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S06.E10: How Did We Get Here?

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What kind of crisis could they have that would require the immediate attention of BOTH Adam and Crosby? They have next to no clients, Adam can't work the sound equipment and Crosby is useless at the business end. I cannot imagine what could happen that would require both of them to leave the hospital during what seems to be a life-or-death situation.

If they are lucky, the Luncheonette will burn down and put itself out of misery.

  • Love 1

It's starting to feel like ER when I was just waiting for Mark Greene to die because to road there was taking so long. I don't want zeek to die but Damn. Either kill him off or don't. I can't take it anymore.


That is a great comparison, I felt like that too.  How many episodes do we have left?


I was kind of surprised Hank proposed, it seemed like they were setting up him getting back with his ex.  I am thinking Sarah will say no? Usually if someone's first reaction isn't yes, it never will be.

  • Love 1

Was I the only one who thought when Julia announced she and Joel were in the room to visit Zeke, that his second heart attack was in reaction to the announcement they were back together.


I was so waiting for the doctor to come into the cafeteria to announce Zeke had passed on during Amber's baby shower.  Either kill him or let him live show...stop dragging this out.


Hank was enjoyable to me this episode, at least we know he is all in w/Sarah and not open to getting back together w/his ex for his daughter's sake.  I agree though, if Sarah couldn't give a definitive answer that's not a good sign.


Hank's scene w/Drew was great, b/c Drew needed to get that off his chest that he thought Zeke's last thoughts of Drew would be disappointment.


I got weepy this episode, but it was mostly b/c the scenes w/Sarah reacting to her father were reminding me that we won't get anymore Lorelai and Richard Gilmore scenes.  This episode was taking me back to those GG episodes where Richard was in the hospital.

Edited by CMH1981
  • Love 6

Boring is right...a handful of episodes left and this is the best they can come up with? Didn't Zeke already have a medical emergency with everyone at the hospital wringing their hands? I agree, either kill him off or move on. 


Re the Luncheonette, do I have this right? It was burglarized, and on the very same night it happened, the insurance company offered them a big-ass settlement, one that will allow them to pay off all their debts and walk away with $20k each? Yeah, right, that's realistic. Like it doesn't take an insurance company time to get police reports, investigate the claim, place a value on the stolen items, not to mention take a long look at the business to make sure it wasn't an inside job. And considering it was a failing business, that would certainly cross an insurance investigator's mind. 

  • Love 19


Re the Luncheonette, do I have this right? It was burglarized, and on the very same night it happened, the insurance company offered them a big-ass settlement, one that will allow them to pay off all their debts and walk away with $20k each? Yeah, right, that's realistic. Like it doesn't take an insurance company time to get police reports, investigate the claim, place a value on the stolen items, not to mention take a long look at the business to make sure it wasn't an inside job. And considering it was a failing business, that would certainly cross an insurance investigator's mind.


I'm guessing that the insurance person gave Adam an estimate based on what he listed was in the building that was taken.  It was probably all contingent on everything else you mentioned, police reports, investigation, and all that.

On another tv site they are raving about this ep. And I'm like I guess I'm heartless cuz really, wtf happened? Zekes still sick...Hanks a dork...blah blah Lunchoenette. Boooring!


I really don't like Hank. I find him so boring. I don't get what Sarah sees in him.

I feel like all of the J/J drama was pointless since they'll end up staying together.


Re the Luncheonette, do I have this right? It was burglarized, and on the very same night it happened, the insurance company offered them a big-ass settlement, one that will allow them to pay off all their debts and walk away with $20k each? Yeah, right, that's realistic. Like it doesn't take an insurance company time to get police reports, investigate the claim, place a value on the stolen items, not to mention take a long look at the business to make sure it wasn't an inside job. And considering it was a failing business, that would certainly cross an insurance investigator's mind.


It's the same logic that has Jasmine with a $30 an hour filing job. I will never get over that.


Oh, Drew. You will never graduate.


A Max-free and Sydney-free episode! Huzzah.


