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S05.E10: House Of Cards

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I imagine that many commenting here have had extensive experience dealing with addicts and addictions.  Some of us may be addicts ourselves, in recovery or not. The fact that folks don't advertise their status or condition when it comes to such a thing, doesn't mean they're commenting without knowledge or experience. Just that they value a bit of discretion in regard to their own situation. 


I don't fault Kyle for being a mess over all this, although her reactions are never, ever useful from what I've seen.  I can't really fault Kim either, who is in the grip of a terrible, progressive illness.  Kim may have done herself so much damage at this point that she's beyond being able to make judgments on her own behalf.  I do fault the folks making money off this sort of misery and am contemplating finding something better to do on Tuesday nights.  All of these show are spinning out of control, in my book.  The usual shenanigans are well played out so now we're getting increasingly ramped up scenes of dysfunction and dumb.


It would be great if Kim could pull it together.  I don't see that happening, ever, as long as she's on Bravo.  And, at this stage, after all these years of her drama and BS, a big part of me really, really doesn't care anymore.  As for Kyle, I wonder -- Had she wanted to simply leave the party, would she have been able to?  Or do these contracts require sitting around and having to endure this kind of craziness?  I've left many a function in my own family life when this kind of stuff was going down.  You can't reason with a drunk in the midst of a binge--it completely futile. 


Knowing how to deal with Kim when she relapses is only part of what Kyle needs to figure out because Kim, whether she relapses or not, is always an addict, all the time, every day.  Having a program that works requires a level of introspection and honesty that she may not possess.  I can't imagine any responsible sponsor not telling her to get her ass off this show, as of yesterday.

  • Love 4

Kim hasn't been sober that long for Kyle to suddenly know how to not react to Kim or how to deal with those moments when Kim relapses.

There are a lot of folks who believe Kim has never been sober, at least for a significant amount of time. But forget sober Kim - there's been a ton of time for Kyle to know how to act and react to alcoholic Kim. I think her entire adult life.

I'm not saying it's easy. And people are all on their own timetable. Sadly, some people never learn and live their whole life enabling an addict. Frankly, hearing Kyle discuss how her mother taught them to hide Kim's disease sheds a lot of light on why Kyle is still an enabler, and I feel for her. I just want to jump into the TV screen and take the tennis racket out of her hands, cuz she always returns the volley. And I just hate manipulative people.

  • Love 5

And what doctor would ever prescribe pain pills for Kim without the most serious of reasons? It's ridiculous how many pills Kim seems to still have to take since she's been sober. Water pills, anxiety pills, Monty's pills, pills prescribed for her terrible pain, the pain of...let's say bronchitis. And of course there's her nose job that also requires pills. So many pills to be accidentally confused with stuff that gets her high!.

Don't forget 100% pain. I'm not sure what that is. I guess you have to be high to know.

  • Love 5

Do people really get sent home with Dilaudid? Damn. I got that intravenously after my cancer surgery, and it was the only time in my life that I have ever felt the allure of drug use. Didn't make me aggressive - I'd never felt warmer and more mellow towards the world. 

I was going to ask the same thing. When I was on that stuff I saw Al Sharpton in my hospital room and asked my daughter why there was a ventriloquist's dummy on the window sill. Then I cackled like a crazy person. She still thinks it was the best day of her life. She's mean. haha


Anyway you guys have pretty much said it all... this episode was really, really painful to watch. And aside from all the complexity about addiction, Kyle's highly emotional reaction to being pushed makes me wonder about physical abuse in her childhood. That was a visceral reaction from her, but maybe it was all really just about Kim's state. Ugh, not entertaining.

  • Love 3

I searched, but it seems no one answered my question. Isn't Monty married? If so, why is he/was he staying with Kim?

Princelina - I applaud you for taking the time to write such a lengthy and on-point post about addiction, enabling, how family members react, how the addict is a master manipulator, and all the things I had come here to post about. BRAVO!!

For the person who asked about what it is like to deal with an addict, I applaud you too for asking about addiction rather than commenting on something that you have not dealt with first hand.

I have dealt with at three people who are/were addicts. One is currently in his fifth stint of rehab. Another is dead, and the third is clean and sober. Having family members and extended family members deal with addiction, is something I would not wish on my worst enemy. The manipulations, the mind-games, the lies, the bullshit, the constant drama, the let-downs, the pain, and constantly playing the victim...Excuse me, but it is fucking exhausting, mentally and sometimes physically.

I would never, ever, EVER comment that Kyle did this wrong or she should have done this versus that. Woulda, coulda, shoulda...those are words that should NOT ever be said to those who are dealing with an addict because no one knows how they will react in any given situation when that addict is at their worst. There is no right or wrong as far as Kyle is concerned. The person at fault is KIM, no one else. Brandi had a hand in that mess last night, but that is because she has her own agenda going on.

Kyle is seeking camera time? Boy, oh boy. When will that thought ever end? This is reality. Kyle is dealing with a fucked up sister who was clearly lying about taking one pill. Bullshit!! That bitch was probably taking pills for a few days along with alcohol. As quickly as Kim was changing personalities to fit her game of manipulation, Kyle was five steps behind. She couldn't make sense of what was happening. I can't blame her. Neither could I make sense of what was going on, and I had time to pause the DVR and rewind it so I could capture what was being said and done.

Let me add, there has been mention of why isn't Kyle in Al-Anon or seeking any kind of therapy for her sister's addiction. Who is to say she isn't? I attended Al-Anon and I want to post that things don't just change overnight. It took me over three years to let go of resentments, anger, hurt, pain and all the varying emotions that come with dealing with an addict. It took me another year to learn how not to react to the addict. After years of dealing with three different addicts, it takes a long time to adjust to the new "normal". One doesn't magically just let old habits drop because one goes to Al-Anon and/or therapy. Change comes with doing things differently and consistently, and it sometimes takes years to undo the damage. Kim hasn't been sober that long for Kyle to suddenly know how to not react to Kim or how to deal with those moments when Kim relapses.

