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The Great Wife Swap of 2014: The Dark Wife Rises

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Maybe TLC wanted to add #5 to the harem, but Robyn said, "Not unless I am repositioned to #1."  When they saw the dollar signs of another season guaranteed, Meri had to decide whether keeping the wet bar was more important than keeping Kody.  We see the results . . . the wet bar stays; Kody goes.



To be fair, the wet bar has been there for her 100% of the time. She can count on the wet bar. She can do lots of things on the wet bar. Anything she wants. Anything. Any time she wants. Easily the better call.

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I think they can probably "spin" their income.  From what I've heard, the TLC money goes into a corporation.  So, technically, the individuals aren't getting income from that.  And if TLC paid for the trip to Hawaii, they could say it was a free trip and didn't cost them a dime.  This family is sooooo screwed up.

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To be fair, the wet bar has been there for her 100% of the time. She can count on the wet bar. She can do lots of things on the wet bar. Anything she wants. Anything. Any time she wants. Easily the better call.

Damn rights Mimi..lol
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I don't believe there is a Brown Family-friendly justification for this. Whatever spin they try to put on this, Kody's just trading in the old for the new. I suspect that at some point Kody and Robyn will be monogamous.

I didn't know men could be such bastards.

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I don't believe there is a Brown Family-friendly justification for this. Whatever spin they try to put on this, Kody's just trading in the old for the new. I suspect that at some point Kody and Robyn will be monogamous.

I didn't know men could be such bastards.

In all fairness...Robyn was supposedly Meri's friend and her sister wife. So she's right up there in the Hella Bitch Hall of Shame.

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In all fairness...Robyn was supposedly Meri's friend and her sister wife. So she's right up there in the Hella Bitch Hall of Shame.

Oh, I absolutely agree. Robyn betrayed a friend who'd given her a lot. I can just see her crocodile tears.

Kody betrayed his wife of 23 years. And I wanted to use Christine's disingenuous line

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This is a bankruptcy move. Kody and Robyn likely have the most debt associated with their names. Marrying and discharging those debts protects the other 3. It also restarts the clock on when Kody can file again. My guess is My Sister Wife's closet is mostly in Kody's and Robyn's name and is about $300K under water.

So the brilliant ones went on a honeymoon, of course !!

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Remember the episode where they did the montage of pictures and videos in their cul-de-sac backyard and talked about each kid? I think it was the episode before the mid-season Tamryn Hall tell-all.  The captions for Robyn's kids during their couch talking segments named them as "Brown". I know they are trying to keep those kids as included as possible and be equally part of the family as any original Brown kid (which is great IMO), but I thought it was weird that there last names had actually been changed. Maybe Robyn thought since she has already had her name changed for a while now, the kids should have that too. But then that begs the question, is the biological father completely out of the picture? Has he been for some time now? Yes, we've seen them go off for visitations with him, but that was a while ago. This is yet another thing that is making me think this has been in the works for some time now. 

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Remember the episode where they did the montage of pictures and videos in their cul-de-sac backyard and talked about each kid? I think it was the episode before the mid-season Tamryn Hall tell-all.  The captions for Robyn's kids during their couch talking segments named them as "Brown". I know they are trying to keep those kids as included as possible and be equally part of the family as any original Brown kid (which is great IMO), but I thought it was weird that there last names had actually been changed. Maybe Robyn thought since she has already had her name changed for a while now, the kids should have that too. But then that begs the question, is the biological father completely out of the picture? Has he been for some time now? Yes, we've seen them go off for visitations with him, but that was a while ago. This is yet another thing that is making me think this has been in the works for some time now. 

I went back through this thread to see if I (as one who thought that Robyn's ex was rich/powerful) could find where someone may have mentioned anything about David Jessop.  There were a couple of things mentioned, but I kept feeling that I'd read something about him leaving the AUB, where he worked, etc, so I started to look around for more info.  I found this:  http://starcasm.net/archives/68868 which I'm sure many remember reading back then. 


