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S14.E16: Top 12 Girls Perform

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Here are the stream-of-consciousness notes I made while watching:


I know Lovey went first, but I had to run and take care of something and missed her entirely. (Why don't I remember someone named Lovey? You'd think I'd remember that.)


Adanna was second, I came back at the very, very end and didn't hear her either.


Alexis: I'm not crazy about this song--it has very little melody--and I think I heard some off notes, but she does know how to involve the audience very quickly. And yes, Keith is right--dump the guitar!


Joey: That accordion is too big, I can't see her! Hmmm, I don't know this song, but it suits her very well, and I like the way she's flirting with the camera and the audience. Wait, what, it's a Keith Urban song? I'd never have guessed that. And I am still intrigued by her voice. But there seems something strange about the way she is pronouncing words.


Katherine: Starts off a bit shaky--and her voice sounds kind of tight? compressed? to me. And she's having pitch problems. Ah, there, her voice opened up some as she went on, she finished stronger than she began. I don't know this song either, but I do like it.


Shannon: I can't make out a single lyric she's singing. Also she's getting a bit shriek-y and off key? I'm not enjoying this.


Loren: That started okay, but she's having pitch problems off and on and it doesn't sound better to me for being really loud. Powerful is well and good, but if you're going to go that loud, be sure that those are the right notes!


Shi: ...? That was really...strange. I can't really make out the lyrics, and she sounds a little hoarse maybe? Or just out of breath? Bleat-y. And also a bit shriek-y. (I don't recognize the song. Sorry, Harry.)


Maddie: I do like the laid-back vocals she's putting down. She seems relaxed, and her voice sounded relaxed, which is good. I prefer that to a high-powered song that makes the singer tense up or push.


Sarina-Joi: Oooh, that's good straight out of the gate, her voice sounds totally solid to me. Tuneful AND powerful. Love it! (And that is not the sort of music I usually choose to listen to. :))


Jax: Um...what? Where's this affected faux baby-voice coming from, and why? The second part was much better. And she stayed on pitch, which tonight, alas, is worthy of note.


Tyanna: Lovely richness she has to her tone, and an excellent song choice for her. She did seem to get a little out of breath in the middle, but she can learn to phrase better and avoid that.

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Lovey - Decent but doesn't stand out to me. I think she tries too hard. 


Adanna - She lost control in some places.


Alexis - Bad song choice. Covered too many times. Sounded karaoke. Also hated the twang. I like Alexis but this was not enough to make me vote for her.


Joey - Aside from the annoying way she pronounces words, this was fantastic. What a way to change up a song (I don't know the original though). She should be careful not to come off too gimmicky though. But great performance.


Katherine - I disagree that this wasn't a good song choice. It's exactly what I'd have expected her to sing and I think she sang it well.


Shannon - One of the worst performances of the night. I think Shannon has huge potential so I voted for her but this was terrible. Wrong song, pitch problems, no feeling or attitude. She may go home.


Loren - Ok Loren bugs a bit and she is too Broadway for this show but this wasn't so bad that she deserves to go home. It was good enough that she deserves at least another week. 


Shi - Next to Shannon, this was the worst performance of the night. Her voice is awful. She sounds like a man when she sings. I can't tell if that's her real voice or she's putting it on because she thinks it sounds cool? It doesn't. I don't think she has any idea who she is as an artist.


Maddie - I don't agree with the judges on this. I thought Maddie brought great energy and stage presence to this performance and it was far better than her terrible HOB. Perfectly on pitch and she worked the stage and audience. 


Sarina - Great performance, nothing more to say.


Jax - The beginning was rough but when the band kicked in it got better. I'm on the fence about Jax, she bugs me a lot, and that voice is so affected, but at least she's entertaining I guess. I threw a few votes her way. She is at least someone I wouldn't mind seeing every week.


Tyanna - Not as good as her HOB, but she's still one of the best in the competition. Cute girl with an adorable personality and great voice. I'm rooting for her.


Overall I thought the girls were much better than the guys as a whole. I voted for Tyanna, Jax, Sarina, Maddie, Joey, Katherine, Loren, and Shannon. I think the 4 to go will be Lovey, Shi, Adanna, and possibly Shannon or Alexis. Maybe Loren too. There are more girls who deserve to stay than guys. 