There were at least two posts and a reference to a Wikipedia page. He's divorced.

Kim said to Lisar that he had been with her for "years" recently and she couldn't get by without him. Almost everything she says is a tall tale.

  • Love 3

I wonder if Kim's drug taking was aimed at getting back at Kyle for the wine tasting debacle? Even though she told Kyle it "didn't bother her"...it would then appear that it bothered the hell out of her! IMO Kim was taking laser aim at Kyle at the poker table and Kyle's blood began to boil before running to the bathroom.

Kyle may not have known her spa event included a bar side wine tasting...with little food. But, it appears Kim "didn't buy her apology," and went out for bear the night of the card game.

Here Kim is supposedly nursing her ex-husband and even he rejects her by leaving her in the evenings. Kim is mentally unstable without wine or drugs and her deep-seeded jealously of her sister is apparent. The two of them on the same reality show only appears to have jacked-up the tension.

These two sisters need space if they are to keep a limited relationship. Kim has got to see that the drugs and alcohol result in a TOXIC personality transformation. Kyle has to be willing to separate from her volatile sister no matter what she promised her mother. Kyle must protect herself and her family period.

Should Bravo remove Kim form the RHOBH cast?

I don't think Kim was targeting Kyle because of the wine tasting at all, she knows how these shows work and knows that the producers set it all up, not Kyle. Kim is nasty, she gets very aggressive when she is drunk/high and Kyle is an easy target especially when she has Brandi in her ear telling her that Kyle doesn't love her or have her back. Had Lisa V been there, I have no doubts that Kim would have targeted both because of Brandi's nasty vindictive influence.


Kim said on an earlier episode that Monty comes and goes from her house, he does not live there full time and although I think she really cares about Monty, he is just another excuse for her to use/abuse. I am sure that is why Kyle did not pressure Kim to get rid of Kingsley after he bit her daughter, it would have just given Kim another excuse to get high and blame Kyle.


Kyle has her mother in-law to help guide her through this and make sure that Kyle gets any professional help she needs. Kim, on the other hand, does not think she is doing anything wrong, it is all being done to her, not by her in her opinion. She is using to dull the pain that someone else has caused her, even if it is because they got ill and are dying. As Kim said to Lisa R......"What about MY pain"...."What about MY nights"....MY...MY...MY!


Kim should have been fired after season 2 if not before IMO.

  • Love 11

I just got done reading Kim's blog and I'm mad all over again. First of all you don't get to tell Kyle what emotions are appropriate for her to feel. She feels what she feels and you were an embarrassment to yourself and your sister. Secondly she says she has been nothing but sober for three years. That's a lie. She may not have had a drink in that time frame but she certainly hasn't been sober. Lastly she blames "people", who because of her history will always jump to conclusions. What a load of crap. No wonder she makes Kyle crazy, she won't accept responsibility for anything. How many medication mishaps can one person have on camera? Why would anyone who is truly sober take someone else's pain medication? I knew she would never own up to it but this is riduclous on every level. this also explains why she has saddled up to Brandi, she would rather throw Kyle under the bus then to ever admit to relapsing. The craziest thing is she thinks this all makes perfect sense . It's a " who you gonna beleive? Me or your lying eyes?" Situation.


This reminds me....


Didn't she concoct some epic cock and bull story about her behavior in Paris and a medication mishap?


Some blatantly absurd story about "accidentally" taking an old medication she wasn't supposed to take any more (why she still had it around remains a mystery, much less mixed with her alleged current medications), and it looked like one of the new medications and so she took it for several days in Paris before realizing her mistake?


I remember it was yet another convoluted nonsensical tale trying to explain away her obvious impairment to Kyle.


I think this was in Paris.  It was her usual non-explanation explanation for her shenanigans, that much I remember.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 8

There were at least two posts and a reference to a Wikipedia page. He's divorced.

Kim said to Lisar that he had been with her for "years" recently and she couldn't get by without him. Almost everything she says is a tall tale.

You are so much kinder than I am, "tall tale" LOL....Kim is a liar.

This reminds me....


Didn't she concoct some epic cock and bull story about her behavior in Paris and a medication mishap?


Some blatantly absurd story about "accidentally" taking an old medication she wasn't supposed to take any more (why she still had it around remains a mystery, much less mixed with her alleged current medications), and it looked like one of the new medications and so she took it for several days in Paris before realizing her mistake?


I remember it was yet another convoluted nonsense trying to explain away her obvious impairment to Kyle.


I think this was in Paris.  It was her usual non-explanation explanation for her shenanigans, that much I remember.  

Not only an old med but 1 that she had a strong/adverse reaction to but she kept it!  And even though she realized it was the wrong med after a couple of days, she still took it the entire trip.Yes, it was Paris.

  • Love 5

You are so much kinder than I am, "tall tale" LOL....Kim is a liar.

Not only an old med but 1 that she had a strong/adverse reaction to but she kept it!  And even though she realized it was the wrong med after a couple of days, she still took it the entire trip.Yes, it was Paris.

I appreciate Lisa V touching on Kim's behavior in Paris in today's blog.  Lisa did take a lot of crap for that.

  • Love 8

As others have stated, Kim's blog was infuriating.  And as others have also stated, she may not be drinking but the woman is not sober.  No apologies to anyone regarding her behavior including her sister.  Nope, and she has the nerve to say:  Also, I was hurt that all Kyle could say was how embarrassed she was. As a sister, I would be worried, not embarrassed.  That's an addict trying to shift blame plus the fact that it is a false statement.  Well, one thing is for sure:  She's not in AA or following the twelve step program.


