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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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I just watched as much as i could stomach of TFDW & Priscillas wedding.

1. Fabulous as they come. I had never seen anyone conduct singing at their own nuptials.

2. I have never seen so many unattractive people jammed into one place!

3. Jill in flip flops..ugh.

4. Priscilla and Anna are very pretty girls.

5. Josh really looks unhealthy.

6. Pews look way more comfortable nowadays.

7. Anna's mom looks FLDS.Just like one of Warren Jeff's wives.

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Ah feck. I did have hopes for that one. Why do they always end up being pregnant within a couple of months of being married?


Having said that, it must be hard for Erin. And that's the horrible twist of fate with these people. Rather than enjoying their life together, they focus on having babies. What do they do if it doesn't happen?

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Ah feck. I did have hopes for that one. Why do they always end up being pregnant within a couple of months of being married?

Having said that, it must be hard for Erin. And that's the horrible twist of fate with these people. Rather than enjoying their life together, they focus on having babies. What do they do if it doesn't happen?

Because Jesus magically put a baby in her uterus

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I think that Erin has dealt with this general situation with quite a lot of composure and grace (at least in public).  I also feel rather sympathetic for Chad.  He's been given the expectation that as a Christian patriarch he'll be the provider for a large, growing family and the script hasn't worked out like that.  I'm now rooting for them to go on adventures, go back to Ireland, become beauty youtubers, go on mission trips, whatever, to have a life such that their saddled-with-children siblings will envy THEM.

Edited by Gweilo
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I had high hopes for Alyssa too.  Oh well... guess they are happy and that is all that matters.


I do feel for Erin, but at the same time I am glad she is getting more "alone time" with her hubby.  It just makes me really sad that she is made to feel like a failure because she has been married for a WHOLE YEAR and it is still just the two of them.  


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I was watching the Erin & Chad Wedding episode. When Erin & Chad show Jessa & Bin their house, it looked like they didn't have a chaperone nor did they make the usual chaperone announcement before they went of who had been chosen to go with them. What's with that or did I miss something? I know the camera people were there but each couple could have locked themselves in one of the bedrooms & gotten it going on pretty quickly. Maybe Erin & Chad were more relaxed with their courting rules, but I doubt that relaxed. Also since Jim Boob is obsessed with the chaperone thing, we never heard him mention it on this occasion.

I was watching the Erin & Chad Wedding episode. When Erin & Chad show Jessa & Bin their house, it looked like they didn't have a chaperone nor did they make the usual chaperone announcement before they went of who had been chosen to go with them. What's with that or did I miss something? I know the camera people were there but each couple could have locked themselves in one of the bedrooms & gotten it going on pretty quickly. Maybe Erin & Chad were more relaxed with their courting rules, but I doubt that relaxed. Also since Jim Boob is obsessed with the chaperone thing, we never heard him mention it on this occasion.

I thought both couples left the Bates house together to go to Erin and Chad's house -- in that case Ben & Jessa were the chaperones; though I'm surprised there was no 5th wheel because both couples could have agreed that they could sneak a kiss or get it on with their partner somewhere in the house and no one was to report back to anyone else what happened. I think the Bates are more "normal" about this kind of thing -- not normal per say but I think they get that these "kids" will be married in 2 days, if they sneak a kiss in their own home -- that's up to their conscience/faith.

Edited by cereality
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Poor Kirk. Even the Duggars couldn't save his Saving Christmas. I wonder if the Duggars have actually seen it. Evidence suggests it contains dancing. Maybe only Jillard will be permitted, since they've already done Broadway. Perhaps Josh can redirect some of his influence.



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Hmm Kirk shows up at Jessa's wedding did he go there to pimp out his movie? Did he have a table where he sold said movie ala Lawson Bates. I'd really like to know why he showed up.

Darn today is Sunday and I completely forgot to check to see if Gothard has a church services today. I'd love to meet TFDW in person.

Poor Kirk. Even the Duggars couldn't save his Saving Christmas. I wonder if the Duggars have actually seen it. Evidence suggests it contains dancing. Maybe only Jillard will be permitted, since they've already done Broadway. Perhaps Josh can redirect some of his influence.


Kirk was on Hallmarks Home & Family show a few weeks ago promoting movie. There is dancing in it. He said his sister, who is a very good dancer, (not Candace who was on Dancing w/stars but another one) is dancing in the movie. I think he said some of his kids may also dance it. Maybe the Camerons could teach the Duggars some moves.

So I have this FB friend whose last name is Maxwell.  Never met him, he is a professional colleague from a FB page for people studying for a designation, and he friended me.  Super nice person, cute wife, only two children, never saw any Gothard-like tendencies.  Over the couple of years since, I could tell he was really religious, and recently noticed he was a true fan of the Duggars.  Okay, it happens!


