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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Parts of it I had no idea! On their big house..,"was originally a concrete slab, a badly constructed roof, and had badly installed heating that made it necessary to be torn out and redone by TLC. There were no indoor walls, no electrical, no plumbing, no HVAC, no studs, no flooring, no stairs, no insulation, no fireproofing, no windows, no doors..".


This is what happens when you trust a bunch of children in flip-flops to build your house, even when they own their own power tools. It's a crying shame that most children have such lousy construction skills that they aren't even up to putting together a pre-fab house. Lord knows Jim Bob did what he could, letting them watch other contractors for a couple of whole weekends before he turned them loose on his project. But they failed him.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 21

Well, I've mentioned elsewhere that I've never watched a minute of this show, but watching JB and J'C footage on Nancy Grace, their physical interactions are very odd.  They're sitting on a couch with Josh and his family, and JB keeps placing his hand on J'C, but it looks so heavy when he does it.  Also, every time he touches her or moves closer to her, she twists her torso away and puts her arm across her midsection and twitches her fingers of that hand. But her facial expression never changes, and she does not maintain eye contact with him, just quick little glances. There's another clip where they're facing each other and holding hands, but she looks more like she's trying to keep him at a distance.  It is really strange to me.

  • Love 11

I assume JimChelle are incredibly pissed at Josh, and I hope Jessa and Jill have made their displeasure and humiliation clear to their parents and Josh, and that Joy gets to stay in El Salvador at a resort for a few weeks. I really hope that JimChelle understand that Anna would doubtlessly be the most upset and feel even more betrayed than all of his family combined. I hope they are on her side.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 6

I think that the Duggars have always had an unhealthy preoccupation regarding sex. I was creeped out by them long before either scandal broke. Jim Bob constantly discussing "the physical side of marriage" with his daughters and future sons-in-law always struck me as strange. Most fathers don't even want to think of that side of things about their daughters. Michelle and Jim Bob constantly making references to their own sex life was also very odd. Putting sisters in the position of policing their brothers sexuality with the "NIKE" nonsense is strange too. Even on their last show the parents and the older children were all making the "hey, hey, hey" joke together, in front of the other children. Most families do not feel comfortable thinking about or discussing each other's sexuality. I don't think they behave normally on the topic of sex and never did.

Seriously. No child should know their parents mating call.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 17

Putting sisters in the position of policing their brothers sexuality with the "NIKE" nonsense is strange too. Even on their last show the parents and the older children were all making the "hey, hey, hey" joke together, in front of the other children. Most families do not feel comfortable thinking about or discussing each other's sexuality. I don't think they behave normally on the topic of sex and never did.

It's even creepier when you remember that they explained away what Josh did to them / their sisters in terms of defrauding. What they essentially were telling their girls by having them police the boys is if you let them get heated up by some pants-wearing trollop, whatever they do afterwards is partly your fault. That's totally not at all a profoundly twisted and terrifying thing to tell girls whose parents didn't do anything meaningful in response to a five year old being molested.


Seriously. No child should know their parents mating call.


And there again, I don't see how any of those kids managed to grow up around the grotesquely prurient displays their parents put on and not become at the very least profoundly confused about how God feels about sex.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 13

I don’t think there is anything wrong with parents being frankly factual about sex as a part of life for teenagers, letting them know that it is an integral part of being human for obvious reasons and giving safe sex talks, leaving helpful info details around the house even if teens are too embarrassed to ask any questions (as I would have been). But there’s a whole nother level to telling your kids sex is sinful and lust is wrong without marriage and making that a huge part of their life with the Nike/modesty, never even kiss stuff and then making their sex life so obvious and involving their older kids in their parents endless quest for kids and constantly going “hey we have sex y’all!” The mix of attitudes seems like it could end up toxic.

  • Love 13

This is what happens when you trust a bunch of children in flip-flops to build your house, even when they own their own power tools. It's a crying shame that most children have such lousy construction skills that they aren't even up to putting together a pre-fab house. Lord knows Jim Bob did what he could, letting them watch other contractors for a couple of whole weekends before he turned them loose on his project. But they failed him.