The only parts I genuinely liked was (1) the makeshift baby shower at the end. That was kind of nice. And (2) seeing Joel and Hank at the bar. I'm not a fan of Hank, and Joel has been written incredibly inconsistently the last 2 seasons, but for some reason that pairing over beer amused me. 


I would like to see Haddie one more time. Even just to acknowledge her existence. 

Edited by Dust Bunny
  • Love 4

First of all, why did every single member of the Braverman family drive to the hospital separately? I don't even mean that in a Berkeley hippie treehugger spare the air everyone should bike or walk to work kind of way. I mean that not one of them thought, "Hey, maybe I can call my sibling and pick them up on the way to the hospital because we could both use the emotional support." By the next morning, there were eleven people in the waiting room and there were eight cars in the parking lot (it would have been nine cars if Drew had been able to get his car to start).


I LOATHED all of the Bravermans getting all Braverman-y at the hospital and with the doctors. Badgering the nurse is not going to help. She can only tell you what she is allowed to tell you. All talking at the same time is not going to convince the nurse otherwise. Not getting out of the way when the alarms go off and asking questions like, "What's happening?" is not helpful either. GET OUT OF THE WAY and let the doctors do their jobs. They don't have time to sit you down and talk you through what's going on at that very moment.


I thought it was very sweet of Joel to want to stay. I don't think it was all about Julia either. He loves Zeek, regardless of what is going on with him and Julia. I remember in High Fidelity when Rob talked about how strange/sad it is when you break up with someone and you don't get to see their family anymore after spending holidays in bathrobes together. Just because he and Julia have been on a crazy roller coaster ride doesn't mean that he stops caring about Zeek or Camille. While of course Julia's feelings take precedence over Joel's in this instance (meaning if she didn't want him there, he should respect that), I totally understand him wanting to be there.


On the flip side, I hated seeing Hank get jealous of Joel. For one thing, it seemed out of character for Hank. But secondly, knowing how logical Hank is, I thought he would understand that Joel has been part of this family for so long that of course he knows what kind of coffee they like and how to cheer them up. That's not a knock on Joel at all either. He is a nice guy and he seemed to love being part of the crazy Braverman clan, and he had a long time (over a decade) to get to know them and get comfortable with them. It's always harder for the new guy because he doesn't know all their quirks yet or have shared experiences with them. When Hank was babbling to Drew in the car, I thought damn, Sarah's Bravermanism has really rubbed off on him. If this had happened months ago, Hank would have been totally silent in the car. I appreciate that his babbling was a result of trying to make Drew feel better though.


But Hank's behavior bothered me because it reminded me of when my friend's dad was really sick and then died. My friend's girlfriend made it all about her and how all of this was affecting HER, to the point where my friend said, "Gee, I'm so sorry that my dad's death is so inconvenient FOR YOU."


And GAWD, ZEEK. See what your guilt trip did to Drew?


Nitpick: it was dark when Amber got to the hospital and Sarah told her that Drew was on his way. It was still dark when Drew couldn't get his car to start. It was daylight when Hank woke up and Sarah asked him to pick up Drew. So no one offered to pick up Drew from campus between 4am and whenever Hank woke up? All of them were just like, "Sorry, Drew, just hang out in the parking lot until we get around to finding you a ride"?


Adam can be an obnoxious pain in the ass, but I really saw his big brother personality come through when he told Crosby not to worry about the Luncheonette and that he would call the insurance company and take care of things and again when Crosby said he didn't want to give up the Luncheonette because they were a team. Big brother Adam couldn't find it in his heart to disappoint his little brother even though he had already decided otherwise.


Major demerits to Crosby for "between you and I." The Berkeley public school system really let you down, man. In a terrible coincidence, Showtime posted the season premiere of House of Lies on YouTube (which I watched tonight before Parenthood) and Dax Shepherd's wife Kristen Bell said, "between you and I" too. It's a freaking epidemic! Sarah later said, "[Camille] made [a baby advice book] for Julia and I." Arrrrrgh.