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Ryan. Vests and bulky shirts aren't your friend.


Why do these teenagers look so old and worn out? And you don't have to put ALL the makeup on when you perform.


Joey Cook. Judy Tenuta thinks your terrible and so do I. I'm guessing.


JLO's hair was terrible. 


And that's all I got for now.


Oh wait! Tyanna sounded flat and lacked energy.

Edited by rustyspigot
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Well, I was waaay off on Shannon. I really thought she might surprise and join the lead pack of Sarina, Jax and Tyanna/Maddie. Unfortunately that was an awful song choice, she genuinely looked sad, lost and her eyes get so unfocused at times she comes off as wanting to be almost anywhere in the world other than singing on a stage in-front of an audience.


Katherine was another disappointment....that's one of those songs (actually a lot of T. Swift's songs fit this description) that seem better in theory than in practice. The only reality show contestant to really pull Safe and Sound off was Savannah Berry from the Voice a few seasons back.


There's a medium-size gap from Sarina-Joi and Jax to Maddie and Tyanna. Although Maddie might want to come back to something a bit more current than Shania, and selfishly I really wanted that bubbly cheerleader girl to do Lips are Moving during Hollywood week...because only she could've given it the proper white girl rap intro necessary. Then it's a yawning chasm to whichever four round out the group making it through to next week. I'd give Alexis another shot (although maybe tone down the calls for crowd participation a bit), Adanna (irrational love for that song, although not really a song made for what she tried to do w/ it at the end), Lovey (really not that bad to lead of the show, despite the fact that I'd much rather have Hunter or Jaq in her spot, and she seems pretty much cast to finish 11th or 12th). I'd still probably throw an olive branch to one of Shannon or Katherine.....Joey, Shi and Loren just need to go and they need to take Keith's comically over the top reaction to "realizing" that Joey had reworked one of his songs with them...

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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I enjoyed Sarina-Joi and I liked how Alexis engaged the crowd.

I didn't fast forward through Jax like I thought I would have to.

Loren's giddy-girl over-the-top reactions are old and exhausting. I have to recommend she starts "acting" like a poised young lady. I want to like her, but her vocals are inconsistent too.

I still sigh at the sight of Shi, but I can actually get what she was trying to do with the song tonight in her own style, but she forced it and it just didn't work.

I like Tyanna, I just think she lacks the right styling and a bit finesse with performing.

The rest either tried too hard due to lack of experience or I've just forgotten already.

Honorable mention: I liked how Shannon kept an upbeat humble attitude after a tough critique.

Edited by Sunnyside
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How many episdodes must we wait before they bleach Joey's teeth?  They are like dandelion yellow.  I can't stand them on my screen.

I think Shi is the most beautiful girl ever on Idol.  Her voice--is it unbelievably affected or is it natural?  opinions, please.

Lovey dirtied-up the pageant schtick.  Surprise of the night for me.

Loren, though I know nothing about her, seems like she would be Nomi Malone on the stairs behind you, pushing hard and fast.

I think Alexis is really engaging.  How tall is she I wonder? Nothing like a good ole Hispanic twang.

Jax Orange fake tan Fade Countdown = 2 weeks down, 2 to go

Tyanna  I know the stylists were trying to keep her in the same Janelle Monet look, but that was one awfully incredibly bad styling right there

B3= Shannon, Katherine, Joey

Edited by WhineandCheez
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Why do these teenagers look so old and worn out? And you don't have to put ALL the makeup on when you perform.


Don't you know by now? They only cast teenagers with super hard lives, otherwise there would be no sob stories to tell. Gotta milk the ratings elsewhere, when the "talent" your show gets is so mediocre.


I have zero clue how they still manage to pay JLo that much to be on this show.

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I dvred both shows and watched them back to back, fast forwarding through boring songs. The girls show went a lot faster than the boys.


Someone needs to introduce Shannon to consonants. (She is the one who keeps saying she's never sung in front of people, right? She needs to stop saying that, what with it not being true anymore.) Another girl needs more consonants, too, but now I can't remember which one. Possibly Shi. I remember I didn't like her song, although I love her hair.

