult for him to follow them? I know they had leverage in the form of Cisco but I think he could have done more. 


How did Wells know about Mason's investigation? 

Yikes, I can't believe they're bringing Wentworth Miller and the other guy into the new spin-off. I'm not sure if they see what's going on, but their acting is so over the top, so stilted, so wooden and terrible, it's embarrassing. It's like "How am I watching this? How did a director let this happen?"


Yes, this.  I've never understood why people think they're so great.  Were they this bad on Prison Break? 


Good episode, but wow,  Cisco is having the worst day ever no matter what happens.  I'm so blown away by Carlos Valdez's acting.  He's right up there with Cavanaugh and Martin, IMO.

  • Love 4

Wentworth was not only scenery chewing, he was gnashing it to bits especially in the last scene. At least he's having fun with it?

I have come to realize that there are few things more fun for an actor than intentionally overacting.


Every time I have seen someone doing a role that calls for chewing the scenery in big, fat, chunks… I can practically feel through the screen how much of a blast they’re having. You can see it with almost all the supervillains in this show.


Another recent example is Vera Farminga over at Bates Motel. One can just tell how much fun she’s having when Norma does her thing.

Edited by AzureOwl
  • Love 4

I wasn't mad she confessed her feelings and kissed Barry but now I wish they would just drop this Barry/Iris thing for good. I think Iris should stick with Eddie. It's what she wants so she should make it work.


It is pretty clear from her conversation with Joe, that Iris is conflicted about what her true feelings for Barry despite her declaration about loving Eddie. It is no good for her to stick with Eddie because she will just end up hurting him even worse in the long run. Iris needs to take a "break" from Eddie. 

  • Love 1


When Wells gave Cisco the same "you're like a son to me" speech that he used last episode before killing Cisco, I just cringed. Wells meant it in both contexts, and that was so wrong and so gloriously creepy at the same time.

This is some truth! That was such a good scene. Can we officially put to bed the argument about whether or not Wells is a bad person? He is. He absolutely feels paternal towards Cisco and will try to cheer him up an impart important life lessons. He will also plunge his hand into the boy's heart and kill him with no hesitation.


Iris irked me in this episode. I can't deal with people who lie to themselves. If you can't know your own mind, what do you know? She has had ample time to consider Barry's love declaration. She needs to figure her shit out. I hated her telling Joe that Barry was "too late." What the hell is that supposed to mean? If she felt a certain way about him, why the hell didn't she say something? She's holding Barry to a standard she didn't live up to. Lame. Is this some antiquated nonsense that the man has to make the first move?


I think I missed how Wells found out about the journalist's info on him. I think Iris will take over for that guy. He told her two or three episodes ago that he was suspicious of Wells. He already has her thinking about it.


I did not like Eddie hitting Barry. Real talk? Eddie can cut the shit about he and Barry being friends. Barry knew him for a few hours before being struck by lightening and landing in a coma. When Barry woke up, Eddie was Iris's boyfriend. Those two don't spend time together unless it is at work. Otherwise, they are doing something with Iris. They aren't very close friends. Eddie was acting like Dawson when he found out about Pacey banging Joey. Not earned, Eddie. Not earned!


Captain Cold is boring.


Why did they bother to bring in Linda if she was just going to be a extremely short-term love interest?

  • Love 2

Iris's blue dress was cute but she needs to not wear hooker boots to work because it's not appropriate.


Well this is the CW. So inappropriate wardrobe at work, especially for some of the women is par for the course. I can't tell you how many times Felicity on Arrow has strutted into QC in a backless mini-dress and hooker heels.  


SimoneS, on 24 Mar 2015 - 11:12 PM, said:

It is pretty clear from her conversation with Joe, that Iris is conflicted about what her true feelings for Barry despite her declaration about loving Eddie. It is no good for her to stick with Eddie because she will just end up hurting him even worse in the long run. Iris needs to take a "break" from Eddie.


Thinking back to Iris' confession last week and her response this week, I wonder if she's still in the angry stage. Her response to Joe that Barry waited too late almost came off like she was a little ticked at him. I got the same vibe when he spoke with her at Jitters.

