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S30.E03: Crazy Is As Crazy Does

Tara Ariano
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Hoho ! Like Lindsay on Blue Collar tribe.  Fiesty girl, calling out huge Christian asshole Mike.


I like all three women on Blue Collar.  Dislike all 3 men.

Edited by susannot
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I think that Hali is compassionate, but is that her reasoning behind voting for Will instead of Nina? It just seemed odd that Hali, Jenn, and Joe all didn't vote for the same person.

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Agree.  That was very meh.  I guess there was only so much they could do to hide a very obvious boot.


I want to start a drinking game with how often Rodney says "bro."

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I thought it was  great episode, yeah the boot was obvious but they are doing great job showing the dynamics of each tribe. I think this format of only having one challenge per episode is the key to that.

Edited by LanceM
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I thought it was very interesting how Tyler seemed to be playing both sides with the idol.  He seemed to be genuinely bonding with Joaquin, but  Carolyn certainly didn't seem like she was worried he might say anything.  I had forgotten he even knew about it until his confessional.  I don't know.  I just think he's someone to watch.  He's playing very well so far.

Edited by vb68
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Rodney's a genius.

Rodney: "Whether you do the most or the lest". I literally rewound that three times to make sure I heard it correctly.

I'm still watching, but I had to comment on that.

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There's not really anyone emerging as someone to root for, which is a problem.  White Collar is full of obnoxious people and maybe Tyler is fine.  Blue Collar has asshole dudes, two very quiet women who might be cool but don't get to talk ever, and Lindsay who was an ass (there's standing up for yourself and denigrating someone's belief structure to score points) tonight.  And No Collar is just so dumb and disorganized.  Being down to three people I COULD like three episodes in is not good.  And I don't actually like anyone.


Meanwhile, people named Hayley (or Hali) on CBS reality shows are apparently mandated to have incredibly obnoxious voices.

Edited by enlightenedbum
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Not exactly a surprise that Nina went home.  I wonder if she would have fared better if she'd been put on the White Collar tribe.


Joe seems to be quite diplomatic.  


I like the three-tribe division because it's easier to get to know everyone, but I could really do without the enforced collar-related stereotypes.  I don't care if No-Collar is the only team that would think of surfing, or if Blue-Collar thinks it has the best work ethic.  


There are very few situations in which it's okay to tell someone their mother is a whore, even as a joke.  Trying to work your way into a group's good graces is probably not one of those situations.  Dan's an idiot.  Even so, when the blue-collar team finally goes to tribal council I hope they vote Mike out first so there won't be a whole season of Christian/anti-Christian remarks.  Though I don't think there's much chance of any of the guys on the blue team making it too far into the game.  (Maybe that's wishful thinking on my part.)


I could do without Shirin comparing a woman who wants a baby to monkey-fucking. 



I think this format of only having one challenge per episode is the key to that.



I like the one-challenge thing because I think it would make it less likely a team would throw a challenge when there's a reward as well as immunity.  But yeah, the fact that it leaves more time for team dynamics is another benefit.  

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I don't understand Blue Collar's animosity against Mike. The editors are doing something there I don't understand. 


Jeff having to articulate why the producers put Nina in "No Collar" shows how this collar bit is crap. 


Joe continues to be my favorite, but Tyler intrigues me. If those two would trust each other, they'd be a powerhouse to watch. Post-merge - if they make it that far - of course. 

Edited by Dust Bunny
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and Lindsay who was an ass (there's standing up for yourself and denigrating someone's belief structure to score points)


I guess it's one of those YMMV things, but I loved that, made me like Lindsey a little more. If you're going to be in people's faces about your religion, I think it's fair game.

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Agree.  That was very meh.  I guess there was only so much they could do to hide a very obvious boot.


I want to start a drinking game with how often Rodney says "bro."


I actually started calling him Brodney during his rant 

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Joe continues to be my favorite



I thought he came off quite well in the episode even with making the bad call with Nina in the challenge.  He's getting quite a good edit.  And I think he was probably right that there was less paranoia without Vince.

Edited by vb68
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Such a sad episode.  Nina truly wasn't just on the wrong tribe, she never belonged in this game.  I didn't get Joe's "strategery".


Carolyn/Tyler should get to the final 4.  She needs to be careful not to get to smug with that HII in her pocket,  They have an easy boot with Shirin and keep "Juak" for a post merge big target.


Blue Collar is set up to implode soon.  Spare me the fake "yer momma" outrage, steroid boy.  Lots of ugliness on that tribe.


The two-hour episode must hold us through some "March Madness".  

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Ok..I can almost understand Joe's strategy in sending Nina ahead over the obstacles, the first time they tried it, but after it didn't work and the no collars managed to spill half of their water on the ground, why did they keep doing it? Nina is neither old, nor frail, and she is certainly in better shape than Will. What was Joe thinking..that her deafness made her lame too? As much as Nina's sad sack attitude has annoyed me, I can sympathize with her on that one. 


