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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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Noticed a reference on another forum to JimBob's ideas about flawed-thinking-from-leaders from his campaign site during the 2002 run for the Senate nomination. The Wayback Machine turns them up here: https://web.archive.org/web/20020610140836/http://www.jimbob.info/ten_dangers.html


Among other fatal mistakes he points to are these:

Failure to Act "The Day You Hear It" : Hoping that problems will go away and therefore not investigating and dealing with a matter on the day that is comes to light.

Love of Money : Accepting tainted money. Sacrificing convictions or relationships for money.

Rejection of Critics : Refusing to see "blind spots" or deal with them. Failing to thank critics.


Talk about not following your own advice. Although I'm sure he thinks he does follow it.


  • Love 9
They are offensive to me. I loathe the empty spectacle of the Kardashians but, if I had to choose to spend eternity with the Ks or JB and Me-chelle, the choice is a no brainer. The K's.  In a heartbeat.

Suz At Large - You made me laugh there, the first time I've laughed on this board in days, and I totally agree with you ! For the most part I think some of the Kardashians are headed straight to Hell, but I feel like after the cover-up, lies, hypocrisy, greed, sloth, avarice, vanity, abuse, victim-blaming, and just generally being apocaplypitically bad parents and total shitbiscuits that JB and Michelle will be spending their time in a much, much hotter section of Hades. 

  • Love 7

If TLC told Jim and Michelle that they have to take a big backseat and the show would be revamped to focus on the daughters and maybe Josiah or whoever, I wonder how they would react. Would they accept minimal roles in order to keep the money rolling in? 


IMO, it depends on who would actually be receiving the money. If the checks still go to Boob I don't think he'll care, and he'd definitely be on board. Little Miss Look-At-Me will probably stamp her feet and holler quite a bit, but she'd have to cope if he makes that decision. If the checks start going to the individuals actually on camera, I don't know what he'd say. As it stands, I suspect Boob runs everyone's life until they leave the TTH to get married, so he'd get the money eventually anyway when the kids signed it over.

  • Love 3

Just have to say that in light of all we have learned in the past couple of days, all those times Jim Bob bad-mouthed his late father at speaking engagements has just become a million times more heinous. Poor financial management and a possible drinking issue is NOTHING compared to Jim Bob's handling of these tragic events.

Unless there was something else about his father that we don't know. Something really ugly. It's known the people who do molest have been abused, for instance. This could be a real hornet's nest.

  • Love 3

I don't see how they'll be able to keep this going. I don't see how anyone, no matter how far gone in denial they are, is going to be able to watch those young women use cute codewords to warn their brothers about girls on the street attempting to, essentially, take advantage of them sexually by showing their knees. Surely it's too creepy watching the victims making a game out of blaming themselves.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 6

IMO, it depends on who would actually be receiving the money. If the checks still go to Boob I don't think he'll care, and he'd definitely be on board.


Considering the "girls" in question are now mostly over eighteen and some married to husbands, I genuinely don't know how TLC could *legally* pay Pa Duggar for a show about his adult children.


That would be the question I'd be asking if specials about the girls ever get made - is TLC paying the girls directly or thru their dad?

  • Love 3

Not the marrieds.


And while I do know that this is patriarchal nonsense - I expect TLC to at least pay lip service to the notion that the adult children get separate checks. I'm tired of the silence and softball questions. If Jimbob wants his adult daughters to sign over his paychecks, I expect that to be said and yes, we have the right to ask since these people hid the fact that their eldest son was molesting their daughters. Point - if they genuinely forgave Josh and believe he's right with God, he could still have acknowledged his sin without naming his victims at any time.

  • Love 1

I don't know the answer to this, but it's conceivable that there are actually tax reasons to have one trust control the money and no one actually get paychecks. I mean, if you really did have an absolute faith in the person running the trust, it might make financial sense to be paid in something like a free house instead of a salary, and be given "gifts" instead of income. I have no idea, because I've never used a trust, but wealthy people do use them as tax shelters, so why wouldn't the Duggars?

  • Love 1

Point - if they genuinely forgave Josh and believe he's right with God, he could still have acknowledged his sin without naming his victims at any time.


