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Real Housewives in the Media

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,
  • Take discussions of individual housewives to their threads.
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  • This is not the let's complain about who "ruined the show" thread.  Let's stick to media discussions. 

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11 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I don't find any of those mentioned to be reliable sources. Did anyone else comment?

There are “unnamed sources” including those involved with/close to production. Vanity Fair itself is very comprehensive with its journalism. The way it’s written, you can tell they really fact-checked sources and tried to get corroboration for all allegations.

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27 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

As am I. Is Bethenny singlehandedly trying to take down Bravo? 

Of course she is, she just wants attention. 
Bravo is not  an innocent actor in drama and inappropriate situations. On more than one occasion I have invented names for Bravo’s HR Department, like Harold Roberts.

That had more to do with inappropriate actions of cast members towards others on the show.

However, these women went on the show woth the knowledge that they were showing their real lives. 
many made millions of dollars from this exposure (Bethenney) while others assumed it should be their personal paycheck until they were 90 and thus thought they were allowed to sexually harass other cast mates and to libel others( Brandi). 

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The allegations against Ramona and her supposed racist comments was already addressed a year or two ago. This is not new news. And I believe the network did an investigation. 

This article is very much giving the vibe that Leah and Eboni are bitter that their RHONY takeover from the "old" gals didn't pan out. They were barely on the show (2 seasons and 1 season, at that). And it's funny because a lot of people blame their incompatible energy as one of the reasons why RHONY got completely rebooted (and I am one of those people! lol). 

Bravo was never, could never, fire RHONYs first black cast member without some serious blowback, even though Eboni just wasn't a good fit. She wasn't, and that's the truth, and that's okay. In a way it's actually a compliment to her because she is too refined for a chaotic and messy show like Housewives. 

Now, Leah…cry me a river. She made her choices. She knew exactly what show she signed up for, she did everything she possibly could to be popular and bite off a piece of the Housewives fame. It's just unfortunate for her that she's not very likable. YMMV. So much so, that her young New York City girl self wasn't even asked to be part of the reboot with the younger cast. And as if watching her on RHONY didn't make it clear enough, Leah on season 3 of RHUGT highlighted how much she likes to play the victim. I see her participation with this article as no different. 

I do think both Eboni and Leah may have burned their bridges with Bravo with their involvement with this article, so if there is a silver lining it'd be that. 

As for the rest? This article was not as damning as I thought it would be. I guess we'll see what blowback there is, if any. But BravoCon is still taking place this weekend and a whole lot of Bravolebrities are participating. 

Just my opinion, of course. 

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On 10/30/2023 at 3:04 PM, JenE4 said:

Wow. There’s a whole lot to unpack in this Vanity Fair expose.

Inside the Real Housewives Reckoning That’s Rocking Bravo
Amid disturbing allegations, Bethenny Frankel’s calls for a union, and a whole lot of drinking, reality TV’s most popular stars are facing their demons.

Read in Vanity Fair: https://apple.news/A8drtcMVdQt-WvOyc25xT-w

Most of these allegations are not new. Many Bravolebrities, and (former) producers, and behind the scenes personnel said that Bravo forced alcohol (for example) to women who were not allowed to eat, or sleep for hours. Aviva Drescher of RHONY accused the Bravo producers a few years ago of forcing her to have a shot in order to be more eager to fight, although she is not a drinker. Bethenny Frankel who was still employed by Bravo claimed that this was not true (so Aviva lied), but like the hypocrite she is, she is using the drinking to attack Bravo now.

Edited by ZettaK
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14 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

Of course she is, she just wants attention. 
Bravo is not  an innocent actor in drama and inappropriate situations. On more than one occasion I have invented names for Bravo’s HR Department, like Harold Roberts.

That had more to do with inappropriate actions of cast members towards others on the show.

However, these women went on the show woth the knowledge that they were showing their real lives. 
many made millions of dollars from this exposure (Bethenney) while others assumed it should be their personal paycheck until they were 90 and thus thought they were allowed to sexually harass other cast mates and to libel others( Brandi). 

Or more likely, they were willing to trade their self-respect for a manipulated storyline and a Bravo paycheck.

I’m much more interested in the outrageous behaviors shown on the Below Deck franchises over the years, but I hope that all came to an end with the attempted rape on Down Under this year.

