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I wonder if Reza ACTUALLY BOUGHT that watch. To be honest, it felt like a sneaky set up product placement.


I certainly can't relate to their flashy (some might say gaudy) ways, so I just have to wonder how much I'd have to earn or be worth to event THINK about buying a 35-thousand-dollar watch. Are you crazy? Because if you're buying a 35K watch, AND MULTIPLES of everything else -- you're likely also buying --  three-thousand dollar suits, thousand-dollar shoes, 200-dollar shirts --.add a 150K car, high rent -- and living at that price point all the time you're quite a spender.


 I just don't think even 5 million dollars a year -- AFTER TAXES goes that far. Oh yeah I forgot the personal trainers, psycho-therapy, pet professionals, personal grooming, spas, entertaining, etc.  I'd imagine that they all may try  to get away with writing a lot of it off for a business expense on taxes, but still. EVEN TO RENT that lifestyle costs money. ONE of Reza's suits probably cost more than all my suits put together.


I love the show and the lifestyle, I just wonder how it's paid for.

Edited by selhars
  • Love 1

@selhars GG's father is a successful architect and supports her financially. She also has a hair extension company with her sister Leila.


Asa's father was a pilot and her mother was a nurse. Asa has said she has investments in real estate and was married at one point; the speculation was the husband supported some of her ventures. Also has her own bottled water company Diamond Water.


MJ is in residential real estate. Not sure what Vida, her mom, used to do.


Reza is in residential real estate. Not sure what his parents did, but they're divorced.


Mike is in residential real estate, is a rep for Nerium, and used to be in commercial real estate in Las Vegas. He's a law school dropout. Jessica is a registered nurse at a plastic surgeon's office (might explain all the fillers). Not sure what his family does. 


Lilly graduated from law school and co created a bikini line.


I know, I'm a loser to know all this.


I think she worked in a department store doing retail.


I remembered this from a year or more ago.  If you read the comments on some of the Shah-related stores on this site, a lot of fingers were pointing at Lily and MJ for feeding info to Nick.  Pretty entertaining stuff.



Oddly, the nicest one may be GG - sure she may try to stab you, but I don't think she will go out of her way to humiliate or conspire against someone.  


I have always felt like G.G. was the only Shah I would want to spend any time with. She made a lot of missteps but I always felt like she was more misunderstood and the antics were all an extension of that. 


I thought that Jessica was getting a little too handsy, she's lucky the new chick just told her to cool it, instead of punching her when she got in the middle of the fight and started pushing her boyfriend, essentially making it two on one. Still unclear why MJ skated off blame-free after actually making the comment that new girl simply repeated as a question.


JoJo NY, You'll find me at the table loading up a plate, as well. The food on this show, the food!! I just want to make a plate and watch like I'm a fly on the wall. And then make another plate.  Thank goodness they eat. The HoWives have yummy looking food, which they push around and ignore. Bring on the spread!!


Asa: "We say we've had enough but we know we're lying, because we're going to eat again when we get there." MJ (unapologetically): "We eat and eat and eat and eat. Look at us. None of us is getting any smaller."


Asa's boyfriend/partner also happens to be Jermaine Jackson's son. He appeared on the show once on the second season, but other than his apparently wanting to no part of this televised mess and Asa claiming she wants compete privacy of her dating life, she doesn't really put their relationship out there much:

I'm assuming he helps her out a great deal financially, and her rich ex-husband may have paid her spousal support or a fat settlement.   


Asa was never married, there was an article last year that cleared that up.  On the bright side for her, while the Jacksons are too broke to support themselves, Jermaine Jr. IS one of the lucky Dynasty offspring, as the grandson of Berry Gordy. She does seem to land on her feet, situationally. Her mother was hilarious though: "Asa, it's hard to say good-bye to yesterday. Don't you know, the Boys to the Men said that?" Best part of the show.