I was really dreading this episode because my dad was in ICU last year and then died, so I knew it would be hard to watch. Surprisingly, it wasn't hard for me to watch at all, probably because the entire episode was about everyone else and barely about Zeek. I thought it was strange when the nurse tried to stop Joel from going into ICU because they were only letting family in. When my dad was in ICU, our neighbors came, my sister's friends came, etc. You had to be buzzed into ICU but they weren't checking IDs or asking who was family. The restriction was more on how many people could be in the room at once (it was only supposed to be two at a time but we had up to six people in my dad's room at one point).


How many episodes do we have left?


I was kind of surprised Hank proposed, it seemed like they were setting up him getting back with his ex.  I am thinking Sarah will say no? Usually if someone's first reaction isn't yes, it never will be.

Three more episodes left according to the promo they ran at the end of this week's episode.


ITA about Sarah/s reaction. If your response to a proposal isn't along the lines of, "OMG, YES YES YES!!" then your answer should be no. You should not have to talk yourself into marrying someone.


Huge pros of this episode: no Max, no Snowflake Academy. That makes it a win in my book. The bar is obviously set very low these days.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 7

From ElectricBoogaloo:
"Major demerits to Crosby for "between you and I." The Berkeley public school system really let you down, man. In a terrible coincidence, Showtime posted the season premiere of House of Lies on YouTube (which I watched tonight before Parenthood) and Dax Shepherd's wife Kristen Bell said, "between you and I" too. It's a freaking epidemic! Sarah later said, "[Camille] made [a baby advice book] for Julia and I." Arrrrrgh."

Makes my hair go on fire every time.


ETA: The quoting thing doesn't seem to work properly on the iPad.

Edited by panthergirl13
  • Love 2


Major demerits to Crosby for "between you and I." The Berkeley public school system really let you down, man. In a terrible coincidence, Showtime posted the season premiere of House of Lies on YouTube (which I watched tonight before Parenthood) and Dax Shepherd's wife Kristen Bell said, "between you and I" too. It's a freaking epidemic! Sarah later said, "[Camille] made [a baby advice book] for Julia and I." Arrrrrgh.

I am so used to this in almost every show I watch, I am surprised when I hear characters (and actors) speak properly. 

It does hurt my ears.


Thank you all for the rundown of the episode. I will promptly delete it from the DVR and save myself 44 minutes of boredom

  • Love 2

Overall, it just felt like an inside joke, but without the joke part. Like we were supposed to somehow feel the deep emotions that the actors were experiencing as they drag out this long goodbye to each other. Instead, I find myself yawning and stretching as if to give a hint to dinner guests who have hung around too long. TIME TO GO, PEOPLE.

  • Love 3

I loved this episode.  I felt all of their emotions in regard to Zeke, possible changes in their lives, and the sweet baby shower at the end.  I thought it had a little bit of everything, and I liked that it included external characters like Hank and found a storyline for them too.


I am sure some of why I liked the episode was personal in that seeing the fragility of Zeke and knowing he has a tough decision ahead reminded me a lot of what my own father would have gone through.  It is a very real situation for someone with heart issues to get to that point of do I try to extend my life knowing I could end it, or do I just wait and see what happens.  The impact on the family is big too because you respect their decision completely, but it is a sad place to be.


I loved the women's connection at the end, and it made me tear up to hear the advice they had for Amber.  

Edited by alexa
  • Love 5

I actually really enjoyed the episode.  My only real complaint is that the second half dragged a little bit.  I loved the opening montage of everyone getting the call and jumping out of bed even if it was total emotional manipulation.  The moment that made me tear up (and I'm not a crier) was when Drew couldn't get his car to start.  I usually only find the actor to be average, but I really felt the frustration of "I might never get to see my grandpa again and of course the damn car won't start."


I also didn't find Hank's proposal to be that out of the blue.  When he spent the whole day sizing Joel up, I figured it wasn't just to show he was jealous but more because the wheels were turning in his head, wondering if he could play the family man role.  This is a minority opinion (I think), but I hope Hank and Sarah end up together.  I'm a sucker for the two-messed-up-people-somehow-work-well-together storylines.


To top it all off, I don't think anyone really annoyed me this episode, and God knows how long it's been since that happened.  They dipped into the occasional Bravermanism by badgering the doctors and nurses, but I'm a little bit more forgiving because their emotions were all over the place in the moment.