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23 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Wow. There’s a whole lot to unpack in this Vanity Fair expose.

Inside the Real Housewives Reckoning That’s Rocking Bravo
Amid disturbing allegations, Bethenny Frankel’s calls for a union, and a whole lot of drinking, reality TV’s most popular stars are facing their demons.

Read in Vanity Fair: https://apple.news/A8drtcMVdQt-WvOyc25xT-w

There is a lot in here.  My thoughts:

  • Bethany is showing some good insight into the process and how toxic it is.  She acknowledges doing whatever you can to keep your apple, even when that is harmful to yourself and to others.  Unfortunately she does not acknowledge how much she continues to do this.  While acknowledging that they are set up to dislike the other housewives and see them as lesser, she does not consider at all her actions in her post-housewives era in which she has been very happy to continue to attack other housewives. 
  • This is not the first time we have heard about production encouraging drinking to excess to amp up the drama.  It is clear when watching the show.  When taking a 20 minute ride to a restaurant, housewives have cocktails.  All of their vacation locations have massive amounts of alcohol at the ready.  Bravo likes the women well lubricated.  Multiple housewives are stating that production would suggest alcohol to help them become "more interesting."  And then you have thong wearing tiki torch attacking. 
  • While I hate to see anyone lose their sobriety, I do not feel sorry for Leah's situation.  She admits to downplaying her addiction to production to secure her position on the show.  After the first disastrous year in which she started drinking to absolute excess, and, by her own admission, had significant blackouts, she chose to come back.  After quite a bit of time to reflect on the experience, she then was on UGT and was fighting to also join the legacy cast.  As an adult, if you know a situation is dangerous to your physical and mental health and you choose to stay in that situation (when you have a the option to get out), the fault is your own. 

The article seems fair and balanced.  They state when someone disagrees with what was said; e.g., Ramona and the n-word. They also clearly state when folks were contacted and chose not to comment.  

Finally, in terms of Eboni, I understand many viewers disliked her and found her one note.  I understand that the n-word incident was addressed by the corporate groups at the time.  Having been involved with HR throughout my career, having them ultimately decide that they were fine with it means nothing to me.  Corporations protect themselves.  HR protects the company. 

Ramona is 100% clueless when it comes to issues around race or really anything outside of her own very narrow world view.  The frustrating thing is that she does not care to learn.  While she will apologize again and again, it is always without any real understanding or learning of what she did wrong.  I believe Ramona used the n-word when speaking with a black member of the production team. It fits with the Ramona we have seen over the years.  She didn't hurl the epithet at the person.  However, it did not occur to her she should not use the word or assume she could call out what she viewed as equivalents of it.  

This story would then inform Eboni's behavior throughout the season.  She was brought on as the first black RHONY housewife.  Bravo hired their first black production  team member at the same time which says something not great about them. If early in the season she was confronted by racism from a fellow cast member, it makes sense that she would then have that topic on her mind in all interactions with the cast.  Unfortunately that led her to coming off as humorless and one note. 

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Not at all shocked or surprised by any of the allegations in the article. It's reality TV and it reflects the reality we live in. People are narrow minded, racist, bigoted, hateful, etc. Fame and the almighty dollar brings out the worst in many. 

All that said, I find Bethenny pretending to ride in on her white horse to save everybody from themselves vomit inducing. How many shows has she pitched? How many ways has she exposed herself (and her daughter) to stay in the spotlight? Please.

The article would've read much better without the photos of her and Leah throughout. If Vanity Fair truly wanted to expose the seediness of reality TV, they wouldn't have partnered & featured two of the biggest famewhores in the world. To them, this article is just another attempt to be relevant, all while trying to stick it to the network that dumped them.

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Well, Ramona has been pulled from BravoCon. 

Hope the Twitterati that were hammering in on her are happy. I'm not saying making a racial slur is okay, it most definitely is not. But, again, this was old news and only came back up now to add weight for Bethenny's crusade and this article/exposé. 

Unless my knowledge of this particular situation is totally wrong, and I admit I haven't dug deeper than the surface because - again - we've been here already. But isn't it possible that since Ramona made the comment, that she's learned from her mistake? I know she lives in her little bubble and chooses to remain naive to anything outside of it; but once this first came to light, isn't it possible that, at least on the subject of race, she's become apologetic and more aware? 