I happened across MJ last July in Vegas. She was with a couple of guys who seemed sort of entourage-y, and one of those fat dogs walking around the hotel. I guessed she was there as part of a huge pet expo but she maybe just stayed there because her dog could. She looked a lot smaller than expected, pretty good, even. We exchanged glances without me acknowleding I recognized her, and her looking at me like "I think you recognize me." LOL.  Funnily, we crossed paths again later that night, this time approaching from the opposite direction, as if we were both coming back from wherever we had been going earlier, ha ha.


a lot of fingers were pointing at Lily and MJ for feeding info to Nick.  Pretty entertaining stuff.


Let me say I always admired Lily. And liked her a lot. 

1) I liked that she wasn't into getting drunk and acting like a childish ass on TV. Can't this show be about something OTHER than that.

2) I think she did the best thing. given that she really does have a legitimate business that she cares about. Come on for one season, get some promotion for your business. Then leave (or get kicked off, whatever). That way you've been on the show, got some free exposure for the business, you haven't acted so crazy that you've damaged your business brand, you were already rich, will get even richer.....and don't care about -- because you know that you don't need to be on TV acting stupid to accomplish that. I think Lily would be GREAT FUN to hang out with.


This past episode was an interesting one. As a season premiere it looks like we might be able to clearly see where the "plots" are going from here, especially with Mike and GG.

  • Love 1

I wonder if Reza ACTUALLY BOUGHT that watch. To be honest, it felt like a sneaky set up product placement.


I certainly can't relate to their flashy (some might say gaudy) ways, so I just have to wonder how much I'd have to earn or be worth to event THINK about buying a 35-thousand-dollar watch. Are you crazy? Because if you're buying a 35K watch, AND MULTIPLES of everything else -- you're likely also buying --  three-thousand dollar suits, thousand-dollar shoes, 200-dollar shirts --.add a 150K car, high rent -- and living at that price point all the time you're quite a spender.


 I just don't think even 5 million dollars a year -- AFTER TAXES goes that far. Oh yeah I forgot the personal trainers, psycho-therapy, pet professionals, personal grooming, spas, entertaining, etc.  I'd imagine that they all may try  to get away with writing a lot of it off for a business expense on taxes, but still. EVEN TO RENT that lifestyle costs money. ONE of Reza's suits probably cost more than all my suits put together.


I love the show and the lifestyle, I just wonder how it's paid for.


Let's keep in mind that they're all or most of all of them are old. Like forty's old. So although 35K is pretty insane for the average person, they should have established some kind of dough by that age - aren't most of them in real estate in LA anyway. 


Reality TV also has lovely ways of portraying lifestyles that aren't even real lol. Totally different show but I remember when in Love & Hip Hop Atlanta - Yung Joc had 2 chicks fighting over him on tv but in reality he was actually married and his real wife divorced him. Hilarious.

Bobby's face is obscene. I'm sure he started off as a decent looking guy, but his face is so pulled and sculpted, he looks like that guy who is trying to make himself look like Kim Kardashian. Both he and Asifa have those waxed/shaved hairlines that make them look like they're wearing Kevin James' wigs.

Mike is so corny and Jessica is even worse for wanting him so badly.

  • Love 4

Bobby's face is obscene. I'm sure he started off as a decent looking guy, but his face is so pulled and sculpted, he looks like that guy who is trying to make himself look like Kim Kardashian. Both he and Asifa have those waxed/shaved hairlines that make them look like they're wearing Kevin James' wigs.

Mike is so corny and Jessica is even worse for wanting him so badly.

Mike has such a scary look in his eyes.

  • Love 2

Mike said he was distancing himself from the cast for a long time, and then was offended he wasn't part of the wedding party? I can understand why Jessica doesn't like Mike hanging out with this group since they can be vicious (especially Reza, and they've already butted heads in past seasons) and they tend to drink too much and fight at every opportunity, but she has to see Mike is a big part of the problem. Maybe she's just gunning so hard for that ring that she's turning a blind eye to it, which is sad. 


I need this show to provide some context for the #Fart hat. It's my new favorite cast member. 

  • Love 3

Mike is messed up, like a lost soul, who seems to drink too much (IMO)... he's still so immature yet. And immaturity AND being lost, and drinking don't mix well. 

