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S04.E13: 4 Seasons In One Finale

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The fact that Isaac had the audacity to be critiquing fashion while wearing a camouflage suit with loafers and no socks...man, fuck that guy. Every week he's introduced as one of "the most famous names in fashion";not "influential", not "creative", not "respected"..."famous." Might as well be Paris Hilton up there as a judge

  • Love 15

I'm happy with the order.  All three designers fell back on their old favorites (neoprene, slices, lace, capes, etc), but I think that's as much a function of the four days they were given as much as anything else.  It's hard or nearly impossible to be completely innovative.


Dmitry:   I loved most of what he sent down the runway.  Yes, it was variations of things we've seen before (see comment above) but it was a beautiful collection that didn't look like it was a rush job.   I've been going back and forth as to whether the one armed top over the white pants might have been nicer as a two armed top, but I suspect it would have looked too much like a sci fi military costume.  The white jacket with the sliced sleeves was pure Dmitry and gorgeous.  A colored skirt maybe?  The sequin one armed dress was nice but kind of safe and boring.   I loved the blush pink dress with the faux lacing on the one side.  Gorgeous dress.  The pot plant dress was also gorgeous.  I'd wear that if I could.  Black and yellow top with the black skirt, amazing.  Loved it.    Black jacket with the circular cuts that showed white on the arms, love it, too.  It'd look nice with pants in the same white that was peeking through the arms, too.    The black and white chevron dress wasn't my favorite of the collection but the model looked amazing in it.   


Helen:  Helen did what she does and it was ok but showed she didn't deserve to be in the final.  The first dress Wednesday Adam's Chanel dress was fine.  Not good, not bad.  I liked her black lace top over the red skirt, but the skirt looked like it was hiked up too high on the model.  Something was off about the proportions of it.   The pink slip dress was kind of sad and boring.  The black dress with the patterned cape was pretty much directly out of her regular season, although this model appeared to be able to move her arms.  Who does Helen think is going to wear all these weird little capes?  You see designers bring them out every once in a while and you occasionally see one on a formal outfit (such as Alyssa's), but overall you never see them on the street nor do you see them on celebrities.  It's like the designers are trying to serve brussel sprouts to consumers.   The consumers keep pushing them away and still some designers insist on serving them.  Helen's winter outfits didn't fit in her collection and should have been costumes in science fiction movies.  The black jacket was cute, but the jump suit under it was forgettable.  It would look good on Angelina Jolie, as the judges suggested, but that's because she has an awesome body and can rock most anything.   The grey coat and red dress should be on a Romulan ambassador, not a runway.  Tent-like, unflattering, boring, and bland, even with that craptastic faux cape back Helen put on there.


Sanjia:   Overall, a nice little collection.  Not as good as Dmitry's but miles ahead of Helen's.   I agree with the judges that the yellow skirt was a bit off.  I agree with whomever said the problem was the ruffle on the bottom.  The perforated leather top was basic but cute.  The yellow skirt should have stopped right above the ruffle and the see through area should have been a more narrow band around the bottom.  I liked the taupe lace dress with the yellow underneath, although that's something we've seen before.  I think the taupe was too dark of a shade and should have been a little lighter.  The yellow should have more fully lined the dress.   The red lace dress was spectacular, again we've seen a version of it before, and again there should have been more red lining instead of red granny panties.  The bathing suit's top was as unflattering and impractical as it was during the bathing suit challenge.  The cover up was nice, though.     The dress under the long vest should have been longer.  You could almost see the model's crotch.  The vest was nice, but gave me flashbacks to what I would have loved to have worn in the 1970's.   The shape could have been better.   Sonjia laid out the pattern nicely on the jump suit.  I'm sick to death of jump suits but this one was nice enough and looked good on the model.   If I was young and skinny, I would wear the heck out of that gold coat and burgundy leather pants.  The top was nice, but I think the judges were right when they said it was a bit bulky.  That said, I'd still wear that outfit as it is if I was young and skinny.  The long dress was fine.  Hated the peplum, and the rest of the dress was alright.


Dmitry won as he should have one. 

  • Love 7

I kind of liked Dmitry's collection. It's nothing I haven't seen, but I would absolutely buy and wear that pantsuit with the concentric circle details and I liked the Master and Commander vibe on the asymmetrical top. The stripey dress with the fringe, though, looked like a horrible depilation accident. I love his outsider perspective. He's all about the old timey hollywood glamor and the construction, and the rest of it really doesn't interest him. I think he's a good choice for QVC. I'll bet he designs some really wearable stuff for them.