Today, I saw something in my feed where he liked a post by Chris Jeub.  I was like Jeub, Jeub, where have I heard that name before.  I realized it was one of the families that was invited to (Jill's? Jessa's?  don't remember but prolly Jessa's) wedding and had posted some pictures.  More FB sleuthing revealed that he was a real friend of Chris Jeub, the kind where they are tagging each other in posts.  So I was already going to post tonight that I'd found I was only three degrees of separation from the Duggars (so weird in any case).  When I got into this thread, I realized that one of the other families surrounding the Duggars was named Maxwell.  Now I wonder, is the Maxwell I'm friends with one of THOSE Maxwells?  I haven't watched all of the shows and while I've heard the Maxwells mentioned, I can't say I've ever seen an episode with them.  I think I heard there is a Maxwell blog?  Anyone have the link?  Now I am so super curious.  I don't know him well enough to just ask.

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 Their blog is blog.titus2.com.  Some of the Maxwells have been to Duggar events in Tontitown.  Hm, with kids it would have to be Nathan or Christopher.  I think Christopher currently has two kids.  You have to let me know.  PM if you don't want to post it openly. 

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Christopher Maxwell does wedding photography, but I'm not sure what his "day" job (work-from-home...the Maxwells refuse to work for anyone other than their own) is. I think he might help Nathan (older brother who now has four kids, so it can't be him) with his IT work/seminars. Christopher's wife is pregnant with their third child. They live in Leavenworth, KS.


Hope I've given you enough clues to figure out if it's the same guy.

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So disappointed! They don't seem to be related. I would say there could be a family resemblance and he might be a cousin, but I looked through his friends list and I don't see any of the Maxwells from the blog. Plus this guy has a real job in a regular company. Thanks anyway, guys!

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I don't know him well enough to just ask.

I think you do if you ok'd him as a friend on FB!!

I have numerous "friends" on FB who are really professional colleagues. I didn't want to be rude by not accepting their friend requests, but I don't know them well at all. I'd characterize them as "potential friends."


I'm eager to see if the guy is one of those Maxwells!

On another topic, the UP network needs some communications help. 


Here's teaser for the Bateses' new show.



Edited by Literata
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I just read something, and I'm seeking verification.   The poster claimed that Anna's brother (Daniel?) and his wife had difficulty conceiving.  They adopted and were "shunned" from the family because if God wanted them to have a child, he would have made the wife pregnant.  I'm not saying I don't think this could happen in the Gothard world, I just don't see it happening from Anna's parents.  Any truth to it?

I just read something, and I'm seeking verification. The poster claimed that Anna's brother (Daniel?) and his wife had difficulty conceiving. They adopted and were "shunned" from the family because if God wanted them to have a child, he would have made the wife pregnant. I'm not saying I don't think this could happen in the Gothard world, I just don't see it happening from Anna's parents. Any truth to it?

A few Keller kids got shunned but recently they were all together. I believe Anna's brother or sister forgot which one, did adopt

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I thought several people said thanksgiving was at the Kellers.  I'm confused.

The Thanksgiving where Daniel was disinvited was several years back. Josh and Anna spent this year's holiday at the Keller's.



A few Keller kids got shunned but recently they were all together. I believe Anna's brother or sister forgot which one, did adopt

I believe it was the brother. I think Susannah was also temporarily shunned for giving birth out of wedlock, although she must be back in the fold since she was in the Thanksgiving picture. The only one missing was Esther, because she and her nutjob husband are still in Africa.

  • Love 1

The Thanksgiving where Daniel was disinvited was several years back. Josh and Anna spent this year's holiday at the Keller's.

I believe it was the brother. I think Susannah was also temporarily shunned for giving birth out of wedlock, although she must be back in the fold since she was in the Thanksgiving picture. The only one missing was Esther, because she and her nutjob husband are still in Africa.

Esther got the bad husband of the bunch. I hope she finds strength to say fuck it I'm out

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The "shunning" was more assumption than fact.  Daniel and his wife were disinvited to the Duggars Thanksgiving and Jim Bob, joy that he is, gave the task of informing Daniel to Pa Keller.

I think the "shunning" is one of those things (like so many things) that one person stated as fact and then everyone just started repeating ;) As you've said, there have been many family pictures/blog posts over the years that have included the kids who are different.

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Daniel was shut out for a while. Nothing to do with the Duggars Thanksgiving fiasco. What I read on Free Jinger (I know, consider the source) suggested he'd married outside the faith, he followed his wife to another state, she works and they adopted. There are suggestions that he was a weak headship. Whether all of this figured into an estrangement, Daniel, himself, posted somewhere on social media that he was disappointed that he'd been excluded from his family on more than one occasion and that he missed them. 