I hate the word 'enabler' when it's used to describe someone who is dealing with a loved one who is an addict.  It's overused and it's 'blaming' the people who are trying to do the best they can as a rational person dealing with an irrational person.  Do some people 'enable'?  Sure.  But most don't.  It's easy to 'say' just let them fail and reach their bottom.  But then there's children to be considered and their emotions, what if they hurt themselves, what if they get in a car and kill somebody else?  That's not easy to deal with, plus all the blame the loved one has received from the addict.  There's no magic pill for the addict and there's no magic pill for their loved ones.


 I'm sure Kyle and Mauricio have gotten numerous calls over the years from Kim's children regarding their mother's addiction and actions.  They obviously love their mother.  What do you do?  It's just not that simple.  And I think one of the main reasons Kyle continues to protect Kim in some ways is because of Kim's kids but sometimes you reach your limits.  Yeah, it does screw you up but we have no idea what and if what help Kyle gets to deal with this.  And it's up to her if she wants to talk about it.


OK, I'm ranting.  I just want to verbally slap Kim...and Brandi. 

  • Love 20

I think you are right, lets hope Bravo airs it this time as well, unlike PR. Then they need to cut her from the cast permanently, as well as Brandi! Enough already with this, no one wants to see 2 women killing themselves.


Everyone here already knows I'm horrible troll of a person, but honestly....


Ever since that picture of a literally falling down drunk, bare-assed Brandi baring her tampon string for all to see came out, I kind of gag every time she appears on my TV screen.


I seriously just cannot get past that disgusting image.  And, believe me, before Mr. Persnickety came along, I was about as wild as they come and ran with a wild crowd, and I've never seen anything as disgusting as that tampon string in my life, and that's saying a lot because I thought I had seen it all.  


The sooner Bravo gets her off of my TV, the happier I'll be.



  • Love 9

Kim still has a long way to go in her efforts to become clean.  Like others, I believe Kim is copping to an alcohol problem when that's just 1/2 of her addiction; the other 1/2 being prescription meds.  So when Kim talks about sobriety, she means alcohol.  Hopefully, some day, she can see her whole addiction and make progress.  My advice would be to steer clear of Brandi and anyone else who self medicates.


Kyle fell right back into old behaviors with Kim.  Lisa R gets a medal (from me) for that limo ride; I'd have been tempted to tuck & roll.  Did not appreciate Kyle talking to Brandi about Kim's issues prior to poker night.  Bad form.


Didn't like Eileen's house or weird appetizers but she is a fairly gracious host.  I'm sure the kids are used to loud parties and Vince is no stranger to sloppy drunks.


Don't care for Lisa V's double entendres.


Brandi is a mean manipulative drunk.  Eileen handles her best so far.


Kyle had mentioned that she was responsible for spa day and she thought lunch had wine pairings.  She must have told the spa that Kim was alcohol free as they had different beverages for her ready.  That was nice.  Lunch with a wine pairing?  Meh.  Once she realized the spa was doing a regular wine tasting, Kyle should have spoken to a manager and had the lunch moved to a table.  Sitting at a bar?  Tacky and not appropriate.


From what I recall of past Marty stories is that he drifts in and out of Kim's life and home.  Rumors of recreational drug use and partying.  Not good for Kim.  Not sure if that's where he disappeared to.  While it's admirable that Kim is helping to take care of him, if he and Kim have 'excess' in their past, it's probably more enabling behavior.


Didn't care about Yolanda's scene.  And I feel a little guilty but I don't care about Yo's lyme's.  While it is a horrible disease, I get the feeling that Yo has used it as an excuse when it suits her.  Just my opinion.

  • Love 4

Thank you, Mods for allowing us to discuss the real life that is going on in a reality show!!  I think talking about addiction and how hard it is to watch in a family member and a place to educate those who (thankfully) don't have to deal with it, is nothing but a good thing.


After the limo scene from a few seasons ago, the BH board at TWoP was burning up and people were actually starting to discuss the real life of the reality show and "everyone's favorite mod" shut that talk down very quickly with a stern warning.  I'm surprised s/he didn't lock it which was a common punishment.  I had posted about my situation with my sister and mentioned that Kyle should go to Al-anon which earned me a warning point (which never did roll off!) and a harsh private message.


Thanks again!! 

  • Love 24

I think you are right, lets hope Bravo airs it this time as well, unlike PR. Then they need to cut her from the cast permanently, as well as Brandi! Enough already with this, no one wants to see 2 women killing themselves.

I am ready for the two of them to go.  I would love for cocky Kim to get her walking papers and Kyle to say I am not embarrassed you got fired but I am worried you have no way to support yourself.  I see Brandi and Kim getting very close over the next couple of weeks as the Reunion should film around Valentine's Day.  I am not certain how long this season is but I only wish it is as long as RHONY. 


For a very long time Kyle and Mauricio did step in with Kim's kids.  Kathy to this day claims to be very busy with all four of her children.   Since Kim's kids don't like Brandi I don't see them flocking to her anytime soon.  

  • Love 5


Didn't care about Yolanda's scene.  And I feel a little guilty but I don't care about Yo's lyme's.  While it is a horrible disease, I get the feeling that Yo has used it as an excuse when it suits her.  Just my opinion.

Here is an interesting, thought provoking article/blog about Yolanda and her claim of Lyme's Disease that I think you will find interesting.   http://stoopidhousewives.com/2015/01/21/the-curiouscase-of-yodas-changing-illness-from-cfs-to-lyme-yolandahfoster-officialdfoster-andy-bravotv/

  • Love 1

I'm sure Kyle and Mauricio have gotten numerous calls over the years from Kim's children regarding their mother's addiction and actions. They obviously love their mother. What do you do? It's just not that simple. And I think one of the main reasons Kyle continues to protect Kim is in some ways because of Kim's kids...