  • Love 2

Glider/Lisa Snart's weapon: Is it like in Goldfinger and the person is covered in liquid gold and suffocates? Or was Cisco made to put something toxic into the liquid gold and the people are essentially dead?  Inquiring minds, like me, want to know!


Hey, Barry? You may want to put the brakes on calling yourself a hero if you are telling folks that you have your "own private prison". Just sayin'. Not really heroic.


Bye, Mason Bridge! You were a lovable curmudgeon. Too bad timey-whimey stuff set you back.


I wonder how many times Harrison has wanted to just slap Barry. Not that I want Barry to be slapped repeatedly, but the looks Wells kept giving Barry when Barry would start talking about what happened in his memory? Geez, Allen, you're supposed to be smart. Read the room. I get that there was so much happening- and Barry didn't even know half the reality going on-but it was the amount of times he started yammering. Maybe the initial, once more, then until the Eddie punch he said nothing. It would feel more built up is my take.


Aw, a bit of the Joe I missed peeking through! I liked that no matter his personal feelings towards Iris' pick, he seemed that he would back her. (Her mom is an international ninja or the real Amanda Waller, right? Who's been missing for over five years? That's why Joe flips over her interest in police work?)


Dante was a dick, apropos for the week here! "I never fought for anything...until now!" I was waiting for Mick to say something laconic in Spanish, personally. I get the sentiment, but there were too many factors that Dante couldn't know, like whether or not Leo and Lisa were already on their way back. If so, how close they were for the Ramos brothers to make a good escape? As much as Dante seemed to not be happy with his lot, he didn't seem to be the analytical one. I also didn't fully buy his "my life sucks" confession. While Dante has a crappy job currently, why isn't he working for a better one? He may be ( script constraints!), but it could have been phrased as " I'm working to leave my craptastic job and get out of Mom and Dad's house" or something like that.  I believe that since things were easy for Dante early in life, he simply never had to work like Cisco. Apparently, Cisco's science is Dante's music,but the Ramos parents understood music easier. Not cool, but I understand. Aaaand we're back to dickish actions.


I love the glee with which Miller and Purcell seem to have playing  Leonard and Mick. Peyton List was a fun addition! I don't think I've seen her, or at least seen her in many projects, but I enjoyed her. "Make something in gold...and toxic- like me."  Damn, now that's a statement piece.


I'm not happy with the "lightning psychosis." I blame the writers for delaying yet another decision for  Iris to actually make.  The camera lingered on her face enough for us to catch some kind of thoughtful look. *sigh*


Cisco's alive, so that's good. Yes, Carlos Valdes has MVP'd  last ep and this one.


Next week looks like it could be a blast!

  • Love 1

The "lightning psychosis" was great. I can't believe they bought it. But I suppose them thinking that Barry has mental issues related to his injury they can ignore his strangeness at least until the finale. 


Who gave Peyton List, the Canary's wig? It does not look good on her, she looks much better with it off. I guess that's how Captain Cold and Heatwave are going to the leftover, dead character spin off. 


Joe finally remembered he had a daughter instead of just talking about her like she's an abstract being. We need more scenes like that. Iris still needs more to do then just be indecisive over her feelings. I do agree she did look great. 


How did Wells last 15 years when he's impulsively kills people when he doesn't have too? I really hope he wanted to show his hand, otherwise he's not as smart as I thought he was.  

Edited by Sakura12

On a shallow note, the back of Iris' green dress really made me love it. Wonder whose the designer and where I can find one? :)


This one? http://wornontv.net/46961/  Worn On TV's my go-to site for finding clothes I can't afford but really want.


I have come to realize that there are few things more fun for an actor than intentionally overacting.


Every time I have seen someone doing a role that calls for chewing the scenery in big, fat, chunks… I can practically feel through the screen how much of a blast they’re having. You can see it with almost all the supervillains in this show.


Another recent example is Vera Farminga over at Bates Motel. One can just tell how much fun she’s having when Norma does her thing.


I vacillate between being annoyed at the overacting or really amused. I do think it's on purpose, though. 

Edited by calliope1975
  • Love 2

Really good episode.  I like how given the chance to repeat the day, Barry was able to put the Weather Wizard away quickly.  You don't usually see that kind of thing.