He just doesn't seem like that great a catch. I'd guess we all know that people have more than one side to them, and a co-worker who's a bitch is said to be really nice away from work, yet we can't imagine that. So MAYBE Mike is like that...and what we see on TV isn't the REAL him, away from the cameras. Because other than that I don't get why Jessica is sooo set on HIM. I see nothing in Mike that would make HIM THE one, to the point of begging him to marry you. Really?


Also even if he does get drunk. I don't like the way Jessica calls him stupid. I just don't like that demeaning conversation. Why can't she say honey "you're above this"..."you're better than this," "come on there's no point." But saying to his face "you're stupid" I just couldn't imagine saying that to someone I supposedly love. Mike and Jessica's love just doesn't seem like it's on a true "soul' level, that they truly bring out the best in each other. It seems very "surface."  Two insecure people together in a relationship....not good.


Love me some Reza. The early season jury is still out on MJ,,,she has so many issues. At least I cans see she's TRYING not to be (too much of) an ass. I think her dool humor isn't for everyone, but I don't think has cruel intent with it. Asa...I think she cares about her friends, but like Reza, has the potential to stir up trouble yet want to stay out of the fray they cause. GG (Golnessa) is trying to but CEARLY still has issues.


And Asifa is just plain stupid. She said we don't live in the Middle East We live in America. It's hot here. I don't want to wear a burka, or clothes all over me. My G-d what do men see is STUPID women?!

Edited by selhars
  • Love 2

Bobby's face is obscene. I'm sure he started off as a decent looking guy, but his face is so pulled and sculpted, he looks like that guy who is trying to make himself look like Kim Kardashian. Both he and Asifa have those waxed/shaved hairlines that make them look like they're wearing Kevin James' wigs.


Not only that but there's something preternatural about his hair. Plugs maybe?


As for Asifa, the Persians can have her. She can stop self-identifying as Indian anytime she likes and that'll be fine by me.


Not buying Bobby's whole backstory of owning a bunch of retail shops but selling them one month before filming began. Also, the whole Asifa moving into GG's because he hasn't found a suitable place for the two of them? Clearly they both lived in some tiny dumps they don't want the cameras to see.


Ahh, Shahs--I've missed you. Is the stay-cation all we get this year? No life affirming trip to the Middle East?


What's the story with Shervin? He's like a much more handsome and fit version of Mike, minus the raging temper. 

  • Love 2

Again...what did Jessica do to her face?! It looks like she had her lips done. A ton of fillers/botox. She just looks like melted wax. It's also sad how she has to be around to "control" Mike. She leaves and has to go around to every person and make them promise that Mike won't fight? Reza's worried about what Mike will do if Jessica isn't there? What does she see in him? I hope it was a sincere conversion to Judaism because girl, he ain't worth it.


I can see why Asifa and GG are friends. Bobby reminds me of somebody and I can't put my finger on it...

  • Love 2

Jessica's final step in conversion would have been beautiful if I felt her conversion was about more than her thirst for a ring. Mike is a shit stain, IMO, but Jessica is an asshole too. I don't know if it's editing but every time Mike says he loves her and she doesn't answer him back, it pisses me off. Mike thinks he's the "king" in that relationship, but Jessica has all the control.

Years of friendship mean nothing when you purposely distance yourself from your "friends" and then expect them to include you in all the wedding preparations. I wouldn't trust Mike to get anything done because he's lazy. Mike is a mess.

Asifa and Bobby are two cornballs. They are trying so hard to controversial. It's not working. They're just annoying.

MJ would look so much better if she wore clothes for her body type. She always looks uncomfortable because her clothes are so tight.

Once again, the food looked delicious.

  • Love 3

I can't stand Jessica but then again I don't really like Mike either. Is it just me or does her right cheek have this weird grey tinge to it? It looks like what it looks like when you get a black eye and try to cover it up (not saying he hit her; just saying what her face looks like). She must have aged herself 15 years with her surgery. Sad.


