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Talking Dead: Where Chris Hardwick Got His Groove Back

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I ship you guys now.


A new mutation is a great idea. There seems to be no indication that there will be a power struggle in ASZ, as I think that was over the moment Deanna said, "Do it!"


What if those Unfair Wolves have figured out even more ways to use and control zombies? That could be a game-changer, but just until they are defeated. I like Nashville's ideas because that would be a constant issue that they couldn't defeat, it would require re-learning how to live in their world.


ETA: this is good stuff; is there an easy way to copy it all into the spec. thread?

Be careful, I am blonde.  You could be getting yourself into big trouble.

Edited by HalcyonDays
Removed potentially offensive terminology.
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I wouldn't expect them to still be high-functioning; a bunch of zombies throwing around hypotheses on non-Euclidean geometry would be duller than watching dogshit dry. Remember, though: in the early days of the ZA, the freshly turned still retained a limited degree of memory and/or higher cognitive function - Morgan's wife seemed to stay in continual orbit around her house, for example, and she retained some trace memory of how doorknobs work. It wouldn't have to be much; maybe an increased degree of instinctual cunning, or developing the ability to hunt in coordinated packs. SOMETHING just enough to elevate them from their current status of deadly-but-predictable annoyance.

The walkers also form herds which is a behavior the show has kept. So something must be making them gravitate towards one another. They showed the enormous herd by the vet college last season and then also the one Abraham wanted to drive the firetruck through. I would think it must be something other than following the same noise/light that would keep so many of them milling about in the same spot together. We've never really seen the group have to fight off hundreds or thousands of walkers, or if it's even possible. I wonder if the wolves are creating/collecting walkers in those trucks to unleash on a community like ASZ one day.


I hope it's more about internal conflicts between people in ASZ and CDB while they work on building themselves up, working together, and just dealing with each other. I could use a break from the threat being crazy people and have the story revolve more around building competence in ASZ. I also liked the flu storyline for this reason. 


I like TTD and  liked all three guests they had on this week, but I wish they would go back to only two guests at a time. Especially when it's cast members. With all the other stuff they try to cram in, there isn't enough time to hear a satisfying amount from each of them.

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Hey guys...you're veering off topic. This is supposed to talk about what happened/was said on the Talking Dead.


Speculation should go here to either Watch Duty: Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation thread or the Conquer episode thread or actually the Zombie Talk: Gruesome, Gory and Grabby thread.


I've moved some of your posts to the Zombie Talk thread. You guys have some really great analysis and speculation about the nature of  the Walkers here, but does belong in that thread. Still, good stuff.

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I need a map too. Problem is that there are so many threads, they fall to page 2 or 3 or more. We forget about them, and it's easy to just continue on the conversation where you are. I get it. It's all good! *grin* No worries.

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I need a map too. Problem is that there are so many threads, they fall to page 2 or 3 or more. We forget about them, and it's easy to just continue on the conversation where you are. I get it. It's all good! *grin* No worries.

The little neglected threads get more input during the drought till the next season; we have more time to explore down the little side roads.

During the season it's all we can do just to keep up with reading the newest episode threads!

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I thought this was the best episode of TD this season. I haven't been feeling it this season, mostly because of the horrid quizzes and polls not to mention the dumb food and other props. But this time around, all of the cast guest got to speak and there were some intelligent questions asked.


Chris still has a hard time with transitions and jumps around in a unnatural way, but I guess he was trying to get everything in while he had Lennie, Norman and Melissa there. I didn't get the impression Melissa was on something; I find her a bit full of herself in general and I think she was basking in Chris' Carol is greatness. I think Melissa is a good actress, but I've meh on Carol lately. 

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It was nice of Chris to calm down the viewers of the Daily Show.  His show @Midnight came on after Jon's finale.  He soothed people by saying he had lots of experience helping fans deal with their losses on The Walking Dead.


You done good Chris.

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Just over 2 hours until the s6 preview show. 


I'm going to watch - planning on it anyways - but I know a small part of me is going to regret it a little bit... cause spoilers are waiting to seen, no matter how small or vague.  Had a co-worker spoil some of the Comic-con footage for the new season to me today, so can't be too much more or worse to be given away.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I didn't realize that TD would be focusing on TWD and not FTWD.


Lenny James walking around in his real life thinking about how he can take out the people around him with his stick, cracks me up. 

Edited by SimoneS
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That "Life imitates AMC" ad was great. Respect for the cosplay! And the diorama makers! Also, can someone please paint my Merrells like that?


That was pretty sweet.  I really like the guy on the violin nailing the TWD opening theme.