Barry's obsession over Iris continues to be his worst trait and Iris isn't exactly helping with her trying to passive-aggressively doom Barry's relationship and then reject him when he tries to bring it up again.  Props to Caitlyn though for coming up with that excuse to explain Barry's behavior...she's much better at that than she is at subterfuge (with Harrison last week).


Another great scene between Wells and Cisco although I had to laugh at Wells acting all pissy about the timeline being screwed up.  Though that's probably just an act.


Wentworth Miller continues to be a blast as Cold and I liked Peyton List too.

Was sorry that Mason got killed off.  I was just beginning to like him.


Props to Joe for actually TALKING to Iris about his concerns over the whole Barry/Eddie situation.  See how things work out when you actually TALK to your daughter, Joe?

I missed the last episode, so as far as I'm concerned the first version of the day didn't happen.

Caitlin's lightning psychosis explanation was ridiculous, but made me laugh, especially with Iris' "He told me he had ESP" line.

My heart broke for Barry when Iris dashed his hopes, but I appreciated that she told him he needed to stop coming on to her and making her be the bad guy. She's made her choice to try to make things work with Eddie and that's perfectly valid. She might have some unexplored feelings towards Barry, sometimes feelings are messy. As long as she's not indulging in them, I have no problems with her. I also liked Joe's advice.

Cisco still bugs me and his relationship with his brother was totally cliche. They need to stop giving him the idiot ball too. That girl was so obvious (especially with that horrid wig on) and his response to her made him seem a bit pathetic.

Wentworth Miller is still a hoot.

I have come to realize that there are few things more fun for an actor than intentionally overacting.

Every time I have seen someone doing a role that calls for chewing the scenery in big, fat, chunks… I can practically feel through the screen how much of a blast they’re having. You can see it with almost all the supervillains in this show.

Another recent example is Vera Farminga over at Bates Motel. One can just tell how much fun she’s having when Norma does her thing.

Jada Pinkett Smith on Gotham is another one. I never enjoyed her before, but I love to watch her eat the scenery. Edited by cynic
  • Love 3

I wasn't too annoyed with Iris last week.  I thought it was understandable that she might have had long standing feelings that she couldn't really acknowledge to herself until there was a crisis.  Though the impromptu double date behavior was a bit obnoxious and it seemed her jealousy over Barry dating was not new (Becky Cooper).  And I was cool with the fact that the lack of crisis to make her confront it kept her from admitting her feelings this week.  But I actually found it unreasonably annoying when Iris gave Barry and Caitlin a look as they walked away at the end of the episode. It was the first thing that truly bugged. 


I get that she has feelings for both men and choosing Eddie doesn't make her suddenly not have feelings for Barry.  But there was something truly unpleasant about her face just then.  It wasn't concern or sadness, but ... sort of unkind.  Ugh, that's not right either.


Anyway, I loved Cisco and Barry and Cisco.  And I have to agree that the "like a son" speech even in the same spot of the murder made the Wells/Cisco scene super creepy.


Sad to see the news guy die.

Edited by RachelKM

Not as good as last week's episode, I think.  


Good things:


1. Cisco is alive!  Not that I had any doubt he would be, but Cisco is alive!


2. Captain Cold chewing up the scenery left, right and up and down. He was great.  Though, really - nearly freezing off a pianist's fingers? That's well, cold, Cold.


3. I loved Cisco and his brother using Spanish.


4. Barry/Cisco hug! Cisco heroically leaving Team Flash afterwards!


5. I didn't like the way they got there, but I appreciated that Eddie and Iris immediately rushed to support Barry when they were told Barry was having those psychotic thingies.


6. Much better: Caitlin going with Cisco to the party.


Questionable things:


1. This applies to both Arrow and Flash, but I'm not thrilled with the way the shows are being used to launch the new spinoff.  


2. And while we're talking both Arrow and Flash, does one of the producers have a sibling who stole his date back in high school?  That plot point has now come up in both shows, sigh.


3. This entire Barry/Iris/Eddie triangle is really making everyone look bad, and Caitlin jumping in with the psychotic break lie really isn't helping, like, how many more lies does Barry have to remember to tell? 