The problem is, if they truly believe what they say about men and women and responsibility, they believe Josh is one of the victims. Maybe even the main victim, since he was the one 'tempted' into the biggest sin.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 1

I don't see how they'll be able to keep this going. I don't see how anyone, no matter how far gone in denial they are, is going to be able to watch those young women use cute codewords to warn their brothers about girls on the street attempting to, essentially, take advantage of them sexually by showing their knees. Surely it's too creepy watching the victims making a game out of blaming themselves.

Just joking about the side hugs alone would send me over the edge. 

  • Love 2

I don't think they believe it was that simple. I think they know Josh broke the law. They consulted several attorneys. They are consulting with attorneys now. I think, like the majority of parents, they thought they could control it, and they screwed up. But plenty of non-religious parents make this same mistake too. It's called denial, it's called arrogance, and it's called stupidity. Yes, the Duggars put some religious window dressing on it. But atheist children sexually abuse siblings too. And their parents also deny, are arrogant and stupid.

And the Duggars will pay a big price. No matter how many Fundy supporters come to their aid, they've lost their most valuable asset, which was that they were the perfect family. No matter what happens after this, it will never be what it was.

  • Love 9

The problem is, if they truly believe what they say about men and women and responsibility, they believe Josh is one of the victims. Maybe even the main victim, since he was the one 'tempted' into the biggest sin.


But really, if they *genuinely believed it* then they'd have no problem talking about it from day one.


But they didn't because they do understand that no matter what their personal beliefs are, Josh's life would be ruined because most sane people would have a problem with how they handled it. And they clearly know it crossed a line - this wasn't curiousity, not with multiple victims over a years time. Considering that Josh's "treatment" is no meaningful treatment at all, I have genuine questions about whether the abuse was ongoing.


I don't know the answer to this, but it's conceivable that there are actually tax reasons to have one trust control the money and no one actually get paychecks. I mean, if you really did have an absolute faith in the person running the trust, it might make financial sense to be paid in something like a free house instead of a salary, and be given "gifts" instead of income. I have no idea, because I've never used a trust, but wealthy people do use them as tax shelters, so why wouldn't the Duggars?


I think there are legal reasons that TLC has to pay reality show participants separately once they come of age. This happened in other reality shows, once the kids on LPBW hit 18, they had to be paid separately because they had to legally contract with TLC to be on the show. I have no doubt that Daddy Duggar insists they be on the show, but I don't know how TLC can legally pay one adult for the labor of another. What I do believe is that Daddy demands the checks and that's a hard hitting question I would like asked.

Edited by ZoloftBlob

But atheist children sexually abuse siblings too. And their parents also deny, are arrogant and stupid.

And the Duggars will pay a big price. No matter how many Fundy supporters come to their aid, they've lost their most valuable asset, which was that they were the perfect family. No matter what happens after this, it will never be what it was.

Absolutely, it happens in too many homes, of all spiritual types. But here's the thing...they didn't have to be the PERFECT CHRISTIAN FAMILY. They could have been just as successful, especially as the real hook was always the huge family, being human. If the show had been more about how this is a big challenge and mistakes are made but we try to do our best, they would have been far more sympathetic now.

Instead, they've been arrogant, dogmatic, judgmental, and smug. Sooner or later, that bites everyone in the ass.

  • Love 12

I don't think they believe it was that simple. I think they know Josh broke the law. They consulted several attorneys. They are consulting with attorneys now. 



But really, if they *genuinely believed it* then they'd have no problem talking about it from day one.


But they didn't because they do understand that no matter what their personal beliefs are, Josh's life would be ruined because most sane people would have a problem with how they handled it. And they clearly know it crossed a line - this wasn't curiousity, not with multiple victims over a years time. Considering that Josh's "treatment" is no meaningful treatment at all, I have genuine questions about whether the abuse was ongoing.


Without arguing with either of your points, there's a difference between knowing that what Josh did would have serious consequences if the larger world found out about it and believing that Josh should have to take responsibility for his actions. As it turns out, all the difference in the world, because Josh never did face any real repercussions, and went on to a prominent position preaching the gospel of female responsibility for male sexual behavior.  

  • Love 6

It's back to the old adage that the cover up is frequently worse than the crime.  They didn't have to come out and say what the problem was, but going on TV while actively keeping incest hidden and pretending to be a ministry to others fits so neatly into pride, arrogance, and a half dozen other sins that they say they are committed to avoiding.  The smart thing to have done would have been to stay out of the public eye and avoid the chance that this would become a public scandal.  Jim Bob's general arrogance and narcissism seem to over ride all common sense.