Edited by AnythingCanBe
  • Love 5

I fell asleep watching last night.  Decided to come here to see what I missed.....apparently nothing.


I did see the break in at the Luncheonette and wondered how did they get all that equipment out without anyone seeing them?  It looked more like someone that moved out and left a big mess.  You know like tenant vs landlord cases you see on Judge Judy.  Missed the part where insurance company saves the day with money left in their pockets.  Yeah right.


I agree that the writers have pulled the Zeke is sick/dying crap one too many times.  Die already or get better.  My prediction is a the moment Zeke dies Whatshername (for the life of me I am drawing a blank) has a baby boy and they name him Zeke.

  • Love 1

God help me but I'm rooting for Sarah and Hank. I saw the proposal coming while he was talking to Drew.


Besides the badgering of the nurse and doctors (shut up everyone. Stop asking different versions of the same questions at the same time to these people) no one really annoyed me. So that's good.


I'm ready for Zeke to kick the bucket.

  • Love 3
Major demerits to Crosby for "between you and I."


Sarah later said, "[Camille] made [a baby advice book] for Julia and I."


I am so used to this in almost every show I watch, I am surprised when I hear characters (and actors) speak properly. 

It does hurt my ears.

Both errors were like icepicks to my ears, and I feel like I hear more pronoun case errors on Parenthood than just about anywhere else.



I LOATHED all of the Bravermans getting all Braverman-y at the hospital and with the doctors. Badgering the nurse is not going to help. She can only tell you what she is allowed to tell you. All talking at the same time is not going to convince the nurse otherwise. Not getting out of the way when the alarms go off and asking questions like, "What's happening?" is not helpful either. GET OUT OF THE WAY and let the doctors do their jobs. They don't have time to sit you down and talk you through what's going on at that very moment.

Thank you! Sure, many families have that one member who's useless and/or self-centered in situations like this, but these Bravermans are like a gaggle of freaking children. It was bad enough when they were badgering medical professionals (I stole ElectricBoogaloo's word because it's a good one), but what really made my blood boil was when they were barking questions at poor Camille. For that matter, Adam seemed to be the only child being semi attentive to his mom, and  even he didn't seem to be doing much. In my experience, when both parents are alive and one is near death, the adult kids somehow manage to deal with their own emotions WHILE encircling and caring for the exhausted, terrified elderly parent sitting next to them. (P. S. I don't even like Camille!)


I'm a weirdo Hank apologist--I've always been drawn to weird dudes--so I was very happy to see him apart from his annoying ex and devil daughter. The bizarre proposal sure came out of the blue, but I found it very sweet in its weirdness. And my favorite moment of the entire episode was when he blurted "I just proposed!" to the random stranger!

  • Love 1

I did see the break in at the Luncheonette and wondered how did they get all that equipment out without anyone seeing them?  It looked more like someone that moved out and left a big mess.  You know like tenant vs landlord cases you see on Judge Judy.  Missed the part where insurance company saves the day with money left in their pockets.  Yeah right.


Right? That mixing board (?) was huge. Does it disassemble? How many people broke into that place? How big was their getaway vehicle? How did the neighbors not hear someone yelling 'PIVOT! PIVOT!' a la Ross Gellar as they maneuvered it around the corners and out of the building?

  • Love 14

On another tv site they are raving about this ep. And I'm like I guess I'm heartless cuz really, wtf happened? Zekes still sick...Hanks a dork...blah blah Lunchoenette. Boooring!



On my FB feed, people are like "its so good and so emotional!" i'm like...what?


I haven't seen it yet but I read a recap and all the comments were fawning about how this is the best show on the air and how emotional it all was. My first thought was, "Let me get over to PTV and get the truth."

  • Love 5

Haha, PIVOT! PIVOT! There's no way that nosy neighbor wouldn't have heard all the noise if people broke in and stole all that huge equipment. I mean, seriously, just imagine the thieves crashing through the alley with the drums and dropping the cymbals on the ground. She would be on them like white on rice!


what really made my blood boil was when they were barking questions at poor Camille.