I didn't realize that TD would be focusing on TWD and not FTWD.


Lenny James walking around in his real life thinking about how he can take out the people around him with his stick, cracks me up. 


That was funny, Lennie's talking about his technical planning with the bo-staff.  "I'm walking in the grocery store ... and these are mothers and their children; dads getting their beer ... while I'm getting my cheese."


Kinda nice to see that Michael Cudlitz is cool with the fans too, even though the pandering to the fans - saying 'Abraham' lines in the 'Abe' voice - has to get a little old after a while.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Well, that was surprisingly very non-spoilery.  Wish I hadn't of been 'spoiled' on the CC stuff now, as it was kinda big and something I can't forget.  Something tells me that what I was told might not be real thing, or what was 'spoiled' - that is supposed to happen - isn't the "face value" of what's actually happening on the show.  I hope that is the the case, but only time will tell.... 

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Gimple is getting a bit too Kirkman-like on the show now, with his non answers and bullshiting. I get it, you can't say anything but at least attempt to be .. something.

I may be alone, but I would appreciate the show much more if they had the balls to kill off Daryl. No one should be safe and i hate that the whole 'viewership will drop' is hanging over their heads which means he'll never die.

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Lennie James cheerfully describing his imaginary take-down of unaware grocery shoppers, all while he's shopping for delicious cheese... I'm totally crushing. The cute accent is just gravy. Please let his bo-staff action last for more than a couple eps!

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That TD was

I was very bored by last night's ep of Talking Dead. I expected SOMETHING more than just joking around.
Conspicuously absent: the "Fresh Buzz" segment sponsored by Subway.

Gimple acted like he was sedated, Hardwicke was full on Shill/Dude Bro mode.

Sometimes he says the dumbest shit.

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Even if I remember that most of the cast likely weren't available, they didn't want to give out any spoilers, and they likely were asked by AMC to do this to give FTWD a lead-in, I thought this was an incredibly annoying waste of time, minus some of the short BTS interviews. And while Gimple's latest hipster fashions and awkward audience-avoiding-pandering two-step weren't thrilling, I will put most of it on Hardwick.


Between trotting out the mock-Southern accent yet again for no apparent reason, the bizarre, pointless revival of old memes (do we really need more "Everyone loves Daryl and he's so sexy and hot and if Daryl dies we riot?" Are we in 2013? What does that have to do with the new season?), beating of dead Hardwick horses (do we need to talk again about how Carol should be leader and is amazing when last season showed her clearly struggling with where her life and that she isn't just a Mary Sue?), and the increasingly patronizing tone toward fans (not just the talk again of how he has to be there for us, but his not even letting Gimple say things like "401" or "501" because we just won't get it), it was more torturous than the Woodbury storyline. 


I hope this is not a harbinger for what the new TD episodes will be like, because it was already getting bad last season. 

Edited by Pete Martell
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Biggest shock moment for me from all that was learning the dude is 43.  I would have figured him for his late 20s or very early 30s (and that's just only seeing/hearing him from his TD shows); not that that's a bad thing!  'Cause I don't feel so bad for acting the way I do now, at 37.

He was just a young pup when he started out hosting Singled Out back in the 90s. I guess his goofiness and energy keep him young.

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I thought this was the best episode of TD this season. I haven't been feeling it this season, mostly because of the horrid quizzes and polls not to mention the dumb food and other props. But this time around, all of the cast guest got to speak and there were some intelligent questions asked.


Chris still has a hard time with transitions and jumps around in a unnatural way, but I guess he was trying to get everything in while he had Lennie, Norman and Melissa there. I didn't get the impression Melissa was on something; I find her a bit full of herself in general and I think she was basking in Chris' Carol is greatness. I think Melissa is a good actress, but I've meh on Carol lately. 


I was so glad to read this.  I thought I was the only one who thinks MMB comes across as smug.  She knows that she's got Gimple in her back pocket AND has some of the most aggressive fans online.  She doesn't have to make an effort if she doesn't feel like it.

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They had one episode of Talking Dead to cover the entire first season of Fear the Walking Dead (6 episodes), yet spent a whole lot of time talking about The Walking Dead. There's no way season 2 of FTWD can support even a 30-minute version of TD.

At least there was no food for Chris Hardwick to touch. I thought it was weird he plugged Doctor Who—until I rememember AMC bought 49.9% of BBC America last year.

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They had one episode of Talking Dead to cover the entire first season of Fear the Walking Dead (6 episodes), yet spent a whole lot of time talking about The Walking Dead. There's no way season 2 of FTWD can support even a 30-minute version of TD.