Guess we'll never know. 


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48 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

Ramona called someone the n word? Did she address this herself? 

She really grew on me despite her foot-in-mouth disease. Really disappointing if she uses slurs.

No. She's being accused of saying the word. Allegedly, while relating a story from her past to the producer, she said that a Catholic being called a shiksa was akin to being called the n word.

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The VF article and the people in it are acting like this is a small Pennsylvania steel town and the only job they could ever get is at the mill. No.

Every franchise is about wives getting paid to throw lit sticks of dynamite at each other. Some duck, some can't, and some enjoy it. In the early days, I might have forgiven someone going into the franchises not really knowing what to expect, but we're 17 years into Bravo reality.

It really all comes down to money and attention. Leah, Bethanny and Brandi G try the most and I personally like the least. I take Bravo vacations from franchises that I think go off the rails. I said no to the new group and no to the last season of the old guard of RHONY. I don't have the time or inclination to follow all the social media, but I'll post here.

I don't think the article is the explosive expose it was intended to be. I found nothing surprising or information that I didn't already suspect.

I think this says it all: “I wanted to be Andy’s favorite. I loved that I was Andy’s favorite. I loved that I was able to make good television and produce it at the same time. I loved that producers knew I was the best. I was in the machine. I was the machine. I created the machine.”

Sure Jan.


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Ramona was pulled from BravoCon because she was asked by Page 6 about the Vanity Fair article, and she answered. Maybe she should have declined. Sometimes a "no comment" answer is better.

It seems she also made more comments about African Americans at an internal Bravo sensitivity training session of all things.  

As for the poor, abused Housewives, as @WaltersHair mentioned, the franchise is 17 years plus old, and they should know what to expect. But the lure of fame and money is greater than humiliating, or worse themselves.  

Edited by ZettaK
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Here's the Page Six article:  https://pagesix.com/2023/10/31/entertainment/ramona-singer-tries-to-downplay-her-use-of-n-word-while-practically-using-slur/ 

Ramona has an incredible ability to keep digging a hole for herself.  Her best choice would have been to say "no comment" or "that issue was resolved years ago."  

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4 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Here's the Page Six article:  https://pagesix.com/2023/10/31/entertainment/ramona-singer-tries-to-downplay-her-use-of-n-word-while-practically-using-slur/ 

Ramona has an incredible ability to keep digging a hole for herself.  Her best choice would have been to say "no comment" or "that issue was resolved years ago."  

Ramona doubles down, she can't stop. 

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If Leah felt that Bravo production wants the HW's drunk, hungry, ready to fight, etc...then Leah who is an adult should have not returned to film the Ultimate Girls Trip or anything else HW related but she didn't, she willingly returned to film as a housewife and now is complaining about the way she made money after her first season. Why do I have a hard time being sympathetic towards her?


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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

If Leah felt that Bravo production wants the HW's drunk, hungry, ready to fight, etc...then Leah who is an adult should have not returned to film the Ultimate Girls Trip or anything else HW related but she didn't, she willingly returned to film as a housewife and now is complaining about the way she made money after her first season. Why do I have a hard time being sympathetic towards her?


Because she is not sympathetic. 

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Ramona's use of the N-word, and her typical doubling down and refusing to acknowledge what the rest of the goddam world knows is wrong, isn't old news. Vanity Fair is revealing this particular incident for the first time. Ramona certainly signaled her beliefs earlier, but this is new information.

Edited by pasdetrois
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On 11/1/2023 at 10:32 AM, SweetieDarling said:

No. She's being accused of saying the word. Allegedly, while relating a story from her past to the producer, she said that a Catholic being called a shiksa was akin to being called the n word.

She never said the actual word.   She said “n-word.”  It’s not a great idea to use it as an example but I do think it matters that she wasn’t just out there actually saying the word.

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The whole thing sounds like a bunch of nothing. Leave it to Bethenny to shit all over the show that helped make her a success. Leah is pissed because viewers hated her. If her sobriety mattered she wouldn’t have joined the show. Eboni is a jerk and sucked. Ramona can be a jerk too but all this canceling her seems over the top.

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13 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

She never said the actual word.   She said “n-word.”  It’s not a great idea to use it as an example but I do think it matters that she wasn’t just out there actually saying the word.