That made me really mad too. STFU and have a seat, kids. Your mom just told you everything she knows. Asking her multiple times doesn't mean she will have new information (or since we're on a Friends kick, picture Phoebe yelling, "This is all brand new information!"). Poor Camille is stressed out enough as it is. She doesn't need her four kids all yelling the same questions at her.

  • Love 4

"Overall, it just felt like an inside joke, but without the joke part. Like we were supposed to somehow feel the deep emotions that the actors were experiencing as they drag out this long goodbye to each other. Instead, I find myself yawning and stretching as if to give a hint to dinner guests who have hung around too long. TIME TO GO, PEOPLE."


and, "The quoting thing doesn't seem to work properly on the iPad."


  • Love 2

Hank & Sarah have no chemistry.  Like none.  Not even a little.  Has the show ever shown them kiss?  They act more like an old married couple that may have been passionate about each other at one time but it was decades ago before kids and jobs and everything else.  Like they're more like siblings or something.  It's my hope that Sarah turns him down and he goes back with his wife.  Because if they make Sarah accept the proposal, man - poor Sarah.  She deserves a better romance than that in her life.  And I don't even like her that much.


I am over The Luncheonette.  I am supposed to believe that this place has such rabid neighbors that people weren't allowed to smoke in the alley behind the studio a year or so ago but now someone can break in and steal an entire drum kit and audio board without anyone noticing or thinking it's odd.  Sure.  OK.  Makes sense. 


Zeke - I'm over it.  Just kill him. 

  • Love 2

While I'm glad Jasmine was willing to be supportive of Crosby no matter what he decided, I think she should have at least gotten him to consider that he IS responsible for a family of four and THAT rather than clinging to a  personal dream that's turned into a nightmare should be his primary concern re deciding whether to accept the insurance company's on-some-other-planet's windfall.


 Agree that it was not only infuriating for the collective kids [which is how they behaved] to gang up on Camille like that after she'd already told them everything she knew but I was afraid that that added stress would cause her to have a heart attack.


Interesting that Crosby actually mentioned their grandmother being still going at '94 or something' but, if this particular grandmother is Zeek's mother, did anyone consider at least notifying her that her son's life was hanging on the balance even if she couldn't fly out there or do more than send good wishes? Also, too bad no one thought to include HER thoughts on motherhood [even if this was Camille's mother Crosby was talking about]  in the otherwise timely and moving multigenerational album that the Braverman women gave Amber -and I'm glad they had the shower in the hospital cafeteria.


   Not only did I think Drew was getting upset over the car itself not starting while Zeek was possibly dying but I wouldn't be surprised if Drew might have thought that that was a 'sign' that Zeek wouldn't be able to start up again -especially since Zeek was the one who gave him the car. Would have loved it had Zeek said he was sorry for dumping on Drew for not lying to Camille about getting airline tickets but him being happy Drew said he loved him was good enough, I guess.


    Thankfully, Amber was on her best behavior this episode and as I said, it was a good gift the women of the family gave her.


    Also thankful no Max or Sydney this episode.



  • Love 2

Nope, I like Hank too.  (his ex wife and daughter are another story).  I have never liked Sara much, and I hate how she talks down to Hank.  I don't know how to explain it but her reactions to him are like she slows down what she is saying and how she says it to "accomodate" him.  He may potentially have Asperger's, but he isn't stupid.  He is actually quite smart.  Like last night she looked at him in a way like she had to talk to him in a certain way.  I understand she was shocked, but you could tell she felt the need to accomodate him in some way rather than just talk to him like a normal person.


Re: the luncheonette, I agree that though it is nice Jasmine is supportive, their business was going downhill fast.  They had no potential business for the last several months.... I will feel bad for Adam if he has to stay in it for Crosby.  It just doesn't make financial sense for either of them given how poorly the business has been doing.  I doubt they are suddenly going to be run over with clients.  Well, this is Parenthood, so I guess it could happen if the writers decide it should be so.