If the article is to be believed, he did leave the AUB, was a contractor and ran an HVAC business, and he filed for divorce from Robyn in 2007. 

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Remember the episode where they did the montage of pictures and videos in their cul-de-sac backyard and talked about each kid? I think it was the episode before the mid-season Tamryn Hall tell-all.  The captions for Robyn's kids during their couch talking segments named them as "Brown". I know they are trying to keep those kids as included as possible and be equally part of the family as any original Brown kid (which is great IMO), but I thought it was weird that there last names had actually been changed. Maybe Robyn thought since she has already had her name changed for a while now, the kids should have that too. But then that begs the question, is the biological father completely out of the picture? Has he been for some time now? Yes, we've seen them go off for visitations with him, but that was a while ago. This is yet another thing that is making me think this has been in the works for some time now. 

They also captioned them as "Kody and Robyn's daughter(son)".  It's possible they have had their names legally changed, but it's also possible that they just used that captioning for convenience - as opposed to "Robyn's son from her first marriage."

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They also captioned them as "Kody and Robyn's daughter(son)".  It's possible they have had their names legally changed, but it's also possible that they just used that captioning for convenience - as opposed to "Robyn's son from her first marriage."


I think it was convenience and part of their continuing attempt to rewrite history. They started having the kids call Kody 'Dad' from the very beginning, while we know the kids were still seeing their father. Then the whole 'testimony' thing where Robyn tells her kids their dad basically raped her and she had to marry him out of guilt conveniently ignoring that they had two other kids after their got married. 

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I guess I can see how the name change was for convenience and haha, I totally agree about how they love to recreate history. It just struck me as odd because they could have just left out the last names altogether in their little captions. It gave me the impression that those were their actual names now. Maybe I'm thinking about it too deeply...wow Kody and company are renting too much space in my brain. 

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Maybe Meri is using Kody's thinly veiled ruse as an exit strategy by agreeing to Kodys s request for divorce and marry (and make happy) his penis' preferred choice.


She did turn down the in vitro visits and Robyn's offer for surrogacy.


She did also state she did not want an involved role in Sister Wives closet and wanted to go back to school.


She's probably tired of Kody using her house as home base.


I'm kinda thinking Meri is the stealth one and not Robyn.  If so go Meri!  Enjoy your wet bar in peace.

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How about the other children of Kody's that are old enough to have a FB or Twitter account reading the news like we all did? Do you think they were told when the other 'wives' were? Makes you wonder how they must feel right about now.


Thinking out loud here... after we all wonder what actually went down or what if's, how about an "I can't believe after the Honey Boo Boo scandal, TMZ or any other news center (yes, I know I just called TMZ "news") did not put a person on researching other TLC show personalities as well! I was going to say "Stars" but I think the Yippie Dog has a big enough ego already. (Kody reminds me of a hyper Yorkie that you have to pull it's bangs back into a bow, so it can see to walk.)


It amazes me with the knowledge, technology (and people) that a company like TMZ has, not one of them 'leaked' this info way back in December. Sure, you can say maybe TLC asked these companies to NOT leak it, although, they (TLC) really do not care about the 'Stars' or they would have pulled the HBB show earlier or even put a stop to Kate being on their network, based on the stories their hired camera men come back with.

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I think it was convenience and part of their continuing attempt to rewrite history. They started having the kids call Kody 'Dad' from the very beginning, while we know the kids were still seeing their father. Then the whole 'testimony' thing where Robyn tells her kids their dad basically raped her and she had to marry him out of guilt conveniently ignoring that they had two other kids after their got married. 


I remember reading somewhere (Twitter response?) that Robyn's kids from her first marriage go by "Jessop" in school.  And Dayton goes by "David" in school as well.

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I remember reading somewhere (Twitter response?) that Robyn's kids from her first marriage go by "Jessop" in school.  And Dayton goes by "David" in school as well.