Yeah those damn kids couldn't even build me a house! I procreated my own army of slave laborers for nothing and now they're destroying my empire!  The empire I built with their own 40 hands. Damn them!  They're acting like a bunch of entitled hypocrites! I taught them everything they know! How could they do this to me? 

  • Love 12

And there again, I don't see how any of those kids managed to grow up around the grotesquely prurient displays their parents put on and not become at the very least profoundly confused about how God feels about sex.

So in my head I must have always put any of JB's & M's thoughts on sexual behavior as theirs and their religious beliefs (as well as other religious beliefs) because the last 4 words of the above sentence took me by surprise. I know there are references throughout the Bible, but the thought of God himself having feelings about sex just struck me as odd.

  • Love 3

The preoccupation with sex, especially with all the contradictions the Duggars assign to it, is indeed creepy and weird. I wonder if this developed partly because ... Well, what are they really allowed to talk about except babies and sin? Sex is no doubt the most endlessly compelling part of both those topics. But it gets all twisted up on itself because we have to maintain total control about everything, per Gothard. Or something.

Seriously, you have 21+ people milling around your bus station house with nothing to do except, for some, child care. Every thought you are allowed to have has already been thought, and beat to death. I think that leaves a huge void that gets filled by the one instinctual urge that most find fascinating and compelling - sex.

  • Love 5

So in my head I must have always put any of JB's & M's thoughts on sexual behavior as theirs and their religious beliefs (as well as other religious beliefs) because the last 4 words of the above sentence took me by surprise. I know there are references throughout the Bible, but the thought of God himself having feelings about sex just struck me as odd.


Well, the Bible, as basically the codex for a pre-industrial society, has lots to say about sex (and as a story about humans, has a lot to say about sex). The Gothard doctrine, however, as the codex for the personal kinks of a creepy and weirdly unimaginative twentieth century human, appears to have an extraordinary amount of information about how God wants to micromanage everything in your life that has any vague association with sex.

  • Love 4

Well, the Bible, as basically the codex for a pre-industrial society, has lots to say about sex (and as a story about humans, has a lot to say about sex). The Gothard doctrine, however, as the codex for the personal kinks of a creepy and weirdly unimaginative twentieth century human, appears to have an extraordinary amount of information about how God wants to micromanage everything in your life that has any vague association with sex.

Yes the Duggars have followed Gothard's rules on all things sex including his belief that the first kiss must be saved for the day of marriage.  They seem to follow Gothard's view on pretty much everything.  An 80 year old guy who has been accused by many women of being a hypocrite and behaving very unrighteously.  He's got his own website where he explains the accusations of young women having a crush on him and how he didn't give them enough attention so they were jealous.  He also came up with various ways of instruction on dealing with incest in the family which I believe the Duggars followed.  He's quite a guy, and like Josh had to resign his position when the accusations by the women came out.

Edited by Defrauder
  • Love 6

Thank you all who mentioned the, "hey, hey, hey" code words, because now all I have running through my head is the, "hey, hey, hey" from Blurred Lines. I need brain bleach AND ear bleach, stat, please!!!!! And an anti- nausea pill.

My first heyheyhey connection was Bill Cosby. At least my connection was already tainted.

  • Love 16

I wonder what Jim Bob's plan for his boys was before TLC came calling.  He's got 10 boys who are poorly educated and are not to go to work for "the man."  Were they all going to mow lawns and repair real estate rentals in Tontitown? Is being a landlord in Tontitown lucrative?  In the good old days that the Duggars seem to worship most men were farmers, but they can't even manage a vegetable garden.  The military is out.  So just what would he like them to do?

  • Love 9

I wonder what Jim Bob's plan for his boys was before TLC came calling.  He's got 10 boys who are poorly educated and are not to go to work for "the man."  Were they all going to mow lawns and repair real estate rentals in Tontitown? Is being a landlord in Tontitown lucrative?  In the good old days that the Duggars seem to worship most men were farmers, but they can't even manage a vegetable garden.  The military is out.  So just what would he like them to do?