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That was - -  head-scratchingly mediocre. Eighty percent of the singers need a crash course in how to enunciate while singing. Fifty percent of them need ear training to stay on pitch. Twenty  percent of them had more stage absence than stage presence. All of them need to grow up quite a bit more in order to be interesting as interpreters of songs. Each year I lose interest in American Idol a little earlier, and this is the earliest yet.

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Sarina-Joi was in a class of her own. Everyone else was off-key, but it didn't look like anyone had in-ear monitors so maybe that's why. Yeah...that's why.....


Jax reminds me of Siobhan--good singers but they kind of take themselves very seriously.

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Sarina-Joi just blew all of the competition out of the water, but I really, really liked Katherine so I put all of my votes on her, because I imagine Sarina-Joi, Jax and Tyanna will be getting a lot of votes.  Nobody else really did it for me.


Judges, quit telling people they're good when they're not.

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I thought Sarina, Joey, Tyanna, and Jax were easily the best of the night. The rest ended up in subjective territory sans Shi and Shannon. Those two were terrible and are hopefully locks to go home.


I have my fingers crossed that Katherine stays. She's got tone for days and while I liked the performance, it wasn't without its flaws. I could understand how it wouldn't connect with an audience.


Should Go: Shi, Shannon, Loren, Maddie

Likeliest to go: Shi, Shannon, Alexis, Katherine

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Judges, when you heap high praise on a mediocre performance, what words are left for the truly great performances to set them apart as they deserve?


I enjoyed Adanna and Sarina Joi. I wasn't feeling Tyanna's song choice, but otherwise like her voice too.


Couldn't help but think "Rachel" when Maddie came on, and after that meh performance I would've liked to have seen how Rachel would've fared tonight instead. Wonder what she's up to since that sing-off switcheroo.


Does JLo keep looking to her lower left at a monitor to check herself out when she's onscreen (too much!), or a script? I can't tell, but it bugs.


And my hand basket to hell awaits, for my feeling that I was watching/hearing a man in drag tonight instead of Shi. I can't stand her singing voice.

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They sure saved the best for last.  By the time Maddy had finished singing, I was reaching the conclusion that this group of girls was even weaker than the boys.  But then the last three completely turned things around.  Sarina, Jax and Tyanna were so far above everyone else that it was like watching a completely different competition, with Sarina giving the best performance of the entire Top 24.


As for the rest, I guess I would give the edge to Alexis and Joey.  Biggest disappointment for me was Shannon, who seemed to get swallowed up by the stage.


Anyway, my ranking for the night is:


1. Sarina Joi Crowe
2. Jax
3. Tyanna Jones
4. Alexis Gomez
5. Joey Cook
6. Maddie Walker
7. Loren Lott
8. Katherine Winston
9. Lovey James
10. Adanna Duru
11. Shi Scott
12. Shannon Berthiaume


Overall, I think this week did give us a pretty solid Top 6 of Sarina, Jax, Tyanna, Quentin, Clark and Nick (in no particular order).  Not to say that there aren't others capable of stepping it up in coming weeks and moving themselves into that select group.

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  1. lovey - okay, if forced
  2. adanna - well that sucked
  3. alexis - hippieliscous, country-style. I liked it.
  4. joey - kiwis are an overrated fruit.  its interesting, i guess.  she can stay, I suppose
  5. katherine - yawn.  that was boring AND awful.
  6. shannon - ugh.
  7. loren - WTF?  a big bag of screetchy diva bullshit.
  8. shi(t) - good thing she's charismatic.  cause she can't actually sing.
  9. maddie - I didn't mind her energy level, but it was kinda trite.  and not really well sung.
  10. sarina-joi - very good.  glad to see at least one of the ladies of color brought it big.
  11. jax - yes its affected.  but I still loved it.  so sue me!
  12. tyanna - liked her previously.  but that didn't deserve the pimp spot.  not bad, but not great either.


with a few exceptions... the boys were better.