But in a text to a Page six writer she said: “And the word I used was ‘NWord’ Not n-g…,” she texted a Page Six reporter on Tuesday.

That's what got her the axe.

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Really nothing in the Vanity Fair article is new information. The author comes across as someone who never watched these shows before and is shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, by what she saw at first viewing. Meanwhile we longtime viewers are, "Yawn, tell us something we don't know." Also broad-brushing the whole franchise when only RHONY was "investigated" is not good journalism. It all comes off as a vindictive smear campaign from a terminally bitter and unhappy person, Bethenny, who owes 99% of her financial success to her time on Bravo. She'll be on their doorstep in a month pitching a new show and wondering why it doesn't fly.

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On 11/19/2022 at 7:59 AM, kristen111 said:

Dorinda wiped the floor with John, and probably with Richard too.  Big know it all, so she thought.

I know I am a year late in reading this, but when I read Dorinda may have PTSD I thought "no way!" She may cause PTSD but she definitely doesn't have it. Richard died of cancer, and Dorinda and her daughter had time to say goodbye, spend time with him, and have closure. A sudden or traumatic event causes PTSD. Or a long and horrific event causes PTSD. The loss of a spouse to disease causes grief but not PTSD.

Of course I'm not a psychiatrist and could be totally wrong.

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On 2/12/2023 at 7:55 AM, ichbin said:

Martin the boxing coach has something to say in regard to Eboni's new book.  


This was a great post, not overly serious and explains why Leah didn't want her back on RHoNY. He is also a good friend. Does everyone on Instagram immediately block someone if they receive the slightest bit of criticism?

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On 9/14/2023 at 10:54 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

Jenna is not in the number one seat next to Andy???

I may be wrong, but Erin struck me as the forerunner with the most cash in the bank. (I really like her and Brynn)

On 9/14/2023 at 2:17 PM, ZettaK said:

Popular in what way?

Jessel made some funny comments, and created some drama, especially with Erin, and Jenna. 

I'm openly biased and will forgive Jessel anything because I heard she was Canadian.

On 10/21/2023 at 9:31 PM, Salacious Kitty said:

IF there's a second season, I doubt Jenna will be part of it. She got her brand out there, which was her primary goal in participating.

I predict she'll be back. The much needed affirmation from her fans will have her return for at least another season. It'll be like therapy for her (and Sai).

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On 10/30/2023 at 6:16 PM, JenE4 said:

There are quotes from Leah, Ebony, Bethenny, and Brandi, all about how production manipulates them, encourages binge drinking, racist behavior from Ramona, etc. it’s a really long article, but I see a lot of other sources are creating their own articles, quoting this one, so you can probably get the gist of it by reading others.

Ramona never needs "encouragement" to speak and behave reprehensibly. I soured off of her three seasons ago. The amount of elitist privilege she has (but is unaware of) is amazing. And you can't force her to examine herself, apologize, or change because she legit doesn't understand.  In today's television culture, she's a lawsuit waiting to happen 

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On 10/31/2023 at 7:05 PM, funnygirl said:

Well, Ramona has been pulled from BravoCon. 

Hope the Twitterati that were hammering in on her are happy. I'm not saying making a racial slur is okay, it most definitely is not. But, again, this was old news

I am pleased Bravo did this because Ramona needed a wake-up call.

Whenever she was confronted about bad behaviour over the years, she'd say "Sorry" then she'd dismiss complaints because of her diehard fans who always fawn over her. She never believed any criticism.

She needed this reality check. Maybe she'll have a come to Jesus moment and eventually return as a friend of. Highly doubtful as she is a full-blown narcissist. She behaved as if she invented the Housewives series.

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On 11/2/2023 at 7:52 PM, heatherchandler said:

She never said the actual word.   She said “n-word.”  It’s not a great idea to use it as an example but I do think it matters that she wasn’t just out there actually saying the word.

I heard on a YouTube Bravocom clip that she actually texted HR saying " I compared being called a shiksa to using the n word, but I never said ni....." !!! Of course she then typed the word in her text! How can someone be so obtuse? I don't know if there's any hope for her.

On 11/3/2023 at 9:39 AM, politichick said:

But in a text to a Page six writer she said: “And the word I used was ‘NWord’ Not n-g…,” she texted a Page Six reporter on Tuesday.