Maybe Jim Bob finds some golden tablets buried out by the cellphone tower that spell out in a mystical language the errors of all present-day ministries. And a couple of Howlers dig up some funny-looking stones that Jim Bob discovers are the translation keys for that language. And, lo, the Word comes to Jim Bob. And he translates the golden tablets, uncovering the new, true ministry of Arkansas Jesus for the 21st century. And he sends out the Howlers into all the land, dressed like a boy band. And they serve as his disciples shooting mediocre Duggar Studio YouTube videos that nevertheless entice impressionable young ladies to abandon the errors of all current cults and churches, even Gothard's, and embrace the new ministry of Duggardumb. And, lo, the Howlers collect coin.


It'd probably be worth a shot considering the lack of other alternatives.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 15

I hope they are on her side.

I poked a hole in my iPad screen trying to LOVE this statement. I am not a fan of this family returning to TV in any capacity, but they could repair a WHOLE BUNCH of bridges if they do this one thing: take care of Anna. If they would send Josh far, far away from everyone else Duggar, but make it a POINT to take care of Anna, I think many people would step away from the disaster. I can't cough up any respect for them at all - but I would feel better about them all the way around if they would take care of Anna. Send one of the girls to live with her maybe, and let her heal some and have some quiet time for herself. Please, please somebody sprinkle some fairy dust and make this happen.
  • Love 19

I've also wondered how JB will sell the Duggar brand from now on. He was such a One Trick Pony for so long - it was all about JimBob [and Michelle] and his [their] Nineteen!! Kids!! And how they were Very Special ATI Parents Of The Year. 


Unlike a crate of Barbie dolls [™ satrunrose], kids grow up and out of their roles as live-in supporting cast to their parents. JB with his compound and Duggar enterprises, and choosing husbands for his daughters, and the boys' Duggar Films, is striving mightily to keep a firm grasp on the reins of his adult kids. So even if he can no longer round up All!! Nineteen!!! Kids!! and haul them around for appearances, he's maintained the family brand. 


Now where? Is anyone going to pay for them to haul Jana, Jinger, and the littles around to sing hymns, followed by Mom and/or Dad speaking about how they dealt with the sins of their firstborn son? Yuck. Are they going to forgive Josh and keep the Nineteen Kids™ franchise? Or will it be Eighteen Kids and Holding? 


Jessa's only scheduled for a few low-rent (tickets are $10) Southern Women's Show gigs, Jill's escaped the compound for a quick minute at least to go "overseas" - and those are JB's two marketable commodities right now. I don't think anyone wants to see him or Michelle after they brought the crazy via the Fox interview, Josh is so toxic he'd be a Superfund site if he were real estate, and nobody knows who the other kids are. I'm not sure if they're hunkered down in the TTH to escape the thundering herds of media - or if they're in there and nobody's knocking. If not now, soon, I think it will just be them and - crickets.


Either JB's really an astute businessman who's banked and invested his TLC millions, or he went out a bit on a financial limb (the airplane, new vehicles, buying properties) and he's down to his last case of hairspray and sweating bullets about where the next truckload of Tater Tots is coming from. Time will tell.

I think their only option is a mea culpa.  Yet I think they lack the insight and humility to even go there, even for a profit.

  • Love 8

Now where? Is anyone going to pay for them to haul Jana, Jinger, and the littles around to sing hymns, followed by Mom and/or Dad speaking about how they dealt with the sins of their firstborn son? Yuck. Are they going to forgive Josh and keep the Nineteen Kids™ franchise? Or will it be Eighteen Kids and Holding?

You raise a really good question. What will they do when the well runs dry? How will they generate income? Maybe the older girls will be able to convince their parents that they need part time jobs. Oh Jana and Jinger, here's your chance! Of course it will have to be within the realm of cookin and a' birthin, so maybe Jana could be an au pair somewhere. Does best friend Cindy have small kids? Maybe Jinger and Joy could work at the coffee shop and keep their tips. This is all wishful thinking, but I hope if anything good comes of this, it will be that JB's hand is forced and the older kids taste some freedom.
  • Love 7


Either JB's really an astute businessman who's banked and invested his TLC millions, or he went out a bit on a financial limb (the airplane, new vehicles, buying properties) and he's down to his last case of hairspray and sweating bullets about where the next truckload of Tater Tots is coming from. Time will tell.

Even with money, fame withdrawals are a bitch.

  • Love 7

Either JB's really an astute businessman who's banked and invested his TLC millions, or he went out a bit on a financial limb (the airplane, new vehicles, buying properties) and he's down to his last case of hairspray and sweating bullets about where the next truckload of Tater Tots is coming from. Time will tell.