I would assume that's because those are their legal names. I had forgotten that they changed David's first name too. Ugh. I'm not sure if I'm happy that he still gets to go by David at school or horrified that the poor kid has to go by two different names which is weird enough for a kid but way worse for a kid with Autism (or Aspergers) I'm not sure which he is. 

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This here forum is for discussing the divorcing of wife #1 (Meri) to legally marry wife #4 (Robyn).  How very Tudor.  (Except hopefully no one will lose their head).


I've moved all the posts about this topic in the Kody thread here, and a few miscellaneous ones from other threads.


JUST A REMINDER: In discussing this, please don't spoil the plots of any other television shows that this incident might remind you of. (Yes, it's been over for a while, but still, be considerate.)  If you must discuss that here, please put it in spoiler tags.  Thanks.

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How am I just learning about this?!  Stupid job, kid, and husband getting in the way of my reality TV enjoyment... Admittedly I know nothing about bankruptcy that I haven't gleaned from following Real Housewives of New Jersey, but I'm still confused about how this would be a bankruptcy move.  Couldn't Kody and Robyn still have filed for bankruptcy separately?  

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I sometimes wonder why, to keep things "fair," Kody doesn't just divorce one of his four wives and legally remarry another one, in sequence, every four years or something.  I think I remember hearing that's what Tom Green did.  I guess maybe that would get expensive with all of the divorces (like this family cares about what makes financial sense?) but it seems wildly unfair to me that one wife should always have all of the legal rights.


I think your take on Robyn being so wrapped up in herself is spot on



I agree with this assessment as well.  And didn't the fortune teller in that one episode even say something similar to Robyn, about how Robyn knows how to always land on her feet?  I, too, don't think Robyn is evil or anything, but I do think she looks out for #1.  And: Robyn may be a moron, but she's no moron, you know?


As others have mentioned, assuming Jessop terminated his parental rights, Kody would not need to marry Robyn in order to adopt her kids.  Maybe, as someone pointed out upthread, this has something to do with Mariah getting financial aid? 

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I sometimes wonder why, to keep things "fair," Kody doesn't just divorce one of his four wives and legally remarry another one, in sequence, every four years or something.  I think I remember hearing that's what Tom Green did.  I guess maybe that would get expensive with all of the divorces (like this family cares about what makes financial sense?) but it seems wildly unfair to me that one wife should always have all of the legal rights.

There was a book a while back that was written by one of the escaped Jessop women and she said that in the AUB the "favorite wife" ruled the roost, not the first wife or the legal wife or whatever, unless she was also the "favorite".  The one that holds the key to the man's tighty-whities is the one that has the power, and the others are just there for babies.  I'm paraphrasing, and I can't remember which book it was, but that has always stuck out to me -- especially when Robyn gets away with murder (so to speak).  Does anyone else remember this?


It seems to me like Kody and Robyn have spent the last few years subtly grooming everyone for this event -- after reading all of the different ideas and opinions, I can see how it would be planned by those two slimeballs, but I can't see everyone else having been a part of it.  I would like to think that at least Janelle would have some sort of sneaky counter-maneuver prepared.  And Christine would have lost her marbles over the idea of it a LONG time ago. 


Whatever the real reason this happened (I don't think financial aid has anything to do with it), I think that we'll find out sooner rather than later.  If it's a decent-sized scandal, someone will eventually get paid to spill what they know.  If anyone is crapping their pants right now, I hope it's numbnuts Kody and the Devious Chin. 

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I don't think financial aid has a thing to do with it either.  Meri on her own probably makes enough from the show to disqualify Mariah from financial aid.  If there is any, it's minimal and not worth the disruption.

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Maybe someone who has been through a divorce can tell me but don't you sign something with a divorce saying the relationship is over and site a cause (even in no fault situations)? If Meri and Kody got a fake divorce and are really still together (which I'm not sure I believe but if we believe them) wouldn't that be fraud?