That's what got her the axe.

Thank you!! I was just writing about that text (but I thought it was to Bravo)

Edited by Chalby
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20 minutes ago, Chalby said:

I am pleased Bravo did this because Ramona needed a wake-up call.

Whenever she was confronted about bad behaviour over the years, she'd say "Sorry" then she'd dismiss complaints because of her diehard fans who always fawn over her. She never believed any criticism.

She needed this reality check. Maybe she'll have a come to Jesus moment and eventually return as a friend of. Highly doubtful as she is a full-blown narcissist. She behaved as if she invented the Housewives series.

She’s supposed to be so smart in business, but I myself find her “off” in the mind.  She has no filter.  She can’t go around belittling people and get away with it.  She has to face the music.

Edited by kristen111
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Poor Eboni, I liked her but I believe she was feeling pressure from too many groups, including Bravo, to educate and be the moral compass for the group. Add in COVID, BLM, and being the first black cast member, she was expected to break down moronic stereotypes.

That's impossible and too heavy, too in your face, and too serious for us viewers (who do get it). She couldn't have won any popularity contest with all this on her shoulders. I'd like to see her interact with this present group to see if she could just "be".

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2 hours ago, politichick said:

But in a text to a Page six writer she said: “And the word I used was ‘NWord’ Not n-g…,” she texted a Page Six reporter on Tuesday.

That's what got her the axe.

Sounds like she didn’t speak or write the actual word. Just variations of referencing it.  I don’t think she should be fired, canceled or whatever else because she referenced a word.

I don’t think I’d ever find myself even texting the shortened reference.. but I’d be upset if I was asked to clarify if I used a word, and then tried to clear it up and was then fired because of being clumsy with the way it is written or spoken.


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On 10/21/2023 at 5:18 PM, ZettaK said:

Jenna might not be joining the show for a second season. Andy Cohen said he hoped she would.

I don’t think she went to BravoCon either. Im not surprised.  I don’t get why Andy pulled the show off in the first place.  It was too quick.  He hasn’t pulled others.  I would never watch this bunch again.  He knew he made a big mistake.

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6 hours ago, Juneau Gal said:

Really nothing in the Vanity Fair article is new information. The author comes across as someone who never watched these shows before and is shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, by what she saw at first viewing. Meanwhile we longtime viewers are, "Yawn, tell us something we don't know." Also broad-brushing the whole franchise when only RHONY was "investigated" is not good journalism. It all comes off as a vindictive smear campaign from a terminally bitter and unhappy person, Bethenny, who owes 99% of her financial success to her time on Bravo. She'll be on their doorstep in a month pitching a new show and wondering why it doesn't fly.

I've read snippets of the VF article but not all of it.

So Leah is saying that she had been sober for 9 years and relapsed before she even started filming her first season. And on the cast trip to Mexico, she drank a lot with the rest of the cast and then kept drinking by herself after the rest of them had gone to bed. Why would Bravo be responsible for Leah drinking again before she even started filming? And why would they make her drink more when the entire cast was asleep?

And Bethenny? OMG. She is insane. She's doing to Bravo what she did to Jason, going absolutely nuclear because she didn't get her way from day one. Jason fought her for custody and she spent what, 10 years?, bad mouthing him in the press and fighting over every nitpicky thing in court,  until he finally gave up for his daughter's sake. I really think the WWHL episode with her and Jeff Lewis where Jeff and Andy "ambushed" (her word) her is what set her off on her mission to annihilate Bravo.

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I can’t wring any sympathy from the VF article. How can a person admit that they knowingly entered into a contract to compromise themselves for fame, status and money, and then blame the company when they’re damaged by their pursuit of fame, status and money? Would you ruin your reputation, your health, and irreparably damage your family for a million dollars and a seat on WWHL? Hell no, right? And these people were not starving or financially desperate to begin with. The housewives are confusing being coerced under threat of financial ruin or legal action with succumbing to pressure to act against their best interests to secure a multi-season deal. If they hadn’t been cut, we wouldn’t hear a word from them. Except for Bethenny, who’s a toxic opportunist.