I don't know about that. I get the feeling that Kim and Kyle were not super close before the show (and during?), and maybe their two families weren't either. And sometimes kids don't know what their addict parent is up to, or they don't want to know, or they pretend not to know. After all, Kim is pretty good at hiding and deflecting. And then there's yet another step to call their mother's sister for help, which not only feels like a pretty big step, but can you imagine the guilt trip and resentment Kim would put on her kid if one of them "betrayed" her like that?

  • Love 2

I think if Kyle had just run and jumped in the limo with her, it wouldn't have escalated.  She would have fallen in with Brandi's purported plan of getting Kim out of there.



I don't think Brandi was going to let that happen.  She pushed Kyle so hard that she almost fell from it.  Brandi was also drunk and was taking her bodyguard job way too seriously to let Kyle get anywhere near Kim at that point.  I think there just would have been a big fight at the car if Kyle tried to get passed Brandi to get in it with Kim.

  • Love 7

I don't know about that. I get the feeling that Kim and Kyle were not super close before the show (and during?), and maybe their two families weren't either. And sometimes kids don't know what their addict parent is up to, or they don't want to know, or they pretend not to know. After all, Kim is pretty good at hiding and deflecting. And then there's yet another step to call their mother's sister for help, which not only feels like a pretty big step, but can you imagine the guilt trip and resentment Kim would put on her kid if one of them "betrayed" her like that?

 Most likely their first calls would have been to their fathers when possible but when it came to helping Kim, IMO, they would have called Kyle because that is what their Grandmother, Big Kathy, did. I also think/believe that Kim's children spent most of their younger years at their respective fathers homes and when at Kim's, with a nanny. I don't think she is as good at hiding it from her family though, just the public in general because her family covered up and cleaned up her messes for her all throughout her adulthood to present day.

  • Love 5

I can't help but to agree firmly with this. Substance abuse counseling isn't hard science. There isn't a mathematical formula with one right answer for dealing with every addict and family member/friend of. All that family members or friends can and should do is to act using their own integrity and conscience. Everyone will get it wrong sometimes and everyone will get it right sometimes because life is messy and unpredictable like that.


Okay, moving on from this subject. Just as I expected to, I hated the poker night. Everyone was being rude to the host and nobody cared to learn how to play. I understand that they were bored and that this wasn't their cup of tea, but they were incredibly rude to both Eileen and Vince. I completely expected this, but this is VVP's profession (sort of)! If your host tries to teach you about something that they are considered to be talented at or an expert in it's just rude to talk all over them. And while its possible that some of the women really were that dense (or drunk), I agree with Brandi (!!) that Kyle was playing dumb. I mean the women were playing with their cards face up!


I agree that many of the guests were shockingly rude. However, even though I've played all manner of card games and have been fairly good at it, I don't get poker (never really played it and can't follow along when others do) and I couldn't figure out what he was talking about most of the time. I really think Kyle was not pretending. Who would keep up an act like that with people calling you stupid?

  • Love 6

I agree that many of the guests were shockingly rude. However, even though I've played all manner of card games and have been fairly good at it, I don't get poker (never really played it and can't follow along when others do) and I couldn't figure out what he was talking about most of the time. I really think Kyle was not pretending. Who would keep up an act like that with people calling you stupid?

I don't think anyone would have been able to understand what he was saying/doing because of the cackling/taunting coming from Kim and Brandi. They talked over what ever Vince tried to say, it was their intent, IMO, to make Kyle look stupid. I also think Kim wanted Lisa R to feel off balance so she kept quiet, she feared what Lisa would reveal if given the chance to say anything or if the room/table got quiet.

  • Love 6

I don't think Kim was targeting Kyle because of the wine tasting at all, she knows how these shows work and knows that the producers set it all up, not Kyle. Kim is nasty, she gets very aggressive when she is drunk/high and Kyle is an easy target especially when she has Brandi in her ear telling her that Kyle doesn't love her or have her back. Had Lisa V been there, I have no doubts that Kim would have targeted both because of Brandi's nasty vindictive influence.

You could be right who knows what's in Kim's twisted-sister intoxicated mind. We've all learned that Kim is a consummate liar and in this case I feel she was in a slow burn sitting at the bar for a wine tasting. When the bartender asked Kim to sniff the wine it was over the top. Brandi may have also contributed to Kim's anxiety with her sister over this issue.

Did the Bravo producers set the wine tasting up...Kyle knew about it...she said she thought the wine tasting was at a table where they'd be served lunch? Should they just have had lunch without the wine tasting? If it was my sister we'd be about as far away from the bar as possible...no wine tasting BS. Bravo could take it's suggestion and shove it where the sun don't shine, lol.

"You always hurt the one you love" is a saying that comes to mind. Kim knows showing up bouncing from the walls is going to cause her sister mortal pain...sisters...family...love...promises to her mother to watch over her sister. Kim knew she was playing with fire and deliberately went after the person who she knew the most about, the person who would bleed the most if attacked by her own sister on public TV. Whatever Kim was implying by awarding Kyle the long cylinder as a prize...we can only guess at...but it wasn't a nice reference.

Kim said on an earlier episode that Monty comes and goes from her house, he does not live there full time and although I think she really cares about Monty, he is just another excuse for her to use/abuse. I am sure that is why Kyle did not pressure Kim to get rid of Kingsley after he bit her daughter, it would have just given Kim another excuse to get high and blame Kyle.

Excellent points.

Kyle has her mother in-law to help guide her through this and make sure that Kyle gets any professional help she needs. Kim, on the other hand, does not think she is doing anything wrong, it is all being done to her, not by her in her opinion. She is using to dull the pain that someone else has caused her, even if it is because they got ill and are dying. As Kim said to Lisa R......"What about MY pain"...."What about MY nights"....MY...MY...MY!

So true, the woman is deranged without booze or pills...she believes everything is about her. When abusing substances she's scary, ugly, passive agressive and down right cruel.

Kim should have been fired after season 2 if not before IMO.