  • Love 14

Of course it does. Which is why everyone knew something big was coming. Maybe we didn't know it would be QUITE this big, but we knew it would be big, and it was only a matter of time.

Anyone who reads their Bible knew it was inevitable! ;)

Absolutely. This is exactly why I have been thinking for a long time now-that something big was going to come out about the Duggars. For years and years they tried to come off as this perfect, pious family who just happened to love popping kids out every year (it was God's plan for them!) and who set up such strict rules and regulations and over-sexualized everything it's no wonder that something this big and horrible came out that has to do with sex.

I really hope the girls get the counseling and therapy they need and/or want. I know they've lived with this for years but I doubt the youngest girls ever understood fully and with JimBoob and Mechelle for parents there's no way in hell they ever discussed in depth and at length how it wasn't their fault, it was wrong what Josh did, etc. Also you know how emotions and real personalities are repressed around TTH so if they were angry or upset or whatever negative emotion they might have been feeling at the time, they were probably told to "have a cheerful countenance" or something like that. It has to be jarring for it to come up in the media after all these years, too.

As for Josh, I don't really know. I am a Christian, although not a Fundy, and I think what he did was both a sin and a crime and should be treated as both.

  • Love 4

I wish I lived close as I would stalk out their house.

Someone should organize a candlelight vigil for molestation victims outside of their compound and Josh's house to show those girls they are not alone and that, forgiveness isn't forgetting. Sadly, the Duggars could have used their celebrity to draw attentiont to several issues (prematurity, miscarriage and still birth, and molestation). Instead, they'll go out of their way to save an embryo....but, they fail to protect and respect a grown child. I think a vigil would show them that "precious blessings" outside the womb and cradle are important, too. Let's be the generation that eliminates molestation and the religious subjugation of girls! #protecttheblessings

Edited by wanderwoman
  • Love 5

OK, it's stupid for this to be driving me batty in the midst of all that's going on, but there's one extra girl in that picture. Anybody know who it is?  The girls are all wearing red frumpers like Michelle, with white shirts underneath. I can see the two oldest girls toward the back walking with a howler and Joy, and then in front of them there are 3 girls - one is barely visible behind another.  Any clue who that might be?  Famy?

I noticed the extra girl, too. Haven't a clue who it is. I thought maybe I was seeing things. Or that one was a succubus or some other Duggar-afflicting demon.


There's another shot in Google images that appears to be from the same event -- but it looks like it has TWO extra girls? .... So one could be Amy, but then who's the other?



  • Love 1

I don't know the answer to this, but it's conceivable that there are actually tax reasons to have one trust control the money and no one actually get paychecks. I mean, if you really did have an absolute faith in the person running the trust, it might make financial sense to be paid in something like a free house instead of a salary, and be given "gifts" instead of income. I have no idea, because I've never used a trust, but wealthy people do use them as tax shelters, so why wouldn't the Duggars?

I am not an attorney BUT there are multiple reasons to use a trust, and only some are for tax purposes. It's possible the Duggar income goes into a trust and there are tax benefits, but there's a huge control benefit. And if JB has full control over money coming into and out of the trust then he loses a lot of the tax benefits. He would still get many of the legal benefits for liability reasons as far as I know.

But the tax situation around trusts is very tricksy.

  • Love 2

I noticed the extra girl, too. Haven't a clue who it is. I thought maybe I was seeing things. Or that one was a succubus or some other Duggar-afflicting demon.


There's another shot in Google images that appears to be from the same event -- but it looks like it has TWO extra girls? .... So one could be Amy, but then who's the other?



Ha! The truth is out: They hired stunt children! ;-)

  • Love 9

Man, those red jumpers could have lost him an election all by themselves. Something about that color. And so much of it. With the white. And the shape of the thing, on Michelle in particular. The jumpers scream "Dystopia!"

My mother sewed our clothes when I was a kid.  She finished them beautifully.  You only knew they were homemade because they fit properly.  That "cutesy" uniform effect was creepy.  

Edited by kassygreene
  • Love 5

"Absolutely, it happens in too many homes, of all spiritual types. But here's the thing...they didn't have to be the PERFECT CHRISTIAN FAMILY. They could have been just as successful, especially as the real hook was always the huge family, being human. If the show had been more about how this is a big challenge and mistakes are made but we try to do our best, they would have been far more sympathetic now."