I have a whole lot to say about their relationship: I get wanting to convert for the man you love and it's a noble and beautiful thing. But what I hate is this: Jessica is Italian American. We Italian Americans have our own culture that's just as fun and interesting as Persian, so why isn't Mike interested in anything about her? It's like this: my husband is Dutch born and raised in the Netherlands and we both learn and enjoy from one another. I eat pannenkoeken now and he now wears nicer shoes. ;) It's a trade-off! lol


It seems to me that she bends over backwards to do whatever he likes just to get a ring. Ugh, Jessica, stand up for yourself! You're rich, you're young, you've got a good job and you seem to be able to not melt into a puddle of drunkenness everywhere you go--I don't even like you and I know that you can do better than Mike! Mike is always walking around angry like the world owes him something. He needs to dial it down about 10 notches.


That said, she is a sour puss and sucks the fun out of every place she goes, so there's that...

  • Love 3

The arm contouring was a new one for me, I hope she stays off the white furniture!  I do think that it is funny she is worried about her arms but then puts on a dress that is a second skin and her take away is her arms are an issue, lol.


I am giving a side eye to the whole beach mikvah scene, here in Baltimore we have actual mikvahs, surely in a city like LA there should be a mikvah so you don't have to be naked on a public beach. 

  • Love 1

quote from above: "Jessica's final step in conversion would have been beautiful if I felt her conversion was about more than her thirst for a ring. Mike is a shit stain, IMO, but Jessica is an asshole too. I don't know if it's editing but every time Mike says he loves her and she doesn't answer him back, it pisses me off. Mike thinks he's the "king" in that relationship, but Jessica has all the control."


I, too, was struck by the fact that each time he said he loves her she never said she loves him, too. And as someone else noted, she is a real sour puss.




These Shah...  I don't know if I can with them any longer.  Too much drama. Too many unnecessary butt injections.  Too much alcohol.  Too much food. Wait, scratch that.  The food can stay!  The food is the best part!


Ok, MJ is still somewhat of a hot mess, but there's a part of me that likes her and roots for her - and hopes that she will get her life together. I still like certain aspects of Reza and Asa, too.  Even GG at times.  But the rest of them are just flippin' terrible.  



Bobby's face is obscene. I'm sure he started off as a decent looking guy, but his face is so pulled and sculpted, he looks like that guy who is trying to make himself look like Kim Kardashian. Both he and Asifa have those waxed/shaved hairlines that make them look like they're wearing Kevin James' wigs.

Mike is so corny and Jessica is even worse for wanting him so badly.


Yes.  He's very odd looking.  He kinda reminds me of an uglier version of Jeff Lewis. 


Again...what did Jessica do to her face?! It looks like she had her lips done. A ton of fillers/botox. She just looks like melted wax.



This cannot be overstated. She looks absolutely dreadful.  I never thought she was beautiful, but I thought she was semi-cute. But holy crap she's almost scary looking now. That flashback they showed of her from the previous season only highlighted how terrible se looks now.  Oh and the fact that she seems like a raging, high-maintenance bitch only adds to her uggo factor. 

All of these people are such a MESS! 

The new girl is gorgeous and I don't like her. 

Is this whole season going to be about Mike hating on the new girls boyfriend? Boring. Get  a life, Mike. That guy does not owe him an apology for anything. 

Liked that MJ said they were all "thick" and like to eat! 

Gigi continues to be my favorite. She is working on her temper, is a spoiled, lazy brat, but she owns it. 

Jessica is a real Debbie downer. If she has to worry about how Mike is going to act in public all the time, it must be an exhausting relationship. 

I can't stand Jessica but then again I don't really like Mike either. Is it just me or does her right cheek have this weird grey tinge to it? It looks like what it looks like when you get a black eye and try to cover it up (not saying he hit her; just saying what her face looks like). She must have aged herself 15 years with her surgery. Sad.


I have a whole lot to say about their relationship: I get wanting to convert for the man you love and it's a noble and beautiful thing. But what I hate is this: Jessica is Italian American. We Italian Americans have our own culture that's just as fun and interesting as Persian, so why isn't Mike interested in anything about her? It's like this: my husband is Dutch born and raised in the Netherlands and we both learn and enjoy from one another. I eat pannenkoeken now and he now wears nicer shoes. ;) It's a trade-off! lol


It seems to me that she bends over backwards to do whatever he likes just to get a ring. Ugh, Jessica, stand up for yourself! You're rich, you're young, you've got a good job and you seem to be able to not melt into a puddle of drunkenness everywhere you go--I don't even like you and I know that you can do better than Mike! Mike is always walking around angry like the world owes him something. He needs to dial it down about 10 notches.