But I can't blame them for voting her off. Halli was totally correct in saying that you have to blend with the tribe to stay in the tribe. When she wouldn't try the lizard..when everybody was bending over backward to include her, I knew she was doomed. BTW..I've eaten lizard, though the ones I ate were dried and crunchy (It was Japan, what can i say) and there is nothing to be squeamish about. They're not bugs! (though I've eaten those too) 


Blue Collar really bugs, at least the guys. They alternate between macho pissing contests, and getting hurt feelings when somebody says something about their mothers or their religion. What, are they twelve? Their camp must reek of testosterone.


I guess Shireen is too "wacky" to be a white collar. I was actually surprised that White collar didn't end up in tribal council the way the previous-lies kind of indicated. but i guess TPTB were trying to build in a bit of suspense. 

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Dan insults Rodney's mother


I loved Lindsey's comment, and I'm from Oklahoma, so I hear Texas bashed on a daily basis, but I'm with you on the mother thing, I don't know what the hell Dan was thinking. It seemed like he was trying to joke around, but that was just nuts.

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Not much to like with the people that actually speak.  I hope the no-collar folks get exactly what they deserve with Will.  He's in terrible shape and has definitely been holding them back thus far.  I thought he was amusing at first, but I'm not finding him that anymore.

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The challenge seemed pretty basic. I was distracted when Jeff was explaining it and so I kept thinking there was another element after filling up the bucket. I was so surprised when it was over. I think I understand Joe's strategy but I actually think it would have worked better if Will was the one left at the end because seems he was the one that slowed them down and Nina probably would have been faster. 


I did think the episode did a good job of showing some of the dynamics of all the tribes and teasing who may be on the chopping block for each so it wasn't very obvious which tribe would lose the challenge. I thought the reactions to seeing the new No Collar tribe was interesting. I'm guessing it was probably surprise that they would have gotten rid of a strong player like Vince, especially if they all observed Will screwing up the challenge so badly. 


While I do think Nina was whiny, I thought all that "you need to be more No Collar" at tribal council was ridiculous. I sort of get the rationale that she had to do her part to get along with them and it shouldn't have been all on them. But the way the tribes, or at least No Collar are taking these stupid titles so seriously is ridiculous. Interesting that Hali voted for Will - I actually thought it would be Jenn when I first saw the votes, since she seemed pretty vocal against Will. It's interesting that once again everyone wasn't all on the same page with the votes. 

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IDK why No Collar kept Will. He's useless and untrustworthy but somehow he'll probably make it to the merge unless they lose the next immunity challenge. They really didn't give Nina a chance but Nina proved that she's not the smartest player either with telling Will about what Vince said, but she could have worded it better than the way she did when speaking to Will. That strategy of basically sitting Nina out of the challenge was just plain dumb when they could have used her to plug up some holes and have more water to put it and on top of that they barely got any water in the bucket. Which proved what I said last week, you don't vote off strong players early on like they did with Vince. He probably could have helped them way more than what Will is attributing to the challenges.


Lindsay on Blue Collar really needs to shut up. I can understand being upset over someone keep pushing for somebody to do work around camp, but she was being offensive towards him in respect to his religion. She must think she's Queen B or something and can't wait for her to be eliminated and hopefully blindsided cause I'm not gonna like her. 


Rodney, don't like mother being called a whore but he has no problem using his sister's death to gain an alliance or get women to possibly sleep with. If you're lightheaded you shouldn't spend that time arguing.


Nothing much happening on White Collar this week, that I really took notice of. 

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 Lindsay who was an ass (there's standing up for yourself and denigrating someone's belief structure to score points) tonight.  


I didn't get that Lindsay was denigrating Mike's beliefs at all.   Rather, she noted that he had a bible verse tattooed on his back, and that he was being a bossy asshole, ordering people around camp.  Which he was.  She then awesomely called him out on his loud opinion that no one was doing any work around camp but him, culminating with her statement that "well who do you think made that fire?  Your god and his beard?"  I realize that statement offends some people but I agree with Lindsay and was offended by Mike.

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Such a predictable outcome to TC it really was a wasted of time tonight.


I guess Will and Nina were both perceived as equally unhelpful to the Tribe's future chances at Immunity, and equally likely disloyal post-merge.  So I suppose tonight shows, once again, how important it is to just not be a pain in the ass.


Also, the VO we heard from Nina tonight answered the question that was left hanging after last week about whether she realized the role she played in getting Vince booted.  Nina is just awesomely bad at Survivor.  (and I bet they put her on a Tribe with someone versed in sign-language and comfortable around deaf people thinking that might help her chances.  But she never bothered to actually try to relate to anyone on her Tribe and find that out.

