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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

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My hypothesis:

Jill invited the entire Duggar clan.  The only members who felt obligated to attend were Anna and, by marriage default, Josh.  Because of the sole reason of ANNA DUGGAR being Nathan’s sister.   I have a feeling there is still bad blood between the Dugs and Jilly over Jinger’s wedding invite.  So yeah. 

I’m almost certain that Jill is frustrated as heck that the Duggs didn’t show up in full force.  Honestly, why would they feel obligated to attend in normal circumstances, let alone during COVID?  Honestly, my brother’s brother-in-law’s daughter is getting married.  I’m not being invited and I’m more than fine with it.  There is enough family and close friends to more than fill the church without me there.  


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18 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

I'd like to know that as well. They got married after the Jinger fiasco, so I doubt they were even invited. How on earth would Kendra know Jill?

Does Jill ever use instastories? Maybe Kendra was caught viewing them or accidentally liked a post and earned a follow as penance. I'd imagine Kendra has heard a few "bless her heart" type stories about Jill. 

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1 hour ago, Temperance said:

Did Anna and Josh not bring the kids? Anyone know?

I thought I spied one of the M'girls in that pic showing the sexpest at the ceremony.

Edited by scriggle
Damn you auto correct
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4 hours ago, Normades said:

I'll bet Anna and Josh turned their noses up if/when asked to be in the wedding party.  Say what you will about David and Priscilla, but I think they have more manners and seem to be nicer people (not a high bar). 

I have no doubt that Josh and Anna are assholes, but I don't think turning down Jill's invite to be part of that wedding makes them assholes. The way one goes about it can be, but Jill is a complete asshole herself, and I don't blame anyone for noping out of that invite. 

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6 minutes ago, Zella said:

I have no doubt that Josh and Anna are assholes, but I don't think turning down Jill's invite to be part of that wedding makes them assholes. The way one goes about it can be, but Jill is a complete asshole herself, and I don't blame anyone for noping out of that invite. 

I can sort of see the Pecans being in the wedding party. David may be a mentor of sorts to Nathan through Gothard. And then you can't leave out Prissy. Smuganna have no real ties to Nathan other than being a big sister to the groom. I doubt they were close growing up... different sexes and age gap.

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26 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

They really don’t care about corona do they? Shakes head sadly.

It just blows my mind. Jill, David, and Anna have family in wheelchairs because of serious accidents. Others in their circle have suffered miscarriages, cancer, and other illnesses (which generally make them run to a hospital for modern medicine). Obviously, misfortunate can come to them as to anyone else. 

Do they really think they can just flaunt themselves in the face of the virus and think God will protect them, or do they live in a conspiracy theory bubble in which the virus is just a hoax? My logical mind can't wrap itself around this. They travel and gather here and there, and I have to force myself not to wish them ill. Unfortunately, the virus doesn't care a bit who they think they are. 

No, the Ark thing is not on my bucket list, Anna. Nothing to cross off. 

I'm going to vote for Jill being pissed with the Duggars for not showing up in force for her party. All those nice invitations she paid postage to send. All that purple cake left uneaten. All those unsnapped photos of Jill hugging various members of the famous TV Duggar family. I think Nurie and Nathan were so glad to get married they could not have cared less. 

I really wonder how much of the cost of this wedding the Dingii paid. Jill is SEVERELY going to suck them dry. 

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40 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

They really don’t care about corona do they? Shakes head sadly.

Sadly, that attitude isn't limited to Duggars. Half my neighborhood was having pool parties last weekend. 

38 minutes ago, Zella said:

I have no doubt that Josh and Anna are assholes, but I don't think turning down Jill's invite to be part of that wedding makes them assholes. The way one goes about it can be, but Jill is a complete asshole herself, and I don't blame anyone for noping out of that invite. 

Yeah, me neither. Anna barely knows Nurie, and being a bridesmaid is a pain in the ass when you're a single woman, let alone married with six kids. I agree with the theory that Jill is pissed the bulk of the family didn't attend, and unfollowing Anna and Kendra on social media is her juvenile way of getting back at them.

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I bet the Duggars that didn't attend still all sent gifts.Jill still loves a good grift,and Michelle has always donated to their fundraisers.

Except maybe Kendra and Joe,thus the unfollow.lol



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11 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

Do they really think they can just flaunt themselves in the face of the virus and think God will protect them, or do they live in a conspiracy theory bubble in which the virus is just a hoax? My logical mind can't wrap itself around this.

They seem to stick with either Jesus will protect them or should they get the virus they will be comforted and safe in in the love of God, comforted and should they die, entering eternal glory or some such nonsense.