Edited by alexa
  • Love 1

I can't say I "enjoyed" this episode, but I understand it.  As someone of an age when very few of my generation still have two parents, and whose graduating class's Facebook page has posts either about the upcoming reunion or whose mother/father just passed away, I knew the panic and confusion when you're faced with losing someone you've known your whole life.  I thought it was played pretty realistically (but Hank should have been sent on a errand...to the next town) and touchingly.  I hope Zeke lives, but there comes a time when everyone faces this, so why not go ahead and explore THAT part of parenthood, too, before the show ends.

  • Love 4

I actually felt for Hank. He was trying to do the right thing (people in relationships support the people they love in crisis situation) but didn't have the tools to know what to do, or how to do it well. When I saw Sarah leaving w/o waking him up - I thought that signaled the end of the relationship. Who doesn't wake up the person they supposedly love when something like this happens? He felt out of place, and rightly so. But he was trying to help - and DID actually help, as annoying as it was.


I think the emotionality of Zeke's situation depends on whether you've experienced it in real life. I  don't care at all about Zeke, in fact I dislike him, but it got me nevertheless because my brother went through the same experience, with fewer and less positive options.


TVs and movies do a lot of this "forget about everything and go after your dream" business - I think because the writers and actors are people who did that and were successful doing it. They're not generally the ones to throw in a dose of practical reality. Especially on this show.


I couldn't help but laugh as each woman gave her "parenting advice" to Amber. Good parenting was pretty thin on the ground there. The mother who brought home all the losers and chases a different dream every year, the mother who kept her son from his father for 5 years and lied about it, the mother who enables her entitled snot of a daughter by denying she's a classic "mean girl", and the mother who doesn't set boundaries for her boundary challenged son.


Still, I like the show, and as annoyed as I get by the individual characters at time, they do a great job of pulling my emotional strings.

  • Love 11

If you hate the characters, I can see how you'd be bored or annoyed by watching their stories, but I think the reality of someone with Zeek's age and medical condition is that there are usually a series of crises, not just one incident = immediate death. Sometimes of course people do die from their first episode. But I don't think it's at all unrealistic to see someone like Zeek have multiple crises. So I had no problem with the basic conceit of this week's show.


I thought the show was telegraphing all episode that Sarah is done with Hank and doesn't take him seriously. She didn't leave a note for him, didn't want him at the hospital waiting with her, her body language was stand offish and she almost seemed repulsed by him whenever he'd approach. She didn't really trust him to go pick up Drew, she didn't lean on him or look at him or spend any time with him or tell him where she was going. I felt bad for him, because he was trying to be there for her and to participate appropriately, despite that he knows he's not good at reading social situations. So, I thought he was watching Joel, not out of competitiveness, but because he wanted to be like him; it seemed to me to be more fundamentally aspirational than resentful, despite him joking around that he "didn't like Joel."


I actually liked that Drew likes Hank more than the other jerks Sarah brings home because honestly? He's the only one who's actually tried! He's a parent, he's sober, he makes an effort. The others were all kind of playing around, exclusively focused on sexy Sarah/fun Sarah, not the least bit sincerely interested in her kids and they were all "cool guys" unlike awkward Hank. Hank has actually done a pretty good job, bonding with Max as well as Drew, and having the humility to know his limitations and to learn form his mistakes, unlike the other guys who were all kind of fantasy blokes for her to have fun and get distracted and infatuated with, not for her to actually be responsible with. I actually think he deserves better than Sarah, but I don't like Sarah anymore. I think she's just an arrested development teen. Hank's got problems, but he's aware and trying. He goes to see Dr Pelican-- no one else on the show has bothered with getting help for their issues, not even people on the verge of divorce, or who just adopted an 8 year old, or who have an kid who's acting out all over the place in increasingly dangerous ways. Lots of people on this show could use some help and Hank's the only one who seeks it.


The baby shower was a nice concept. Much nicer than stupid games or an avalanche of expensive gifts.


I guess Crosby should buy Adam out of the business and find another partner, if he wants to stick with it. The insurance contrivance was a bit much, but so is everything about money on this show.

  • Love 7

Am I the only one who actually likes Hank? Hell I like him more then I like Sara at this point.

I've always liked the Hank character and Ray Romano's depiction of him. I hadn't always liked the way the character was written, though, and I've absolutely loathed the whole Ruby/Ruby's mom storyline.