I like Sonjia's work, but I think it's too young for this show. For all that they talk incessantly about wanting to be youthful, they seem to be stuck in a cycle where they tell the young women who listen to them what to wear and then look to those same young women for what real young women wear. I think Sonjia's work looks like what actual young women outside the fashion industrial complex are interested in wearing. That wasn't going to fly on this show.


I don't understand Helen. Her thing is tailored evening wear. It's her only thing. You would think a runway show would be a place to do that. Instead we got two reasonably decent pieces and the rest was evening-under-shroud and schoolmarm with moths.


I think Anna Wintour has a picture locked up in some attic or other that looks like Zanna Roberts Rossi. She's what people are picturing when they say fashion is a joke.

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Zanna kind of hates Dmitry, doesn't she? She gushed over both Sonjia's and Helen's collections while she was standing in the back with them, but didn't have one complimentary thing to say to Dmitry. Heh.


If you listen to her words without the gushing her responses were kind of interesting.  She gushed with Helen, but it was more about isn't it great that Helen made it this far or that Zanna could see her influence.  Not the "I love that outfit" that the other designers got.

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What a pleasant surprise!  I went into the episode convinced that Helen would win (especially after last week's manipulations) but then she is first out! *Cue happy dance*


And then Dmitry wins!  He is one of my all-time favorites (if not favorite) of PR designers so I was rooting for him the whole time.  Never thought he would win but so glad he did.  I did think it was deserving as his was the most cohesive and some of the pieces were stunners (the "pot leaf" dress - so visually striking).

Edited by recurring dream
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I noticed that as well.  She said positive things about the other collections, but only a "it looks like a giant marijuana leaf!" while watching Dmitry's.

OT but...my son is a talented and trained glass worker, makes a stupid good living making (completely legal) high end glass bongs. All I could think seeing that pot leaf dress was 'Damn--if they could borrow that for one of the open house/ PR events it would be damn funny genius!'


And yes, glad that Dimitry won--clearly the better designer, always my fave if, for no other reason, he seems like a decent guy who is--as Tim Gunn said--a complete gentleman.

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I don't think I've ever been so happy to be wrong as when Dmitry won, so obviously I have no life. I seriously thought the fix was in for Helen, but they must have just been humouring her, so hopefully she'll go away now, never to return to Project Runway in any incarnation. Next up: Project Runway All Star Rejects featuring Helen and Kate (Kate: back for her fifth turn on the PR stage)...

I DID kind of like her very first dress, but once again, for all her shit-talking about Dmitry's and Sanjia's looks being nothing new, well, neither were hers. And that pink slip dress looked totally out of place in the collection. The last look with the cape/coat or whatever that was, was particularly horrible. Also, her silhouettes were just blah, and those oversized crop tops with the long or loose fitting skirts were very 1980s, but the 80s we all want to forget, IMHO.


I like Sanjia. I thought she had some stunning pieces in her collection, but OMFG the lace. And more lace. And then more lace. Then there was the cutout leather and the sheer over underskirts or underpants, or whatever they were. She has a good eye and I hope success for her, but it was just too damn much lace. Liked the yellow coat I guess, but I didn't go crazy over it. I've seen that silhouette before, either from late 80s or early 90s so it didn't scream new to me. Agree with Dmitry that she really does rely a TON on her fabrics, because those lace dresses were just little shifts with sleeves. Having said all of that, I would have been okay with her winning because I like her so much.


Dmitry's collection was not perfect, but four days, eight looks, so on that front, I cut all of them a huge break.  I continue to adore him, with minor blips here and there so I'm super happy he won!! I'm kind of Project Runwayed out, though, y'all, so I'm actually sort of glad it's not coming back until July. Dear gods, I hope they are not doing another Under the Gunn.....

  • Love 10

One of the things that struck me most was Sonjia talking about what a strong, confident woman she is, then presenting herself on the runway like a shy five year old girl. Helen did the same -- head down, shy little wave. Only Dmitry walked out there like a confident professional. 


I'm glad Dmitry won, as I appreciate his clean lines and his ability to perfectly execute something in the same timeframe in which others are half-assing it. I would have been OK with Sonjia as well based more on her personality (and the fact that she reminds me very much of a very dear friend of mine) than on anything she's designed. Much as I dislike her reliance on fabrics as opposed to design -- and generally speaking, I hate her choice in fabrics, as all that shiny-shiny looks cheap and garish to me -- I can see her potential, though not on any high-end level. I did like her patterned jumpsuit, but thought that coat looked like an especially festive movers' blanket. Helen? That first look, the black and white lace dress with the twee ribbon? I had that dress when I was about six years old, except the black was pale yellow. Her clothes are heavy and depressing.