Well, to be fair, there's almost a full season of TWD for every episode of FTWD - so I'm not going to blame anybody if it keeps sneaking into the conversation.

Plus, Chris has been talking about TWD for the past four years - so I won't fault him if he's occasionally Fear-less. ;>

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I want to know who Embry had read for now. Just blind guessing, but I bet Rick was one. I'm sort of sad that he was such a huge fan (potluck Walking Dead Parties!) and he got killed in his only episode.

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Subway is back as a sponsor after a two-episode hiatus. With the beard + longer hair + glasses, Gimple looks like a substitute teacher.

I had sad feels when Chris Hardwick asked Greg Nicotero to be his dad. Then rolled my eyes when Chris said of the mid-season premiere on Valentine's Day, "If you don't have a date, well, now you do!"

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Bearded Gimple reminds me of Rob Benedict of Supernatural and Threshold.

I liked hearing the walker spray-tan and other technical aspects of this ep from Nicotero, although the discussion of the mishap with the tubes for Carter's cheek bite made me wonder if Carter shouldn't have been chocking on blood and not so screamy.

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Was it just me or did Gimple look like a completely different person? Had I not known that was him with Greg Nicotero I never would have guessed.


Ethan Embry is starting to look old and that makes me sad, because I will always love him from Empire Records and Can't Hardly Wait.

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Was it just me or did Gimple look like a completely different person? Had I not known that was him with Greg Nicotero I never would have guessed.


I could tell his posture on the couch, the way he was sitting, before they zoomed in. But yea, facially I would not have recognized him right away. I think a viewer tweeted in to the show that he looked like Richard Dreyfus in Jaws, and I think that's a pretty accurate comparison. 




I want to know who Embry had read for now. Just blind guessing, but I bet Rick was one.


I really want to know too! I thought it was classy of him not to say, but damn...it's going to bother me now. I don't really see him playing Rick, but I'm racking my brain trying to think of who else he might have read for. Jimmy on the farm? Milton? Gareth?

Edited by ghoulina
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I like how no one clapped when Hardwick said there would be a FTWD aftershow


My thought exactly.  On the one hand, I'm thinking that TD analyzing FTWD might make just improve that show for me;  but our first taste of it last week just made me mad. While Chris Hardwicke gamely tried to defend the show by scolding viewers for not understanding that in FTWD, they don't yet know as much as we do, and that the fact that it's a zombie apocalypse just hasn't occurred to the characters yet. But my gripe with the writing is not that the characters don't know yet what's happening - it's that they're not being convincing as people who have ever been through so much as a severe thunderstorm before. 

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My problems with FTWD are legion (and start with that gawd-awful name), but I kinda feel sorry for Chris. He probably excitedly (or contractually) signed-on for another zombie post-show, but has to be positive about it even if he also thinks it sucks since one of his shows is now tied to it.

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I bowed out of TD after the first 10 minutes for the first time since the infamous Marylyn Manson episode.  TD is typically very interesting, and of course, I flove me some Chris Hardwick, 1. because he's such a fan of the show, and 2. adorkable guys are my kryptonite. However, I just CAN'T with Gimple on the show.  I find him creepy, smarmy and just overall repellent.   Not sure I can pinpoint it, but I just do not like him.

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I bowed out of TD after the first 10 minutes for the first time since the infamous Marylyn Manson episode.  TD is typically very interesting, and of course, I flove me some Chris Hardwick, 1. because he's such a fan of the show, and 2. adorkable guys are my kryptonite. However, I just CAN'T with Gimple on the show.  I find him creepy, smarmy and just overall repellent.   Not sure I can pinpoint it, but I just do not like him.

Gimple definitely gives off the you don't want to get caught in a dark alley/check his basement for wet concrete kinda guy.  He gives me the heebie jeebies big time!

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My problems with FTWD are legion (and start with that gawd-awful name), but I kinda feel sorry for Chris. He probably excitedly (or contractually) signed-on for another zombie post-show, but has to be positive about it even if he also thinks it sucks since one of his shows is now tied to it.


This has the potential to be a bit of a train wreck.  I'm curious if they'll end up having to go with a higher percentage of cast and crew as guests or if there will be a higher percentage of celebrity guests that clearly don't watch the show.

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I like how no one clapped when Hardwick said there would be a FTWD aftershow. 


Gimple always has cracked me up with his tie. I don't understand the hair and beard choice.


I clapped, and couldn't be happier about the FTWD aftershow.  Because I like the show and can't find anyone to share that with on the FTWD forums.   :-)

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