Hank & Sarah have no chemistry.  Like none.  Not even a little.  Has the show ever shown them kiss?  

You know, you're right. Why hasn't their sexual relationship been depicted, or even alluded to? I assume it's good; it's hard for me to imagine Sarah remaining in the relationship if it weren't. I'm no expert on Asperger's, but there's no reason to assume that Hank wouldn't be capable of being a decent lover, right? I mean--okay, I'm probably saying too much here, but sometimes being obsessively detail-oriented can be a GOOD thing.  :-)


I too found Jasmine's "follow your dream" pep talk shortsighted and unrealistic. I guess their money worries are over now that she's got that lucrative filing job! That scene illustrated a major peeve of mine that Parenthood depicts all the time: people on TV seem to be way too comfortable giving major advice to their loved ones right off the tops of their heads.



I can't say I "enjoyed" this episode, but I understand it.  As someone of an age when very few of my generation still have two parents, and whose graduating class's Facebook page has posts either about the upcoming reunion or whose mother/father just passed away, I knew the panic and confusion when you're faced with losing someone you've known your whole life.  I thought it was played pretty realistically (but Hank should have been sent on a errand...to the next town) and touchingly.  I hope Zeke lives, but there comes a time when everyone faces this, so why not go ahead and explore THAT part of parenthood, too, before the show ends.

I certainly understand and share your perspective: my husband and I have lost three elderly parents between us and are on the path of sad, steady decline with his dear mother right now. I've heartily approved of Parenthood depicting this aspect of family life, and there have been moments where it's been done really well. I choked up, for instance, when Zeek tearfully apologized to Camille for scaring her; that felt really raw and familiar to me. But as with every other recent plot line, I've felt like it's been a steady stream of misses with only the occasional hit. Which is why I was so freaking mad about the way the kids were behaving in last night's episode: I've never seen reasonable adults behave like the Braverman kids were acting, and believe me, I've been part of that 1 a.m. ER contingency more times than I care to mention. (YMMV, of course. :-) ) 

Edited by Portia
  • Love 1

ages ago I went through this draw out heart issue with my grandfather who was my father figure. We all gathered at the hospital early morning, left late that night once he was stable per my grandpas insistence. I wanted to stay the night with him but he insisted that we all go home. He died shortly after we all left. I think he knew he was going to die and didn't want us to see it :-(. So very realistic to me. (And it was January for me too, 14 years ago). As far as Sarah I can see her accepting the proposal later. If I was asked to marry that day in the hospital I would be like "are you freakin kidding? My grandpa might be dying!" I think if Hank didn't have Aspergers then he would of realized that was not the time for a proposal. As far as the mother advice, I laughed too! But again, realistic! Every mom has strengths and weaknesses. I could say something positive about each of the moms at that table.

  • Love 3

Did the alarm at the Luncheonette go off AFTER the robbers cleared the place out?  To remove an entire sound mixing board takes some time, along with all the other crap they took.


Drew shouldn't be feeling guilty about Zeke, but Camille sure should about moving from their mortgage free rural home &  into a frickin urban tree house with hundreds of stairs.


Hank hasn't been my favorite character but now that he knows Sarah can't commit or go "all in". I hope he can get back with his ex.  Sarah can go find her next "loser" to bring home.


I still think Zeke dying might be a red herring. Ever since the word came that there'd be a death on Parenthood, I'm anxiously guessing who it will be instead.  I thought last night Drew was a candidate- killed in car accident on way to get to hospital.  But then the car didn't start, so phew!


They covered who was watching Julia & Joel's kids while the parents were at the hospital, but any mention of Nora, Max, Aida or Jabar?  Since Christina is the only adult/admin/educator at Snowflake Academy (aside from part time culinary arts professor Adam), did she get the word out to all the 'flakes that school was cancelled?  Or maybe Zeke conveniently had his episode on a Friday night?

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They covered who was watching Julia & Joel's kids while the parents were at the hospital, but any mention of Nora, Max, Aida or Jabar?


