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S07.E17: Fix It Therapy

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I dunno Cynthia, you dumbass bitch, how do you have a conversation with someone who won't admit they're wrong?  Maybe we should ask Phaedra....


And Kenya tagging Nene for being the antagonist of the group is laughable....like guffaw laughable.


All of these women are exhausting.  The last thing I wanna hear is Claudia boo-hooing about how bullied she was as a child.

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I need a gif of Kandi tearing up them chicken fingers like RIGHT NOW.


I really enjoyed NeNe and Phaedra laughing and having girl talk. Funny NeNe can always endear me to her again.


The Barely Agency and Bar None had me screaming.


We all know Nene can dish it but can't take it. Why did we need to see that for the millionth time.


I wish Claudia, Cynthia, and Kenya would  get the hell on. 

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Soooo, does it make me a bad person that I think Kandi cared more for business than Phaedra did for Apollo?

Here's my issue with Phaedra on this. If you are so tight with someone, then come straight with them - not in a talking head then say something different to their face. If Kandi was worried about telling who knows how many people they out a job - money they were expecting that they turned down jobs for (if I remember it may have been Don Juan said that), I'd be worried too. Maybe it was something else going on too. I get Phaedra dealing with some jacked up mess, but call your 'real friend' out on it if you care so much. To go to others you've had big issues with about me - I'd give you side eye too.

  • Love 20


(For the most part) I can give Phaedra a pass for wearing whatever she wants when she's at home or out with "friends" - but when she wears a see-through white lace button down shirt with a black bra to work at a law office - I just can't; although maybe the dress code for Southern law firms is different from stuffy Philly...

I was like "!" when I saw that. Wouldn't a judge kick her out of court for wearing that?


I can't believe Nene wore that wig out of the house. That was INSANE.


Claudia's interest in stand-up seems out of nowhere, and she really isn't funny. Her jokes with Demetria (who?) weren't funny and her talking heads aren't either.

  • Love 12

Kandi kills me with the eye rolling. When she and Todd were doing their pros and cons list, he (overly gently, very obviously walking on egg shells) tells her what he feels one of her cons is -the whole point of the exercise- and she scoffs and rolls her eyes. And then adds that snarky comment after he'd left that she knows one of his cons will be about her dealing with her mother. Uh, yea, hello. So she wants him to be open and to get to the bottom of their issues... but only as long as he says what she wants to hear? It doesn't actually work that way. How can he not feel less than happy when he's in a relationship where he's demeaned for having his own (very valid) feelings? She seems really self-centered to me.

  • Love 15

Nene's ego is just to much. Did she expect to just say whatever she wanted however she wanted and the other women were just going to agree with her. She needs to do some self reflection because the truth of the matter is she's had an issue with every single person on the show with the exception of maybe Porsha. It's you boo! Own your shit!

  • Love 21

I was like "!" when I saw that. Wouldn't a judge kick her out of court for wearing that?


I can't believe Nene wore that wig out of the house. That was INSANE.


Claudia's interest in stand-up seems out of nowhere, and she really isn't funny. Her jokes with Demetria (who?) weren't funny and her talking heads aren't either.


I thought she was trying out wigs for her Broadway performance, but didn't realize that she was playing the "Wicked Stepmother" instead of the Bride of Frankenstein.

I think this was one of her worst looks ever!!

Nene's ego is just to much. Did she expect to just say whatever she wanted however she wanted and the other women were just going to agree with her. She needs to do some self reflection because the truth of the matter is she's had an issue with every single person on the show with the exception of maybe Porsha. It's you boo! Own your shit!

This is the doctor that "helped" Nene and Gregg with their problems.  I think during her and Gregg's sessions, Gregg just sat here (probably holding her purse) and said "Yes dear", "You're right, dear", "Anything you want, dear"....and Nene thought that this session would go the same way.  


Unfortunately, the plan seems to have backfired.

  • Love 11

I liked Porsha and Kenya's hair.  I hated that necklace Porsha was wearing during her lunch with Phaedra.  I am not sure why anyone would willing wear a shackle and chain around their neck.


Thats all I got for this episode. 



Seeing her makeup in that photo, I'm more convinced than ever that NeNe is doing her own face and hair. Pepto Bismol lips and all.