By the way are we REALLY supposed to believe this is live?  The cut speed between the stage performance, the walk offstage with the fellow contestants, the speak to the camera bit, and then back to Ryan on stage is FAR too quick for this to be anything but taped and edited.

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Definitely not live.  Harry performed ihere in VA on Wednesday night, so there's no way he was in Detroit watching the guys perform.


When are the results being announced -- next week?  I don't mind the one-hour format free of filler and judges fawning over each other, but I'm not clear on the schedule.

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I listened, rather than watched, so my comments are only about how the performers sounded:



Sarina-Joi was easily the best of the right.  That was absolutely terrific.  How did she not make it this far previously? 


Katherine was next best, and although she had a couple of wobbles, vocally, I loved her performance.  There's a little rasp there that I really enjoy.


Tyanna wasn't at her best, but it was still very good, and I liked that she didn't start it in a higher key.


I didn't want to like Jax, but damn if it that wasn't good.  Her personality bugs, though, so we'll see.


There's something about Emily's voice I like, but she's so cutesy and gimmicky that she'll probably drive me crazy soon enough.  I'd put her through this round though.


Alexis was nothing special but did sound good, but honey, no false twang!  Although at least Keith wasn't the one who commented on it, because, really, does he ever sound Australian when he sings?


Maddie and Lovey sounded alright but were boring and vanilla.  Dime-a-dozen singers who shouldn't make it much farther.


Shannon picked exactly the wrong song for her voice, and did not sing it well.  She sounded almost nasal, but not like that's how she normally sings; more like she had a bad head cold and was really congested.  I hope she makes it through because I really like her voice.


Adanna started out off-key, did improve a bit, but I'm just not a fan of belters in general, and she isn't even that good a belter.


Loren sang a boring ballad and was a little off-key as well.  Then she yelled at me some.  It was everything that made me think she shouldn't have made the top 24 to begin with.  Skyfall was obviously a one-off performance for her.


Shi chose the wrong song, then proceed to sound terrible singing it.  That had nothing to recommend itself as a vocal performance at all.



My picks to stay: Sarina-Joi, Katherine, Tyanna and Jax, all based on last night, with Shannon and Emily based on cummulative performances.  Some combination of Alexis and either Maddie or Lovey for the last two spots, I guess.  Although I'd be okay with Adanna since I think she did have a good performance last time out.  But Loren and Shi definitely need to go.


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First post of the season because I don't watch the auditions and barely pay attention to the Hollywood rounds.  I thought some of the girls did a pretty good job.  Sarina-Joi was great and I see a lot of potential in Tyanna.  I liked Jax's performance once it sped up but I don't care for her kind of voice and it's amplified during the slow songs. 


What I liked the best about both this week and last week?  It wasn't two hours of ballads! That's been my biggest complaint all along about AI--too many ballads. I can almost forgive the weaker performers because there was some actual life on the stage. 

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If last night is in an indication of anything, it's that a guy is going to win this thing.


Because last night with the girls?


Was awful. Painfully awful.


With the noted exception of Sarina-Joi. Even Tyanna was off her game. The rest sounded like whispery ,baby-doll voices that switched to belting it out in the last 10 seconds and almost none of it in tune or the right key.


It seems unfair that until they get to the top 12 (if memory serves), they'll chop an equal number of guys vs girls. Far more of the guys deserve to stay over what I saw last night.

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There were 3 performances I liked:


Kathrine Winston ~ I liked this performance, although I have to imagine when she sings a song where she can't whisper, she'll be really weak. Also, she seemed as if she was trying to imitate Adele visually. 


Maddie Walker ~ I thought she could sing decently well, she wasn't boring on stage, and she picked a song by someone other than Miranda Lambert or Carrie Underwood.


Sarina Joi-Crowe ~ I don't love her voice, but at least she can hit high notes without sounding like she's straining or screaming (or missing altogether). Also, the best stage-wise, too. She won't win although she would probably deserve it.


Of course, lots of talk from the judges about artistry/original/nonsense. Their idea of unique is having dyed hair and singing in a baby-talk style. I hate these words, because they usually mean that the contestants can't sing either and they're just skating by. I personally see the girls/boys as even since I only liked 2, maybe 3 of the guys, too. But we know a guy is going to win regardless.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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Big bowl of meh again tonight.  Why oh why am I even watching.  I know that everyone seems to use autotune these days but singing on key would be a big improvement for all of them, girls and guys.  Is it so hard?  People used to do it all the time.