Plus, the issue wasn't just Barry's behavior towards Iris. It was also Iris' behavior towards Barry - which was not reset by the time travel. But speaking of that....


Bad things:


1. I'm kinda willing to buy that Iris' feelings, or at least her awareness of her feelings, only really got triggered by the massive trauma of her dad's kidnapping and incoming tsunami except for a couple of slight problems: a, some of that popped up before the kidnapping/tsunami and b, Iris has been under stress before. What I am not willing to buy is that the timeline shift caused Cisco to forget his slowly growing concerns about Wells.


2. Barry. Cut down on the caffeine while talking to Iris, dude. You don't have to be speedy all the time.


3.  Rogues. You have a gun that can transform anything into gold. Exactly why are you bothering to rob things anymore?  And, Cisco and Rogues: have any of you considered the economic implications of releasing that much gold into the market without warning?


Next week's trailer has me ten kinds of hopeful. Don't let me down, show!

  • Love 4

Finally, Barry!


Peyton was a lot of fun. For a moment there I was looking between her and Miller and I might just ship it. 


Cisco's family is cute (I'm glad we didn't have to wait two more seasons to see them). They cast his brother well too. The two of them got me in the feels in the end there. But Barry's secret is barely a secret so the drama over it at Star Labs just annoyed me.


The issue surrounding Cisco's attractiveness to the opposite sex could've gone a lot worst given the previous episodes. I find him a lot more appealing than Barry so the whole no women is attracted to him was getting ridiculous.


I wasn't mad she confessed her feelings and kissed Barry but now I wish they would just drop this Barry/Iris thing for good. I think Iris should stick with Eddie. It's what she wants so she should make it work.


Should? She is. Barry cornering her about their relationship clearly made Iris realize how much of a misstep the double date was, hence her coming clean to Eddie. She's obviously committed to Eddie and not about to mack on Barry anytime soon, so no harm done in the real timeline. Though I'm sure Barry and Iris will pick up again after Iris and Eddie's relationship runs its course as this is a TV show.

It is pretty clear from her conversation with Joe, that Iris is conflicted about what her true feelings for Barry despite her declaration about loving Eddie. It is no good for her to stick with Eddie because she will just end up hurting him even worse in the long run. Iris needs to take a "break" from Eddie. 

She doesn't have to end up hurting him. She loves him and she loves Barry. She will end up with only one of them so why not Eddie? There's no need for them to carry on with this Barry/Iris stuff because it makes less and less sense every week. What good is love that is only realized in a crisis? Most love is experienced in more calm moments which she's chosen to spend with Eddie. This need not change. And I don't think we really need to watch her finally realize her feelings for Barry who should have learned from his overeagerness and decided to leave Iris alone. There's still plenty for her to do on the show now that Mason has been killed. 


I know that this storyline will never end but what I hope is that they move on from it for a while and only get back to it in the second half of the final season of the series. 



Love Barry for having doubts finally about Wells.


The best part of the episode for me. I enjoyed all their scenes together. Also Grant and Wenthworth had great chemistry in the woods. 

Edited by Xander
  • Love 2

What the hell did I just watch? Random thoughts.



At least we finally had a father daughter talk. I mean yea it was totally pointless since nothing happened as a result of said convo but at least it happened.


Who thought it was a good idea to write Linda like she was a 16 year old who's read one too many harlequin romance novels?


Is it strange to anybody else that Captain Cold has clearly outclassed Barry in all but one of their meetings.  And the meeting that Flash did beat them was an out of character one for Snart.


Also I love that conversation between Barry and Cold. Obviously I'm paraphrasing here.

Barry: Stop being evil


Barry: Stop robbing people

Cold: No

Barry: At least gtfo of this city

Cold: No

Barry: Don't kill anybody while you're robbing them?

Cold: I'll think about it.

Barry: k you can go but don't threaten my friends anymore pls

Cold: K



Yay at finally having a female villain on this show who is  evil for the sake of being evil and not due to the influence of another male.


I'd say that Iris definitely shut the door on any romance with Barry in the present. Not only did she tell him to knock it off but she told her boyfriend.


I'll give the writer's props for having Barry's horniness get in the way of Iris getting the necessary information to start investigating Wells.


I also love that within seconds of being told to not mess with the future that Flash already messed up.