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Yes. The divorce papers will say something like, "The marriage has irretrievably broken down." Though I'm not sure that fraud is ever a reason for a divorce not to be granted, unless it's for some kind of fraudulent financial gain. I've heard of couples who genuinely cared about each other getting legally divorced so that one could get medical benefits from the state - that sort of thing -- and I don't think anything happened to them over "fraud."


Oh, these people are frauds, all right, but probably not the kind that could be prosecuted for faking a divorce.

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Quite often a guy reluctantly ends up going through a divorce once his side piece (to quote Empire) gives him the 'ole ultimatum.  Robyn had already made mention of "no babies" because she was pissy about being too busy with Sister Wife's Closet since Meri bailed. Wouldn't be surprised she threatened to leave, without something in return (like a marriage license).  I can SO see Kody and Robyn planning this and coming up with some excuse for a reason...like her kids. Sounds like total BS to me. 


And I'll bet the other 3 wives know that Sister Wife's Closet is doomed and will never produce a profit and are just going along with the farce.  The thing is if Meri, Janelle, and Chistine bailed, there would no longer be a show.

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Yes. The divorce papers will say something like, "The marriage has irretrievably broken down." Though I'm not sure that fraud is ever a reason for a divorce not to be granted, unless it's for some kind of fraudulent financial gain. I've heard of couples who genuinely cared about each other getting legally divorced so that one could get medical benefits from the state - that sort of thing -- and I don't think anything happened to them over "fraud."


Oh, these people are frauds, all right, but probably not the kind that could be prosecuted for faking a divorce.


Yea I didn't figure they could be prosecuted but if you file legal documents that say 'marriage has irretrievably broken down' and then go public saying 'oh no - we are all still in love. We just messed with the legal stuff' it's like screaming 'hey - we will lie even when it's a legal document. Not something I would think you'd want to publicize. Of course I and the people I know try to be ethical so things like this just don't compute for me.

So here's a thought...I'm guessing getting a divorce in Nevada is a whole lot easier than getting a divorce, in say, Utah? And maybe even Nevada has a residency requirement?

I wonder how far back this whole plot goes?

INTERESTING!!! I didn't even think of that. In my state you must live and act separately for 6 months to file, 12 months if there are kids. Plus you have to file for legal separation. Anyone know the laws in Nevada vs. Utah? Something tells me at state that lets you get married 5 minutes after you decide and while you are drunk will probably be easier to divorce in.

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Maybe someone who has been through a divorce can tell me but don't you sign something with a divorce saying the relationship is over and site a cause (even in no fault situations)? If Meri and Kody got a fake divorce and are really still together (which I'm not sure I believe but if we believe them) wouldn't that be fraud?


I went through a divorce a couple years ago.  California is a no-fault state, we didn't have to cite a cause other than irreconcilable diffs if memory serves.  The whole thing was done by a paralegal HOWEVER we had to wait six months for the paperwork to be finalized.

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 . . . but if you file legal documents that say 'marriage has irretrievably broken down' and then go public saying 'oh no - we are all still in love. We just messed with the legal stuff' it's like screaming 'hey - we will lie even when it's a legal document. Not something I would think you'd want to publicize.



Oh, I totally agree. It just makes them look like huge liars who will work the system anyway they can to their own advantage. Oh, wait . . .

Edited by Rhondinella
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Nevada has historically been a very easy place to get a divorce; I remember seeing TV shows and/or reading books where someone would get a "Reno divorce", since it seems only one partner has to sign off on it and there's a six week residency requirement (heck, my uncle was seriously considering this when his first wife wouldn't divorce him--or was it his second wife?  Heck, maybe both). 


And also according to Google:


Pursuant to N.R.S. 125.010, the only valid grounds for divorce are:

1. Insanity existing for two years prior to the filing for divorce;
2. Spouses live separate and apart for 1 year without cohabitating; and
3. Incompatibility.


and if they want to legally change the kid's names, they need permission from both parents or get an order from the court, which is probably why the kids are Jessops at school (and Dayton is David).