S.O.S. ministry leader guy Mike Schadt has been seriously ill with Covid for over a month now. last I saw he was slowly recovering but still in extreme pain. His wife Sandy is also ill.  I wonder what sins they have left unconfessed that they were not healed when the S.O.S. cfo and his wife were barely ill and "healed by the prayers of the saints"

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47 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

Maybe Jill followed Kendra because she is hoping that one of Kendra's sisters might be a match for Tim?  Then she would have another Duggar connection. 

Kendra has two sisters. One is the most speculated about Lauren Caldwell. She's 20 and is usually viewed by snarkers/fans as potential Duggar courtship. The other one is way too young to court. 

I think Jill R liked Kendra and Anna, because they seem to be the most conservative women in the family. Most of the other Duggar adult women wear pants (certainly Lauren Duggar and Abbie Duggar do). They share values. Kendra's parents are better looking and feed their family better than Jill R, but their basic worldviews are the same. 

Edited by Temperance
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Those purple wedding party bouquets were made with artificail flowers. I would rather have a bouquet of dandelions before I carried a "silk" flower arrangement. Ma Keller's hair looked atrocious. She could have at least gone to a cheap salon and had it washed, blown out and styled. It looked dirty and stringy. 

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At least in NC hair salons can’t use blow dryers. Not saying Ma Keller couldn’t have done something - anything - but a professional blow out was likely off the table.

One of my brothers got married on our parents’ wedding anniversary, and another brother got married on his wife’s parents’ anniversary. I think it’s sweet 💜

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4 hours ago, Fostersmom said:


I have no idea it they took the kids to the actual wedding, or if the Jill/Anna fight story is true, but Anna's Instagram has a brother with crutches/possible wheel chair and all of the kids. 



Good lord. The Smuggar family and mine were in the same place at almost the same time. We drove through Kentucky early last week and back through yesterday and today. (We go by both the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum. We stop at neither.)

Also: It’s been over 48 hours!!  Where are the pictures and the glowing, overblown write up???  Jill is slipping!! How will everyone know that Nurie is now ANNA DUGGAR’S sister in law????

Edited by irisheyes
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3 hours ago, Lady Edith said:

My hypothesis:

Jill invited the entire Duggar clan.  The only members who felt obligated to attend were Anna and, by marriage default, Josh.  Because of the sole reason of ANNA DUGGAR being Nathan’s sister.   I have a feeling there is still bad blood between the Dugs and Jilly over Jinger’s wedding invite.  So yeah. 

I’m almost certain that Jill is frustrated as heck that the Duggs didn’t show up in full force.  Honestly, why would they feel obligated to attend in normal circumstances, let alone during COVID?  Honestly, my brother’s brother-in-law’s daughter is getting married.  I’m not being invited and I’m more than fine with it.  There is enough family and close friends to more than fill the church without me there.  


Jilly and Jinger’s wedding invite??  Do tell!

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11 minutes ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

At least in NC hair salons can’t use blow dryers. Not saying Ma Keller couldn’t have done something - anything - but a professional blow out was likely off the table.

One of my brothers got married on our parents’ wedding anniversary, and another brother got married on his wife’s parents’ anniversary. I think it’s sweet 💜

I have a question about this taking it to small talk. 

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And Jill couldn't even hold Nurie's bouquet. She dumped it on Kaylee. She needed all the attention on her as she dabbed her fake tears (can't smudge the green eyeliner!).

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Holy cow, dramatic much?  I always associate "farewell" as something you say to someone you are never going to see again.

Jill needs to grow up.  I only have 3 kids and 2 of them live in different states.  Of course I was sad when they left but we didn't sit around weeping on the last night- I only cried after they were gone.  

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I can just see Jill telling them to gather round and cry for the camera. 🙄

Maybe those poor kids were crying tears of joy because they thought with Nurie being gone, they'd get an ounce more of her share of breadcrumbs at meals. 

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1 minute ago, Zella said:

I can just see Jill telling them to gather round and cry for the camera. 🙄

Worse, I can see her gathering them around, picking up her phone and start telling them how sad they should be because they’re hardly ever going to see her again. 

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Anybody else notice that David Rodrigues didn't even bother to button his damn suit jacket to walk his firstborn down the aisle? Jill and David weren't behind the door when class was handed out, they were ten miles away and walking in the opposite direction. 

I know somebody will say he COULDN'T button his suit jacket over his enormous gut. I thought the same. But the jacket appears to be big enough to cover his belly. 

Other thoughts: Nathan and Nurie are both so homely, any children they produce will either be butt-ugly or absolutely stunning, in the weird way of human genetics. And they're both so skinny, I can see them producing kids who are as rotund as the grandfathers. 

Edited by Heathen
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1 hour ago, satrunrose said:

Sometimes you see a picture that just makes you want to get in a car, head for Ohio, scoop up those two little waifs and be on a plane and stuffing them full of mcnuggets before their 'parents' notice anything's wrong. 

Veggies and milk later, we'll start with all the mcnuggets they can eat.