However, this would be exploiting the girls and violating their privacy. I'm sure there are plenty of other ways they could have showed their 'human- ness', but this situation isn't one of them. With that said, with the girls on board, they could now talk about family challenges and "mistakes", but at this point not much that they do will seem right or enough.

  • Love 1

"Absolutely, it happens in too many homes, of all spiritual types. But here's the thing...they didn't have to be the PERFECT CHRISTIAN FAMILY. They could have been just as successful, especially as the real hook was always the huge family, being human. If the show had been more about how this is a big challenge and mistakes are made but we try to do our best, they would have been far more sympathetic now."

However, this would be exploiting the girls and violating their privacy. I'm sure there are plenty of other ways they could have showed their 'human- ness', but this situation isn't one of them. With that said, with the girls on board, they could now talk about family challenges and "mistakes", but at this point not much that they do will seem right or enough.

I wasn't really thinking about being "human" in the context of this tragedy, but more from the very beginning of the show. Instead of JimBobKen and Fertility Sweetness Barbie and their Bible-totin' passel of perfect Christians, they could have been a whole lot more real about the chaos and challenges just having that many people around can bring, let alone when many of them aren't even potty trained.

  • Love 3

Unless there was something else about his father that we don't know. Something really ugly. It's known the people who do molest have been abused, for instance. This could be a real hornet's nest.


I think we need to be saying sometimes people who are abused become abusers. The statement above makes it sounds as though ALL molesters were molested as children themselves. This is not the case. But I do think there was something else going on between Boob and his father. What it was we'll probably never know.

  • Love 6

I honestly got that vibe more from J'chelle. Her affect is so odd. She is overly familiar and flirtatious in inappropriate situations -- like with the man at the reunion and with Bin. On the flip side, she is ostentatious about her own "modesty" -- they were wearing the prairie dresses long before Josh started molesting anyone. She also doesn't appear to have any relationship with anyone in her family. She was desperate enough to leave home to marry JB at 17, and her parent said "okay" and left her behind when they moved to Ohio. 


There is just simply something "off" about the entire family. I'm sure that more will come out, and it will not be what I expect. I honestly thought that it would be the younger, feral children who would finally clue the leg-humpers in to the fact that JB and J'chelle are not running an admirable breeding-farm for Christian youth. 

  • Love 17

I agree, cmr2014, they exhibit bizarre behavior.  There always was a highly sexual tone to their show.  Oh yes, it was so reserved for married people that even family members could not touch one another, at least not innocently.  And maybe that is the undercurrent to Josh's behavior.  He also apparently went to work in the legislature with his father all the time, giving Josh an inflated sense of self.  I can't tell you how creeped out I was at MEchelle telling Jessa that she should be SO thankful for Ben's little love poems (yuk to me) and that she needed to give him sex whenever he wanted it because it took so little time to fulfill that duty.  I still can't get out of my mind the Clan of the Cavebear when the woman was to just bend over and "present" the package to the man when he grunted.  That's what it reminded me of.  Something is wrong with MEchelle, and I can't figure out JB either.  Maybe I just don't see how people can fall for the cult behavior.  Yep, that's my problem.  I don't know how they can buy it, or how the F:DS mess (Warren Jeffs) can get followers to buy their party line.  

  • Love 13

Call me cynical, but I think ME-chelle THINKS she was bulimic. It helps put attention right back where she thinks it belongs: on her. 

I know someone just like her. She loves to talk about how she was anorexic, when what she really means is that she got a bit thin and was overly obsessed with her body image. Not the same thing as anorexia, as anyone who has really struggled with the disorder can tell you. Michelle herself couldn't even bring herself to use the word bulemic. She just needs attention and needed something new since she's having to face the reality that there will not be another baby.


And yes, yes, yes to how awful and immodest they are regarding their married sex life. I also am in disbelief that there was talk of girls needing to bind their breasts so as to avoid defrauding boys. Disgusting, and why did their god make them that way if breasts are so evil?

  • Love 6

Just, I'm having trouble getting past the fact that her daughter showed some actual modesty and didn't want her first kiss to be in front of millions of people, so the two of them went up to the altar at a wedding and kissed for the audience. Were they always like this or have they ramped up since they can't make babies any more?