Now its not the time to cut corners.  Maybe she should layoff the Laboutins and the Hermes instead of hair and makeup.

Edited by ToukieSmith
  • Love 5

Claudia's comedy was so bad. I do not think she is funny. I think it is because I feel like she is trying too hard to be funny, so it comes off as forced.


I cracked up at the shot of Kenya, Claudia, and Cynthia arriving at the therapy session with the bags on their arms, walking along side each other, like the movie Mean Girls. Are they the plastics?


I thought both Kandi and Phaedra probably did not communicate with each other well during the whole Apollo mess. Kandi probably did have stuff going on, but should have reached out. Also, Phaedra did not seem to be that forthcoming about the whole situation to Kandi earlier in the season. So I think they both needed to talk to each other. I just hated the whole way that it was brought up by Nene and by Porsha, like Kandi not immediately jumping up means she is a bad friend. I felt that the whole thing was blown up to be more than it really was.


Nene can never take what she dishes out, but that seems to be a problem with so many of the Housewives. Is there going to be more therapy? I would really like to see Cynthia called on her crap, more so than Kenya at this point. Though Kenya's main advisory Phaedra isn't even there.

Edited by Misslindsey
  • Love 5

I was like "!" when I saw that. Wouldn't a judge kick her out of court for wearing that?

I can't believe Nene wore that wig out of the house. That was INSANE.

Claudia's interest in stand-up seems out of nowhere, and she really isn't funny. Her jokes with Demetria (who?) weren't funny and her talking heads aren't either.

Re- Phaedra's outfit.

She was in her office, not in court. And filming , so probably no real clients coming to the office.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 3

(For the most part) I can give Phaedra a pass for wearing whatever she wants when she's at home or out with "friends" - but when she wears a see-through white lace button down shirt with a black bra to work at a law office - I just can't; although maybe the dress code for Southern law firms is different from stuffy Philly...


It's Phaedra's firm.

I almost feel sorry for Nene because she played that so wrong, and I'm betting they set her up to feel like she was going to be the savior.  How, at this point in her reality show career, has she not yet learned to shut up and let others hang themselves with their words?  


I'm glad Kandi brought up the "Cynthia's irrelevant" comments.  I feel like they're dancing around the impact of the show itself on the Cynthia/Nene explosion.  Watching shit back, reading all the commentary around it- that keeps issues alive longer.  Seeing someone try to get your ass fired- that has to sting.  I'm over pretending like it all is just the on-air "bitch" comment.  Why not put it all out there?


Last thought- it's super weird to watch these women, agree with them on Nene, and still not really be on their side.  But that's what it was for me.  They're right...but still not right, imho.

  • Love 5

I almost feel sorry for Nene because she played that so wrong, and I'm betting they set her up to feel like she was going to be the savior.  How, at this point in her reality show career, has she not yet learned to shut up and let others hang themselves with their words?  


I'm glad Kandi brought up the "Cynthia's irrelevant" comments.  I feel like they're dancing around the impact of the show itself on the Cynthia/Nene explosion.  Watching shit back, reading all the commentary around it- that keeps issues alive longer.  Seeing someone try to get your ass fired- that has to sting.  I'm over pretending like it all is just the on-air "bitch" comment.  Why not put it all out there?


Last thought- it's super weird to watch these women, agree with them on Nene, and still not really be on their side.  But that's what it was for me.  They're right...but still not right, imho.


Because they're terrible.  Kenya acting like she doesnt know why Nene didn't ki ki it up with her. It's because she don't like you and thinks you're shady and only occasionally wants to play the game and giggle. It's not a big secret.

  • Love 6

Other than Nene's Heatmiser/Coldmiser hair (thank you, Bosawks!) this shit was boring until about 45 minutes in.  In other words, when the group counseling session started. 


I figured that was going belly up as soon as Nene started braying and wouldn't keep her fat mouth shut.  You'd never know it was HER idea to bring in the therapist.


Porsha is dumb as a box of rocks but damn if girl's hair didn't look fantastic. 

  • Love 3

She unraveled so quickly over what I thought were modest comments. All her aggression seems to be a cover for how really emotionally underdeveloped and insecure she is

She is in total denial about how stupid and unimportant she really is. Not the magnanimous Queen of the World standing ready to cure all its ills at all. Take your ball and bat and go home. This show has been DONE for the last two years.