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There were some moments for me last night but overall, I'm still waiting for some zang.  My thoughts as they come to me randomly:

  • The girl that sang the Hunger Games song - I thought it was a bad bad choice for this show
  • Accordion girl - very clever and I'm sure she is having a ball but I doubt she will last
  • I want to like Jax but she bugs.  And I think she bugs others judging by the shade that was thrown by another contestant behind her back last night.  While watching her offstage after she sang one of the girls gave her the stank eye and looked her up and down while she was smiling and jumping up and down into the camera after her performance.  We rewound it twice to watch, just to make sure and it was unmistakeable
  • Shi (singing the Umbrella song?) Was she the contestant that Adam Lambert said wasn't ready but the other judges disagreed with? 
  • I like the judges now, but I hate what happens when the show goes live.  I hate how they muzzle Harry and how he resorts to being stupid to get attention because he can't really judge anymore beyond what the powers sway him towards
  • I wonder if the top two from last year are watching?
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For me, it was Sarina-Joi Crowe & Tyanna Jones.  The rest were just kind of there, no real standouts.  I'm trying to remember Sarina-Joi from prior years, but am drawing a blank (which this show makes me do so often).  How did she not make it through Hollywood before?

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Joey's accordion number was the feel-good moment of the night. Talk about not letting the pressure ruin your moment, at all.


Keith's reaction to it reminded me why he's my favorite judge, with Harry a close second and J-Lo "My contract requires 30 reaction shots of me per episode" bringing up the rear.


Another non-performing moment I liked: Shi's "Oh man, that sucks!" (Because sometimes, what else can you say?)

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Say what y'all want..BUT I guarantee Loren will be in the Top 12

Good lord I hope not. That was some real bullshit, that performance of hers (and the odd judge fawning over her).  

Edited by Kromm
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Good lord I hope not. That was some real bullshit, that performance of hers (and the odd judge fawning over her).

I agree..the performance wasn't all THAT..skyfall was her best performance, she obviously has potential but need to control her voice...with so many duel personalities & voices, I would slightly be suprised if she didn't make Top 12.

If she makes Top 12 she's gonna be that girl that the viewers don't really like..BUT the judges adore and some how manages to escape elimination..there is one every season lol.

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For those of us who remember the catchphrases from the epic American Idol threads in another place in another time, the thing I love most about Joey is that I know that whatever song she chooses, she will make it her own dog.


That alone is enough for me to root for her to make it far. Plus, I happen to love her voice ... I think the thing she needs to do soon, if she makes it through (and I hope she does), is to do one song with no accordion, no ukelele, etc. One standard ballad (though not something like, oh, "How Am I Supposed To Live Without You?" ... maybe "Moon River" or something) ... just her and her voice. Let people hear it.


I also adore Katherine. She may have one of the loveliest voices I've heard from a Top 24 girl in years and years and years. I don't know if she'll make it through, since she wasn't shoved down our throats in the early rounds, and her nerves seemed to get the best of her on Top 12, but if she does, I look forward to seeing what she does, and I will keep an ear out for her down the line because I'd buy her CDs in a heartbeat (especially based on what seems to be her taste in music). 


But if I were to pick ONE person that I adore that I think might actually make it far it would be Tyanna. That voice. That smile. That personality. That humility. That backstory. That awesome mom. Those cute ties. I just lovelovelovelovelove her. 


I can't remember the last time I went into the round past the semis liking as many girls as I liked guys (Savion, Qaasim and Quentin, if you're keeping score). 

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Just like the boys, this is the first time I've watched the girls sing.  I don't know if they have great personalities or anything like that.  My favorites were the last three with Sarina above all of them.  Other two that I liked were Joey (although somebody should give her some Crest whitestrips) and Katherine.  The two that were bad were Shannon and Shi.  I think Shi was chosen because she looks like Jennifer Beals from FlashDance.

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If last night is in an indication of anything, it's that a guy is going to win this thing.