I missed it--who was watching Julia and Joel's kids?  I assume Jasmine's mom took care of Jabar and Aida.  Max could probably be pretty self sufficient for a while, but I sure wouldn't trust him to watch Nora.



Well, Katims shocked me last night. FOR SURE I thought the second half was going to be jump shots between frantically working on Zeke while Camille sobs in the corner and Amber sweating, groaning and pushing while Sarah sobs in the corner. Because this show is nothing but nuanced and subtle .

They're saving that scene for the finale. LOL

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They covered who was watching Julia & Joel's kids while the parents were at the hospital, but any mention of Nora, Max, Aida or Jabar?  Since Christina is the only adult/admin/educator at Snowflake Academy (aside from part time culinary arts professor Adam), did she get the word out to all the 'flakes that school was cancelled?  Or maybe Zeke conveniently had his episode on a Friday night?


Joel said that his neighbors took Victor and Sydney to school, so this was a weekday.


Did the alarm at the Luncheonette go off AFTER the robbers cleared the place out?  To remove an entire sound mixing board takes some time, along with all the other crap they took.


I know that doesn't make sense either.  I would think the insurance company would have to look at this break-in very carefully before paying out.  You have an entire business cleaned out from top to bottom after the alarm goes off to before the cops show up, which I would think take the cops less than 15 minutes to get there.  Plus you have the two owners refusing to come down to the business immediately after the cops say there was an actual break-in and instead ask the cops to re-lock the front doors.  It would look mighty suspicious to the insurance company as well as the cops.  Would the insurance company be able to see how fledgling the company was doing for the past year?



Since Christina is the only adult/admin/educator at Snowflake Academy (aside from part time culinary arts professor Adam), did she get the word out to all the 'flakes that school was cancelled?


I can just see Kristina posting a hand made note to the front doors of Snowflake Academy..."School Closed due to Family Emergency."

Edited by CMH1981
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They covered who was watching Julia & Joel's kids while the parents were at the hospital, but any mention of Nora, Max, Aida or Jabar?  Since Christina is the only adult/admin/educator at Snowflake Academy (aside from part time culinary arts professor Adam), did she get the word out to all the 'flakes that school was cancelled?  Or maybe Zeke conveniently had his episode on a Friday night?


It wasn't mentioned explicitly, but Jasmine and Kristina did arrive at the hospital later than their spouses.  I guess we're supposed to assume they spent that extra time making arrangements for the children.  They probably waited until a reasonable hour in the morning when they could get the kids to school, call babysitters, etc. 

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I am theorizing that it was a Friday... Sydney and Victor were taken to school by neighbors, then Kristina and Jasmine came later after their kids went to school/daycare (I'm pretending the invisible Snowflake Academy teachers could handle that school for the day). Amber's baby shower was supposed to be that night, which would make the most sense on a Friday night.


If Sarah had more chemistry with Hank, I would like them to end up together because it's realistic that at least one of the siblings would end up with not a traditionally great catch. Jasmine is a gorgeous dancer who is also a good mom, Kristina is a beautiful super mom, and Joel is a smoking hot SAHD turned incredible contractor. They're all ambitious, attractive, and social. But sometimes you fall for the scruffy, older, awkward dude and you don't even know why. It just clicks. But I'm not seeing it with Sarah and Hank, though Ray Romano's acting is great.

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What I don't understand is why we had episodes where Hank, his daughter and his ex wife had their very own plots. I thought this meant that Hank was getting back with her but then he asks Sarah to marry him? What...? I think it only comes out of nowhere just because it seemed like the show was building us somewhere else and then they went this way.


The actresses playing the ex-wife and daughter must have asked for a pay raise. :)

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On another tv site they are raving about this ep. And I'm like I guess I'm heartless cuz really, wtf happened? Zekes still sick...Hanks a dork...blah blah Lunchoenette. Boooring!

Yeah, that's how I felt a while back when a co-worker recommended I watch this show because of the depiction of the struggles of raising a kid with aspergers. I didn't have the heart to tell her what I thought of the show.

I totally agree with posters about the insurance. The police reports are still being written, and the insurance company already is prepared to settle? In what world?

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