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I never understood the ruckus over the David/Dayton. Both my sister and father have family names and school/professional first names. They chose them as children and liked the idea of being two different sides of their personalities. I'm pretty sure my daughter is going to walk into kindergarten and announce her name is not the one we call her at home, but I'm betting she doesn't want us to stop calling her that here. Sometimes it really can be that simple.

Edited by GEML
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From the RadarOnline article Meri says:  “I’m happy on the good days and when Kody shows love and affection, but on a bad day, I question my importance to the family and if Kody still cares about me,” she admitted.


She questions her importance to Kody?  Um, publicly divorcing you and replacing you with Sobbin doesn't give you a hint, Meri?  How dense ARE you anyway?  You are useless and easily replaceable  That's your importance to the family.

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I never understood the ruckus over the David/Dayton. Both my sister and father have family names and school/professional first names. They chose them as children and liked the idea of being two different sides of their personalities. I'm pretty sure my daughter is going to walk into kindergarten and announce her name is not the one we call her at home, but I'm betting she doesn't want us to stop calling her that here. Sometimes it really can be that simple.


Yes but I'd be willing to bet none of you are on the autism spectrum. Kids on the spectrum can often find even basic change to be earth-shattering. Changing a name unnecessarily to me just causes stress to an already struggling child. Not to mention it seems to me that the main reason to change is name was another attempt to erase his father, being that he was named after him. 

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I'm thinking about the psychic ep.  Did she say there would be an additional wife or a new wife? Not that I believed it was real, just wondering if it was built into the story line way back then. Probably not, because that's long-term thinking, and the adult Browns are not good at thinking.

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She questions her importance to Kody?  Um, publicly divorcing you and replacing you with Sobbin doesn't give you a hint, Meri?  How dense ARE you anyway?  You are useless and easily replaceable  That's your importance to the family.

This was the quote from the article that most stuck with me, too. I find it incredibly sad, and I believe it's at the heart of why she would go forward with such a decision. Since the implications are now that it was done to "strengthen the legal security" of Robyn's older kids (whew! that spin is making me a little dizzy!), then Meri has allowed herself to join in a group-think exercise that frames divorce and remarriage as "family restructuring." I would bet dollars to doughnuts that within their sixteen walls, they're all pretending that Meri is an incredible, unselfish heroine who has thrown herself on a sword because of her undying love of their family.


It's the act of a woman who is desperately insecure about her own value. How awful for her.

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I wonder if Mariah will question polygamy after this? Mariah is a plain jane, I wonder if she has even considered that she could end up being the Christine of the wives.


I also wonder if Janelle and Christine ever secretly are sorry they had so many kids with Kodouche?  At this point Meri would have the best chance of breaking away because she has less dependent children (though I think she truly does love the idiot).


This sounds harsh, but to me it looks like Christine was only a baby factory for Kody. I don't think he ever loved her.


After this if I were the other wives I would never trust Robyn again, she is one hell of a schemer.

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Since this new season began, I've noticed that Kody is particularly harsh and self-absorbed (as evident with his interactions with Christine). Obviously, he's always been this way, but it's like he no longer has the ability to edit himself. 


When I found out that he divorced Meri and married that thing... I was strangely gutted. Clearly Kody has no concern for how Meri feels to now be a divorcee, as he gallavants off to Hawaii to honeymoon. First of all, who does that in response to a legal restructuring? This is all reading like a Lifetime Movie, at this point. It feels he's the no-good husband and Robin's the no-good mistress who's plotting her way to ultimate power. 


Of course, to put it in perspective, being the top in the Brown family isn't a prize. But I still don't want Robin to have it! It's so ridiculous that I even care. 


The only positive that could come from this is if Meri, Christine, and Janelle all left Kody. Something tells me that the weird combination of pride and low self esteem won't let them do it. But I need them to understand that there are worse things than being alone.