That said, she is a sour puss and sucks the fun out of every place she goes, so there's that...

I totally agree. Why didn't Mike go to the Italian side and become a Catholic and learn about our Italian culture?


Jessica seems doomed to be the boss in a unhealthy life with Mike. Their wedding  is at the end of the month there is still a lot of time for Jessica to wake up and walk away. There are so many other fish in the sea that dooming yourself with Mike is just a divorce waiting to happen.

WTF happened to Mike? He has so much rage. He also seems to have lost all sense f fun. Asifa and Bobby are annoying, but they came off much better than Mike and Jessica this episode. They apologized for multiple things and yet Mike was still being a grade A asshat.

His rage started last season. When he and Reza were on the outs and things didn't work out with their real estate partnership. He really started to lose his shit then and felt Reza screwed him over. That's the thing about Mike. He never takes the blame or responsibility for anything. Now hearing that he tried to force himself on Gigi makes me really hate him. Guy has serious problems. Stepping away from the booze might be just one solution.  

  • Love 2

Loved Asa's mother. I like Mike's too. I wish they would show more of them. Especially when it comes to the culture, they would give a more realistic view to us than the crew.

Loved Asa's mother. I like Mike's too. I wish they would show more of them especially when it comes to the culture, they would give a more realistic view to us than the crew.

I totally agree. Why didn't Mike go to the Italian side and become a Catholic and learn about our Italian culture?


Jessica seems doomed to be the boss in a unhealthy life with Mike. Their wedding  is at the end of the month there is still a lot of time for Jessica to wake up and walk away. There are so many other fish in the sea that dooming yourself with Mike is just a divorce waiting to happen.


Mmm hmm! *two snaps*


Our culture is basically like the European version of Persian anyway, and it gets all the more similar the further south in Italy you go. We both are constantly eating, constantly talking loudly, we love to party, etc. Come on Mike!!

  • Love 1

Jessica, no one will blame you if you call it off. In fact, you'd actually be admired for waking up and getting out BEFOREHAND. That would take COURAGE! But butt off, celebrating your freedom than regretting putting any MORE time into this.


I would encourage her to just date him, since he doesn't want to get married. But she wants kids so bad she can't think straight. Is he REALLY, REALLY the person you want to be the father of your children. REALLY? He's messed up. It's one thing, perhaps, not see the signs, and get into it, and THEN things go bad. But come on. You don't need this guy. I'm not going to call him a loser. But he has anger issues, can't seem to drink without getting drunk. He's just not ready for marriage.


I wonder why GG ends up taking a polygraph. Either Mike sued her for slander or threatened to (which we haven't heard about, and would have by now) -- and she got pissed off and volunteered to take it...OR...if he called her a liar --  and she thought that rebuttal allegation was damaging HER image -- she did it to proof she wasn't lying.

I am giving a side eye to the whole beach mikvah scene, here in Baltimore we have actual mikvahs, surely in a city like LA there should be a mikvah so you don't have to be naked on a public beach. 

Hey, fellow Baltimorean!


I agree with what you said - I'm sure there are mikvahs in LA.  There have to be.  But, I thought the mikvah scene was absolutely beautiful.  I'm not Jewish, but I am Baptist and we believe in baptism.  There are, of course, baptismal pools in churches.  However, there's just something so special about being baptized in a lake or the ocean, etc.  Being in God's creation ... in a natural body of water, while dedicating your life to God.  I always feel closer to the Divine when in nature than I do inside the walls of a building.


Having said all that, I'm sure the only reason the mikvah was done on a public beach was so they could film it.  I'm thinking that they'd be hard-pressed to find a mikvah where they'd let the cameras inside to film what was supposed to be an individual and sacred moment.