In short, I think each designer's personality was reflected in their collection. Dmitry, measured and precise; Sonjia, bright and colorful; Helen, one-note and depressing. 


I'm curious how they chose the helper designers. They usually bring back the last three eliminated, yet we get Kate (again!) instead of Michelle. All the designers were probably contractually obligated to stick around for the duration, so were they just looking for yet another excuse to foist Kate upon us, or was Michelle unwilling or unable to participate?

Edited by designing1
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Thank God, they didn't bring Michelle back to be Helen's sewer. I had nauseous anxiety until they introduced Fabio, Jay, and Kate.


When they showed the Chi guy thumbing through the books, I wondered how the sponsor had influenced judging. It seemed odd to me. 


As much as I love Sonji (and I do), I thought Dimitry won hands down. (Well, he has been a favorite of mine). But it wasn't a fair fight. Dimitry has many more years of professional experience, not to mention the Project Runway prize. 

Edited by cee

In a way, Dmitri took a chance by doing what he likes best, not really thinking about the judges or "fashion forward". I don't think he pays much attention to any of the judges. And he managed to get away with it and win all of the prizes. I think he simply makes what he likes to make. Maybe that is the best approach. Agonizing over what the judges might like never seems to do them much good.

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P.S. How cute was it when he reached down to pet Swatch and said, "Hi, doggie!" LOL.

I watched the "Hi doggie!" scene about 20 times.  I love Swatch.  I love Dmitry.  The 2 together was almost too much for me.


Looking at the pictures of the collections (which are coming up really wonky for me right now, half of Helen's collection is showing repeats of Dmitry's - thanks internets for sparing me having to look at that again!), I remembered that I really liked Sonjia's knit evening dress.  The judges didn't seem to like it very much but I thought it was really cool.

Edited by TexasGal
  • Love 3

Oh yeah, I forgot I watched this last night.  I guess I liked Sonjia's the best only because she's not afraid to use color, although I'm not a fan of lace.  But hey, what can you expect from any designer in four days?  With the ridiculous time constraint, they naturally took the path of least resistance and reverted back to designs and fabrics they've had success with in the past.  There was no time to be creative and try something new.  Or hem raw edges or sew on buttons.  I'm just glad Helen didn't win, so there's that.

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I am so sick of the lng sheer thing over a short skirt or underpants. It is just a bad look. Even on models, their legs look like straight sticks, not flattering. And wouldn't work on heavy women. Who the hell is that look for?

The red skirt in Helen's stuff was the only thing that caught my eye and it was waaay too short and seemed ill-made.

Sonjee's colors worked well under the lights but I was not crazy about too many of her pieces.

  • Love 4


Or hem raw edges or sew on buttons.

Exactly.  What really stood out to me was the pride and wonder in Sonjia's voice when she declared about her perforated leather top: "It has set-in sleeves!"


When such a basic sewing and design concept is elevated to something so outrageous and time consuming, it's beyond sad to me.  

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Dmitry's collection was my favorite.  I thought it screamed strong, confident woman and was surprised when Mira Sorvino said just that, since usually nothing that the judges say makes much sense to me.  Anyway, the photos of Dmitry when he was a boy were so cute!  How wonderful for him to be a two-time winner.


Sonjia had some nice pieces and seems like a very sweet person.  Dmitry made the perceptive comment that she relies on the fabric instead of design, and I hope she doesn't take that as a dig but as an opportunity to reflect and grow as a designer.  She's very talented, and that coat of hers was one of the best looks on the runway last night.


There wasn't a single thing sent out by no-neck, Cindy Brady-lisping Helen that I liked.  What wasn't twee or depressing looked like a giant feed sack with arm holes cut into it.  Everything about her is drab.


I don't understand why they keep producing PR with these ridiculous time constraints.  It's not fun to watch, and surely it's going to deter talented contestants?  Watching last night after skipping the rest of the season really emphasized how low this show has sunk.  It's salvageable but needs a whole new production company.


Also, what has Georgina Chapman done to her face?  She looked so ... different the last time I saw her, and by different I mean less plastic.  It was like she was wearing a Georgina Chapman mask or something.  Sad.


Sign me up for no more Kate. 