ITA, she should never even have been cast with her addictions. At one point, Kyle stood up for her older sister and it was rumored she said she'd leave if Bravo Andy fired Kim. So many rumors and speculation who knows the truth. Edited by RealityTVSmack
  • Love 2

So Brandi shoves Kyle and she still has teeth? I'm really sick of her doing outrageous things and not facing any consequences. 


Unless Kim Richards really needs the money she should get off this show and get help. Although I had a horrible thought..what if she relapsed and thought nothing of it because it will give her a storyline?

  • Love 7

I don't think anyone would have been able to understand what he was saying/doing because of the cackling/taunting coming from Kim and Brandi. They talked over what ever Vince tried to say, it was their intent, IMO, to make Kyle look stupid. I also think Kim wanted Lisa R to feel off balance so she kept quiet, she feared what Lisa would reveal if given the chance to say anything or if the room/table got quiet.

I thought it was more that Kim was defensive because she was obviously inebriated and Kyle noticed. It's happened before that Kim showed up "off" in some way and suddenly it's The Richards Sisters Show. They do both sort of command the room for better or worse so when they're at each other throats that's basically the only thing happening that night.

I actually think it's this dynamic that upset Mauricio more than anything else at his Hawaii birthday party. Kim was off, Kyle started trying to hyper manage her, and suddenly nothing else matters or gets attention except their dynamic. I've been the 3rd wheel with co-dependent relationships and sometimes it gets old.

Edited by FozzyBear
  • Love 5

I might see it differently, but the way Vince was rattling off the rules of the game, I found it hard to follow. Maybe it would have been different if I was actually at the table and there were two less people there. Vince talked like the professional player that he is, rather than taking things slow. He might as well have been talking in Russian. I just could not get what he was saying other than two aces are the highest cards, something I already knew.  Not to mention all the cross-talk-drunken-talk that was going on by Brandi and Kim.


Sorry I missed the answer to my question. I appreciate it. I must have missed it.




I'm sure Kyle and Mauricio have gotten numerous calls over the years from Kim's children regarding their mother's addiction and actions. They obviously love their mother. What do you do? It's just not that simple. And I think one of the main reasons Kyle continues to protect Kim is in some ways because of Kim's kids

My feelings exactly since season one. I agree. Children of addicts need a lifeline to people and I don't doubt this has been going on for quite a long time. There is no way Kyle and Mauricio are not aware of what Kim has done in the privacy of her own home. With Mauricio having helped out Kim financially, there are certainly some things that the Umansky's are privy to about Kim's life.  I imagine they have asked the children to contact them if ever the need arose.


I get the feeling that Kim and Kyle were not super close before the show (and during?), and maybe their two families weren't either. And sometimes kids don't know what their addict parent is up to, or they don't want to know, or they pretend not to know. After all, Kim is pretty good at hiding and deflecting. And then there's yet another step to call their mother's sister for help, which not only feels like a pretty big step, but can you imagine the guilt trip and resentment Kim would put on her kid if one of them "betrayed" her like that?

Oh, but then that is when the children of the addicts learn to do things without their addict parent being aware. My spouse and I are in touch with the daughter of an addict who is a relative. She calls us from time to time, sharing her fears, her anger and her resentment at her mother who continues to enable her father who is, in my eyes, a lost cause with his addiction. Her mother has no clue she is confiding in us or telling us things. We also know not to say anything to her mother about these conversations because we know her mother will slam her for telling us anything and she would lay a guilt trip on her while possibly keeping her away from certain family members.  We keep the line of communication open for this girl because she needs that lifeline. We assured her she can call us at anytime, day or night, and we will be there for her.  She knows we won't betray her.


I am pretty darn sure this is what Kim's children have learned to do with their Aunt Kyle and Uncle Mauricio. I can see Kim's children making late night calls to Kyle, expressing their worries over their mother's drunken behavior, their worries over her choices, their own fears for themselves and anything they need to vent about. I am of the belief the children of Kim know they can turn to Kyle and Mauricio with the knowledge their contacts with them are confidential.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 10

The problem with Kim's kids, at least the way I see it, is that there are multiple fathers involved.  I think that they were more likely to call Kyle and Mauricio because they are a common denominator in this.  I'm not saying that they didn't call their fathers at all but I do think when there were incidences, they would more likely reach out to Kyle, their stable aunt and Mauricio, their stable uncle.  We also have had numerous discussions of this on the old Bravo board and it was brought up that Kyle does appear to be close to her nieces and nephew.  Is it conjecture, sure.  But despite what Kim would say, I think Mauricio and Kyle have come to Kim's aid more than a few times (I also got this impression in the epic Kyle/Kim limo incident).  


I do think that Kim is closer to Kathy but I've gotten the impression that Kathy doesn't deal with cleaning up the messes.  It seems that Kyle and Mauricio do that.  Just an impression on my part.


Yeah, I said 'impression' a few times here.  It's late and I'm waiting to get sleepy.

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 9

In all the excitement, no one seems to have mentioned the little incident between Lisa V. and Brandi at the spa.  When Kyle's group walked away for their massage, Lisa grabbed Brandi's arm and said, "go, go, go on", and tried to push Brandi towards the first group and away from herself.  Brandi said, "don't touch me",  in what I would consider a very serious voice.  The show even subtitled it so we would catch the incident.

  • Love 7
Oh, I have a feeling Kim has a tolerance for a lot of substances that haven't been made known to the audience.


That was some wicked shit she was all fucked up on during the Hawaii trip as well.


And as frequently as she injures herself or has elective surgery, she's definitely not opiate-naive.

I am trying to get through all the pages but I recall Kim telling Paul she was on meds whatever season that was when she was "getting sober" from alcohol so it wasn't ever really sober. She is used to pills too.