To those asking about Cisco's curiosity, that never happened since Barry never told the group about Iris's scoop.


Finally, let me see if I got this right. Cisco is more disappointed that he revealed Barry's secret identity then he is that he just weaponized three people?  WTF???


  • Love 8

Another great scene between Wells and Cisco although I had to laugh at Wells acting all pissy about the timeline being screwed up.  Though that's probably just an act.


I think Wells was concerned about the future timeline -- where Flash dies and he (Wells) succeeds in going home.  That's why he asked his super-computer to tell him the future again. 



How did Wells know about Mason's investigation?

I assumed that same super-computer, that tells him the future, also clued him in to Mason's investigation.



Well this is the CW. So inappropriate wardrobe at work, especially for some of the women is par for the course. I can't tell you how many times Felicity on Arrow has strutted into QC in a backless mini-dress and hooker heels.


Flash and Arrow also are comic book shows, and women in the comics often wear exaggerated clothes.  I'm guessing that's also why the Prison Break bros (especially Dominic) ham it up so much. 

  • Love 1

Finally, let me see if I got this right. Cisco is more disappointed that he revealed Barry's secret identity then he is that he just weaponized three people?  WTF???

Weaponizing 3 people is one thing, Barry's defeated 2 of them before so he knows their weaknesses, and Cisco would know Golden Glider's weakness.  So that's not a huge deal to him, but revealing Barry's identity to him is a betrayal of trust.  He sees it as betraying the family he can always go to, and who sees him as awesome.

  • Love 4

Weaponizing 3 people is one thing, Barry's defeated 2 of them before so he knows their weaknesses, and Cisco would know Golden Glider's weakness.


The problem with that is he doesn't really know their weaknesses he just happened to luck into Cold and Heatwave doing the dumbest thing they could possibly do. And even if Barry could easily beat those two, it would probably be after they use those guns on possibly innocent  people who happen to be trying to do their jobs.


Maybe it's just me, but if it came down to innocent civilians getting murdered or betraying my friend's trust, I'd be way more upset by the former.

  • Love 1

Well, at least some things changed, and not everything is back to normal.  Yes, no one is dead, and Barry/Iris is not only back to square one but maybe even behind that, but now Cold (and I'm guessing Heatwave and Lisa too) know The Flash is Barry, and Barry FINALLY thinks Harrison Wells is up to something.


While that part was great, Christ, Barry was being idiotic in a lot of this.  I get that he thought he had a second chance, but did he really think his plan to get Iris would work?  Dude, it took her father getting kidnapped and Central City getting ready to get hit by a massive wave to finally admit her feelings, in the first time-line.  It's going to take more then just asking her out for coffee and being all "Come on, baby!  You know you love me!"  Get it together, Barry.  This "nice guy" act is really making come off like a dick. He's just lucky that Iris and Eddie are both gullible enough to fall for Caitlin's lame excuse.


Flash the tossing The Weather Wizard into a cell was a bit amusing.  Dangerous.  I hope the cells don't have thin walls or intercoms. Because if anyone could lead a rebellion out of there, it would be Spartacus.


I don't care; I for one, love Wentworth Miller as Captain Cold.  I just find him so much fun in this role.  He is clearly loving every minute of it, and enjoying every cheesy line.  He really is one of my favorite villains.  The scene with him and Barry was awesome.  And, I liked that it basically had to end in a compromise, do to him knowing Barry's identity.  Barry was just like "Fine!  I'll let you go, but lay off the killing!", and Cold was like "I'll... try?"  I really hope whatever involvement he has in the spin-off, won't stop him from showing up here.


Peyton List was way better here then in The Tomorrow People. Granted, a lot of that could be Lisa is kind of evil, while I was actually suppose to like Cara.  I guess Peyton's better at being the bad gal.


Poor Cisco.  I know I was suppose to feel for Dante at the end, but he still kind of sucks to me.  Really, the whole family is lame.  No wonder Cisco is looking for another family.  It's just too bad the one he found was Harrison Wells.  Wells using the "son" line again in this time-line, was creepy.


Farewell, Mason Bridge!  Another victim of the Reverse Flash. At least it was via hand through chest, and he didn't give you to Grodd like what happened to poor Eiling.