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Glad Dmitry won. I loved his black coat with the swirls on the sleeves and no one seemed to mention it at all. I liked his theme of a woman with a carefully chosen collection of fashion and his clothes were the type you would buy and be able to wear for years (classics).


The lace and see through thing with the "underskirt", bras, hot pants.... can it just stop? As much as I like Sonjia and loved her color choices it just ruined the whole collection to see that redundant look thrown out there again. Yes, we can see your underwear. Yes, I'm sure you feel sexy/confident/edgy. The beauty of lace though is in the design and intricacy of the lace itself; not in the fact that your undies are showing.


Love Mira Sorvino and loved her calling out the time factor! Zac jumped on it quick so she didn't pull back the curtain to reveal the greatest flaw of this show. She had it right and they could not let her actually bring it out as a topic.


Glad Alyssa had a healthy baby, but she should really consider not signing up for projects during the last stretch of any future pregnancies. That looked painful.

  • Love 2

Glad Dmitry won. I loved his black coat with the swirls on the sleeves and no one seemed to mention it at all. I liked his theme of a woman with a carefully chosen collection of fashion and his clothes were the type you would buy and be able to wear for years (classics).


Agreed on both the coat and the theme.  His best part about the theme was that it was the perfect way for him to just thumb his nose and basically say - my girl is the kind of girl who likes to wear my clothes.  Kinda genius, really.

  • Love 4
God that was so boring. Sonjia had the best collection but I was just happy Helen didn't win. Just weird that the last two seasons have had winners that had won their respective seasons.


PR used to be one of my very favorite shows-- I've still seen every episode and the episodes of pretty much every spin-off, including the models show and the show with Santino and Austin.  But when my hubby and I realized we'd been talking about everything from the tv show Empire to same-sex marriage in Alabama for fifteen minutes while PR was running and running in the background and when we caught we'd totally zoned out and weren't paying attention to the show and looked back, they were still doing some filler with Mary Kay cosmetics.


And this was the season finale.


PR in all its incarnations has lost its way. I really don't want to see endless filler and product placements. I really don't want challenges that are so short we not only don't get anything approaching designers' best works, we're lucky if the pins have even been removed.   I really don't want to see repeat winners (if you've already won PR and you still can't make it, deal with it and give somebody else a shot).  I really don't want people like Kate to inexplicably come back again and again and again.  I don't want predictable talking head after talking head of contestants who are so obviously pushed (and probably scripted) to endlessly slam other contestant's designs, as if that's real drama.


I want some semblance of the formerly very good PR to come back.  Pretty please.  Just maybe some of the old magic?  Because this season, and particularly this finale, felt like the show at its most bland and tedious.

  • Love 9

Well, when they decide to bring Dynasty back, Dmitry can do the costumes for whomever passes for Alexis Carrington, because...no. That was just one pile of fug after another. And let's not even mention that his looks had zero relation to any season, unless it was Fall, 1985. NO modern woman would want to wear any of those messes, unless it was a costume party.

  • Love 7

NO modern woman would want to wear any of those messes, unless it was a costume party.


Some modern women would disagree with you.   I haven't been a Dimitry fan at all, but he put on a runway SHOW with some very eye catching items.  Reminiscent of the 80s (minus shoulder pads)? Absolutely, but the one thing I agreed with Isaac with is that the 80s weren't necessarily bad, and we don't have to be done with that yet.  And Dimitry comported himself well: professional for the most part (the tiny bit of --- edited I'm sure -- cattiness lightened the mood.


Both of the others were just sad IMO.  Sanji's heavily praised (by Isaac) red lace dress when it was on the runway kept gluing itself to the model's lower lady parts, not a nice look at all.  She and Helen did exactly what I expected them to do:  Sanji: lace and short skirts.  Helen, cap sleeves, capes, ugly fabrics.

Edited by DHDancer
  • Love 5

I posted this during the live chat last night, but what drove me insane was the horrible camera work during the runway show. I mean seriously... who gives a shit about the reaction shots of the judges, or worse yet...the audience?? I wanted to see the clothes, from all angles and up close. I am not impressed by the dumb strobe effects and I almost had a Mary-Hart-induced seizure as a result.


As far what the designers were able to send down the runway ... Well, in the printing business we used to tell clients: "Good, fast, cheap: pick two". I'd say that applies here as well. What a shame.

  • Love 11

"One of the things that struck me most was Sonjia talking about what a strong, confident woman she is, then presenting herself on the runway like a shy five year old girl. Helen did the same -- head down, shy little wave. Only Dmitry walked out there like a confident professional. "  - designer1

I noticed the same thing.  I actually cringed when Helen thanked her Mom for "birthing"  her. 