  • Love 8

My take on Brandi and her comment about wanting to have sex with Vince - she wants to flirt and see if she can "lure" the man away from his wife. She wants him to make a move so then she can play the oh-so-outraged person. She wants very much to make other women feel what she says she felt when Eddie cheated on her. But she won't Actally do anything with the man. She wants to say "I would never do that". She has no problem giving the impression to the guy though.

It is like that is how she proves to herself that she is desirable, etc. I have thought this since the first season she was on. I see it in varying degrees and the sickest part about it is it does not matter if she is friends with the woman or not.

Kyle kind of called her on it the first or second season and Brandi acted all shocked and asked to Mauricio "have I ever come on to you?". The look on his face was "uhhh, how do I answer this?"

Then she hung all over Ken and said she was"in love with him". She's since fallen "in love with" David.

  • Love 8

This isn't quite right because the woman hands Kim a mango smoothie and says she prepared it for her or some shit. Someone was prepped that one of the ladies didn't drink. I've been to many a wine tasting, no one has mango smoothies ready to go just in case. 

They had orange juice ready for Kim upon arrival, and a mango smoothie for her during the tasting. But the teacher asked Kim if she at least wanted to smell the wine and Kim said something like "I'm not drinking at the moment" which led me to believe the teacher hadn't been informed she is an alcoholic. We can see that Yolanda doesn't drink during many parties, but it's because she's doing a cleanse or whatever. I'm sure the people at the spa see many women who "aren't drinking" for a variety of reasons (it is a spa), and don't assume "not drinking" means "problem drinker".

Edited by slade3
  • Love 4

In all the excitement, no one seems to have mentioned the little incident between Lisa V. and Brandi at the spa.  When Kyle's group walked away for their massage, Lisa grabbed Brandi's arm and said, "go, go, go on", and tried to push Brandi towards the first group and away from herself.  Brandi said, "don't touch me",  in what I would consider a very serious voice.  The show even subtitled it so we would catch the incident.

I don't blame Lisa, she has had enough of Brandi and she did not grab her hard by the looks of it.


I am trying to get through all the pages but I recall Kim telling Paul she was on meds whatever season that was when she was "getting sober" from alcohol so it wasn't ever really sober. She is used to pills too.

She did tell Paul that she was on "meds" and he expressed great concern and told her she was taking too much  and that she should never drink while taking any of those meds. Kim just nodded and told him she never mixed the pills and booze. She lied IMO.


My take on Brandi and her comment about wanting to have sex with Vince - she wants to flirt and see if she can "lure" the man away from his wife. She wants him to make a move so then she can play the oh-so-outraged person. She wants very much to make other women feel what she says she felt when Eddie cheated on her. But she won't Actally do anything with the man. She wants to say "I would never do that". She has no problem giving the impression to the guy though.

It is like that is how she proves to herself that she is desirable, etc. I have thought this since the first season she was on. I see it in varying degrees and the sickest part about it is it does not matter if she is friends with the woman or not.

Kyle kind of called her on it the first or second season and Brandi acted all shocked and asked to Mauricio "have I ever come on to you?". The look on his face was "uhhh, how do I answer this?"

Then she hung all over Ken and said she was"in love with him". She's since fallen "in love with" David.

I think there is also a part of Brandi that wants to be able to tell the other women that their husbands are cheating on them because they came on to her. It doesn't matter in her eyes that she came on to them first, just that they responded back and wanted to take her up on her offer. She would be most pleased if 1 or more of the marriages ended because of cheating so she is not the only one that was cheated on. 

  • Love 6

Where/when did we learn that Kim was a kind of "stealing" Monty pain pills ?!? Kim told kyle Monty gave her one (I don't buy it, but it doesn't mean that she steals all his pills FGS !)


Regarding the comments I read about Oxycodone, don't forget that there are diverse "dosages" (does it means the same than in French ?), as a 5mg pill is absolutely not the same than a 50mg one. The only thing those pills have in common is there "are" ONE pill ! Oxycodone is like heroin, but a pharmaceutical one. And yes, of course, it's very potent !


... But there's a thing I still don't get : if Kim only took ONE pill (that I don't believe), and even if it was a "delayed" one, she should have been a little bit down at the end ef the evening, not agressive and high as a kite !


So, for me, and according to my experience in/with addicts/substances, it's like if she added coke/or adderal to it, during the night, because if that kind of length for a high is... unseen and not understood with a "simple" pill (even with the mega dosage !) for me until now !


(I really hope that my post is understandable, as there are words/expression I don't often (never, lol !) use in English when discussing with people :D)

Thank you for explaining this. I knew several people who, at least sometimes, take prescribed oxycodone. The ones whose pills I've seen were 5 mg. I didn't realize there was such a range. Anyway, when people were discussing Kim's behavior I was thinking the people I know don't act a bit different than normal, and certain nothing like Kim. I realize we don't know what she took, but I appreciate your clarify what was confusing me. 

  • Love 3
I would never, ever, EVER comment that Kyle did this wrong or she should have done this versus that. Woulda, coulda, shoulda...those are words that should NOT ever be said to those who are dealing with an addict because no one knows how they will react in any given situation when that addict is at their worst. There is no right or wrong as far as Kyle is concerned. The person at fault is KIM, no one else. Brandi had a hand in that mess last night, but that is because she has her own agenda going on.



I agree. Kyle is doing the best she can; however she NEEDS someplace like Al-Anon so she can be around other people who are dealing with addicts.  I felt for Kyle because she was trying to make sure Kim was okay and I just shook my head.  "She's an addict Kyle, you won't get a reasonable response from her."  

  • Love 11

I am trying to get through all the pages but I recall Kim telling Paul she was on meds whatever season that was when she was "getting sober" from alcohol so it wasn't ever really sober. She is used to pills too.