  • Love 2

I am not Jewish or traditionally religious in any manner, but I thought Jessica's mikvah ceremony was beautiful and poignant. Her emotions rang sincere. However, I was surprised that she and Mike agreed to film that very private moment. And was it odd and inappropriate for Mike to watch it from the car???


Yes, Mike's rage. What has happened to him?! In the show's first season or two, even if you didn't like Mike, he had a certain charm . He has also lost his optimism. He seems unhappy, and it's expressed through his anger.


I suspect that he is very unhappy at where his career and finances are at this stage of his life (mid 30's). He pretty much said that last season. I think he is the oldest of his brothers, and the other two have achieved a certain success (the one is a dentist). So he has met Jessica, who I think he does love, she pressures him to marry, but he is not ready due to his career and finances. Remember a season or two ago, when he visited that Persian real estate acquaintance at his mansion.The guy had a wife and baby too.  Mike was drooling with envy and admitted on camera that is what he aspired to. Moreover, I suspect that Mike's thinks he is entitled to that kind of life and that sense entitlement/expectation is tied up with his Persian sense of masculinity. Lastly, I think that Mike and Jessica are only doing the Shah's show for the money (of course they all do), but they are visibly angry at having to participate. But now they need the show to pay for the ring and wedding.


One last thing: I recall reading some months ago between this Shah's season the last, that Mike was going to work for Ryan Serhant from NYC Million Dollar Listing who was opening up an office in LA. Wonder what happened there?   


Re: Jessica's appearance. I think both she and Mike have gained some weight. It shows on her face and Mike has gotten so barrel chested (thick). Ugh and those loud plaid and horizontal striped shirts do him no favors.

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 3

I am not Jewish or traditionally religious in any manner, but I thought Jessica's mikvah ceremony was beautiful and poignant. Her emotions rang sincere. However, I was surprised that she and Mike agreed to film that very private moment. And was it odd and inappropriate for Mike to watch it from the car???


And in one shot they showed there were A LOT of cars in the parking lot.  I'm hoping they were all crew. 

In one of the first shots when Jessica first reached the tent you could see a few people off in the background.  Was a quick shot so also couldn't tell if they were crew or regular people.


It was beautiful yes, but just slightly odd if the public was standing around and watching as well. 

Edited by gunderda
  • Love 2

Mike doesn't  want to do any work, but wants the financial rewards. What we're seeing now is him melting down slowly but surely. He is entirely too old to act like a toddler. It's unfortunate that his life isn't working out the way he wants it to, but he is so lazy that I don't feel bad. You want a mansion and a luxury car? A big diamond ring for Jessica? You work your ass for it. Stop whining.

  • Love 3

Jessica's face looked super puffy. I almost thought she was pregnant or something.

It finally dawned on me who she looks like: Jennifer Lopez. It took one picture on TMZ to totally convince me that Jessica was looking to look like Jennifer.




Do you guys see it too?

There is a similarity to Jennifer Lopez.


I also see that blotch on her right cheek that others seem to be noticing. It's some kind of darkish discoloring in her skin and she puts on a thick layer of foundation/powder to cover. I wish she'd wear some bolder lipstick instead of the pale. Last season (I think?), when Asa had her Diamond water drink party, Jessica looked gorgeous at it. She wore a form fitting sleek dress with high Loubetins. I almost thought it wasn't her. She definitely has gained some weight. 


Hey why doesn't Mike go work for Fiji Water (her daddie's company or distributorship). I noticed that's what she and Mike drink at their house. Can't blame them for product placement.



Now to MJ: Oh my, love that girl. But jeeze louise, she packs it in to such tight clothing all the time. I guess it may be moreso for filming the show. But isn't she uncomfortable? Her hair is looking better this season. Cleaner cut or extensions. Healthier looking. Glad she is getting some male attention and has a beau. 


GG: I can't believe she had her ass injected with fillers. What are these girls thinking? What abou the long term affects of that shit in your body? And where is GG's sister this season?! I was sure after last season that she was going to have a larger role when the show returned. The two of them could rival Kyle and Kim Richards from RHBev Hills for real TV family dysfunction. I kind of liked the sister. 

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