Edited by Julia
  • Love 5

Just, I'm having trouble getting past the fact that her daughter showed some actual modesty and didn't want her first kiss to be in front of millions of people, so the two of them went up to the altar at a wedding and kissed for the audience. Were they always like this or have they ramped up since they can't make babies any more?

And boy does the whole molestation issue put a new spin on that. I now think we know why it was private, and that makes the rumors surrounding that choice even sadder.

  • Love 3


What sealed the deal for me, or perhaps just REALY opened my eyes, was the mini-golf episode. I'd not seen it yet, as my DVR is filled to the brim, but, upon the suggestion of another poster here (Thank you !)  I YouTubed "duggar golf course", and, Jesus on a cracker ! In public, in the broad daylight, in front of their newly married daughter and her husband, JimBoob slinks up behind Michelle under the guise of "helping her putt" (insert sly, wink-wink look here) and full-on bends over her, arms around her, and basically dry-humps her (AGAIN - full daylight ! In public !) for what seemed like a fucking HOUR. He keeps talking and laughing, making innuendoes that no one should make in front of their children, for Heaven's sake, and she keeps glancing back, looking DELIGHTED at the attention, and, at times, seems to be backing up to him even more. To be blunt, backing up in a way that women do when an erection is present and wants to encourage it. 


I believe that was a double date before Jessa and Ben were married.

This kind of behavior was not unusual. I really believe the parents should be charged with something along the lines of lewd behavior in front of the kids... abuse, something. My question is, would Josh have done this at the age of 14 had his parents been NORMAL?

I don't think Michelle and Jim Bob are fit parents and CPS should investigate their home situation.

  • Love 9

IDK what criteria CPS needs to investigate but there is plenty of film of the kids having to fend for themselves regarding getting a meal. I know they have plenty of food but do they get fed regualarly? Is it up to the girls to feed the littles? We have only seen MEchelle make eggs.

Here's to hoping that indeed mom and pops are getting another look at.

  • Love 4

But really, if they *genuinely believed it* then they'd have no problem talking about it from day one.


But they didn't because they do understand that no matter what their personal beliefs are, Josh's life would be ruined because most sane people would have a problem with how they handled it. And they clearly know it crossed a line - this wasn't curiousity, not with multiple victims over a years time. Considering that Josh's "treatment" is no meaningful treatment at all, I have genuine questions about whether the abuse was ongoing.


I think there are legal reasons that TLC has to pay reality show participants separately once they come of age. This happened in other reality shows, once the kids on LPBW hit 18, they had to be paid separately because they had to legally contract with TLC to be on the show. I have no doubt that Daddy Duggar insists they be on the show, but I don't know how TLC can legally pay one adult for the labor of another. What I do believe is that Daddy demands the checks and that's a hard hitting question I would like asked.

I'm not certain. I thought JimBob set up a corporate entity that TLC contracts with, and he is the corporate head. 


I always think the kids have a glazed spaced out look,Ive got a feeling we are going to see more things fall out of the closet with this family.


Im sure certain media outlets will be hunting down Duggar hangers on and people who have dealings with them,a quick offer of some cash and some people will spill the whole entire thing.


I also thought making josie push around that huge cart collecting underwear was really bizzare.

Edited by kandinski
  • Love 1

In that letter that "Alice" wrote that was circulating earlier, she stated in 2005 that Michelle Duggar hadn't cooked a meal, cleaned the house, or bathed a child in years. Everything that you saw on tv was just for show. I tend to believe this when we saw Michelle making eggs for the family, she was doing them one at a time and it was taking forever, of course. Any sane person would make a dozen scrambled eggs at once or an oven casserole with eggs, something simpler than what she was doing. It's pretty clear that Michelle lost her ability to cope with this large family she was brainwashed into believing that she must have by the time Joseph was born and she had her laundry room breakdown. It's also obvious that they never looked after their kids at night. When the the tinker tot house was built, Jana and Jill were given double beds so that they could take care of their buddies at night. At the time, Jackson and Justin were little and probably stayed with their sisters at night when they woke up as they were not allowed to disturb Jim Bob and Michelle's alone time. The girls never ever had privacy at night..I'm sure they weren't allowed to lock their doors, both before and after the Josh incidents happened. Jim Bob and Michelle didn't make an effort to protect their daughters even knowing what had happened and that's just wrong on so many levels. 

  • Love 12
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