This is another free pass she got on the show. Paul looked at her med list and announced she is over medicated , giving her a legitimate excuse for her previous behavoir. I thought this was bs at the time for a number of reason one of which my husband is a physician and tells me that all medication has a potential for adverse reactions/ side effects but that is highly unlikely. In addition Paul is a surgeon and has not practiced internal medicine in 25 years.I always thought this was concocted by Kim, Andrianne and Paul . Kyle knows the one pill excuse is bs but she still covers for her. I agree with the poster above that Kyle has a story to tell too. I so wish she would allow them to film her going to counseling (better yet an Al anon meeting but they wouldn't allow it) sharing her traumas and issues as the sister of a practicing addict. I also wish I could show footage of Kim and Brandi to all up and coming addiction counsellors as an example of the lengths addicts will go to, to continue using. In the words of the departed housewife Lydia " I see who you are". I see you Kim.

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 6
I think there is also a part of Brandi that wants to be able to tell the other women that their husbands are cheating on them because they came on to her. It doesn't matter in her eyes that she came on to them first, just that they responded back and wanted to take her up on her offer. She would be most pleased if 1 or more of the marriages ended because of cheating so she is not the only one that was cheated on.


Co-sign this. I think Brandi does not want to face the fact that some men are not cheaters. She wants to think they're ALL pigs like Eddie, even if that means she is the one trying to make it happen. 

  • Love 8

Kim's blog is just ridiculous, and she does protest too much.


I also noticed she did not address the limo ride with Lisa Rinna. And her and Brandi are BFF's forever I guess.  Good luck with that Kim, and by the way, I would think the worst kind of friend for Kim would be someone like Brandi.


One thing did jump out at me, though.  She says she didn't want to go to Poker Night. Over the past few seasons, Kim has been AWOL from so many events without explanation, why would she feel like she had to be at this one?  Perhaps Bravo laid down the law in her contract  this season - "this is when we're filming and you will be there if you want to remain on the show". 


Other than Brandi, I can't think of any BH housewife that probably needs the paycheck more.   So she takes a pill and goes, and Bravo films her in whatever condition she's in because they've lost all patience with her.

  • Love 5

Kim's blog is just ridiculous, and she does protest too much.


I also noticed she did not address the limo ride with Lisa Rinna. And her and Brandi are BFF's forever I guess.  Good luck with that Kim, and by the way, I would think the worst kind of friend for Kim would be someone like Brandi.


One thing did jump out at me, though.  She says she didn't want to go to Poker Night. Over the past few seasons, Kim has been AWOL from so many events without explanation, why would she feel like she had to be at this one?  Perhaps Bravo laid down the law in her contract  this season - "this is when we're filming and you will be there if you want to remain on the show". 


Other than Brandi, I can't think of any BH housewife that probably needs the paycheck more.   So she takes a pill and goes, and Bravo films her in whatever condition she's in because they've lost all patience with her.

Maybe Bravo is doing to Kim like they did in the NY show...Aviva. She gets paid per episode she is in and if she misses gatherings/trips she will not appear in the opening, so less pay.

  • Love 1

God forgive me for saying this but I just can't anymore with the Kim junkie drama.  I was taking out the trash out just now laughing at the cooksdelight SVU comment re Yolanda and the models -- sorry, I just can't stop laughing -- and had a vision, Lord forgive me, of like Kyle as Tony Soprano snuffing the life out of Christafah -- aka Kim -- because s/he just couldn't take it anymore. 


I know this is so wrong but ... 


I can't take it anymore -- I just can't.  I just have to be able to laugh about it. 

Have to say this again -- I just don't like this.  I freaking love this and am still laughing.  All the comments here are super great but every once in awhile someone comes up with someone that just makes me want to go on living. 


It takes a lot to break through all the BS of the RHs.  Thank you for the manic, drunken, can't play poker or can I gonna bust you anyway, bitch, because my ex husband is dying of cancer and is never home (!!!) laugh

For me, the defining moment of this Kim-meltdown episode took place in the car. Kim tells Lisa that she's 'ornery' because Monty hasn't been around. Lisa says "well he's in pain, he's dying" to which Kim says "so am I"  So there you go, self-pity in a nutshell. Kim thinks she's in as much pain as Monty who is dying of cancer.


Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 13

This isn't quite right because the woman hands Kim a mango smoothie and says she prepared it for her or some shit. Someone was prepped that one of the ladies didn't drink. I've been to many a wine tasting, no one has mango smoothies ready to go just in case. 

Also she was handed a fresh squeezed oj when they arrived so...production is playing with us?

  • Love 3

Not that this is a revelation but...finally caught Kyle in a lie regarding wine-tasting-gate.  On this epi of RHOBH while talking to Kim over lunch to make sure Kim was OK after the incident the day before, Kyle says she thought the wine tasting would be them sitting at a table having lunch with certain "pairings" of wine. This shows she had beforehand knowledge that wine tasting would be involved.  I think one of them called the place they were at a Wine Library.


Kyle should have called the place in advance to check exactly what she was taking her sister to.  If she relied on Bravo staff...did they lie to her hoping to put Kim in a awkward situation.  Kim's face is contorted in pain the whole time she's at the bar and most of what they show has her outside on the phone or in the hallway with the ladies hugging her and asking if she was OK. She couldn't sit at the bar watching the others sniff and discuss wine...you could see she was in pain.


Checked out the On Demand WWHL for January 20th which begins with (paraphrasing here) a announcement from Kyle saying she wished to clear up any misconception and that she had absolutely NO previous knowledge before they stepped into the place that a Wine Tasting was to take place. She said she never would have taken her sister there if she knew they would be part of a Wine Tasting event.


Liar, liar...Kyle's growing nose is on fire.  Talk about DAMAGE control.

  • Love 5

If you're a hard core smoker, you'll try - again & again.  You must be a fucking lightweight, cooksdelight!  :-D


I don't believe anything Kim or her defenders say - ever.