Like the majority here,  I'm so relieved Helen didn't win.  I wanted to like her as she seemed a bit more calm this season but

after reading her twitter and seeing how she constantly RTed tweets that insulted her fellow contestants, I knew her new attitude

was a bit of a facade.  I actually find her to be the arrogant one  not Dmitry.  I did like some of her work.


I loved that black and white pantsuit from Dmitry's collection mostly because of the design on the arm.  I thought it was the

more younger and fresher look of the bunch.  I would really like to see that collection with an extra month to work on it. 


Loved Sonjia and if she would have won,  I would have been happy too. 


I think the Chi hair guy even exposed this when he was brought in to talk to the designers. He told them they've enjoyed working with them "for the last few weeks..."





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I don't really understand the logic of having the designers create eight looks in four days.  The viewers don't want to see a pile of crap walking down the runway; we want to see well constructed, beautiful clothing, things we haven't seen before.  I used to love this show........


Helen's last outfit, the cape/coat, looked like it was created for an Amish woman.  Awful.  And can't remember if it was Sonjia's or Helen's, but that patterned dress with the figure flattering black side panels was straight out of the Stella McCartney 2011(?) collection.  Those dresses are a dime a dozen, completely derivative.

  • Love 5

I noticed that as well.  She said positive things about the other collections, but only a "it looks like a giant marijuana leaf!" while watching Dmitry's.  

Well, that's all they SHOWED us... who knows what she really said. I think the editinig monkeys were jsut trying to fake us out about who would win.


Edited to say: how ironic is it that I typo-mispelled "editing"?

AM did look her best at the start of the show...and then tortured again at the runway. Longest pregnancy ever?

Her blush on the runway looked (on my tv) like someone had smeared mud on her cheek and then tried to wipe some of it off.


Which sorta sums up this whole season pretty well.

Edited by slothgirl
  • Love 1

Did I hear Helen say, "Thanks to my mom for BIRTHING me?" And is her birth mom Wednesday Addams, since she looks just like her? "Birthing" also seemed to be the theme with the cloak thing that was "unresolved" (whatever the hell that means, Increasingly Irrelevant Isaac). It made the model look as if she were emerging from a pod. As to the long skirt--I grew up in the '70s, and midi-skirts with boots were dowdyTHEN, but at least we knew to give them color or tailoring. That long skirt of Helen's was Amish-prisonwear drab. But a lot of people liked it, so it must be a generational thing. I did love the Chanel meets Wednesday look, but the rest--myeh. Sonja: I loved the gold coat and the jumpsuit, but the red lace dress--which we've seen before--looked like it was made out of Dollar Store Valentines Day doilies. Unless you're going to use very expensive, hand-tatted lace, dyed lace just looks so cheap, and less is more.I also didn't get all the raves over the black pantsuit and bolero jacket (or was that Helen's?)--very blah.  I think Sonja has some interesting looks, but next to my beloved Dima, the other two look like they're just playing at being fashion designers. I was thrilled he won, but agree that the collection wasn't his best.  His dresses were  boxy and matronly, and the sequined dress was nothing special. But I loved the black coat and the first look--the black and white pants and top, and the black and white fringe dress. And even the weed design was meticulously crafted. You can see that he's the real thing. So run and go free, my Dima, far, far away from the PR franchise--and be the great designer we know you are! 

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I thought about half of Dimitri's collection was clearly the best. When the "weed" dress came out I thought that would get him the win. It was striking and didn't look like anything else he had done. Then he had that chartreuse looking thing with the black swirls, and then the cool coat with the cutouts. That made three great looks out of eight for me, which was a much higher proportion than anyone else.

I liked Sonji's purely for the color, or as Isaac would say, the "color story" whatever that is. But anything looking like Gretchen's granny panties, or sheer, etc. is a deal breaker. Just totally derivative of everyone else.

Helen's collection was just depressing to me.

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A couple of key things slipped through in the talking heads last night.  First, we learned that Helen, who they were previously trying to present as someone who sold $5,000 couture gowns, still lives in a studio apartment that has a clothing rack five feet from the stove and a sewing machine in place of a table.  While she may have sold a gown or two, she certainly is not selling enough of them to be considered successful.


Second, Dmitri’s comments about the need to win again made it sound like he did not get much of a professional boost from winning his season.  He really needs another jump start to his fashion career.