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2 hours ago, RedInk said:

I can’t wring any sympathy from the VF article. How can a person admit that they knowingly entered into a contract to compromise themselves for fame, status and money, and then blame the company when they’re damaged by their pursuit of fame, status and money? Would you ruin your reputation, your health, and irreparably damage your family for a million dollars and a seat on WWHL? Hell no, right? And these people were not starving or financially desperate to begin with. The housewives are confusing being coerced under threat of financial ruin or legal action with succumbing to pressure to act against their best interests to secure a multi-season deal. If they hadn’t been cut, we wouldn’t hear a word from them. Except for Bethenny, who’s a toxic opportunist.

Bethenny is in bad terms with Bravo because she promoted a reality show about the kids of the rich in Connecticut (where she lives), and Bravo didn't show any interest. 

As for Leah, she fought to be on the RHONY Legacy (where she didn't belong because she is not an OG), and Bravo didn't want her. 

So, they both hold grudges.

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On 10/30/2023 at 6:13 PM, Salacious Kitty said:

As am I. Is Bethenny singlehandedly trying to take down Bravo? 

Is it true she's encouraging them to be unionized? I've been hearing different explanations and I'm curious what it is she's so angry about? I heard she thinks the HWs should get paid a % when reruns are shown, etc.

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On 11/3/2023 at 11:36 AM, Chalby said:

Poor Eboni, I liked her but I believe she was feeling pressure from too many groups, including Bravo, to educate and be the moral compass for the group. Add in COVID, BLM, and being the first black cast member, she was expected to break down moronic stereotypes.

That's impossible and too heavy, too in your face, and too serious for us viewers (who do get it). She couldn't have won any popularity contest with all this on her shoulders. I'd like to see her interact with this present group to see if she could just "be".

I initially thought that Eboni was pressured to tackle certain issues. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and thought that she was being forced to bring up certain topics because it felt like they weren't coming up organically, so for more than half the season I was convinced that there must be some other explanation for why her scenes felt so inauthentic.

I was positive that production and other influences were the reason why she used every episode to "educate" the other ladies (and viewers), but then she did an interview where she insisted that she wasn't pressured and it wasn't about production or anybody else making her not be her "authentic" self.

Her one and done season was her just being herself. It was disappointing that she couldn't relax and make more of the opportunity because I think if she hadn't insisted on shoehorning these moments into every episode she could have eventually touched on some of these subjects in a way that felt natural and warranted. 

I still remember cringing when she brought up the emancipation proclamation because the ladies were a little annoyed that she was late for their activity. As if one thing had to do with the other. 

On 11/3/2023 at 4:46 PM, ww92 said:

So Leah is saying that she had been sober for 9 years and relapsed before she even started filming her first season. And on the cast trip to Mexico, she drank a lot with the rest of the cast and then kept drinking by herself after the rest of them had gone to bed. Why would Bravo be responsible for Leah drinking again before she even started filming? And why would they make her drink more when the entire cast was asleep?

Yeah, I'm not getting how Bravo is to blame for Leah's choices here. 

Edited by Avaleigh
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On 11/3/2023 at 9:41 AM, Juneau Gal said:

Really nothing in the Vanity Fair article is new information. The author comes across as someone who never watched these shows before and is shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, by what she saw at first viewing. Meanwhile we longtime viewers are, "Yawn, tell us something we don't know." Also broad-brushing the whole franchise when only RHONY was "investigated" is not good journalism. 

I still need to read the article, but I was under the impression that they were doing a deep dive where they interviewed women from most of the American franchises. So it’s basically only cast members from RHONY plus Brandi? Disappointing. 

When I first read that VF was doing an article on the Housewives I remember reading that Bravo and Andy were nervous about what might be revealed, but it doesn't sound like there's much the average fan isn't aware of. The women drink to excess, some of them have toxic work relationships, cast members get pissed when they're fired, and they're disgruntled when their reputations take hits after they're caught on camera or through text or wherever else saying dumb shit. 

Edited by Avaleigh
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1 hour ago, Chalby said:

Is it true she's encouraging them to be unionized? I've been hearing different explanations and I'm curious what it is she's so angry about? I heard she thinks the HWs should get paid a % when reruns are shown, etc.

Yes, she wants reality show people to unionize, not only the HWs. And to get paid for reruns. 

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Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,
  • Take discussions of individual housewives to their threads.
  • Watch your tone.
  • This is not the let's complain about who "ruined the show" thread.  Let's stick to media discussions. 

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