GUILTY (and I am not even what I'd call a hardcore smoker)! Something about the boredom of being home from work* recuperating that all of a sudden creeps up and makes one think it's a perfectly fine idea to have a smoke with a cup of coffee. Please note that I said "home from work recuperating" and not "attending a poker party"!

* It's days like that the make me wonder what's the matter with me, not because I smoked with a chest cold, but because why am I not at least feeling relaxed during my day away from the office, sick or not? What the hell, man?

  • Love 2

Not that this is a revelation but...finally caught Kyle in a lie regarding wine-tasting-gate.  On this epi of RHOBH while talking to Kim over lunch to make sure Kim was OK after the incident the day before, Kyle says she thought the wine tasting would be them sitting at a table having lunch with certain "pairings" of wine. This shows she had beforehand knowledge that wine tasting would be involved.  I think one of them called the place they were at a Wine Library.


Kyle should have called the place in advance to check exactly what she was taking her sister to.  If she relied on Bravo staff...did they lie to her hoping to put Kim in a awkward situation.  Kim's face is contorted in pain the whole time she's at the bar and most of what they show has her outside on the phone or in the hallway with the ladies hugging her and asking if she was OK. She couldn't sit at the bar watching the others sniff and discuss wine...you could see she was in pain.


Checked out the On Demand WWHL for January 20th which begins with (paraphrasing here) a announcement from Kyle saying she wished to clear up any misconception and that she had absolutely NO previous knowledge before they stepped into the place that a Wine Tasting was to take place. She said she never would have taken her sister there if she knew they would be part of a Wine Tasting event.


Liar, liar...Kyle's growing nose is on fire.  Talk about DAMAGE control.


Kyle knew there would be some wine involved but so did Kim, during their lunch Kim said she knew about it and wasn't upset, she was upset that there was not much food.


Kyle said there would be lunch and wine pairing with the lunch, as it is normal in this cases, many of the events at the own housewives have involved wine, Yolanda's dinner, events at Lisa's house, even the barbecue at Kyle's house, there was a refrigerator full of wine. People can't stop living their lives and hide all alcohol just because Kim is coming.


In this particular situation there is a difference because a pairing wine to go with your lunch, red wine if you are eating meat or white if your are eating fish type of deal to a bull blown wine pairing as it happened, that is what Kyle was alluding to, Kim has to know that any event she attends will have some kind of alcohol involved, just not that the alcohol will be the main feature.


During the lunch between Kyle and Kim, Kim made it very clear that she wasn't upset or bothered . IMO Kim has indeed recovered from her alcohol addiction and it is probably true that she hasn't gotten drunk in the last three years, but that is just half of the problem , the real problem that Kim has right now is her addiction to pain killers, kim will never admit that this is a problem to her and that she has relapse many times if she ever was off from them which I doubt. Until Kim understands that she is still battling a painkiller addiction she will live in denial.


If after watching the last episode, Kim doesn't understand that she has a problem and has made 100 excuses for it and has found a way to blame her sister for it, then she is still living in denial and she will continue to do it time and time again.

  • Love 10

Not that this is a revelation but...finally caught Kyle in a lie regarding wine-tasting-gate.  On this epi of RHOBH while talking to Kim over lunch to make sure Kim was OK after the incident the day before, Kyle says she thought the wine tasting would be them sitting at a table having lunch with certain "pairings" of wine. This shows she had beforehand knowledge that wine tasting would be involved.  I think one of them called the place they were at a Wine Library.


Kyle should have called the place in advance to check exactly what she was taking her sister to.  If she relied on Bravo staff...did they lie to her hoping to put Kim in a awkward situation.  Kim's face is contorted in pain the whole time she's at the bar and most of what they show has her outside on the phone or in the hallway with the ladies hugging her and asking if she was OK. She couldn't sit at the bar watching the others sniff and discuss wine...you could see she was in pain.


Checked out the On Demand WWHL for January 20th which begins with (paraphrasing here) a announcement from Kyle saying she wished to clear up any misconception and that she had absolutely NO previous knowledge before they stepped into the place that a Wine Tasting was to take place. She said she never would have taken her sister there if she knew they would be part of a Wine Tasting event.


Liar, liar...Kyle's growing nose is on fire.  Talk about DAMAGE control.

First off-let's be real Kyle doesn't make the arrangements production does.  She said she arranged the massages  and the hotel decided to go all out.  For the hotel to go all out they work with production -not Kyle.  It is no different than Joyce inviting them to Puerto Rico-all production zero Joyce.


I think what Kyle is saying is that at some point they collectively were informed there was to be a lunch. At some point someone told her/them the lunch would have had wine pairings-very common.  Instead they shoved them in a wine tasting room and did a very clumsy job of accommodating Kim and an even worse job of feeding the women.  The Bacara was all about featuring their amenities with zero interruption on service to their guests.  It is a very exclusive place and the last thing they want are cameras affecting the other guests stay.


A little note about the Bacara-years ago a friend of ours-single mother two adult children, got a room at the Bacara for the weekend to visit her son who was attending UCSanta Barbara.  She and her daughter were staying in the room and her son would come and visit since he lived in a shoebox.  After the first afternoon of she and her two adult children by the pool-she was told her son was not allowed to use the amenities as he was not a guest.  She tried to add him to the room and they refused (she and her daughter were sharing a bed). 


Contrary to popular belief when these women are filming at a third party site they have zero control over what happens.  Production is working with the hotel not an individual housewife.  Contrast that with Lisa having an event at her home or business-Lisa has some input.


There is a certain amount of fourth wall here that has to be adhered to-I just don't believe Kyle arranged a wine tasting and then sat back and denied it.  I also don't think these women are in the position to walk off filming in protest of a site.  Kim didn't seem phased by it so I don't get why there is so much focus on Kyle and the Bacara.  I think if Kim had the opportunity to hammer Kyle on the wine tasting she would-as would Brandi. 

  • Love 16

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