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So happy Helen didn't win.   I feel like we should all group hug at this point.  Right at the top of the show "So I'm going to do capes --"  


If you take the 80's elements out of Dmitry's collection than I honestly think it is perfect.  Take out the big shoulders and some of the electric colours he favours and I'm good.


I swear though, that a high end designer did the white dress with the black bondage Xs down the side.  Dior probably - I will try to get a pic.


All I wanted was for someone to offer champagne to Alyssa and for her to respond, "Seriously?" while looking downward at her belly.


Love Sonjia and that last shot of her downing her drink.  Loved her yellow coat!  Good job!


What the hell with Zanna.  As I ask every week.  Hanging off Helen like some sort of groupie, congratulating her for using the colour red (?????????????) and for doing some other totally normal shit that she did.  Then trying to play hard to get with Dmitry as he barely contains his contempt.  The editors were really trying to fuck with me.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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What the hell with Zanna.  As I ask every week.  Hanging off Helen like some sort of groupie, congratulating her for using the colour red (?????????????)


That drove me nuts, because Helen rarely uses any colors save for black and white, but when she does use color it's almost always red. So I eyerolled when Helen immediately went to red when Zanna told her she needed to add some color to her finale line. I wanted to shout at the screen, "Step outside your box, Helen! Try purple! Try green! Try blue! For frell's sake, anything but black, white and red!"

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That went the way I hoped it would. Yay Dmitry!

Helens just completely bored me. I can barely remember it.

Sonjas -I liked that she used color but I am so sick of those tacky ass lace dresses where you can see undies or whatever underneath. HATE. And that red turtleneck with the vest was freaking tragic.

The two looks of dmitry's that I didn't think were great -blue dress and white suit. My fav was the cool black coat. I loved the weed dress too. He was the clear winner.

Edited by TiredMe
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I am so sick of the lng sheer thing over a short skirt or underpants. It is just a bad look. Even on models, their legs look like straight sticks, not flattering. And wouldn't work on heavy women. Who the hell is that look for?


I have to say I feel like a freaking fashion Maverick.  My mom is a seamstress and when I was in my 20s, I used to look at pictures in magazines and ask her to make me those clothes, and she would.  I once came up with a design for a cocktail pantsuit where the pants were made of sheer black fabric with some tasteful and delicate embroidery, and a black tailored jacket that went past my butt, so it would cover my lady parts with sheer long sleeves made of the same material as the the pants.  The top part of the pants were black shorts (not sheer) integrated into the whole thing, in case I raised my arms or something and the jacket raised up over my butt.  I was the success of that party but I was in my 20s and had legs to die for.  That was in the early 90s though, so, yeah, either I was way ahead of my time or just crazy.  I can't pull that off right now, but the 20 somethings I know today who could wear something like that successfully  are not interested in clothing like that.  Cocktail parties are more informal now (if they even exist), and only the rich and famous throw ones where you would be required to dress in such a way.


Glad Dmitry won. I loved his black coat with the swirls on the sleeves and no one seemed to mention it at all. I liked his theme of a woman with a carefully chosen collection of fashion and his clothes were the type you would buy and be able to wear for years (classics).



I think Mira Sorvino said something about loving the coat and that it was definitely something she'd wear. I agree - I liked it a lot!


Yeap, she did.  She said she wanted it.

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There was a point where I thought Georgina Chapman said Dimitry has a "Polish confidence," which seemed like a weird thing to say, but closed caption tells me she said "polished confidence," which makes more sense, I guess.


I liked all the collections. I think Sonjai's was actually my favorite, but her clothes really only work for dark-skinned people and someone pale like me would get completely swallowed up by it.


Dimitry's was more universal. I think anyone could wear his looks.


BTW, Alyssa Milano, eight looks != eight pieces, not unless they are all dresses, which would be a really boring collection.

I love Dmitry dearly and am glad he won because of that. But I did not like his collection at all. I thought it looked so 80s. I did not like any of the looks. I thought for sure they were all gonna say it was outdated. The craftsmanship was good, as always, but I wasn't feeling the designs. Whatever though, I'm still glad he won!

I actually loved that first outfit of Helen's. Didn't care about the rest. I thought they were gonna find an excuse to give her the win. And I also didn't think they were gonna have a 2 time winner 2 years in a row.

Was I actually supposed to take anything a man wearing a camo suit on a fashion show says seriously? What a clown.

I'm glad Zac Posen was there! I've always liked him.

Edited by wovenloaf
  • Love 5

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