  • Love 7

I love that Kandi came right out and asked NeNe about how she completely dissed Cynthia for basically doing nothing except being insulted by NeNe's treatment of her husband. NeNe was showing her rear all over the place at that benefit and for once in his life, Peter had a point. I loved it. Words to the effect of, "Do you just throw away a friend who was so close to you?"


Poor NeNe, everyone's after her. That's because you have pissed and moaned at, and dismissed pretty much everyone on the show at one time or another. You want to be the queen? Then you should treat your subjects better, because they done dethroned your butt

Edited by renatae
  • Love 17

Nene's hair!  WTF?!  http://www.neneleakes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Nene-Leakes-example-of-being-true-to-yourself-rhoa.jpg  ROFLMFAO


I really wish Nene would say why she has a major issue with Cynthia's behavior besides, "Really?!  I haven't been a good friend to you?!  You don't want to go there."  I mean, just say you have a problem with the fact that you two made up after "Peter-is-a-bitch-gate" and were hanging out and going to each other's houses for dinner, etc, and you don't understand why all of a sudden Cynthia was bitching about "Peter-is-a-bitch-gate" again.  Simple as that!  Put Cynthia in her place for being two faced.


Claudia's doing standup huh?  I hope they show the clip of her saying her ex boyfriend was so black he would be good at playing an orangutan or monkey in Planet Of The Apes.  I can't stand that heffa!!!


I see why Kandi has thunder thighs.  Just about every episode of this show each season, she's stuffing her face at some point.  Nobody else was eating but her and her face chewing is not attractive.


I don't care what anybody says.  Phaedra is still the queen of the subtle dig.  When she said her mother supports Cynthia's modeling career by ordering from the plus-sized catalogues Cynthia models for, I thought I would die laughing!  lol

Edited by swankie
  • Love 9

While I think Nene was dead wrong for walking out, part of me was just trying to figure out why everyone was bringing her up. Doesn't Claudia have more of an issue with Porsha at this point? How about Kenya bringing up the fact that Porsha dropped her ass at the reunion? I mean, wasn't the purpose of the therapy for them all to work out their issues? Seriously, we all knew (and so did the women know) a pile-on wasn't going to fly with Nene.

Edited by lovetowrite73
  • Love 3

Nene's hair! WTF?! http://www.neneleakes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Nene-Leakes-example-of-being-true-to-yourself-rhoa.jpg ROFLMFAO

I really wish Nene would say why she has a major issue with Cynthia's behavior besides, "Really?! I haven't been a good friend to you?! You don't want to go there." I mean, just say you have a problem with the fact that you two made up after "Peter-is-a-bitch-gate" and were hanging out and going to each other's houses for dinner, etc, and you don't understand why all of a sudden Cynthia was bitching about "Peter-is-a-bitch-gate" again. Simple as that! Put Cynthia in her place for being two faced.

She can't because then she'd have to admit to her fire Cynthia campaign that she did after the filming of the season. I loved how she threw it back to Cynthia with her "tell me what I did to you", knowing that Cynthia wouldn't be able to verbalize it. Glad that Kandi brought up, you know, after she finished her chicken strips.

While I think Nene was dead wrong for walking out, part of me was just trying to figure out why everyone was bringing her up. Doesn't Claudia have more of an issue with Porsha at this point? How about Kenya bringing up the fact that Porsha dropped her ass at the reunion? I mean, wasn't the purpose of the therapy for them all to work out their issues? Seriously, we all knew (and so did the women know) a pile-on wasn't going to fly with Nene.

It certainly stemmed from all Nene's pontificating, because everyone was having clear reaction to the nonsense she was spewing. The therapist was trying to get at the reasons for those reactions before moving forward and jumping into the actual problems. He just wasn't counting on Nene's combative responses, or her complete rudeness to him. What did she say to him, something along the lines of he doesn't represent her and he doesn't know her like that? It was just so out of line and immature.

I agree with whoever said up thread that what the ladies where saying to Nene was very modest. And she took it all like the "grown woman" she is. Did she really expect that she would be the only one to speak and to tell the other women how wrong they all are? I think she got a rude awakening. Unfortunately, she won't change anything, because she knows it all (just like she doesn't need acting lessons).

Edited by luckyroll3
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