Daniel was shut out for a while. Nothing to do with the Duggars Thanksgiving fiasco. What I read on Free Jinger (I know, consider the source) suggested he'd married outside the faith, he followed his wife to another state, she works and they adopted. There are suggestions that he was a weak headship. Whether all of this figured into an estrangement, Daniel, himself, posted somewhere on social media that he was disappointed that he'd been excluded from his family on more than one occasion and that he missed them.

Is Daniel the one who has the "stylish" wife? I think she a had short cute hairstyle at Smuggar & Anna's wedding. What a shame to be "shunned" just because your wife works & is a different faith.

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Was Daniel the oldest? (I don't know the ins and outs) or the first to leave? Often in these Fundy circles the first one out is treated horribly. Amish-like shunning for many years. Then usually a few siblings can't (or never could) stand it and the family heals somewhat. It's often as much about leaving home as it is the faith, and sometimes those families will go on to shun their own first to leave or oldest children. It's heartbreaking.

Signed: the oldest child, of an oldest child, of an oldest child, of an oldest child.

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What I read on Free Jinger (I know, consider the source) suggested he'd married outside the faith, he followed his wife to another state, she works and they adopted.


Definitely consider the source.  A lot of what was said around that time on Free Jinger was never able to be verified.  Someone took a few Facebook postings and turned it into an entire drama. 

I think the "shunning" is one of those things (like so many things) that one person stated as fact and then everyone just started repeating ;) As you've said, there have been many family pictures/blog posts over the years that have included the kids who are different.


I just addressed this very issue in the Jana thread. This family is not the norm and Michelle acts like she is bat shit crazy to be sure, but the repeated issue of 1 person saying something as fact and the rest of the world running with it is just getting ridiculous. 

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From Papa Seewalds Blog on why he thinks his bigotry towards the LGBT community is okay. I could not get through the whole thing, but he is just going to whole new levels of crazy. The more I learn about these families the scarier they get. 


"Don’t Beat Your Wife

The problem with the “I was born that way” mentality is that it is used as an excuse to justify sinful behavior. Someone may have been born with a predisposition towards violence and have a short temper yet that is no excuse for beating his wife. In a murder trial it would be counterproductive for the accused to have his violent temper that he possessed from birth to be revealed. It is no excuse. It is only further testimony in favor of a guilty verdict. And so it is with the excuse “I was born that way”.

Edited by maraleia
removed homosexuals and replaced with LGBT community per correct terminology standards
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The 'shunning' in the Kellar family (if there was any), had to do with the fact that the son denounced his fundyness and moved to a less conservative lifestyle with his wife.  The story was that he did so at his wife's urging, and that meant he wasn't being a 'good head of the household'.  He wasn't following his father's wishes.  It goes back to the theory that is is ok for a daughter to go fundy-lite at her husband's decree,but not the other way around. 

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From Papa Seewalds Blog on why he thinks his bigotry towards the LGBT community is okay. I could not get through the whole thing, but he is just going to whole new levels of crazy. The more I learn about these families the scarier they get.

"Don’t Beat Your Wife

The problem with the “I was born that way” mentality is that it is used as an excuse to justify sinful behavior. Someone may have been born with a predisposition towards violence and have a short temper yet that is no excuse for beating his wife. In a murder trial it would be counterproductive for the accused to have his violent temper that he possessed from birth to be revealed. It is no excuse. It is only further testimony in favor of a guilty verdict. And so it is with the excuse “I was born that way”.



His point sort of makes sense, except for the fact that in the US we have decided LGBT people should not be criminally prosecuted for that. It's two different things he's comparing which have nothing to do with each other.

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Erin Bates Paine Hair tutorial in two parts. I have the sudden urge to go sing 'Stand by Your Man' or  anything else Tammy Wynette. You're welcome. 




Oh and BTW - my grandmother LOVED for us to wear our hair exactly like that to church on Sundays- in the 80s - when most of her granddaughters were under 12. We all have very thick, wavy hair and I don't remember anyone putting all that goop on it. We just rolled it damp at night and slept on those rollers. 


Erin's hair looks thick but fine, dry and straight in texture, if that makes sense. Like she probably has a lot of individual strands, but the individual strands are really fine. So I guess that's why she needs all the product to curl? For that style, her hair does look good.

Edited by RazzleberryPie
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Interesting tutorials.  thanks for posting.  She seems like a sweet, young girl.  Sleeps in rollers as a newlywed?  Patient Chad.  And the bedroom is still "girly pink".  I think I read that the title of the music has "Priest" in it, so maybe it is religious music.

Do the Duggars pay the Querys for all the lessons they get from that family, plus childcare?  Or are the Querys just expected to do it because JimBob hangs out with them once a year?

Pay the Querys?! Surely you jest! Providing free labor for the Duggars is reward enough! 

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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