I think Boob envisioned TLC sticking around indefinitely. His overweening ego was not worried about the well drying up anytime soon. Wouldn't surprise me to hear he was expecting them to be there for "Josie Gets Married" in 2030 or so. Right now there's probably more $$ than has been reported - maybe a significant amount more. But they're going through it at a much-faster clip than in pre-TLC days - when they actually did consider every single purchase they made. Especially since it's likely they're not receiving many - or any - freebies, comped services, discounts, outright gifts, love offerings etc now. I think Boob is more terrified about $$ with each passing day.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 10

I don't think that it crossed Boob's mind that the show would make it to only 7 years.  After all, there are 19 kids!  You can't possibly get bored of that many courtships/engagements/weddings/babies! Boob is so delusional that he thinks that what is interesting to the Duggars is interesting to the rest of the world.  Even before Joshie screwed it all up, the episodes were being filled with fluff and the storylines were dull.  I had only watched half a season before it ended but I was already switching off, I just came here for the snark ;)

  • Love 10

I alo think before the scandal the show was nearing the end,I only saw it because my partner watched,it was the most boring thing ive ever seen on tv.

Uneducated kids pulling faces and squiming in the interviews.

The most dull personality free adults who somehow seemed to mange being boring and creepy at the same time.


Old Rim Job and wife are living in dread at whats coming next!

  • Love 14

He's certainly cheap. The plan to have all of his children live in houses on the one property probably ended when he noticed foreclosed houses were cheaper and easier to come by with three months notice.


Not to mention the fact that Boob has now learned, via the TTH, how much real work is involved in building a home from the ground up. Work he really doesn't know how to do. And even if he DID know how, there's little likelihood middle-aged Boob will want to do it, over and over again.

  • Love 4

The only show I would want to watch is the Jackson & JoHanna tell it like it really is show.  But we will never see that.


I would if deep down Boob and Babyvoice question the train of kids and how little time was spent with Josh and maybe this added to his problems (that he needed more love and attention than he ever got).

  • Love 4

I have a recipe for the Duggar's famous recipe book:


                  Recipe for Disaster:


                 1.  Limit all freedom, freedom of thought, and privacy from all children until their marriage day.

                 2. Make daughters into sister moms and have the children raise each other.

                 3. Sleep all boys in same room adults and children alike.  Do same with all girls.

                 4. Follow Gothard on all things to do with education, morality, sexuality and spirituality.

                 5. Add a sprinkling of Mechelle's fertility chart on the refrigerator.

                 6. Add 190 pounds of Jim Bob making sexual references about Mechelle and his marriage in front of his children and us.

                 7. Add a reality show to support the recipe for disaster.

  • Love 18

One of the worst things that Jim Bob and Michelle did was having the horrendously cheap weddings for Jill and Jessa. Knowing that they were going to be televised, it's inconceivable that they served stupid root beer floats in a parking lot outside in November when it was about 30 degrees outside. Jill's wedding and reception weren't much better, and even the most die hard fans would have been hard pressed to watch another 16 weddings of that atrocity level on television. Just about every other TLC family who hosted a wedding did ten times better than the Duggars did. Thank goodness the world will no longer be subject to their stupid philosophies on side hugs, saving first kiss for the wedding day, and leaving their wombs open to receive as many blessings as their Lord will give them. What a bunch of crap.

  • Love 22

^^^This, this, a thousand times this. A Jill/Jessa spinoff was JimBob's only hope of saving the TLC gravy train even before Joshgate I. And I doubt that he ever understood that, or will ever understand it.

I have absolutely no problem thinking that LegoHead believed in his tiny heart and even tinier brain that HE would be in control of the money TLC would be throwing by the bucketful for a Jill and Jessa spinoff. He is that stupid. Though I can't speak for Ben or Derrick's responses, I think Jill and Jessa would have been "stupid/sweet" enough to let him take it all. 

  • Love 8

JB once mentioned that he never goes anywhere alone, that he would bring a kid along if need be. I have never seen him with a phone or using a computer, and Michelle's phone never leaves her hand. Does JB have a flip-phone and does he restrict his own computer use?