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I didn't have much hope for my hometown once he told his dead "sistah" story Day 1. Now tonight he continues to embarrass with his raging rant. Way to keep the Mass-hole stereotype alive, Bro. ROIDney can't be bounced soon enough for me. Really, I know it's hard to refute based on reality TV, but not everyone from Boston, or Mass or New England is a dick.

Nina shouldn't have been cast based on her insecurities and lack of game play. It has nothing to do with her self perceived "disadvantage".

I still don't like Jen. She just seems like one of those people who'd say something mean to you, then be offended because you get mad & can't appreciate that she's just keepin' it real, dude.

Edited by BusyOctober
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On a night when Rodney's Mom AND The Almighty got disrespected what really leaped out at me was that I haven't heard Texas get dissed so badly since racist Aryn Gries of BIG BROTHER tried to palm off the stuff that came out of her mouth as that's the way they roll in Texas. Outraged quickly exploded on the TWOP boards. C'mon Rodney some people want to live in the Lone Star State.


I hope Will realizes that it was a huge mistake to vote out VINCE. Say what you will about the man but he would not have come up with a  hairbrained strategy to sit ANYONE out when you needed EVERYONE to plug those holes. Plus he was strong.


Jenn I believe is one of the most reprehensible people to ever play the game. I sick of her smug face and her cocky intollerant attitude. I await the day her torch is snuffed.


I am struggling desperatly to find someone...anyone to root for this season. For now I guess I'm going to have to go with The State Trooper who has no name but did land one confessional tonight. She seems pretty inoffensive.


I miss watching Natalie play this game...now there was the winningest winner whoever won.

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Rodney's a genius.

Rodney: "Whether you do the most or the lest". I literally rewound that three times to make sure I heard it correctly.

I'm still watching, but I had to comment on that.


 Didn't he also say, "the matter of the fact is..."

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Which proved what I said last week, you don't vote off strong players early on like they did with Vince. He probably could have helped them way more than what Will is attributing to the challenges.


To be fair, most of the tribe didn't want Vince off, they wanted Nina off, for that very reason.  Will sort of screwed them by switching his vote.  

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Hali said "we are between a rock and a hard place" when deciding who to vote out? No, girl. You are "on Easy Street" does she understand what that phrase means?

Hate Lindsay. Hate Rodney. Hate Dan. Others, meh.

There is nobody to root for. Horrible casting.

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Can't find any place else to put this question.  Does anyone know why Survivor is 2 hours on March 18?


Probably not going to be on the following Wednesday due to CBS and the NCAA basketball tournament. That's the reason The Amazing Race is taking 2 weeks off after this Friday's episode.

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Hali said "we are between a rock and a hard place" when deciding who to vote out? No, girl. You are "on Easy Street" does she understand what that phrase means?


I knew what she meant, Will was the better boot because he's so out of shape, but Nina was so annoying with her constant complaining about being an outsider, that it was bringing down camp morale. Of course, I can see it from your viewpoint, they were both good boots for different reasons, but I got what she was saying.

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"what really leaped out at me was that I haven't heard Texas get dissed so badly since racist Aryn Gries of BIG BROTHER tried to palm off the stuff that came out of her mouth as that's the way they roll in Texas."


Really?  That is the way they roll in White Texas.  


Own it.

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I didn't get that Lindsay was denigrating Mike's beliefs at all.   Rather, she noted that he had a bible verse tattooed on his back, and that he was being a bossy asshole, ordering people around camp.  Which he was.  She then awesomely called him out on his loud opinion that no one was doing any work around camp but him, culminating with her statement that "well who do you think made that fire?  Your god and his beard?"  I realize that statement offends some people but I agree with Lindsay and was offended by Mike.

Everything right up to and including "Who do you think made that fire?" was a great argument. But since Mike never said he and God were the only ones working, that last segue was going into Strawman/ Ad Hominem territory. Which unfortunately makes the rest of it less compelling. I argue with people all the time. And of course most of those people are Christians or theists, because most people in this country are. But that's very rarely what arguments are about. If the subject is who works harder or something like that, taking shots at their religion just feels like changing the subject. And since changing the subject is the best way to convince somebody that they were actually winning the argument, even when they weren't, it's just not conducive to accomplishing anything.

Now do I personally disagree with Mike that religion is a big factor in work ethic? Yes. But we never saw him saying that except in private. 

Edited by CletusMusashi
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Geez, what a gross, unlikeable bunch of people. Split the million between Tyler and the state trooper and be done with it.

And that guy is clearly a better Christian than I am, because I would have had the strong urge to slap the taste out of tattoo-face's mouth. I don't remember him bringing up his religion during that fight, so for her to be vulgar and insulting about it was definitely offensive to me.

If they were looking to cast a whiny deaf person, they should've just gone with Luke from TAR. At least he could've done the physical challenges.

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