Glad the show finally decided to have Iris and Joe actually interact with each other as a family.  They remembered they are actually related!


Next week, looks like it's going to be the real event.  Mark Hamill!

  • Love 1

She doesn't have to end up hurting him. She loves him and she loves Barry. She will end up with only one of them so why not Eddie? There's no need for them to carry on with this Barry/Iris stuff because it makes less and less sense every week. What good is love that is only realized in a crisis? Most love is experienced in more calm moments which she's chosen to spend with Eddie. This need not change. And I don't think we really need to watch her finally realize her feelings for Barry who should have learned from his overeagerness and decided to leave Iris alone. There's still plenty for her to do on the show now that Mason has been killed. 


I know that this storyline will never end but what I hope is that they move on from it for a while and only get back to it in the second half of the final season of the series.


Your're right, she's with Eddie right now since he's her choice and they're happy together. But relationships aren't all forever, and certainly not for most twenty-five year old in their first serious relationship. Since this is a drama, they're bound to have troubles late season one, or mid-season two, when they'll have their first (and possibly final) break up. From there on whatever Iris does romantically isn't a condition  of what she's doing right now, since we'll assume she'll have grown and progressed as a character.


CW is usually a lot more messy with relationship drama, so this one has been a nice surprise IMO. 

Edited by driedfruit

Yikes, I can't believe they're bringing Wentworth Miller and the other guy into the new spin-off. I'm not sure if they see what's going on, but their acting is so over the top, so stilted, so wooden and terrible, it's embarrassing. It's like "How am I watching this? How did a director let this happen?"

I thought Miller was fine in previous episodes, but he was terrible tonight. It's a delicate balance. I think he just became too aware of his performance "This is the part where I overact. People love it. It's my thing now. I must make it clear to the audience that I am intentionally overacting here." 

The "lightning psychosis" was great. I can't believe they bought it. But I suppose them thinking that Barry has mental issues related to his injury they can ignore his strangeness at least until the finale. 

Just another reset button in an episode full of them. Can't change anything between Barry and Iris, in any way. Does Linda get the "LP" pitch to, to put her and Barry back together?


Wells' speech about how how if you try to improve the timeline, "time" will find a way to do something even worse was annoying and unscientific. "Time" is not a thinking being that cares about good or bad. And there were no negative consequences from what Barry changed. The Rogues were still going to do their thing. Cisco being dead would have been a problem for them, but it's not as if Barry would prefer that outcome. The only thing Barry screwed up was the relationship thing, and that was easily fixed with LP, so no, "Time" did not really care about what Barry did. 

  • Love 1

Wells' speech about how how if you try to improve the timeline, "time" will find a way to do something even worse was annoying and unscientific. "Time" is not a thinking being that cares about good or bad. And there were no negative consequences from what Barry changed. The Rogues were still going to do their thing. Cisco being dead would have been a problem for them, but it's not as if Barry would prefer that outcome. The only thing Barry screwed up was the relationship thing, and that was easily fixed with LP, so no, "Time" did not really care about what Barry did. 

Mason Bridge is dead, his evidence is erased, and Barry has it in his mind that he can go back in time.  So there are consequences for what Barry did.

Edited by Jediknight

Well this is the CW. So inappropriate wardrobe at work, especially for some of the women is par for the course. I can't tell you how many times Felicity on Arrow has strutted into QC in a backless mini-dress and hooker heels. rs.

Yes the cw is ridiculous about that in general but there is a difference between heels and over the knee boots. Which remind me of pretty woman more than anything.

Thinking back to Iris' confession last week and her response this week, I wonder if she's still in the angry stage. Her response to Joe that Barry waited too late almost came off like she was a little ticked at him. I got the same vibe when he spoke with her at Jitters.

Interesting. I do agree that she sounded angry this week. Almost like she blames Barry for ruining her perfect little world maybe? Or for making her make a decision? If she didn't love Barry she would have been in the if right for telling him to back off but since she does she just pissed me off in that little scene.

Oh! Also Eddie was sort of adorable when he came up and hugged Barry. I wish this whole iris/Barry thing wasn't in the works because I like Eddie.

Edited by Shanna

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