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My take on all this is as follows, I think going back a few years Meri, Christine and Janelle were 100% into the plig lifestyle but with Robyns arrival all that changed.


Meri and Janelle are 'shrewd cookies' imo, Meri has always been out for herself, insisting on a large house even though she doesn't really need one could be seen as very calculating, she knew that if her and Kody ever divorced she would get half of what was theirs (assuming things are the same in the US as in the UK), so better to have half of a more expensive property than a cheaper one.


Also read somewhere that she came into inheritance money, so it could be that she knows financially she can 'stand alone' from Kody and the rest of them, so why not milk the TLC gravy train as much and as long as she can..kerching, kerching, kerching, once it all dries up she is now divorced, financially independent....and off she goes.


Janelle always seems to be a bit removed from all that goes on, she is more savvy than the rest of them, not wanting to get involved with the Sister Wives Closet too much and keep doing her own thing work wise, again securing her future should things go belly up.


Robyn....well....Robyn is the most calculating of the them all, wouldn't trust her at all, for all her meak, humble demeanor she, imo, knows what she wants...Kody...and pulls every trick in the book to get him, I don't care what humble act she plays over marrying him, she will be secretly delighted that she is the only one legally married to him.


Christine will be the one out of all of them that will lose out big time when all this blows up and they go their own ways in years to come, which is how I see this happening eventually, she hangs on it there despite knowing that she is least favorite with Kody...again imo, or does she know that? Is she deluded enough to think they are all equal?

She doesn't work even though she passed the real estate exam using the kids being too young as a reason but I wonder if it's not because of lack of confidence more.


I think she will be totally lost if...or when....this 'family' falls apart.


I just wish that we in the UK were as up to date with the series as you are in America, is so frustrating being so far behind!

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Sorry to ramble on but just thought, would love to see how things would pan out if Meri and Janelle say 'to hell with this' and leave, Christine would stay grateful for any crumbs Kody threw her way, but, somehow I can't see the 'all loving' Robyn being as into the lifestyle if Kody then brought in new wives, younger, slimmer etc than Queen Robyn, lol, think she would have a rethink of things then!



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and if they want to legally change the kid's names, they need permission from both parents or get an order from the court, which is probably why the kids are Jessops at school (and Dayton is David).


This is another reason I don't think their dad has given up his parental rights. If he had they wouldn't need his permission to legally change their names and I bet they would legally be Brown the second they were allowed. 

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I'm thinking about the psychic ep. Did she say there would be an additional wife or a new wife? Not that I believed it was real, just wondering if it was built into the story line way back then. Probably not, because that's long-term thinking, and the adult Browns are not good at thinking.

Bringing on a 5th wife is one reason I could see Robin pushing to become the legal wife.

Have any adult children posted about the divorce/remarriage on Twitter or other social media platforms? Janelle's sons seem so "over" their father to begin with. Will this marriage further divide the family?

I'd really like to know how Christine is holding up. It's obvious that her mother moved in with her because of the divorce/remarriage.

Edited by CofCinci
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Trying to see things from the Brown's worldview is like staring into a deep, dark hole. Not only are they not the happy family they want us to believe, the longer they stay on air, the creepier they look. This show has failed in its mission to make the Browns relatable to the mainstream, but now they can't walk away from the money.

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Also read somewhere that she [Janelle] came into inheritance money,

Kody then convinced her to purchase the Lehi house with that money, and return to the family after her three year exile. After a while, she added Meri and Kody to the deed. So she is not financially secure. In fact, when they moved to Vegas, she cashed out her retirement from her State job and they lived off of that until it ran out. That is part of the Brown Family Financial Plan, remember?


Every time I see the name of this thread, I just break out giggling. Thanks, Rhondinella!

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Kody then convinced her to purchase the Lehi house with that money, and return to the family after her three year exile. 

Do I understand correctly that Kody begged Janelle to return once he learned that she had money he could use? If that is the case, how stupid can these women be?

Edited by momofsquid
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