He never goes out alone? Interesting. I wonder why? Maybe Jim Blob has done some sinning that we don't know about (yet) and needs an accountability partner?

  • Love 5

I don't think that it crossed Boob's mind that the show would make it to only 7 years.  After all, there are 19 kids!  You can't possibly get bored of that many courtships/engagements/weddings/babies! Boob is so delusional that he thinks that what is interesting to the Duggars is interesting to the rest of the world.  Even before Joshie screwed it all up, the episodes were being filled with fluff and the storylines were dull.  I had only watched half a season before it ended but I was already switching off, I just came here for the snark ;)

Of course he thought it would last! There were crowds who showed up just to hear them sing that God-awful Blood Song!

  • Love 4

He never goes out alone? Interesting. I wonder why?



My guess would be that, like many narcissists, he can't bear his own company. He constantly needs other people around to pay attention to him and provide him with the validation that he can't find within himself. Solitude makes him uncomfortable. When he's alone he feels dead inside, he only comes alive when he has an audience. That's why he has the adoring bobble-head wife and the army of kids.

  • Love 16

JB once mentioned that he never goes anywhere alone, that he would bring a kid along if need be. I have never seen him with a phone or using a computer, and Michelle's phone never leaves her hand. Does JB have a flip-phone and does he restrict his own computer use?

How in the hell can JB be a leader when he can't even be alone or has to be treated like a kid

  • Love 2

One of the worst things that Jim Bob and Michelle did was having the horrendously cheap weddings for Jill and Jessa. Knowing that they were going to be televised, it's inconceivable that they served stupid root beer floats in a parking lot outside in November when it was about 30 degrees outside. Jill's wedding and reception weren't much better, and even the most die hard fans would have been hard pressed to watch another 16 weddings of that atrocity level on television. Just about every other TLC family who hosted a wedding did ten times better than the Duggars did. Thank goodness the world will no longer be subject to their stupid philosophies on side hugs, saving first kiss for the wedding day, and leaving their wombs open to receive as many blessings as their Lord will give them. What a bunch of crap.


100% agree. Those appallingly-crappy ass Jill and Jessa weddings provided a lot of insight on how clueless Boob and Me-chelle are. And I must say make me more interested in Amy's wedding than I ever expected I'd be. I bet hers will be much more like Priscilla's and Anna's than Jill's or Jessa's. I think Amy will serve real food, have tables and chairs for her guests, possibly even have music and - gasp - dancing. 

  • Love 7

If JB had originally intended for all of his children to build houses and live on his acreage for the rest of their lives that could have led to some serious problems.  if each of his children had an average of 10 children that would mean that approximately 200 first cousins would be growing up on JB's land.   I just see potential inbreeding happening with that scenario.  JB's impossible control as king of the kingdom.  200 kids having so many cousins in close proximity- who can keep tract of all of those relatives.  Are you my cousin?  The Duggar lifestyle passed on to the next generation.  

  • Love 8

Jim Bob is NOT a leader. He doesn't have an original thought in his head. Everything that he believes in, he learned from somebody else. His views on sex were based on a book by Ed Wheat. His attitude toward finances were from that seminar he and Michelle attended. His beliefs about women and their place in society, toward education, and just about everything else came from Gothard. The man is incapable of critical thinking and sadly, so are all of his children. The one who tried to think for himself , Josh, has failed miserably. 

  • Love 9

If JB had originally intended for all of his children to build houses and live on his acreage for the rest of their lives that could have led to some serious problems. if each of his children had an average of 10 children that would mean that approximately 200 first cousins would be growing up on JB's land. I just see potential inbreeding happening with that scenario. JB's impossible control as king of the kingdom. 200 kids having so many cousins in close proximity- who can keep tract of all of those relatives. Are you my cousin? The Duggar lifestyle passed on to the next generation.

200 kids, that's like half a primary school. It's nuts.

I guess they could operate under the assumption that any other person a Duggarusalem resident interacts with is also a Duggar, so that person must be related to them.

  • Love 2

Don't you just love the internet?  LOL  Sorry if this has been posted before but it just cracks me up.  




ETA:  WARNING WARNING:  DANGER WILL ROBINSON!  Probably not appropriate for kids or work or ... well you know.  

Edited by truthtalk2014
  • Love 1
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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