Because last night with the girls?


Was awful. Painfully awful.


If that has to happen, then it needs to be Quentin. Because I just can't with another "meh" white guy winning again.


But TBH, I thought the guys as a whole sucked. Meanwhile, I was impressed with Adanna, Jax, Joey, Tyanna and Sarina and think Katherine was pretty good and will improve with time.


Good lord I hope not. That was some real bullshit, that performance of hers (and the odd judge fawning over her).  


The judges were positive toward almost everyone, deserved or not. I couldn't believe my ears when they were praising Lovey, Trevor, etc. It seemed to me the approach they're taking is "let's just be neutral-to-positive to everyone, avoid creating any strong sympathy blocks, and let the chips fall where they may."

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But TBH, I thought the guys as a whole sucked. Meanwhile, I was impressed with Adanna, Jax, Joey, Tyanna and Sarina and think Katherine was pretty good and will improve with time.


The judges were positive toward almost everyone, deserved or not. I couldn't believe my ears when they were praising Lovey, Trevor, etc. It seemed to me the approach they're taking is "let's just be neutral-to-positive to everyone, avoid creating any strong sympathy blocks, and let the chips fall where they may."

I agree about the guys--and I have a feeling some of the weaker (and cuter) ones will stay to sing off key another day.


As for the girls, I don't remember who Adana is, but agree about the others. Jax was never on my radar at all until this week and I thought that performance of "Bang Bang" was pretty amazing. Also enjoyed Joey so much just for having the guts to do something so different on a show as stifling and formulaic as Idol--and for pulling it off.  I thought Katherine was very good--as she was in the auditions--and I was very disappointed when Harry got the last word and it was negative, about song choice "not helping you". I hope she -does- get through on a ballad because she is so much better than some they praise excessively who really can't hold their pitch at all (Loren, I'm looking at you).


I must admit that, at least before the show goes live, I prefer this judging panel to ones of the past. I like that they don't throw out the tired and meaningless catch phrases (like Randy) or the too-easy, unhelpful put downs (like Simon). And, weak as J-Lo's comments are at times, she's about 10xs better, imo, than Paula (and 100x better than Mariah and Nicky Minaj).  

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Maybe Harry said what he said to Katherine because Michael was so boring.  But Michael sang an old Bolton song and made me want to fall asleep.  Katherine sang a current song and did a good job with it.  I agree with whoever said that Savannah Berry did a better job on The Voice though.

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Why ARE Joey's teeth so yellow, contextually? Has anyone ever hinted and I missed it? Is she shown/described homeless, bulimic, a smoker, other?

Adannaduru was pretty good but I think she needs to use her middle name. "Adanna Elizabeth Duru" (or whatever), would actually be an improvement for me. I think it seems closer to "your name is over before we even start saying it", than "wow, this is short and punchy!"

Katherine is very cute but her song was not good. Aside: She really needed some foundation makeup. Also, if Keith thought she did so well what was up with that hilarious facial reaction he gave towards the end of her rendition? It looked like "Holy God, listen to this terrible meandering pitch".

Shi’s rendition was the one I came in on in real time and, ech. I was expecting some kind of fright night from the other performances when I went back, which I think actually made everybody else look better than they heretofore would have. I thought, "oh, this is the self-indulgent trainwrecky episode where Ricky doesn't interfere or suggest that anyone has chosen "not singer's songs" so that they can "show improvement" as the season wears on."  Speak truth to power, Harry, and climb out of Rihanna's butt; "Umbrella"is a great song. It isn't, however, ANY "singer's showcase song" Sarina Joi would've come off almost as indifferently singing it.

Shannon's rendition was almost as bad. She is very wholesomely pretty, though.

I liked Jax (and really got the point of Jax for the first time), before she went uptempo. Then she lost me. Still one of the more interesting performances in the show.

Tyanna struck me as flat also, I think the song was not in her key...? [ETA to take it back, I paused to do dishes and realized after the fact, that JLo had said the song was in the wrong key for Tyanna.  More grassy-knoll fodder indicating they're trying to avoid saying "you're off pitch"?]

Edited by queenanne
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