I'll be glad to throw in some large chocolate shakes as well

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1 hour ago, Heathen said:


Other thoughts: Nathan and Nurie are both so homely, any children they produce will either be butt-ugly or absolutely stunning, in the weird way of human genetics. And they're both so skinny, I can see them producing kids who are as rotund as the grandfathers. 

Yes,I've seen beautiful children come from rather homely looking parents,and homely looking kids come from beautiful parents.There's really no way to tell.Dna is a weird thing.

That said,I wish them nothing but beautiful,healthy,intelligent children who somehow manage to get an education and get a good career,in spite of all the fundie obstacles before them

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3 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

You’d think Nuri was dying. 🙄

Actually that's pretty tame by fundie standards.

The Maxwells talked about crying very hard when their first son Nathan got married and he moved next door or the house behind them, etc. 

Harold Mally is the father of two daughters, both of whom lived at home until they got each got married (two weddings less than a year ago). His words were way more dramatic. His older daughter Sarah (Mally, not Maxwell), got married in May at age 41 and we were chatting here about it. His younger daughter Grace was the first to get married in November 2019 and here's what old Harold said about 30/31-year-old daughter getting married. He's describing walking his daughter the aisle.

"We turned right and walked slowly to the center aisle. We stopped, turned left, and then simply stood there looking down this 50-foot white runner lined by candles and people. Standing at the other end were the groom and the preacher. We stood waiting for 6 or 7 seconds before taking our first steps. Time stood still. I felt like Tevya in Fiddler on the Roof when the motion stops, and he sees his daughter in the distance, and he is pondering the weight of what is happening. These few seconds looking down that white 50-foot path was, if it’s okay to refer to it this way, in the emotions of a father – the beginning of the end.

That doesn’t actually sound good for a father to say about walking his daughter down the aisle. It sounds negative. But that is not how it’s meant. To think that misses the point of what is actually happening, at least from a father’s viewpoint.As Grace and I paused there at the top of the aisle, we paused for a long time, or what seemed long. And as I stared down that glittering path ahead of me, a path I must travel, I finally felt the full impact of the event. The aisle represents more than meets the eye, and is weightier than one might think, until you are standing there gazing at the front. It represent a finality. At the end of the 50 feet in front of me something was coming to an end. Fifty feet away was a life change that was permanent. 

Staring down this glowing white scene drove home the power or impact of what was about to happen.  The drama was not that we were in the spotlight. The drama was that there was something scary at the end – it’s called “an end.” A true end. It was an intimidating realization that hit hard at that moment with some more-than-expected force. “I’m facing a finality! I’m only 50 feet away from it! A final end of family as it is!”

None of this is to make light of the fact that it was also a beginning. I knew that. And it is a bright beginning. A joyful one, a glorious one. Was there really an end? Yes, I guess one could say there was sort of a death and then a resurrection to something new. But in truth, both were good. It was a successful and wonderful conclusion and a joyful, glorious, new beginning. 

Oh the wonders of God’s ways; His designs, gifts and challenges, and His grace."

In some ways I guess it makes sense that it's harder for families that live together to be separated by marriage. I read a few articles and books that say historically marriage was like dramatic this for young women, because it was the first time they really left home. The articles speculated that part of the big elaborate weddings these days is subconsciously trying to rehash the drama getting married was for our ancestors. 

The little Rod girls crying reminds of the young Duggars crying at their sisters' weddings. 

Edited by Temperance
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I didn't know the younger Duggars cried at their siblings' weddings, but given the sister mom thing I can see why. The people who did more of the actual child raising were leaving them. I do remember watching a really awkward clip of Derick and Jill saying goodbye en route to Danger America and one of the younger girls just sobbing uncontrollably. I think it was right around the time of the Josh scandal, so I'm sure there was a lot of stress in that house in general, but if I remember correctly, Jill was the only one consoling her. Everyone else just stood there like a goober while she was crying. 

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Jennie was a wreck when Jill got married, but Jill was by far the closest to her buddy group.  My sister (8 years younger) wept when I left for college too, so I don’t think it’s necessarily out of the ordinary for younger siblings to cry when separated from the older adult sibling for the first time, especially if they have a close relationship or if the sibling is a surrogate parent.

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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7 hours ago, Zella said:

I can just see Jill telling them to gather round and cry for the camera. 🙄

Maybe those poor kids were crying tears of joy because they thought with Nurie being gone, they'd get an ounce more of her share of breadcrumbs at meals. 

Well, they're in thrall to a complete control freak. So I'm sure they pretty automatically respond to what she's wanting and signaling, before and beyond thought. And many of them probably believe the feelings they robotically demonstrate on (silent) command. While the demonstrations are happening, at least....

Not that they won't miss Nurie ... I'm sure at least some of them will miss her a lot...But revving up drama is a JR specialty....so I'm also sure the kids have that as part of their automatic equipment.....It'd be a matter of survival for them. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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